HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-1-12, Page 2Is, Weakness o ering SpeUs gh, telel eelise Pt aslethir a large ity a the people are trouble4 More , With some form of heart trelible, vei there are sicIrly. people with heart*, ltifiburies end, Wer will lae toned to be the most effective Kee on the market, 10; Leslie Craig, 114 Erie Mel prautford, ()rite Wtiteare-"It is with the ereeteat of pleasure write you stating the beeefit I have received by using, Milburn's •Heart mid Nerve Pills. suffered greatly from heart trouble which caused dizziness, Weeknees and smother- ing wells. u.sed a greet deal DreS Medicine eanteesecived no benefit. A --teita`aavisecl me to buy a box of your pfls whieh '1 did, and before I had finished one box I felt so much better I continued their use by taltiog twe boxes. I highly recommend these pills, to one' one suffering from heart and nerve /trouble." Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are SO cents per box, or 3' for $L25 at ell dealer% or mailed direct. by The T. Mil- , bum Co. Limited, Toronto Ont. Ln Canaea a the, to.t4t "What does Conaseiesione le sottiyte Departmeet Agetellittt "elle main veesen tor the deertn ease ts of better and &tees, e3 4h expor 0. t 1 1,..ne iaOr.OPed NNW COnSUM-rtilarry• aa. rva$on to elevime?, our deereaese exports. On 'tlic coutrary, we have every reason to coegrel elate our- ielVvt that We have feted another sweat in the enlarged home inirket. The Leeson for es is, that we shoeid give more atteetien our home mar give more attend= te treee, which has Bereade bun of more importaxwe teen we have gen- flyreeograzed. I have Dilly .to state that we consenre Ceen.teee ever two-thirds of oar tete' dairy pro- ductions_ ., 'Does this sound as if the novae; market were a joke.1 Is it sur- prising' that or „farmers are. areas - ed when they are taught such wrong statistical I can see no ecu ss for Mr. Drury s position; for the western mans I care Althougb. we consume half the wheat grown in Caeada we have a great stirplue to export. Should. Stop Yining Farms, oene, 'reSailte, up -Oa -date fa.rinerS; tee prodection Would be easely 'ek 000101, tied it is aot ‘beytma, 'the reaah of peafsibl)lity to trelole oat " toe 'wow tee foundation cours tto weese thla great 'weelth, ewe baile ,Thee coterees are plata end sityleilee (1) Drain. the, era!, (e) Sow only; the bestaaeed, (3) Carefully. vroteet and Store "t -tee PTO' duets of the fielde and orohards. (e) Feed field producta oily' to a, profit- eble etook. (5) 1?et tee; finished pro. duct on the market inethe best form, riji: 1[1111[F(S T. Russell Talks Tariff *fore Canadian Club. 7 4 ri 1,1veepee1 wheat outvizea ciese too*, er, Chleago i..lighereeleive Steele ' -Latest QUettatiene. blverpoel :11,11eantrSdfaultu4reovel:IneeedS" tQ loWer than yestereay; corns autereer unebeneed to Mal higher. At Chicago Min wlseat closed l'iko 131.011-1 er than Yesterday; Nay cora NlaY °4Wtisnn%i;er Cli;tr;ons. er;mintpeog'11.114ayo' uwighlie:rt, closed to ratshigife /an 4, Open. },Tigh. LoW. Close. Keer7.. . efelA 97% 86%, 97514 99% 9714. 37% 38% FROM S*T kN DP 0 INT OF IVIANI.JFACTURER. " If we could bring, in Scale Wenn the indifferent farmer to 'the know Wee of these five einem cone's:ming lines of work, we would have eolved the problem ; eil eisse involved in age rIcaTteral improvenaent would elene 'easily es as natural sequence 'Weave this year about -$780.,- 000 te epena agricultieral Nvorl Ontario. To carry this work into ,ev- ery country awl district a 'the Prowe time, to• man all the branches Of the department and meet the require- ments of the Ag,riculto.ral College to keep apace with elereandie we need aperoximetely $250,000 more annual - At first thire looks a big sum, bur in comparison with. an annual ou tput of $2.50,000):000 from 