Exeter Times, 1904-12-15, Page 8T R SlreWARTS istmas is Nearly Here ARE YtY&READY FOR IT The day when all _ should be happy, old and yonq ,We are prepared with a splendid array ot useful presents. PregAts that are needful useful and ornamental. Might we sug4est a few of the many nice things that we have ready for you. Lathe o tete lined And furtrimmed. Capes, $11.50 to $23.00 lovely for Xneee ptesents. Lades' Fur Neck Ruffs, an immense range to choose from $1.50 to No better present. Ladies fur Gauntlets and /Vide with fur lining. $2.75 to $4.00. Ladies For Coats, the lateivet range We have t'ilVt, ShOWO, Astrachan, Bo- kareu, Russian Lamb, Electric Seal, and real Persian Lamb, $2.3.00 to $100, Metes Fur Coats, a swell lot to pick front $17.75 to $48.00. Men's Abtrachan curl cloth eoats rubber interlined, wiod and storm proof these are morey savers, $12.00 Seskatcheeem Buialorobes with curl linings arid robber interlir.ings *7.03 to $s,00, A, set of travellers sample Handker. chiefs nearly a thousand styles to piek frona,ne two alike in this 1ot,5c to 75C. Gents Minto Mufflers, tlie choicest lot Yon% eee for Xmas, 25c to $1.00, ,Gents swell ties, Four-;n-hande, Derbye, Rnote, Graduetes Azad Puffs 25c to 50c. Ckrs, Misses and, Ladies' felt Juil- ea slippers, green, red. black, and brown. with, and without fur trim- ming. 4 lovely present, 750 to $1.25' Child's Grey Persian Lamb Fur Cape and Storm Collars $2.50 to $4,90 . A Wen rauge of Ladies' FaneY °Oi- lers in silk and embroidery Weds with and, without tehs 2a to ;Ale. Ladies' Black Satamaa Underskirts Pleated, 'reeked, Corded and Frills, $L00 to liave you seen the lovely Porcelean China Dinner Setts we areshowino'. We are told thatthey are the choicest lot that have ever been Iowa in Exeter. Pure white enameled porceleau China with new neat floral decorations in blue, pink and green, all gold traced and stippled. They are juseas pretty as any picture china you ever saw, The best to8 piece sett sells with us for $13,so in the city the same sett is sold for $16.0o, Of course we Lave cheap- er OrieS. 29e. is our Xmasprice for a very handsome Cake Plate. Pure Miquilea ware, an hand painted with lovely Agra designsthey are beautiful. rta.argd afl 14T 46. SfillirsTA.IRara7 - re nee -- .0 est prices paid. (New reeding ntter ap ars In tent ;pace eaclik week.) EMITTANCES This Bank has Special facilities for issuing Drafts Money Orders, and Traveller& °heels which are surround- ed with all the safeguards of the ordinary check -and in ad- dition they are self -identifying, and are payable at par any - whole in the world. They provide che CHEAPEST, SAFEST, SIMPLEST old most crowenient way a trans - ;flitting or carrying money to all parts of the world. Savings Bank Department You should have your Savings Account at one of our Branches we add the interest to the principal and compound it FOUR times a. year. We want your BANKING business -want to make ourselves useful to you in anything pertaining to finances -and we can do it with profit to you and to the Bank. The Sovereign Bank of Canada Branches in Huron County at Exeter Crediton Dashwood Herman OLA.D141AN & STANBURY, Solicitors. Zurich Clinton F. B. TURN Maoager. ICaceter,Branola elr= Miss May ili. Secretary of the Eistriet Epwortn Lee-gue spent part of last week- in Luean. eless Rita Eseere. of Eden spent Sunday with tier cousin :Sirs. Mon- roe. Miss Edna McCallum has retern- ed from a pleasant visit with friends in London. The eevea branches of 4!1,.; pvsl.),y- terian elle-relies in Sla• Leaked Ste -tee are coUsidering a sch"me of federa- tion. Mr. -William Northeott, who re -- turned erom the Noriliweet has a 'oo1 offer for his land oet there and trete sell• We have tbe latest in Loth Lanes' end ,gentlemen's Purses end Pock- et Books. Ask to sea Olean-Haw- ey's 11Ira?: Store. If you want :ley thie 4 in Combs we have nie up-to-date lines. A pleasure te show them,- Howey's Drue Store. Don't fereet eyeglasses or Spec- chts make one of the finest Xmas. eats, We will test eyes any me that suits your friends. We arantee eatisfection. ilowey's St QM, Beckett, who is billee for emicert here on MandaY eveolo. et 'has conseeted to sine In Main - &reel Methodist aura, ou Sunday morning next and. in James-st, letrob le the eves:de:en Rev, W. S. Rainsford, rector ficorFes Cherub, New York Cite formerly of St, Tams' Catited- Toronto. has been Compelled t all his wet k and leave Jr Bur - for a rest, A Socialist labor demonstration ut •St. Petersburg, last week waS tbe 0043.SIOSI ef a serious riot, in which many heads were broken by 'the polio) and military. Or 100 ar este were made. The revised 'assessment for Toren to for the year 1905 fa $149.818..071 an increase over this year of $7044. 917. At rate of 19 Mille this wil increase the eity's tax receipts -by $1'4,575, Dr. Butler, Isondeiawill be at tJ nteal Iletel.geeter. on Thursday ember =ad, 1904 all da Ele, Ear. Nose and Throat con ,4tiOU..eyes tested and glasse For Marriage Licenses, Wedding Rings, Watches, Clocks Jewelry, Spectacles tc CALL ON R. HICKS Watch Repairing a Specialtv. DR. OVENSSuOrLoLn,OoNeDuW4 Specialist, Deseases, Eyi E f Nose and Throat visits Exeter monthly. Gla.sses Properly Fitted NMal Catarrh and Deafness treated. Office a91141.1ERDIAL HOTEL. Dates of ._.orIESDAYS, July 27, Sept. 7. Oct. 5. Nev. 2, Nov. 3. London office 225 Queens Ave. TO ADVERTISERS. lae copy for changes must be left not later than Tuesday noon. Casual advestisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. THURSDAY, DEC. 15th 1904 , : LOCALS . . . -0.404.4•04) e.0.0041s* D. Rartleib makes a specialt,y of ( Fair . 2 dozen lemonS for 25o -Charitert's ,tch (repairing. Read Popp' ...stone & Gardners'ad page 5. Thornton „Baker has sold a nobby 2 doscn oranges for 25 c--Oharl- 4n.'s Fair. Read Tircies advertisements be- fore buyine your Christmas pres ents. The Times will be sent to any ad- dress ,until the end of 1005 for one dollar. . Mr. D. O'Brien Dr, Orme, Taxid Miss Elliott, of Centralia were guests ot Miss Cora FoweIl, an Sunday. The trustees of No. Hullett have re-engaged Mr. A. McAllister as tea- cher for 1905 at a weary of $500. Many subscribers have alreadsrre- neared their subscription for 1905. Have you? See the advantaes offered to the public in the Sovereign Bank ad. last page. Mr. Spencer Charrington, the old- est member of the British Rouse of Commons, is dead, aged 86- E. D.• Smith, M .1s. has filed a cross -petition in Wentw,orth asking. to have W .0. Seeley disqtralified. The arbitration treaty between Great Britain and the United Seat - was ,signed to -day. Miss Hattie Follick has returned home erom a pleasant visit with fri- ends in St. Marys. Leap year is almost out. Has the right man walked ,under the wish• bone yet? Wanted. -A or woman to help in kitchen. -Apply Commercial Ho- tel, Exeter. See our military brushes and cases efore purchasing hair brushes. - Lowey's Drug Store. , The largest assortment of Pere fumes in town. See our famous French odors.--Ilowey's Drug store. Miss Lelia ,Tohns, who has spent tbe past three months witla friends n Sarnia, returned home on Satur- ay evening last. cutter to Sbanbury. Mrs. W. R. Elliott, at Centralia. u Miss Cora Fosvell has been visiting 1 Mr. Moses Gardiner spent part of last week in Gotlerich, on husineSs. Mr, E. D. Grant, late Of Gaelph, is engaged in the Sovereign Bank liere. Miss Winnie Howard has been en- gaged as teacher- in the Winehelsea Public School. 