HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-2-2, Page 3V��---� -,,--- . .11��"jw, � , 1, �� � I I � S , I—_ — ,� ,�� I � I --- "'W-11 I" � I . 11 I I I I "I . . I- 11. . 11- ... -1.11,11. I . i- .,� - 71. 1-11.1, . - -- - - .1 ..: ­-­ , ­ , - - I , ­­.- ­'.,,­, ­­­­ ", ­­, � � .­­ ...... �Ip­­­­ -11 -"-,- ---- . � ­­ . Z . -,. � 7- , -, - . . . I I . � I — I , : , I I � I I � , i I , � � I . I 11 ., , , , , I � T ! -I.' 1, --R­P"F!qr.1ri#1rM1o,M ,, . � I . I 1� I I I I . . I , .1 �! ., , I � , � , '. I I I I � . �, , " I , ­ ," �1171171,11"W711WW" . I . : I I I I I � I . I .1 , I I .1 I I i I I 11 . I 11 I � ! �, � . . I I .,� I � 11 I .11, I ., , I � I I I , i M�W'1'1:,4,�I��iiiw,wjf,: I , I � I . 1.11, I . I . I I I .. . . I I � . I I I � I I . 1. ­ . , . � I . I , I � I I I I � I , . , , � . . . I . . I . I , � , . I , .. . . I I . I . I . I. I , I i : . I I : I . . � I � � I I . � i " , . . I . . t I I " � � . . . I I I � 1. . % i , " '' I., '' "I , , I . � I . � �*" " � I � � ", , , " F . ., 1 . .11 .... 11 . 0110) , � . 10111101 a) IM A IN MOOR .1 . , "I', R09ZS%,S,&v. RIMOVLA410% 1 I , . � . "y Person I'Who is the 0014 ba*A I I � I � � 1111 any ,malp Over , Of 0"Jamily, or . i , i lund, ts � seei4ni of ivailableDoUnniOv , �, W(Lwtoibs., Saskatchewan, or *140rtl, vxb� � applicant must appear in .Porsos � I gt ,the Dominica I �64nditl 'Ageom or Isub-sienoy for. the dlstri0t� )&Atr'� M � Proxy. Mai 'be h Ad At the WOUV,� ON � L t. as, lb�y tither, motbat � Oertain Qondi lo'brather, or sister 01 . , on, daughter, . I . , intending hlu(Meisteaderi, de 0a Q110N I Duties -Six months Tesl J. 1 04 0Ubtjv&ticn ol the land M e*6111 I a A bemestqs�lder May 01, three years, , , no MIW of ,his hOWS, live within = , . isteid an a darm of at IeRdt 0-0 %Or" ' - I siolely 0'w.ri.ed and cciOupled by him 01 . � I r" sou, Asught - o6r. I . his �Jather� snorthEi , ., I I � brother Or 61 ter. . ' 151 friesitemda,it In,' certain districts & hc� good standing may tT6-e1Mp`t ' 1". In Vr. ti L-ELIOngside 61shoms, quarter iseci 10`13 . . Dqltletg� taEi&, prios, $3.,Ver acre. I E. I of si 2 I . taugi reside six, mointhp lnooadl: � 1, ­ . ae of Lomftmtesd off,tri , required to earo � . 17 j(Lniidding the time , "I I I lormest,ad Patent� and c"altIvii"A fifty--tiores extra. ,,,�h, ba . 9 . exiltmai,-4 A hcmesteader cannot 01" . ,� his .homestead right RA.fl � 1.11 'tain , Pre-emption May t . ake a p"i r � " . , .Ld in.,certain d1otrial, otased hamelite 'Dutles��XO�lt I Price $a. ,per acire, , . I.eside six months in each Of throv cu.1tivA trears, .te jifty acres elaa arest I. S boill8e, worth $110-W- � I ,� W. W. cduyl 1401 , . -- � I I of the Minister of the Ute -7" 11 peputy I I N B.r_ . .ya%utharizedp,bliamition ohl W;;i,A11not be paid for- ----� . I 1,11 � . B. CIA.RLiNG Life, AecidenbsFire, and Plate I Tolaes lnsu;�ncisi, aliso Colle,ftir ACcoants a slid Auctionee,ting. I . . � .. 6kq u. F. ROULSTON, . . I ­., L: D. 9. - D. D. S-' ".1K.,,piguaduate Oftororito -University "', ".., DEINTIST I . . I . ornoN:-Ovisir Dickson 85 Cat'ling's . ­� Law offtess Exeter. . 18- � I . � r11(yX�Z,&. OT'OSED WEDNESDAY AIPTERSOON . NIN(3" W. D,, M. C J,: W -PB ,, ra. uate ictOrig T,1 Ira"Ity. ofiffil ,,,, , sideuen , Mmilial ... . - I T,F,rioratory, 111mucar � AsSICAA6 Coroner of Huron. B I ht M. D., M -C, P. a,nd 13;&* S., Honor iaraduate Toronto Un- iverolty. 9!WO YOa,Ts resident 'hysictan I .: - 03K. Office ,Royal Alexandra Hospital =a - residence. ,!),* Airaos' ,old I stand. � :"draw Street, IlIxetier. . I �­­­­­� , I f .1 .dISS DELIGHT 110BB81 � . - - 6 n Instrue . tor, .. jamies'Sweet I Par 6 . olil 11 ge, Exetar. . . . I -,--v 'V : .- i -�­ ­17 &C.J4q1N-'B-9'S-B7i---- n qu- . . MW Physicb6la 81 ' j&-'Snrge6n and Ac coucher. owee-Dr. Rollin's old Offtc- an Main Street. Residence-Corne � .t James, and Adberb Street, GPPOsl jarnes SEreet Methodist Parsonage Exeter, Out. . Pbones-Office 3ft, Res',dence 39 . DR. C -A. H0`UZ.F,, V, S- , Gra6ate of Ontario Vet. College Member of Ontario Veterinary Medi Cal Society. � Treats all Diseases of Domesticate Animals on latest Scientific principles All calls da or night promptly a tended too. 9fAce, mainStreet. Rx( ter, RamseY's Old Stand - . DiCKSON & CARLING, . * . arrigbers 931101tocs, NotiaAw" 0011-A -00 � 0=;;Iisioners, oboolbors tor ,-he Nolao Bank, 39to. u0ney. toLimia at lowest rataH of to be-st, � IDMES 2 -MAIN 9, . ,rxns wr, EXETER. IL CARL11% 13. A. t. EK. Most4a ..� - � inONEY TO LOAN. 0 bave alu'r a anjount of private fiandll� on a yviijageprop-bles at lowirW . wrest. OL.&I)mAt4 & STANBURT H=Isto,vs Solieltm, xiitin St. Exeh I I � .1 , � 0 . NEY tO WAIN - - . . I ivater funds to loan 91 lo,west rat nterest. I mt-iEsT ELLIM OMce opposite Central Hotel Ma treat, Exeter Orit. . I - At 39irkton Tbursday. 4-------------- i I -- , 31 I I L . . I I I I L . . p I I . . . I , I . I I I . L . .. . 1 . I I I . I I . I e � L . . I . � I L � &�, . I I � I �­, I I , . . . . � . .11 I I . � . 1. L' . L I I I . . I I I . � � I I ,1 I . . I I L L . I I I � .i�� � �, �� i .; " . I . , L . I .. , . I L .. I EXETER TIMES L .1 L I I I . ,�4�. I "�",�, , . . I L I . 1. I THE 11 . I I L � I I 1. �. I I IT L 4 00:04Z � . ,#"P^ i, I . . . . 