HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-1-26, Page 4I7jlF 7K' OP-, ' 1, "I , 17, , ,. 1 - _ - - ........ , I
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L., . , , lleat ireatber jit pr , a Uay Rariless, has returned Irs. Aobt Roglor 144"' r"itga 11141, , , $al JL__
,, , . "o I wheire to? Note and Comment I , Xa . I
I . I I . Mi,,zs Gerd'o 4orinet, o,t ,n,lonh 4iin hoina& ,fr . J ll-A 14 0 by Teade ' ,a'
. . , oat Lucan" I farul. to Mr. 3ert Ua! snud all
, I . - a,rose is 0,941lia Dr. and Urs. Qt1ack A aulition, aale of bar stook and i1xi-pl'a, I L r . I, PA'sture F -
,, on, Quqz x1aceived w6rdAhis I
She we L busl!', -1r. J. G. J I I
; I I , To Rivers' to order some nlovo)nour r larl's. . I I I . I tuents oil V'Jeldnesday, 4 110 liot I I r apres g
, Amid her Q Week of the '404th of , Mrs, :Viiioo - ZIA- , iUo, un,deralono4 *31. :r4wipe tc,n W, If tY , oad patature 'f
' ' ,. _ , .,hrml
I I . , b4for.pIV*e3'0p,, 404, got iuy 'Qttrlat : She was ,tile Prot- MA Owen Geiger, Of gensall, was Cool,-, (iln CharjQ ltoger% 14toli6lon, to nlove from BlOth- Aers for the p rpligso, vall ekat hal. ,Lot Wine,. NorthBouladar I I
. . . 0 , cu Tuesday elected Nv I ae Ann. up-qball) U I ond xemo, - ;
1 n#V bAkW I g 4,040, . .1, Arden of . It 4,-k w -died on January 17th at Ilal,- orwell immediately, . of the Albert bal:l, .Wop ... ow of NoGillivray, a6verill Acres da 'buahe
. . 11 I Tigst of gixl$ County of Euron. . ho " I I I . , I
Lt 1, L I I Allam, T
I I . . . . . _Qrrow ad,,, I T j L Apply at ougo to .
I I I BE Ma n,, aged 41 years, 11. mo The powar from, Nial -m ri%lls jK ders tok -be filed,O)a oar 'Vetforial tltw ,
, . I ORANULATRD QATMP AT4-m4kes i r. and ars. Chesney, of Nviniii. --ral Bla uWs . gal '
I a care. _ - s 'Allas 'held tenderal )GLAMMAN ,& STAN4uRX, I
. and TO 4a . Tho funeral ' 11ow, pourl4g 1)4 t Ist. miarys ,to Lonr 1 lot UAY of Feb. 1911" I I L
I , . e " c rliiinog po were guests of 31r. and Urs, G, on the . - 00104 . I :. 1, 1,$arrilsitex
:', , thg V0,01 v an Q -aligm Flow the . "" f - I " .
I ,4 # e el n oth . Mr. and Mrs, Cook Ivere I onll,-aad, it is expected, Itliat by th subject 'to the, opxIon ,bh .t ,V,xet,e4- ,
I 1 . g , , T'hel I tir. A. -k, McLeod during .Thc 0 " I and of the monfli it iwl, l h, in a part a 'a . I .
d . e Of
I - ' ros ise sow . Pa'St,Y-7 ak, former residente_ot Wj,nobqlsa a, , a - So Mittee. 'Fit . . 1. ..
I ,owls, . Likew a hazr . ana, , I, Wars made I , . - I . I
I I . : 1. To Marys, the, 'line b 'tweQg. the known on 11 1111" ,tlam, ,
I I . . I . , . I : ".- ' .11 ;.;
;n(q News Mr. and Mrs. Will Uawkshaw and well knowit 'to man y of our ;rep _ 40040 Irarm -
r I I .dors, ill St 1. I
; 'S OATMRAL, for porridge. , el.r. ungest s , KINNER
. I
I I 11 ' Mss blyrtla, have returned and ,are On Oct, oth, th , , oil, Guy transiormer, sstation and Itha Itotvnia I . J, W. Is , . For Sale,
" , 13'ran. shortS4 2110 itb!Td ;session of the vis,tdnig BIr, and 11xs. John Hawk. Itil, . 7 1 houea )being ,nearly toolokylet I ,. - I I 1.
I '. twelfth . y ;Cook, idiLd lit, irtlen, Blan.t.ho,,i. power 0 4,, - I R OR BADE. arm ooncainl:ag
k , . . q I I I I 104 11 .1 =111= , ,, , -F,z 100,.
. I 1 I colm Parliament at Ontario WNIS OPQUed an 4haw, , pltal aged 11 years, 2 Months 410 On 1'hursday Jan ,120i ATr. Invilt I" . . . acres of first classs 'land at tn
. Tuoisday kt , I . sTmffathy'ikox Gleason, of Nisaouri, and Mltiis 'Id . . , a vtJ4..
I a guoQu, Vxo. 'nolitilo, x Y 1215,days. Thadee,_09st 1 11,aQ e of WoOdhain, Goed tw"tore
:, 1. I WAX seed. .0 f Ne w Jersey, N . a
; I I atntled to Mr. 106 k li hLs bereave- Smith, Mothorw,,,11, were unifed lit o 'house: bank barn, 34 by 8, ,
, former x&si,dact of Exeter, rekitrit, I I , . I I
oil, cakld , . I. a ment, .. i , dia holy bon I train ,
I I Ualke Exeter attractive by aeouring ad Monday titter ytifting in for . atrimony, the oar. I .ndA
I . I Dr. Hess's -Stock Food a port of entry, , . town , ids of in . with up4o(-data Gtable, fou t1q1U. ,, ,
I I I .
I A new Postaffice a week. 11 Principal S. 1C. M&rtin, B, A., of St. OMODY being Performed by the Rev, "I .. - I buPlt aboa:t a Year ago..
:1 .1 -and Louse Killer I Ys Col I legiate Institute and brother Mr. Fre,A, at I'tillarton, at the hdrao . I I . . bulijdlztj'e.
