Exeter Times, 1904-12-15, Page 6444•444e1eeleel°24444
4•• elejolet eTerie-ka" 4"/-14"1"lat Ickloi."1.÷1*1-1-1.4"4". 141:4'4' "Leah' lre said sl°wI•v• "Y°11 will t÷144•11'
tdo better then I have done- You t . MAKING' GoNvags by LEAPS AND BOIIIID BIG FAMILIES Of OUEBEC
wo.,1 raa./,e a fortune,"
en A flame, almost of fire, spread ovetEVIDENCES oe A.$'3.7oxls-2aD.To
/20, 0 Ikeautiful fa.ce.
9 ,-AlatTe wliat, father -a fern:eke? I
• Loeekinst you gave op everything to
Th e arm la, ATE.
jin17.97ER IV,.
r eet
Grants Have Been Gierea to 2,4
people yetuht437 Bathers of Twelve chit-
" r the n, eg-not toolc from
dren. or More,
tee "Certainly," 11:e anSwered hastily.
for Ole organization of such a gettnn French Caoadian population oi
Pitt there Must bimes providee
i÷14444.1* -14444-1-144441-144
The remarkable ,fecundity of
"e t
StlittattSaliltlaS1 Ik'P
Province of Quebec is :„..liustreted in
eeernent as ou-a. Nothing be this °faced statistics in the offices
iver),- prosaic world (-an be done Avith- of the Provi i a l Oovernmeat here,
4 oat money, Lath. One way of eels- writes a Quebec correspoadent of tile
4414, leg money is by giving these lec- ',New n'ork -•-okr). It is shown, for
Ielte}kneIenke klel:÷olrole,T,,enenenern nturee. They serve two purposes -they
Ind the means to enelne us to carry.
I havo been, breeding Shroeshires for
thet will give bater returns tban
1.5 YearS. and beime tqre not oat -
anal winch ean be Leet on the farm
will sheep„ writes C. D. iiiehardson,
The wool dip will easily pay for
their keel.) rind the increase is clear
light t1;ct)ktilist for best resides, as the lambs
Ono shoold reese thorough -
will ttien sal at a much better rate.
keel) the deck well eulliel out; that cla'eti it, will be termed the
Q n Natal:al Green. tea by its abseil; e purity and delicioles tar
vor is displacang aapan tea lust as "SAL)PeDA" black 3,s displac-
P Rey Was neIng in one of
0 ded streets of Il0t01.
o i NVOS bAter SllitAlk to hiin , ,..°
,in the swath, beeleise the great
s f in . -lustre were there, Poe a3'.
i *Lf
lastance, that up to the present
rid. They win live after me, on the war, end they teach the ti2110 110 fewer then 3,4-37 aPlalitae
ehill Ink fentoun after I am reo lee* , tOone have been made for the state
-he te*,,rl's face fell 1). renard of free grants of land fer
fether," remartell, grave- 'died one ar ,fruitfultenike the marriage Mete.
'ihe reNvards were pro ailed for by
lie e spent yoor life, yon wolod a a reo
ing all other black teas. Sealea lead packets only. 25e and
40e per /in By all grocers.
ing noon your belief; eor otaer way. she eeta.tc ls uor-ottant in saner' heshan rer reaVeets, as tlie ones trent bk re Pre- 12.4.-YEA.11-OLD WOTeTAIS'i nI0InES an act adopted by the ' laten-re of
Quebec some flfteen..years wheu
a. he g so earne:.t, liar e not selectee -den 4 -Teo eernine of mower is the lsk no poor annual ebould be allowed cement Al' second stone age, We AreWary Tqa.eDonalci Still ilia late Count MervIt-
t I
ooze months be bad been inifor'
ieaeen hall tea aze
on so wise so learned, so lick interruntei 1 ea, onv
what con 41o? A ewe, voung,
Ian/ will a' far. '1/4"4"1 oil e'
e ler" est was - 1,
art el it, I v"Ii- yon net s to rekrani. If care is used diseos- have beat very ikrorligate with the tot- joys --Ser
Minister of the Pine. Tle
tr-e we most lioNe TloV. e iOer: e -'ch Year of the slightly inferior tire timber that, was ueao os $hrivelled tana emaciated by the' Iatlen was pi% imited by a de -,e t
ran'ilne. of tile people is tiee viand 1 g/t1nAls ' • ' the sphere of Fen h Lamle\
. .ock can eept up to me mateual as ueli as fuel, hut he- 'weight of years nearly double the
tt;11,4:re tairgenenederot Ve41)1 rih5 '0. litaee..1 c 'eameasuire," 147." th dian influence in North America
the standard. Oue aolnt uhere sniany fore the supply wee eadmusted the at- •
lie in/emoted her algerly.
