HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-2-2, Page 8I 1 0 1 1; 1 9 w,
Wal I Paper-......
It may seem rather early for Wall Paper talk but there are
always somepeople who want to get their papering done early,
before the paper Men get too busy. Our New Papers are in
stock and we are pleased to beable to say that a finer and more
Artistic Assortment we have never shown, We want. every lady
to see our New Papers. . We have Sbecial Values at per Roll
5c, '8c, 18c, 12 1=2c� 15c, 200, C, 30c"
Yd CD 3 bC
horne by Mliss OlLvd Relly. -who 'will in a rockibg shair when the final
served by the horpe league.
0 1:1 to CD M
tt $2, 13 01 "N
Choice butciieris beifer'5.75 to �5.9b
summons �came, and. the members o
vist for 601ne Ittme.
and Mrs. Alex Stewart is quite si
Mr. ;&, Whitesides, of Hensall,. was
high Rur
r4 0 k 04
k corn k
Cd k In, 0,
her family wore. shocked �to find 11C�,
Mrs, Wes Ilawkshaw and daughter, there with life extinct, havilli
Mr. Thos. jackson�,of Clinton, w
0 -,,.Pp
1-% 0 tj g4
rz et-,, 0 (D
export tows
Choice butcher cows 4.50 'to 4.75
e �i 14 0
P- -
ed constable
appoint of on�
by Ihe -couitty council last week. He
P, W . H
CD t4 CD
0 '"4
Cows s.50 tQ.4,00
and Mrs. John Hawksh4w and others t's4irtiallgle. Hex, maiden. name was,
relatives Un fthe eaat, left Monday Tilary
0 4Z >1
C) 0 P
Ert.�oo, (0
;3 4D
t3 a
C, 1Z
W t:r -
CD 5 ts
Supper, -will be administered. There
92 0
raturnea,to London Saturday after aid brothers and sisters still remain.
Ou. - stivieinacyin these, goods is a matter wel I known. You could
T -A__Er_,
Q),:j �r
you' peid us
for them. w! thout ques-tion or formal-
finan o designs L ttier, more strikin
pre g or more pleasing, Our display
her parents. Mr. hnd. Mrs. Jas. Beer. in. marriage 11110i Mr. Ralph Xilpat-
divIdual commu'rilon silverservice pre-
sented to the church by one of 'the
,If Ir xx
Winter Uovds...,
Stock taking over and we have lines of heavy Winter
Goods that naust be cleared to'm om for Spring Goods.
flen Clothing, Underwear, Heav3 Rubbers,
Caps, 11 tts, G1 oves, Socks,
All to mov out at BIG REDUCTION
TUB, M El"39a
Market Ae -The tollowtux lal (Ny , W
errt. avter,_jou an 'to
+ ttm report SxeOr %%rioem cor- Narn the :barber 'trade, to 0
'r -p to
Wheat_ standard 4$Q cents Bliss Uuiseu, who has fbe6a.viNtIng, 6 P. Donot monkey OWELYS- SATURDAY
, . I
her oigter, Mr.5, W� 11. Coluns. left t
Barley 48 to 6.9 cents. fOX IrgroON on PrIday, with that
Brain $20,00
Mr. Al WhRe. clerk- in Ileaman's
Short,% 02400 Hardware tstoro Is Wd up at his home ------
Nodel Flour $2.50 Coup
w44. at P.evere attack of Gtip�e�
Feed rl'our $L5% Mrs, and little idau,gh. WATER SETS (Im. Out G I lass) 7 pieces Saturday 870
Butter 21c f I use N
ter. of Detroit. vlalftdd Mr and Mrs. # owoy S
Creamery butter 27o. 1. +++*40 . MAX AND SUGARS (Im. Out, Glass) set
Potatoes 500, 13. IA. Vollick fe few daya last week, * 0, 1 , *
Eggs, 22 cents F or Sale at a. Barghia-A: new 8 Cherry Cordla -
Moks Urc, 130". dms4ed 150. roomed house and an aore of laud,,' 90
Geese live 12o., droo�ed 14o with fine orchard. 'Ap'Ply fo 'Rev. Bon Bou, OlIVe Trays, (Im, Out. Glasci).each
1�t Turkeys 18 1-2 to 21 cents. W. 11,'33ixtt, Centralia. Pretty Q�ps, Saucers, special at
Chickaris live lie,, drei*d 13o. Xr, and Mrs. ROY 40, or A former resident of :.Qxetor In t1he
ed 100, I'Vilog trip person of Mrs, �Ralp,) D
Rena live 8c, dreisis tacknow, who are on ��Vi4 d 4' Xllpa!trl,�ak died RUG SUNDRIES�o��
1� Hogs. live 7.05 Amctled Xr, And Mrs IT. 0. SnOl. or. Suddenly at hor home in REppen on Tooth, Hair and Skin Oreparations, Cold On' 1?4fumes, vlavor,
Ray $10. WoAtowida�i of laet �Yeeh.'% W'ednesday. 7an l8th. Althotigh she Jug% ShAving and ri?
