HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-2-2, Page 577 • r - T, ' 00-1���: kt oil 00 : .... Land FertiflZerCrediton - Ui•. Cx, �1::' Gx•t,ue. optician will be ;xt Of a, Brown's store. Orediiton, on Feb. ; We are now taking orders n 2nd and '3rd, for Fertilizer and if .out. are . ltifr, W. J. Brown, of lit Dort, FA,ME �'R . : , 71i:icli„ who, has .beat. visiting ]Slit. T.l» „ 7;h eking ot.uSing.it this year liroivn for `alae few drive, returned to t � come In and talk it over with lSfrah,gax� errs week, .� be Given in �lPi ®PIi A MissFleda,Bakerof Exeter spent a H)R1SL! Exeter os. US. We Cath. show SOU land few da s in town the guest of lkliss where our felrtilizer has been Etta Ci;rke, Mr. Wass Brown returned to Bay .. . M1 Port after's used ahcl you an see I'esults pending& to 4t 0, o town _ NIXG� . visiting with his stents Mr, and Mrs, for yau><'sel;F �' p R°� �'•�1�,7 �•^���• . Otto Braun ;s spending a few . 1a'� 17JJDll.L.�. �'iX8t�3]C.. Jaye in 5ebewaing on business, 9 Miss Alma •Hilt . spent Sunday in • Oentralia with friends. • PROGRAMME Mrs, Preeter returned to her home Zurich after spending a few weeks visiting with her sister Mrs S, Brown. - T' Miss Laura Fxukbeiner left for Fil STT Pt•�RT Michigan on, Monday to visit With God'de SECOND NOe. friends and relatives, ss .. ••' .-••.......Mrs. Weidenbammer Place o B S Mr. and Mrs, o Quiieh Irv.. , . • . , . ., .. • .. Brittania. . . . ...... .Mrs. s Barden } e mess Changed G ttlob Brown enter, .. , .,.Miss Whi e ' FranoagPVIIztid........:.,.,..,., QtYeen9leahndra.... .............. Mrs.J'.N:Hn,vard rained their Sunday School Glasses ! •..... Mrs. H. Hooper : We are now settled in our New Shop and'have a First-class place last, Thursday evening, The young M&0 "Queen, of Scots ... � Evangeline..... , ,, ...... , ... , ., , . is y g . , .... , .... , , , , ......Mrs. Elston . Miss Gladys, I3ir.- eGt � to Oil Harness. WE OIL. THEM TOO.. After washing Harness, w® ladies enjoyed the evenin Madam Mellba., g with aporia: Zady,in Wai ting, , . , .. , ... , . . , .. , , , Miss Harvey •,,...... Miss ell; tt a dip.. them in: ail 'and let`it soak...When. thoroug'lily oiled, dry it and lkitw. David Ba•ker'returned to Det- Janie Lin • �... •' •.. ." , ,.`. Susanna u d ...................... Wesley ..,..,....... soap it with RING .CASTILE CREAM, This makes the beet. pn 0,le roit after spending a few a Miss Moncur . ••.. Mrs, Fullick . „' Tahitha Primrose .......... . Mrs: Tubba:;,,..... .,.,....,. Hire. F1', Matelot Job. anyone can gree. gory and prolongs the wear of any haiLeEs. 1'r N around here with fr,enda, weeks _ - .. ...:..... •• , „ . ...... . . . .....Miss Howey , Miss Ireland .... .. oil : single harness with NEATS FOOT OIL and finish with a water- Mr. Alvin Holtzman returned ]come Qtseerx (+lather. , . , . , . , y :.... . . . ...... . • , . Mrs. Powell ssing which makes it look dike nein, There is one thing we , ~, after attending the funeral. of his cans. Rtst4. , . Bridget O 1 proof die ; .. , .... ....... Miss Foll' g t I' anal;aA,.. r.. ...... Mrs. S. W. Blatc hfnrd forgot to tell you, we will paint the liamPs on all Team Harness.: in in Elston Mich, ' "' ' • • • • • • • • • ick Florence Ni h in March&'Washington... g