13b the advantages offered to the public in the Sovereign, Bank ad. la.sti Page, I Barrister G. Stanbury, was jr Seaforth, on Thursday last engaged in Court . An Edison Pnoneeraph, makes a andsome Xmas. 'gift at $10, $20 and p. Records, 40c each. -Address, illis Powell, Exeter. c'tev. Mr. J. A. Snell, and son Jer- ald, of Bayfield, repent a few days in town visiting his parents, Mr. a Mrs. Jas. Snell., IMPROVED ENGLISH STOCK food; ale° Columbian Stock Food and international Iferba,eaum Cow Cure Elesse's American Horse Tonic, Dow' Powder, etc. for sale at D. Lutz's Central Drag Store, Exeter. ult. of the flying ot Pro- tts-0.3alost the Liberal members ot tbo Commar, for Winnipeg, SO- kirkProvencher, Portage la Prairie Brudn and Visgar. the Moroi's wjfl protest all the Conservative sets in Manitoba, Temperature in Canada, Alec. 11- c;ti otorrri, 1440,-3500: QICaa,4ratialpoeorlse., 100.1.-3288 Winnipeg, 10 below -2 ; Pert Arthur, zero -l0; Party Sound, 6 below -12; -629; Ottawn 10 bIow-j; he1ows4; lIjrar.1242. Notice - For the convenience et oustomora Who may ha in a hurry or find It too Zr to walk to the mill 'we klave made arrangements Tor, or- ders 10 beleft at W. S. /Iowey's drug store, one door south a the Post Office, and the order witi bo forwarded from there and receive prompt attention.-Rarvey Bros. Don't fotget that you are invited to attend the sale of work in the Trivett Memorial School Sall tomorrow. (Fri- day) afternoon and evening. There will be a. splendid display of fancy and useful articles. very suitable for Christmas gifts, The sale will com- mence at four o'clock. Refreshments served. Adraisslon 10e, Ur. C. W. Christie who recently gave up farming in Stephen has pur- chased Mr. Thos. Higgies residenoo, on Simcoe street. The price paid,' was $1100. Ivir. Higgine has moved. to the homestead on the (arra on tite , 2nd con-oession of Usborno, which, was vacated by his brother, .Roluert wh thas gene into butchering bei - mess in Hensel' . 20 -Cent Stanap.--The twenty - cent stamp has just been added to the latest Canadian series bear.. ine the Riness head. The Post-Ot-' fire Department draws attention to the fact that a large number or pri- vate anti pictorial post cards ard be- ing mailed in Canada without hav- ing' any postal stamp affixed. None of these cards are forwarded to their destination.. • It is now believed that Mrs. Casio Chadwick, whose torgerie.s of An- drew Carnegie's eatae reached a value of over $20,000,000 gaixtbled upon the' chance of bis tdeath, because in, such event Mr. Carnegie's, heirs would have been unable to prove that the notee •and trust deed upon which the whole conspinaty was based were forgeries. Mrs. Baltchford spent Sunday at Lucart with her mother, Mrs. Lee. A grand musical an literary con- cert will be given on -Mon.day even- ing ,next, December 19th by a trio of artists, Miss Anna Beckitt, so- prano solist of Detroit, Miss Mildred Godwin, eloeutianiste and Mr. Will MacLeod, Comedian. of Seaforthe The usual prices will be charged for admission. There is a rare reat for those in store who attend. L,oce.1 shippers say t hat farmers are holding back quantities of penal - try to market jrarnediately before Christmas, and this, they think is wrens', as if all farmers market at the same time there is bound to be be a slump in prices. Last year dealers lost money on Christmas poultry in this way. They think far- mers