HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-2-9, Page 1IP !I �w 11�1 11
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. I �T01UTY-FUQ11TIff YRAPI—N ' ' � ,School ]Report'
1. I i:iiiiiiiiiil,"Il � � I I � I � 0 g ..;
I.. , 11 I . ,�
. f _.. __ I I'll, I .911L&, 1��
. � '#'#*#11011V+#+## ,xeter School Report * , Locals' E cound . i 0. 81 No, 4, s1r9l?9UN- ,
+++*+++*###"# I - .. I � .
I +.+,#**+*** - I - I met'vx, . �
. + ++*+*+**++* I servalit Carl Wan'ted,—AlYply 'to Tno Aluntollpai, council folloi�ni-,,,ia the rcpq'� for the ,
'. , ,� :**,w:** "a" s, Dopartmen: , t, � -4 " 4 1 In �, i
I _* *.4,;* I I I F 4 e 'iaemba"X�" 'TLhe , y U,
� 0 . .birs,.W, S Illaway, � a,. FebY. '8rd, all th , . , Lh at Xanilaxy for $ A. 'rot I
, ,
. . las"t Allon, , . I !
.404 . . F mx ill. I ,,�,,,'�,"7, whe, )njillrtes Of t es. arei iA oiij�%r of I
I 401MES & MATS ' ; I , , . I I .1y.Paraon . . pj roved. Stepbev. The nam I .1 b-, W. I �L � ... I
I % + . S V'SUMLd his KWtIeS t cQtLn,4. Iver, a �,
Mr. "i , rmad; � a d, a
* + 1.1 r,s W, Molitelith,713. Pass, A. I'll LondoU 011,xciaday. M . .TI!1�; !ST. IV, Gordon 00rul' ' i' .11,
I - 3:4 P , - I Ono , . 11 111WIM0, I I
�* * , . P110110 No I W. 131�.r , e$ We'Okes,oblef of 0e r� 1� # I - � �
� I , toy .71.3; L Maroh- Mr. Jam . I I "
I)ow 71.0 ** Mrs ji.,d. � Toollinson. ot London, � .0 ithe taou �jmy, U.Mersq . I
I . I -f�lerjci slaoelj�va�tj,,'Uerbert Croft. J. 'V
, # . - - . 1. ''. and 711.1; .A. XvPherson 67,4 � G. � department. watt6d Q - A 'ReosZler, t4VIAR, . I I 11
; 11 I " . I 11 .. 0 cope- Was i�: row:a Saturday� Iles, � Per , JIT, ,To L
At 'S 300
3 + I KetAle )65,7 -, .H. Joilps 63, - ortain. s,uPP litli ilia E 11ber ;ST.
I k * . , P Petty utis Ida. Armstrong, of .London,, Te-.ardi,&g c, ' ' M" - -� I I , 1i I
. land 11310 -, A Tiiebiier 61 I - , , . per that Xr. Wc'i�ke& Lrtz. jasepli* Broken�14170, 01111 I
* : nil Sunday, Levett and W%I, , —vaj- Ischwt . I I ,
ill c ssarw ,es 1XIO "
� I pe , PlIpplL, , � , )ck Eddle: Cornish. � -jr, ;�
�1* 60.B -, X. Bern 160.0 No. on. Well 26, a r -the c I ton Mari( , rrie $phroeder,. W. .1
�11"� , I , 9 I average att � N�, % be 'e for 15ELturday a ried. I I Clara XorlQe� � I I E -N I
R D. OF. endance 24, W, 13. Wet-, A -National tea U% to be ' given In . it, Ca , 1140,� I I '. � 0
* 500 YA . . . . I denhaMmer, Principal. 'town March 17th, 3?4rUcalars later. . E.. Pick- Wain, ,ST. 11. oguve Cornish, Z . ,
, I I * I � The auA1j'tQrs, Xessr--- U' Cy wild. In, 1:1. Paris
I I Z �, , �, , . I 'The electric lights ivent out in sented tLUcir re- Son irieln. Isla]
� , .
' SSL 100 # a'rd aud. Jo Davis Pre :e
- I
* # I #. # � FORM ii. jgaLn kstreQt church last Sunday evem- 0�eadiii,g tile same- -and Schroeder,, Bt 113 00rillsh, Earl fth`�k . "I � I
* , - P, Brown 79.6. port, After ,
I * IDS HQ,Uors,,:H.'0uke 183. 1 1 — i I -le disclissl6a rport Nvas wartz.'CiiffOl-ed Brokenshire, 39PI'ViP I � . I '111�
1. .1 t Pos�s,,11, Glenn 74.2; .L., 1 rayne 74 " 11. i'�lg� , . some li1tt f Eilber. Ft. I Gordvli� �
* Z DRE mg'Outflt is bein�l recelv0d. and adopted on Wein N1611' Who Watit
�* + . Good Tbresh'� I I . " , erZ 8chroed-, .. �'
. * * weet 71; rg, �Hdwey .691.6; It, Wood a4vertised fox sale,Iin our Want COI� L onded by jalwT.-, The au<li- jjorlock_ �,Ima, Smith, IF . I � "I
+ 40� . � , evett aec h, 0. .1 I I I . .1 .
68,4;7, Welsh 66.2; 1. Ttanate Cus. IT of r'eeom- Is � I I ,
I * -tor�,% submi1tted a , qr . I I . � �,�
I ..01 I I . I 1.
* ed this Week . *+ S average attep4kafte, amn., . numbe ,. Lillie Eilber. Bussell 00TU7 I I I li
To be'Clear i + No. on toll 26, � Miss.Lula J�Uxtiu and Miss P. xl�el dationts. ito "the 160"Ancil as follows. W�h�. ,L. Robinson. teacher- � . . . � I I I I I L , I 1. �'�
1* __ : 21. ,B. 11. 'Robb, teacher� L 'Madj)onald, were in Landon, ;,� Sat. 1� � . I L � I ------*— � I . I . I I I . . I ',1 ,, �� . ,
It I viz I . ,�,
I able, * . the , S. S. N04 3, USHORNR - , .1 . I I �.