Cho , toe exporters 6.00 'to 6,0 had not �b�eji in `goodbe�ajt) - Toilet Soaps. PREMIUMS with every purchase in,
Bliss May Smallacomlbe has Tdttirn- i for some this dept. over 20c. Come here for your drug wants.
+ Good loadi of exporters 5,60 to od hom 'time islie was able -to be- - d
e after'a )two weeks' vish In duriri� 'the eye around. an
0,90' , 4-A guL� n1mg �4ho wa's sitting sip,
1� Sunday, An'so, J. J. Allan. eye sigh't special- thirty years, Moving to Ki#pen five
rears; ago. Mrs. Kilpatriok was the
Mr, .0. DaI6.'of St. Mhomito, wax a Ist urill'be at ]the Commercial 'hotel. CONFECTIONERY DEPT.,Amft..
0 4 mother of,,olgvell, jjhUdrOn, ftw of
� * gtiost, iA 'the Central on Sixnda:y, one day only. on Sa1urday. 'Peby. -11 whom ate liviog, James and Dojaakd'-
0 # Mrs. Win. Hawkshaw, is verX - I All eye defects scientifically trialed, NASMITHIS Faiicy Chocolates,
'has !the West,' and Petcr� David aii� POWELLIS F sh
0 .0 at her home with La Grippe. Mrs. 'Arthur Campbell, who blaggi-0 WE 110me. The daoeaa�d wag. re Roasted Peanuts always.taste like more.
0 Air, W. F. May, of MUchell, was 'been visitin[i X r. And Mr& A- a good. Idnd,' Chrigtian wornan, afid Try them.
it caller in town last week. Hotize, for the padt fewdays return, in �erdally lite showed that she was'
Miss Louise Carling is visiting 'K_Isi ed 'to her libma jin. Farqiihar on; Tues, wall prepared for -the"la'st summons.. DATES -New. very rich flavor 9 for 2 c.
day, The funeral too'kn 1114'ee� O1X Saturday.
Arnold- of Kincandirde. ORANqES, XUT14 AND CANDY.
Mr. Herb. Walters has'bee Xan 210t,,thc services being conduct,
Mr. Jos. Durstine. Of Zurich, visit- &n en-
�-%-ed as clerk with Jones
ed In town last week. May erd by her pastor. 11ev.,-Arr. Richani. -Look over o
taking !the place of Mr. Jas. Sparks son. and the remains were i"_tcx�red ,Pr se and ioc counters for Bargain�.
10' Mr. ISertbor. of Fort William, spent
thL forepart of )th*,,L% week in Itown 'Who goes from �-he grocery depart- in tthe Exeter cometerY beside those
nient onto 'the dry* gooasi side. of her late husband and. cluldrei.A. Yalantineg, Comic and Artistic.
Bliss Ellerington,- of Lumley. -is ;�S_
Mulz willi Miss Edith Hyntdman. ,'Th,� many' friend,% of Alk * J. A. - ----- 0.—
tewatt, -dill bepleased 'to lLrn 'that CAtSEs 95 )�Evj� CE
ATr Will Hawkshair has 'Zone, to he �s progressing favorably &t Ithe ENSES NT. 0 . F` !)IS-
Jjondon and Toronto for a few days hospital London. Airs. Rtewax`t dpen�
Advice Concerning POWm'r'-JLLS BAZAAR
Mr. Alf. *alters returned Satur. Aho fQrepart of Itiie week in Lon:doA. . Stomach Troj.,h_
day from a short visit to the Soo. Bev. D. -W. Collins was laid tip Sun- lea and How -to Remedy Thein i ; ;
Do not neglect indigestion w J. Willis P.owell, Proprie or.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick, of Kippen, via- daYaWd itlie forepait of Ithe week hich
leads to'all sorts, of ills and compli(ca-
ited, at Rev. Xelland's lagt week. With. at severe attack of bronchitis
Alr, Hiram Shapton. who has been but- we are'pleased -to say', as bette� tiOns. Ali embnebt doctor once sai(I
that minety-fivo Per -cent of all- the
laid up for some time is improving,. afain. ; ll.% of 'the human bo,dy liave their
The 3lessrs.,Doyle shipped a load of In a fast Ithough one-sided igameof tg
in in a�disordered stomach,
horses to,Port Arthur, Saturday. h6ekey Played -xn. Hensall Mom�illay or A, . Physician who made a specialty
night 'tie 'home 'team 'defea!LMcl ' (b&
Aliss Gertie Patrick, of Lucan spent of stomach troubles. particularly
Parkhill , Itedin by a score of 21! b dyspepsia, after Years of stud
Sunday 'the zuest of Miss Hazel D119- 7. The Hensall team woA an superV . Y per-
nan. fected Ike formula from wjhich lte,,�_ +1
ior shodting ,and combina'don. -iill Dyspepsia Tablet arc made. 4.1
The Exeter Agricultural Society are On Saturday. last. . Cliff, the little, Our experience 'with Rexall Dys.
