HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-1-26, Page 6,", , , t, , ,", " � I I I 1, if r,.'m', , , �e �� , I 1 I I I - ­ -1, . ­ - .. ­­ � � I I 11 - �1717 - , , - , �', _", , , � ,, 'i, ":% , , I I I'll -11, "; � ­ �i. "I". ­­ - , , I I I I I 7!�� . � , i'.1-17.11,- ­­ _­­­___`_ !,:" _­�--- ­- -4-1 I— ­,"',"', I , -7 1 , . , , I I , "� . . . . , , , I � . ' , 7,11,11 I � I I ­ _­­­ I I � I - ­ I . I . I 11 11 I I , . I I . . . I I I =. " . �­--7qFwp .1 , . I I . I - I r .1 1 77 . �, I .. . . . I ... I I ;�­ 717,7""r, . . I � � � , J/ 1 7 . I I I . I I I': i.� I - I I I 11 : 11 . . 1. . I 11 3, I I I I ­: I 11 I" �. � '' . I : : �. I . � . I . : .1. I ! � .-C . .1. I I � :­,.�_� Ii., � � Ili . .11. . . �� . ,,, I 1, I � � 1, I I I 1. I .1111. 11- 1, I It � - 11 .., 11 % .. �.. 1. . I . . li,: e , , I I I . I - .��_� I . I . . I—, 1. . I . I I I � . ­ I i - ;,I,i:� I . I �. .. . .11. I I . . �. �.. I . �. I . .11 .� I . I . . � � I I I :1 ­ 1. I. . � 1. . I i I � I I . � I 1. I I . .1 I I . . � ,-1 I...." I ,.I _1 .11.1. � � 1. � . I . I I I .. 1. I � I — I I I I I I .. I .''. '­ I...., .. I .11 I ,i I,. I'''' I - I . . ,,, I . . I I I I _:.,.� "I 1 lli,� ,. 1! �, . . I . -,� . I . I I . I 11-111 — I . I I . . I I / . . ­ ­ I . : ,� �, _ �., . b . I I . ). I . � �, , 1, ": .. 1. 1. I ��,: - I � ­: . I . I . I � � � TER TIMES � � I . . � I I � F.,!"'.. , I . 0� I I , I . ___ . . I �.'' �_� ,:I, , ­­__�­ - � -__-___i_ " I . . � . I . 1 ­,�.ii . 10� I � R1111, PIR '' I : ".. I I I . ..., , ;4 I I __�__,;__ -.111-11. I � � - � l,-� �i . I ------ �. L.; .1 1. � , 11 I.: 1111� .!11 11,111,111,11: - L ... .1.1 . V. I ! ­....­­­'­­;; , . ­.. .-, .. L_;.= P, 1 ., I 1 70 ON T I L � . , , � m 6m, , � � . .. � ,�, I I . . � I . .RIAL I T"I �ANO OF PUZZLE00M. . $,TAR OF AFRICA,, . qolm '01,00- I ,--I . � .. . L __.., i � , .1 I;— . . - . . cUT , I " . . I 1. i I � .. 9031 a � P — .1, $QUTREY'S GIJIL,LOTINE, I "WAX*"WX­!11 14ho 'Only AlloW4100*0 40*0 , , f. : �. I � I I H � I , , I, .P 000 Z _41 � P E — - Z, A Ard'Nuls. For Youn&,And Old F Iks .11 I czema Is , wlthou* 0. M 90 ­ 'I , , I . I . � I . I I � I ,. I t I . to, Crack. � . Thole Malo4ty's Regalia. ' I 0.121 � . 11, ,., L '� , 0?j4i'HA4 A PLACE FOR TEST. � � It Was Ma,de, * Doi *,y �� , . . The I two great Cullinun dianionds , Fatal Which I . BULL 000 ,.,�)111' . � No. I (Ole-Ridd,les. , : Billiard " and, , I 1 A N� :1 � -o— I . , . 0 Oreat Cullinan Jewols Aro Now In ,, I It Did Not. Serve the' 1 � � ;. � 1;6N �_ - I Ndt I . Purpose For I , I . I � ' " I NG VIRITUALISTS, I. . now shine dazzlingly jA the crown and . . Lord Southey once in a, fit of dis. I I n11N I . '� I � I I I I , I I I . ..!�,�;i, I . I I . rust 'You back in an affray; � England. � It sproado ! oti, In the drawing roQM of . mnwn I I � IV. I I I . Thp larger,' the $tar of Africa, w-Vich. , ev.er t b .1 .. . I I , , 11 ; , I hold apart two things you say . , h . I ' AMMONIA Pown � , .1 as you quickly on the vay; scOPtre of King George of OUt Its torturo increases a uot with life had a. 3naggincemt guil, I pa , , s I tit F, xle irepted ­ I . 0, ody until it roakes life ra his Magnificently appointed 'house in . I 11 I I I I I . . . . . . 1, Which Is A Commercial And ,stop y . . . I -1 ; t'rhp'Afliati I weighs 516 1-2 carats, has been set in , Pool Takes I ... � I ,,,, I CL our writing on the way.. the King's sceptre, the ,smaller . gem, burden. It is cured by the RuO de Luxeinbourg, at Farls, - . . I �., paraIless, to .0$0. cl I , . "I I _1 � Body Engaged tn the Work of In. II. � The. machine. was an elaborate affair, I I 1. I . . , , Ti�. I .. I . J4 , I often s . Nveighiiig $09 3-16 carats, finds place vith ebouy uprights inlai � .1 I i - I � I vestigating St nomena, � ,V in the imperial crown and on, stat d� with gold OP everything and., mak. , i I �r � I ,range Phe ,tand beside yon bed. , � and silver.. Thelrainework: w I I -0, .. I . . .I - i You know ,me by my coat of red., occasions sparkles and burns Immed.' , as I . 1:1 i: 1 . . ed with,' gre I cAry- .. 006" tarkst Water soft. *?i, L - ,. I I-las Seen In Existence Since 18.84 yet -%yheii I'm Jai i! 08, CHASE'S OINTMENT ' � I at, Artistic 6hi1l;.,m,d the ": .:,: ,:_ : : , lit I turn q�Ate blue, atelY Above the eri band: which , I i� .. . . I and Has Made Money -Runs a 'Yet often I am yellow too, . knife, of .immense weight and 1411jilo, � I 1. . � L� IO'ceds per packogel� , 1� . i ., ,, : , - circles the orown's base, SO many have eezerna of one torin St the touch of a pprbig, was of orna� I I 1. L . . 