t gale.,..Mrs• Is.', Woodo PR70 ,ce,beam $2:00, Siegle of O Miss Pearl Gaiser and Miss Merle Its i O ...Miss Sweet Nora Clench.. � Don't forget ills place, Two 'Doors South of Old Stand, one door Clarke spent Saturday in London try-l.an Organ Qrinder....,, ,, Miss Edn r l neh"'• •,••,: ••,*•+,,• Miss Delight ffobbs North of Wrigbt & Atkinson's Blacksmith Sho in their We wih Queen Isabella..........,...,. Edna Cleopatra .......,„ , GIVE US A CALL, p' g music exams. ,........Mrs. CIark •,< Miss H. i?.lrrxan both success. Helen of Troy.......... ... , ,.... , Mise E, Dow song Service will "'be held in the Mother Goose am Alban. ........ Madam Nordica , n . Mrs.. Hr•,man• Evangelical Ghurcla on. Feb. 12, •- .Miss R. Chowan .Miss Dodd MQueen Elizabeth,.. • Samantha Allan::... O The sewing circle -, ..,...... • was held at the. � •. ,..,.Mrs.. Douglas i4liaa V. 'bIi ;ars• •' Misses Fabners last Friday evening, Lady iii waiting ..... , MiseJ. Murray Sisters of Charity ! ' _ Mr.. Frank Finkbeiner of London is Topsy . ................... .... ". .. .. spending afew days Visiting with hie """"' ""• (Miss Hunter � ..... .. ...Mrs. R�� $ear BIDE A WEE. g Miss Ophelia .......... • Be my -oasis 'thy xe'treat, parents'..•.•.•,.-.<_................M)ssFieli .~� • Mrs. Vl7iggs=. . , . . . `The journey will not end, to -da Grace Darling, - Portia .. .,. .. W. nw .Miss iVi era ard Yi And 'bide a iv&e, Mr, L Thiel returned to Pigeon g'•" • • • • • • • • ... ,.....Mrs. Balkwill her =and years may wind the Shylock........,...,.......... Mr. Herb`s i Cott, after visiting friends around here. Misses Amy, Brick -Aix Onia.. , Mr. J. G. 1t ., -per Way, And have you heard ;the luring cry Silent Quakers wood, 'Brooke Eva V Where gleams o ie ms ri•�h_ a,.song proved •• &Booth,....,...,.....»... I , rim,, eta u and ............ . .. .......... Mrs. Statham Joan of Arc. ....-. , , Mosr p ,:. , And bide home -light, rh mbar seemed son a'Flora McDonald,......,.. ... .......,.:,. ...,...D'lisst7. Dyer bide a vcc•, • • Miss'N. Kinsman The ho a of 'home hs heaven -heli, Jessie Alexander.. .............:..........M a Zantippe.,..,.....,,. Ah, bide a ince 1� ' iss Ethel Hunkin When .gale and blast and , Rag Doll Laura Seacord..................... •blow, .. tempest Arthur B. Rhinoav in The Christ- ....Miss McFaulVictoria..... Nss Cobbled r�sonr (an Herald, For Infants and Children. Miss Canada.... Queen Victoria..,..... B. And cold thy....,, ..............Mrs. S; Fitton .. rs heart any: icy grow; j Pocahontas...... Crowning the Queen........,• Draw near the hearth, the ,homely Che Kind Yeo suave Always eough� """ ^ • •Miss A. Bissett M Histo : � 'glow;... •• ,.... ..... ., - —r The Mother., And bide a wee. C hx l d r e n r.. rp Bears the . ..... Mrs. owe M s F 11 hen Irfe's sirocco breathes daf,:at FOR FLETCHER'S Signature -4 '6++.. f� t + CAS '�"` ®R p, A 'Guards"—Messrs C, Woods; L. Grieve, L, Treble, E. Harvey, _ nd hope declines in desert" heat, "Herald'-- M, I, T. Darling. "Trumpeter"—Mr. Ernest Davis, "Accompanist"—Richard Phillips, A, L. 0. M, + "Maids of Honor"—Madeline Carling, Labelle Handford, Marion Blatchford, Stella Southcott, Blanche Quance, Ariel Beverly, •,Cleopatra's Attendants"—Thelma