. oil I ii
I , * season I 901RU 1. urday last. - I j'j_W,,-Md1thc ace IAROf I - � 11
11 * Every piece new and . .1 ; No. syst The following is Ithe �eport P! S 8 I . I . I � �, I ,
* I . e are giving * , Ironros B .Case 66; L. U. 11arvey ifr_�#m. narwood BalkwL11 and Treasurer accurate, but ?the oM in , �� I �
"'.. I lit ov � �. outh oi . I � ,� .11 � 11 �
I # -W We want every Lady to see the big bargains W * 77. ,Pass,'*,�,, Carmichael 65; R. Shaj� his si.ster Laura, of Jlssex ,are visit- ll.,,�,,edby him Is, antiqlla!ted, We would -no, 3,.1U,zbornq for the I � Z
P L" . ad -bolt ,62; i,ng .relatives. in town. . - . , � . � g�rrI3 268 I 1. . I 1, ",
* * this week in our Dress Goods, l6will P&Y YOU . �* ton. ?65 1, � 'A. G I ther fore is�ggest to your board ,�'aa�ary. ST, IV. max"350, -Tanie Me- I �, 11 . I
.# . � I I I � .. V. 'HodZiCon 61; Laura Harvey %; G. ' h n thate,the zervLzes of' some propl�rbr Collogh 274,; Leonard �Ij * L ' I I I I'll, . I . I 'f�
I + t . ===�_ I Blatchford 60,, Commercial ,Senior., .Ur,WaItexCudln0r6,'W40 4sIbee ,qaIjfItd accountant be engaged. 'to Irvine -926, Reggie. Dollpe 209. r. I . .1 11 11 I 11 I I 11
I + # , 5o & 60p Dregs Goods vitsRing'rejalives jcf�t. Wednesday for - , � , I , �
s , , 'Blailor, 'Sask.. .L �4uktable cal . of books IV. max 350. Tena McCurdy 248, D I
1Z * 25 & 35c Dre s Goods I .� 1. 11 11onors, S. Gilllea 76, Pass, P., Dear4 his liome in open -all 9. 6 . syst . Fern Francis 22B May ' I . . I ,� I I � 1",
� � + : Ing 64 ., M. d3aynham. 60, Commercial 1:oTthe Treaiarerls use� Baifour 231 1 1 .
# The 'Young Ladies Bible Class of. � �"oftar Copeland 185. .Jr. . . .1 . I I � �'�
I For 19C yd. 1 . -or 35c yd. - * Jlln�or.,,Uonors. N. Hill 90. H. May thal Hodgert 208, 1 I I I . �
* I . I F I es St,ree� church intend giving an No. 2—we Avould. recommend te 25B� A07 , 1 � � t,
� 0 - vs as, �Taul , requiz�
* # I I I I . 40 # 62. Pass, 33. Gillies fjS j 1. Rive pa,yer& be 'd (to pay ,111, max S5o_Heber Shu I I I
* + , � -62 ,; W. Snell 60. VO OIX entertainmentin the nearfuture. I -the Tax artered bank and Fletcher 200. Leoter McCurdy 190. ,' � I I 1
6 p�eceq_ to choose from . I I � I I
* 5 pieces, to choose from' col� , I * Ar.Acheson I ltaxes� into a Ch � 11 ,. . I I i , ,,, �
�# I R Mr. and Mrs. Thoa, Williams, f,ornl- 0 Copeland 160 Jr. 11. max , I
0 * Ora ox Red Grey NAVY and leal, good cloths'in Green roll 38, daily average ,32.0. A. At. . that -the same ,be apeounteil for to th", Gordon. earge 11 . I .
. . I Gray, Navy, Fawn and Pur- * Johnston... 'teacher. e,rly of Exeter.� but now of itbe Nvasq, ollec:tor be. 150. Bella Mccurd� 123, .G' I .1 ... I I � - ,-
+ + Black. I + I Treasurer and that the 0 �rances. . .. I I
. I I I
�# I ne. � pie. . I � 1* + I are visiting in and around town. . se of Collactin- Harah 24, Pt. I 'Sr.. Iva �, I ., �L ,. I
� + This is a, good 11 . . , I . re,talned, for the- purpo- . Curdy, X. . I'll
,. . � I I � * * P. ,S. DepaAment. ' ,I 0 the UarguerEte Dolipe.-Tva Me , X I "� � I L , t "
* 4� . )jr. ,ybos. Harvey was in Torwit 6nly after . , I
,# * 0 # ontotanAng !taxe .Pt. L Jr.: 'Viola Uodgea�t. J1 . . 11
* + * .. Otis week attending Itlie Domipton, 15th of December% each year.. _T-4-oCurtdy. , st Harris. Aoi4e � . I I I �
1, ,__ . 14, I 1ROOM IV, . - ATI!Iler�3 meetin-j;-,xeteence to r4- NO. 3—we would further, recom.- Laurence *vine, Erne I I . I I I
,f " _," . *+ ** t . Man. 41gin Copeland. Laura, Me- 11 �
�. ,## Only good for this and Next Week * ce Walker 81 . .. report be GUM dordoa 6Ufillan. Edna Me- I I I . . 11
� , * 4 1 ,0, * Oliver iiedsert 80; V'rancis Hill 179" clProcity mend *that the audillor's , 11 ' I 1. 11
* . , printed and distri 1.
li�.,,, 41+ 1 * - . .�I:r. 17,d. Snell left, Tuesday for Sea- bitted instead, Of the Curdy,, No. on roll 27, ,average . at- I . .11 I L I L ,.