allotted thlee score and tei o
*e sok . e ts n t orn; "1 Mc* Vthal. thee want )„.„ fail is in gning, too notch attention tention of tbe tboughtful ones was ti; • of ax D encouraging large families or enact-
ro"eigo ever eetzseid anxiety ane criptures, rs. ae ono
etion at home; ur4ler re it fer to 'ne-bgree, Pedigree is good, but ,ttletted to something to ta,%0 tile place tonenj ber itirthelly in rer 1c11, and waS largelS boSed °P°r the
A en -0 1-11' for tln".'• Yo'l oms art -lit." she reeeeetrel.
sy at wo, 'Mere. •WaS titnle anoee even Cele e and &al/ of owe imper1fistn. royalty., the erleto- gre.' as loon' as the 010:*el law. arid forMerly considered nearly worthless street oeo leirero avenue, le:Alec:en St"e, Celhert•
ea .
"To hate f ret of ell, all eoi eine hie - or it nolst be in liaideality., of our timber for building parpo::ks. room at the /iome fo, Aged (Ina ie.. law passed in. the ee...,y years of • we
-teacher wtil do ltrstfittntivns, They nu:st ho, taught to 15 pos.:$1101e for an ewe to have a pe Prom crecle ineredients that were arni colored persons, Fertraoerth Vrance hY the gtvgkt VrOttett 3110
ere in freely. arid oeople wet'e
b.,-outy of the
rhe aro the gentry. 71,0, nest stli bare rio partieitlar individuality, we have learned to nulle ccallroainodt pithtlaeheorthelittdr.
Pe ta unlier54")* the r°119rIr or -.----------------
1'ozto etthe Sore -ohm. ft' -o• ia a" a'111:'1. nil breAng, one Whitt we denondoate cemera, ti wit/1°111 bwlY oat itZilrer(ralei47s of land to
vela If I had • r
from ffer: e
Maly. It as 1
with 'writing pun ble
e they were published, nude
:at realeien as to mese
ale wee all Vie
g Leah forward.
Tl .1d has peertoa--slee him n
ut • said to himself -
Ie. Walla her. Ilan 1 e great iraee
worda from that bean on to f,ee
toonth /bat ilikey Will not hear from ..1/
Ilad trained hPr splendidly. She
wes we‘areed and theelehted, She
r -gid of 1142:niftrot. taleat; full of
end the rf;erreee. lire that pro.
.• ,
xe, lie bed Dever tout
11/4444 t inientonn
* on th15
tlh,,oziseen -in tlt
t 10
nnicate his
very beautiful., teeth tin
As the law now starels, the
si tering hew tbe land arta tia, mon, h
rawIt trala • SiOU
one to noted you here title n ebape etel form.
f•we,r lee" tool yeti llutt ;ill nata)ns the their own holes
t•c4bItt4)11-15. eorth bac!, limited in as' ilia you to ta,a00 tbat tb„ goa.•,,
'llne In b• e thkn- oreoft, ;too. would be 41:47‘,l Worm
nndboNsilAM'llii with d light --yon bawl, ar rn•raieee
Id t In .‘w him to wear stoat a Ineaot thee
Lt the misaion base given sestice tnat
irs you a greater and kt-ralder
th•- soscretantY of ee,o u•
' ItT a 4",e' tyre and worn; to this is tOulier aed better Adapted to onr propped up in bed, elie enjoyed the
'every Who' and mother of twelve
D Pod, Alnina say never heep -------.----- as billialing material than the [Awe winch liab bnuifille eo Ate
ttis f1O isl,e,z,o atreetlixtb,tri r:sallotg l‘nis.ry ttreayetnite,: 1.5.1,4e041.0 that w jAusted goQug our guar,. her in the cent.i..)ry ,of heir oled age; r(lerod7r4alttev(1111C711,1Velittilln' 1,14.141.14311X:
'I iletween the nous 0.. SMO.i.e MO0 mete.