173,000 farms it is not largo. We are now speeding agriculteral improvement ',leen thirty cents apiece yearly for eneery Person of the Province. What we need is just ten -cents apiece more. "And jUst as tong as 'the grain grower goes on raining, eot fa.rnsine, his land, just so lone wilt ' be careless about a home market. To- day the western farmer is growing wheat, wheat, wheat, year after year keeping little or no eteek, burping hie etraw, taking from the %sat tit its richness and giving nothing hack. Speaker Seys the Present is no Time for Crtange conteaued from pate four. More Important Than Tariff, "Gentlemen, this very problem is of vestly greater importance to the future of the country than the tariff or our railway rates, ot any other one problem, It is: the Proiolern of the conservation of our resotrose, the question 'whether we 'will hand on to our children and ou.r chiedren s children a land fertile and 'im- proved. or a land irapoVerilthed and depleted. You may think out ,q't ray element on this subject Teeter', to what practical farmers say. "Duncan Anderson, speaking at the 'National Live Stock .A.seeetation-, says: " The Province of Manitoba is ready for a change in its system of agriculture. I asked one farmer how he put in his time dutrine the winter. His answer to me wa3 that he went to the town four times a week dure ing the winter, and his sons went clown every night to play hockey. " Thay will not feed cattle.. ma :Nature has given, them any amoula of rough feed, and straw that is burned could be used to good pur- pose. I venture to say that in thie oming spring there will be enough ed set fire. to and burned to feed three-quarters of a million cattle Can farming _continue an "fthi,s bases? The west ib rich en the fertflaY of the eon, but' that win. not Iliastt foiro ever. tGrain4rowing riiht lsilanitoba and in s large part of Saskatchewan, but when menhide pending entirely Upon a single-eren system they .are ngoine 1" , fontories selling only $1000000 if prices were eteuat? -Value ef Home Market. '..gain, Mr. Drury says the henctie ent3.rket is a myth. "Mr. 'Scallion, President of t Manitaba Grain-growin.g Association, says the home market is a'joke. 'What are the factal Last xear we exported 553,900,000 of animals and their produce, $90,100,000 of agricultural produne, $144000,000 altogether. 'Thirty raillion dollars of this was °tweed farm and food pro.- cts, leaving ,$1144000,000 ptvrely 8o as not to make their state - too absurd will tint , lee Proiduce iii-LturkEra- e,orapare piety • art Grey's TOW' NCit Inilormetion rinPortance of Good Roads. `1 I want ito add one ether problena' to Mr, James $List, because I( tleihk it all importa.nt to our iOntario farm- ers -the problem of gond roads. - Here Mr. Russell quoted what a number of practical farmers think of the. effects Of improving roads, each one pointing alit how. good roads mean eaving of cost In marketing produce and increased value. of land. jniAt to the by Behring Other Plans Poosed Northern For 'nate Year. Regarding Pf elected Aectic Circle and Back Streits Indicates That will Interfere - May Go if He Can Do It by Steamer -- Will Attend the Coronation. Otteeen.„ .3an. 6, --According to in-, formatien received last night it is by ; eeelos ee. .. no Means certain that Earl Grey will' vtlr , yr yr 2% yi make the ioterney to the mouth. of the ase.Y3 ' . ''' V% Maekeuzie River, ,and. back to Van- Tormito Grain Market. 