Exeter Times, 1904-12-15, Page 3eee, BESTROIED - Warships Now at Bottom a Port Arthur Harbor. DATTLFSITIPS SUNK. eeeatdi sent from. Port Artilier 1.0 To lo cm Tharsee,y says thet the liatt.isate Peres .. iet' a keel is on the bottom, arid that "aer iniedie funnel is wre..kel. The cri.iser Bill'acht i lieghinire.,! to li-.t, te port. Tile tl.e'Pet' deck Of the cruiser 'All ill!an. was set on iire and is st1,1 In' rib° bat- l-Nshill t'101-aslol aioored along - e a Clocaer -ist awl boa. where by the /dila. T. bre t -cia„,f was tlisested to the /I Paria'a, i etyairi and Se.eaetopol. Tee eie,' ing e Abe, battleship Poltava eves due to iebe eetrierelon of a inegaine riboard'OE her. Site was hie olAy few tines. 033: is eon:ed....1rd that 203 lilt co -moaner% t' e cam 1 etwien the city a ' eceree will be a iie,iaus from It Stn 14Iter irlace, A s who is evlt,h t - eriree r rye esieeetleg Port Ar - in iltreeribmg the %havoc, wroteeltt e fire of the Japarmese guns, trays that n eddition to tbe warsbirs al- reeebr neittee as being .s,,nii, or 1am- age.1, the guolioats Orilla% end t ;lead- A deepat011 froze 'St, Petereburg twele iriee aleo been rien'r,', The tor- yst A story is current bere that beets 0.100e are Intact. A en ilusein some UAW ago sought to (hese even Argentine and Chilian ceenter-attaces ou 203.1detre -lei'm the two conotriee declined reeorted tbet the ilu, COS: 'Li 01) Pee. $, ond thot the , sell the vessels direct to 11.ussia, tar' ers have withdrawn towards Ira- fearing the possildlity of being sub- venekeit. `rim Russians have oleo sequently held lia.ble to pay Japan ..slacIoritel tient- opposielort hr 3 •-• h • v iminarae. The queeetiou el set,. - e panks.K., na.pping$ tat Ole eastern forts, ling, to n third, party as ate urtvrgwe4- Goixt FOR pm r1,0 f3f,froders are dwirelling in nein- ,lary wits discussed. and the possiihil". 'Fee, end aro suffering trout eeltarist.'ity a Tuacw iliteeing tile role was egastetl, but 0 guarantee against a Discovery By ThYSiCiar" TON/... t ihm. tiro /lability was demawled, wheree s: Ae- prlees uncl aucleill.alte WILL SOON t liritain. see's the story, then lereld Stt,yS that a Sensational come a upon Bessie abandented the prol'eet. ,A, Paris daspe.telt tizi Thu NOW Vorle toiding to Jonarreso r iram l al" 140,F We Idillte, in return for •dewy of 'el/edict:1e On Bee, 6 by Dr. n , Cheese A tiee, atilt from C to advance the money to Tim- neunicatiou WAS lItade to the Aca- "Os o C e, c; tubs, ate; palle. tbe front. Pee. 20, v Port ""', . 1 rum t coneeasions whielt would per.. Albert Robin. who reportrea discov- t Protince Artt ler in tiorir possess co t Uritain to ereet a second 11' of the fact that certain luetals, Toronto, Dm broad. 31USINESS AT X gioreninetile. will Intve rletl. flociie perim esiarte, giving Great 1 OttbdiVided and employed in in mte- ,„,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,.., q wail. „nd r„,/ ' 'A ;I I aMet lei very dull Tor Qatari() , 46 to 4,04% fotrIeliro.13 ild ituesinn reeistenee on the %,'W ibraltor on the coast of Vara, op- emcee as gold and hi ver. Y fl Wheat-Vhe ' Wlien tate nort floalle 1 it Will to tlio no sell I effect on the vital phenomena,. ilo-'ist4e 1,,4) 2 zooso quoted at 86 to et-oellnivcoornuleol to exereill" a eQnsidcrztbli),EVNrni-ez: cli"m;tek' a s(;.; TriltC-to-.$1760 oxIt.-INQ' 3' " rl 3t"ac e eetr forever, lritain control of Lite lower entrance i eillial desas, ;t because tite Rueeina army eold to be meet progressine Tt le state is obtained ber titeir electrical 1 ."."