. . , . , em,ented throughout. Also a xoott,
I 11; I . and a 0artlegia llbrary For Sale -Good clean fstraiv,,.mO$I;1y, Mal, of, Ithe bri,de'is pa , cellar 24?;13 wit-li, cement .top,, un4e
I I . I
. , All kinds of graig ta is * * A * 1* * * . !of Mr. 8, Martin of town addressed the tl,, ,ilinirent'g, lit It -he lires- , . . .. . . . I
1. . . ken in It ;",,it cat, at 5 a ton, Also I , ,
11 T1
'the minor actions af Our Timothy .hvy. Apply L. quantity of 'd0anadian0labin,ft Marys Tgesday 01100 of Ldiate friends, ! _ . . I , gangway;. New driving sbc-d of '00A
I X,qbgnge .1 3107"aggart. I I
i C , I , I
I I I . . daily life that our true ollaraebar is Ray, P, jo. I evening on "Gambling," Re re- A-Thusterz, 1 awyors, Veachers I ragated steel Isiding.24x4o ,ften hou 4el
i I * I t and I
: It - , . I "I'll,
, . I f liers who,se occupation glivet% but : , o . . 7,xla. 186 ,
11 revealed. -Lea. I I .erred to the prevalence of the gamb- Ot a good, supply,, of 64. ;
. I . 'Curlin on 'the open air rink .. , I . I '--ex. The farm is thq.r. )v
, .
: 1 , law . .1 I e0lil- ling spirlb and the necessity for little ,,exerclea, -ishould trS.0 Carters . I .1 and ar ' iya.
:.I . nc d Iluesday morni I , I . . . I ly ,. al.. -04, and ,. .' .
l. me warning 'the people, in partia- Little Ll.vex Pill' cu
:1 , 11, . , wio I ivers RveTY.trIuMPh in Jife, keads'llaek, by mg when same is for torpid fliver , well 'fenge
. , _O ,
- .
: , various'paths to earlier prepar,itio(h, of 'the local sports enjoyed their 411',rat ular young -people, against the ,ind KlflousnoIS3. .0me %' ai tdo ie; , : ' s . ,ly wi all.now -wiro feiiecs,'Al-.4
'Ilk, I PHO 1i 33 -BlaL-e, game Ithis winter. . , , I s
, , , seductive efiarnis of the goddess of Try -m eumatic, . on oar , good'll I
- N _ . I .the . I Or. 11 t mowyfiaiiA
L'i .. I DAVIS OLD, STAND I t . 0 * 0 a * * a V or 19.110 at ,a: lgar6in_A liew 6 chance-. Re defined gambling as the INIn, I I ad )11 01, parttoulars apply ,to Wes.,
1:. . I Robt. Rea, of Blan3hard, bad I I A. 0 -e '
11 ,. . T10 A P. 9. purpose lo 1iii14 880 roomed house and in acre of land, exchange of a small 'certainty for s, her Gfioulder dislocated'by being up- Remedy 11i 1`1 . odb am. Ont. 17 ",
, i mpm 01'ZTARIO - Mile, to ,Rev. jar . -
. . I I , I . . I I I I a of jiaw itrack lit Ith,, , wo g nit(I with fine orchard, .Apply geruncertainty, and gave illustra- sat from tq sleigh ,irlille ratarnin . A well-kilowa ined" 11 . -_ I I
,1- , . I t G ld . ou'dio Itrack 4 100 miles,in 1911, N ", 11. Butt, Coiltralia, tions ek this, The. apeaker avoided the church, on Sunday Jan. 15th. Tb a 9" , ical autflority says: I '
- . i 1. 11 :: , , ".1 , ", , wl -- - . J * * * % * * Mr. and Mr& W, Quackenbash and subject of stock speculation as being were a number of People in,the alojig,h "Perba.
I . s the, majority , Farm for Sale
, .,. . ite in character and partaking and (k number were thrown in a I
, I
::. . 1, . . 11 . . . The (sa'ddest fallunkss ill life arC4 child, Of BIt, Clemens, visited the c0mliosf ' Retti t t of cases of so-called or I I . I . I
I those that come from not .PUtting. former's, brother, Dr. Quackenbush, a portly of the nature of legitimate bual- he'll) with Birs . a be bottom,. ganie heart disease' or
; : , I :10S AG.4N TH , .
I - I S EIALL N . OT, ,1 is forth the power kind will 'to 611002,33, flow days the past week, ness. He traced the British laws Or .Smith was called and the iiijured i . i L That Choice piece of land one 114C
., I . * - -A.Y. I , I iginate in attacks of . .
._: , : , . I I ,VV -Bishop Whipple, Revi Will, Godwin, of Parkhill who against mblin and, gave a synopsis lady I.,; doing 111cely. . -dmatisio.. mile north of the village. of FarqUil4r,
, I I I * * * * * *,* . 06,namian. sialutes,, ,'The gaining Acute Rho being pomposed of the isouth 50, aorai
" L - , i ' I The Broad that briu.y vth strongt1l. X is suffering from heart t3muble,, hils of The following officers were elected You can't affoid to I . 11-1
"I LI., I I . Exeter should 'be croated a port of been ,compelled -to ,take a three in connection with the eltibs in Great a t .it h,' , at Lbt 12, N. (E. -ba(undrls townsilij.pr I
I . ,want ito g-lve: I a .Tegular meeting of !the Boulth I neglect the first symp. ,
1 , :.. :. The water purie that bids, the -thirsty entry, Having -to wait from ,one ,to months rest from his labors. Britian dqring the varly part of the Party Agricultural Society ' In 'S;t. tom of Rheumatism, of U*orae. 40n this prope# r t-bpl-4
I . : i I I .1 11 live. I . I five wooks before goods ara Xj,,I1eveLa Mr, Weidenhammer, was In Goner- nineteenth century was spoken of, Maxy.5, on Jan. 23rd. Presideid', A. I '. It dosen't pay to grin Is a, -ood frame barni a ilw,ealing
I . ,
. I I want to ll,elp .*be faint - big,';day by from 'the cu,stoms is very, provoking-, ich Tue-9day and Wedne " and also the gaming ,bouses of Paris, moDonald, , house, one, and one-half hares of g,00Q
I , 1. sda of 331anshard; first vlocio% I and bear it. The swol. I
.L I . to 'the %usiness mail, I y "'a 'on- during the revolublott and the president. J, Henderson, ok I orolfqrdt 5 acres good bush, t1he h4la-
", . day; metion. with the appointment of Belton; len and painful, joints, ance seeded to graiss_a windii%Mai . .