should take advantage of the good prices and market now. Our merchants all report a brisk Christ mos trade. DECEMBER 15 1904 faAcy. :Goods For Ls.diesa Silk Collars, front 25e to 75e, Letliess Belts trona 25e to 75c. Lalies' Chiffon Ties from 25e :to 75e, Ladies' Lace Cellars, from .25e to 7. Ladies' Kid Gloves ail colors $1,00 to $1,25 Ladies' Fr Gauntlets, from 52.50 to $4.75. Ladies' Far Caps front $2.2.5 to $7.50 badies! Golf Jerseys, all eolors. from $2.25 to L e e' 'Cream Lustre Waists from $1.75 to $250 L dies' Wriet, Rags, big assortment, from OW to WA Ladies' Felt 5itoes" from 75, to $1.50. ••••••••• .Larlies! Black Sateen ,Skirts lined uulineefOorn, 4L00:to 250, rein $1.21 to CHRISTMAS i /1/4Ien's Neekwearet very lergs assort- , Now s - i eth tate of the year we think of our friends and Puffs, Bofownse,wItungogil and Sftotuiorrand, what to selnd tbernas a nice Xmas gift. We have presents - ;galore. Come in and look over our many useful articles 'Melee Hid Gloves in all the PAM I and you are Sure to get shades, wool or silk lined ro just what you want. to sue I fm 75e Christmas Furs Ideten tenfliers of Moire Silk with I , colored silk lining, in black or cream A also a large assortment of tVaTs Mufeters frone 30e to 75e. Men's Gauntlets from 75e to Men's Fancy Shires from 75o to Men's Fancy handkerchiefs in silk and linen (Initialed) also silk and, linen with fancy borders, trQUI 19c to 50c. Mee' Fen.cy elippere to tan tat .bleek 4' $ide Combs, Back Combs and y Pins at very opecial priers. Boys' ICK Leg -Sine, line oualltY, re tar price $2,0Q; clearing at $1,50, Chris inens A full stock of New Ta,ble Linens Napkins. Tray Clothes, ide Hoe carts, Pillow Shams. Towels, Cushion Tope, overytinng wanted to be found here at. right priaes. The lioutelana Rnrciaa cane 'to an official end last we fidalannouncemmts showed 4;17,467 admissions have been re orded since the Exposition opened April 30th. The banner month September. WIWI% 'the total at. ance was 3.651,870. Conservative Convention, The Conservatives of South Euro= meet at lien...salt, on Tuesday, Dec ..tith to nominate a representativ for South. Huron, in the Whitney ad ministration that is to be formed in Toronto in January next. It lsoarn eetly desired that a tgonti represonto.s tion from each palling sub -division be present. Mr, Barry Bilber1 the be people couutty wan h as wo have ye have prepared surround- st quality, voret to get n' thn largest ade we have ever ha& our stock is plate, Candy we have in great ety. and best quality, Bon Bons chocolates in the most beauti- oxes, all styles and 4404 a pres- ezt that a always much apprectated .1 by tbe ladies, A new line of Otero - late% known as the Za Za• (artiste brought from France to make them) The like has never bet in town be. fore; try them. Nuts ot ail kinds table raisins, figs, dates, Oranges from the sunny climes ot Florida, Xexico and 'California, Navels, rdl si• es, all sweet and juicy. Belly and Mist letoe, winch is very fine this year ' the best decoration for Christmas, Beautiful flowering plants. Ferns and palms, nothing nicer or more cheering for a little present than oue1S. City/AMU cakes, in fact •t, n11 ;nods or cakes. Don't forget the +adding. cake, of Ivhich we make a epeCialty :Made thn very best, iced and likely ornamented ready for the table, no wedding, complete without the tarn cake. Thanking our many customers for past favors, and soliciting a. continuance of the same we wish yoU all a merry, merry Christmas -B. A, Rollick. Died in Duluth. --The sad intelli- nco was received here on Tuesday inorning by Mr. Richard Gidley. of the death of