N�_�,# .0, ArLel Beverley 716: irno Sweez 75" forth where, he bas sequiled a posi- 11reasurer's annual report as hereto- Cuid)f . Greason!, ,, - . . , . I I � . I
,. .* �0 * * Pass, Viola Rowe 74 ; Carrie May'�13 ; ,ss maker li-fith Mr., A'. for6 onthe 15th of Decembey. tendauce 21. Elsie I. 31- . � i . I . �
. *, # Furs 1=4 off Ladies Coats + * Harper"'Rivers, 73; Maggie Case 172;, 0.011 As hfxrn(.' " . No. ,.4 -We 'also strongly Tec=- I tea:cher, , I . I . I , I � '. I .. ,
* . � * * Nellie Jones 70 ; ,Blanche Quailea 0%; Okc- ' ' . 11 I 4— 11 11 � I I I 11 �
+ . The Huron County L. 0, L. held t 'the I � .,0
only a few Furb Only a few left. Do you Jr. IV. Honars. mend Itha , dtfference in balames . - uSBORNE I . I . .
. We have . 4 * Sydney Hector 66. ,hoNva* in the ,hands, of �he Secretary I -S, S. N a, jl� . . I ,11 .., � �
, , + left But we positively must want one ?. They are going * 'Marion Bla�tehford 75. Pass, Willie their 6Laaudl meeting.in'-town on. Tues- (, nil pubse0bed to I oft of 0. S. 4 No, 1. JUS� I ; I � � . I
clear them out. Prices will dirt cheap real good coats for 4 : Manson 72; Bealrlii,ce Hodgert 72 -, La jday It -was decided to cele;biab-' the of 'the School Board FI DIonthly rep I . I I
. the A-lunLelpalUi r. V. John Stranz, Jenmle � � , , I N, I I . 1. .
I . , , fur jrfst 1-2 the regular price but * * Belle Ha:ildford 63;..MiOnlie Iffiq 62; neYi twelftll OL. JUI.T. in 'town. by the TreaPurer of, , , 'y borne IS . .. � . . I
� .
I * talk and it yon want a �ro 31 Zlr, and,Urs. A. Evaiis,,v -hat shown �n ;the !books OT "'ne Strang. .,Tr. V Tena DojiLqal. Sr. IV. - I . I �.� � ''I
* at your own 'price come we want the room. * D dgar Harney .61. No. on . e alla )L I ' L ,�
. + # -, investigated ,and James Dougal -Willie r3trang, Wilfred , I I li, ,
. I . . IV03PM� ouple I �,
I . # +* 4115ng, I . . # average attendance 28, .0- I � ,up 'from London an.d. spent a 1B Town Treasurer bc hen �p,ukj- 1)ougal, Elva Harvey. Oliver 'ROWO . i . � . I I
. -
. — I # teacher. 1. 'at weeks 'with 'Mr,' and Mrs. Will, adjusted 'that 'the xeport w . IV. Cecil T-lairls. I I ,.
# * � I . . be not, conflicUlxgs clLffe Fsarl,Bell, Jr- � I I,'
1* - I * . , .Treble... returnea home Wednesday Ilished I I I .
.+ # 9 � + 'Ro6u: "V. . . I , 5 ffe would also recommend ST ljj. John Dougal, Gladys, 1101r, . I i LL
� � No. -1 , I �
� + ftur I 94 * Jr. IV. Honois, Varm' morni=M , t 'that .any Of- M �pgie Stranz. Elgin U01VOliffe, l-"- : �,.: 1�.
V * 14 * an Powell '81.; I that lour Board, insis � I �, �
Vff j') * Marjorie 9-keston, -80 -. Davis A social eVening was spent on Tues- fie � J. arvey Neal, F. . . I I I
. * .Oliver . ial of 2the !towa, ,whose datyL ilt I is to . arroct, Mitra Dew, H I �L� "'
. 11, :� d . . he Epworth League of Jr. Ill. I It , � I ,�
: jN,e,,.,, Sprl%%g Goo * 80, Alma Mack 16. Pass, Anna 'Bell day when .t collect monLe,% use 0731Y the official NeU. ,Vera Bell. Ross Dick. � I .
, "I + . , + visited the League of em. K, II. Ila IrUchell. . I L I I 1. 1
:. � . . * 68; .Marjorte Seldba, h7; Harry Par- Main st, Church f.oTm of XeceLpt L&S supplied ito Ill atie ISanders. Sr. I 11 �� I
.. I .. + + 1*11 sons r67 -, Ettie d3owey .66, " olive Mac- Sames st. The visitors furnished an y �'thetown. * C,ILfford Aldir. Laura Neil, Lorne, Oke. -, I I 1; i L I I I
I . # 2 Every day now we are receiving Our New * donald 45; Joe lVallLek 69.; ,Florence excellent program atter wbichrefres I h- 1) Per Walper, .ancl I)ay ,that recom- AIL.,, Dick. Jr. 1L Clara. "Neil, Mal- ' I .
. 4 10 'Goods. We like to be iead�'for the early " Wood 61; Hector "Ro'..4-cl iffe 60. Sr. ments were served, I I ineadb;tifoij ,No. 1, as read, be haolp- eom Dougal� B,bsa 3101r. Pt. 1. HOUSE I � I L"
4 Spring, : * L. , oil j I I I i 11 Tom OF 't
*I . III. Honors, Melville Glad-nnan .81... !Sa:turday Ilvqt while Mr. W. U. t,,d ,CaTrj�d,, Annie Strang,. Earl Mitc) e , .. � I I I
I . al.� Percy Illarnis, Inez . Moir. HOSBERLIN ' ''I : I
: em a chance to have their goods # bf and %vexs tha't recom- Doug, ioir.