, I I I'm sure I shall not pass again this school inspector for East Huron, . years following. Thegaming houses, secretary. A. Carman, of Ot. Uary's ; the tender flesh, the I - =4
. . . 'Do you think you can. ManaVe -with of Baden-Baden, Ems and Ramburg, . treasurer. rr,raders Bank. I - tank on a never falling sPring Nrelli,
., I ' ' I torturlirig Inflammation This Is pq choice plede oi gand, ir,AX
I -way. I - I my salary, of $12 ,a week, darling? ZTr. X. Elliott is havin- a new which were closed by the. German A reception was held in Knox undeidral ned and-stiLtable for giaz,
11 .
.. he , the rofnse night .
, ,, I aske,d, after she .3aad said Yes platia glass window place; in his Govermentitt 1872 were briefly des, Church, St. Marys on Friday evening 1, sweats -all :these are .
T want to give the oil of joy for it , , .
. . I Who faith to conquer crowding d aan, 4I'll ltry, Jack,! Geld sha;; 'b I tit what buiidliig . The building ivi,ll be used cribed. The address closed with a . . ing -or mixed farming, If not sof;d
i , .. . oalits W , by :1)11,": Xorlwk, as a. fancy goods r . a , in honor of Rev, Wd A. Nichol the least serious of the private'.y art or before ith-A, 25th d4o
.. 'UnIvenaRit Leader. eference to the famous casino at 's' Mrs. !Nichol. 'The pastor has of January, 1911 it w1l, the sol
, . . and'fears, Ill YOU tdOP store. I , a d I effeets of Rheumatism.
11 I . -Beauty for ashes may lgive alway; MoriteCario. Asusual the -discussion just returned from Ohio, with his Prow t treatment I? d br.
I I . I e ;K P Public auction at the V=e lof. Ithe,
I I pass ,again this Not one farmer in 500 fails, In. Wes- i Er. and Mr -z W. Mace, of Ny'inll- -hich followed. the address wa Parti- brid . r. NV61101 wa's "pre'sented -Is go,, ,
, m not 2 ,,, w 5 'Will Often remove all
I . . I ,majorVtV of it * ing , n in sai e of the chAttels, at, A. Molvie,T .
I I , way. tern Oyftarlo. Ths hem Pa -, are visit., at the home of BIr, cipated in by a ul ber of members. with I an address and a. hturi,dsome trades ,of Rheumatism . ,Lot 17, Conoessim 14j,. fto.% n I
,,L, .1 I - I R. -. Ir. Macz! spent sov- I I I
, I beconra Independent, many of 'theta Carlin., n . , purs2. . .. . 4 from the system. NY- . hilp (if'
I I -want ,'o give gooll mea,sure run- become wet ithy,A few, Q ,days of I 'in Tor - al's Rheumatic Remedy
, I If cay. 'become i' he Past week I -an- — on Thursday evening a farewell Hibb rt oil Friday ,10til day lef riLyb.,
, I - -
1; ing der., . . poor. ',No other ocou'Pation is L4 o ISUT M. I I . at 12 a d.ock nooll. .Terms easy,. ai4
,_ wn , a. party, in honor of Mr. Pat Blorkiz, has proved beneficial in . no rMervei as proprifator %a going. -srclst
.. d into angry hearts I want o pour * W * *1 * * * - Mrs. Chas. Monteith, of tile Thames Man s Personality home on a visik f ' all forms of Rheu - For terms ap!V,ty to W..5ilv,arls, jr.. c6d.
.. . The answer soft that tnrne th ,wrath Soottish whiskey .sitatistics Road.. had the misfortune to fall on rom Albe)eta, ,was matism, whether mus- Thos. Cameron,'Auct., Farquhar:p, Q
. away -, allow On Sanday m6rilln.- last, Rev 9 given. at 'the home of his brother,
. . that the year 1910 was, tb,A wor.5t in tile ZlIPPeTY ice on Saturday last and F Sharp i) eached an excellent ar_. Mr. James Markin, at Lucan. The cular, articular, inflam- . . .
I`M, sure, I shall not pass again 'this the It I --- - , ,
. . I i sitory of the txa&-. The prc . brolso her hip, She is confined to ;On in Caven, Presbyterian church. merrymakers, num erirlg 100, spent matory, sciatic or ty I 1.
1, 4 I/ way.. duction decreased by 2,100,000 1 -gallons, bad in consequ.ence. '- His text -was taken from b Car. 4 a very enjoyable time. dancing , until I Large bottle $1VU .
, I I want to give lot chbaxis, hope and! and totals only 22,000,000 igailwag, On Friday evening last Mr. John chap. 3 and 4. "But with the early ,hours of'the morning.' FOR, SALE.
4 . me it is Mr. .
)mi the lowest for sixteen yean3. Gillesp-c., sr., had 'the misfortune to 3. very mIill thing that I should be
- . % .faith : I Pat Blorkin left on Saturday evening We S. Howey
Z .
. I want -to do all that the Blaster I fall on the sidewalk and fracture judged of yoit or of man's judgment,- for Stratheona, Alborta, via Detrol!t . 0 One and a half .storay br '
I . .1 . , . I ick hbUL-4
I .