offe!ring 'the drill tshed, fo!r sale by Attractive NaltICS
son. jot Mr. John Mallett underwen:t pepsla Tablets leads us to - believe.
tender. tedious operation for the removal them ito be th
a Igreatesit rem,2dy
ergubon. spent Sunday of a 'growth 3n the nose. The oper- known e
Miss -Nellie F for (the relief of acuto Indi�
and Monday with her mother and sis- ation, was successfully perfromed' by gestion and chronic `dyspepsia. Their IN
• ter. Mrs. 31orney'. at Rippen, Drs. Ryndmatt &- AleGillicudy knd the ingredients are soothing and heal-
• Mr. 'Robt. Sanders left Monday for liftle follow is doing well as can ing 'to (the inflamed- me
• Denver Col.. where lie will spend a, be expected. rabranes of
the dtomach Xhey are rich in I '
lie )sul.
4� couple of inontibs. Over 'Wift .,Epwoith Tjleaguers. one of the greatest dligestive aid$
Messrs. .7;'7ed Hess, sr., of Zurich. relief th,�.y Bedroom 'Furniture
from Main istre4t church visited Ithe known lo medic-Ine. The
and T. Q. 'Allen, of Dungannon, were Epworth League of 'the Methodist afford is almost immediate, Their
appointed -county auditors for 1911.,. church Hensall. on Monda. use, with persistency and regularity
B1 y eveniup� for ai short -
I r. John Gillespie is able to be and .� very Oettsaift !dme was s�pedt time brings about a ces-
around after bein- :confined to the Alain Otreet League provided 1th16 �?ro, sation of the pains caused by stoinitell
house for beveral Zlays witk three gram mfter wVxch TefredhineWts .. ders. An incomp%rrble diaplay of fine bedroom requisites, of supe=6r
..were u1sOT
Rexall Dys T-10 t
Common exvorters 5,60 'to 5.75
horne by Mliss OlLvd Relly. -who 'will in a rockibg shair when the final
served by the horpe league.
L - & 11 n"
sure heal by appetite, al;d d . igestion
Choice butciieris beifer'5.75 to �5.9b
summons �came, and. the members o
vist for 601ne Ittme.
and Mrs. Alex Stewart is quite si
Mr. ;&, Whitesides, of Hensall,. was
high Rur
INIedium butchers heifer 5.40 to 5.50
Best 5.00
her family wore. shocked �to find 11C�,
Mrs, Wes Ilawkshaw and daughter, there with life extinct, havilli
Mr. Thos. jackson�,of Clinton, w
in town or- Thursday last. Mr. W
export tows
Choice butcher cows 4.50 'to 4.75
�Tyrtle. who have fbeen visliting Mr. pj)arently passed away without 'a
ed constable
appoint of on�
by Ihe -couitty council last week. He
street Me .t
church will com- of our 'jo�... f" h in Rexall Dys-
-at 10 30,,on Sunday 'pepsia
Cows s.50 tQ.4,00
and Mrs. John Hawksh4w and others t's4irtiallgle. Hex, maiden. name was,
relatives Un fthe eaat, left Monday Tilary
having IoSf somewhat in, %vegr'lit
Lambs 5.50 to Z.00
sheep �.,.25 to 4A
Burns, and she was born on
njorning for. lthNatrllowa aL Wlilntpeg, April 5. 1860. on 'the homestead farm
during his enforced stay indoors,..
Mrs, Goo. Young and son StirliAg Wast or. Xforisall, where Izer motbox
Air Joseph Lambrook, who was
Supper, -will be administered. There
give You endre satisfaction. We will
return. you, the 'money
raturnea,to London Saturday after aid brothers and sisters still remain.