-Ntoti::,..,71: To-,,,,,Vi-l'i patetnts;8..1)801.11s‘tro: lie trecause of any foiluve within. Neeetiatione alone: theee lines are t deletion of tlie metals to the desired; *„,e„, . ,,,, ‘,. snrintr at i outside of it, have ta-110,1 tet ,amed that •Rtn,zeia is mho; alarmed dissolution in water, The metal so .3. 310-rtio"ree;"741 -64,--e-Neo 2",..,c.o-rteitt'e; high Ontario blended JAI? TROOPS INSPIRITED. The 1.00den- Times' correspondent Toeio saysa-Aevording to 0,11, ilc1,1 telegram, lashed on Thursday Cternoon, the Jepanese troops at - Port Arthur are greatly inspirited by the sie-nal successes ef the laSt few days in, capturing 1-1O•fitions and in dareag•e to the Russian fleet. A lelOilT Tlc T,00doA Time-' ineerance cor- eerit says; -1 he progress of tbo esien lialtie tii:•et rimy be m iteshoeld be fast enough. to enable tha sae to reach far eastern waters s si n as the coal steamers, which ,haveyet left this country, ean o Japan by t'he Cope route, War s on sweaters with coal for eta - arc' beim.; underwritten at lower e. a month or toe) ego. l'ne nce of owlerwriters tim et as a lighting or eororeere e1troy force ie very striking,. A 1/01311TFT.J1e, STORY'. 1 ,%\\kis'••• m SUNbStiLIMANI . 3 r . „ PARADU IV t) PRTZE$ POde. ATTLE, sul.te of judges' Work aWt Wiater M'a,ix at uelph, e press, awards in 1 Fair are despatch from, p PaYS' The gal e ea era i 4). 11I.eoroiingereicei: ayoearZ sankidcSthat orr r pries , LCV. 1 year and nirder 2--W. . adapted to ireieg might. it Sons, Galt; J. Frieand Seals, Lec(t)wee4raiello, aseic%, tine440-e...°4-feth!,71:4are e d lliot1 wet Sons, Gticeph;- J. Weevil eseville: l'i- 1.3s 1$0. ->t4 -i+. ' •Vil ; A t eury theanselesee, Conehierabieat Guaf:-„47-LnT.aolieloutzlie.oixt.,40., Stov411,4 aZrz,V4"' titer- ilreol.dolealle.veaurnaartlfleots-misParitts110 ibmv'v-to" ales, elpho . Shrthorn Steer, utiteeteion hes. reeeeeey wen, doeot Lreel Ge()'' Aiv.° a"d SQ"' 131°Prat; tlie 'iv miite setisfactory. Li epite 1410.1t r:gtioralldelfesr,t131s.yealelta' ri'‘disoQvTet- '' ;.1`clt that t121:1` i''rt'•4 44 7414tt - ' . Fleming, London West; W U.been1uWer tu WattSoos, $0.16131; OeCr. ItruO5 aTZ P than last the patronS of Jd II. EL .wason, c4stio Jaz.: ' sWeet creameriee have reeeiv Norto.t; . iirowo anSone, a ,,erage net price of ao.oa centfr 3-W. le. Watts' Sons, Satel2t. Shortsq Shorthorn heifer, 3 years and utulerl orn beifer, under 2 ;).-ef43$--"VI. 11" Rd or the butter inaletealAterel eeen euppeited by them, over is r id nioare tellAa,130,4thistali:_084., tliacist4, 0Amos O ad Son. MOITAt; 1?.., I. the e ' WattSons. Saler's, One anti two; tit the aGoveras d Sons., ilidgelow re; LeslietAIteltcnr is 11.74 ren,, Acton. Rest ShOrthorelW. ); Witt It. Elliott and Sons,.the ceief 5 t EFORD AND 4t/C0'4$, ;ta" the. , ford awl PolledA.ngati cow oniFr°11,e9t4 heifer. $ .years aod over-e'eSattreel:sft „'"4„1"? t , 'Young, Guelph, P. W. Stone Styr -kiwi." "re -11t 1 ., Guelph; Jae, Dowtoon, Gnelp11;',011 ukUt* but •, L". W. Stone Steele Co. trierefoInC: ltort trade IS l'Oug. ul Polled Angus eteer or heifer, 2 $ 4 ak. MA an i OW 01 ICOtat C r and unde.r 3-F. W. Stone 5 llefore the Osata r'gt.Of•lt Guelph; Jas. Roseman, I Woi 60nrcebr oPY Vella-listatb i )1 two aird three. 'Hereford ' sold to JANA, hot in fe4ter gf w ngun teer or heifer, 1, year ;war. same 31.000 pO`P;tkt 1141.103 beV:a •-'11.- 1g cpougal, Cuelplue eld peed t o that cannery from tile Stork Co.,_OvelPh; Jas. „atteernment ereameries tbirlag Vie elPle; F. W. Stout, Steele', era ten otonflie of thi5 veer, 'The. eoas. wsnan. lIereford and total cooeuroption of better steerJa- Angus or beifer. under I :veer- pert is riot large, hut. Were a rell.