I ''. . saith ; I "my ;1axg0st itenn. Of lOxIltzisc, is on three ribs. He is confined to the yea I judge 'not mine ownself. For and Chicag&.. - I ) .. Phm. B. an one-fifth acre let, with , larg N
- I ,I want, to -live -,ixight from day to account of adverti-sixitg(" hatise in -consequence. I know nothing by myself -, yet am Within the past week there ,have . frame stable and drive shed, comenig
. . . I I tified; but he that h T n ;n ,,
4ay,, "Indeedl I -.1,as MA aware that i, Mr. J. A. Stewart underwent an J., not hereby jus, . been isix deirt is coorded i Wi, :g_ I Chemist & Optician walks, good garden, plum aild cherry't
if in sure I shall not paas again thti you Nrero in business." . operation at Victoria ho, pit ll on judgeth, me is the Lord." The them,,, ham, among 0xose passing away he. Exeter Ont. I tnes, raspbertlea, ,gooseborri.ts aui% I
11 I : way. I . . # 'I in ,not. ,But MY wife reads !the Fx1day last Th- operation 1 as sue.. is man, fourfold in personality. Paul ing 'three of ''the oldest Tesid,ants. I . __ - . black currants. A nice liall bonll 4
I , I ,
. -
. 1% . ,
. I I I ads. in tho,F.Nmt:Jv . . cowful and rr. Stewart is now do'lily the apostle declares that it is a diffi- -'Xra. Eli Elliott, George Green and -_ , , -1 first-clasi6 water, ,el., ct !D ljgh%
11 . . .. I - . 1.11 - .1 . I r
I . : . I I . . I I I as, well as can be c:tpected. cult ,thing to be a mlnist r 'to the Will'am Axin'Our. The firot, name . - ceinent floor in cellar, also one:I acrei
I . Having Christmas, goods arriving Corinthian church. Paul saw that it wa;J a , naltive of Dti Of InaPle, elm and . butternwt, ,tre
. I Mrs. Mary Ann rswoet, wife of Eli. evonshi.re I and I e$
. . . . 1 7 with ,good Pasture for -home or oow I
I . A 0ARNEGIE LIBRARY Some time after Christmas simply be- Elliott, of Wingham, and anut of Was not ilec essary for him ,to please 'Came 1tO, Wingliam -'n A .6. 0 Xr.'Green . Annual Meeting adjoininm 11 .., ,
i . I cause they could not have - the, Corinthian c1throb, but God calls was from )the xLor'tb of' Ir land, an
I There .,seems to be som, wha't -f , . d .
I I 1. L a -them re- -Vessr% James and Alf. Walters of . ot. WW be sold diials
.. . j i! _ ' leased from -the ous ll, m to be a. faithful minister or settled in Ithe !town in 18G*-,. _The 111te or together to suit Purchaser. "RiaAF
'.* , i toms is makingi town, died e January -waz * TOT*nt'OL . A
I I . eiiance of opinion, ust whether the Exeter merchants ta steward of God. and that the men of Mr. Armour The tinnital inee'ting of the Usibornt ,son for selling. golm.- to
, Exeter at this 'time' should und . ka actio -n, 18th. Sh2 vm-s 65, year-st of age. from Arliylshil,e, & Hibbert, Mutual Fire Insurance
I , 1, - I God must ans-, er to (,ad. Man is coming .tto Canada , n l:852. Me Co., will ? a hold in the s ;XPply to A. R. Hoa4 1:
er IM time now Exeter ha of . Por particular' .
- lbrp . Mi -s Jo8iie B1. Rober rrA.. t6tirfold -in his 1;er..sdnaIjty, There is over 00 years of age. Mr. Green 'Was * . . . P. 0.
'. , " tala_ to secure a Carnegie 1.1 ry.. entry. I . tson, a to was , 9(irt, Exeter ,. I .
' 71 ,. '7, , - . , , I . I 1. . -* * I -teacher in tho.E xo,t.ar !Tc)jOOl I I . 11 I ; . . . . .1.
.." I , All' G tem'agxeed `thttt-Exetar should. I . lit -*, * * * . . er . I - , Ated, Man as s en by the world. as seem tl one of 'the oldest merchants -in ,the . PTIBLIQ HALL FARQUHAR I i . . I 1. . .1 . . I I .
' I
isome ti , in The desson, .of an annual 7 go-va:rn,4 'at tthe home of'her faTher. Mr W,. R.' h! f:WNQs is recognized bF.hims . ' %. . I . . . I I .
1: O t. one att e a.md 'when ltk.e_v elf. County of 'Huron, and besides a store ON MONDAY, FEB1Y 16th, 19,111
, , . . . Mani: inspector of [banks haa b, en 'Robertson, in Godertell on unday and as God knows him. ,Let every in Wlngham kept a, general store in I ' ,
- I
: I I vlo, Ao it ,Hght. dnd get a good one It, itlearly taught onelo intiny farmers; January 22nd. ,The' funeral was' tn n be him,zelf D'dviid did not fight Gorrie, for many years, 1. . I at One p,,= . I ANNUAL MEETING 11 ,
i i -0*,:wIth a, basement -%vttli different and flaborers, in the vilein..ity of Da,sh- held on Tuesday. in the soldiers ar nt bu It con- The 'b'usiness consists of receivinLr, I
I I ! , , 2 .
t, I. - ard-earned- 1 -Mr. Win. Elliott, of Detrott, and is nan , ' .! —_ The fifth annual meett;,m .
combartments such as a men7s room, wood,' who had -their * I quered 'with ,h--. . ph,T eh d s Sling, I the Directors annual report and the - of 'A
. ,
- savings. of a,life-ftme idepoAfted -wi(tb Mrs. .Hill and daughter, of Bl: 'Paul warns men aartinst being me Huron Werither ,Insuranc M' I 11 -11.
one, for gymnastics, imstalling of . axlette, I re ' ,; eledtion of Itwo Di- U
Ajet lts ,-` p,, ab a v 6 'that a library. the Farmers: ,Bank. 2slich., v!sited 11r, and Mrs. T. r -Mott Opjsis. 'You icannot, take into ae- CLEARING SALE - 'r"et"-`t1ot cs'r'! wo Auditors, and any Company will be hold 'in the. T '
. ' ' xe "'I 9a '
* * * this week. . Accompan ed 'by i you. be, ip` l at .11, `Zurioh, on 11on-day, Jana- .
: . * * * 1* count th2 worl:l lz' s llnate or I , In tbal may be in. 'Cho . .
x m roonLJ - ,, -' liott -they are v',, Mr. The opinion of t c '9 , e"
#ading 01 "I Ge'a the tsha iff is advertfo3lil,.. Ll , - - two " .
1. ,adi.es TOOm, and at, -SIting with rela- he outside world , -the Company. ' - 30th,, 1911,: at a clock p., .. __
- , ' I .
I I . .
. . . I
I Jxkton. io anything, *Then = , The basine63 consisi of receiving 4!
