Exeter Times, 1904-12-15, Page 4111 X E T DECEMBER 15th 1.904 County Counciel mined met, t$ p. Ian on last week, Merobere all Warden, Mr. Bkowman. SOUTAI tIORON FARMERS INSTITUTE •A meeting et the officers end di - ors of the South Burma Farmers' Institute we$ le Id at Blaeleall's hotel Iteneall Monday, last. There wa a.eood atteudance of oaembers and Mr, Tboraas Fraser, the presi- dent, presided. The object of the meeting was to elake flea' arrange* incuts for the Institute meetinesfer thie seesee. The deleeates to the regular meetiogs are Duncan At - Es. of Ruueby, end F. -K. Sheppard. Esq., a Queenstone. Both delegatee are first class men and valuable pointers will certain- ly be offered on the diferent sub- eets chosen. Mr. Anderson's sub- -ere X Cattle Raising, Breeding teavyRorses. The Eacou Roe Man- ure, Crop Rations, Clover *Form - Ito« as an Pccupetion. Dlr. Sleep, paled is an expert on frnite. or- chard and. garden, and on fruit grow- ' enemies, AS well as upon clover, rt end roote. Rts evening subrot s 'Dow to make farm life more at- otive." The regular meetings will be held os followa; At Brueefield, January 14th.; Exeter, januarY 10th. The audience will be Invited themselves to eelect the subjects to be discussed. The supplementary Toeetings. six in number, '1=00 Place in February et the f011owiaS placea Client -411e, February 7th ; Crediton, February .6th: Grand Bend, Febru- It1« Zurich. February 10th; flensoll. February JIM; Dayfield, February 433t11. The, delegates for the supplementary meetinee are lleory Glendenning', of Manilla, and D., James, of Langetaff. Tbe forgter aW$ withussoineyears ago and 'wee march appreciated, Ife can .give val. Ohio lessons on almost any farm subet in a pleaeing kited eetertaisi- ing way, practical ee well as theor- etL Mt James is a stranger to ns but eomeewllrevommended.ne has 3 uumber of exceedingly practical subjects from which the.geveral aud- iences will be asked to select the nee most desired* Several local ellen awlreASIO1lt elw wt11 baeit- ed tospeak at mtin. In thia ay wese improve- -dociety, cu ti power king ando ivin xpression ilaought. Our lostitute is in at. lation with the Whiter Fair at lph. AU our members have free ission to all its meetings. A num- : =withers took advantage of rrangemeent and attended the air ast week,. It has been deeided t no catiVeseing .for members will place at any •et our meeting% but those who Ati1,311 to he members may apply t tithe Secretary at thee° meeting% The directors are expect- ed to maim an outside canvess. In Some ridings the membership reaches six or seven hunkered, while Duro has 'mole' been more than two hun- d, hut two hundred of the most *ressive farmers in the riding. Those who Most oned instruotion arc seldom fonnd at the meetinge or on the membership roll. This is the %reek point a the Institute or of the people. The value a agricultur- el products have doubled in ten years and a elan:lino:it writer at- tributes this increase very largely to the instruction elven at these 'xxstitute meetings. A cordial and general invitation is given to join our institute and attend the meet- ings. The fee is only twentr-five cents. and the literature sent to members becomes in a few years good agriculturn1 library. -Samuel Smillie, Seeretary. t Ahead of you Stop in ti T1iits good advice for your health, and its tOod advice for your pocket book tOO. A ct,z,-; in. time saves mon- y and perhaps your life. e krry 's Compound Syrup of White Pine with Tar ba $ gained much popularity by its prompt relief in this most corn- /31dn ailment. It is pleasant to tilce and wards off any tendency a a coki to result in Pneumonia. Pric z c a bottle pureNorwecian 2 y.popbeetteetbe r n u on the mar - eases r,u4 cents and Sele A terellity Brownings Drug Store The Exeter Times prest A equest tot grant to the Ruron Poultry Association was read alad sent to Executive committee. Notice of committment of Charles Coostable, a boy from Seaforth,to