* Z # buyer to give t4 # * Zaeffle '80', Uarvin Vincent 791,,..M* 3jearing, -Abe 2nd,,coneession: .of Lavott .
. . � . L I . TI, Stephen was fixing -a beam ,133� his ln,ildtaty ,,-N-.o, 2 as read, .ba adoP- Average a:ttendance 23, W. R. BY- . I I 1. I 1.
' 4, made . up Early for Spring. ' , . .. . ; L, + ]Knott 781, .Bertha Harney 77; .Ka �� � 1011 . I . I I . I I ,�AAITW I . ., I . . 9
4 ". , . * Weiaenhammer 76; Fanny Bowey:16, btivii, he sli;Vped off the ladder and �eliy Carried. , 1. I I dall. teaeller. I . I . I . . I .. .L 1. .
L ,� : - 1. T 0 . I L 70- 1
4 ' ": � * ' 'XOOM- , . S .
* New Dress� Goods 1*1ewPA3ti,-1Z .. 4 Pass, 9di1th Davis ; Dorothy RuiAz i,oa to 'the fi6or. L breaking three ribs. ij�ivers and Le. . velet L (the't - ------ 0— I I I nV* 'L'�,
. - .
# * S. ; IAEL Delve 67, ..-,-hicb will necessitate 'him Is.-ying �off meil&t�nil No. 3' az read, be., �adop .S. .s. INLO .3- STRPHim .. . . 4P .
+ #� Dinghaine, * 69:-, Gordon -Ford AS .,�, �
It : 11 11rimmipgs � -a. on -roll 62, a.,ver-, jvork for, a tim . ' L I . I , , L ''
* * I I Chambrays + * Amy Johns 61. .'.,N Q -told. Carrie& � . i
* + 11 Laces and Embroideries 14 . 14� # age ft. X. Murray. teacher. . I . . � I recommen_ L The follo-,vin-. .Is !the'3700rt of G. A � , 4 jjZ,jj :�,� I �
11 I �Bo jIa!ejrjil .r,NTO. �j..as read, be adopted. S.- 'No. '3Z;Stephen for , 11
41 Vestings and Foulards . I Barred Muslins * , . 4 � � ard of �. Day .and WalPer tha!t "the mouth of I I , 1. . I
I I . The Quarterly Official . L I
11 ,� I I I. the- James st an* " . R1. � I I I : . I
+ . * � IROODI, V1. . . . rect church held theiT . ' ' ' L I , I
I '
... . � 1. - ar e 'i�ig on Monday Carrind'. � I j uary Total marks 1300. IV r . . . IL 11 � " 1.11,
iq s Jr. 111. Rong.s.. Milton kyddL 84. regal'j,Q.11. t_rIjr meo, � - Parsons I
- I , �it'fi a unaialmouS, ca& 'be a;dopte0- Hogarth 202, J I _�,- - . I
.... ew Carpets Affew RUZ * Day- and LeVIAt ',that rc'c6mMell 259, Almar Willis , 23'a ViOtb .
4 .. * ie Wal- I evenlng� '0b. ft�, iv I Vi O'bil ,No. 51 as T no. Willis 193. Sr. Ill. . � ; , E -M . . I . ,.:,�,
. . l . . pa�s&'Ajlldred Hardy. 79; LIM - pastor. , .S � IF" - ' . %
* WW 19 ' I ' 'tinue ,is 'L 1.
" " I 1 .16 V I ' I. livers - 'he - Leonard Schro I
, A-V -Rho'aa. Cornish I itev. Rhahard . L ..
. - jd Ly walper and -1 i.hat I Te I
I I JIM 70, Bax -1 VloiVell 65; � 1. s 932. T. -X. . � .
* . ATew Linoleums 'Mew , ,. , ker 74;%jilile Walker 71; Win. Jacobi invita-1100, Iva$ [Xiv,en 'to Ihe a: � L � OIL&$. Trlel;mer 208, Lela Sanders 199. , I", '.
i'�P,co CarrW, � �
ife,ft,., con edelf 168, Xr. , Ill. Earl
i�ll ." . I * 62 ; Archie Day's L 61 -, ,Alice Taylot 60. pastor joj 'the 111N.- , ,ear. Ill :reply menaxtion at a wholtl� be adoP- TowerA 254. Corsina Parson - . . L I I
,,, Lace Curtains . - aTness 82 ' anked %he 'board and ac- � . I I I 1. willbs. 196'Xilda Shroeder 183, Lila L I . . I . . .
L * . " 14, * ST, Al., Rotors. Czar H Afr.11obbsth .. , ""' arrIc&, , . I . I I -4
10 * 4, Pa's harl on'" 74-: �3ruce capted the invi:ta!tion. tto ,0 Sr. 11. Lloyd Shredder L I 1. �:. � , . - 1.