tb hi gooa tierviac. (.t.on, lit.icity; 1,10, ma.tter lite cement los several advantages, t ita.--ted- un- ow th'iles et her 1001100d. !led yol)p.l.res. have..alri*ady applied Mr
he 1‘,be:slietr.ldt ,.. 11,., a° ,e, 01,1, elght over the querried stone, The Marl 'knit la 177°. aVearillag t° t'be re"' -"I• g01:4gell$11414t1174.•*1°'ehP't,h447; eXPerienves aro
15 such nantities as cords, Mrs. ATacDoxiald bas lived in . , .. , . .
cau be taten in (1 . recta (led la the oduels te. Vomit
e latomu°,71;;i-t).‘lir .4 yearTil,..ewsrPorriY;I0"1.15 to lawildna, elio,tla ran be easily handled, mixed with the three centuries and has seen everv .:
0,...h.ag weoe,.. broea he ill good health awl fairly ilesay. gravel or sand, moistened. molded to wor throllgit 1‘11Wb ber cemitrY ilas- oth• ouesnetravITilistetarticl°1snsor;relY11140(11°‘C(Innadthae:
, /o,,s of tr,t0,1 weal], HOWeviT. T feed no grain. his IS the d'. '42 Shape with but, iittle PS% ,d. .
4:01 ,4 must 1,, t lu.lritt 11/.57 colOillons warrant the praetice. to liandh•, meet, be worleal to the elo. aWaY during Ur" '• t1 t
`s° 111711Y1 ar7 :a (Nets, tchich tithe has been flasd at
a the cure, or parish iwiesta is entitled
wIi1le eteer 41/,.., elan contrary to general praetices, but weete, while stone, quarrical, in heavy rs. 'Ige11011ald bgs 13(1 Waste to a tithe or all the farmer's pro -
WO no man /tag a vi 1:i( to 'Ine 01001) I'lin With the cattle daring Sired ehane bv a slow proeese 'Phe slin j$ QII1S g 1nere s la' ()IN 41 ler the
teadithe jOO
12 sa
Lave beset
%Yea sti-
'ou will
t a sitno
e I grant
the wed
It choset by
,le the
Me.rtio llay went o
"Yon beve a grand mission 1
Leal). Yon most not be as otber
tzhiS: 1. -on must not thinla that dress,
govetv erlovment love and rnlrllate
are the end and aim of your es,
e, yon have a far znore import- anent of the Spielt. of Liberty.
'Ilea Y011 must area, in that "commended. S' bruin% from the to solve mauy of the perplexing probe
41. FOldler--seerned to think that the with which ore) ehild
are sr
-haired. men
• alto ee--to 40"tere. to 1111. totho snlolnork, algi have the pick oi steno is a solid ldoeli, a vombletor of fertne,;1‘ Sbeenow, its ONE -TWENTY SIXTII PART
w c' s tlieueerale bis the restore. By this T mean. that frost from the outer snrface. The IdereW "ree ‘"a''' weighs
n 021 21,00, intalerei,1,, • to tbe taste of sheep dienre from tbat of cement block is cost hollow and olioUt, seventy pounds. lier face is of the whole. And co in some in -
,1`1111 WaS inede for men -allot cenaottlxeil rarnatitirirtotriat•rheenits. nthioerye wUl:ootnn-cofrocinlAite4t.oilan thcrerent parts
!arrow -ea with many deep lines. Two atances he has had ofierfel hint
1 Years ago she lost her eyesight. ITer twenty-sixth 0111(1, whoee educatioa
remorkable nletnOry of the long ago. hoe not infrtomently been provided
V -r, around and eelect only suen food country, we notice that cereent
, however, is still stroog. 1Vhile she for at his eXpeilSO.
zdeaees their wherPas the h°ine; util17°° in gre°t. Inah-Y wh'F'" nannOt recall events of comparative-, One applicant. who Produced the
atth• must go over the field mid take Various deviveo are hetng osl-d to recent years, she renlendlera well birth certificate oir, tldrteen Child"
'crmilling as it comes, inold it into fence posts. and there 15 • ehe traria periods .tif the Revolution. ren, 004(1 not, obtain the grant be-
A the tip conee to barn in the, U0 doubt hot tbet they \vat he Sum*, she was boro in lartigtown, mat, ca,uso only eight of the nuother
e't"T fall they are in meellent condition. stantial ikt,d (hirable. Cement floors valley Forge, and eau relate fact, 1Ie a few nuitiths he return..