the Victoria Todustriad School, wes sent to the same committee. A. letter from the garriston Righ Selleole one front Norfolk county, "it - garding county bridges; bylaws of Middlesex and Waterloo counties; one from John Tuox for an allowance for fuel& light and water ; one from the Sheriff regarding the illness of Jailor Griffin and the question of appointing substitute; from the reeve of aorle. rich townslaip relating to work on Eolmesvilie bill; one from the Caoad- ian Assoelateon tor the prgyeution of Conellielption, and One from the clerk a Nil/Ingham, relating to Zetland bridge were severally read and refer- red to the necessary committees. T. Bell and Vir. Cnishohn, AL P.. ad. dressed the Council regarding the delay in bailding the Zetland bridge, Applications for positions a keeper and matron of the House of Refuge were read front R,I. LDeLong rued wife, Goderich; T.Nesvcomb and wife, Goderich TownehiptRobert Mach and wite Gerrie; lira. W. U. Simpaon, Clinton; and Mr. .French the present keeper. They were referred to eon - The following muoicipalitiee request - d. by resolution, that the county sub - reit a, by-law, as directed by Election OS A of theAlunicipal Act,1904: Hollet Exeter. Wet Wawanosh, East We,- wanoeh, Orgy. Morrie,B_Iyth.Ashfield Colborne, I:Sherrie, ElowletaMeEillop. Turnberry, Wingliara and Tucker - smith. Referred to special committee, Thelfe'port of betiding committee was read and passed. Moved by Air. Miller, seconded by . Ferguson, that the conmanY of uteera known as the eorrie Com- reeeive the grant as cents per tbe time they werie in camp at n in the 'ye41901, the above e leaving been paid per capi Battalion wialluniefttop t e Sento% Executive Wile. be %men had met at 7,31,31p. peb outrnittee and passed theto borrow $20,000, the rest of the evening' was taken up discussing a erection of Zetland lividge,and the testion was left over until ths report Road And Bridge committee should e received. rhe Council adjourned to meet at 0 a in. Wednoday, (Continued next week) Centralia rs Shaw of Kppnprea- 'eryinkerestin Mis4on. y 0WOU5 on Sunday. - and Mrs. Will Abbott. of Biddulph, visited bre .Abbott'e par - zits! on Sunday. UeSe, who has been engaga d with Mr. Will Colwill, the past year, started for Ils home in Landon England, on Monday . -Mosars. Persorie 6; Davis ship% ped et car -load a turk,rs to Van- couver, la.st week. -Trlisses Beatrice Warren, Clara, Fairliall. and. Mr. Will Warren, atir tended the anniversary at the Jame es street Methodist church on Sun- day last. -Mrs. Georee Windsor is very sick with an attack of pneumonia flcr ertany friends hope to hear oT her recovery soon. -Master Luther Ricks, axwin- tonbrooke, is visiting,. at Lis grand. father's, Mr. Richard Hicks. -The Anniversary of the Con- -trolia Methodist church will be held on Sunday and Monday. De- cember 18th and 19th. On the Sabbath. the Rev. G. W. Andrews will preash both morning and even- ing. In the afternoon a mass -meet- ing will be held. On Monday eveia- bee. a first-dass tea will be served in the basement a the church, from six to eieht o'clock, after whieh grand programme will be given. Ev- cry person is welcome. Co elrey. • in tici • "WhalAboUt ou tit ttro" • 'Wel' lie Bilterwfll win hanttomely The Liberals a niik this. It hail atoad It evhtdil have een a hard figh.l. (ea It has alwaya ben but Rote Ur. A nBan bent any chance,. Large OUS tittb Liberal voto ' iecogniee hro. He siintdy tt make- shift candidate. "West Huron will ,go Conaervative his time for a certainty. Cameron rt only 21 xnalority lest election, lie has lost eround juet as Rosa loet grouna. "nut the East Biding has a bi Littera/ majority?" "1 know it. Rielop won by some - 'thine over 400. But you may guess to,u badly frightened Le is by the efefet that be is hard ot work on a Muse -to -house canvass. "Tou may safely figure on a .gain of one seat in, Huron, and don't be surprised if the country goes solidly for Whitney, just as it did for Bor- den." NOTE AND COMVENT S. ;Marys .