.&,%45 --at. S. Delem U. t 1. ,�il, audttors cl4lled thl� at'Lentioll. Sanders 16,3. Fdrey �Sand- ===========L====== . I
. and "M w V li�t 73; Mazy j,he faDe that the .237. mar.te. %riebilet 220- 1 1 z
* L * * Rivers 7.1; Drew Xnig � AtL the reguilar med tim.- of the F,Xe- ' or the Board )to I . I ';
* I I I . . t- I 'Vera ' ;'.'held flut.14 have ;_,j3pe3j, :�rs 24*,�U ',�Bw� Ela I . I
* 0 Morlock'72-, Haxold Soyle'71; (j. 0. T . ditotg .ej�d � - 182, zel. Presz-,
# * 0 ter Lbdme lNo. .67 1. es of,the An . 01' 1 232.
. ings all 70; Arene Easterbrook . 1. �, . . 140 Jr. 11, Law-rence UU I
* * Marsh 63; Moaday "evening., Dro. illy. LamD much more a To, I 11�,
. .real,-. U6: us ithan ia former catol � -
I thyg L + # Vera Sweet 02.; Walter HarnassZo. L � ;tor. Brantford io're- years � as Nirilbaess L I y Pa Shapton - 192. Sonle R tally _r4
: "M * who lis leaving the , report of Te- Bub �s;ns 224, Amy I thing espec
* MAvery * + _No...an roll 49, .average; lieftend(av3te. e laughter, Xrs.'Rollor- - ,rna PreszoatoT 169, EmaLlie Hog- I
. * i, 4* 35.5. El. M. Kinsman.. teacher. .dL wtth,his 'I witli oelpts. aAd.idisburs'emeiits. and would Ve Gladys, Shroeder
. * l OU . an,. was, presented by .the lodge, ,,,it -thit alit remunaiatlon be flic-A arth 125. Ft. 11, U�l I
* , , , I a vetegan's jE I I a
. 'S se + A, . �wcl. Mr. Lambrook has ��,t not ess than $25.00 apieo and 235. Eddie PleszcatGr 186-
* ANew in v'v'&Tl dood for the mollej ,,
*111 I ROOM Vil: " - $5.00 Jo ibe Otello- Hogarth 123.- Eddie lgt��nliLlte 105. Z5
. + .4. * be- of Ith-0 -I0d9e..f0T a� allowance Of , L65, 'Ethel
. # I M-urnishings .*� * Sr. .U. Ilonors..-Gladys Harvey �82; b n 4 I � ? d 'Paisons "
. ' be ,,y j,m
. rlca�r , and daring 11that time grapheT. Pt. 1. Lloy a d �, e the range,
.. I + . _�__. * 'O Winnie Knight - 91, .P"S, - Irene has ,been a faEthful attenda;dt � at Levett and Day, that .the auffitors; pres/ca:tor 165, Norman S n el's 10 should se
L . # — * * Willis U; Irene Zueffle 70; Arto . ra. Charlotte Willis 71. ,r�,mjly Thomp-
* — ,0, * L members expres- be naLd $20.00 each and $5.00 ext
. + Delve 68; Yerda,Hartlet'6 68. ,Jr., 11. the inectin r I -I
L . - CLirrieA- son. tcaellex.
964�"'Itll in looslaff Mr. I
# A11Qk 'S 0. * Honors.. Clyde Hellman 78. Pass_ M.- Sed their .1 a for .$tcuo;rapher. . _______4
* 0 *, Marchand .69; Verda:HUI 67�; EdNvard Lambrook'and haped the lel,"al would . Levett alid, Walper that the follow- W
+ id-ni & ',May,* I S. S. NO. 6. TJSI30RNE �
I * U U I * .Z Taylor :67-, Cora'Sanders 62. ST. F -t, bring baak pleaSant mcnio'ries of 'by- Ing *.aepounts be passed,. and orders t . I
., # + 10� ll,'Holiors, . y, 82; j,jijd_ gone days. . . . gralited on "the. Treasurer for same. The following. is the report of the I I
1 0*******O*****" ,0400 Maurice HaTve, . 1. F mornin" - - - - T1 7- ex minatio held in S. S. No. 6, Us- . I
'* �0 I � wIlhe .�he ElectrIc Light',064115; Garnet 0 4 13S
. **00 reds-Elarvey .78; !1'belma Cannot 76. on TUCSda, wood pai,uting eign 2 56; 11d. DLVIS. borne, during the month of Januaoy
. . . Pa.s . Idella Davis 65: ',;Ernle Wells Jack-Zon . Minufaoturing .Company � ' ii.35 ' 0 R
- I — 7f ation a fire took plaoe� teaniLng .and wood. - ', Xjr,� Mal- 1911. Senior Fourth Glass, tvt&15'50-
___ , 62; YrIscilla Cornibb )0. JX. RL 11- we're in oper .
. __ � Pass. Wilbert, Gillesnie 71;', Jose, In ,the basemexit in connection Nvfth lott. labor. 1,20; TiLos. Brack�., sr-, FAward Kellett, 449; Inez Creerv, 440;
. W,Ry NOTI . phine Davis -138 .- Phihi-P,Pa Harness the* engine and dynamo. Xx. Davis labor. 1.05; W. J. 131psett, pt. salary, Earl Coward� 832. junior Fourth In 0 rD` " B Ll ,
I e 13 a. W. J. 13issett, over paid taxes. olass total 500--:-Diric Coward, 229; -, _V'i
65; .Xvlabel Houlden 60. - G. 11. Alex- the manager, who di��covel: d tile , '�1-0 - .
-L Wily alot be kind In word andp deed@ . . �Irls -to hurry R8.55 ; ;Ross and ,'Taylor. gravel, f.25; I Sohn'Brock, 19S. Senior Third Class, r% I
. ' The world hath. many � w..,Ibroken ai3der, teacher. I I flames notified the g . )x 1 oo;. Tbos. Houlden. total 400-Inia, E-ywood, 258- Lblyd
I .A true Story I . . � . postoffice bc, 11 TIT P
. . I .. alit butlefore'that all gotout'flames . -'00; It- E- ,T,,h,,;, 252; Gordon Duncan, K Dia, I I
hearb; I BOOM VIII. avetaker of rower house, 10 go ' .
-celling- of Ith,4- 0 1'
L We migb:t aesaa-ge 'the wounds That were shooting to :the [Itor and stenographer, Oornish, 245; Hardwick Corniall, 2.96 1 N .