11 ,�W . - � - � -- � - ", . ­­ ... ­­ , ­ 11 ..... . I , I � ­ I ­­ I ­'­ ­- ­­--Nl:�x 111 1�, I 1: 1� I � ::!111­1"�:I� 111­�I�::' "I 14 - : ==1111R=1`1�"V;"="1"1 =104.!� �41:�: 1 : 0 � � � 1111111:171 : �:�: , =,, I 11 , I L . I----- ­­ . ­­ ­ � , ' . ""!Ni"� � =1 :::11.1.11:,::104��,Zl I L I ri� . I . . 1. 1 I I - ­ - -E;-� .L. . 11 -1 I — , ,- .1 I L I , 1� . ., . . - I I I . I I — ­ ­ ­­ — — ' �­ ' " L. . I . . -T- 1, � ; � I I �71 .. r IL I 1-11— I -1. 11 I I I ; # r I , D ,; r 'I , �'� I ,��-' ftls*%$, 0 1 � "".1 IL � I . r - L I L - L ..4, .''. 4'%LD NEWS.TOP � � � �� i , � V, 4AALAA I . L -++++-+++ � ' EEK r 'ii!­­"'�"r � � to f LL r L "'' ---"- ... .... �­­ 0 r r �­ "o, , , , " m1statgn, considerably surprise You, .00W 11 I ++++++++++++++ I - t i1i 4 4 #4 4 f, 4' F H. H+#: L Things have taken a turn which I A BA 10S, Of W .L P r � ,�� . 1 � �Jr could not b%ye, antitipated, In some I . - . '.. I .1 . I ,,,rJ . ways they have within tlio last forty. . L I L, ,-- , r, L I . . 0 . . ;1 I L I . L I ­ I L L . I '' . , I H Cr4j L � � I ��! The Houti-d of the I � I . eight hours become Much clearer and DeOeloped, into I mportant F,yenw Which 43VO - M ; , J� �1 . %*1% 4rft- JI. �, . 11 I I in some ways they have I)WOMe More . . I I r I , r pileated, �BUt I Will tell you all � . . I . I 0 . I Q0c During thip We, 1 . I r - ,. r IS4 1 � L 4' . , e 00M. I . . I . . ot � I ­ � � , I I .A"�eid . , .L 1, I end ),on shall judge for yours r 19� � . r . I . .1 I . 11 li, I . I I 11� . , . , I , _ S st oon the morr 1i BRONCHITIS . i I "I er'arry Dr. Miles' Anti-Peirl , B, rvll- 11 , . lein W, I ro I I I ­ aske . Before brealda I I . I.T 'World's Ha onfrip Oars- rl��L . I I I I - . '� . . � lip ) : : , , . 'L ' , 1OW111-g Ay adventure I went down the I .. . t_� Busy 1� into I �L , I ' tL. corridor and, examined the room in I .1 � I fULIIY 09MP'lled L gino, p4t Pills with rae all thc,tirnc, 4n4L ,,, �� ­ Another AO'ven tire of Sherlock Holmes. , re had been, on the , I I .. � , I � which Barr,ymo Neglecte Han4y .slid AttrortiYa $ban,, f?P there is I ,��'LLL' . . . Ed, Bronchitis is -very often the � � r . . , ight before, .The western window I for aches and pains . 0 r, , . LLL � �L BY A, CONAN POYLE. I agil Which lie had Stared So in and on the I hav,e� ,� ��L . throi . 'L direct cause of Consumption, the Readers of,Our pgper­wA Solid . � r �L I I � tently 11AS, I noticed, One P6013114ritY first syrriptom. a Ing . r, L WQOd'o. ' I I I . I � , I I I I � �, nothing ,e,quals theill. I , . 1. I .� � . r . ppear D Hour's 5 1 L � V L . . , . ,111 c ,�� , .,� r Author of "The Green Flag",'and "The Greai Boer, Wae� abOY0,1111 Other will"40w,% in the house' Norway Fine Syr" ,should bii�. used and L r ,,1. nloyment. I used them for rhcumAti pains' L 't ,� r , , , � .1 I MandS the 1jearest aUtIpok QJ3 UP . . - - .r " �'L � . . . L -it ICOM I W I- 1) N ES DAY " 1 I . . L I. I . L 'r lere il the, Bronchitis cured. r .11 p mill at Weymouth, ,"and pains, in side an6 . 1, 1, � I oopyright (1902) by A. Conan Doyle. I to th,c moor, T1 3 an Opening be! . Canipbell's, pul r I ­ � headache .1 �1, 11 . , . . . . ell I , I ms arp, tightn eStro Are. The loss , � � I '' I i L r . A. x ,LL . tw, L es which enables one, Tho sympito ess aorOss X 8., wats d yed by r , 11 rr I , +++4 � 4 4. � L��+++++++7++++++++++,+++++-+-�T.-T..T- r TL—V—w twe o tile of view to -look. riglil � I r I � At $50,000. back, and in every izase they give � -� �v 1'� IL . 1, I from this Point the chest, sharp p4ins arld a difficulty in is @Eitim.AW. . I 11 �k 'L'� . . I . -he oth neo 5 L ,5faCtj0J1,J7 , ��, I'll, 01 - I I . � - - 1. -well, but thdre are rumors. down upon it, while from All t .or ick phlegm, M�ppirng be All, the wbeol of a pe�rf!eCt . at , �� . .. . it only 9, distant gl-Impise breathing, a sqeretion of th -a, near Niagara I would, 'be Windows is. L L :ontros. r ` It f 011ow work train At M ,,,,,r next indfliftfg.Tio lCous; us Dam -co suvw that he Intends to -prosecute Dr. Nor. at first white, And later, of 9' greenish or Falls, Frank Hy� , URLUN, , i�� , fortoperil . rig a grave without the which ea,U be obtained. 61 . r . Michigan Can- HENRY CO . ,��. bad Leone therefore, that Barrymore, since OnlYt yellowish color, corainig from the bron- $ral tralmna , was killed almost In- .. � . '� .. ,; us the Spot wlidrO the legend of the � timer n . 130onton, wj-, , , Wicked- Hugo is supposed to have ant of -the next-of-Xin, because he . I I I - this wlndG-W' would serve his purpose,, chial tu .in stantly yesterdayi -appoint- �: � r� . L . . .