Exeter Times, 1904-12-15, Page 511). g X E 1B# T1 1VIB ER 15th 1904,. VEGET4BL $ CILI Y flair Renewer enews the hair, makes it new again, restores the freshness. Just laat you need if your hair is faded or turning gray, for it aiv'aYS iestores 7p. Ilio t e,.n.t w iw! ,oA M restores the color. Stops falling hair, also. pr,.f' .u.eco.rult#,,i ltti DIOAL The Exeter Times W. BROWNING', M. D., M. 0. P. S. Gt'a4uat,H Victoria Thi Tifti$S'Itay, DEC. 1eth 190e versity. Wee and reeidenence. Dominion anoratory, 7txeter, DENTAL 'ICJ $ m''_ IA:N. L. D. S ANL ii,. Sild9k�IHx �+. s., Timor Oradsate UMversitY. Dentist. tetiva3 ��erts. Orae to II'apain n on's olocic. West side of Main t°In titer. ANDER $ N, "nate m.........n IinlvetSiE ore boors Also Postaereuuate nt ,ot Prosthetic Dentistry (with ,..4. Bridge 'work. crowns, al- oud vulcaoite platoon tlene in miner VOSsiole. A normals S OM osed.forpainlesa octane. fries one 4 r south or Carling 11rOestora E. TO LOAN n loan on Form pcopetty at TIM al cent. ERNEST ELLIOTT ONEY TO LOAN -eat -upon term or village property at lowes *tea otiatereo. Exam rIONEY TO LOAN. we hare a. large amoent et private funds to the undersigned, lot 3. coll• 3, iTsborne, near Centralia. on or about Nov, I -7th, a. Year-old steer. all red, Ile thinks a home and other days, Anyone hearing a its ,Ivberoabout$ Of loved ones in a distant clime will confer a favor by seeding word At Christmaa time. A.eain at the old homestead's dooc to Mr. John Thompaon, Centralia. *al STRAY. --Carne to lot 6, cOn. Dear friends and kiadred xneet once year-old heifer ; color ,,red. Owner may bave same on provrna property And haric to tells across the save. and payine• eepenees. Apply on the They talk ot youth and eope and premises or to Richard Davey, Oen- love, trona, 1'. 0,. And gently speak a those above. aet oALE. 50 acres. ail Tee reiseing ones. with. faith sablime 4; elearecl and tile drained. cent- At Cilri4W43 with ;Stone stahlea under, orehartl, two sprIng wells, school beside and daily =ail, Address. T. .7, Murphy dar peels for sale, at this office. oder Pads -A number of cale Atkinson has retumed bout vieltiug her daughter Aire. A. ()Per at alutou. on Tueeday and Wednesday engaged at tbe County Court sittinge. ear. Arthur Rellins of Detroit is rc. newbag acquoietarkees in town this week. Mies Zama of 'Woodstoelt, while i town was the guest of Mr. atm Mrs. • ion of eandy. all kinds, in teem oxes and by the pound--Charltou" The Tittles has the correct stelae in wedding invitations and visitine cards. Lilt as Lave your next order. , Miss Garth) Barvey„is again able to attend to her duties An tbe office of the grist, mill, After her lotto illnese. AT CHRISTMAS TIME ley Inez • May Volt., Within. an old cathedral dim The white -robed choir eh,u t hymn, That old, old. story .o'er :Again. O1 peace cm earth, Hood will toward A holy silence fills the coir, And every bead is lowed h prayer, While from ,the ;tower the joy -bells chime At ' Claristmas timer. Fair out upon the briny dwep Tho mariner his watch doth keep For his bri}ht, guiding 13etblabe3rt dollar, i :.alga, p:ropared to dill all Stephen Council orders whit it lasts at $6.25. per The council of tha twee -is -lea ton. Firstceile.'flrst served. Place ,5teplacn coovetiCd in the Town Hall your order at °rice for as soon as l Pay more money. Orders left at tee office of A. Q. ' 13obier will: be promptly attended. t°, -IL farceur. SPEC C►cd •toa ,on Monday, Deo. 3rd. All this supply is dour You will have to } presant. 