Ou. - stivieinacyin these, goods is a matter wel I known. You could
T -A__Er_,
called home owiiig to the jdea'fV,-
spending the 'past 1two weeks . with Forly-1hree Years ago she Was uiililed�
you' peid us
for them. w! thout ques-tion or formal-
finan o designs L ttier, more strikin
pre g or more pleasing, Our display
her parents. Mr. hnd. Mrs. Jas. Beer. in. marriage 11110i Mr. Ralph Xilpat-
of hio mother -,returned to I (his
home -in. Fort Vy-ayne. Ind.. Friday
divIdual commu'rilon silverservice pre-
sented to the church by one of 'the
itY. X -hey come bi three L-4zes, prices
25 V, ts
eir -50 cents and $1.00. Remem-
Mrs, Bower and li-ttle 13aughter. rldc.'who dlied in 1892. After their
The Epworth Leazue of the Alain
who have been v��Mug with (the marriage they Uved for �eight year3
street church have' been invited
We can surely satisfv you in the selection of one of these beds
anteed. gizes, 4 in. $13.50 per thous -
M. fMakiiis visited in Ripp en,
fromers sister Aj�s. Rd. 8eldon. left in Exeter. Xrorn there they mov�_,d
Saturday fortheLr home in Ingerooll. to Crediton, whore 'they resided for
Mrs., (Dr.) Lindsay, of Scranton,.N.
Rev and i.s John Hart, Of Cor-
1� Sunday, An'so, J. J. Allan. eye sigh't special- thirty years, Moving to Ki#pen five
rears; ago. Mrs. Kilpatriok was the
Mr, .0. DaI6.'of St. Mhomito, wax a Ist urill'be at ]the Commercial 'hotel. CONFECTIONERY DEPT.,Amft..
0 4 mother of,,olgvell, jjhUdrOn, ftw of
� * gtiost, iA 'the Central on Sixnda:y, one day only. on Sa1urday. 'Peby. -11 whom ate liviog, James and Dojaakd'-
0 # Mrs. Win. Hawkshaw, is verX - I All eye defects scientifically trialed, NASMITHIS Faiicy Chocolates,
'has !the West,' and Petcr� David aii� POWELLIS F sh
0 .0 at her home with La Grippe. Mrs. 'Arthur Campbell, who blaggi-0 WE 110me. The daoeaa�d wag. re Roasted Peanuts always.taste like more.
0 Air, W. F. May, of MUchell, was 'been visitin[i X r. And Mr& A- a good. Idnd,' Chrigtian wornan, afid Try them.
it caller in town last week. Hotize, for the padt fewdays return, in �erdally lite showed that she was'
Miss Louise Carling is visiting 'K_Isi ed 'to her libma jin. Farqiihar on; Tues, wall prepared for -the"la'st summons.. DATES -New. very rich flavor 9 for 2 c.
day, The funeral too'kn 1114'ee� O1X Saturday.
Arnold- of Kincandirde. ORANqES, XUT14 AND CANDY.
Mr. Herb. Walters has'bee Xan 210t,,thc services being conduct,
Mr. Jos. Durstine. Of Zurich, visit- &n en-
�-%-ed as clerk with Jones
ed In town last week. May erd by her pastor. 11ev.,-Arr. Richani. -Look over o
taking !the place of Mr. Jas. Sparks son. and the remains were i"_tcx�red ,Pr se and ioc counters for Bargain�.
10' Mr. ISertbor. of Fort William, spent
thL forepart of )th*,,L% week in Itown 'Who goes from �-he grocery depart- in tthe Exeter cometerY beside those
nient onto 'the dry* gooasi side. of her late husband and. cluldrei.A. Yalantineg, Comic and Artistic.
Bliss Ellerington,- of Lumley. -is ;�S_
Mulz willi Miss Edith Hyntdman. ,'Th,� many' friend,% of Alk * J. A. - ----- 0.—
tewatt, -dill bepleased 'to lLrn 'that CAtSEs 95 )�Evj� CE
ATr Will Hawkshair has 'Zone, to he �s progressing favorably &t Ithe ENSES NT. 0 . F` !)IS-
Jjondon and Toronto for a few days hospital London. Airs. Rtewax`t dpen�
Advice Concerning POWm'r'-JLLS BAZAAR
Mr. Alf. *alters returned Satur. Aho fQrepart of Itiie week in Lon:doA. . Stomach Troj.,h_
day from a short visit to the Soo. Bev. D. -W. Collins was laid tip Sun- lea and How -to Remedy Thein i ; ;
Do not neglect indigestion w J. Willis P.owell, Proprie or.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick, of Kippen, via- daYaWd itlie forepait of Ithe week hich
leads to'all sorts, of ills and compli(ca-
ited, at Rev. Xelland's lagt week. With. at severe attack of bronchitis
Alr, Hiram Shapton. who has been but- we are'pleased -to say', as bette� tiOns. Ali embnebt doctor once sai(I
that minety-fivo Per -cent of all- the
laid up for some time is improving,. afain. ; ll.% of 'the human bo,dy liave their
The 3lessrs.,Doyle shipped a load of In a fast Ithough one-sided igameof tg
in in a�disordered stomach,
horses to,Port Arthur, Saturday. h6ekey Played -xn. Hensall Mom�illay or A, . Physician who made a specialty
night 'tie 'home 'team 'defea!LMcl ' (b&
Aliss Gertie Patrick, of Lucan spent of stomach troubles. particularly
Parkhill , Itedin by a score of 21! b dyspepsia, after Years of stud
Sunday 'the zuest of Miss Hazel D119- 7. The Hensall team woA an superV . Y per-
nan. fected Ike formula from wjhich lte,,�_ +1
ior shodting ,and combina'don. -iill Dyspepsia Tablet arc made. 4.1
The Exeter Agricultural Society are On Saturday. last. . Cliff, the little, Our experience 'with Rexall Dys.