- n,71 Jae. Dowmain one and two; Samuel eatioue of 11, &tided increare d.' Young, Guelph; F. S. Stone Steel' mond for the Conanian Artlere Co, Hereford steer or heifer, 2 cloie of the war. ' 3--r Iv stone 'no Yle on Witter tewee rS SI) 0 ad meots-ell'ams, 121 to 12c, deo tO 10c; ehoulders, to Sc;3breakfas is ft Sec. °NIT. 2 in store hore. ; new American 55e, guaranteed 0 t years and Stock Co. en 1 year on Stec'. Co. fleS weder 1 eear--F. trreford cow or W. Ston ',Aloe-eget:4.0 Devo %were eee'L'ils,, IV. Nr' Rudd. awe Devon ' d Under 11., 1.1IirsCrae.. steer or heifer, un rear -Th W. J.. Brach way end In•von go rS and over• -•:W. J. RI e P. lIfeCrae. Gallo. g bakers' S5.50; o. part in thcr combination ! t OlTer the report that an eMicisary is treated aelPdres the ProPerter (10.1 ' 3' Nokharn a to 85.80, to wood; ePliaotieelletsikl.$51Tr c, o eantrolign Ott the peninsula re4"/ iblode the game. c Georgian Pay ports. terintling t- Pal"atso.,. to., $5.00. fixttrisit priecs Lao Oc aliove those .1‘"'04' and *"c 'Pct." barrel less 4a 3shiplrerS, DOW bags; straight; rollers, t he fortress Waft „-----------;iehed to Constantinople to en. what the Japanese on June toted. t (1/4e1e7r. W. er beeilffleetIlr;4:, htt4)1,etitonl411;;Ini3lita411,AII°1141:11ira4orAtt4ls• themde, of Which Walt? 2 Ole tas tbiS 1 O.bent .0011, el by Oa Goetwineteet ereameri the North -We -A l'eteritorlee. oeWl1ees;tv7431 '244:ri4;a42.14:dZa.e.•rUJetlri.. d 1111,,e411bayeiteitte until 1903 no bUtter USe4 velopiug a force similar to that a ferment. This peculiarity of t phenomenon has led Dr, Ronin use the term "metallic fornieuts" reporting hie diseoverY, CROPS AND LABOR. played In cases of pletiemoule. In her - Vie metallic ferments when eine poderatic inleetiens produce tr. defer - E°17 S'aggest GrELPPli"g' vescence of the malady in six cetera %VIII. Question of Erelp. t - otit Of ten beforo the soyentlt dtty. oats_wo. 2 white is quoted at .,2.`"0 to S4 55 aud 25 to 30c ex groat line of defenrea Width tile 32ec low freigiets, ond at 320 north en.el per and sj.i.10 to son. Ttosevine. tra, in wood. Roiled oats -1)3.14 el the Jitoanese advance has in bulk, $17 to $17.50; shorts, $101 breed, steer. one awl tinder two --J. m barrels- i'eed-Contario bran, 1 etoett. Grades or vrOSses of any 'axle vonstructed Vora Sea axed west; No. 3. white is steady at `t•i; v. - ea fibroma the peninsula, Thorp 330 east. 0 Is. u a woe tevon steer or itelfle. Writ to Pacer. lul ono elope eleerae, nteanwhile. the Dairy Division liad ; W. .1. Iludd. Eden, %Me. ibeen teeling styles Of tina that CROSSED IMBEDS. and otter packet:1v% and fowl tbot crossee of ariy breed, a firstetlass altielF.*, properly paeted, ee wo end undk,r_4,autes Leas143COU1C1 be shipeed there nt a profit. Cri&le5 Q1 .reen nk; Tfamiltori. Guelph; Orders for 90,000 rOvItiS were re - Mf. Pales, Guelph; J. Price and ,eel"ed last year ond the amount hno schen eVaere. 1)0,11 More than do,thied tilts season, =Whined abovee STILICT eaptured Nanslion, end strived hurchois, mitielle freights. No. 3 extra 43e- . -. ' ' ., j Barley -lira. 2 quoted. at 45 to 46e. , ito kellil• Manitoba bran in bags $17 lerown arid Sons, Galt; J. Ideliscite. le d No. 3 at 41e niiddlci freights. 1 pri;:neg.' *4., L.,11i . to il.45 por /nIsitelo 1 villo. . 1 , $ alt Ito Si4.. ,.,/14011,1 .21, neang,..Q11011:e i 1..ranIOSO.; J. Fried and Sou. itoee-i " S1 3e) in car lots, Provi- breed, heifer. two or three years - Wilson anti Sons, Fergus; IL X jet/re:I-Let usk.{4,Taldre3en. 3334'raiendk,and Sans. rtairy P oiluets .At of 1S0* an '1 Grades or rrosees of auy Butter Act of 1903, which. forbid the .