&rgus (Reform); -Tim elleigrateful ballot -box episode at Hastings and Proutenao is an out- rage against the public conscience and the civia right that cannot be Joe strongly condemned. It is more ' ‘diSitoxiorable to steal a maites vote than his money. Every man eon- neceed with this episode should be jailee and kept there 4 We lee& that evory Liberol, connected with this will be punished wit -h the titmoet ea- , verety of the law. Such men not only rain .themsolvee and. disgrace Cheer families, but they put Liberal- ism and. Liberals -that liare no .part ouch thinee-to a» °Pen atom. Punieh tbo eascale ito the limit. Bald? Scalp shiny and thin? Then it's probably too late. You neglected dandruff. If liou had only taken our ad- vice, you would have cured ti „t, etirs vig \ the dandruff, saved your hair, nrd added much to it. If not entirely bald, now is your opportunity. Improve it. .1 have used. Aiwa Hair Vigor for ever 40 years. x am tie* 91 /Oars old a nd have a heavy , growth a rlen, brown hair.. due, I think, en- tkoly to AyOr'S. Rah Vigor." MR& M. A, bat/VS, Beueville, 1.11. Si bottle. ATEtt 00.. .4114ttl:EIX/OtX. ro0 r Good Hair Winchelsea -J. G. Jones was in London, on Monday, of last week, on business. -Quite a number of our young people attended the box social in Farquhar. on Thursday eveninrs, at last week, and report a plerasant time. Miss Rooke and Miss Milieu did not fail to please everybody with their readings. X. G. Jones and C. Godbolt are each sporting .new cutters. -Miss Campbell visited friends in Exeter, over Sunday. -While inovine Ins engine one night last week. Hal 13rown had the misfortune to upset it, breaking the fly -wheel and causing considerablo damage to the online generally. --Sunehine will hold their annual Christmas tree on Monday evening. Dec, 26th, when the London Harpers will furnish the rausic. The com- mit tee are sparing no pains to make thc entertainment a success. The Rev. Mr. Cousins, of Woodham will conduct the services on Xmas. Sun- day both afternoon and evening. School Report ;-The following is the 'report of S. S. No, 6, Usborne, for the month of November. Nam - est in order of merit ;-Sr. 5th, Hazel Hagan, Cecil Camm ; jr. 5th, Olive Berrybill, Alden Johns; Sr. 4th, Wil- lie Elf or ci, Alraena Heywood, Othel la. Heywood jr. 4th Laura Godholt, Nettie Campbell, Everett. Skinner; sr. 3rd, Alma. johns. Lille Heywood, Annie Elford. Jr. Room -sr. 3rd Mary Oco•pish, Hubert Jones, El- la Veal; er. 3rd,Ella Washburn, An- nie Wilson, Earl Johns; sr. 2ndlefin- tie Talbot, Lillis Godbolt, Alex. Beerybill ; jr. 2nd, Jennie Campbell John Brock, Clara Kellett ;PL. 2nd Emma Ileywood ; pt. lst, Edward Kellett, Har dwick COritish ; Alice Creery.-D. McDougall, Jean Camp- bell, Teachers. Bantle ' exten lie CA You Hee ?bays Bought WHY CATARRH POISONS TEE SYSTEM, The Catarrhal eterms excite:3 in- flaznmation, ofensive secretions are thrown oft and pass into the circu- lation, contaminating the river of life and thus evreek the whole body. Every catarrh victim should use fragrant, healing Catarrhozone, the surest euro for every typo of catarrh yet discovered. Catarrhozone can't fail to cure &cause its vapor kills the germs and removes the cause a the trouble. Then it soothes and heals, stops the cough and, relieves the stuffed up condition of the nose and throat. Tens of thousands have bean cured by Catarrhozone *litchis guaranteed. Use only Catarrhozone Complete outfit $1.00; trial size 25e. Mr. John Webster, Queen Si., St. Marys, is the only surviving mem- ber of session otthe St. Marys Pres- byterian Church, of the days of the pastorate of the late Principul Oa - Mrs. Murray. of Utica, N. Y, tiattglater of the Rev. Dr. W. A. Mc- Kay, of Woodstock, was killed by a street ear while returning in a cab from a hospital where she had been ill for some weeks. She was killed instantly. A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES Itching, Blind, Bleeding or pro- treding, Piles. Druggists refund money if Paz° Ointment fails to any case, no matter of how long standing in 6 to 14 days. First ap- plication gives ease and rest. 50e. If yolir druggist hasn't it send 500 in stamps and it will be fortvarded post paid by Paris Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo. John Martin, a resident of the dis- trict has discovered a fine copper mine in 4 he township of New Lis- keard. Some prospectors, who have looked ,over the property., consider the mine one of the richest in Can- ada. RICII COLOR AND SOFT SKIN May be imitatecl but beauty is more than skin deep. -it is hidden in the blood. Eliminate ibe poisonous products of indizestion by Ferrozone and complexion rapidly improves. In. crease the red coloring matter in the b1.00,i, Igive it more nutrition and more red cells, do this and cosmetics won't be needed. Give up cosmetics, theY wither too quickly. Use Far- roz one and have your complexion firmly established. There isn't a case of lolotched skin, poor com- plexion or lack of color ,that can't be quickly remedied by Ferrozone. Try it. Price 50&:,,, Huron Mr. G. S Kidd hoe sold t be Arv 1 Wigton hotel at Lietowel to MreNell efaoRinnon, of Parkhill, at SI.M00. Mr, MacKionon is now in poSSVS1011, VITO destroyed the ice -hose ot Clinton owned by Mr. James Steep, It waS hellt ewe& years ago for the killing and oaring of pottk, but .of late •has been used as aoL„Ice-house. The insuranc amounts t $100. , Mre. Colin Campbell, aeeretary a the Woman's institnie bas formed a branch in Conetance, evbielt will be `quite successfully werked laP be" the ladies who leave kindle' Undertaken the work of extetsident and secretary. Women witb pale co lorlees faces who feel weak and disc./enraged, will ceeve both raental and bodily vigor by fusing Carter's Iron Pills, which e made or tile blood„ nerves and omplexton. Laet week a farmer went into one of the banks at Mitchell to e•et $100 -cheque cashed, and the teller passed him out S200, Being an hon- est Ulan when be found out the mie. Take he went back, handbag the tel- ler half the money back . • Mr, W. efeNally. of Dungannon, passed away ot the hospital. Toronto. recently at the age of fitty.one years Decreased was a good vitizen and, teighbor .atul leaves it widow, two d.sulltero and one son. His death was due to some intestinal trouble. tu operation was performed, bat be ttecurated shortly afte.rwards. Mrs. John Dongan, of 'Morris, died from paralysis on Sunday, Novem- 27th, nal the following Fridey. nd inst., her husband dropped dead Zrou heed failure. The Donlan bouo ie at present a sad one. Beth parents had passed the (dieted span a maw -three score and ten- and were prepared to meet their Maker Much sympathy is extended to the bereaved family. About four weeks op, Mr. Aug- Ust Ilianiae. of MolCillop. died. His wife followed hint a week later. Vicir deueniter, afrs.. Con. Alm*, of Monk t on ueibarboni, tC4C thZ bineaVOMOOt so =Oh to heart that site wont out of her mind, and on Sunday of last week she, toe, died. The eaee is a sad ocie and the mel- t:et sympathy is felt for all the re- latives, The Brussels Post of loot week published a by-law privieionally adopted hy the Grey township coun- cil, -which is to be submitted to the ratepayers on January 2nd, to auth- orize the 0012220i1 to isSele debentures Lor $30,000 for the purpose of erect - 'ng steel bridges, and cement ;that - =onto the debentures to run twenty years and bear interest at the rate of four per cent. It is expected that considerable bridge building will have to be done in Grey, as the structures now in we are all more or less in need of repairs, and the loan will greatly assist matters. The Wingham Advance of last week contains the following; "Just as the Advance was ;ohm to press with pages 4 and 5 this week, the whole form for page 5 fell. .Aelver- tisements and reading matter all went to "ph" in other words into a promisauous heap, /rota which every letter must be picked separately. Mr. Elliott. proprietor lof the Times very kindly came to our assistance with advertisements, and Mr. S. A. Maguire of the Times staff helped us sort the 'pie 13y means of this time- ly aid, The Advance is on time as usual. 