offe!ring 'the drill tshed, fo!r sale by Attractive NaltICS
son. jot Mr. John Mallett underwen:t pepsla Tablets leads us to - believe.
tender. tedious operation for the removal them ito be th
a Igreatesit rem,2dy
ergubon. spent Sunday of a 'growth 3n the nose. The oper- known e
Miss -Nellie F for (the relief of acuto Indi�
and Monday with her mother and sis- ation, was successfully perfromed' by gestion and chronic `dyspepsia. Their IN
• ter. Mrs. 31orney'. at Rippen, Drs. Ryndmatt &- AleGillicudy knd the ingredients are soothing and heal-
• Mr. 'Robt. Sanders left Monday for liftle follow is doing well as can ing 'to (the inflamed- me
• Denver Col.. where lie will spend a, be expected. rabranes of
the dtomach Xhey are rich in I '
lie )sul.
4� couple of inontibs. Over 'Wift .,Epwoith Tjleaguers. one of the greatest dligestive aid$
Messrs. .7;'7ed Hess, sr., of Zurich. relief th,�.y Bedroom 'Furniture
from Main istre4t church visited Ithe known lo medic-Ine. The
and T. Q. 'Allen, of Dungannon, were Epworth League of 'the Methodist afford is almost immediate, Their
appointed -county auditors for 1911.,. church Hensall. on Monda. use, with persistency and regularity
B1 y eveniup� for ai short -
I r. John Gillespie is able to be and .� very Oettsaift !dme was s�pedt time brings about a ces-
around after bein- :confined to the Alain Otreet League provided 1th16 �?ro, sation of the pains caused by stoinitell
house for beveral Zlays witk three gram mfter wVxch TefredhineWts .. ders. An incomp%rrble diaplay of fine bedroom requisites, of supe=6r
..were u1sOT
Rexall Dys T-10 t
A City Bankrupt Stock of
.To be sold at
Please remember that my Dent
, Office is closed ever Wednesday afte
noon. -DR- KINSMA
Mr. E. - Williams. North street, coi
tinues. to improve from his illness.
Mrs. Jas. Stancombe is quite ill
the home, of Mr. Goo. Easterbroo
Mr. John Hunter.. attended ii� shoo
ing match in Biddulph last week.
Mr. W. 0. Treacy, of St. Alary
was in town last week.
Mr. and Alrs."Fxank Case, of Das
wood. visited Mr. Thos. Case on Su
. Messrs. Y. Rooke. C. Harvey aj
G. Acheson were home from Londo
over Sunday.
Miss B. HalL of Marimlona, Alto]
Ls visiting. -her parents. Mr. and Arr
:1 alall, Ex-ater North.
Mr. and Arm, Eph. E;ern, of Mo
Visited Mr. aud Mrs. Win., Taylo
Mrs. Geo. XnLzbt. of Ilderfon.
virsitinZ Mrs. Chas. KnIg4t, Stat,
M,Wter Howard Dignan has be
on '.he sick list. but is improvii
The English church ,�as closed Su
broken, rib%
served by the horpe league.
L - & 11 n"
sure heal by appetite, al;d d . igestion
avyle, exe lenuconstructlon lese fiinlah.
and Raw
Irene. 'the little daughter of
and Mrs. Alex Stewart is quite si
Mr. ;&, Whitesides, of Hensall,. was
high Rur
. The regular ��ervke at the ' MECIA
and pr Omote, nutrition% As evidence
Mr. Thos. jackson�,of Clinton, w
in town or- Thursday last. Mr. W
ed constable
appoint of on�
by Ihe -couitty council last week. He
street Me .t
church will com- of our 'jo�... f" h in Rexall Dys-
-at 10 30,,on Sunday 'pepsia
Brass and Metal Beds
having IoSf somewhat in, %vegr'lit
was appointed to succeed Capt. W. H
Gundy, resigned.
mence morn, _'gv
next. At th� c lose of -the preaching
service 'the sacrament of the Lord's
Tablets, we ask you. to . try
them *at our risk. If t&y do not
during his enforced stay indoors,..