� . . I I r I . I . its origin. It was a), excursion of some � bes when cougli . g, especially Jhe. r' r I I dug up the neolithic skull trithe bar 'have been looking out Tor Some, : A resolution favoring the ured r I '� I , miles across the moor to a Pla row on 16ng Down. He helps to keep must poll the moor, The first thing in thd'MOrDiDg. L L a Government of indeRen- . pain Comes L from tort- rL 1�1 I 1�' 'h thin-, or somebody 11 I L 1'� I � , 'ce Whir 'being monotonous and n ci, ment; by tb 11 . is so dismal that it might have sug- our 11ves from Fhere it dark, so 'that I can Mrs. Dan. J, McOormack, Clevela , is passed Yes- gested -the story. We found a short g. as a little comic relief *v is night w,as very.boWL dent bank inspectors WE &I meet. terves. It may oc�.ur in any, 49 1 1 valley between rugged tiars which led Iv .1 ha-rdly imagine he could have X.S., writes; "My little boy two years �rerday afternoon At the 4111M 0 r I r badly needed. hoped to Sea anyone.1t had atfuck me . r k in Toronto. part of the '! . I to all open, grassy space flecked over - . old caught a bad coldwhich developed Ing .of th Traders' Ban - head or bodywhtre L, i � . . And now, having brought you up to ossible that some love la. * 8 Anotheo shipment of eggs in Mont with the white catton grass. In the date ja the escaped coliViet, the that it was p foot. That would have into Bronchitis. He wa so cholked up he r theycame fr there is weaknerss or pressUrO , � r,� . middle of it rose two gkeat stories, Stapiletons, Dr. Mortimer, and Frank- trigue was on breathe. Readial, about real has been sreized- r 0M. L �. I �t­� r accounted for big stealthy movementf could hardl 1. .1 rise 10,000 aggs. The . ' . I ' I .. �. 1. � I r , �;� wom and sharpeneil, at the upper and after Hall, lert me a . I Y Russia and comp . I . I land, of L ad.pn that I also for the uneasiness. of hie oriderful medicine, Dr, Wood's upon the, nerves. 11 I i . ' ani . 1 - I . . eggs are canned and in commercial until they looked. like the I ""') C"' which is most important and tell YOU Lis a striklug-looking'fel. your W 1 ,; I r g fangs of some mOnstrOu,j I"-';; A, More about the'13ariymores, and as-' witie. The mart Nory,ray Pine Syrup, I decided to try a circles are known As "liquill .950 Ifles F ,'- . 'r'l �� . rodin . . low very, well equipped T to steal the . . Dr. M . .; 1, .1 � I I P � I . . In every way it corresponded With The . heart of a country girl ,so that this' battle and with, such good result I got sold in bulk." A ! 0 . agedy. Sir Henry pecially about the surprising develap� . . ' , -ecount of ballots cast in th 1. Anti -Pain PiRO lm 1:,��. ,scene of the old tr I to haie, something,t6 another which completely cured him, The I ty election waas I I �, 11 was much Interested, and asked Staple- ment of last night. I theory seemed I Belleville mayOTaI I . ' . � 0 ton more t -him once whether ke did First of all about the test telegraTfi� support it, That opening of the door without having a doctor. I cannot say held Monday before Judge Derodbe, . e pain, wije-her it be lieu- i ; � ', , .. , I really believe In the pos I sibility of I -the which You sent from London in order' which I had heard ,after I had returned too much in its pnise; I would not be. a gain of one being made in, favor Relley sciatic, head- - I � , -1 Interference of the Supernatural In the to make sure that Barrymor6 was reali to rny room might Mean that he had without it inibe house as I consider it a of Mayor Ackerman. A'Jew ballots ralgiac, rheumatic, , I iied. that t, but 3110t - � � � I , , " poko lightly, but, .1y ,here. I have already explai gone out to keep some clandestine aP,- he stomache, plettrisy or, 'I', 11 I 1'11�0�f; affairs -of men. He S I . tment. So I reasoned with myself sure curefor Colds.and Bronchitis." � we're reserved for arguinen I , I : I it was evident that he wits very much the testinlonY of the postmaster shOVA n I . I enougb� the judge stated, to Affect $110 ae ) � I 1-1 . in earnest. stapleton was guardea Iii. that the test was worthless and that pol the The price of "Dr. Wood's" Norway general T�Mlt- I ovan"an pains. -.1 11 I I . , I . in the morning, and I tell YOU � I I suspicions, however " - It is put up in a Frederick 'let � ..� ,; , " � . ". his replies, but It was easy to see that we have no proof one w t direction of my Pine, Syrup is 25c Brown, charged with hav- ) nifilit and that other. I told, Sir Henry how the mat- much the result may have shown that lord .at Xontreal. ' PrIce 25c at your druag - He should' I I � � : ,;,� Ice said less than bE I , Yellow wrapper. Three pine trees is the Ing shot Robert 11 1 Ont., Monday . ou. if ha,do^.s not, semd pric4r - . � . . Oro supply Y . 1� ,:1 he would not express bis Whole. opin- ter stood, And he at Ones, ill his dowrl, they were unfounded. no arrived from Peterb , I . I "I I � ion had Barrymore up and , But whatever the true explanation trade mark. Be sure and accept Inipanied by Detective RiO- to us, we forward pr.,pald-* . . . � � �: ion out of consideration for the feel- right fash .. night, accc I � I I . sked him whether. he had recellt' , of Barrymore's Movements might be, substitute for Dr, Wood's. the aetdatives, of- DR. .MILES MEOLCAL Co., Toronto, , " , � : 11� - He told us Of a . � pel, and at 1 I I �, I � , Ings of the baronet re, nail - Manufactured only by The T. Milburn fices had an interview with Chief ­ I - : I � ,.. ,similar cases, where famill6t; had suf- the telegram himself. Barrymo I felt,tha;t the responsibility of keeping "I ,,,, farad from some evil influence, arldhe that lie bid. them to myself until I could explain I that --- ,- -11, ; I I Co., Limited, TOronto, Ont. Carpenter, to whora he declared � � I � . '. W�, . I , . .. :�, left us with the Impression that he "Did the boy deliver it into Your them was more than I cou;il bear. I I he had fired the.shot in self-defence. I I . shared the, Popular View upon the mat- own hands'?" asked Sir Henry. ?lad an Interview with the baronet in . ! - rtin, poverty-strick- The Separate Wstist. . 