-,ill been suggested, As Your istack for Gale.' ti -3 at M of Farm Stockand Im .in The Directors whose term of office. Directors, Auditors' and Troa.surer."S .
. tdrium, have toresit of
I , , can lea I . 'fy-es; and lies getting quite a *, . is 'fri-
f as we", in a great malty'. Ml s Valletta Frayna very pleasant. theta is. the Man as seen by h, . explres,,but who are eligible for ra- * , I .
. ron of business. * d 1Y -entertained a number of en&:! as seen by his, mother T his reports, 'the electing of Directors and'
slarg mysalf-. ' ladies on Monday 3 closes't friends'. T ese I . Auditors, and such ,other bilainons, ne
artY in fav-bx-of` going after one and. ndvert! I wish 1, had trie
. yoling children.. by liti h plements and, Roots election are J L. Zussell a I nd: Win.
S , one man says, ".go after it hot even;ngL The are apt 'to be . . I Boy.
I -uest of honor was Miss Viola We lenient Tile good may ,be necessary for.the goo'd and '
. I Ish. cawes the weakness Lo ' e ovIeraliddi. to on has received .,-*n- I I welfare of the company. You are re q,
I -footed.": Tine we must s our ,It seems ,that -'the from 'the west who with her parents b Mr. s. Camer ' ten709.1boy holders are Teritiested 'to at. * '
..... , I , ee canal scheme ar . owed. But neither the mother, the s 1: r u 0 t12'si 'all by public auction I . d I .
waterwo.rks system completeed, but from - Goderich 'to Hamilton is not a a visiting in and around towm, I guested to, attend. Ir. B. 1347W,4
'00, . -
r ; new Project bht tba:t the scheme was -no,vrs Us on Lot 17'13.- B". Tounship of HibbeA JOIEUT ,CAMPBELL- SeOY-Treas. LER, President; A. .G. SMILLTEI
child, or th2 best friends 1, I
canno a - - FRIDAY FEB. loth, 19-11 ., . . I ot
I , I / , t fford to let such an op- mooted over fifty Reeves John Taylor, of Exeter. They do Lo, knbwbur motives. Ther O` I 1. I I - S-cretary. .
; - yeam ago. IT.hwt it F re -d Hunkin, of Usborne and -ii 8'. is 4the man as seen by himself. Man - at 2'.30 sharp. I . I . —
. '_ POrtunity as a free library ship by. may .ever becomd an accomplished Sweltzer. of Stephen and Deputy- can abstract himself and; pass judg-i HORSES -1 mare ris.lng 'S years, I
I We don't expect this.offer Will be fact Ithere !a 11no saying, ,but ! re are reeve. W., D. Sanders, of 8tephan, ment upon his own life and actions. 'draught; 2 geldinza r:sin- 5 ,. I
o I agricultural; 1 g P y`9ar , . . 11
go'd. forever. T,he young peopid. of almost safe in saying thatt t will be axe in Goderich this week attending. There are those who underestimalte, 'f jngxbt.ing 3 yrs. .1 -For, Sale Notice. to Creditors - "..'..
- ,the lown ,would will a number of years at any rate. Tor -county council.. . themselves. There are those who ZrIcultural; ,I good farmers driver' Brown ispaniel blips, ivell bred, and I . '.._.
.11 . restimate Ithemselres. ,There are senberr . Thomas Hartnoll, of the Vij1W,
, I a great many yea- the Georgian Any merchant Or bminess man, e . y in the matr," of the estate bl' -,---A
! . . , 49or accommodation. The Y. jrL c. the idistance has -been before Ill.he 9 and who those who are -self-critical, and dor CATTLE;; -3 cows . with calf A Grand Bend. . . Ixeter, it the County of Huroij4f'
I handerd dollars a Year for good in- -Bay -canal, ,which is only about half has custom goods arrivin- who ove eliable. easily -trained. H. Mos'
. 2w
. , I . pub would find kt 'to his ad nothing, j),ecause they think they foot;.(,' cows idue [to calve at time of I .. of Z I
I fq. ' .h the work 'xeter created a'port of entry cannot do it. There axe others wait. ,sale; .1 heifer 3 years old due 1 ,'to I — '. '' laborer, ,dopeaistEd. I . . ..
A., 11 t rough 7jecause ;j suitable lie, and this year it is Probable thit have is vantage to
.- - 141dipg ,could not %e secured. may be commenced. A. that be might xelea.se his goods bere; balane6d, who do the right, thing, but calver time of sale ; 2, cows due in . . , I . "I.
. . I . . March; -3. cows ,dua in April; 4 steeis I . Notice is fiereb,y given purstiatit EQ, I
:1 I 11 . , . . . special. estimate .of $3,000,000 for a should communicate ,w.Lth y G - ' they are few. God's judgment shall . I For Sale it. 'e. O., AP7. c -hap. j29, chac alk
4 1 beg - . .. rigig rikilg'2 years'; 4 heifers I
i , .1 V -innin- has been Prepared, and let him knowthe amount of du t be fair and impartial. God icnows the . xisrug 2 F, czeditors and others having .-claims .
, - MOUNG MEN I,,,- p,0L%T1CS paid each year. Y years; 9 spring calves, OR SALE -6 good Black, Minorca against th,6 estato. of th ,AfzLte Thonj.. .
, I It 1 vointe'd out' by* t* motives and the ,circumstances. Ere roosters. Apply to Mrs. .
1, I tile he - Canadian I . takes into account aver.,rtIlLng. A: HOGS --I sow idue 'to litter time IS* A', 'Car- -as Hartnoll, who died oil or about!. .
. Gazette t Canida7 last year beat minister mu of ,Qale; -a store--hog.s. ., 1. . -3t the 2n.d day -of
, . I , -Cana,dians are gradually awakelt., 'United States A: load of Young people drove -to at answer. to his Gard, . , neiss, 3!rain streel. . .1 . . I Jainuary, 1911, ax*
. .