Uonnor Florence Seawright.. "Pages" Gei earee Fitton, Wilfred Mack Y -�Pa-mcific "Crown $eager"—Dorothy Balkwill � Trunk. •'Flower Girls"—Beatrice Hodgert Olive McDonald, Grace Carling, Margaret Pickard; Margaret Sharp.Verne' -chand: PhiliipaHarness, Mildred Harvey, Mildred Hardy,, Margaret Gladman, Mable Johns, Blossom Powe well, H en rDig*MnG nd an, Belie Gould, Gladys Harvey, Y. Walsh,"J'essie Bowey, •Florence Vincent, Mary Morlock. The Iasi and greatest Transcontfnenia.LR'ai'lway:of&rs-,unitisnal opportunities for making refit g g ESE RESERVED SEN1.3 35 Cents • '. the busy and growing town of ADMISSION 25 Cents; CHILDREN 15 Cents o 0 able and safe investments in town lots in , Plan of Hall at Howey's Drug Store. ' ZURTC$ ✓ .Albert 'Spencer has rented his farm KIRKTON WOODHAM Dir. Ed. Zferne.T% sale on Tuesday The action of Carter's Llti tle Liver, for a term of years to Walter Ruston Y There died in g'irkton on Monday ., of Woodham, Mr. Spencer intends go- was a' splendid success, ,The sale last- Mrs. Thomas Elliott .in her 77th. Pills is pleasant. mild and na'turai, realized over $3200,00, year. Mrs. Elliott, has been ill for ing West. t Ther gently stimulate the liver, an$ k _The blillEng Co,. are making an MiLQses Ethel Williams and Ella Ban tha past three or four years, being regulate the bowels. but do not purge,, z. other chane again; The nie left for De'trolrt on. Tuesday morn-, confined to her bed. About four They ire sure to please. Try than q are in•• y stalling a• 5Q horse power in place of Vg:years ago she had one of her le;ga Quite a. number around here are° the 40 horse power and things 'will be Mr. C, Fritz has a silver grey amputated beIo.v the knee., owing > o an the sick list, boomingt, raccoon skin, at the shoe srtore, which i;'angerilne. Death was dile 'to dropsy, ]Ir, Walter ?., erten intends dtatt - he claimV is ,the finest skin he ever Sh'e 5cs survived by her sorrowing in3 farming in the near future. W>EfALENsaw, • husband 'three sons, and one daugth- ter, viz. ?.Phomas, of Exeter ; Sam, of Mr. Clarence Mills. of at. Marys. The first Saskatchewan DinislonalPointon the Grand Trunk Pacific 279 miles west of Winnipeg`lug 1•ite for last week A(numiber of Sisters of Moun'tHope. spent: Sunday under 'the )aren't • Orphanage; London were in tnwx. Detroit. Will. of Flint, Mich.; and roof, al ><8q mires east -of Saskatoon, 514 miles east of Edmonton and 92 miles northwest of Regina. "ThMr, Wilson Morley visited his bio- &Irs. ,Hil,. of Flint, Mich. The fun - last week collecting for iChact 5ans'tnitu- The Orangemen of Woodham to ' o- terminus of the, Grand Trunk Pacific's branch Line to The Pas; to connect with the proposed t M near Woodham on Sunday. ,ion, oral will be -held 'to -day (Thursday), Mr. actor, Rlillson is holidaying' h lblr, and .lits Hockey, of Mt. Pleas- in'bel.d 'hoIdi.ng a box social 5n'ltebru 'Hudson Bay route. The terminus of a lrranch� line being built by the Grand Trunk' Pacific to avith friends sn London .:his week John Gellman has •purc7.aseid ant. spent Sunday ar , p nday with Geo, Mills. y ; the International Boundary by' way of Regina) and will be the terming, s .ol the Grand Trun Mr. and Mrs. J. Wright visited the, handsome residence