1�r � J . . L Reading, Room and a Paper, you like to have me when you read, T& didmi ran be removed from or another and do not. know it, The mental steel, polis,hed and L L . 11 . . all grocem I � .� And Yet I give you fear indeed, the' British emblems of power and I ,,�.', - : t� . . . . i � I . . "The London Spiritualist Alliance, I have t, City Swallowed Up worn jointly as a pendant. . Thus they constant itching annoys them, but so sharp � .�.­ Save coupons enclosed. - . � � , Or lived in vestal virgin's cup,., .� The spring whi h lib r ted the 'Q1 4' LLLLLLLLLL "I'll, ' I � 1. ,.,. � Limited'," is one of, the strangest way adora Queen Mary-, ivllo can havle they scarcely realizes how the disease knife 1vag pla C e a Large and Small Slied ""r - package and;coinpete,l � With warrior's torch I've been ced within ,easy reach, : . . __ , I � I I . I ;,; I 1 - . . � .. I i business ventures in existence, for it In battle saw the weaker yield, afield, the satisfaction of knowing that no is gradually spreading and becoming of any one kneelingupo � ., , ei L Three hoi ', � I ��­ . . I , I . . woman on the civilized globe PO4�- more aggriv , a the scaffold. 06tourp - 8, N; $5 gold plec N . 1, , I I I . is. a commercial concern which has Behind the array I've laid waste, i ated. I lit fact, every detail was ai . , r1ces before enquiring elsei , AP, . . . � � I . , �� I i � I , I , I ; 11 ; , , ,, I I ' sesses their equals. I , Particularly during cold weather, with a view to the conve - I . I � , I '44 I I , �1.1, .. 1, � � 10 do solely with Inhabitants of an- Yet near the sufferer I am placed, I nience, 0 ` ,reil dollars already paid i , ,,,,, ,� . , I ' HE CANADIA 11 � .. ." I . � ' il I 11 I 1� I �. I �: � � � . The setting of the diamonds in tile wlien exposed to sudden changes and tile woqld-be suicide. The day that X BILLIARO `TABLE AND � � .. 11 .. 11 ,to lucky prize, Winners., �, ' . ; . 1, ­ other world.: Furthermore, unlike -Youth's� Companion. � crown and aceptre And as a pendant dampness, this Ailment becOmismore the engine of death was entirely fi Ly 0OMPANY, NAXU.rjoTV I ,�,�:,!�, 1% I ., I most registered companies engaged in was intrusted to Messrs. Garrard, the nish- SUP? RED BY . :� � I il." � I . I i I 11 11 w , . re . during the night, when ed Lord Southey completed his testa- 110 YORK STREET, TORON . �. . . � No, 1188. -Hidden State Puzzle. crown jewelers, London. It was dilE sev' c, and neirtary dispos - � JOHN B-PAINE CO., LTI%4t � , I . trading, the members of this strange - 7 is warin, suffering Is in -tense " itions, shaved, had Iiis - i I Tho, name of a state -which lies be-. cult to prepare the sceptre to receive theeb To THE I . '1�1 and. sleep almost I ible. hair cut asid,, clothed in a robe of � I TORONTO,,, 1. , ss I I . I I -1 ... I alliance for the investigation of spirit low the Mason and Dixon line is lild- the Star of Africa, for the general There is ili'inptohe V11fte silk, knelt . ______==9� .. c i - ;.. I I � , cure Ilse of Dr. up�on the platform :­ " , , plienomeiia, are prohibited Irom a:e. , dim in -91A folioviing seven t",tencea,, ornamentation of the regpll bauble 0hasei 01 � � ! ,� . ,el,vin­ any profit from the ntment. This healing, un . - I y L operations Each sentence contains a one syllable had to be der the knife. ........ W_ . I � I 1 �: " kePt'intact-it has heraldic soothing preparation brings almost The guillotine was placed . .�, - I I of tile company. Stranger still this word whose initial helps to spell the significance, � ,;. I .. ; I before a . )J, I . 11 hidden name. If the words are right. Instant -relief froin the distressing large mirror, *herein the person com- . I ,"�,., , � peculiar business haia fi . a %J im I TY - ;1 . I a 'nan- It gives a better idea of the Star of itching. � � mitting sulodde could See his Own im- Y 0 U R %0" P P 0` RTU "m � , � � , 1 4,41 success. ly chosen and.written one below an- Alrica's size to state that the X h I � I . � other the Initials spelling tile state o I- age until the last. Murmuring a 4hart , 3� � 111 I � . In the course of a few days the . � , . �� I . I.. I I - I I I _. noor, which to the popular mind is healing process sets in, nd A aroall Investment in good farm land along the Grand Trunk Pacific in central . ,, ..., ,- _t :The Undoix Spiritualist Alliance, will. be in correct order. h a it is prayer, Lord Southey placed his head . . "'; � . , �, I I Limited, is perhaps the queerest busi- t e ideal "big diamond," weighs af- only a question of time and stent in tile seinicirole and press'ed the British,Columbla *111'retura you abandoorria profit. We are selling the choicest land In, * . �, � "I . I Xless organization in existance. go L Tile first lesson to learn is to do ter several cutting 1061-16 oarats. _"si spring I I �11 , P . , od. I until cure - . ", � #,'..