Ing to a.sense of nallo'nal raspon;si- Brit'sh Q -S 9 Magnet for d assisted It does not matter how be is es -d -i - . I.. 30-tAi da:3n,
the Kirkton. Monday evening an IMFLEME"NTIS.--1 lumber wapn- required on or before the
immigration. The in -the program Vn connee nearly now, I truck wagon I f -top I - _' of Jan, 1911, to send by poft prepai4 ,
I billty and to a realization numbers tion with ' ' 1. : I
I of tha are for British North America. 114. the 13Pworth League entertainnra,p!t mated by the public. by his friends buggyi new, been Used, [4 jr deliver Lb, lyliessrs-Uladnan &
f9rc that they are no longh,r 542, for the United States, 16SO of the Me'tho or even by his own self-judgmealt, I top buggy, , I
k mom- 0. disit church. The Christ- but how -does he stan I pair bob sle!-ghs. I m H * Work''Wanted , .. . Statibury, s6licitors for the execq* , ,
. d before God. assay- arris I . I. I
bOr'S'10f demall dependent commutrit. .In 1900 the condition was very differ. dan Endeavor from the First Presby -i A minister is binder, I mower. 11 steel ' horse rake - Work Wanted -Cho two . t.rix of . tne --*I-
: ,nt. The Unit,,d Sta, terian church, St. Mar;vs, also GoAts': representative. ice of estate of tw I I..
. . jty -1b)u.t rather citizens of a rapidily British immigrants, M part of the 1pro&am. - tchman and when he ing plows, I large two boys. 17 9. , pply to W. rH. said - christia* ..
bes -took- 47, 1 a') k He is God's Nva new, 2 walk and I - deceased tljeir
, and 3ritish sees dan rer he must blow his trum- furrow Plo 1 gang plow, 1 disc Levert. . I I
gro'Wing nation *hiell is 'takjuig, . Zt and surnames, addresses and ,. deW '
. I " harrow, 11 4,et harrows, 1 12 hoe !, . I . 1. rs ,of thei)a
-airs, and which ,,,jtlfi9ures were about the ! ame. ,In ago was ein loyed "i t AT Frost &\Wood drill. 'Work an ,,-. I ,
, I , it,,; North America 7,809, .N-naxt Year tthe Mr. Alvin Grigg, who a few years pet. God nsks of the, -watchman mot 11,11 oriptiolls. th6 full val'ticula
place in world aff P I as clerk -I 41 r. only to speak the pleasant things but I in = claini", 0110 01,401111CIt" (it their ri64
, la0v .k,.xert a great influence in nda was double. and the immi, J. Grigg . I . . I _. I . ,iOuril.n 1irid t1l,a 11.11,11re 0 t -ie I
, entl 1,902 the British immiqration to Can- of "town. and who iz- -no%v ,'a utter the watchmants cry, It a ter and bun-cher, I f I lue-1
I Word pea harvest L .
Politics. ,The old regint,t Of , ,-xatioa conducting a, similar business at man speak Coln King. manure
: s the pleasant -things he 3 horste cultivator, sprca4er. now, I ,- ' alilitleH, if ally, held by, the -1111. I ad
ti.4fi,ed dependency tothe United Stabes slightly inerea,s_ P,embrooke, was acv1slItor Ili tOWn gats the well done but if be speaks _ 1 steel iand. rol- : , , For Sale - , fur-ther talce.not.ice tinit, UfLer , ich
I on Grea C ed. Canada went On gainl'n, , 6 -
m on Us from 'Saturday ti -11 Tuesday. llis not in accordance iidth.other's judg-. ler. new, Verity make, V. pew hay. 'llouse and tire lots on Main SLX`00L. last mentioned date,)the sail E cu.*
1 i for protection is ending and -rival. Pft- -L-d it in 1905, and kept fts many friends were pleased to se,,, him ment, he must suffer. But he must fl -r. I root pulper, I R'xeter. being -the estrl'ba of tho. late trLx wdl proceed to -dist -, .
, ri I tel
. I , , ! bacomi g conscious !end. Until now it is nearly -12,000 and wi,,b him continued succe * holjse.,, the assets of t1e dec6affad a'mofi. , big
.1 . I n of the ahead. In addifion to ,this. -we r,a_; business. I I ss in answer ,to his God. The dine may gravel box, 1 Qg rack, 2 ,syts double .-Mrs. Ann Eacrett. .Frame . , . I
. .4 narl'icH old-it'lett theral'o, 111%vin" I
. come when men cal.edto preach may harneess, ,11 set single bar I P"t frame stable. This property is sRu- " I 11 'a -i
mocessity for bearing Our own lonr_ e, ive a large volume of eettlers from The scholars of -Cav 'of mangoldis about 00 ]oar,,"_so,s`.S'1 quan- gard oil 0
,dens oil our own shouldcr-3.: an Presbyter- have to earn money with their brain -ated in a very' desirtible location. Y 1.0, 010 1-aim.4 of 1h
. .. , There is "he United Stliteg. Rere.ct-,ain the ian Churell SunflaY School are to be or hands and then, speak fearlessi titT of turn:p,, forks shovels. : she shall" "" . '
room in 'our public life for youilv ,conditions are .reversed, the larger hoes Vor terms and pa,rticulars apply fhen 'have notice and, (i
. . OWTO.
r n 11 ')
given a sleigh ride on Saturday' af. their message. ,v and other articles too numerous to 1-26-Im , . , the said executrix , I
- The .,speaker conclud- . I I . R - wial at be i0
I ,,
I . . ' migration b Lrg now =rthivard 1-n- ternoon next. They are to mee-t at ed `Bnt as for me* I will preach my; I I Is. . W , . to;, I'lle fulid ; m4( ut Dr any 1) , t I " -4
I Wens actuated by a sincera patTIOUG , I mention. . !
. I .1 It"'ad. Of SOuthward. i - I .= , L Alit
1. . . . the church at 1.30 0 riarm for ,'Sale. . . ___ Icy ally 11vi, -
_Abirit, Iloyat to Brit- *,inatitutlons,. clock. Through. message as God gives it me; I shap, 11 . 'Ron or per.4oiis
, I . . ..%h 11 , a ) * L 6f , of vv,' -_
no hale . . I cloillis nollel, frhall riot have, " :
. ra ill i tutloil!s'; 'I shall mile north of''the village ot:Fartl,nhar t; . I
I land capable of taking their isha --------O— the kindness 'Of Mr. and Mrs. J*h'o. defend his holy imsti That larm land eituAed
. , I ' Rowaliffe, London Road I= Ivill be after the w0ohmant,s cry; I' shall .b,l,g I k ;in Of
, tbe government Act IN-,, cc,j1mtM In .1 Locals served at,theit ,.home A' ' 112111i'll W received by lier at hte K a ,of ,I .