and are fed liherally with good grade, are being "Foe for au loads of stook. coons of tin, terrible Winter Of 3,71"Te ell end Sneresefully re ved the aen,
or bay, lit is a znietolot to think For the eo•AT stable tlitav floors seem "••••8 when Waeltingtonal army was Plieadlou. having ill meantime'
1 rattinty evaee of re °ninon, e
th elteei w 11 live t meet the desired reiluireluents+ tor camped near her home. worried a widow
nee with aunt r44:4. ell,*
be role!. one,t a ilea
to tti me a lit le ael whetlu
o are railed hv tinge or by
he- yeti. '1 / naa !tette, out 1 o
girl te.see ten th ,,,, it 011 toeee 11.
he' erri 1 e 'pall We newe swe, t aw
, •
ltav e
';aid. loo at Ilea (Plitt' equality atol . • 0.
erv bettotioil; and it Is "But fleetest bas n e
o for what reUrpOSe Ilea- elio rill 1s,d.-
n that same beauty." oat base-tto trash 1 i
ad blushed. Sha hear the vehe of Ileaee
• that her father mine. You meat stand
etch words to Iter be- world a woman trained to ach, o lie too' ezi at her toutrily. water ts in the sl•ell to which thee- other' material. 'Pao matter or coo- icing or /tors &lest, dold, i5 a very
ola, 412n,. a o
For's-11149 l'grleys w°'4.11 nit(11.411:v taet env ecert of old rir*oirtge •IS with the gutter tite cows can be kept ' Mrs. MacDonald is neetasarily ehildren,
0 0115' aectin. .All men cannot be
Muni etto-tgh for them. They require clean, ana the liquid manore savo.l. 1 feeble on account of her gavot ageni Owing to the
as goo I feed aS do t1.11ry cows. My The water tani‘s, feeling trougloo ore bat she is still in good spirits„ and among tbe chil(Icen
..tr,tr most not.) rip
Inn3t '91eee411 better than i.°131:4". Shetv.,11 have warm (reenters in the so common thot thq searcely reeelve the attendauts at the bona) Say dlan fenailleS. the figure% 0
ion. le'gn o kr g- ne beeement, with a doer Proladed (0 a comment. _ ' they will not be surprised if she lives the public strait:ties fail to c aVey
make tia4 1"ind• 11'arts' vtar" 01'1 them oil at night ant keep them We haVe reaso believe that the , to see several more birthdays.
e e.l. and e°1's delves °I' Inea equat s-iloom in unseasonable weather. At time is near at band when cement ---- .. , , ,.
1°114 'ht be' snme 11(d'a er other thews theY are allowed to go houses and barns will be more cheap- PRINCESS YOLANDA Illatell•AVS.
)re thO eq edits, in cieeetinstmieee."
1015t and in as 'they desire. Running ly built on the Woos than with any The little Princess Yolanda, the
AMP idea of the birth rate in the
Province of Quebec. But for the
heavy infantile mortality In this ele-
ment of Canada's popttlation, the
nUmlier of claiMants for the Govern.
Ear. whilee beauty and erace !have, . 1 .,+ 'o land prize would probably
,4„0,11,1/4., uiven to her to io. "a *11'11, ThIle' be el. et.' ' ha're aenas at all times, Cared for trolling the air cireulatton e.nd ot ler d . t 1 1 e . + a .
ban some (hike nit Oran .o a ..0- he threo tames as =lay a$ it netUal.,
liberately ga.es her We to the ,e, n a roridttion m the s"rintr• saldtatl'en wrn be wItidcnultubtrteent7edi gillreeel,,FleIrn-abridtbiaglaullail(!levserar*es:131:1')Ung her kfl:kthe poorer classes of the COM-
‘ Or and
,t!..4.- ct • . , them' ace l'l" ver•e rte'41aneat'' Y in V N way they will come out in °males for maintaming
tit hearts 01 wen; a INOInan (gullies? wile baa taught. wen, .
you. l,g e . , h 1) 1 tt 1
I li e to Itnee the lambs come aboot of t e owner. Nay na, ma er ant precocious. The other day the troolls enmity the mothers -active, strong
1, all-heine of otheoa-a woman chtd "' ore e slie 1 ,, eir
1 ("v • . 1 o r ' 1 f 1 I a v Idol. We
o orte, sit% ret k he 1114t of •eoltraary or the first bit o May n can la. a o at PiSa. were reviewed by the 'King and Industrione, as they ahnost in
ether* al artu0e, delicate Of tint, full1 es vet. 5140' 0n to me of eil.•11, things of Mare)). neve T follow another are inelined to look upon the cement in the presence of the Queen and the variably aro-are so over-burd
I teary awl eloquence, the embo. riet say what Vhin'a" i(praetiee which is not generelly re- as the =Aerial that will enable us two peinceases, Yolanda -who lovas by maternal cares and the
ant finire sltre for you." ! A latht leaene n the rill s are.