'YlR tater of previoup gaseet .Cad and adopted. Anderaou-Yeariy -That By -Law , 10,. 1904. aptoint uti r•eturn in3 .$icer5 and pooling booths, being e arced, --Car csad �1h3 third time b P ied. The followin3 ordera were passed, S. Morrison, ,ravel contract. $377:. 13T. Hayter, error in do; tax. $1: G. Smith, work in pit $` ; EXpres Co 85c; J. N. Howard, cedar p°st:r. an 1 lumber, $93,23; Wein and oth- err. Mud Crzels Drain. $34.50: S. i3roxvxl, oil, :4.03; E. Jory. culvert . 3'rs3: Kinzie and others. ,radin�3. .18?.',5: Young giro'a, hardware, $. 5.97 Dickaon & Carling. re.3A.r., $2.58; W i;. Wenzel. grader repairs, $3.39: W. Branner. gravel. $15.44, J. Turner. do. $27.16: G. Qraat,e. do., $72.20; A. Ford, do, $14.75: W. Hill. clo» $1.71 O'Rourke. do.,. $11,13; G. Beaman. dna.. ti8'1.20: L Hill, statute labor.$ M. McIntyre, {ravel contract 8. Do $21::, R. 'O'Rourke, conn. S.D. . $5 ; 13. 'Oarrutbers. rep, culvert. $2,50: R. Hill. work on fs ,R.. and com. $0; J. oele. wort on Admin, $1; Ed, Rgan. east a CrontariA on lot con. 11. 1901, at 1 o'clock eharp, 10 ac- res. thordwood bush to he sold in 1-4 aore and 1-2 acre lots; olso 50 bi elm ereee and a quantiey of build - ins t hut:et. and 50 rods of rail fence. Terms 69 clags,T. Cameron, atm - The beacon light that shines afar ; And as he ,Oces its kindly rays, Mr. and lare Ilegh Oka receivea word on Monday loggia last of the serious illness of them soe Mt...Andrew Oee, of Seam tla. Some deye ago Mr. (eke cut hie bend and the wound was dreesed end all was supposee to be dOing ha it bas since developed more, into a very saloons ea$e et blood-noss• Locals STRAY-frene lot 2, concession steers, cue year old, one all white the other all red, lieifera, one Tod, +the other mixed red teed white; 1 Leifer two years old, rad witb some ly throe years old mixed red and white. Any person giving informa- tion that will Iced t otheir recovery will be suitably rewarded.-saroaiej AIM FOR SALE -In the Uwe - ship ot Ifshorao, being lot la. c e. consisting a the best 1.00 acres Lead la tbn towneldp, well teneed an in good state, eultivation. Gorel For lortiter particulars apply to D. Ifolloaes, Exeter, or Themes exeoutors of the estate of E. I, Biggins, deceased or to Gladraan Stanbury, solicitors, Exeter, brick house and frame barn oonven- ,Solielters, Notaries. Conveyancers, %stoners, Solicitors tor the Molsoris eytotoon at lowest rated laterest. • VAIN MEET, EXETER. ealor Graduate Ontario Veterinery I goxiciary Fellow' In Ontario 'Veterinary AP diseases of domestic animoas Intincellytreated. Intik fever treated, by latest mote treatment. one door south of TOWn Hall IDENCE Second, house north of Bres- Fire ingur- a Office, Farquhar, Ont. kreeidEbti-t-T. RYA Dtisr.ut 'P. ' 0. thrifty Canadian, *he bas soneebeap: -I. A. natal% OririlnilIVTY P. 0. The mill was bait in 1899 at a post Wet, Box, Hammon% P. 0. of about $7,000 and Las earning ea - 3. L. Meseta, IttessreaesiX P.0, paelty a amount equal to pay for AGaNTS. . _ 96, two floors ,andeolle acre of land 11, ItLaitliTON, Om rieht party. -Bort Woolward, Alma, Se y -Treas. Farquhar. Nomination Notice r AIM FOR SALE,- town- taininir 75 acre.s, good soil. On the farm is n ;mod brick Lease, frame barn. 'geed orobard, 5 stores of bush, Partly drained and all seeded down, Easy terms. For turtlier particu- lars apply to Jacob Wildfone, Exe leo for salo-The uudereigned.has to sale ratuabov of up-to-date tbor- angle bred Short Born Butts. The are of the low set, thick blocky typ and choice- breeding. Will be sold reasonable, inspection invited. Ap- ply on lit 10, con. 2, Hay, or John IF on. SALE. - ,Tbe undersigned wishes to interest some cytarid DIABQTOM Mr. Mervyn gusto» wbo is attend, ing the eeb001 of Pharmacy et, Toron- 0. P. 11.