1Ve sincerely appreciate the help In time of need,' and. whine We hope our confrere will never have same trouble, we shall be delighted to reciprooate whenever occasion of - Seven coulmns of matter in a heap is o. good test of a printers patience. The Advance staff came safely through the ordeal. Putting up a mile of stovepipe isn't in it with seven columns of 'pi.' SHE FOUND A DIFFERENCE A Buffalo Lady Says ;-"Dr. Leon- hardt's Anti -Pills dfi far from the old methods in Medicine as day from nigeet. Mrs. J. IL Relearn, of 169 HLandon St. Buffalo, N. Y., says of Dr. Leon- hardt'S Anti -Pill, --the Great System Treatment; "Its action is so different to any- thing else I ever vsed-Anti-Pill is so mild and gentle that I never thought it wound cure my chronic Constipation, but It did. " Soon after the birth of my first child, 14 years ago. Constipation be- came troublesome. Inset]. everything I ,heard of but temporary relief was all I got. I must bave used fifty different medicines in that time. I finally got very bad and at times I would have no relish for food, and What 1 idid sat would distress me afterwards. I had headache, bloat- ing, bearing down pains, backache. could not sleep well, easily tired axed never felt rested. Front ithe very first dose of Dr. Loonharat's Anti -Pill I began to im- prove. Now I am well. It is 'won- derful. Dr. Leonhardt's Anti -Pill is sold by all druggists, or The Wilson-Fyle Co., Limited, Niagara Palls, Ont. Sole agents for Canada. The price is 50 cents. Perth Mr .Ra a c Corbett sr., of St. Marys who has resigned this position. The stairs at his home on Tuesday and broke one of his legs. For any case of nervousness, sleep- lessness, weak stomach, indigeS Lion, dyspepsia, try Carter's Lit.tle Liver Pills. Relief is sure. The only nerve medicine in market. CASTOR IA .For Infants and: Children, The Kind 011 aye , ways oug I Bears the Signature of eraneh foe ihe ladies of I. 0. P., bas beee oreanized in S Marys. Mr. James Peebles, of St, Marye, met with a serious accident one day last week, which was caused by an etelery wheel breaking and a piece strikine him on the head and cut- tinee,. it so as to necessitate several stiches. • Palpitatioo ot the heart, «ler- 'oneness. trerablinge, nervous head- ache, cold hands and fed, pain in the back and other forms of weaknose are relieved by Carter's Iron Rills made specially for the blood nerves and complexion, 1 Tl e names of C. W. Robinson, and E. ,MeDonald are spoken of foe the Beeveship of Dianshard. CouiiI- Iors are named as follows ; J. Vairbaire, S .Doupe. Walter Gowan, Wm. Highet, George B. Webster and Alex. Creighton. For the coun- ty oominissioorership are mentioned Messrs. D. Donis and It. Berry. The large extensions to the G. T. 11. shops at Stratford, which wore begun eix months' ago are almost completed. The only incompleted building is the tender shop. This building is in use but the windows aro not all placed as yet, Master BLIeelta.nic Patterson says the stoff of epployes number about one thousand. wie. Sol it0.110111PISTISSIIIScissississ lIPIItl!lIt*i, 9 09 PROPS Luti Mr ,jes, Alarloy, of St. Marys, formerly at Stratford, and Battle Creek. Michigan, has been pro meted to the position of Master Mechanic of the Northern Division ot the G. T, Ite with headquarters at Al- lendale, in niece of Wmtesalt, wh °has resigned this position, Tbe many friends ot Mr, Markey wish him every St1,0008 in his new aik- pointment. After twenty consecutive years ot public service without a single break during which period he has at va- rious times held every position ot boor and trust which it is in. tho gift of the electorate ot St. Maryn to bestow, Mr. T. D Stanley now eX presses his determination to absent- tely retire from patine life at the end of the year 1904, Mr, Stauley'a host of friends in St. Marys and vioinity will learn with regretot his iiAetruination to retire from pub- lic life.