1. ,,��,. � . . BbLrrymo ' Ised, arid his study after breakfast, and I told 1.11 I . . : Mrs. Toseph Mi, ­ i I re looked surpr —=-7��� at fuel, -crouched over Persian effects in separate Waista "I L' '0. ter. ---- I en and withOl . . 1. � On our way back � we, stayed for considered for a little time. him all that I had Seem He was less . an oil lamp in her home at Montreal- are one of ther latest comers '111 tbd� 0 .�17 ., L . lunch at Merripit House, and It was "No," said be, "I Was, in the box- surpTised than I had expected. wigh*tb bda i;�F&n - spoft'. I mifst just afteT 111141ligbt in an''effort to get dress world, and they are certainly At.,. I . � ,:. 1. . I there that Sir Henry made the ac- room at the time, and my wife -brought "I knew that Barryinore walked -rr oul d . . . lamp exploded -1 I Stapleton. From it up to me." � . about nights, and I had a mind to go out alone," some warmth. The trRctive When soft colorings are .a, . I quaintance'Of MISS answer it Yourself?" I speak to him about it," said It put me. In a nibst.awkward posi- and the woman)s screams brought tile lected. - L � � . the. first Moment that he saw her he "Did you he. "Two in. I wasi at a loss what to s&7 Or police, who, battering down the'door, ,� . '4111 appeared to be strongly attracted by, "No; I told ray wife what. to answer! or three times I have heard his steps t1c I The natty blouse In that cut Is Of I . 0 � . - I iA what to do, and before I had made up found h � pale though rich Persian colorings calt. . I �. I write it." ge,. coming and gain., ,U my mind he Waked. 0 er fearfully burned and dead , 1 . .. her, and 1, am much mistaken If thd and she went down to In the passa up his cane and n the floor- I - � ,ab I -- . out the hour � I V feeling was not mutual, He referre ' in the evening he recurred to thei you name." I THURSDAY. - ,�'.. " --.-, .1 ' was gone. .. : ... � -,!�, .,.:.z � : , � I ieubject of his own accord. "Perhaps then he pays a visit every ': "Z"Z2�p"'..'�1 . I 0 , to her again and again on our will � � ipshire'has abolished the �:�-f,00�1<1 : . . - home, and since then hardly a day' "I could not quite understand the ob- night to that particular window," I But when I came to think the Mat- New Han -',`.-1.i`1..-:.:.e�. ., 1. ") ,g �g� � . -cup. 11 00. ­,��7,1 1 . ning, Sit ence reproached use of the public drin-ting ,.­� 1� ��; I . . �� has passed that we ,have not seen ject of your questions this mOr suggested. ter over MY coned . j:�..�,g . trust that they dd, rly for having on any pretext San Ignascio, in Mexico, has taLlen ;!,-",..,.%.. IIIII.--Z , I I . :�i: � i . Something of,the brother arid. .sister.' Henry," said he. "I "Perhaps he'does. If so, We -should me bitte '%�'-i� I �� - not mean that I have done anything to allowed him to 90 Out of my sight I into the hands of the insurgents- I I .!.:i. I ... 11 'r , * ". %; .: - They dine here to -night, and there Is, be able to shadow him, and.see what d b Precautions are being -taken to -Pre- :. -.;�g,, i : , . I it is that he is after. I wonder what imagined what MY feelings WOUI I., i 0 can. ' ..O I I some talk of our going to them next I forfeit your confidence?" spread of the bubonic Plague ., - " �,�. ­ " - . - week. One would imagi a that such W I Sir Henry had to assure -him that vent the !�:;:,.:i::��'ZIE, 01%1�`§ SIR I .%. n , your friend Holmes. would do, If he if I had to return to You and t ­.....,..., � , ---- ""' �" �11. � .-.:, I 11 !le misfortune had'oecur- into Europe. 11-.:.1%1-.... �,�'.. 1-1'.. , -.X1!'0.,- ., ".., 3 . . I 11� . "', 11 , 0 I 41 ...... �'i , " NIA . - �Ii.;.:.� . .:.-,,, -:;-,�,,i� N. .�... I mateli would be very welcome tO`' It was n-Ot SG and pacify him by givini were here fess that son - tiOn -of the King and "ii ., , �,,. ., --1 �, 0, 'I .;;.:,.., .1 ,,­ - I . � , 1-­'�.'1'..;-..­1;11 ".­­,�.� -�ff- an ' him a considerable part of his Old exactli red. through my disregard for your In The inten .-- 111M. -I ., �­­ I Stapleton, and yet I have more th "I believe that lie would do e you my cheeks Queen to pay state -visits to Edinburgh .& , --`?,.� a 1, a 1. "He ,-Structions. I assur I , - I rw� � � I I . . 0 1 1 1: + , 1� I � , . , , , , - I J, - I , "�'�- once caughtL a look of t1le strongest ; wardrobe, the London outfit having what you now suggest I s Id is ,low officially 11 � - , , .1 .. disapprobation in his face when Sir I now all arrived. would follow Barrymore and see what flushed at the very thought. It might and Dublin in July M, 41.1%," ..i.,�; '­- tteu- J Mrs. Barrymore-is of -interest to me. . not even now be too We to overtake confirmed. 1. I � he did." ,, him, so I set., off at once In the direa- � i"i., .­ I Henry has been paying Some a! B very '�Then -hall' db it togeth - William Allen fell one nundr 1. :� " .: - ��. -71 11 , I tion to his sister. He Is much attached' She is a heavy, solld,per on, er. . . I ad feet ' §`.2 ''I , .*a s I .� , I � . I a of Merriprit Tiouge'. ., . ',in ,th67iliemiskaraing mine it 00balt ...... %..g.�".