* ` I I �pplication of the oiniment tAe fertile Fraser River valley at low prices -four dollars per here cash, balance In five � ,:� � I . i I Thougl,,�,establislied as far back as The Cullinan diamond was named Is ,effected. 1 11 �,i4.1�� � . . 2 the evening after the head of the company which The next morning lie was found years. V� the hoinespeker British ooluin$la offers everYthing-4ne cliniate, pure air and i' , . ." ��: �" . e most fertile land in the Vest � I . ! ";!., ,,1,11� . . I 1'i.� and sky,, .Mr. Fred W. Clark, Petworth, Ad- water U" "��` , I I :, . . ISM, it has worked practically 2, A clear lake mirrors calmly sleeping in his bed. The spring I , literolly "in the dark," investigating, - owns the Premier dianimid, mine in ngton county, Ont., writes -"My had failed to work. and after several To tlib investor she offers unequalled opportunities. Write to � I t�__, � . i Africa. where tile diamond was mother had eczema in both I;gs for I 1� il�i � t 'O 1 3. Change not the old friend for the Soutl d! �'.,, I., tabulatin.- ' recording, and photo. new. . fruitless efforts Lord' Southey was I .1 ,� 1 . I . I graphing spirits, "thought -forms,"' 4. Too often the rich in found in ,lanuary, 1905. The original about twent npelled to relinquish his � att6mpt . , . I I an bee . y years. She doctored for cc", , - . . . lirrafflis, double personalities, appari- . omes stone, by far the largest diamond ever a'long time, land tried everything for upon his life. Thoroughly cored of NORTH COAST LAND COMPANY LTD. � 1 .9 i I I ;� , I � 41ons; in fact, "sPooks" of every de- cold and selfisb_ found, weighed 8,024 carats, or nearly it., but got no xelief until a friend ad, his spleen, he presented the "guillo- VANCOUVER, B.C. .9 �.�� I 1, ,� 5. When you are given an inch do one pound six ou.nces� avoirdupois. � vised her to use Dr. Chase's Oint. tine to the Glasgow niuseum, whence . �11 Scliption. in job and assorted lots. I . Inest occult o5. Dark is the ho ar before the I ment, which she got. he made an annual pilgrimage to see The Alliance has the f n t beg for a mile. 0 At that learned mineralogists. and TORONTO OFFICE, 12 QUEBEC BANK BUILDING ... R. ' I I . . librar,v in the world. It also runs a expezts,on gems believe it was part "She found that Dr. Chase's Oinf� it until the end of his life. - .- - - I morn, _____ . - _ - -_­­ R. WALKER,, SELLING AGE �� clever little weekly paper called 7. The ant is a very busy insect. of a still larger diamond which' was meat gave her great -relief,, so she . I , I I ,­ "Light," which has an enormoV - . I cloven -whet a volcanic eruption hi got some mom and continued this First Life Insurance Polic 4.,J. PALMER0 President 4. C. PALMEM Vice-president , , 1'4� , . s cir No. F189. -Anagram. ed it with ti-tanic force from the mol- free V_ I I I . I I .. I - I � .; . � culationii not only among spiritual- NORTH POL tment faithfully, until now she is The first life insurance I . ists, but philosophers, students, and E CRANKS VIE IN ten depths where it was formed. No . I I 1, .policy of . 1. I � ,,� , eotii%-1y cured of eczema. I don't 7111011 'the details are on record re- , think GOOD RAPID PACE. ICE? 0 YESI less an expert than Dr. George Vred- think , IV . ! ���" �.'' concerning spirit phenomena. wo,se anyone could have this disease sulted in a law - . .1 Ors who wish to keep informed The mystery's solved, the victory won, erick Xuriz.,estimates that the original suit' William GYb_ I 1,14 - , �� The north pole's surely found. diamond weighed no less than t1lan'she did,," bons insured himself �n Toronto , I '111 I., . . Tit goes without saying that in JTune 15, 1583, I I- I :k, � �, �s � . Spooklan&' 5,000 Dr. A. W. Chase's Ointment, 60 for R i ype 'oun'disir " '�_, I . 1. , there are "fakers,.