stlargie Your Own ideas. T len yen ,and morning, ahout two mlarta to otetion, that have been confronting eis. ;be,
"T did not lznOW that I bad any Aids, father?" special benefit, arid, therefore, sexily deprived of the ,
Nile lOot'ed up at him in wonder. ' "And do von think I co'uld do all fa° )4/11/ " lunre• T"'"Il' 1")". "'"Ft daIrse* i8 " the ewes regnlarky flight lelns. In regard to building and san1- whole show hail been ern -Afloat for i other that the little 0:
mission. father." she saki, quietly. ,i, `aflaire0 T um sore of it! Dikl%et th oe are all weoeg. \o'i m ea f n , -' i .our quarts Inbeing given each ,r1 be man who builds with cement : tee!, upon herself the burden of dolugi fulness and attention whieb wards
to a woman. / have been preaching torel" Yon, Yonne'. awl beautiful, mum. to thy I lieve never been bothered with those ivlio ina,y follow thousands of ,teraeed
ihead, and when tbe color* passed also re cases of smaller families and of
her hand, am to tree surprise hose who can allord to ptay for a,
ani teaching all zny lif a T r.lave 'lien' en called bezo" said tlie girl, ' • , • ' ' ' 1
"Whet is It?" Inat Joan, er Are a obi rothie yam, apple yourself thligently to study awe eaoli feel. This gives a gond lwallS, and coeers his builillugs witlt the •
e • C., inroinovrosy. When tlie soldiers saluted off infantile disease, and whieh is so
a• • whit info: eel; my aide, to.. peeple•te 'flow (if milk for the yelling lambs ,ceraent shingles, may be like some of ;;;,b -e
"TI•e al•eatest. Leah. that ever fell lerd oast bodies tr000s on to vic- bowed ber little bine% much more readily forthcoming in
te 1.r, of tha question. A Noma oi en1 tino' gl•ow rapidly and trete) heal- Abe ancient liontazia, building for g
your life to it, and dls"nr'l all %veldt- ic/oes giv n me any conaiderable troll- proper supply or nurses and atten-
swav the inassee; you most give wisease of tiny sort. Neitl•er aave years lienre.
nese, all nonsense, about -the other iiee. Two or three times :loos terve AVOIDING A.CC1DENTS. er's responsibilities and duties aro
dents, Tile French Canadian moth-
maaers being hurt by getting his clo- Large as is the number of appli-
given op everything in this world for reeerently.
the eanse of the people -all my, , "Hoeft calls you," he declared
ho; es, in,y ambition. I have served solemnly. "A girl soya] the Frenea
them, lived for nein, spent, my life crown; a girl-ritleen saved nunnttrY
for them: and now, even as frorn from destrection in the olden days;
the prophet of old, rior mantle has Jrdith saved her eountry; Queen
fellen-and it has fallen upon you." Esti er /ter nntion. It seems to me
"I do not underetand," she replied. that front time to time women are
"What am to do?" ratsed up to sate a great peep t. rum
"I will tell you," he said. "You destruction. Yvu, my daughter, are
must take my plaee. I can preach one of these." ,
and teach no longer; you most do it She grew rale, and trembled under
for me. You are yoeng and beauti- the weigl t lis words. Ile took
ft,l; you have great talent; you hive her hends in his, and lool.-ed at them
a deer, vibrating, sweet voice that lot inely. 11 he were a false pretend -
will make its way to the very hearts er himself, he did. not mean her to
of loon; yOn have the fire that be-
lones to genius; you have a brilliant
imarrietation-indeed. I may say that
you have every requirement: and a
lady orator will he a norelty such
as is not seen every day."
"What clo you want Inc to be, fa-
ther'?" she, as'eal slowly.
"A teacher of the eeople," he ' re-
plied, grandiloquently
"row can I teach when I know
nothing?" she ast-ed.
"You have plenty of knowledge, and
when it falls I will supply what you
nun, need," he said. want you
to set forth my doctrines, Leah, to
spread my tear -bine -A. I want you to
interpret my tliouglits and ideas to
horou h
be one, anl he knew a. nothing
succeeds 11'-e tiuth :led earnestness.