� . . . . . . .. to her, no doubt, and would lead A: ' limited, Intensely respectable, and in- � "But, surely the would1lear Uls�" -t 0 P­,',,'�­', � ��.. " I I . ' injuries that will prob- g',�,�'. L ,,, -ly lifie,*ithOut hdr,;but'!t.,,,Wou1d clined to be puritanical. YOI� could * "The M srather deEd, and,in-anY ;"Yxg�j;:: I . an I 1 hurrIedalong the road at the top ,of and received iz"�"g'-',�: long I . : �-,*�.- .... xl',,�,'­, I peed Without s :�­:­::, seem the height of selfishness If he , hardly conceive a less emotional sub- ' ease we midst take our chance of that. my s eaIng anything of ,ably prove fatal. I 11. %§�' ..'�­­­,'.- � .:Z��%'-,­.- .,; '.,�'....., - Xt ­ . 0 h the Canadian - ,� ,i . . . , ,:, I .11"-.1", .11-11. -1 . were to stand in the WAY of her mak-, ject. Yet I have told You how, On the : -We,11 sit Up in my roorh to-uight, and- Sir Henry., until I tame t t a point J. A. D. McCurdy, .. ox: \� :�...'� il 'had planned to ply from �::�:��.,:�.;:.�iz.�P,,�$.;�,.�,mt��4..,.- . Iv. . � . . t 1.1 . ...... � - 1�1.1 . - so brilliant a marriage. yet I am first night here, I heard her sobbing I where the moor path branches Off� aviator, who 4 A. was --0'1.-t�".:�::)P':`.* %"; i��11.14'. . i � . � certain that he does not wish their ln-� bitterly, and Since then I have m a . tirnacy to �ripen into love, mud I haviii , than once observed traces of tears ' severai times observed that he has . upon her face. Some . deep sorrow talmn pains to prevent thbm from be- ! gnaws ever at her heart. Sometimes I . . . . ol the w-�J,TOUT �14- 72%,yi,der if tg�ni�. has. a guilty memory . � =,� tete-a-tete. BY ___� Z'. ..­ , ­ ­ - ;jdf,Tz��g7tr--To allo!,A-Tir . *11lb�r-JEajtn1=---7TuT--and sometimes I � it 0 - _ - ' at, "Rhis . Henry to go Out alone will become ' suspect Barrymore of being a domes- , a very mua More onerous it a 10v& af- tic tyrant. I have always felt that there r 141r, werp to be added to our other Was Something singular and question - e difficultieS. MY Popularity would soon able in this man's character, but the - I buffer If I were to carry out your Gr- adventure of last .night bring all my I ders to the letter. I suspicions to a head. . b The other day --Thursday, to be, . And yet it may seem a small mat - More exact -Dr. Mortimer lunched : ter, in itself. Yon are aware that I am with us. He has, been excavating a not a v.ery sound sleeper, and sIRce 1 barrow at Long Down� and has got a , have been ,on guard in this house MY . prehistoric skull which fills him with i slumbers have been lighter than ever. , . great joy. Never was thefe such a i Last night, about two in.the,morning, I � -single-minded enthusiast as he! The - I was aroused by a steal,thy step pass - d Stapletons came in afterwards and i Ing my room, I rose, ope,Aed my door, i . the good doctor took us all to ii;F Yew and peeped out. A long black -shadow t- Alley, at Sir Henry's request, to, shoW ; was trailing down the corridor. It was , . us 'exactly how everything occurred - thrown by a man who walked softly upon that fatal night. Ifis a long, dis- .: down the passage with'a candle held � mal walk, the Yew Alley, between two . Inihis hand. He was in shirt and trous- high walls of clipped hedge, with � ers, with no covering to his feet. I narrow hand of grass upon either side. could merely see the outline, but his : At the far en I d is all old turoble-down height told me that Itwas D-irrymore.. ri, summer-house.'Half-way down is thii ,, He walked very slowly an,.- T "rount- ' nF . moor -gate, where the old gentlemad i spectly, and there Was 801116.' *' `, in- I left his cigar -ash. It is a white wooden I describably guilty and fur. , tive in 1::S 1: gate with alatch. Beyond it lies the ( whole appearance. ' I I wide moor. I remembered your theory I have told you that the corridor is i r of the affair rand tried to picture all broken by the balcony which runs ! . that had occurred. As the old man I round the hall, but that it is resumed ! 4A T Waited until t . I ... . There fearing that perhaps 1 Mku Key West to avaria Yes - .,, ., :50*,K�ffill . I `*",", i�..,.­,"�X- I I � ' I - . . . . come in the wrong direction After all, . compealed to postponer Ine attempt on .1.1%,.�, I I ­ :>.'.�, , '' I mounted a hill from which, I could. account of Unfavorable winds. ..'.'.1';.�iji�:`k:i:i i i�,;�' I I - I 11 command a view -the same hill which : A firis at Port Arthur Yesterday At- ." ­� �:,,......-.�,.-�, `-� * �- 1-�" , . , IM 1, . . L',.::�*t '' is cut into the dark qua -y. Therice ternoon threatened to Wipe out the :,�R �llf,�.,�:,'.,.,.,.,..,",�,'."."."."..�?,. .,,'�I.f, :,.-,­ ..... ­ ��-X � �� 1- I ,saw, him at once. He Was On the foreign settlement, known as the "coal .----: - � ' - , moor path, 'Elbout 11�4`da�ter of a mile docks districts " but was subdued at- $.... -� il"..".. "....., -. I F- I - I , off, and a lady Was by his side who ter th, desi,Ue'tion of two houses. . - 11 I :, .�,.�: - I'll � I � . I could only be Miss Stapleton. It was ; Edward A. Milton of Pittsburgh, % :.'L I *�, �,, I... i �. clear that the - re, was already An under- i near Kingston was thrown out of a :,�.: : .; � I . . . ... I - standing between them and that they � sleigh while driving over the Ice, on �, . I . .�,% . ': I., �; ... I had met by appointment. They were his way home. He is in. the Gail- ....