his brother Mr. Samuel Clidley, who left her in October last with his family to make his home in Duluth. No men was better know n by our citizens and the sur rounding country than the deems: - Id having resided here for over ifty-two years. Born, in London, ✓ England, in 1840, he came with his . parents to Canada in 1843, residine in London, Canada. until the c present member, will unquestion ably he the choice a the, Conventien lie redeemed South Huron and bas made a winning fight, and his popu- larity keeps constantiY 'growinZ• lin Should have no difficulty trebline his majority III the approaching con Evcry the newspaper . counts on. getting in pay, for 1 e number of stabseriptions. Duringte busy hot season, this matter is frt. qUenter foreotten. and as winters oming on many subscribers lave not recollected that they are owing for their paper. This would matter little to us. if the nbruber of those who lot the time .slip by were small, but when it runs up tete the hundreds, none owing less than a dollar, it is o. matter of greater importance. If you have let thi.s matter untie your attention you would confer a favor by attend - All to it at once. 'The Ohe Better Than All Others - Some of the lure city weekly pa pees aro vainly attempting to rollel In the footsteps of the great Mont real weekly, the Family Herald and Have Secured Schools. -The fol- lowing members of the present class el teachers in eraining at the Goder- oh Model School have secured posi- ions for 1905 as follows. Miss Kathleen Telfer, Walton ; Miss Win- ona Howard, Werachelsea ; lYfiss Margaret Kilpatrick, ProspekitYi Miss Ciera Kienzle, Crediton: Miss Carrie Millieen, Brussels ; Mise Dora Dalton, Chatsworth; Miss Cora White, Leadbury ; Clayton "White, Port Albert; Harry Leppard, Drew Station; Geor,ge Eagle,stene, White- church; Herbert Cam bell, White- churoh ; Mies Clara oehler, Dash- wood. 'Weekly tar. The universal circul -atio nor that great weekly is mor than 'double, we are told, that of al -the city weeklies in Canada etimbin- 'ed, enables the publishers to spend -enormous sums every year to keep 'the Family Herald always in the ead. No money is spared to secure he best Quit can be get, and sub- cribers receive the benefit. Tim *biggest value to -day it the news - temper market is the Family Herald sand Weekly Star. and their beatttit ul picture, "The Princess at Work" r one dollar. - 1852, when his parents temoved to e Exeter. Here bis fatber built up a 1 large business as builder, erecting a steam factory on the premises now owned by Messrs. Ross & Taylor. On reaching young manhood the deceas ed went to Detroit and learned the cabinet making and upholetery busi nests in conjUnotion with their oth- er. ilidustry. After a few Years the to latter retired and Mr, Gidley dontin,ue.d on the business. /hung purchasing the Opera House block f In May, 1900. Mr. Gidley had the imisfortune to slip on cominig out of his store sustainintg a painful frac- ture of 'his ',hip, from the effects of which he never &Hy recovered and with other complications, and heart trouble he was forced to retire from business. During the pest four years be was a constant sufferer and, was confined to the house )31019L a the Market Report. -The following is the eeport of Exeter matkets, cor- rected. up to Thursday, :Dec. 15th Wheat from 900 to $1.00 per bus. Oats 28 to 31 cents, per bushel. Barley 35 to 40e per bushel. Peas 60 to 62 cents per bushel. Brun $15 to $16 per ton. Shorts$20 per ton. Family Flour $2.85 per cwt. Low grade flour, $1.25 per cwt. Chicken Feed, lc. per pound. But,ter 15 cents per pound. Eggs 20 cents per dozen. Dried Apples 3 1-2 to 4c per le. Chickens 70 per pound. Ducks 8 to 9c per pound Geese 8 to 9 cents per pound. Turkeys 13 to 14 cents per pound. Pork Live Weight, $4.65 per cwt. Hay ylr$d6reeto$sed7per ton. tpoen.rcwt. County Elections. -Nomination da'y for members of the County Council for the next two years, being on Monday 19th insts excites interest as to who is teeing to represent di- vision No. 4, comprising Stephen, llsborne and Exeter. Mr. R. Hicks, ef Centralia is retiring. Mr. 