- Pickard, alld "vi V I
Sr. Pt; U. Paul WeWalliammer 99; I
. I I I second floor. Tbe alarm was soul:l4l -- -Di I I
,. I � bleelk -, EiddIe Davis 96.; Edward Yellow .04 -, ed and the firemen Were, 130011 an 922.50 � ,Jos. Davis. do., ""'-50; C� W' junior Third Olass. total 350 450, U 1 N6 � "
. . A farmer who was into the grist And g%cothe ithrough sympathy tflieir &II:ce Vincent 904 Paul Collins 886; M. the spot but: before they arK.inedTh-e Cross, cametery aect,. 'two mojltb"' Creery, 141 Second Classes. total '
I � I ' .
I �. � Vaill on Februar�t 4.th 191 I - and 1sillaVil- � . .Webstek 83-; Blli�nbh� Sdhtcr 78. Jr. Clames which were causi;A by UasOlit6 58.00; joseph Lawson . 12,50; ;total -Myrtle Washburn, 870, Willie Rout- I I
". I 'Why not? dge, 322; Vera I . (
L got 200 of flour said his wife had . Pt. .11. Greta ,Harness 99; Verda had ,died out and the Jbnildl�-s ,was 320,48i . ly, 367, Gordon Delbri
. I Bowellffe 915; Elsie xa�ht 86;-Vior- filled -%vith smoke which was Impos- Menders for the lo-,irering of the Heywood, SUE;; Willie Skeltoa, 809; I .
- all kinds of trouble to get good - , - � pnre rim every act, ence Vimeent 94;.Otell& �aada'i� 8'3; stble ,to penetrate. The floor r.der- hotisc we,re opened and tread as Lewis Corhisb �, $08; Francis Heywood, jWe areselling to the -1
Why not lb( e ' W � 1. 4�. Q., 13obier 30-00 " W. .& Bell, ab- .
bread while using othef floursbut 'And pdre in every .w$sh as wellt Lizzi Hartlelb 81 -, Hazel - ilson 79,* � of'the machines and some 289; Alden Oreery, 208; Viola
LOY lkeplt iVtadt Earl 'Russel 19 *, ,*Rctta� Palmer 176 -, 3, t neath SO=E. w irl- Treble 30.00. sent. Part Two Class, total 250 -Geo. i
have, been using Youth'S ilanOcer ,the -clothing was buriit�ibut great- I ._1 ,.(it) " he -tender - Lorene, johns, 229, Mervyn,
since they- , and Kuntz 70 ; .V reddie Manns " 65. .No: of ov, il and. Walper that t lohns, 296, caref ul dresser* In
MODEL, have had no. trouble. From isllals -defiling )touch I on roll 52, average attendazte .43. e,tt dama�c ,was done by,smoke. and' oj *,lV. A. Malkwill being tile loweat Camm. 212; Rhea. Smale, 200- Percy� I
I tspell- water. ..The., faetory 'had'. been in ted. Carried. . I . 4
.' Could getO the �esi , Why no!0 P. W. Ilpward.. -teacher- . . . operation a year last SaTurday. Mr. be Coward, i95; �may Heywood, 101; A.1- i
-whatever , . . - . lv,�'ill Jackson. of 'Clinton, was sent C=iii.cationa were read from via Andrew, 170; WOslgv, Hey-oad,
. I . . I--------*— . . , I F W. Para- ,27 cti, class iffobberlifi ClOtheS to ,
bread with little or DO care; - Why not obey each impulse �Igh, I for and -came ,down the paine after- the Salvation Army an( . � Day ,that ; Mr.e Cornish. 19-5. , Tri I I 44
, 1 . . I wTehin Ladies Choir .noon .and the, insurance Yalta' tor a'- comb and Per W.M%§ 'In . I total 1710 -Balm& H67wood, 122. 1 ,� L
'2,ach prowlptin� of Ithe sea Royal Welsh . � - . � nine evenjn�-. The factory they .be filed. . � Jessie A. Hamilton, teacher. YOU get the V,12vly 1
Ask HARVEY BROS. Thid move's Ithe wayward wili, ko Itr,.V . rived the s .. about two , Dav and Rivers,. To ,%va.tet works .1 . I , order
k. nobler character 'to win- '�Jadam Hughes-Tbomas ''Conductor.. will be ,closed down for . I . ' . I
I L . .
. I � I . weeks 'to make the necessary WO-OaArs that the ,olork interview 'Atessts � . ______4_
Why nrA3 , I Which gu . x and' *the macb�tics_and & Carlhig re contract wilth I sty el "',
* ' ' . eared'before their Xaj� to, the floo Dickson 11- BORN , � best tailoriflg� �ji
for his name. , � ' ' . RhUtP B. lftiOnZ esties the - and Queen. on tho, also to do some painting and paper- Gould. Shapely &ZLYllix CO. as lto`� i 131CII-Moray, 'Saturday, January 11
, I - 'oyal Visit to Carduff anUy for nonfullfilment of cOrL
occasion of the B ot I�ag after the alarm Idel) 21at,.'to Mr. and Jj:rs. j&rthur Bbee.
I — ___ . .. . . ,s Prince Louise. lil�. It was;n I . . I � I I i
=== . . . Her Roval, Highnes %vas sounded that the . Rremen had tract. .Carried. a son. ,quality and fit I
I . .1 and the Du Ce ;.of. Argyle.- at Miskim h operation tlrA Levett and 'RI'vers thid., the, 90.10rc- ' I .
- M I - olstoll a s;txeam of water I - Boll. -L& _1jcTAGC,1rAUT-Tn Blyth ` on Wednes-
.i .