�� ... � ­ ;�::.:i .... � - I 1- . .::::: -,.: , .walking slowly along In deep conver eral Hospital in a dangerous condl '... '­� ­ ,.i - " . . , . : : ..... I.: I sation, and I saw her making quick lit- tion. . . . . . . . . ;;;; , ,�' , . �] o moverlients of 'Aer flarillS 113 Ir 010 , George Wilson Interoolonial Rail - were vlery etirriest .in - what she : to�r, who was so badly . �� Was saying, while he listened in- injured yesterday morning when his JN,p3mEg1A1; OHn?FON AND S&TIN, . 11 1, � I tendy, , and once or twice shook inspector, Hiram Graves, Was killed tied out in chiffoll, which material Is �� - his head. lit - strong dissent, I by a train, died last evening at MOnc- used over a foundation of navy bluer Stood -among the rocks 'watching ton, N.B. - them, very much pum,rled as to ; Rev. Ian A. R. Macdonald, vicar satin. The folds anti simulated but . I -x low them' . I n., has tonholes and covered buttons are of . . I .1 what I should do ne t. To fol I of St. James% Neeps,wa, Ma . and break into their intIJna,te4COnver` accepted of the Lord Primate of the the blue satin.. 'Such a waist WOM . sation seemed to be an outrage, and Scottish Episcopal Church, the rec- with a dark blue cluth costume is ex- I yet my clear duty was never for an toTship of St. Mary Magdalene, Dun- ceedingly good taste. Instant to let him out Of MY sight. To dee, Saaaarld. � I ..— ''I I act the spy Upon a friend was a hat0- Each of MontreaPs theatres, music Doesn't Know Her Age. , .': ful task. still, I could see no better, ass of amuse- :dll�, halls and similar pla- I ., course than to observe him from tho ment will have its own particular There is a glaring phase of unfair- . ,W. hill, and to clear, my eonsciened bY chaplain when ,the Actors' Church ness in the position of the two SeXM . � 'I, I confessing to him efterwards what I despite all our struggles for the suf! .. . I Union gets its branch in that city I .,'..".." had done. It is true that if any sudden into working order.. frage. A woman still dreads to tell. I, I. !�., dangeT had threatened him I was too. her age. no Matter how YOUthfal She ..,;-, 7, far away to be Of use, and yet I am FRIDAY. * may look, while as lank as a maril 1. . 1� p sure that You Will agree with me that Free postal delivery is to be inaug- ,L' , '344n ,­ and 4-1 at Niaol&ra Falls. looks youthful he Is generally willing- - 1 � stood there he saw something coming 1 upon tue i ther s .. then I - the position w very " I Ura . i across the moor, something which ter- he had Passed out of sight and t . ry sudden1v draw .31iss StaPId011 that there was nothing more which I James Nash, a miner, was killed at to ad.trilt and even to boast of hOW. , rifled him so that he losithis wits, and followed hiln. When1 came round the I Sir Hen, to Ida side. � could �:-.. Glace Bay by the fall of a mass of many mil-estones he has passed. Therer ,. "I" I .,-.� . . ,'- ,e ran and ran until he died Of sheer bar- balcony he had reached the end of the w� as " 'Sir Henry 'rub- Our ii`end, Sir Henry, And the lady coal. is at least one ftither who understood ( ror and exhaustion. There was thd farther corridor, and I could see from i sit until he pass - , -1 it had halted on the path and were Sneak thieves are operating in Nia- this problem in time and who gaver I long, gloo . my . tunnel down which he the glimmer, of light through an Open - bed his 'hands with pleasure, and ad- standing deeply absorbed In their Coll" gara Falls, and the police are lookin-a his daughter a fair chance in life by,,- - "" ''I entered one of the I Was evident that he hailed the ell I was suddenly awsrG for three foreigners suspected. er lettin- ber know how old she " \ ' et? .A- sheep -dog Of door that he had 6rigation, wh . . Uev . . . � I I 11 fled. And from wh ief to his somewhat v, their Scarlet fever is epidemic in Mani- I the moor? Or a spectral hound, black, I rooms. Now, all these rooms are Un- � venture as a rel . I . that I was not the only, witness Of was. He realized at her birthL that 9 . ' silent, -and monstrous? Was there a I furnished and unoccupied, so,.that his I quiet life upon the moor. - interview., A wls� of green'floilting in toba, several hundred cases having time would conie when she would not . _ . � human agency In the matter? Did. the expedition became mor(f...',.-aysterlous i The baronet has beeA in &OMMunica, the air caught my eye, and another been reported. The Board of Health , le watchful Barr ore know more i than ever. The light, shone'�'siteadlly as,� tion'with the architect, who prepared ce showed me that it wag carried has issued a warning to the health � want to tell her age, and be spared as Pa YM � banding motionless. I crept ,the plans for Sir Charles, and with A glan , n who was moving officers. � . I her the humiliation of having to pre- 11 tha3 -he carect,to say? It was all dim if he were s gage as noiselessly as I * contractor from London ' - 06 thG,t we on a stick by a ma ground. It was The C.F.R. stearner Tees went varleate, so she Nvas never told either � I and yaguej, but always there is the down the past d -the corner of may expect great changes to, begin among the broken iutterfly-net. H ashore on Toodland Island, Darkley her age or the plave where she was dark shadow of crime behind it. could and peeped roun here soon. There have been decorators Stapleton with his I: 0 in One other neighbor I have met since ,the door. . Om plymouth, and was very much closer to the pair than Bound. The U. S. reverme cutter To- born, and there were no birth records I , of Barrymore was crouching at the win- land furnishers up fr � '� .Appeared to lie moving horria, called b-,,, wire'ess, went to as- preserved in the family,. a i�fles' dow with the caudIt held against the I it I, evident that our friend has large I was, 'and he . 