of Mr, Fl The Jr, °E worth League r Mr, Norman Ho kine s �f k Pa— with 'the lat•ters uncle, Samuel " ted act armel, 'together with about lt'hrea annual sleigh -ride on 15atiirday Hast in the village. p Feat Sunday~ cifi'c proposed branch Tine a tap.the Goal fields of Lethbrid e. a of la.,ad for The members filled tthres sleighs The Wo°dham Baseball Club held %g son near Mitchell this week. $2700.00; r 'Rev, W.1 H. Butt is , preaching ;r L'• Sttade, of Daehwood, a young *drove Whalen and back, After'the t meeting ,oia Muesda , R heir annual e . 9' Mefiriile has no near competitors and its future ae a commercial centre is as -assured as are ' aeries of sermons on Popular Evils man who learned his !trade return 'a short' night last its transports , ode wi(Eh RI, h rt program was liven, g tion advantages. The town is surrounded by rolling; praiiies; the soil beingl cls loam vieldi sr,"'vice at 2,30 each Sunda at the I''ann• of ParkhiIl hair (' and lunch The atten a c Y , ng ae high ae 42 Y , opened a liar- 'served. The children en- dap a at church on 6mJ- bushels wheat and 90 busliele oats per acre. Only 30 ger cent. of the farziaing:land in the vicinityof th.gh menu Whalen 'church. wess shop in Mr, ,CiLCMerner's block. joy -ed the afternoon ver much day morning :last was not so large, as is under cultivation. Melville is but three years old and has an estimated populatiou.of 2,000 itasses Mr. •'Prank Gunning lost a horse Rir, Irene Bauer c -Miss Crummel, of Tor usual owing to the incletaenc of sda) l,i- y er boughlt out Mr. onto, spent y the. &tion for 1910 was $1,7040W—an increase of' per crnf. over 1909. _A complete sewerage system i on Monday the animal was only sick Conrad Irbi�el's last week visiting h weather, g y s being ii,- t; property at !the N'or'th g • er aunt.• 14irs, e stalled, an up -to, -date electric Light plant and waterworks system are expected to be installed -before the. r, a few days• end for 1000 00, T Somerville, he fife and drum band have seta 't-• cl ii of $ here are r the present year. Melville is the largest mew town on the Grand Taunk Pacific between Winnipeg and Ediaro Mr.and 16Irs. P.• Vern viai:ted their acres in the lo't and .creel situated.Miss Annie Leigh. ,has secured a ed to practice again. ton, and is p daughter, Rirs, Russel Peart,- of Rock Mr, 'F',. Rummel who sold his pro- posi8ion in �. store in Brantfoid• .How would you like to be the Ice, Snood, for :saveraI days.' perty last week will remove (to 0tra't- ® man? Pacific- " fond, after his sale of personal ef- RA'RPLEY Speculating is the order of the day,AwIImportant Grand Trunk GRANTION tedts. which 'takes place, on Saturday Mr. and Mrs: Geo. Kead• sSun- 29th,—T' inert, pen'. Sympathy is expressed for Rir, and Air. :fohn Deeher -Jr,, has purchas- day at Rir, Jit J. Maylor's. PAINS THAT MADE MISERY„ r ® -�-• Mrs. Geo. Jameson in the Ioss of,their ed Mr. "avid 1S'chnell's farm one mile Mr.