2. .... _ '5,, •••• el.. , couver by way ot 13ahring Straits., Wheat. bush , JO 85 to le SS trip oame first from. Toronto, and Wheat, goose, bush... ... , 0 St 00 s,liz this year. The news* of the intended Clope ear was given in suck. positive terms that no doubts were expreased. There are several matters to be con- sidered,. some of which may prevent One of these is the coming to Canada ' Butter, separator, dairY, lb. 021 00117 MAIM -a Of tile 1:1133t° of Butter, creamery lb rous 0 26 Butter, store lots 0 21 Connaeght. It had been intended that Butter, creamery,' solids 0 25 in the the Cans.dian war " vessel: would meet Eggs, new -laid 0 95 the Governor-General at the ta°Thtil Egogneyceo°iniabss,todaogzeen 02 2007 of the Mackenzie, but there is the Cheese, lb .. 0 12 . ever-present danger of these latitudes n Honey, extracted, lb 0 10 that ice may delay her return.. A New York Dairy Market. more important consideration, how- NEW YoRK, ran. 5.--I3 tter Ea y; re - ever, is' the fact that these coasts cetpts 7733, State dairy, collarmo-n tottnest, Rye, bushel ...... .. ....I Barlen 131.1811e1 ••••••......,.,0 Buckwheat, bushel ..........048 Peas, bushel ................0 78 Oats, bushel 0.37 Toronto Dairy Market. his excellency making e journey. Dispel Erroneous Iranressieds, Whitt, then. is My conalasieme It is tilts. We, must take the farm- er by :the arm, though he has threat- ened to take us by the, ileg. We meet in some way seek to diepell the er- roneous impression he is receiving ea: to rthe paying of tribute lo any class. We unia.t show him 'that goals made in Canada are not enhanced to tip:, extent of the duty or tot. half of it, and it can be shown.; We mutat be ready, if there Is found on ea.reful an-. vestigation by :those qualified to know any undue, unfair enhance- ment, to apply the remedy. 13ut we must get him to see that any Alight enhancement is an investment which is bringing in induetrien affordine employment to our neople, and pro- viding a valuable bonne market. And it can be shown, for it is ace We must also Show haw year -by year, as our indstetries grow and competition increases, we get all the benefits of home produetion without / enhance- ment of price at all. " This is a work .of national im- portance whien we ehoued aseuene. Great Need is fer ro-opeeatien But Ettore "fh- take ete ' 0G 080 0 25 028 028 0 28 0 12% 2 50 031 1••••.•• 1MF;1111, /Yee& vas 'lee to 2,80; process, come -ton to special, Ple Cheese-Stetuly, •unchanged; recelpte 953. Eggs -Steady; receipts 10,310. etatee Penna. and nearby hennery white fancy. .45c. CATI'LE 'MARKETS. Trading Slow at Generally Steady Prices -Hogs Lower. NEW' YORK, jan. 5.-ttondon cattle market lower for American cattle,, at 13140 to 1414e, dressed weight; refrigerator beef easier, at 9%-e to lee. Toronto Live Stock. TORONTO, Jan. 5. -The railways reported 71 carloads of live stock at the City Market, consisting of 650 cattle, 2336 bogs, 268 sheep and lambs, and 55 calves. We desire tontathe attention 04 0000 aftlicted with' any Blood or Sliciu Dhotis* to ' oee New Treiraft as 0 g100.040ed, eure for t ese complai TItere 40,90 ex - duo ter aaY PerSon having a' disegured from eruptions and blotches, lee matter Whether heredltarY aell‘lireri, our sPecthe remedies and treatment neutrelize ail poe eons in the blood and expel.them trent the system, Our vast experience in tile treat - meat thouotinds Of the meet earious and eoMplicated eases enables uel to perfect cure without experimentlee. We do businests en the plan--Ptsy Only for tha'Benefit You Derive, IC you ease any tepee disease, et:M- AU/1 us Frets et Charge and let us prove to you how quickly our remediee will remove all evidences of disease. Vaderthe influence of the New Method Treatment the skin be. cetnes clear, ulcers, pimples and blotches{ heal up, enlarged glattds are reduced, fallea out lour grows in again, tiee eyes become bam right, bition and energy return, and the victim realizes a new+ life bas opened. up to YOU CAN ARRANGE TO PAY AFTER YOU ARE CURED CONSULTATION FREE Send for Booklet on Diseases of Men "THE GOLDEN MONITCR" FREE If unable to call. write for a Queition Lid for Home Treabneat