- Cook cooked his diog meat there for carats and that the partot it no ,383 against dying in twelve I I y 11 I �', "' ��., .. fun", t yet cents a box, at all dealers, or Ednian- months. He I I 11, 1� .. I �� . � - .frauds, and tricksters galore. But And Peary peered around. found is in four pieces at least. son, Bates & Co., Toronto. The por- nex did die on May 18of the I . AV& I � . t, '' ." . �, ...: - woe to the professional medhim-who - The Cullinan diamond was present- t year, and the disgusted under. . � 11 rAfta I I I . �41, 1 1 trait and signature -of A. W. Chase, writvs (the company of those d.Ly . vom, mr Umite', I . eng-ages; in controversy with the he ice ed to King Edward by -the South Af- M.D. P U � I . "n, . Spiritualist Alliance in London, think. - au- contested payment on the plea ths) L-�- ,,,, . -.;I— I "I , , � Cool, found it bedded in t rican states, including the former thor , the famous Receipt Book at I . i, I �t .., e I - " , . R -19,v to achieve an easy triumph 0.4v Z And Boer republics, as a token of peace cine. a V e e 0 lil-V Mid hummocks, mounds and knolls, are on every, box of his medi- he h d li ed tw lv in nths of twen�y- . �, i�,,� the credulous souls of this organiza- Peary stumbled o'er it twice, and reconciliation. The price paid eight days ea.ch. . �� I I 11 . I � ill, 11 " �, tion � . Searching in cracks and holes. for it has been stated in various fig- -------- .—..--.--. . —1 1 70 YORK STREET T.1i) ,i . �� ; � , - 1-1. In the seance roorn �of the Spiritual- ures and as high � as $1,000,000. - - - L �, V, � L", . Even - &=t,. � 11 . ist Alliance There has just The pole, when found, in high. disdain that sum. is far below JIF,LP WANTEED. . Diff erent. I .N. T. Or& I I � .� � "I ­ I been con- its theoretical T0R%J V � I struinted a cage a little larger than a - rawford-You told me it was only * 1, .. , , long silent mouth value. At gieat cost the huge stone A GENT$ WANTED -FOR T . � I I I I � I . � I -r sides and 0 Wo, NEW two miles, but I found it farther than . � I . - is ", telephone booth, the fou AnTc�odldiltys spoke, nor spoke in vain, was cut into two gems, which now '3 greatest premiurn proposition in .1 1� 10,I) 1-f x-hich are composed of the fin- " . - I I 11 I , I I ft south, young man; go soutlif" ornament the British regalia. C.naidll'.'i for particulars to BriLLnivi, that. . . . Canadian Agents . � � 1. � , I nting. The framw of . The stone was found by the merest 22sAlberts cet,ottdwa. Orabsbaw-But, man, I walked it, ' � I * � I � - I . No. 1190. -Rhyming �n ­_., Mlehle Prfn�InX Presses "'; 11 this cog' a, chance. The day's work at the ,P e you rode in a taxicab. 1, e are t:' Colt's Armory Presses I . , -.3 1. screwed together by My first is in e, not in . mier 'mine was over, and Frederiek 0% I - ___ � - . I 4pep, thumb-serews, and when ,once blu 1,g,md —_ ____ . I Brown & Carver cuttora I I'll, . 6 ,- medium is inside it would be M second's in our, not in head. Wells, the surface, manager, was. mak- L %.Oomla S I RL g P, P . , :�i, 1, . American Type Founders Co. - �, third is in tent, not in house. ing his usual rounds. 91 ,dr-" I . I I I I . ZxAerly impossible. without collusion My I sing refined aiid entertaining songs, use I _000 I N I The lnl&nd Type Foundry Co. I � . I * 11 ,� I I ) I ,� �� � �. tija the part of someone outside, MY fourth is in cat, not in mousse. Glancing along one side Of the deep funny cosi tell funaystodes- ':'p - is 1 I .� '11. ,�Ii, � i _�11 , . to MY fifth is in eat, -act in drink, exca � � i � �1- �Ihe mame . Chandler& Price Gordon* - . - ..., I �,Igod'uce any phenorriena. of a "tricky" vation, his eye suddenly caught S11t1h I'd 11 ish son s a speeldlity. I , 11 I I . : , I * t - Fs�lcon Pr"ses � . . . � 1. Altharacter - I My sixth is in hear, not in think. the For tefxns write or te ephDne I to remember , . . � - gleam ,of a brilliant object far. up I , . "I , I en eed a remedy , I . Walts, Die Presses 1. ,� . `�` 14 . I 1. I . . My seventies in cup, not in plate. on the bank. He lost, no .time in Southworth Punches � w . IT -4,', The sq&pli4itY. of �4148 � :scheme EDDIE PIGOTT, un I I I I � _ " ' 'a MY e4hth is 1 nut, ot in date. climb!'n I I "? , . � I L ..5, I.- grea, st -recVMTqMdat1bn, It is , 33. n tf llp�tc the spot Nibere' he had 447 SHAW �TREET, � - - - TOR03NTO. — — Hamilton m-rc. cc. . .1 . � ,� flaing My,minth is in pearl, not in ring. noted �el glint of light. He had not . Long Distance Telephone, College, 36ss, -,--,-,,IQ Brehmer Wire stitcherm I . I I L " I . I ... ul . . .. 1, .. . ­ ore nor less than a net My whole is a flower that blooms in been mistaken; it was really a bril- Rosback Perforators � I 11�1 -da� Rt up of four panels and 6 . - I �. 7 0uring a seance the cage is the spring. liant crystal. He tried to pull it out BU'Tand .% 11 5 foi. I 5-0 � John Revile & Sons I "".. - - 4M � H I E" -S ! ; I __ . 