Air Joseph Lambrook, who was
Supper, -will be administered. There
give You endre satisfaction. We will
return. you, the 'money
Ou. - stivieinacyin these, goods is a matter wel I known. You could
T -A__Er_,
called home owiiig to the jdea'fV,-
will,be used for the tirst time an in-
you' peid us
for them. w! thout ques-tion or formal-
finan o designs L ttier, more strikin
pre g or more pleasing, Our display
Feby. ;7th.
of hio mother -,returned to I (his
home -in. Fort Vy-ayne. Ind.. Friday
divIdual commu'rilon silverservice pre-
sented to the church by one of 'the
itY. X -hey come bi three L-4zes, prices
25 V, ts
eir -50 cents and $1.00. Remem-
it, this line is far in advance of any ever shown.
The Epworth Leazue of the Alain
long, at reduced prices. All tiles guar -
members Of �the..cqngregatlon.
ber you can obtain them only at
street church have' been invited
We can surely satisfv you in the selection of one of these beds
anteed. gizes, 4 in. $13.50 per thous -
Mrs., (Dr.) Lindsay, of Scranton,.N.
Rev and i.s John Hart, Of Cor-
Our store. -The Rexall Store. NV. S.
and; 5 in, $19.00 per thousand. 6 in,
A City Bankrupt Stock of
.To be sold at
Please remember that my Dent
, Office is closed ever Wednesday afte
noon. -DR- KINSMA
Mr. E. - Williams. North street, coi
tinues. to improve from his illness.
Mrs. Jas. Stancombe is quite ill
the home, of Mr. Goo. Easterbroo
Mr. John Hunter.. attended ii� shoo
ing match in Biddulph last week.
Mr. W. 0. Treacy, of St. Alary
was in town last week.
Mr. and Alrs."Fxank Case, of Das
wood. visited Mr. Thos. Case on Su
. Messrs. Y. Rooke. C. Harvey aj
G. Acheson were home from Londo
over Sunday.
Miss B. HalL of Marimlona, Alto]
Ls visiting. -her parents. Mr. and Arr
:1 alall, Ex-ater North.
Mr. and Arm, Eph. E;ern, of Mo
Visited Mr. aud Mrs. Win., Taylo
Mrs. Geo. XnLzbt. of Ilderfon.
virsitinZ Mrs. Chas. KnIg4t, Stat,
M,Wter Howard Dignan has be
on '.he sick list. but is improvii
Lwd Thursday afternoon the Cotin
WORTH 22 for' 13 Council 'reached a, selection for t
POSPti,'On, Of P, ;S. lbdPector for Ea
20 for '12 I1Tjron.!to be vacated Marelisl by t
retirement of Mr. D. 'Robb, The
Were four ap�plicajjts, Mr. Weide
hammor.af Exeter having wRibdrai,
vfz.� Messrs. T, C. SmUh, of W113
=r 1,35 for $11 .ham. Dr. Pleld, Of Goderiob, MoVie
Of tond'on and McRinrtoia. of-, 10ne,
coats worth 12 Jor 8 dine. The matter had ev�dently,b,,
Well oliucagsed before hand, for
the first balldt Air. Smi,'Lli rooeiv
Pantings $2,50 Up, is vdto-g and,Dr, Field 17, his a
ment 'being afte ards confirmed
resolution, 'This 'will,, it is t1noo
16food, jacdessita�te Dr. Yleld's remov
ft � MW a& k.. from 00(lexich to Brussels.. and a oo
The English church ,�as closed Su
day both morning and evening owl
to the illness of Rev, Collins.
Irene. 'the little daughter of
and Mrs. Alex Stewart is quite si
and under the doetor's care.
ia. 'to Mr Henry Percival Madden, -ac-
Mr. Thos. jackson�,of Clinton, w
in town or- Thursday last. Mr. W
Jackson is attcnding to busiop
countant of the Molsores Bank, Hen-
again afte7� four weeks' illness, T
Clinton Nelve-Record says "Thou
having IoSf somewhat in, %vegr'lit
Jackson si�ems to have fully recove
ed and his -gonial presence and ohw
SUITS $24 14,
vOIM W0,5 Welcomed by Ilia tna
friends it town who had missed hi
during his enforced stay indoors,..