have never been properly surveyed or harked . and, accordingly the 1c3.anger 1 to 241/20; factory, ,held, ne; do., current to a vessel drawing so mu& wber as make, 200 to 21c. lilt Rainbow, would be very grea.t. It is stated that the .Governme.nt would uot assunaeany such risk. Earl Grey will go to the coronation of King George, and will return in Iune, and it is possible -that, if the Governor-General is .then. bent upon the trip, he anay be accommodated on the Hudson .Bay Co.'e etentroer, which goes to the outlet of the M04- kenzie River each year, and he raight return by the same vessel. While the story of the trip would not sound. so romantic as if made by canoe and warship, the game object, a trip to the Arctic Ocean, would be wean- plished, and. he .would be certain of getting back on schedule time. 9.I.6s,t104.-;eeneeport cif- 4e. -What ndoes our great Ca3aadie3 a ore t thda., and this 't ricultural authority, Dr. fin -ther- e animals and. t xr tord, tsaye- airy produete, or fru " I must say I have aletened wilth tter 01 faot,Ontarie f intereetettenand was alrapettraneed r produced two and with J3trie -.11-ndereons. epeeebe It ine .n value as much Uana 'wonderful and complete accoonit of I . agriculture and live tstoek conditionte 'Nem ea. to Sea. That tspeeoh ought; to Ztes printed and a copy sent Into. the iitnuee of every farmer nin Vane prairie country. " 1 see a number of Manitoba fri- ends there who know that foe years preached on the same text that Mr. Anderson preached on to-niglitt. in fact. in a year of a g,00d crop of srheat I need to say it was one of the worst things that could happen. Three times we got our farmer.started into mixed farming: we had cheese factories started, and we got them interested in cattle and hogs. In fact we g,et things going nicely in the way of mixed farming and crop rotation. Then a gond crap would. come along and everybody would go crazy; _they shun up 'the cheese factories, and eet the cattle freeze to deeth--all were filled with the. dream of -a. dollar a bushel, That shows that these big crops have their ndrawbacks. I am convinced that moderate progrese along agri- cultural lines will be of more bene- fit than .those big crops. In certain older :settled parts• the land used La produce thirty bu.shels to the acre.; the average this good year was eighteen hue/eels to the acre, and the average of the previous year was only' Sourteen bushels to tee acre Considering that We call our prairie Provinces the granary of the wolfed. is it hot worthy ad note that in Eng; land and V"ales they grow thirty-nwo anti fourty bushels to the acre.? ft shows that here we are following in the footstees of the Genesee Valley, Indiana., Ohio, Minnesota and 'Da- kota, only with the greater disad- vantage that, with the exception of the last of these Etat,:t3, they were able to go into the cultivation nf COM. The Great Problem of the West, halt aa eal ts. a e -c orted in agricult s t 'the time of the last census the tal value of farm produce in Canada eva,s $365,0014000. Our exports of Serge pre -dune: including manufactur- ed farm products.. were $80',000,00e In other words, wen consumed in. thie mythicat home market eighty per cent. of all we produced., But this is not all. Daring the same year we imported of farm products. enimaie. and their produce. 