-ra::::-Qt-Irtolts;tecOr:1•11'1334%stfilit.'brPP-jaxm's adulterated dairy goods, iri iodize; cooloir, J. manufacture and sale in Canada of teardt, Green llatine, j. Ilrown wed „ Grades or crosses of auy breed. rtastings eqsmo case. v.00tiy. ro. J, F,111olte 11111 cheese and process butter. The Brown, Galt; Alf. Vales, tluelph. steer under one yaw; , ported in the press, lies shown that Marden; Peter Stewart, Vivrtel•n'llf our d irv laws hid been one, whit ii .. , -.Tropes Leaek Green Batik; 'less strict, the Canadian cW513 trade rioegall, Guelph; James Leask. -might beve received a, blow i'rOm Oracles Or erosses of arev breed cow 1 which it would have required years in England en ted Medi. Att been eotue alePesiti• t, legielatien seeli 8. fox- 1 19 DePartutent. of Agriculture has issued teen cases thus treated. Tbe employ. t Vens---The' Illark°t 0 - ,00 , a statement, or the crop acreages and ment of these metallic ferments does dealera quoting OS to 6 c at outside., sions--ttea. y Canadian short cut A Toronto despatelt sayse-Tho' rl'Itirteca cures were obtame n Leder not constitute the completo treat- iPolats. Cora -The market is quiet, Wittilti/°r/`• *16'5° to $17-•"11); /ight 4e went, cut. $10.5.0 to $1.7; American clear compound lard. 0i 4. ES. a udquarters of lirthee, eier levean, says: The corm- . crOP fa gran* roots, clOVer, hay. Inca of pneumonia for comp new Canadian quo e .,.abaSISI. . 'third Japanese my beforercat, yields for 3.90d. be ma g tbo 1.:Att, 20;3 -Metre 1.1111, the. scene or i 5,7310.05 ro 3.903, and 8,677.988 be ptams necessitate accessoro there. - (led 1ii02. Tbe area of fall wheat Plow -1 Patties, but great prognSS W01.31d ap.. 1;Ctt0141:14‘Villn-i'te5:81:Oa,L°513n2tirci:IckT'Noffcloelvart°0AnTeriEtil' ilace;relnuideeoreut,i, 1S111 to ' spon fent of the Associated Frees lia» 1,. etc.. is 8,673,525 as compared with and the precloodriance‘of eextaixt synt- to 7c; Canadian la li ito eatittere by the Jaotutese. 1 treatment of this freqUent and ser- AlliQritlEt" O. 3 Yell°w' 644e' aad1 abattoir hogs. $7 1 ae, u o' --d ye' ilght wilich en- - ed up totalled 189,274. acres or near- i pear to be made by their use in the the hill Were CoVered With debris Pasture is 3;183,673 acres, an in- crease of 126,397 over 1903. Rape ---ii,-......-..... Vic at outstde points. Ittt 11(1°3' $4'.601 ill Tbe ad•ance Vioas and 1.110 crest of II' Per cent. of the art. ' • The area of cieared land Closeted to"' lous Malady. old No. 3 mixed, 63c, Toronto. lie bill were tern awaY, the siolms Ryer-The market ie firm at 75 to $51 select, $5.25 of Itussitat dead and Weinitied The labor feature of the repot is A Toronto desPatch says '-'-'-`" tic trade in bbls., $4.75 to $5. nominal cheese -Ontario le and the trendies were smaelnd Med takes 49,219 acres: bons, 2,252 OFFICIALS ARE LAX. Duckwileat-'110 rnarltet is 101C; colored, 10 filled with soil. aeres;41ax, 6,313 acres; orchard and 4.4+. lat. 55 to 50c at oueside points. quoted at $4.4.0 to 81.50, in buy- 20e; medium gr t • west Stratgat WieStern dairy, 1 91 to 10c. But in a single eeetlen of the trendies small gardens, 360,4.95 acree; a,nel Flour --Ninety per cent, patents aro 20e- to 20ec; ordi One liindred yams long over two vineyards, 14,357 aeres. Allow Consumptives to Come Into Cana • en. They liad been bOrribly unique. 