- They will wiele him many more years of usefulness, ONE CAUSE OP ANAEMIA Is well known to be coneti which can be avoided if Dr, a ton's Pills of Mandrake and ternut are used occasionally. tfr equalled for the fitomaelo ltver and towels. Ilse only Dr. Uorailton's Pills; price 25c. Middlesex Harold Bice and Jos. Williams of McGillivray captured a 33.5 lb coon recently. Mr. B. A, Charlton has purehatted a $0 acre farm on the 17th («encase siert of East Williams, from Mr. Alex. McMillan who recentey moved to Crag. Lewis O'Neil, of McGillivray had the misfortune to lose some 300 lbs, pork in a way -*blob seems So tionimon, now -a -days in ,ollr neighbOr hood. /le had finished butchering, Waelied his hands for siipper, and prior to opine' into the house be bad. an errand o the, barn some few rods distant and upon his return was surprised to find his pork had di - appeared. This epecies of thieving is getting very common, and it is a pity that some effort is not made to catch the Waves. While in Parkhill, the other night Mr. Albert Slathers pat hie horse in the shed at the Hastings House When be was ready to start for home, hie new robe, new horse blan- ket and a _good whip were all miss- ing, some sneak thief having got in his work in the interval. A prominent Southern lady; k ar - '4 .., ' • • , . • 1 ars. Blanchard, of Nashville, Tenn. tells. how she was cured of backache, dizziness painful Rd irregular periods by the use plLydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Confound. "DnAit MRS. Pnreseste :-- Gratitude oorapels me to acknowledge the great • merit of your Vegetable Compound. 1 hieire suffered for four years with ir- ffin,lar and painful menstruation, also rme to come which would only mean ness, pains in the back and lower hs, aed fitful sleep. I dreaded the suffering to me. "Better health is all I wanted, and (sure if possible. Lydia, E. Pink.. itiam's Vegetable Compound *ought me health and happiness in i‘few short months. I feel like anotha fere, on now. My aches and pams have i intone. Life seems new and sweet to nee, and everything seenas pleasant it -Ad -edgy. Siethottles brought me health, and watiyrorth more than months -under the dcietor's care, which really did not belie t me at all. I am satisfied there iinonedicine so good for sick wonten ae7our Vegetable Compound, and X #flusate it to my lady friends in.need its A:medical help." --Meg. B. A. ZIA* CaiXRD, 02 Broad St., Nashville T - I fieeiteretesa emelt gligilegrtatv" letb; 'e--',. :4000fornet1 STORI For Infants and Ohildr The Kind You H AlWays Bough Bears the Signature of AgetablePrcpragoaloeM.• $imitetliv..0food,Arittlae§ota:-. flog .the inetoehs .INKiNis- /Cum, REN' Promotespigestion,Cheerful- nessandRest,Coatainsneither Ognattliorphin,e nor NuxexaL NOT N,A-11 C OTOS. Rece;e0,reedeerSIMM2F/11= Ateetio Seel- 44cloguif ,84044. Sg14 oillf,44440,40. Jeleeo iiitWoreeet ttenresieReere - liaseyoso Teem Aperfectlicatedy for Coustipa- don, Sour Slomach,Diarrheea, Worms*Convulsions,Faircrish- ess and 14 ass or Sung TaeSiMile ruiture of NE 0 P WRAPPeR. Far Ov. Thirty Year CASTORIA ThaSENTAWIcomrAter, s rrs. . 4•04044411.44.4441.1144.00441.4.011.44•411044410.44.44.114.• ♦is••••is•s•• • • Dickson & Carling, Solicitors, N. D. HURDON, *ft 44.***...44.4044•410.4011+04+ THE noLsoNs BANK (Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1855) CAPITAL PAID UP .