"It ese are little Hanes," he said,
"to hold the great, beating, bleeding,
heart el the people -little bands to
plead and inolore, to raise and to
beat down. But you must do it,
I -tent. I see the grand spirit of
noble women sweeping over you. Re
a modern Judith, and slay the mon-
ster Royalty."
She shrunk: back, pale and tremb-
line at these words.
can slay nothing," she said.
Fut be did not seem to hear her.
Vie was lconing at her, trying ro
weigh the eact of her graceful young
let chness on the hearts of men.
On the Digestive and Excretory
Chase's Kid ney.Liver
Are Lastingly. Benefictial-ilemeying the Cameo of Disease.
. g. p
tnie hau natrik to sly: !110 nes not for the ben) which is not far dio-
in her own si•onle, ltifrd irr1.1(.. tent. It seems to be a sort of an
with one word of his argument. WhY ,inelinet, with them to go ueder cover
soorld S'ie stand up to tell the reo- ,e0on as they see a dog in the
rle nnt to love tteir qi.e n? Only reed,
Iti.et werk evert, bell in the city lien
e nimtd in tenor of the oueen's birth-
day, arca listening to them, her eves
had grown dim with tears. Who We often hear people mention what
could sae coke word against the royal harPened during the earlier period of
man's existence, and they refer to the
d 11 1 wh • crown Was the
had stone age. the bronze age and the
e urito of her life? Ilotv oaten
oleo, he heard iron age, indicating a time when the
li•r own heart beiten
stone implements, the bronze imple-
tl*e lova' voices of the multitude ery.
so,,,.e the chle,.ni*, An'a she rnents end the iron implements were
they sioht the do e ut not infrequently added to by the
goltt n into trim ilenis, but the sheep
looned up at him thoughtfully..es sane as (late often w 1 f butter
We leer 0 SO - birth of twins or t,riplets.
Trir. omitturr AGF..
the instruments with which lie sup-
wa.s to teach men to hate this noble
lady worthy of all love.
As seie stood silent, Marlin 'flay
wallhiee every change in her face,
sh* . recalled to mind site had beard of
two le -tures given lately. One was
-a le^ture on Rerublicaniern-when
to a large audience in a crowded city
life lecturer soone in such terms of
the aueen and the royal family that
honest men were angered. When he
had concluded in a fiery outburst of
eloquence, amidst a breathless silence
one man stood up and cried out
"God save the Queen!" Distantly
the cry was catteht -up by hundreds of
voiees; a, reaction set in, where- trea-
son and disloyalty liarl reigned tri-
umphant, 1 oya Ity conquerel . "a orl
saoe the Queen!" resormled through
the vast building and throkezh the
streets of the great city. The other
lecture that crossed her mind was
one given in a pretty quiet midland
town. -given by a lady who -was an
atheiet, and whose mdssion 11. ivas
pi ti cp, to preach against the Great Creator
a a Tr,J who bad given lier life. She used the
most brilliant and sperious argu-
ments; she brought forward some
ideas that appeared irrefutable; she
concluded ter lecture 121 a deep, dread
silence. The hearts of tlaose who had
listened were heavy and sad. Sud.-
denly in their midst rose up an oad
white-haired man. He stood. 'bare-
headed, with his face slightly raised.
"I believe in God, the Mighty, the
Merciful," He said. And those who
were present went home that night
with (Irk n er faith and clearer hope.
She thmient of these two events, and
her face was full of aoubt.
"1 'have no more time just now,"
said Meetin Ray. "There is a meet-
ing of the delegates at three, and. I
-meet be present 1 will find leteino
to 'teach you, Leah; and believe me,
a grand mission Iles before you."
Slut on I4iO face of the girl there
was no light of entlioste.ene-nothing
bet the she IIOW of (10111441 and of fear.
(To be Continual.)
The symptoms of dyspepsia, bilious-
ness, liver complaint, kidney disease
and rheumatism point to the pre-
sence of poisonous matter in the
The 'first thing Dr. Chase's Kidney -
Liver Pills do is. to thoroughly
cleanse the system of this waste mat-
ter by causing free action of the kid-
neys, liver and boWels.
This result is not 13rouglit about in
a harsh and irritating way, but is
naturally and thoroughly a000mplish-
'111:, flow of bile from the liver aids
digestion, enel ensures continued regu-
lar action of the bowels: the fcee ac-
tion of the Icidneys rerno.Ves the uric
acid. which would otherwise cause
T111lllflfl,1141201 or stone in the bladder.