-A specie' weeteaa ex tee to is spending a -vacatiott at his home Exeter Beerd ot Trade, was called Ior On Thursday ;debt last, the ob- herer at few weeks at the bout a Mr. and tbem to discuss railway matters, A e in Clinton an Wednesday. delogation cOnsisting of Messrs, Dr. o d at 40e 044. No record machete John Taylor. and W. II. Lovett. a clear arid ,iilVeet as the Edison. 3" eine:doted who drove to the illis Powell will tell you all oboe Stone Town" on Friday last, where Write quick.. bey mot wtth. about 20 of the prom - full line of Perfumes, Purse, pent business men of that place. At. ate Brushes. Cigar Oases, Fancy er Imarine centraunientious reail irrors, eta, euitable for Christ.. rem the C. P. Be a motion was mas presents at C. Lutz'e Centre made to appolet a provisional board et direaora lo eppey for a. charter Drue Store, Exeter, aondition, Mee. Oke left here on Monday at uudnieht driving over on receipt of the news, Tiitioral-ConwrvatIve Convention and 1'g:extern). masa meeting ig Buren, will he beld in Miller's Hall in tbe villeee of Beaman, 013 Tues - ay the 20th et December, 190f et (1101QC1C, na to nominate endidate to represent them in the islative Assembly at Toronto, save tbe Eine.-Ilettry Horton, Se oterese A. Williams. Free. t the ratepayers was called by await on Tuesday everting, ot week and was very largely ote onkel by most of our prominent citizens. The meeting' was called t oat. new controllea by Mr. C. II ell. The chafe. was ably tilled Dr. Rollins. who clearly viewed 'oleo at the meetine was taken on a motion in favor a zsuniqipal, owner- ship, ulaich was carried, A motion lain valuetion of the plant now in nee, this report aloug with other matters to be preeentel to the electors the night of the nomination, Monday. December 27th . ,A, Boss, returned to her efarys Reard of Trade tee:met. with and four Councillors to serve in the tiggies! to incorporete a branch Rae of the TO CliltE A COLD IN ONE DAT C. r. Tim proposed. route te be Take Laxative Bromo quinine Tab- brand, teem 41e. main. liziO east of lots. All druggists reftind the mon- Strattord. throueh, Stratford, to St. if it fails to 0111'4 E. W• Grnv°'s Marys, Eirkton, Exeter Creditor. and thenee. to Sarnia, the ehaeter signature hi on each box. 25c. Miss Flossie Taylor eate with to be applied for at essien of Par - po• sition with. Messre, 3. IL Chapman posed to have a amain; at Muni_ & Co., a London, and. commenced her clpalities in connection with this duties oe riday last. proposed route in Exeter, in jartuary The official anneuncereent has beer; THE WORST EIND made of the date a the general el- After Piles Lave existed for a loze be held on January 18tb, ant pot- tit"' sod Pass"' d“erent steps, 'the suffering is intense - paw, aching, ahrobbine, tumors lerm linl&r°.113th.Te.!50t'hB.rien, reoeutlY filled. to bursting with bleck blood. opened up a flour, feed and grocery 103Syrnreapytoanippsoainrdticoaatinta,hoozothzrhityolionitba.... business in Trevethiclas old stand, has sold out his entire stook and siek verson„ ain award, Si; A. Diseett, rep. Mil. tit days ago we p t all our Overcoats a pecial Prices to make a reduction o No firm can sell these Coats at our unless it has the turnover of goods This is our idea to sell as many as we can a short period of time. TIrese goods are all made by the Copple) Noyes & Randall Clothing Co'. of 'Taranto, The materials are all SHRUNKEN, sewn with, Linen and Silk Threads, and have the best of sewagaot.,,ditronebra- sleeve, body linings and int ett, • dee tax, $1 b11. Greb, dee I No Newer Styles N aterials qrawl. $5; j. Finkbeilier, No Better ebam, come $6.8e; Exe- arta baleuce et aceount. re work. $3.75; A. Purdy, work on box back, equers pecketeeas for Black and reeve, bine per Black and Orey Chew Overcoats a good wearer. $7.00. Pe 5000. At. 