•,. • $3,000,000.00 RESERVE FUND ••. •••• ••-• $3,000.000.00 Drancbes In Ontario, Quebec. Alberta,British Columbia and 251snitoba. EXETER ERANCH Open every Lawful Day from 10 4, AL to 3 r. at. except Saturday 10 A. AU to t P. it. Formers' Sate Notes cashed or collected. Forms supplied On application. DRAFTS on nil pante in the Dominioe. Great Britain and, tht. Ited states, bought and Bold nt lowest rates of exchange, SAVINGS IC:PEPARTIVIENT Deposits of if LOC) and upwards received. Interest com- pounded. half rearleY and added to IPeinciPal Juno e0th aud December inst. De. eeelts Recoil:lei also itemedandhighest current rates of Interest alloyed. Actveirices made to farmers stock dealers and business men lowest retee Dna 013 Meet favorable terns. Agents at Exeter for Dom. Cover 0 4 K K KEA KL.z.K KOcK..KAR'1<8;K ..04004 FOISON en account of its terrible effects, blood disease Is called the Meg of all diseases. It May be -either hereditary or contracted; so whIle it rosy not be crime to have the disease,ltie a crime to perrnitit to remain In the system. It may manifest Itself in the form of Scrofula, Bctema, riretnnetic pains, stiff or swollen Soffitse [itchiness of the skin, eruptions or blotches, ulcers Is the mouth or on the tongue, lore throat, failing out of hair, disordered stomach, and a, general depression Of the system. If youhave any of theta symptoms don'tneglect yourself. Yon have no time to lose. Beware of "old fogy" treatment -beware Of mineral polsoue- beware of Quacks and Fakirs. OVA NEW MIDTEIOD TRIDAThIENV is guaranteed to cure this disease, never to return. Bank Bonds will protect you. Our treatment le not inktrions in anyway. but reaches the very root*? the disease and eliminate' all poison from the system. The symptoms of disease gradeally disappear. The bloodbeccmes pure and enriched, the whole system is cleansed and purified,and the patient feels prepared anew for the duties and the pleasures. of Ili*. CURES GDAIRAINTERD OR 210 PAY. 25 Years irs• Detroit. 250,000 Cured. eousultatloo Free. Question Blank for Home Treatment and Books Free. DR.s.KENNEDY& KERGAN Cor. Michigan Ave. and Shelby St., Detroit, Mich. 'KKK o< KK Ki:4K + 4- 1.1klo JACKSON & SONI 4: Junk Dealers. * I Main -St. Exeter. .1 ..„. + Occupying J. P, Ross' * 4'Store one door south of 4.- v 4. + Metropolitan Hotel. + + .1. + 4. ÷ + 4- Will pay highest cash 1. * price for the ' following * goods,such as all kinds of + + 4' Scrap Iron + + + .1.e- Brass + * Copper + ÷ -I- Zinc + 4. Lead Pewter 4* Horse Hair + 4.* Wool Pickings + Rags + + Old Rubbers ÷ , + Bones and Bottles 4- 4. 4. 4. .1. 04. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • yiy, *- A FAMOUS- SCHOOL 'In • eCENTRAL tdigiS STRATFORD, ONT. • This school has a continent al repute- As - • tion for thoroughness. Our courses are • up-to.date and practical, and the teaeh- • fug le done by experienced instructors in is- • each department. THERE IS NO BET- 4- • 4- * TER SCHOOL IN CANADA. W e • • would like to give full information non-*- * earning our work to anyone desiring. a • • 13usiness Education or Shorthand Tram, • • ing. Write for free Catalogue. Winter 4W- • term opens January 3rd. W• D .Aj. mEeLLLAIgHT N _ principals• t. it• 40•••04444•4•044•44004.4444.4 * No quantity too large or * too Small $ TRADE MARKS 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE PATENTS The Time has a supply of books giving a treatise of the horse and his diseases, which evo are giving away to all new and paid 'up subscriberss. The book contains an index of dis- eases, giving a description of each, with causes, symptoms and treat- ment, also a large collection of excellent receipts, which are very valuable. The Times from now to January 1st, 1905 for 25n, to new s'eflosotribera only. Clubbing ra Les on application. ' DEsIGNs Anyorio sending a slzetclf and aeserigtkefinav - OPYRIDHTS yip e. ornmunica- dons strietly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for [lemming patents. patenter talon through muun'et co.; receive - spectra nett% without.charge, in the cientihr.limerirani- quickly ascertain our °Pullen nee e' ether - eulation of any selentific Journal: $1 f,: - Fear: four mouths, $1. 'Bold by au newsaciaera. MUNN & CoAL,36113,raa_LiwaY7 New York Branch Office. WO 1' otvy, aShinktOti. D. C.