4L, - 1i , t e ceutre of a room and is . �/ with 'in ers, and as this proved Bamled Every wo.an who attempts to Miller Saw Trimmer . .. I e -_p, all sides by members . , -Charades. iinpo snake a dre3s or s1drt waist Im- . % , . k., . '40 No. 1192. gle hg, sought to pry it out W 0 Walt.,Sh..rd ftul.re I � tile ,co* 1. with. the blade of his penknife. To . , , � , 4 �, Of itt�� of the k1liance, w1W E�) inediately discovershow difficult : Mentges Folders , . I perform the test , . Th; medium is My first is part of every shoe. his Sur-Drise the knife blade broke . It is to obtain a -good fit by the I � I 11 . � I PbWed inside thN My second makes a sin for you. without- . usual "tryIng-on-method,11 with e Ftecriess Gem Gutters - : is�, cage and literally causing the stone to, yield. herself for the snodel and a look- P.D. Roller Washers . I I. . 0 I . � 11 s My whole upon another preys Tellin- of his discovery saine In alass wl . I . 1. ': screwed, in� The ca'-�-_ itself I screwed Mr. Wells th which to see how . . Challenge Machinery CoA . , I ... 41 � to � blocks placed isi�iNh ','I_io0r. And -will at last end all his days� said: "*&n 1 took a good look at It at the back. I - . . . Hool *0 Machine and Engraving � . . 1. 1. I li� I the stone stuck there in the side: of "Nall -Borchert Perfection . 1. Work* - , - . I . � . I I I . . 1� � tl . .. irst is a follower strongly attach- the pit it suddenly flashed across me - � 11 . .. . . Many mediums have � able, up My f "' I : ,, to this time, to perfoi A Valuable .1 ,A�qpderful . . � . . I � Ou� Own-BrAss Rule Department "I ", � il il 11 I I . I I I . I � � V ­ � bi , d 411 d . . .� " % I -eurti The curtains have do awaywith all diseomfortsand I . I . I . . iind a �sdr of No matter if garments are costly or whole flung was imaginery, I knew to"emedv . . . It-ats when shut up bel ed, that I bad gone insane - that the : - I -Adluftithfalrdss Forme' , . 'ig patched, . it could mot be a diamond, All at Nvork of dr I � .47 I � ,� -out and done all sorts of essmaking ,� .,J olrioys My of I '1s,,,Fp61,,,,.1n1e11ts in fitting, and n , g t I ,; last is a refuge where children once another solution dawned ,on Jae. 2- at once easy, anti satisfac / �. I ,- - . thing%; but there has always been a . :1, , -_ 181ormean be adjusted I Our machine Repair shopoaro the I � 1. , � may flee Th ,O.rlf, - - : . " question in the minds of certain Or dweller in country far over th� sea. Some practical joker, thought 1, has for Ca,rarrh. . dIfferent shapk-sand sizes; bust � I larcest and best equipped � . il; � , i 11 ��! urtains planted this huge chunk of gliLss here . gVaSeline raised or lowered also made . in Canisda . � I 4 I Meptics. as to ,wh�' these c My -whole adotns walls and our treas- for me to find it," Remedies in Tubes. longer or shorter 'at - , , I have acted in this strange manner. I the waist I ' I '. " , T'- ­vdiurn hits not, as a rule, been ures protects. With the aid of a larger blade of I , Itneandforin raised orlowered - . . - I 'i vhlibln to. the sitters The -bloom of our gardens its cat Camphor Ice, Mentholated, . to suit anydesired skirt length. I Everything for the . � . 4. . at all times, e oft his knife he finally succeeded in pry- Very eas(ly.,d usted, canfiot Fet . L . . -1 -11-1 , Ing out the stone and carried out of order ani win last ii i fe- I _`__ 1� rin'd this is where the element affects. it, to Carbolated,Carnphoratect time. te, 1i I . Printer I . � - 11 , r � of for Illustrate(( Booklet contain- A., I .1 doubt has crept in, ge the mine's office. Here it was clean- ing complete line of Dress F rms with prices. , i , With the ca, 0 : I I . here spoken of, however, it is quite No f193—Hidden Kinds of Meat. e -d and to the astonishment of all, Mite,Me of Znc.Capsicum Rebuilt Printing Machinery of . 1. . 1 � G,�neviove always dressed in black- ,i I HALL-BORCHERT DRESS FORM CO., Every Description . . 11 -.1 v easy to see the medium At all times, it ;vas i�und to have a weight of 3,024 etcEach fbrspmial pllmose& I of Canada, Urnited, I .,. I i ,, � : . The church opposite the square was , . ,'� :J , I ... and even photographs may be tak,en burnt ,do,n. cirats, mosie�than three times that Of , ..) 1. 1 74 PEARL ST., TORONTO, CAN. : ,� throurrh the net. Fy other diamond that had been . Write for Free`VaselineBook to _ I Bond for Illustrated Booklet "I 7 -_ -_ . I � At most seances spirits are Either Philip or Kate will discovered. I .. I CHtSEBROUGHNFr CO(C-�I'dllggOCh-b-tfi�.MCNTIREAL - --- — — L . � I � . . SUP- night. - . _ —, _z____� 1, � . - . I ,­ 11 I 1. . � - Posed to come out and wall about They went'ito visit Hannah, Amanda REPORTING IN ENGLAND. - finiong the audience, but, there is al- or Sue. I C. P.S.-4. 1911. BRANCHES. . i , ' , �,', � I .1 ks., _______._,_._,.____.._..