Lwd Thursday afternoon the Cotin
WORTH 22 for' 13 Council 'reached a, selection for t
POSPti,'On, Of P, ;S. lbdPector for Ea
20 for '12 I1Tjron.!to be vacated Marelisl by t
retirement of Mr. D. 'Robb, The
Were four ap�plicajjts, Mr. Weide
hammor.af Exeter having wRibdrai,
vfz.� Messrs. T, C. SmUh, of W113
=r 1,35 for $11 .ham. Dr. Pleld, Of Goderiob, MoVie
Of tond'on and McRinrtoia. of-, 10ne,
coats worth 12 Jor 8 dine. The matter had ev�dently,b,,
Well oliucagsed before hand, for
the first balldt Air. Smi,'Lli rooeiv
Pantings $2,50 Up, is vdto-g and,Dr, Field 17, his a
ment 'being afte ards confirmed
resolution, 'This 'will,, it is t1noo
16food, jacdessita�te Dr. Yleld's remov
ft � MW a& k.. from 00(lexich to Brussels.. and a oo
D., arrived intown last week to visit, in,h� . announce . the en -age M*ent-- of
regards dasign, construction and low' r
".it h relaflves� Accompanied by her:
I neir eldest daukhter Gd'rtrude Laven-
,sister Bliss Ethel Dow, she is visitinz
ia. 'to Mr Henry Percival Madden, -ac-
in Toronto 'this week.
countant of the Molsores Bank, Hen-
Cement Drain Tile for
On Mondav of thlis week -we receiv-
ed an invtto:tion from the Huron Old
Boys' Asso6iation. Toronto, to
sall. Ont.. son of Rev. and Mrs. W. �M
'Madden. of Aurora. The wedding
will take place early in February-
Rdwe'& Atkinson
of at.
tend the eleventh annual At Home in
Toronto Nows.-Aliss Hart was a res -
the Temple BuildLn- on Fixiday evgn-
ident of Hensall. her, father beim(,A
I now offer all my tille on hand up
Feby. ;7th.
stationed there before moving to Cor-
to ten inches, tbab are only 12 inches,
The Epworth Leazue of the Alain
long, at reduced prices. All tiles guar -
street church have' been invited
on!F rida'y'evenix-g last Ithe indtalla-
anteed. gizes, 4 in. $13.50 per thous -
to visit the James street Leagwl next
tion of Ith-e following offitcera. of- Court
and; 5 in, $19.00 per thousand. 6 in,
Tuesday evening. The Main street
123. 1. 0. IF. ito6k place": C. D�. D'.
$26,50 per thousand; 7 in, $35..W jxr
League will furnish the program. 'A
Mills; Physdian. Dr. Bright; J. P. C.
thousand; 8 in, $48.00 per thousand;,10
in,672.00 thousand.
very time is expected.
Mr, Alfred Hicks
R.. Et.'N. rRowe; 0. jR,,. N. )3e 11wood;.
'V. '0- R-. AL 7.' Salter; R. 5. G., D.
12, 14 and 16 inch tile also on hand.
...................................... ...... ......
entertained a
number of his iriends to an oyster
supper on Thursday evening. jast at
Anderson; U. S. Alex. Dyer;',Txeas.
S. Blartin; Ora!tor. Win. jBalkwill; 8:
In future will make all tile 13 inches
. -
.his home Mount Pleasant Farm. Us.
borne. The eveninz w*as spent in.
W.- 0. Atkinson; J. W.. 1-1,. Willeit;
I S. B.. Win. Fraz�r_; J. D., Jos, Green.
A;7- Cudmore, Lumley, P. 0..
music and.'games.
The officers were -installedby J. p, C.
Long Distance Phone at Exeter..
Mr. Orville Gann'was *tak en to the,
London hosDital on Thursday last and
1.�. Itowe. The lodge has.'had a
very successful. year twenty new nrem-
You have been thinking you need a, SEWING MACHINE for y
operated on for appendicitis The op.
oration was successful and he is now'
Inra having been added.
At a meeting pf Xhe busin�ss men
+ Spring Sewin . Well next week we are going to offer to,th pu
+ a,
doing as Well as can . be - expected.
Dr J, W. Browning his -father
held in towr, a few weeks agro
Sewing Mach' 'at
ines Greatly R educed Prices.
-t i:csolved to meet the
ac�ornpanled him Londoin.