'Grattan, rep. advert love beau -Weer film $7; ,Baird, concrete tile, $8.5o Beaver Overcoats Jowl. $8: 3. Carruthers, rap $3; Gratton. drain ander 7.50 ward, $4.50; Ate Mallard, drain end cleated blue Deaver Overcoats 53.50; A. Marrow, culvert arid. tile, qrasel, $29.78; I. Lewaons centeacte on bik. $32; 3, Mitchell 27 3 Lawsen statute et collere.side and square pee udid Weave and body linings, ette and Dress styles at only $7. Boys' Overcoats Youth's Overcoats at I Vicuna. 1-1 ight black Vi Ivet, vett epeelally line mported English on Id style, Striate bask., side or square acts, velvet colter., Mohair sieee 0 tee grey and hititeir body and Satin top a ing linings, best of values Ken s Black Reefe Coats $5soo Beater Coats, double breasted, vel- vet collar. lined, vary heteVY AAA tabor, S22.00; Crediten I*. Village cloth, a good warm coat, at $5.60. aut. Council adjourned to meet mettle the Town HMI, Crediten, on the HENRY EMBER, Clerk. Will take a position. as traveller Thie is when Dr. Leoahardt's Hem - with a London firm at the first Of Read; tbe only absolute Pile ture, the year. The stook was sold tole- briags the -results tbat has madeite cal ,d,ealers. fame . .year 1905 will be held at County Council Matters.-Nonainjt- It will etre the Most stubborn caee EidiviviLLE don Tor the. county eounci in existence and a bonded guaraatee TOWNSHIP nALL, take place in the diluent county to Ithat effect gees with mob pack. council districts on Monday, Dee.19, age, MONDAY, DECEMBER 20th 1901 with elections on Monday, January It is to he had for $1.00 at the e bave the finest stock in town the latest styles, in -the newel? S. 1"30.1.--eirOlOW ELS Sat be tom ; class Material and. workroom 'ALL AND SEE US. F Russell Doors South TOWn Hall. DITON iler Mills Gristing and Chopping Promptly Done. Arc giving excellent so.- e o'clock p. m. 2nd. Muiaicipal norainetions will drug store. or from Tbe Wilson-Fyle take place on Monday, Decemaer Company. Limited, Niagara Falls, If mare than the xequired number are ,nominated an election will be he'd on Monday the 2nd day of Jan- A Club Bargain - The Toron' o uary. 1905. as follows; _ Daily World and the Exeter Tiratok Div No. 1 -Township Wall. Elite- from now until Doc. 31st, 1905, will ville,'Sidney Andrew, D. R. 0. be sent to anyone for $3,00 in ad - Div. No. 2, -Lot 6. N. T. R., John va,nce. The aegular price 'of the two Div. No. 3 -Lot 2, eon. 110, M. ing advantage of tbis offer you Boutly. Jr., D. R. 0. act the balance of .this year free. Div, No. 1,-Publie Hall, Farquhar a FO,.. OVERSIXTY I. EARS A. Duncan. D. R. 0. An 000 AND AVICTArTIOSD Itaraans.--Mas FRANCIS IvIORLEY, Winslow'e Soothing Syrup has been nsed tor Re a noway., officer over sixty yearshymilaons otanothers tor their • ;children while teething. with perreotstaccess Whalen, Dee. fit h, 1904. i It soothes the ohnd, softens the gums, allays all .-....- ration mares wind collo. and is the nest remedy County Council by druggists in every part ot the world. 