__! . A � whether spoo MONTREAL : 4 A; 11.14 .1, � -claiming to he si At, Lillie's fea Katherine dressed in Notable Feats of a Young London ' '_ _' * ­­ " ­­__­ __ ­ -_ WINNIPEG , I,- . . �1, . i. sters, cousins, and wl�ite. I . .' . ... '11, I , ­,� aunts are not the mi rigged up Newspaperman. 0 it ,4 I t,e ,g 1 345-347 Craig St., West 175 fAcDermott Ave., East, �;� . I �� I " . to personate the departed. Of'cousse, The r I . .�� � there have been cases where the Conundrum. LThere is a popular idea in Canads — . . I I . . . I � - cur- 'when is nn egg like a defeated that Ei h newspapers are. s:ow, , ­ ". Is New A ,ric x , ,& , , ,- REGINA CALGARY , z - tains of the cabinet have been drawn XUPIV C, . . . k I 11 - poky concerns, that are willing to . . I I I and where, the medium has been seon army? When beaten. 9 ___ I ,,, I -1 � Eiti in ;i chair in the spaca occu- __ - print the news next week if they can- IL Popul,sr Outline of the Changes Which Are Revolutioniein- the We always have a large number of rebuilt Cylinder and ;.,�. ­_ ied '�) Key to Puzzledom, not get it at once. � � � . .. If .r the cabinet while the spook . Methods of Farraing and the Habits of Faina lAfe. Job Presses . and Paper 0 1 . "I 11 N"o. 1178. -Charades: 1. Book, worm, As a,matter of fact, there are no . utters on hand. . W.q stalking abroad. Spooks always 1)ookworm; 2. 1 1 -talk abr'oacl," by the way. it is . Cani, on (cannon), papers in the world that' show so . By T. BYARD COLLMS. " I I — - I canonize; 3. Pi, purr, piper. much enterprise as the great London .. . I . � I 11 . .1 � far morer "creepy" than itiqCivalking, "e" . ___* -_ - . �. yort know. N�, 1179�Trasssposition - Sport, dailies. 12mo., 374 Pages, 106 Illustrations. Pric $2.00. ____'_____._________��_ I r � I . e$ 1. I . —,-- ___ __ __ I , I I I . , ,the London ' This interesting and authoritative work- deals With the sub . ect � I I — , , For some time past st op. , A characteristic example of this en- Nb.'1180�-The Great White Way. terprise came to light during the re- . I J . I — 11 . " i. Spiritualist � Alliance has concentrat- 6f agriculture in a scientific way and from'an entirely new view�point. �� M_:��7__, 11 . ed on the problem of davisipg a sh No. 118I.-Enignia: Cranes, cent general election, and the shining - _*�, �_ - . un- _ .. __a��_­Z_ L � No. 1183, -Fractional Enigma: the C The atithor has devoted his lifetime to th'e 'sWily of 8hanging economic 11 I — � I Ple method for giving niediums the . ,. Cc- light was Alfred J. Rorke of en- * . 11 . ,chance they want in c lr.rnbus. tral News of London, who scored a agricultural conditions. Farm life to-da:y offers more inducements than . I V . - - ffla� 01 �� , . . . I I rder to exhibit No. 1184—Homonyin - I lova but li�? r, beat on every one . . . . I - I - � , * � 1, of the fourteen at any previous period in the world's history'and it is daily calling thou-' 01 _. � ;/ " , their powers. Expert conjurers who I love butter. pollffigs which he was assignuu Lo . .... � .. 1, � � 'have been able to prod -Lice marvellous I sands.from the desk. Much of the drildgery of the old � >1 I'. ._;;�� '01 . I . No. 1185. -Beheadings; S -ha , w- cover, As the British Parliumentary I farm life has 7 , a -I.""- . I . ;e, I ­niaterializations'�-such as spirits, h;,t, m-p-tt, ".-ink- I rp elections were -held any time within been done ' with by the use of improved methods improved stock ' pHONE . _01� i . . 13 �i F. DIVER ; . flow-cs, Nrd-. aild n, away �, ther th TI --in 11 I �� . I f 7 ac- ased value of the . - I the seance room, have franki" No. 1186. -Diamond, C., arin, cream, a inontli'a-d the public interest in and varieties. All this'tend,4 to create wealth by incre' . I _.t I . ,�., , . - , 1� 2. -nowledged themselves incapable of . M 1871 , : , r L � .. 1 Man, ni. I the results of .each contested -polling product,and decreased cost of production. on, the new feritiliza- : � � . ... MGRI . . I )roduchig the same . were of the Tnost* intense chvLracter it tiob Yligati '_� t I results in the P the new transportation, the new,creation, the new fnachine �11 I , "Spook cage," whfch now awaits A Match for the Bishop. behooved each ,news agency and pa- I . I ry, I I I I any come in for a share of attention. The illustriitionis are of special value %I - a i ',, -_ . medium who proffers himself for ex- In the duys when church disestob. per to get the result to Lo don as I - - . - . r1rainatioa by the tmuncil that it might o are- in any way interinted in agricull . .*;., � � of the lishment, was being very warmly d!S- , . eb I I quickly as Possible and are unique. All-wh i ture � ` ') , � . . . . . . :t� i , ,- V "I I jS mass of 'i:.0 people posted should o�tain a copy of this most tiniely addition, to the literature of .. .