1tt it are printed extracts ...e, i te'lolle:sa of 'special brands for domes - No. l Select new laid, with dynamite grenades, from the reports of correspondents,1 city relief authorities complain that; getbered, candled leie to 160, and they assign a large auMber of i the immigration agents at Canadianitantenittosb.a,s,511707 unchanged - re -sons why labor is scarce. They 1 ports are lax in discharging their ' ' e No. 2 patents, $5.40 agents loose in Gernutny and Sean- afflicted with disease to enter the ' Toronto lifillfeed--at outside points bran is Buteelo, Dec. bakers', $5,30, on track, suggest "turning the immigration. i duties in regard to allowing persons "1:1- strong dinceviee that the men being brought 1 country. The hospitals are brim- quoted at $14.50 to $15, and shorts Wheat -Spring, s out from Birgland are not tvorth niing, filled. with patients, they ELS- at $17.50 to $18. Manitoba bran. ern, $1.174; Win it shorter; that the servant 'girls ' soil. A large number of these are upoa Canadian in snob,. 819 and shorts at $21. $1,20, Corn—Fa 48t,- to 48,I1c. their board; that farmers should 1 sert, who should. never have been al - cline; NO, 3 yell *hop the day off both ends and make , lqwed to set foot would sooner starve in the city tban consumptives who have had the ills- COUNTRY PRODUCE. ei_eaite, 341c; No. work in the coulttrY; tbat with ease for some time. City Relief 01-. Apples -Choice stock scarce oes things as they, are at present the ficer Taylor has received- 0 "large firm at 91.75 to $2.25 Per barrel; 1\ar°e;eleeil,,,' li)80%C:D \ farruer is a seini-sIave and his wife', Member of applications from con- cooking apples, $1 to $1.50 per bar- es.,,, e.e. Q a druden, "that farmers had better1sumptive inunigrants of late. Many rale i Sept., 1)4`-`0.):,,N.os: import laps and Chinamen in placeof these are sent to this country for Beans -Trade is fair, and prices l i,',,f 1 orthern $1. \ rf fo help no other reason than. that they have unohaged, with prime quoted at ; qi.04. ,-,-; C adian $3_135 to 91,40, aid hand-piched at 1 to $6.3.0; seco ee e lour $5.90; first el second clears, 9 -In bulk, $14. t. rd, Al to •no; liet- t'ae-; hems, 12 to 1.43e; fresh killed to $7 25; heavy teed lots, 84.50 to to $5 40 off ears. all white, 10 to .1 to 1.)ae-: Quebec, ten -r inest grades, nary fine,st, In, to ades, 1311- to 10e; ft to 1.6e. F.ggS- 243 to 24e; straight , 20 to 21e; No.. 2 OOR SHRAPNEL. kch from Ittielkdert says'. The ecoatinue to bombard the ositions. with both heavy rti lery. The Japanese re - ;ebbs. ans have experienced much. lith their shrapnel, which "effectually clieeked the • attacks during the Battle a Meer, but failed in many . Some of the consignments of ‘nel sent to the front appear to e besn almost worthless frem ✓ constructioa of the shells. Brown and Sons, Galt; ,-1 James Leagk. Grades or cross of still fresh- in the Public =mere*. A nyietahrAse:iit.toeadrecin:vleirr,031:1:et :soeceirns tiinueenastiontingsis. or heifer, three years and over--. . any jylvbsreLetela,ste.ivfer..ur.iewidecrictiwn:on , Cone' England, was charged with selling inesby; -1). Wright, Bonsonby; It as pure cheeses an article which the McDougall, Guelph; H. W. 'efcl<inri°n. local nnalyist alleged was adulterated 'Export steer.- James Leask, Green with foreign fat. Fortunately the 13. -Flour -Steady. Ballk. Canadian High Commissiooer an the chief impactor in Britain of the De - TES MA.RICETS, ter, chili; no, 2 red, urnAe Steer Or heifer, sired by pure -- GRADE STEER. to pre.eent a vigorous defence. I- artment of Agriculture were able -aracinnon, i up be,- in lisputable evidence forwardcarce; Nol...1 North.- „ irly steady at de- bred Aberdeen Angus bull -fl. Me-. ow, 50c; NO. S corn, 1 Dougall, Guelph; H. W. C ' h ee, 13.-evhca.t_Dec Pair of fat ca.ttle, any age, breed garine or "filled" cheese was abso- grade or cross, fed for at least two Cutely prohibited uneer heavy penal. - 041 No. 2, 961 1. hard, $1,101; No. months with Worthington's Carla- .",tiee, and tlie conditions of manufee- dian stock tonics -James Leask, J.I, tare were such that it was quite .:,..