• John t5herri.t't (boug'h't a.'team Divisional* Po i n L baby, aged one year and nine months. South of Zurich, for $6500on The of coils from RTr, Cl. Walpax for the A:' Talk With Our Lady Readers. on Friday. Jan, 20th. Death was di- ` Earm is+ a goad one and im handsome sum of $500. Have you ever noticed how • miser-• i actly due,fa an. attack of pneumonia, and tht new Dinner good order y able and unhappy the little Rapidincrease in population of GVestern Cau'tda towns has made fortunes for thousands of inn rec ct 4 has secured a 1liessrsi Iia Wham and Link have pours enol d investors e funeral took place on Saturday nicely • loca'ted farm vicinity iii hid their seasons work in this aches maks one? A• sten t ' cut ve bad the foraight to discern the possibilities fair proflt%ble ;nveatments,wnd the courage to back t afternoon ;Mr. Schnell inn= g a heir to the Presbyterian cemw+- •t -ends going to Saskatchewa vioinitg kill next lseasari, badly chapped hands„ .a nasty �burm, ent. You cannot make it mistake by burying lotsin a Divisional Point city, The rail way makes the city tory. uta n En Rir, Wm. MoIliin intends ••n a: sore foot reb. and the community wall Abe beldam, a poisoned m fingers Saone the case of Melville. nonewcity along theline of the G.T.P. between. Winn. , • bile sale of farm stock and. ' •• of 'them o ' rly 800v miles, is likely' to more rapidly; ft is to the interest.of and Edmonton a distance The funeral of the late Win..Lang sorry'to lose farmers of Mr. S' implements em wounds or ailments ever like- t•of a railway company to encourage the ford. who died at h;s home .rn Toronto stamp, chnell s on 7'ueisday, z'eb, (7th, 1911+ ly !ta cauue serious krouble,. which- ding of &town and it is for this reason that they are offering lots .n Melville at such loan* prices and on oil tt'edne day, Jana `Loth, took. plica The 'Young ' blr.+Geo, 45herAt't Bias all his bricks coma to ovary woman -=and man too -.-i aey term7s, ng Mems pure. Class of hems. for hits g m 'house which• he In_ and are just sufficient to `take the • •��'- prom' the G, .T, R. depot here on the C Evangel5cal church Sunda Pr• Saturday to Birr cemetery,. Dc- School, hexa, their annual election f tends 'building ,nest summer, edge off one's 'temper and ,gi-& one a, ice of Lots 5oxi5o sea ad who was in his SSfh Mr.Thas. Love sold a horse 'to Mr. brouch. yr tr was following on 1Snnday afiternoon The A; !Forest, of lIiilIs Green, delivering Zam-Buk is just the 'thing at such .. ail 1,no�vn• in 'this v cin%ty and Ehexe following offilcex were eledbiJd Pres„ i,t a't Cf1•ensall on Monday,'. .i as a large attendance of reldtives Wm, O'Brien, Vice-Prean!dent,_ Chas. y times. As soon as you put it on to a and frionds. The funeral .tis con- ,Pixitz Bec,. Jameis plum hie Mr..Nelson Hockey and Willie Mc .sore. a cut,,, a burn, -or any ekiri )aur P y ; tr eas.. Unehey are at present visiting fri- jury, it stops the pa;,n, and the smart• 49ust;•d by •Rev, Mr. Barltrop, of To- Les, Williams. T:he .Class aprpoinited .en.ds near Bay -field. Ing, and .starts up heal' Don't:- ionto,, assisted by 'Rev. Mr. Wells. •Mr. Dt, S. Tw�ust as Iti.heir iteaoh8x. Rir, and hiis,. T„ E..Beiruet(t, of St: A, v& A quietl wedding was solemnized make the mistake thdt because Zam iY pleasant avenin ryas spent at! the mans* Grand Bend, by the 13uk is so widely used by medical. 