'Bigcsi ion, as Lion and the 0e-
31 0 r al of waste m a 1,t,er ar0 c,a rrie
out udl.liont pain, or discomfort, and
1 horo is uo footlioid for contagious or
1g01,‘-4ise3 se.
-lore is, 220o41hor oti n
scosing this unique -and coml)thed ac-
tion, and 110110 Wbi1L2 can po2i443.1)1Y
rea,cli such complica,tod diseases as
Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills.
Mr. C. F. Immel, sthOemaker, West-
ern flill, St. Catharines, Ont., states:
"I have used Chase's Kidney -
Jiver Pills regularly for sonle t1010
and consider that the:y 01.0 -unsurpass-
ed for torpid liver, defective circula-
tion, indigestion, headache and eon-
stiPation, as these wore my troubles.
1. used many remedies, but got, no
relief -until 1 tried 'Dr. Chase's Kid -
nay -Liver Pills, and a few boxes of
this preparation have entirely cured
me. I am not in the hal3it of en --
(10,1 Sing any medicine, but in this case
cannot speatc too highly in praise
of Dr, Chase's Pills for what, they
liave done for me."
Dr. Chase's T3-ic1n ay -Liver ri 31 k, one
pill a 25 cents a box, at all
cic,ah3rs, or Edina n son, Bates &
Toronto, rilie portrait and signature
uf r)r W C,Jartse, the famous re -
c PI o 0111,1102, ere 00 evr3ry box.
plied himself with many neceseities
non used those materials to make
his weapons of offense and defense.
There seems to be dawniog upon us
another era. as important, in many
It's 310 11140 treieg to eithie if yoke
W011 ti takr. tilna 41CI fill VO 114 10103),
l‘Tost, men kick eilore front lia'bit
I he n. 110131 necessity.
111, Subbern COld
or Bre thiiiS
yields more readily to Scott's
Emulsion of cod-liver oil than
to anything you can take.
When you awake in the
night choked up and tough-
ing hard, take a dose of the:
Emulsion, and you will get
immediate relief when no
cough medicine will help
you. It has a soothing and
healing effect upon the throat
and bronchial tubes. Most
people know
as a great body., builder, but
it is equally good to allay. in-
flammation and . cure colds
and violent coughing.
Send foy Frec 3a6v1e,
12CO5e'r8z130),Vt1n, Chemiali, TONI 0, OL4,
of all called out, "Viva Mabel"
The clear little voice Was carried to
the men by the wintl; there was a
visible sensation t,}10 rank's, and
we may be sure that those words,
said by a baby, will innate for loyalty
t cauget a. SO •
shafting, It is a -very easy matter among the soldiers, and will never be
to guard against such aceidents, and :forgotten by those wlio heard them
ell buttermakers shoold look their and saw her animated and flushed
creameries over to see if there are
any projecting pins or set -screws up-
on which they might get caught. If
any are found, just cover them with
a, piece of old belting or .something
of the Uinta so that they cannot catch
the dothine.
Somethnes the engine is so situate
ed that it is necessary- to walk past
it close to the fly wheel, and there is
a long key sticning out, a constant
menet0 to every person passing it.
This 15 easily rendered safely by' se-
curing a tin can just large enough to
fit the hub of the wheel, and slip-
ping it over, thus covering the key
so there is no danger of anybody get-
ting caught. These are little things,
but their neglect may cause some-
body's life.
ruvr R-n-r,rs KILL CHICTMNS.
Dr. Edward Moore, of Albany, N.
Y. member of the Royal College of
Veterinary Surgeoue of England,
states that he is fully satisfied that
many thousands of chickens die as
the result of having taken iuto their
crops whole oats or oats with the
hulls on. The fibre of whole oats la-
cerates the crop of fowl and the Pas-
sageway from the crop to the gizzard
and causes inflammation from which
the fowls die. The doctor states that
he has opened a large number of dead
fowls that have been, atte.cted in 'this
way and he is fully assured that whole
oate are Injurious feed for poultry.
Now that we, can buy hulled oats at
about the same price as whole oats,
the fee:ding value considered, it will
be much better to make ese of the
hulled oats.
An Edinburgh gentleman was ern-
barassed to find that a spaniel
had lately purchased from a dealer
was continually fetching home articles
she Iliad stolen from. shops. He tooh
to watching lier whenever lm entered
a shop, and noticed that in the shop
she affected to know meriting of Wm.