1. I,wir,ote last. This Is Mr. Frankland to Spa�re no pains.or in their direction. At this Instant Sir sist the Tees. . .- . Laiter Hall, who lives some four y glass. His profile was half turned to- I id46as, and means -- to the south of Us. He is - an elderl me, and his face seemed to be ejp6nse to restore the grandeur of his Henry suddenly drew Miss Stapleton The steamer Cottage City, running man, zed faced, white haired, and wards tion ao he stared out tamily. When the house is reno,Oated to his .side. His arm was round her, out of. Seattle, bound for Skagway, . � cholexic. His passion Is for the British rigid witli expects 11 but it seemed to me that she was struck 'on Valdez Island, in the Gulf � 'W�1- _1q -.1-A all that he -will need . 17 0 VF -ARS.' law and he hag spent,a. large fortune into the blackness W.- the MOO1. and r — 11 I ds he stood Watching In- will be a Wife top make it complete. Be- straining 9,way from him wl- of Georgia, 100 miles norwL Or a �PIHNCS in fitigation. He fights for: the mere , SoMe.lainut averted, He stooped his head to hers, Uanadfan V erse . ^- n and ----Ives there are pretty Clear 10 ; 'O. couviet yesterday. "n I IV — - -1 I — -1 — — — — Abands0oldly illustrated Weekly. Largest F1 tiou of any OcIdAtiffa Jodmal. Terms; j1.1,1,4A, 6.&76 a yeat postage prepaid, Sold iiiii 1jolil8deftlers. . Broudrizy'New Yo flourjm,;��R ADC(s006-%,,6F,, St. W.el-,,,tou, 31 P ,-- . . . . � . � . . Child , reA Cry . 0 FOR., FL ITMO :9,T L. . 11,,.,ft CA R 1'.4 , I 1.11 � CASTORtfl For, Infoats and 0hiliftol.. ,, Tho Kind YOU Have Alwayt Bog . , � I , , Beata tho ,, 11�� I " . , ,�� 111�' 0 �. I � . . , , vle '" pigualtme . . 'a pleasure of fighting and is . equally tently. Then he gave a %1-1, tween - and she raised one hand U . j, I? t�u 5. i A man who formerly worked r r. , . r with an impatient gesture he put out signs that this will not bemantill- If I them Spring � Beattie Nesbitt told the Hamilton po- &Nd%f4eN^0W%00%n0%-P-^-0 ready to take UP, elthe side of a ques- illing, for I have selTom tei;t- Next moment 1 sa"w' tion, so that it is no wonder.that he the light. Instantly I made MY Way the lady 19 W . very shortly � man more infatuated With a Apart and turn hurriedly round. Staple- lice that lie had seen and spoken to COLD. has found it ,a costly amusement. back to my room, and seen, E . Ul ton wits the cause Of the interruption. the doctor in that 'city. He was dis- . -.— � lithy steps Passing Once woman than he IS with our. bmutif � '.. sometimes he will shut irp a right of came - the stea heighbor, Miss Stapleton., And Yet,the He was ra.unIng -wildly towards them, guised as a priest. I By Theodore Roberts. I �, �'11 :way and defY.the parish to Make him more upon their return journey. Long not run quite his. a,baurd net dangling behind him, Sir William, Mackenzie is reported (Theodore Roberts, a brother 94 . I s own afterwards when I had fallen into a ,course of true love does 1.16 gesticulated and almost danced S open it. At others he 'will with Ill as .smoothly as one wohild tinder *the to have been robbed by his car porter 0 G. D, Robett-s was born in 1877 ill wn some other Man's light Sleep I heard a, key turn some- excitement in front of the lovers. Ottawa. The man was Fiedericton, N.B. He was war corroi - I hands tear do -hat a path has exist- where, in a. lock, but I could not tell circumstances expect. To -day, for ox- with cone meant I could not bu- of $1,000 at ndsor, where he gave ant for The New Yark Indeprelli 0, gate end declaxe t e. What it all �ample, its surface was -broken by 'it 'What tile s follo;­d to Wi spiond Inv - 413 ad there'from. time immemorial, defy whence the sound cam. which has agine, but it seemed to.me that Staple up the money and Was let nish-American Wal , - - F dent in the ,Spa �0.'), in.g "the owner to prosecute "him for means I cannot guegs, 'but there , Is very unexpected ripple, toilucester ' going on in this ;caused our friend considerable per- ton was abusing Sir Henry, who offer lags of fishing craft in Ilks , ad explanations, which becalne more r st; 'and has -written occillsional verse.] 1. trespass. He is learned in old manorial some secret business � . plies house of gloom which sooner or later Plexity and-annOYR11,00- ha bor are being flown at half -ma � . � live and communal rights, and he ap we shall get to the bottom of. I do not ,.,,%,fter the conversation 'which I have angry as ,the other refused to accept union down to-da,y, to signal the,,sen- 40001d," cried the Wind on the hill, � � I I them. The lady stood by in haughty I his knowledge sometimes �,heorles, for you quoted about Barrymore Sir Henry put .0 timents of their owners Teg&tdins t'l- "Cod" oung ilia tree; the villat-ers 69 Fernworthy ,And some- trouble you with my 1 . 