'lnrvs, and Ibbs. Vernett, of tStrat- at 'the home of lair. E;�blerner 'on Rtiv.. St'A. cCarriere on Jan 25th, man, by nurses, and for serious Torii, Mr. and Mrs. 1Spence, `of Cherry Thurada�y evening last, when; 'the + only Grove, attended cthc funeral., Throe members of 'the 'Young ' •�11 ivfi'an Miss Etta, ., laugh"ter of diseases and acchdents, that i't is only g lfen s Adult Mr. ,and: Mi+s. Isaac . J3•esterd vvas fox serious cases. ITeep it hand and dnnghficrs survive Mrs. $� McBride Bible Ala ss rto'tine number of about unu ed Y p t in .bonds of matrimony to Xr. use it Immediately r and lbiisses isl and rH> Lalrjgfoxrd, all forty, a'ath�ered to � end 'trite evirnin$ � y you �,eE, some txiv- of "Toronto, m, Bak-cr of Brewoter, 'We wish" ial ,njury or have some 1it`tle Saxe; _ e new hMin before die ,removed Ito ;hips them ai long and happy and prosper- Mrs. 'Chas. IT."'Barrett, Harmony ' y r ous married life. Road,. Truro, Drs.. says: VI had an: T R'.bl,'+• 'rEir1 DOIa ARS GASH AND TEN DOLLARS 1bf.AICI, TIf1S 1?LS1. During lane evemimg Mr. Merne.� w in; owi - a I'.i+,R 4AON71kl.. NO 7N'PEItEST AND NO 3'AgES ILC, if t ' was. Presenite'd With: a handsome • THAM ' xig hoc Waal., which caused me o c to Tell if Your Nair is Diseased loa'tber bound chair. accompanied b M4 ROAD acute agony. Sometimes the pain wase 1912 Leert if: You have a luxuriant (lead an address. :Mrs., Aiexner was, al Y •. so severe f could not sleep, It became of hair you ma .van't so Rfr . T Allen has recovered , s Y o . know iven atBible b I• of so bad 'chat I feared bloc - so a y the Class. i .. d poi n.xig, •� i+To nets, town;n Western Crxnc.ti:a nffers it hatter or safer investment than does the C4: T. P'. . • ,� - , • f •ci�antt f , � Ville. But the arl+portunity will mart ►set len t•iT: v townsite of Mel• whether 7 )s in a healthy condxt.on+ ' �'h , , y tom her illness .to be able had Gnat u 1.' ' e evenings programme was to visit anion ' , i , was advised eta fxyl tural district Arid tz H • '' advise you to buy not.*; in a town backed by a rich a ricin- ; or not 98 , g hex friends. , g Ter cent. of, the, people brought to a clone with I . and bound a the s e . + n . c rncparbtint rwtltnad cpntr('- IUfalville cannot help to row rapidly and by a Taw a tl Rixs: And , p r too Winans continued zrtcrea e i '•�reai ea g A q n continued growth need a hair. tortt,c, ,p Y rerun 13odgert is vtsitvn, to with !i , y spoken words by .11ev..AJ(D. G - g i h ,t, In a taw days fit was mush. . e .:its tato viiluPs H,tld big profits for who invest there atpresent , isch London. for v r is the time::to bti •-don't dt;i �event; #1ve , Now 1 ,.I1 ac hair Dui, of : cur head i, f n i hila, c,a,s• s , f .he ter, after which the c rex, grid I cnntit to-day treatment, ompan de art- RIr. T me ,. ,. 9 .. p ., it a Cbt� anm let.,•rn of the G. Ti3P. l.cancli lire to Lethbridge , .• • , , Y tP Ixoin s , ,,r p i zdgo will:gi:ve.Melville bulb at the &ttd. or the: root r :ivh. �� a liodgrrt has iixone to 4l� ,. „ ,. _ . direct conn�etatrn w th the Ac�coal field's of Alberta S ilei id iva'shaing ,Mr, Rterner u Te'.3111t is have a rcla 'the too trouble, manufacturing , .