-. _tgm . I 11 .piritual Alliance. cussed in Wales Mr. Lloyd -George to the minute ,on the progress of the agriculture. I I ,_ - ", I The weekly journal devoted to the won great -legal repute by his cam, fl ght. . . I I . I - , I spiritualist cause called "Lfghtl�- paign against the bishop of St. A . ­ " - - . Which belongs to the Alliance-cir- saph. % all these beats th election.at . The chapters F re as follows - I � L: - - � . ,- I . � I At a meeting held in Flintshire the . e . . I . - I i I I . . Vilaties widely aniong the 35,000 pro- chairman, a Welsh deacon with , Peckham shed more -glory on Rorke Chapter 1. This chapter contains a general statipment of the advan- ' OUR RECORID 1, I .1 . very than any of the others, He gleaneA . tages of , ,farm life . 1, Thirty Years Continuous Business as Eleatrotypel*s and Stepeo ra r,, I I , . .. ,fessed spiritualists in E ngland, and strong convictions, got up to intro. a big Advantage by cozening the re- , ' OUR 0C I t�pe I ves its columns up to scathing in- duce Mr. Lloyd -George, . Chapter 11. deals with the vast systems of irrigaiion which" are tran ; . ELECTROTYPI tPARTMENTS -, , turning officer into giving him the ex- 0- I NG A STEREOTYPING 911ciments and exposures of mediums "Gentlemen,'; he said, "I haff to clusive ne per right in the poll- 1. I forming the great West, and also hints at an application wh4o attempt to bamboozle the public, introduce to you to-nigbt the meln� ing room WISY then elaborated upon ENGRAVING .'v DESIGNONG ' : a, .11, I I I ­ Curiously enough, spiritualists are ber for the Carnarvon boroughs, ne his concession by getting inai burean I . . of water by artificial ineans in sections of the 6ountry , ' .� I � . I I I oupposed to represent a type of the bass come here to reply to what the where irrigation has not hitherto been fouild necessary. READY -SET NEWSPAPER PLATES 11 I .1 10.1redulous in hvnian affrtirs, whereas bishop: of, St. Asaph said the other photographer and taking a fla�hlight . I . I , . I . ost I of what ,,to the Englishman is I the Chapter III. gives the principles and iiuport�nce of ferdlizatioji I . ADVERTISING CONTRACTORS ( I . and � = members of the Spiritualist Al. night against Welsh disestablighment. otholy of holiea�"- ItL England such a. the possibility of inoculating tile, soil by means of 701719 Pearl Street - CENTRAL PRZS8 AGENCY - 176 McDerrnottAvo. � .. � �, I lianc6 seem to demand reasonable .It iss my opinion, ,gentlemen, that � i tgre is regarded as something akin . I , TORONM I � tests and .sensible explanations of all the bisho� of St. Asaph iss one 'of pe � nitrogen gathering, bacteria. I I Limited. WINNIPM - . . -the curious, phenomena presented by 'the biggest. liars in cri to tdrnpering 'with the ballots, hence Chapter IV, deals with the popular ,q*akeningtath I e importance of "A�, .! 1 1 . __ � I 11 ... � ... �, I I � I �� I .. . , � I '�, I sacrilege. I , Eam I 11 (::: modern ppiritualism. . . (Cheers.) But I am glad to say that I But, the count was finally conolud- .1 I I I _. , I I'll 11 I . — - I �_ , The Alliance, in spite of its strariga wo baff a match for him in our speE&, ads; and their relation to e . conomy - ,� . I —, Vocation, may be described as,a liye�' dr to -night." I I ed, and Rorke, with the totals an a and social well being. I . . . Agincourt, In the ' Fourth Reader. . . , � ly and "going concern." It occupies Mr. Doyd-George aft slip, of paper, rushed from the room Chapter V, �t6lis of some, new ititeregts Whic � Agincourt, from which There 1., a story soing the round;� '' - a suite of ,several large and theerful the only thing that saved him fro -r which lie had ar I . If promise a prorit. ' . *Lii " " �ames WKitney can use it , 4 ... erwa-rd said. to ,a, tdaphon ,Ilenry V. e lo - . njade Ills triumphal entry into Lon. 1which in tanged in advance. Outside the door C114Pter V1. giVeS A deSCriptioll of some liew litinian creations in the 110A, is our English way of spelling , e w. Sir to show the wide range of: I .; � . 