880,000,000 or in other words, the total consumption DOCT It ADVISED VPERATION _se. in the ....ate to the upkeep -es le the country. We en the city should Uphold the Deputy Min- ister of Agriculture) in !this Province in his request for an addittionall1- ten cents per capital for agricultukar purposee. We :should stand ready to eecond the efforts of our Federal Government in all that peetains tp improvement in tbe growing ',of pro- . duee, its marketing and tehipPengt " Above a114 let us gain the confi- dence the farmer so 'that we can come together and know each other problems instead of flying at 'each other e 'throat. Half of the men in the cities were. raileed on the farm and 'have the warmest attachment -to it. Our couintry, great as it now is, will be Infinitely greater, not by. tearing down any .one .c.lass but by working together to buiild up, for betiding nip, not by division .bul bg co-OPeraticen. And so to -day let us say to one representatives who go to Waelein.g-, ton ; ,gasten not into .anything where you cannot eee the en -d; our country is prosperouls ; if we cannot get tuivantages from theUnited States without sacrtfieing .our own interests, zonee back to Canada and wait for tee tixo.e when you can. ft will not be long." t. LO AIN ROILS, SWOLLEN CILANDS, BLOTC1.1 PIMPLES, AND ALL SKIN AND BLOOD DISEASES ARE COMPLETELY CURED BY TliE NEW METI-101;) TREATMENT 11 Victim of Conspiracy? New York, Jan. 6. -Louis de Beau- val, a Ffenchattorney serving sen- tence in the Auburn state prison, be- lieves himself to be She victim of an official conspiracy, and so strongly has he pleaded his case in a letter to Justice McCall of the Supreme Court, that he will be given a, chance to tell his story in court. In his appeal, De Beauval describea with many adjectives how he was "skimming along the St. ii&VirelaCe River in his raotor boat," When. two men appeared in another -' after decovirse ' _ _ In Canadian en turned out, to be con - Butchers. Prime picked cattle, of which there were few, .sold at $6 to $6.25, but we only heard a 2 choice heifers that sold for that money, bought by Alex. Levack; loa.ds good, $3.60 to $5.90; rnedibm..25 to $5.50 mm ; coon, $4.90 to $5.15; coWs, $2.50 to 55.26; bulls, $4 to `,5. Stoceers and Feeders. • Few, if any, on sale with no particular enquiry. All steers With a little flesh on them, that would be suitable for feeding Purposes, are being bought for to kill. Milkers and 'Springers. Good to choice milkers and forward springers are in demend and sell readily, There was a fair supply on the market. ra.nged from $40 to $75 each, but we beg • - Prtra quality Hot ene m stables, he writes, and after subject- ing him to many indignities, arrested him for the -theft of the laimch, charge on which e was eoirvicted through an a spiracy on. the part. of "the sl ' trate, a Bre oonliniwienex, attorney and a county judge." Le.ss I nfanti le Paralysis. • Cured by Lydia E. Pink- banesVegetableCompound Canifton, Ont. -"I had been a great sufferer for five years. One doctor told me it was ulcers of the uterns, and another told. me it was. a fibroid, tumor. No one knows what 1 suf- fered. 1 w o u.1 d always be worse at certain periods, and never was regular, and the bearing-doWn painswereterrible. I was very ill in bed, and the doctor told me 1 would have to have an operation, and. that 1 might die durieg the operation. 1 wrote to my eiSter al3ottt it and she advised me to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable 'Compouud. Through personal expe- rience 1 have 'found it the best Medi - eine hl. the world for female troubles, for it has elated me,. and I did. not have tie have the operation after all. The Corapound alao helped roe while pass - Ing through Change of Life,"--3Yfr5. Ltrr.tv... BLAtit, Canifton, Ontario. .1eydia E. Pielthairea Vegetable Com - 11X1& made from roota and, herbs, as proved to be the Most successful remedy for miring the worst forms of female ills, inOutling displacements, inflammation, f braid tumorsl irregn, &Mlle, bear. indigee- It costs MILLIONS OF LIVES. Toront,o, Jan. 6. -Dr. J. W. S. Mc- Cullough, secretary of the Provincial Board of Health, report for Deeeraber says: "The returns al infantile paralysis gives a greatly decreased. number cf cases and deaths corapared with