-- .. b tit and provide cine of The Mein tfa 'iiiaites' for and shrunken; ' ,. l<t 'proves •that the abundant' 'London -to attend, �i3u�sineas CollabYe', sound and I hn.vc 'no ricers susoasg: Did o.t ,5 • .,. Bu g centt P c ,stip Eitel,• whore -the completion of tne,Gritind Track P'et,Gi(ic's liir•wnnl. lino ter the InterW hair its �drsea ed :. �' We 'that teat . nat odalBoundary will place Melville in close t , • s .. itnd requires prortipt 11 there ever was . a g footbatl .vr�h St., ttVc oliva a keep a -B a ,peaifra for an match Inst week? The me 3 l Z m ,u* o ac li with traffic from all putts o£ 'tlaP Eiuited States, trea'tmen't .f iiia loss. ;would .be avuzd- one o ' •. : y m'bers of in stir lxatt�s�a '• . , ,c mplaint. 'theta Carters Litttle hhe Lxz,inla Brarvs r and I would. wife."lyt( it ]the bulb its pink and full,' (Che Livor lls a y e s Football Club rgcommend T.t 'to ev r " , hair is r P ire h specific for sick earn& down last we • ! • cry Irotzseay.fe, healthy. &k to play the re- Zam-BUk .s `ust ,' x..„. . headache, and every woman s a t the i a thintg,, top, fol yclfurtherinfoi'rx)a.tiona,dd3nse,ltlelville Depart. h tzld turn anis <v,t p Mau all ienttttanres paga»le to the order of and We scant ev&xy Dna whose hair know this , g- h the Thames Rond th:: little onr.:s , ui•' incur Qnly alta pill a� close. school T ntball Olab, E i' n its tllfmpotia marl ta, , recT}xiras treai:rri,ent i.o try IZexi.11 Try ,them, ° dward :2=lunit- tiara.. axtrcl herbtil in ''aro, it is sui't•r ,. e „ , i13 Hair Tonic: We promise dirt: . i,nS refereed. The lti.ck,off 'too lacy iib' P Ir for the. most licate 4.ltrny Is g ” w it shall not cosi anyth!1h if i't, rl ,.a at 2 p. m. and ane !,girl .vas serve Mnterntafion I �nrftf�r� -- a also eures piles. • ...milt:, varicose 9 fir- � a��E Qhidmrs��a�ne�° not; 'give sat': ",cci:ory resblts, It oi- diiAng'the first half, A -t The end u e s , s of 'the 'time !the a 1 ix Y and sores. , cesses. blood poi• • w Have .scalp ixi tr• ' .... ]to Stimulate 3 ode stood 1-0 xrt sonrn;+, :ring -worn,, worn' an ' t9„�t rip= , favor of Lumley. T , rl all similar, company, �' u ” rro r e 4andrnfl, re- Y. hr,s i the second ,whin ,diseases, Sold - .gnat �viiex t ti , tedrn��d Truro P g Y lis ' y.ia w r^'•. T..,,,eiCC.ii. fills Iola.. :�?� I �, victory for the li, :B, %'."C, •this year, •'i0itr at but, ax .cost it a Rf"ss Mary lC d "Cousins" l n from Zamw • y y d 'gave aB ,• ;�7�it,ixSi'a'P't13i,7PC,I1Y1a1't�, 'nEr , ; • ,°•'' �y i�. ,wi- %i"��_� grotir littit,'� rtticl rtti`c: children. tt.k Cn.' Toxnzito upon a Et>lr Tnfantr and Clilldre>, 'lance last weak. , p xacailt of 1NI71 f'l Gt, 11tiN, SOIVILrIISE'1' RX711,tNG,. WINNi1'7ta't, MAN baitTttaiss. pride, t lt; is 'trio u' y, I1.Cz, Andrew Campbell . Y 000 ,., nr . ., ,rasa of whri.t lieaalt 9,l ' .of , .be �e �C�rrd Y0 wire �ilMl Don i� Mr. .toad has rented ,. _; . '=• ,:'� Il"air rPonic has alnne� s):rril ot)r:�siirce'c� 7 �, , ,, creel hlr� Tarin fo. , o a .ir PIC x; 111', Gra Riots' ` 9 ;ell A eti O .r faith in Sia l;dodness tliat..t�ii tt!rt.nrt Beare the m Leith and intends bold. 11 . - s'i u i , rng &n tau.ntios. .Sala on star �q� you 'to.try.'t: ir;t oris zi,le. ,�,g.o ,$ire Y, cit 1St, 0h,1 d Sigiio cif t . Oan)p'bell together tv>th Rir. Ch 50'0. arid, �1.OG Spld oiiily l: riot. s R ! store.• -The Beacitll Store _�fi, S. Colo. Monteith rnten<Is leaving ' for tlae �Q� � � E��`���a� wast inhere they wll break th'air land, - f