25 sfaction in flour since re, nodelling our mill • ae tzer _no greybeards but aent in $17 to MIT4B1-7,48 the estimated. L silverware r _rem w)atz the W1A, Ana cu cents a bottle. Its value is incalonlable. Be Election mire and take Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup and ask tor no other kind. lir. Rufus Cobleigh, of London, a, COUNTY OF HURON former resident of Centralia. wrote a pathetic note to bis family on Mon - Public notice is hereby given that 1 day evening ano Naas iooad in the Division No. 4, .composed. of the 1 sumnaer kitchen of his home early on a meetins cif the electors of C,ounty municipalities of p h. of Senunli:y morning dead, he having tak- Osborne and Stephen, and the Via- . if in a ghastly manner, la ge of Exeter, will be held in the while in a fit of temporary insanity, tieing a razor and cutting his throat,. TOWN HALL. EXETER Deceased was well known in this tralia vicinity having resided near Oen- MONDAY, DECEMBER 191.11 1904 A A • in the afi ernoon for the purpose of D. A. Ross of this place, who a f nominating candidates i o irepresent some tittle been BuiVeting fr°111 tbrnat a nom in -013 council of iho County trouble, has sold his lucrative practice ot iloroo for ,the years 005 and in Campbell, Minna and is at present 1906 ; And that in case a poll is de- ' seeking a location in a More southern men .,., , ID .. .1. the opened. en the chine in hopes of securing reliet from ono nay of aanaary. 1005 in onoh, poi., , this trouble. The doctor had succeded einn lities in the said County DiVision, ' aretlnd (aapaPhell 'wile regret his lenV- places fixed by by-law of the liftini- -es-- i FRANCIS MORLEY, ling. Nominating °Ulcer for County I Order Your , Coal Now. -tip goes Council, Diy. No, t.' the price of hogs and down goes tbe Dated at NV haler), this price of coal. Flaying bought a few 3rd day of Dec. 190.A, cars of bard coal at a Price on the hisbOrne Council Usborne Municipal Council met at Township Hall, Dec. Srd., pursuant to adjournment. All the members were present, The minutes of the last meeting were read. approve,d and signed by the Reeve. The noinination of Reeve and four councillors to serve in the municipal- ity for the year 1905 will be. held at township hall, Elimville, on Mon- day, December 26th, 1901 at 1 o'clock p. ma. If more than the tequired niamber of candidates are nominated an election will be held, on Monday, the 2nd day of January, 1905, .at the following places; Div. 1, Township Hall, Elimville, Div. 3, Lot 2, Con. 10, lYfettliew Rout - By -law No. 6. fixing time and place of nomination, elections, appointing Deputy Returning Offiters, etc., was passed signed and sealed, 11.th concessloo, was approved. by. the council, end 3. Roger, of Mit- chell, appointed to examine the area and report. in accordance with the provisions of the Munieipal Drain- age Aet. Accou nts aggregating $3869.02 were passed and orders issued in 'NOTHING LOOSENS UP COLDS On elm chest and relieves that tight tooling. end bard cough like Sutton. "I never use one other re- medy but Norvilino and find it serv- best of all. Oleildree's melds attain- flaramatory pains are quickly cured by Nerviline, and ita action on colds. soughs and sore throat is unequalled is 'Loth powerful, /Amami and reli- able." Every mother ehould 1150 Ner. viline. Price. 