'sh 11 rooms in a big building at 110, St. going to pieces Was the roar of ap- he fell into a s�a of mud left by the . Azincourt, iust as Blenheim is a sisni. ar es ; , 6, Just round the tornei plause that: followed the speaker's plant World. I plioa i V of hi new readers. Ai . Uartini Lan I I . bilil s street scavengers, and while, trying lor corruption of Blindheim, In countrY schoolma'dw, attracted by* 'L from the National Gallery, Several asf,�,Axindirlg I statement. . ' to ChaPter VII. deals -with iiew varieties of giain, root and fruit, and the I 1: I I ;1 ,of tile rooms are given UP to ao splen- c­�k - �_ I I I I arise from the muck be 'was knocked .. �Ibout two'and I balf hours Honry".. loud lang1lage in,the yard, reached 11� I I . pritciples tipon whidt thek fnOdificatiOns are effected, "ittle army slew 1o,00 1, I ,did circulaffing.:,'Llibraty, ,v�hich ig the 1�% "A Foolish to Worpy, . down by an automobile, This time ' I I 0 Frenchmen, tho door Ili time to ,bear one pupil I . , * , his shoulder was. dislocated and an I atid the po�siblllties wbich they hidicate. .. nearly twice as many as England lost cail another a pig-headed brute and! 11 , Jarges& of its TdOd in the, world, hitv- "Oh, dear," she said aftertbe masi. arm And wrlst�wsre bad I . . .. )Iltright in battle during flin Boor war, to Ivitiless Dart of an accompanying I � tg -over 2,500 b6oks devoted to all a ly torn, Do- ChqterV111, describe.,; itiproved inethods in Agrictiltural practide, � . " ' 914, "I'm so mor4ified that I don,lf spite these! handicaps e gained the I I Ihsting over two and a half years, and ilss,ault. Tko of -lender pleaded, ,Stay', I pl�tes of spitlital: and psythidal ro,, know what to do, I can't I r � vr< .� likiplii . . I I 06aroll Iia adclition to, the library, . phone and' ,his news to London Chapter IX. is devoted to iiew machinery by which th� drudgery of , talk complacently of oar ",no. of d. rto oil the ground tbat he , : � I � , '" 11 first. . I . I . I I I wbat, caused my voloo to break a!q f1t !VTI . nis of 1�rcwsfojil". A nionu.. . � there are roorns devoted to soul do- - did. never happened before, What - - .- . life on tho fam is, being elibiffiated, waking the farnI a ment I 1. I -1 Nya3 0-tily' pirncticling. a reading l6asoill I I I * I . factory and the farmer the thanager of it. 111. tift marits the co.irto- on one.of t1w Otbor bby.�, and sup- � , il 11 , � . , ��, " , �, "I ,,� , * 44 _­� 'J.2 �1 I ' - '.a rT G r thi p s "� U d Ili r tN � - h b ' I 0 , ' I ran Truni ra fie - ug he o cc a$ T In st 0 la ` e n y u (I v t - ' ' ' * al in � ' , ' ' L � ' I 0 y '_ 5 ' A 11, t C 11 , 611".1 , , , �' IT " I I I,- q , 7 - I , tq 11 I I 11fli! 0 10! J " 1,�� , " " 61 tl!li 01V ,.,c , " " . � � . ,_ Ir I Or 4 " I 33rltl , 0] the ler I as Ill ' , P I year . 'o ' 'water ai� To, _ V [NO 7 ng_ iso � , W". " il � - ' 'I - p's"Ir and , � .. Writ' t � I . )MPA � LTD -.9 , _, M:, C., . TORON� WIL LLIN8 G T I 11 ' . . I . L R KER, SE A ENNT —1, .1 � 11 I I i I I IF, I fa � 'velopment, so to speak, where. classes mus, 4rs. Va4fflugtc,n-s guests thinic. , .. ttiry of '409 slicain. . . : _r t)sycllic tlnf 01(1mcf1t ate held two Of me, itiow 09n X ever ei i � .. Skil I For etting. . I . I , Few battleflolds r4rtnd. hisdvbmi�e by pointing to the � fO I a n it? ZY Is 16 qualify that enables This ,host ititefestig,& A.Ud. illst-tillativebookistnailed ,3 �, ,ppearance s6 11t, n P I . 0 Inve chan 'od their a ',L Ot throfs , "Don't. m-nition it," her.friend ad. in . ,. , , ! . '011 rocelpt I ,� " 1. Th a f � feid inaY be reached �vjtjgj) : r1o, 91t1119(' W`ekl ()4 ag�': 282 of tho � I '� I I � firne.� ft week. Eveii the A 111diciouslyo V,)o 1 IL � . (I '01, ,� I � . unbolievor Vail firld , ;,�od, "They wore Rll,'Ao busy,t . $1 ". . � . I . . I * railwa, hour from Boulogne, ,b 1i I h R - ea - 4c,r. . 1. I � I I . -_ - .11.11.11 11 1 2 � 'ta k sang, that vk,� hly Ift few tout S a go to the so n V I I ' 8 of the Spin alis'k� V,'-Illle . ot 11 , h& gre , � . ft +. O' ­ 11 , 1 Ino'i ' *di'� a an � Of tho priwo , _r � " "t "' 'og ' ,.." . Rate as blaf.^,, 4io ,; I tl 00121 , ,or not� , notice V11 09XV-RAL � , go "SN"'li %AWtied� L , I)y theL t��4 J _ I- AAL o scone of 11 , . I . I I I . . � � , .1 � , � ,� I at , � 1 cc I � I no My! I T qil!�Ig (if other ptople I I : � 1, � I I � lancli'a moft 'wo P are taff,71 na �1114nde lv�u�thoir ho hyu4 t1* it", � �Al I ,of of , tats f . 1.,X'fll!,�� ihe, 'k too yniac"I'. ; I ... 4u 'L " . , I . I . naor ul f6at, .1 '� �: 'i, I I I I ) ,� I . . . , -London I'llifonic' , Jorth"!"i 41 , _ I 1�i6�_r,�"_.4d&4"&&".� jlf..".�!J,.. _�_ L J)k � I � � I � I � I � 1, I I . . - , . 44 fto Torwito, 00 11 J ­'!O� 4 , _�_�1�4� � , _ ,,,, I Adb#m�- I "I A'L.�.�.­�,.,­­ I - , I - , " , .: I I ,. I :" I I . L' . L If - 11 ­ �. ' , , : �: , I . L � . .� ...... A.4__ __ R..._�2__; � it.�., .,. I ; . , L . , , , � " . , . . , .... . 11 � I � 11 I ... ... 2�� 1. I . I , , �:� . I . I .1. _�_. __ -i 11�41Z .�i_ ­i�.­�hi�A, .111 l"' , � � l�-_Aftk­ 1. I "A �,,­­ ­,�, . , I I I .�;:. I