-iirst„ patents Brown and Sons, J. Fried and Son.' impossible for (ibis to happen with- nd patents, 95.86 to Grade steer, sired by pure-bred out the fact coming -- - the notice of ears, $1.25 to . . , 2.75 to $2.85. Dran 5'0, ITNITED STA TO EsdApz sEnvi:CE. despatch from Loncloa says: • ne eon; Russians, most, of allege they fled from i their 1.1 order to escape military ser - i Manchuria, lett London on day for Liverpool, on their way lexica. These refugees are ar- t ay., rata or 160 daily. INDEPENDYNT FORCES, led from Canada by the hid of t o 2 mixed, 33sc, Rye Pure bred or grade Tlereford Steer Dairy Division. It was -shown that Oats -Easier; No. 2 H. McDmigall. Samuel Young. dr lieifer-F. W. Stone Stocli: Co, ;in Canada the manufacture of mare are so high that tbe farmers get the It the disease and that of white labor; a, skim milk and the laborers the climate will do them good. Mr. Tay - cream." kir states that as a result of the large influx of these immigrants the cost of hospital maintenance will be greatly increased this year. ANTI -TREATING PLEDGE. Campaign Inaugurated in Mon- treal Against Cu.stom. A Montreal despatch saTs campaign is being waged hero against the treating habit, and ef- forts are being made by temperance 91.15 to $L50. e. Shorthorn of Wellington, and owned the authorities. The purity of the CranberriesThe market 's un- . by exhibitor at least three months elieese was admitted and the elfarge changed at $8 per barrel. previoes to the show -W. Iiiamilton,' finally dismissed, when it Was found -The market is inichaup..,ed at Ovelph; J. Wilson and Sons, Fergus. that the Canadian conten.tions we.re Oracle steer, sired by pure-bred proven by the rerort of the Govern - Shorthorn bull -J. 13rown and Sons, merit aualyst, which showed that the Galt; ;Jas. Leask, Green Bank, 2 and. sample in question contained 43 per 3- I cent. milk fat and no foreign fat Whatever. Pair export steers-tshibits re nst I have been fed for at least three The case has attraeted almost uni- months previous to date of show versal att,ention in Great 'Britain and with /knglo-Sexon Stock Food- thetriumphant vindication of tho -Tames Leask, G. B. -food, Guelph% . . -. .... dairy . ... purity of canatile.n pronuets --_...--.— will prove a great advertisement of AUSTRIA'S TILTIM.A.TITX. our goods. If, however, our ,dairy Sultan 1Yrust Remove Customs Of- laws had beer! laN:. or °us 'cicsPartirlml- -- tal organization imperfect on either als at Scutari. 1 , NO WARSHIPS FOR COAST Britain Will Withdraw Fleet From American Waters. A London despatch says: -The A4- 11 will issue in a few days, ac- eoidieg to the Times, a statement of its new sciheme for the 'distribution of the vessels of the British navy. The scheme contemplates the retive- ment of alsout..10 vessels of little workers'alonglhat line. At a meet - value, as warships, roOosed ing of pzorai leee-ymen and lay- ' din, to the correspcmdent, tha.t awn a resolution favor.ng t,Ise pro- epateli from Tokio saye: As to „iii.tefiecirance of Russian troops' irection of fleienchang, on the e f the Japanese positioa on the 1i.t.is..,lielieved hero that they are e-entlent detactriients despatched irein Fushun, wheel is P,0 miles east of „vaseciell. There are no Russians in any force south-east. of IVIuKcIon, Late- ly 2000 Were sent from. the district Ti)' Aseeli reports that the Russians quarters at Ca-netelian porte.. lPhere \ do all that lies in taY 1)a‘ver a fight'ng lnie on the BusSian riggire the other in the Pacific, with head- lbe south -net of Mulcclen to jOin the Lean eoas , licvily botebarded the railwaY on tlie rimy not be more than two vessele in 1 brea'k" (lawn the Present -;:lalschlevalls lower