. , . composed of.1he soiiith 50 acrei --- I - -matiarl. ,
. I . * n enjoyabl, eop fragrant the namas of *hcsL. . _WW A& a (lisl r 1,., I
I iorder to ineet this demand cu . time is expectetf, ' h OP Lot 12, N. E. houndary I . -
. r youag Mr. W. H Lovett vvat, In Toronto sleep neath *the dust. Yea, God ., township I
I Mon iz-,bGuld Pay close 2ttention to the . . oi U sbo Is -1, A 1) M. A N & STANBURt',
r ,,, .
' .helping' ,me, I' shall defend thes . I t . rne, On 4 his' prop- er'ty -there WINTER TOURS, -sOi
, , , on Tuesday. . A robin, that ' eviden,,lv MWers, . I,,, a good train-.. barn, and 4well.mg, , ic!tor.s to - the execatrix .
our winter i d 'this I willL do while one drop ouse one a) d one-half acres of goo Dated -at Exeter this loth, -day ".
. -gri-at pD11itleal questions of the ,day, I;Ini. -T. A. "Stewart -was in Lon ' migr.-ating of blood coursaa in illese veins.', , d
I veather, to " * an
, . `r 6unday. . dont to the south, 'has been reportect to ly,, - 'o CALIFORNI,A I.,
I . 00 give, time to the consideration ove . ----------- Q _ . . orch,ard,,5 acres goodbush,"the bal- . J anuary 1911j, , . I . I
l . -seen by several residents of our vil. I 1 .% AND V WA I I
"I 'alld, discussion of Pot1litical prob'lemig. Mr. Alf. NValters leTt Wednesday on la. -v.. The littl dnd-,- Beeded 10'grass,awindni'll and . Jr, I A MEXICO . . I . I I li
I . , . I i I . I
e feathered creature. . at Low Rates r . I = I .,
, .
. a business trip to the Soo, lank pn a never failing AS -Pring iWell, I . . .
11 I Vor without a, kno,-triedge of world , up to a ,week or ten days ago, was This 'is i 0 I . I .. I I
d ,gular Morning v:sjt r to nit ash. underdrain , ad and suitable for graz- f I -
_1/ , affairs an, without' a, - clear con- Dr. McGillicuddy has had a Phone a rL JIJIISTRICT , 2, choice Piece of land, well , Sectire ckets and full . p4rtiettlrirs, Notic,
. 00tiOil of Pdlfti al responsibility and placed in h,,s home. tree close to the rectory. It is rt". Elizabeth A. .Frazer. holoved w[fe, ing, or - mixed farming.' Terms " of rom ' I ' . .1 . . e to Contractors I
. I . :1. ,lpf the science of go*ernment,l' Ith,c, Mr. Jno. Xc';Aallon, Of Sepforth, Ported that he makes his home in a of James NVeLls. died 'at huer hamo, real estate made known on day of, J. J. KNIGHT, Depot Agent. I Tho lindorsigned w1,11 receive soa!i .
I I 0011119 I men of,to day, who will be the . Ir-nt Tuesday in towh. " I I straw stack at Mr. A. Fordis sling, lit Hallett on January 27th. ag-ed - I I
.1 Rav S, F. S . . ter house, i " I a- , yea . ris . 9! months and 28 days, I ,19 sale. , TER 9 . . I I I I . . .1 I ad tandois for tho, urecLion and com,; '
. , harp was ir. London I I BrS 6F 0 A.Wiizs, , . -1 I viction of a hah In tb V11-lagre ot
:1 aOVLxiliu9 MOXX Of "th'a futum Will ba ani St. Marys on Tuesday. At the james ,itreet LeaguI3, Tues. One O,f the !fullv rem,ainfing ploneerN. All, sums of $5.00 and under casb, I I . . . . . . Woodham for. L, 0, L. JNO. , 40:2, .,
Zut Iliftle adopted 'to, manao-_" I day evening a Aterary program wa,s Of NNf irighana i.n tlip person of , George over that amount ,12 Monthsi dredit I , "I
. the af- Mr. J. G. Stanbury, -was in Strat- , given,an' : I 1 ,aid hall to bo "n-s.t ueted ,as fd'( ? I
1. I 66 3 of ii,.Dominion With ,ever ex, ford on Saturday last on a case. d an impromptu debate was B. Grovii idited on Monday night, ,'fan. on furnish appro- ,id joint notes I OWS 0 'oement coZ111, 1 , t,
.1 t0jadhig Imperial held. Misses for ! 8 TW . . . 1 ,-1 basement, to -P
. . - __ __ Y. Mfters and . J. Wtb., 1:1,11 wag, 72 years of agi,% . discount of 5,per 6e3A off. 0 a , crate blocks auditDil,uni to be 6^4 " 0 I
. tions.-Taronto N,-ews. up for the past week with La grippe.' sides were chosseia, The ' and Derangement of ItlieUver, with con- on tretitt amounts, Positive v no re- , ? ,,f
and fcr af&n -la- COUnci , IlOr W. Rivers has been laid Hardy, were aPPoi_fttfd leaders I . . low. frarne iven,s,md with whitia , . I
I I . I . , batia was ,StiPatio - injures the coniglexidbb isi- , wba=(Owts & d
. I . * u mrye as the pr6p.iletors ari 'go'ngi .
, I St.. I I . . . '.
I - - "RO,-Olvad. that A clean and cranky duca, pimples, Lsall.,ow 18kin. nemove Ire I metitillic niotai_ Bultding t6 I
I - APPrentice -Wanted -To learn bar , . I pressild brick, Interior ip bi-i tint's
I .