1919 nor. Of ,hd Queen's Hall,, 0 Nvas, a high tribntc�,to the - T'=e ter tary of ,the 11tibIlie Library dav_'Feb- Sth, to Mr. zind,Blrs. G, I I
I I Hall and other leading concerts in . tb Mr. A. Carner4ie tre f
, and Poultry � . Th'e Ladies Aid waterworks. correspond' Wil ublic Library buildin,g 3,3,' MeTaggart. a soxr. I I
England and Wales. I � I 0— grant for a.1,P . I -
Stock, ;, � . 11CAMPBELL.-In Vullartoll, on rSat- tric Shades Oi- I
. . . � l , '. are happy ih: annou'reIM9 the appear- , TRINX THTS OVER for rlxetcr.i CarrIed, jary 28th..1to Mr, andi, Elee i I
. . I I ance of this'ireat O'hoLr:of eighteen . I Day andItiverstbat the kOlcTk write I . lir"Y64an' .
u,a Gain 'Vie Conti& Goldle McOulloll9l, Co., Galt- to It's- ,Mrs. wae Campbell_a 4abighCef-
' � 11 . voices in ,t!16 �ames sireet Uathodisb This Offer SILO I Qle "jaso- � . . MA:,attlED �iyes, Greens, Tints,
.. elturell an Fri-dav evening ;Feb. ,10�b. (L,noe of the 'Most Skeptircal corta`n ,tile � oort of ,,
� . . pdfeiine used line enyg, TE ... �SWANN-Oil Tuceda�, Jali .
F 0'ods NvIll,ba 4 ' eatest,treat :Pixe- 'V�c �pay .for all the in ,.Ile .1 -hat: N%�Lls procured from W111 . .
.1 his .,he gr . ' I
I., I e trial, if our remedy faI15 .j.11cli, q,jj',�,he year '100 leho_ .council - 319f at the parsonage. Pullarton.
I I ter has c:ver. had. They receive a during 't,hlt,,, �d of. t he deal. ,- . lin. fathor Ot' 'the I I
to coml _
. I ) c relleve you of con bav,, g 110 r, Car b� ,ftev, 11., !SwA
. . . �, - regular,ovation ever,ywhere. The Ot- n a �; i, � ide _Xr J. (S. Whi�te, of F ranklIU. Gray, Blue Mixtures *8
I . �
. I . � -_ 'bn. . -0 the xlsk- rj,b�,j . 0 'br,. . �
,� - I I � , , I
,�� tawa, Journal says music lovers Of atipa t. We lak all . iss Kathleen Swanta(. - I
.1 .. � I . this ebt Nvho were fortunate enough; You are not obligated to al� I W any Levai'L. fuld Rwers 'thal; A -be fir,a: Man., ito �i I
gat a ocat .Tt the cioncert in 'the %vay whatever, if You accept Our 01- chief boasiced to inspect Opera House .)TAH 4FF)�._J)ALI1YM1?LR-On Wed- and Wors'tedso
. . � EAR STOCK , . FOR POULT-1.)Y. � 'to y 111ca;tre last lAght, bY 11,110 Eer, That's a mighty broad sta:Le' but-14fitla, at.% q.p public safety and to nesday, Jan, 25th.. 3,911, at the 'honic Cheviots .
�! . I . � � . Ru -_490L 11 , by (Rev, It. 10
, 0 .50 an�'�50 Royal Welsh Ladies" Choir tuent. [but -we,mean every wora of X�ej)ort 'to the toluiell at Ilm next R the bride's .parents
� one Could-anythi-ng be more fair for ,lneej,!.�n!g, ,QjirrIcd!- . G. ,MeXay, of Cromarty, Mary , I
'I . I . I Its I � . � pvw�s
. I �, 1. :Royal Purple,. 60 and 150 Royal Purpl � I will long ramember R it. � f. . �h-ter of Mr, awl Mra. i' . . 11
�. . 225 and 50 InteknationAl a -atilt - -sense I 11carra,riging otthe William. Dalryinille tmd Thomas I
. I � fl . temati6nal . - � 25 of the fineat ex1itbittaft of dhor lfslxltl� 3 Levatr and Walper Tlla� th(I clOrk E'Uza, daul
I . I in I I I . Ific. com�,'n prepare bylAW for � , I
� i � . 25 and 60 Ing ,aver ,held qij.Ott&wa. A party. .A. mo,!vt soiantl es ell poll','Ilz �1111)-(Uvis`.011. . . AVilber Rahaffy, son of' ITT- an . . AL �r%
, International Heave 0 u re .5 3 14,�rbageum . tram Gov,trnment Aou-sc occupied the fr,atme,at is, Rexall Ord �r es, whi QarriLd. � ci ,
� . � leir activv, ift1y'vs roid Levett that, -%va ,qdjourn Uvs. Thomas Mah ,b- & t I 0%, 1% I A � ,
regal box. and joined, ftlost heart- are eaten 0 � 'WE
". * use X iii -d candy, 'led, �trry' all Ot 111 I'l I t
. 1 25 aDd 50 )LO Aller. 26 Vice— Nvner- ' " (,a Ineo: Thll�s,day a , th,o, � th !bert, . . I I ,
1: Herbageum � � . ljy in Ithe fre pto I's a) recent x,telitifie dia- ven1mg ' � . I I
l quent applause. princ% s I "
I 50 and, 1.00 Oyscer shell and. grit $1.00 Inodor as, colorless, ilw3lt, Ca' . WED I I I
I . Dr, ScQt�'s I . ojl�) singilig organizations hA,ve in eovery th(tt j Triad rofP.,, B. CA111LING, Cl�.rk. jOY.-In, Logan, oil Sandal, ,I'll,%, 1'"a tv 'I 4NJ ,�o
I i I I �cless � veV pronounoea� � 1& 4 � .1
. . ",.l .1 .11 . Sulphur and "Salts. . per 100 lbs, I . tile I)a1st visitted Otta�vqt,'bqt undoubt- and ta,st pleaIi4t, in artion, and - I I 29ith., Jesse ,Toy, aged '82 welPs. I- I
t . ,,� , I I . I I I I I I . I .. oal - . have ever taqualled the Boy- gentle and -_ --- 4b-- A I r . . I I .1
', , ... . . . I r . � I Ladies' Oholi, ., BORNE ItOGER.--, t Motherwell. on T't1ura- . I . I I I
, � 't , , al YV,10011:1112a in perfection' particularly ag;Ztfile Ill every way. " . , '' ts � , .1 , I .