She, River theoughoe1 Frith -1Y •ewest Indian waters. An Admiraltyl sYsteel of treating he.. such Places." afttenoon. A large number of Beesien official is 'quoted as sayina '--"ViThile i :a-------4,----• wound:el were F,eut north from erne_ • • 1 America and i 32 to 350, aecordiag to quality. soeneYp-erThIbe. macrlocemtbishoeulleieyt,, a9t1 Toronto, Dee. 13. --The market was to good for elmitie batelter cattle, but 3T --Car lots are quoted at $$ to. trade was slow for -the poorer class - to $2 per dozen. $8.50 on track, Toronto, the latter es. for No. 1 timothy. Eaport--net much inquiry, except Straw --The market is firm on light for choice. Poorly "finished cattle offerings. Car lots aro quoted at not, wanted. 96 to $6.50 on treck, Toront0. letitehersght improvement in Potatoes---Ca,r lots are quot,ed at the demand for good butchers' cat - 75 to 80c per bag On track. Small tle. Pricoa steady to firm for the lets at 90c to $1. best. Rough lebtehers• and common Poultry --Spring chicisens, 9 to 10c, canners still away down. Choice t hens, 6 to 70 per lb.; ducks. 9c per -- "Ib; geese, 8 to Sec per lb; turkeys, dry plucked, 13 to 140; do., scalded 10 to 11c per lb. THE DAIRY MARICHTS. CANTLE -Nu:rump. motion. of a league towa -that end . . was passed, and the following pledge was drafted --!"I hereby Pledge my solemn word of honor for a period of ..... ... Noon ths or for', life) not to ac- cept or offer to others any intoeicat- - . . ' at any public bar, and t� a unique compliment shall be pal , to the American Government by prattieally ignoeing that country in the disteibution of ships. It is pro- bable that only two vessels will be stationed on the whole North Amer -ms in , the Atlantic and ' • cee'llleireday.' ' NOR ENGAGEMENTS. :dcoreee.patnot aB.ntryi 'le:t t- ad_ _ _ _ _hi ' ener:13r.:7, wa+ei_rn,s_bal!Pth.. oel:Yeratricle \rye°. It would be a waste of Mane), to Repoyt Issued by ,the Agricoltura3. . . . FARMERS ,GROWING RICH- • the relations • , despatch from St. - Petersburg - Departaient. • soy s:' Gen. Satiharoff, under Weetnes- t A Toronto despatch' says: Accord - day's date, reports that the :Russian CHRISTMAS AND INEW-YEAR jag '`) -le :' ' '' ' 41 1-te 1 Report of the male gilard at a 'village southwerd • , . , Aericultetral Department the veilue of ' . . -a, Leiotebengiani rase- wee driven out Ontario' e farm lands b u tidings am- aTneeday by the. Japanese arta- Will Be Observed. on Dec....26th and . elements, and -lien stock Wes.. el:014,- efter se s t alien g a Tew caeu al- -' , „. 8-.) e ... --in . .' , ,...., ‘1, .10 IS year 'pie /-.t.1.6-6-1-est;. subeequetitly re-' e Toronto despatch says: At , a they are, valued- at $1,08'7,000,000, ' meeting of the Ontario Cabinet on Y au 'inereese of $42,106,6e8. 4 'i6uropotkirt. i a - thlegram to Thuradliy 'afteiraoon it was cloacae; The coinParative -' figeres are as ' fo es)11. elentiens ,Tealeallese at- to ieeeci a proelarnation - declaring lows:, 1.002 1908, , r).; Si nciiirl'00 .-'111"1 i"thoutignini-n., Monday, Dee. 26-bla and 11tonday, -Jan. le 1 -ch 'wel'e rePols'od. n€1 -an ilnd, eulili0' holielaYe.- Thie was done T.-0,11-,1 \ et outelest, etTate on the. in 1,de\j, ot,11,16 'flet eaves eleesesea,e ,u j)1 'Oett. Ilussicess rented end Now Year' Days fall on. a 'Sens 3b1101eb1t's sse, 0 3 apaneee guard.. ' 'deo, . . .1.e.e T S. eo, Batter, -The re.ceipta. are moderate. and ' fer demand, and Prices coletilie firah We quote's -Fins' est -1-lb. 1. Se; , or (1.11.ary to. choice large toile,' 16' to 17c; low to medluin gin:dose-13 to 15e; cream- -eiryeprinte, 22 to 280e solids, 20 to 11 hut,eher heifers are film a ..