'James ; /3al1antyrie. a prominent farmer and ; a councillor of tIeborne, is it is under stood a candidate in Mr. Hicks' place1 Mr. Uurh Spackman, of Exeter, whose time for Warden of tbe County will come next term, is al- so a candidate. It appears to be understood that on attaining the wardensbip, the members retire. Mr Spackman's friends will probably see to it, that he is again retureed for the coming term on that account lae has proved himself a ,eood officer and his large experience in county ' affairs entitles him to re-election. There may be an acelamatien with two men oe this •calibre in the field. Folliclf's 17th Christmas in Face- i ter. -Inseparable from Christmas are the le•aod things such as Follick's ' store provides. We have learnedin the 1,7 yearis we have been hers, that ` time. leis strength gradua.11y weak- ening le decided to sell his residence here and with his family, move to Duluth, where, two sons were re- siding. He however did not live thee to enjoy many days in his new home He was always identified with the church of England, a Reformer in . po ics and a man of sterling quali- ties, liberal in his views and respect- ed by all. He never sought public ofice chooeing to let others have the honor. There remains his wid,ow one daughter, Mies Edith. and 3 sons. Harry, Earnest and Altera all of Duluth, who have the sympathy of ,a host ,of friends here in their sad bereavement. The remains will ar- rive in Exeter on the 9.30 train this (Thursday) morning and be convey- ed to Trivitt Memorial church. Fun- eral services will he held at the church at 2 D. m. after which inter- ment will take place in the Exeter cry, the Canadian Order of If(ereeters, conducting services at the ,grave. Deceased was also a znember ,of the Exeter Masonic 7.,odge . , ' Methodist Annivers.a " ice Fur Coat for your wife A beautiful Sable Ruff for your daughter A nice FixrCap for your boy Fancy Christmas Keaz gtat erreeaa abnigd Gsoiimitetoitt7sGifutchoelwo.;:sillaniTinfaull:;:5teite, d 20; 2.50, to $1.00, Christmas China Never before bave we Shown as, are or svi:e., Christmas China and we have sonxething to please ever 0 5e, -CORP AND SAUCERS -SALAD -FRUIT SETS -PON RON DISSES -FANCY' LAMPS -RANGING- 1,AM.P$ -D1NNEB SETS 34Rprsuawis -EBTIIT DISHES vAsgs .,..r.a.woY PLATES FERN POTS -CABINET PIECES -TEA SETS. CARLING BROS nitureiSt Undertaktn. TO MaKt-100.111. tor Big.B4rgainS. ne.10 Wpek. ..edromSett including...Iron-Bed from .000 .up„ ,$4,5o .up .Extension Tables *drat., „.„ „•, HUSTON raticble Embalmer. Opera house C riAma$:Bit. hretruat iYari bhere and you co do doing your shopping early. The earlier the be elAe. large stock to make your selection from than if you leave it ti day or two before Christmas. Below We mention a few article which we think would make nice Xmas gifts New range of Ladies' Fancy Collars and Handkerchiefs Ladies' Gloves Fancy Doylies Fancy Pin Cushions Fancy Picture FrAMOS Fancy Cushion Tops Fancy Waistin s Purses and Sato els Gents' Overeoats Scarfs Gents* Ties Gents Handkerchiefs FRESH GROCERIES We have a fresh supply of all kinds of peals, nuts, sOiees, currants