11.1 � t . I I ,;—. . � � I I I . . I Yi;n'#. ar.4 sale work," rk-il,% 1mgrCdI,mt does not cau.qq diar- I . I I I ,d,,,,.V, J,jnukiry 26th. John 'it. 'Rog0v . L 1� � 1-1 1-111.1 I . I 11 I I
I I . . I I I of choillsr sing � . . ".1 1.1, I I I I
., I . . Mitts, and gloves. NLo one, �,hohld niis$ 'the opportktnli , gripttig or; qq,er, Were Tyg!gitert,d in the I . I .
. I ,, . t I I . I . V rhoeii, nausea- flatulence I 41� Ili's Slat �Vear. I .. .
. . . t choir, Admis.-I 0 ot Us . .,�i:
I .. � ifockey Ska es _jyorl�cr.jnvcn�cuca what,,,,. 11,�x, , To �vm�jji k) ,,borne for 'the T(%4r I I I
I I I . 1. . . .. I . � . . . A
I I 5 Second -bard Stov0s,. heat- of hcaripg �ill!,S i9r0a � � :14" CXIRTtiu,-011' ,�Ild ton. McGillivray, � I
, � . . . " -doultirly, good 1010� -.82 birth-$, 23 1110, Tilatz,day. jam �Gth, M)11, Ml'�
al 1, I
I � . Sp . it . I I � � �siolx 250, straight, . it are pmr ' * rriages,
.. �. . I L I ring '' I . i. , I . and delicate Vrlr� ,deaths, & fteord yenr to)' marntige.q. IC I 0% I
� . � I I for dhildren. aged Jos P11-1 01 �ter,,lgod '36 years
. I . � I .. . . ers. , I _______*__� . I I , , � �eg, I X , .
1�r I I . +++++A,++-,.-1.+++44++ +++++++-�++ I so .. )T, Morley. Div�, r Idn's, lan i � I
: ns* I I I I .- I
!, As and pucks at , - ,, 841eigh, Bells and Baskets at I 01TI _117L M`,�tch
� . . .. I tie + I . . t 011 oil 21, . 4�) I
1, S . I In, . If eou suUer from ehronie.' or SINS.
I � . . �L . . I 11 , I I I i 4 , Wive You Triod , � . *,I, habitual const1pation. Or tile assodate , . -_____4N-__ 1 , 01, ,,ixtha J. 6m1!tb,L 'lige'd 5110 Go BA WO
. � . ��� . � I L . I REDVoym , pmori,s * I io ailraents, we . yearg, � I tiloilths. L � , I
k f I
*4 # N
: I
# I
t +
0. #
* -
+ :
I �
, , 11 I
* 10
0 #
# * ,
# "
1. I I -REDUCED PRICES � . + F61jjckl� bROWN,BReAl) ? 1, I or eolpendent chron I
�'. I I . I ,� . . I . .. . .1 I . I . I I + ,urge trou to trY,,Roxall Orderlies at chlif&mil cry . OUNG-In - recEton, oll Tue�sday' � I ,
I.. I .� I I I . 1. + W11olegolnettad Sweet - . ,�?okl can Iget 1. FOR FLETCHER'S �.:. LL lob. 7tb, Mliis L�la "ZoubIX, do tr,_s;h- +We ate ljjl'� Agants
I 11 I I . I - I- -"- - o I .1. � + our AzIri .1 Itt � olir t1tor0_1 , . I , rf-Ir 4 ZYr, all'it Xrs. , -,
I 11 I �. I .. I them in rllx�'11!'�Irlll`ohlo),�y �� a�,' John y oll r,4� -
. 1. . .. � . , . , 11 I i4ouse o� Hobb,-�rlill
I . + Aod aood to tiat I ,j6, Lt,lblt�' g5 � 9;* � ii � 0 P. A A,;(�d� 22 Z!ear$, I . � I I I I
I :: + , I . . 12 ltablt,.t�, I .0 milts; ts . , . A �- . I., � , L I 1.�,� �. . �
�L � 1), ARE ANQ�: S � . ..�+4-+i�+++4,�'...�,-',.+44+,4.++ ++, nobts,_Tba llexall � 1, 1 i .1 , . - , I
L "EAMAN'S HAR . .TOVE STO c ++++4 , + I . i . I I I t . I .1 � 11 I i "
I ... . . 11, 1. .11 "111 L 11 1. � � 11.1 0ola, � � . . . I ; � I I I I . . . � . � �L�%. 11 I-
., .1 I I I . � I � : I
.1. � � I I. . I I . "'.1, :, . . . � 11 -1. ,� . ., . . . �. I I . . I 1',:�, , � � I I I I I A, - : I 1. 1. '_,_
. I .. I . � � I I I I . I I I � I I .... I .1; . I
I I , , . I
.. , I , 11 . , � � �, . ,� � I . � I . : I
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�, �, I .1 I ,. . ,
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I I I � . I I I . , 1: I " 1, I I I
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. . I I 1, � 11 , � �1 �
. I J_- A 1� -._____,.1___ j&L
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I I . I I I 11 1.21'- I ".. " I I " ,
� � I I I I 11 .. 11 . � .11., 11A� N