If, hotenver, he ha,pponed to lay his
hand casually upon any article, it
was certain to be brought home to
hbn later on. The shop people, hav-
ing been instructed by him to watch
her after he had quitted Ike shop,
said she would sit at the *door, or
stroll casually in and out, or some-
times lie down in the shop itself, un-
til she thonght that the attention of
the attendant was 'distracted by a
customer, when slie would fetch the
marned erticle olI the counter end
bolt off witli it like a rabbit to its
- PENALTY WAS moratpome
A , regular patron had had his
watch cleaned at a jeweler's, When
be reeeived'it and asked for the bill
the jeweler told him it was one dol-
lar and seventy-five Cents. This, the
patron knew, was less than the usual
"haven't you always charged inc
two dollars heretofore?"
"I think I have."
"Why do I get it cheaper this
The jeweler hesitated.
"Well,," be said, "it can do no
harm to tell you now.- Do you re-'
Member bringing this watch to me 0.`
1110/ith Or t•WO ago to ask what was
the matter with it?"
"After you had gone away I found
there was nothing the matter with
it. You had forgotten to wind it.
I was afraid to tell you so, for I
once lost. a good customer by telling
him of a similar oversight. So I
wound it up and charged you a trifle
for doing' it, and this is the first
chance'fhave had to *make it up to
you." '
The laws of Japan have been great-
ly improved during the last fifteen,
years? Decapitation and torture have
been aleolishecle and hanging remains
the sole method of inflicting the death
penalty. Instead of the 250 crimes
calling for the fell penalty of the law
under the old: system, capital punish-
ment is now threatened only for
treason, arson, murder, and rape. Of
these four arson is only capitally pun-
ishable in cases of a very grave n_4-
-Lure, accompanied wi.lih loss of life.
Penal servitude, imprisonment with
or without hard labor, fines, and
police supervision are the punish-
ments inflicted for the minor crimes.
Corporal punishment is no lonuer
cants for the stat o bounty of lancl,
It falls far short of that which
would be forthcoming provided that
all wbo are entitled thereto duly
filed their claims; for only a coin
iteratively small proportion of tho.
who rejoice in a family of a doze
or more children take the trouble t
make the fact known to tile Gover;
merit, since to dwellers in cities a
towns a hundred acres of wild la
would be
than otherwise.
One father of rt. large family I
drew his application when told
it was necessary to produce a
fleet° of marriage.
Not infrequently has the deman.d
been made for a double or triple al-
lowance of land on the ground that
over twenty-four or thirty-six living
children, as the case may be.
So rapid is the increase of the
French Canadian population of the
Dominion that these people have left
their English speaking fellow count,
tryinen in a hopeless minoritoe
in what, were a few years aglo th
almost exclusively English spleaking
eastern townships of this Province,
and they constitute now a. majorit;y
of the population of several coun-
ties of eastern Ontario, and have
very large and promising, settfements
in western Ontario, in Matiitoba,
and in the North.west Territories.
allia enormous birth rate must no
be attributed solely to the sin)
manner of living that marks t
majority of the population. Ear
marriages are the rule, dictate
largely by the wonderfully early
development of the people.
The rapid growth of vegetation in
the short but hot Canadian . spring
and summer finds its counterpart in
the 'early maturity of the youth of
the land. Many French Canadian
girls 14 and 15 years of age are
more fully 'developed specimens Of
womanhood than English or Ameri-
can girls of 19 or 20:
The duty of fruitfulness in the
marriage state is -urged by the
French Canadian priesthood,
patriotic devotion to country
popularly believed to be proved by
the rearing of large fanilles of child-
Mrs: Puffer -Our new ,cook is a per-
fect jewel., She never wastes
thing. '
Mr. Puffer (looking anxious as be
samples the fried hoer and bacon) -
I wonder what she did With those
gum ,shOes,1 'threw down the baCh5.
stairs yesterday Morning?'
If a word spoken in time is worth
one piece of mone-y, silence in its
time is certainly worth two,.
"Yes, 1 have seen a e day when.
Mr. Rich., the millionnire, did not
have a pair of shoes to cover Ins
feet." "Arid when was -that, 111'14y?'1
'`At the time 110 -was bathing.'' •
would liea small
'crease in my s011uy,• • " Alec,
-"I don't see my way el./
that, but 1 can do the eave
in another way. You 3? --
time is money?" " Ye!?, 1
hereaftcy you can work. mitil
1 stead of leaving, at {ivy."