Er-st Monday in February 4.6 orgaLize,
The Toronto Newshas enstalled one
a Business INlen's Assoclatjomi Ac-
of the largest and most perfect print-
cordingly a meeting will be bkd neXt
ing presses on the American contin-
Monday evening rin Ithe reading room
Opposite -Electric Light. Plant,
This is one of the many Bargains. Cabinet Machine
ent. It has the capaekty of turnhig
of the Town Hall at eight o'clock
Guaranteed for TEN YEARS, fall sbt of Attachments
out 144,000 copies of an eight-paige
There are, a'number of iuterataittiry
finished in Quarter Cut,osir, manufactured in one of the
paper every hour, In length ft is 60
and 'important queotions 'to deal w1th
most up-to-date factorys in Canada for. (b
feet and is driven by -two fitty horse-
power motors.
tha't ishould attract. Ithe basiness men
of E x6ter. The ma:fter of a CarnegW�
Unbeatable Groceries
the SMALL PRIOR of ................. q�p22-76
Mr. J. G..Stanbuz 'Solicitor for
Library and such other toaft-ers per-
* * *
it's up; to YOU to see this machine and cqWpare
it wit4 machines tbab have been sold for $30 to $35 -
Mr. llh-h'. Yellow against Ithe Exe't-
taininz Ito Ithe- welfare of 'the Itowx
will The Itaken up. Show your interest
This is the day of the specialist, and
or Elcc�ric Lizht Co. has roceived
word from Arr..T. W. XcEvoy, of Lon-
in iboo6ti*S pu,r 1town"by turning on't
our specialty is the Grocery Business.
don. Rolicitor for the Company. that
be has decMed 'not Ito carry -the ease
on Monday night.
Ilie t,
ks Voreeasts,-A rea.c tonary
We begin 1911 with the d etermioa�
tiOn to wake it a year of mutual ad-
+ the
When in need of Wribin 9 Material give us a call.. We canplease
most exacting. The Largest Assort , ment in town.
to aVpeal at Fforonto.
storm perioa.,Ts,iccatral�on 'the 2ad
Mr. AE. Man.dford this week as-
and Ord,-Iblendijig wfth Ithe Mercury
vorlod which I% central on January
s-isted IN-fr. Wm- McKenzie,,of Luck-
now 'to complete two carloads of
Slat and extending lip. to February
BECAUSE you will b I
6 able to get the
horses for British Columbia. Xhis
10th. Falling fbarom-Aer. r1aing tom-
9,rdture and; return of rain, sleet
best of eatables at lowest
shipment was an extra heavy one.
-each team weighing over 3,500 pounds
and snow may be expecled on and
notch prices, consistaut
with. quality..
NUT FINISH $50,00 +
and 'the price paid,was �etween $600
touching 'the 2nd and -3rd, Xle 1,,n
b,inx on.1th%,ceIedti.al'cqua:tor on I -
BECAUSE all.e atablos will be hauled
and $1700 a team.
3rd, suggests electrical storms, ca-
by the latest and beat
h e
An Olt! Exeter boy� but now of fflor-
nto n rcnewl,ng his subscription -to
�th e kil says "It Its EL Pretty smooth
esp.edially soutliwaid, on and about
that Ovfto.. So- be quickly followed by
sleet. frost offid bliz.-ard - A� ool,�
BECAUSE anything we send out that
does not toe the mar k nf
lo 0 'slice t wilth yon printing the
w'a�e will idomfna!6 maA paits of Ithe
quality will be gladly
hl'111�i�111911 ages now. j19omc -class to Bx-
c'ountry from the 4th to the 7th, A
ofer with a Carnegie. Library * tx�d
the dam, That baspment Italk and an
re,gular' �Icjrin period. blending
with (the Allercury Idlisiturbance, . and
1 1.
indoor swi.mming ' pool is jx1righ
We need c"mothing lilto !Uiat in Voxa_
the begniiing of Ithe Man period
coVers"the 6th -to the 10!t;h. Western
sections -will show 1tiabig tempera,
Of course it-meana something to as.
'filre. falling baromalter and Ithroato
Xt means sales, and incrons.
The Temple of Fama, under �th,,
oning storms, on or* before 'the % h,
ed sales to us is, bound to reacb,in our
au,�pfces of the Woman's Christian
and daring 'the Sth, 00h anA Iptli.
low9r, +, Thinkib iover and
Temperance tinion will be tiyen ia
the Opera House, Zxe'ter, on 1,riday.
February ;3rd. 1911, "A unique and
these conditiong will,grow4rito adtive,
storms of xaln. Iturnijag fto,sldolt ana
snow, as ItheY pass progi�"Ively from
An Ado Th(! Times'
brilliant enEcrtainmeii'L in ivhw'h more
West Ito cast, -go Ito fair and
wons take �art, Re.,
thah-eiglity perz
served 35c; Admilasioii
very.1cold wea!ther will follow piornlpl-
Ithe 'these lb",
TheLTea and Coffee Stire.
stes 250;
Children 150. Plat of hall at llow.eyla
Drug Ptore, i
lY in broar of storm
castward and mouth "'%
pus I bY
WANTED-Chdice"Putter and Vresh
B rings'Results.
cne!31`c!uc,, high b arometer,
161h., Mimi&,