0, go out. As silence. ViiiallY Stapleton turned upon I f ion of the proposed reciproci�i I' ' e bl-ne-grey and Still I 0 you only with O� his bat and prepared, ti Your eyes war clr� times agalust them, so that he is 9sked me to furnish 5 " his heel and beckoned in ,it peremptory I I � for 'Ith Sir a matt a anle. . = And cold as the sea. by periodically either carried in triumph f-.ets I have had a, long talk w er of course X did. th I . I � I se burned Hou;y this � mornim, and- we have "What, are You coming, Watson?"' I For the first time in the history of . 1. I I . down the village street or el r campaign founded Upon -he asked looking, at me in a curious * I - � , I aviation an a(�roplaxle rose from the Cold lay the snow on t,he land, . rR ill I effigy, according to his latest ex- made a plan 01 . . -- ­ ...— � I water yaterday at Sail Diego, sailed Cold stood the I 1-; I . I .1 He is said to. have about Seven my observations Of last night. I Will way- on whether you are - ,w%w=MWftWWAWVM0W*W0Zi1%1, ' . our hand ' ' . � PIOIL ...'ll, s�t now, but it - ,,�bat depends about, and returned to the starting Wit neither &Z culd i's 7 "I, I lawsuits"' Uljoll klo-'�, ands at present; not speak about it Ju Ing Oil the MOOT," Sold I- . 1, I point, whereAs larlded on the water. Lying in mine, I � 11��,! — which will probably swallow UP the should Malta my next report interest- 90 ), . I I .. -t was achieved by -Gknn I!. 1. . , . I . ,� ,, ��,a . . . I . . "Yes, I am .. � � � This Jep � .. i I . .ain 10 and so draw: trig reading, - 11 igt my. 111struc- .0� 11 , . 1. has thr , ,a died so sooll-I I � der of his fol'tul .. . llwell� Yom know W1 I . . . Curtiss.' Ali, Love, � - ,bls iting and leavis' him harmless for . # . I I . 1 I mA0, I . :.: the law he, , tions are I am sorry to intrude, but 1. I Manitoba, farmers, in wri.vention at just smoldered P - I the future. Apart fr6 .. 4 ho -w earnestly Holmes in-, . .1 � I nouncement ,h �: ODI .1 Brrtildon, cheered the all A kiss by the li., A the moon, I seems A..Jjindly, good-natured person, you hear ' I entlori him because YOU Baskerville Hall, Oct. 15th- ksted that I Should rict leave YOU, ittid LONDON, ONTAMO of the t�aiiff agreement with the Unit. A pprting by dwA n. � . , . I-.. , ... . I L ' . aud:1 Only in should send I My dear Holinesi--lf. I was dompall- especially that YOU.should- not go alone n 0 0 Inv orffialld : e -d Stiitejl�. They say it will Malta tt ,ilift I . , � wdl`e particular, that I ,11' news up6a the moor." S AT 3n ,differencb of ten cents on wheat, And 86M . I : a dosdr-fptian, of the people who I ed to leave you without muP nd upon MY isusme S.. . ftlle -freO alltl*y� of cattle, to Chicago I I -1 Ilry put his ho . I '. I STOti A ! , � Surroand us. He is curiously On ploj,ed � during the early days of my mission Sir He . \ I SUBJECTS 1. will solve the freight problem. CA' At pres6fit, for-;,befug'au 1111010ur"as' , YOU, Must Acknowledge that I am walt- shoulder, With a. pleasant Smile .� I yor lufants p4 Childrell. 11, has all � 6:1teellerlt . "',-&1GS- .L IlIg Up, for lost time, And that events . "my -diiar fallOw," said he, "Holmes, ' , Art explosion of powder or ,gas al I . . I I , I . tronomer, he . n witll� all his wisdoLM, did not foresee Residelixt and Mail COUrSeS 'the Rughestown No, 110 Offliery At I cOpe, witil, which holies upon, a roof are no,w crowding thibk and fait upo Ings which have" U4PPGnAd cAtitatud, Xroo I yestordity, Wrecked al the Klod Yoo Xqlave, Always, 11011911t �hf tq llis own hoUseandswee St 11110o%; Lis, It, my last report I ended upon my Sorge th e been on the Moor. YOU � , Pittston, Pa., I 11 I of . t4in a top note witIf narrymore at the w�in- since I hav It - C A - seotion Of the mine, Eleven 4ot-kilierl ; 'the � . 0, 00-114=0"7 al day in the hopo I- , . 4 1 sure that You I. *, Wdeto1*61t, J. W waotavelf, It.. . BesxE � ] . 6 dow and liq V .1 ba,ve, quit i Udget al , .Ju 9 t, 1.�-4 jnpqP .the escaped oil I C, if derstand Mel am � i� 1were, brou :lit out by TeSOUing Pgrtieg, I L I , -, "' " are the ISM, It Chia wn)"S who 1, pelneip� I 1, I - V1 1 ct-printipm, , six,of them being,fatally and fiVo set- Sfoo,tutv,-�Y, 2 " I _ of . I Z X ,in muel� m.) n A � - � 1.1-1- - --11 � a�l I 0 �V&4;424 � -00-A hl.0 mlpxalao to I S All ready whicil will. Unlie � ,� . � I I ,1� -oo" , . � 1. . I � I ­ .=*MWW0W1,r �iously A-il'yed. ,, I . ,. I . K? '. I I . I . I I I . , . .. I . � .4 e vlut, I - I .� I ." I � . I ., I I I I � O'. I 11 I - � I . .1 . I 11 . I . I . I I � 1. I I I I I . . . . '', � I . 11(" I Ir � I ''. W I . . . � . � brdak i 'I I 1 � . . I � � . . I ,� . .. " . , ', . . . I I I . . .1 I 1. I "" �­ , k:. :,,­­1�4­ . I . I I � I � � , . I I I , � I I . 1, I � I . I � -,�� , , � . . . I I 1 . . I :. ", 1, ". - ,. � I � , I � i..4& . — . L . I I . ... 1. I.. -11--11 ­,­ � , � �� . I,* - ,I . � .,. . , 1) �. .. , , �. . . . I , 11 . � , , : i � ,� I 41 I . . : �, 1,�, � 11 �, - ,. , , � , 1. I .., . , � ,� . �, � , �. , , , " ,�. 11 I . I I I 11 ..", . . ie'L��, I .1 I I � I , 1: , .. I � ,14!t�­ , . 'I ­: I iLL 1, L. � I I -1-11111, - . ­­ �- ­ . .1 1. .." .. I I 11-1.. � ­,2�� 11­�� .11