-, A te p aw Feecters--There is a little deneanci' inieees arid punishes by noon Theirs- Ideae: the Ottoman. Government, tee - $1.4 -0, but very few of the latter \ for feeders, good short -keep. the gendarmerie commander and available. the Customs officials at Scutari, who Stockers -Demand is not Very ee-i teceetly forcibly detained the Aus- tive, and prices are easier at $:3.25 trian-111ungarian mails, Austria will to $3.50 for the choicest quality.. order a eaeest squadron that is now stieep and Lambs -Lambs were lying ready et Pole to carry out a (11/4°,?„.(L,a:',-e°11.e"n';-e,..e.ee 18 ste8,dy, ,cv. demonstration at some Turkish. port, lth 'Th A t.' Siebess•Sidor's prompt e•us lieu i . , s Qr i 0 side of the Atlantic, the result might h from Vienna sa,rs:-I.Ta... I have been different. --4--- _ BRITAIN'S TRADE IlYiPn.OVEDs RetnallS Show In.creases in 'ports an.c1 Imports. TA. 'Loudon despatch says November statement of the Board of Trade shows increases of 99,736,500 in imports and 955,377,500 in ex- ports. The inerea.se in 'iniports includes, cotton $2,798,805, and certain maa- ufacturecl. articles, over $2,500,000. The increase in eeports- was mainly in cotton fabrics, 97,525,855. The Mi.ports from Canada. were '- , • C),uant,ity. Value. Cattle ,.,....._ . . . ...... 16,7.06 i(1.-284,296 Sheep and lambs... 11,370 22,710 Sheat, cwt. .. . . ... ..4,08,200 151.S'.5;,; Wheat,, meal, etd,,.157,100 70,370 Peas, cwt, ....,..., 30,9,50 12,5.91 iiis.ely to crnisein , _l_.. vnt for BaCOn, cwt. .„--- S0,76-9 leStS,S00 diSpleasure rvad to show bar .3.7a:di-lButtr,r, t-,,vt. ,...... 21023 97,617 sonic time to emphasize Anstria'ss, r-ifams, owt. ....,. • - -,1(s1 10,1'5$ national rights. 1 Zggs, great hrnC1F.,. 46,612 592,575 ness to uphold the invj.alability oil, Oboes°, c,wt, . , . ,. „ , 22,832 521,,725 --4------ lie 'tiiimic legal d Ste Cathatines, it is eepected, tv ili ,lie supplied with natural gee at' hes Toe oved from Bell t e n 40,541,811, 1.11,1;0,0eeeeesi 1 short cut, $18, , ed., on the ocean 'tourney. i early- date. -t . -, Eggs -The --receipts are moderate and pricee are steady, Qase lots of fresh are selling at 21 to 22e ' per doeen, and limed at 20e. Cheese -The incerket is unchanged, with large cheese quoted at 101 to 10le ainl twins at 101' to lle per lb, no c,hange in the quotations since complaint against interfeeence with last week. Seleets, $1.80; lights the inalls was treated with the cus- sed fats, $1•60. tomavy Turkish procraetination, rind Au.stria becoming weary, instructed ----4-------- the Ambassador to deliver an nit. i- 1..; ma.t.m. to the above effect. Austria reeosnized the possibility t.het such TO CUT OUT LIVERPOO . . . Scheme toDivort to 4N, Tiand Pofilaclian. 4 divert,Canede's .eeaboard traffic: from canaaian Traci.ei a strong policy would irritate the $`11-ropean Governments, but resolved to run all risks rather than stiffer a Scottish Peet., on. dessteli .says:-Tite dimintitiou of her prestige in elle ssociaterl Prase leas, learn.- Balkans. ' P.robably the Porte wi.11 'HOG PRODUCTS. ed that, a scheme is on. foot to yield but cveis if 11 6000, the fleet is Dreseed hogs are enehataseit, with Liverpool to foch Linnhe, en the offerings moderates Car ylots are wisst coast of Scotland. It is calea- quoted at $6.25 to 36.40 Clereil late(' that; Passengers amd mails 00111 - meats are in good clemanll um- Big from Halifax, and lauding at 604,8(30,063 $2P,000,000chaneecl prices. We,. quote -Bacon, Fort William, contd. reach London 2:37,290,66S 248,000,000 ; long clear, S.,?, to ), eas 'sellout hours sooner than by the 62,199,787 64,090,0001 lots; mess pork, 814.50 to. $15; do. \ Liveepool route, the time beiee