Octo- ber last, when 46 cases and. 8 deaths were reported, and in November, 21 cases and 5 deaths." There were no deaths last month from smallpox. Deaths from contagious diseases in December," 1909, totalled 251, and. the oases 1,194. There were 108 cases of tuberculosis and 72 death.s in December, 1909. Graft' Report. An Awful Toll Collected by Consump- tion Many .I.Inneces.sary /Death's. If pole could only uncieretafee thjat ;systemic catarrh is an Internal' disease that external application:3 cannot cure. Ihey vault/ not neea to be warned 60 eCten about this mal- ady,' which, when neeeected, paves the way oftentimes for counsuroptiop at the cost of millions of lives every year. Yet catarrh may be cured, if the right treatment is employed. Tbe only Way to successfully treat catarrh is by emnioying ae medicine which absorbed end carried by the blood to all parts of the system, so that the mucoue membrane or in- ternal lining of the body is toned up and ms de capable of resisting the in- fection of consumption and other dis- eases. DRS KENNEDY& KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St..' Detroit, Mich, to our Cseadian Correspondence Depart- nmeameeeleeemon ment in ',Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally r,all at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat 'no patientS in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. Write for our private address. NOTICEletters froM Cato& must be addressed Wesley Dunn Sheep, ewes, $4.25 t$4.00; rams, laxnbs.$5.90 to ;6 per cwt. Hogs. Over 2000 hogs from all sources sold asi follows: Selects, fed and watered, $7.45. and $7.10 to $7.15 to drovers for hogs, f.o.b., cars, at country points. Two of three car lots were sold at $7.55 to $7.60, Oft cars, that is, unfed and unwatered. East Buffalo Cattle Market. Found the Treasure Daddy's 13echime, Story- - - The Two Dreams HERE as once upon a time itt England long ago," said WO • evening, "a poor peddler who wanted very -much to become 'Be was an 'honest, hardworking man, but the times were not Y good, so that all his hard work went for naught, and the•end,' each year found him no richer than he was at its 'beginning. ' ' "One night he said to his wife: 'I wish 1 could find the great-Um money which the old king is said. to have burled somewhere in this toW Many people have searched for it, but DO one has ever been able to find trace of it. It is said that there is enoughttioney buried here to -make a. rich for life,' "'Don't listen to such foolish stories,' said his wife. • - " the peddler had a strange dream. Be dreameil, that if bridge and stood there watching the river flow pas'ehe. Vod.news. The next night he had. the seine dream, an me again, so he said to his wife: - - l - - 1,-.., ta going to stand on London bridge and see what hap His wife tried to coax him not to go, saying it was a waste of money, bu would not listen to her and went to London. , "For three days he stood. on London bridge looking down. at the London was a busy place, and many people passed over the bridge to but none of them stopped to say anything to the poor peddler. At the of the third day he was just about to leave with a sad, heart :when a stopped him and said:,.„.. "F , riend what are you doing here? 1 have watched you eersterree.d Xon do not try to sell anything, and you do not beg. You. only loCkk-al the water. Now you are going away. Why did you come here?' "The poor peddler was glad to have some one to talk to him, sobebold stranger the story of his three dreams. Why,' said the man, 'that's. At:range. You dreamedthat if you came and stood on London bridg, 'would heereibod news, .while I dreanaed only last night 'that If I wei43ta pertain town'-aud he named the peddler's own hoine-iand'wonld dig an oak tree behind a certain house' -and here •he• mentioned the ihattse-'1 slioiafind a great store of money the& Bnt,.of-CoMae,-Ld ,believe ineach silly dreams.' "But the-ped.dier did. believe. He hunied..homeaudidnViDetherillare istxanger had named. Sure enough, there.he found -the treasure whielfthe 'king had buriedsears before, and for the TeStrothialifele, rick Bridge,', EAST BUFPA.LO, an. 5. -Cattle' Receipts 50 head; stow and unchanged. Veals-Receipts 150 head; active arid steady. Hogs -Receipts 3200 head; steer, 15c to 260 lower; heavy, ;8.40 to $8.50; mixed. $8.50 to $8.55; yorkers, $8.5Q to $8.75; Pigs, $2.65 to 18.75; roughs, $7.35 to $7.50; stags. $6 to $6.50; dairies, 58.35 to 55.00. Sheep and iambs-Receipts3000 head; active; handy lambs, yearlings and weth- ers, 15c to 25e higher; heavy lambs, $5 to $5-60; handy, $5 to $7; yearlings, $5 to $5.50; wethers, $4.15 to 54.40; ewes, $3.75 to 54; sheep, mixed, $2 ,to $4.. -Woodstock, Jan. 6. -Before Judge Snider left Woodstock yesterday he stated to D. 0. Cameron, barrister, who worked up the ease for the com- pany in the initial stages of tb.e graft investigation, that he would likely have his report eeactically completed by the time the last witness is exam- ined in 'Hamilton on Jan. 16. This memos tha,t the report of the eommia- sion. will be in the Attorrtey-General's hands in. about ten days. If the find- ings do not result in action by the ootmty crown attorney, it is likely that civil actione will be commenced against those alleged to have received graft. " Grentlemen, this problem of get- ting the west into mixed farmeag, growing other produta than grain to ehippede away. feeding their straw and rough grain to steick, kl1iag the stock in oar own country instead of ehrieklaig it ten per cent. by ;ship- ment alive as is the present posibiore and ea keening our land increasingly fertileis thi great problera in west- ern Canada to -day. " And of all the means to a ttailti that great end., I sutanit 'that the most 'effective is the development of diversified home industries, provid- ing an expanding home market. Ontario Depety Ministers Woree " Now as to Ontario and ehe e`ast. The tariff Le to -day orle of the least of out agricultural probleeas, Hero are the main ones, etated by bet own great authority. elia C. C. ;lama ' In the Province of Ontario. We have 175,000 terms whose omelet proeuetions total 'aboat $250.0000% rt by some magic' or proeesg of re- gsnortition we could tura all the in- different earinees into wideaWaltei We have a remedy prepared from the prescription of a physcian whd for thirty years stildicd and ,made catarrh a specialty, and whote ree- ord. was a patient cured inevery ease where his treatment was followed a,3 prescribed. That remedy is tReicall. elecosteote. We.are so positive that it will completely Overcome cetareb in all its various forms, whether acute or olaronie, that we promise to return every penny paid ute :for the mediate in every ease where It faits or for any 'reason does eat 'settiefy the lt8er. We want you to try Rexall M.Uco.. Tone on our recontEriendation and guarattee, We are right here where you 'live, and you do not tonateaee any obligetion or leek when you try Reese]. Muco -Tone on oste gearailtee We have Rexall IVIticoeTon in two eizee 50 emote and $1,00. 'Vent,. °tem the taking pf one 50 -cent bottle. le sufficient- to make a. marked. ire- preselori upon the ease. Tire, average, rt euch itestaneee is three $1.00 bob. ties. Ileinember So1 can obtain Rex. all Remedies io Eeeter 00.1.Y OtIr etore,-The rtex I Store, W. O. Cole, New York Live Stock. NEVI YORK, San. 5.--Cattle-Receipts 1210. No trading; feeling nominally firm. Dressed beef steady at 81ke to 1014e. Calves - Receipts 292; veals, $7 to 510.75; western, calves, se.so. Dressed calves higher; citydressed veals, 120 to Iseec per pound; country dressed calveS. 