25e, Communication at Ed. Wo do not hold our-selvea re- sponsible for the opinions expressed by our corre.spondents. GRAVELLING OF MILL STREET To the Editor of the Exeter Times; Sir ; The Editor a tiae Hensel]. Ob- server refused the most trifling proteat to insert the following letter in his paper, and that the same raay be given to the public, I ask you to publish in the -current Visite of the Times. To the Editor of the Observer. Sir ;-An item in your last week's issue aelative to the gravelling of Mi11 Street, strikes me as strange and wren ludicrous, SO tar as Coun- cillor Geiger's oatione are construct- ed, Councillor Geiger who, I under- stand pays not one cent. of taxes, took exception in the council to Mr. Berry's having taken it upon himself to confer a personal ;benefit it is true but .nitich MOTO SO to benefit the rate -payers a this village. The -work was necessary but the eouncil did. not -consider that the village's fi- nances would admit of their taking up the work, and Mr „Berry under. took the work and completed it without one e,ent's. eost to the Irate - 'Parra tit the village, Should, or amnia the aate-payera object to Mr. Berry's relieving there to 'the ex- tent to which ho aid at very con- siderable expense to himselftl think riot, ,and I am sure the rate -payers think the same. Well then whenwe find a man kicking as Couneillor Geiger did, on a contentiou on whiatt he stands alone, we naturally ask ourselves vrhy he tput up this objec- tion. Some few years ago Berry arid Gei-aer were in partnership, but that 'partnership has 'been dissolved. Have the proprietors of the late firm become rivals and. at daggers venting aome of his epic= on Mr. IletrY lay tegisteiing this objection mentioned ; or does Councillor Gei- aer presume to re-echo the sen- timents of the electors whom he thinks he could have got to vote for him if he had not slipped into °Moe in the n -ay ore all know he did, or who he thinks will vote for him if he offers for re-election? We are clearing our entire Glassware and Chinaware and have cut the prices from 15 to 33 1.3 per cent. If you want any Xmas goods buy from us and save money. We are giving a cash discount of 10' per cent. off all Qur Furs until Xmas. Buy your Furs from us we give good values. Council thee adjourned to meet Dec .15th, pu.rsunnt to statute, at Tho Kind You IN RiWee Signature of Poplestone Gardiner One Door North of Postoffice. NOTICE Constantly on hand at Ex- eter and Centralia the Best Cement in Canada. National Brand Prices low enough to suit everybody. J. Cobbledick o ure a 01 ne Da Seven Million boxes sold in post la months. Cures CAP III 'two Days. oil every - DIED Dee .7th 1904, Mary Howard, ag.ed 82 !years. CARTER -In McGillivray, on Wed,. ed wife of Sas,. Carter. ,Docember lith, Mr. Samuel Gida fermerly of Exeter; aged 6'1 ANTED FLOUR FLOUR FLOU We expect to have our saw mill run- ning by the first of the year, and will pay the highest cash prine for saw logs of ever description delivered now or any time at our saw raill at rear of Planing factory. Star flour is our specialty.. We believe there is no better flour made than our Star We use only the best of old Manitoba wheat and mix with old Ontario grown wheat which paakes the best flour that can be made. If you have never tried our- oiovnuefir di gt eeant t f aayi or1 t 01wi lbll al ni skda: wki t aal ir (le Dealers handle this brand and you have a winner. HARVEY BROS. Lumber Lath and Shingles We ate in a better position than ever to supply our naaoy customer! with all they may require either from shop or yards, traCall in we like to see youeta ROSS & TAYLOR EXETER: OM. The Dominion Parliament Will ba' .i.i.sked at its next , session, to iiticora Perste tiara Canada -Middlesex Reila ;Way from a point an the Niagartt work to,. be declared 107C the genera' advantage ' 'of Canada.