for Christmas cooking. Space will not permit us to men different lines but we invite you to come in and see.thera for you the thurch, Mr. Webber preached excellent sermons, and although the flight of time has brought some change in his appearance, he speaks with all his old vigor and clearness. It was a pleasure to hoar him agaio and many enjoyed a hand -shake arid a few words with him. The choir under tee able leadership of Miss Brown did exoellene service, ably as slated by Miss Kern, of Woodstock, who delighted the audience svite the beauty and vigor of her singing- She was accorded a warm reception and established for herself an enviable reputation as a vocalist. On Mon- day evening flie ladies of the con- gregation gave an old tittle, tea - meeting., at which they excelled as heartilyon.Prev optiasr t' ckceans °ones e"A toeoldall lid n' ''gs provided, a rich intellectual treat was given in. tthe body of the church The chair was oteupied by the pastor Rev. Dr. Hannon. An address was :given by Mr. Webber, solos were rendered by Miss Kern. Recitations NLT n also rendered by Miss Mildred Go1win in her ,usual artistic manner The proceeds which were upwards of $250, were very gratifying to the trustee board. Exeter High School. Literary. So- ciety. -The Exeter High School Lit- erary Society held their annual con- cert in the Opera House, on Friday night last when the following pro- eraname was well rendered ; Chan. - nen s address, Mr. H. E. Huston; Piano Duett, Misses E8tella Speck - man and 'Edna Dow; Recitation, Miss Mary Murray; Solo, Mr. Flem- ming,' who responded with an ep- ore, "Tbe Sentinel Asleep," ; De - ate, "Resolved that Nfonarchial niver,sery ser vices of 'the James -si. Government is better than Repub. IVIethodist (church, on, Sunllay ' and 1 Monday last were very- successful a end profitable. The weather Co- 0 eetla.e.r with the fine sleighing was A all that could be desired, and 71,ttr,ee congregations, 'greeted , Rev. 'Geo,. a Webber, of Toront,o, an ole and es. AffirmatiVe. Tom Carlin., s. nd Miss Edith Moncur, Negative, liVer Graybiel and Miss Victoria liners; chorus, Glee Cite) ; rod, vhite and blue drill, sixteen girls, ccompanist, Miss May Wawa: udges' decision re debate --the Jude ;eemed past'.or. The seating, capia.citk c f the enurch: was taxed .to the C most, chairs having, been p1acd in,E -lie' aisles to actornmedate• one of r he large,st congregations seen in. ) a Rev. lefessrs. Martin, Perkins and .odwin, decided in favor of the af- irmative. Both sides however 'did exnarkably well, and showed they vete each and all iatensely iniereei- Don't FOr When buying Xmas Stipp' Candies. We please everkj)o the babies to the 'ladle the lacldies to the dad a fine assortment of C and Bon -Bons. At Close Prices Up -to -Date Baker and Confec W. J. STATHAM Successor to J. T. O'Brien. ed in it. Part II -"Trial Si I from the Merchant of Ventb, ( Characters, D ' uke Harvey Gardiner., Antonio, Alvin Brintnell ; Bassani°, -Harvey Borland.; Gratiano, '11y, Burden ; Shylock, , Geo. Wambold ; Portia, Miss Maude Taylor:: Nerisso bliss Vera Cobbledick ; Clerk, Tot Carling. The parts here were taken "especially those Miss Taylor. and Dyer Inurdetie strurnental duett, DOS Elmore Senior; Reading, Dyer,„,. don ; Solo, Tom Ceelinie ; Reedit Wambold ; Violin and Piano D Roy Farmer and E. Senior ; e Glee Club; Ceod eave the King. - annual era ertainmefi t is look ward to by both parents and p the Opera House being we The society are well gratlii the finaticial result- ofr tlitr meet. Proceeds amountens wards o $17 to e aPISI• Se paying of the piano .whieelee chased a y earage,.