9e to 1314c. Sheep and lambs --Receipts 2538; sheep firm; lambs higher; sheep, 53 to 54; lambs, $6 to 57; culls, 56; yearlings, $5.60. Hoge -Receipts 2030; market higher; state and Penna., hogs are quoted at 56.50 to 58.50. Chicago Live Stock. Body Found In Brook. St. John, N.B., San. 6.-Wordwas received here last night that the body of Charles Collins of Erin street, this city, was found in a brook near Hamp- ton, about 20 miles, from here, last night. Collins, who was about 25 years of age, left his home b.ere early yesterday morning and his brothers Were much startled when they heard of his tragic end. The Hampton au- thorities think it, is a case of suicide. p A ..thur Y.M.O.A. Campaign. .11 11 CHICAGO, Jan. 5.-Cattle-Receipt8 12,- 000; market weak; beeves,$4.65 to 57; Teetag steers, $4.25 to 55.50; western steers, 54.30 to 56; stockers and feeders, 53.75 to $5.80; cows • and heifers, 52.60 to 56.30; calves, 57 to' 59.26. • Flogs -Receipts 28,000; market slow; weak at decline; light, 57.30 to $8.10; mixed, 57.20 to $8.15; heavy, 57,90 to 58.15; rough, 57.80 to $1.90; good to choice heavy, 57.90 to 58.75; Pigs, 57.50 to 58.15; bulk of sales, e8 to 58.10. Sheep--Reeeiptso 20,000; market mostly 10c lower; native, 52.60 te 54.50; western. 52.75 to/54.S0; yearlings, 54.76 to 55.80; na- tive lambs, 54.75 to 56.60; western, $6 to $6.60. a -A three-day eel the decfeatiou C.A. buildit evening wit: seribers and ilton of Fol wsic00000f nlclsshoorir eity, Niagara Niagara 1 Glasgow dit terday. Htelarter,owmng,..aysrb:ho.: memare.bet ilot yee Exam Ina Oklahoeal the Lower' tegislature viditrig for tneditta aeritei acme__ eg banquet eo ds. President Ham- eiam aneounced he len a cernpaign for sW building in that , Schooner Burned. Kingston, Jan. 6. --The schooner Mary Ann Lyndon, one of the oldest coal carriers"on the lakes, owned aed sailed by Capt. Matthews Patterson, was almost gutted by fire at the long pier, Ports:nouth, where ahe was tied up for the season. The origin of the fire is a mystery. She is partly in- sured. Bitten by Mad Dog. New York, Jan. 6. -just as school Was eaming out in New Bergen, NI., a dog, supposed. to have been stiffer- ing from rabies, appeared in the yard, where it bit six little girls and two teachers, Earlier in the day it had attacked aeverel others. A policeman finelly captured the anithal and shot it. ,.,Refuses to Obey Orders, Alderman Dead. Ont.'Ian. 6.--0. D. his home here Yes - been ill for a vex. old and had been a 'we Council for many seared. by 090 daugh- altos For Marriage. ,okla., San, 6.- bille introdUced 19 se of, the Oldaholna esday, W$3,E1 one pro. ieal exataitietion end kation of persons about 1. sensintinottesiteleiltiselliessossinstestinstnenn New Voris, Jan. 6. ---President Shont,s-ef teInterborougb has refue. ed flatly to obey the, orders of the Public Service Commission, directing hie conapanY to operate sufficient ears and trains during noneush hours to provide paeeengerS With seats. EX-M.P.P. Dead. Br�0hvilb0 3an, 6. --The death oe... eurrod at his home in Detta yesterday Mertdrig a Walter ,Beattyt oX-11.P;PO fop, Leeds. lie was a. eiv1i engineer, and was 76 years of age. VegetabielytparationforAs- siraiia ting litroodsnaleg Ling the Stomschs andBowels of PromotespigeOion,ClIcerittl- tesandflest.Contairts neither ,-OpititnNorphine ;nor tintfal. 1.1..tat OTIC. zavt6aroarfS4rifigfLPIXlire sa- Abarntur ROCAttitaartt - •ifrire Solt • rairittate31104 114,1; Sca, cfaitotTio;t: Aperfectllernedy for tmslipa- don. Sotir StomaCh,plarrhooa, WOrms,Colivitisionscrsverish•- aess and to ss or Sum TheSimile Signature of 4.4.1-eilfareg 'INTZW itr011.g. A.( ortorkth's 35 To ts --3.5 Ct N-rs l'or Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always sByught- Bears the Signature of • Vint eaN none° 'any, t.eW Vo$R