I . .1 I b-,TiX161'. Al 'Ply to ET -Willis, Exat ar. Woman, was more to ba''desired than the allse by u*ing'Carbar , Little. , W1511 TOWERS jr. I I ,*, I wivu 6m bi emonk, 1
. I Mrs. W. 1) .01arke and child art,, a good natured dirty one." After, Livere I be heated by far, , Eli
1 * viskting Mrs, Clarkets Parents in Lon. some e:toellent, and ' I Pills. One a do4- e. Try them. TH Proprietor at Real r3stAte' ' Have ydu a 4pl6dja AaCk Tonders will 'bia rn-amaa for each '
,?, I humorous argu- On Tuesday. January loth death - OS, ICAMBRON .1 rradc, sepoxata or fox, Cull contracti - I I
_# , .0 "don, . , ments the judges decided that the carried off one of Blyth's oldidst dna .uc'tion eer. ' . , of goods? I , -, I
, I - i to be eornpf, ft o,n or bofor( the,
. . i samL I ,
ng ARCH, TOWMI.S. 15 1 , 1
ov ,* fiet 1. , __ I I I 10 Mr. and Mrs. W. H, Ccr lljil Spatz deb to',was a'tle and left thti you mo,it respected oltizen.4, in tbc,'Personi . av,, a I lans n
' .
I . 00t, 191,1i, 11, ,nd I . .
. 6, * 'a fow ,days of -the past -wee ' . Hav6 you just got M' a new 0, , t,,On
I %I - 4 I _)t in TO- men to dedidc'fOr t4eM8dlaQ " . Of Alary Jane 00altv'r. aged'70 yea I Proprietor of Chattels I ' , p , 'If. rrav bt za,on at, skin -i f
, + . I . # ro.nro, I . . I on, a layman, ( 10 . I I ' -of pilpular atfides? , 7
I 10 Mr. Win. Gibs )f the She- had been ,ai resident of Bly". i All tenders
I t. 6e . ners, stoxe. `1, 1'o8dl1II n .
. I
1 ; S , I Chi dten, a r,r . . I 11
I . Mrs. s Avenue Blethaidist,. church. ,ince, ISM . , 11" f ()J oil ar, bt,Foro tho Ist, 4day 1.
# I I ' , I . . I Are You m6ig a .spe i .,
I . ," ,a - ,I .roo-1-ter.5 for *=1 conducted CIA of. V b, 1,911. Th6Ao,tr,,5t or ' a
. : I ,, A. Harnc.ss is advertising I
10 0 1 1 1 m V. c-,- _,M"rc*:, , it", the ervfcoa in Word rr,ich,'d ITY10thelimill, ast '.FOR FLETCHER'S . llyf. 1,
+ . . . I tender riot nooast-,%ax .N- gnocant.e.
1 0. r @ S a !,I,. I I I James street church on, Sunday'and iv ,(,k of 1he tragic nnq or Mr. Ern- , . P&O OR lefWdr 16ts ? , . , d. I I
I - I * * Nrr, Thols Oliver. o.f M*Ibrook is preached tWO excellent: and fore'Iful t' V, JJ,,,1TyJ,.LqJ7, r- 0 A'70 R UA I I I . . I . ____ L .111, 1. .,SK1INT4Vn. I 11 .
; , ; U P , f .` Jl'r higIr4 ermonq. M.r. Gibson. Of _Noritvood, Ma,,Iq,, a , I S
I ........ : .: tri -v Mrs. X6 h ft s 'a' fluent bf-hor vialz f )Str, . . . _.L ,1 I I i . ,
I ; R. _'... 1 * [1,1 I p . 4 I aUghter, . . spoaker and see ' " b - - - I In O t,j! ,, ear iavaidont Chilclren 0 ry Who Knows Abo it? . I I I I ,
L # ". . - ratIss, I . puipl.t 4 th" ANTI-. PVTA. Rogt!r atid rvrx, . w. .,vv: '' I I .1. I UT
I I `5 0 . Rev. R. aobbs, Iwas, Ito"con- Itoger ifr,! t11r,- of flia lduco-af';uL . Is OL, __ . I I . . , , .
+ SL Ga.'mera Z -Air. and X)Trs. 13-rowilloc, 09.1tican, d t -, i,q FIN FLEYCHM6 AR9 b . I I I
I , I I I ."I . , let eftfybody -know I
, I
I I ,,p, Uo anniva gervtovt dt I I . . wintr
,int.'Sunday visi,ting Mr, and Airs, Chester but I)or- , — 0, — _r, 0 MIA . - Why not , 800T 114fl,
L 3 Supiles at, I,J,()W . I . ng td"110 attadk or "I I , OAS 4, gn I I
4 INIS 1),'Woockr on, .01 1. L_ , , , All F, N; I I
.,y I .1 e. .. 11
. I I ll, . . I'd . . I 0 9 us pikt i0me OR , 610%, fft 1
. I La grippe unable -,to Jattjtd bija I 0h*1 r L Chi "r 10 1i Or I I 11. . h , I I . tib f tho I : I
' L 1'..'l - ' I , ,
7. , .11 ,
' I I ..
L I , ;
, I
, I..::: "I I . .1 .
I .1 .
"I' 4
o i
- `
b, tL
Q '
r 1
I 1
I DRUG, STORE Mml,Poplestone. or., who has been home. Xr, an Wa's a ,guost: of . I I 7 i a softbine :1
11 ,nt,l. FOR MUM . ERIS . . Aild Pdsu. ! 1 . I I
*#++ '#+ I 1111t Imoma, is no# convales- ,Mr. an S.Va Vey while in S . I i I LETON . I . I L . - - --- -----.-I..--. - 1-1 . vo 0011to" A
+0* ,, ##+ ,.t,, J, , -, . .1 I I I bottr& GIAT'Ahttl0d bllftr tll .b 10o6 Drufm Rt, . I
I , 4&-4-, A*% .; . ,. Amb.s4oh0a. , 80mat Ntlmwz. look . I
I I ,, I -1 li,coly, I - 1, . I , [". - If I , - , 0 Rl, A ' I I JOU I- .' .,_..._ _ — 4 I ' I AJUDY, I- ,
I I "I. -r.".. .,-; _4_1_! Lhll towjj, , -` ',,,[X W,,L" tr , . 0 A 4 -4 -w -A I T %A0' 0 F..t I A - " I
- . I I . I . . ...
. I I . ... I ; . I .1 , , I . I I . '' , I _! ffAr'4_M14k1V4 111. . " .,` ' q ' ' .
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