Exeter Times, 1904-12-15, Page 2•i• •:••:+•;• •:••:"• •t; .70.4. • 0,7„ ' • 4.;• 1--'asia ion ...Talk • • +I T.3371DANGER, OP ANAENIA. ts Victims Are Defenceless When Disease Strikes- Tlee Blood. Should. Be Kept Rich anc:1 Pure. ;Anaemic people -people with wat- ery blood -are witheitt defeuse Wheo dlsease threatene, The strongest, TIIE POLONAISE, weapon against disease es a the ancient clock in the tower of St. Mays rice, red bleed, A robust arS's parish elitirch, Bletchley, was. honey throws olle But a eold lingers 44 ,.• it suggested in eoree of it the latest IN MERRY OLD ENGLAND NEWS PY NAIL ABOUT q01IN PULL AND RIS PEOPLE. Occurrences fee the Land That Reigns Sprue io the Come merciad World. Behind the lately -removed dial of The Wolnala Whet lifaS nett outgrowo euPP e aet feund about A hundredweight ot the memory et tne penniense had persou may catch cold, but woe y with the anaemic one, goea to the .1) ishing vessels often go to sea skirts, Just liow far it Will "wedge ebest, and the first sign.* Of eensuma. with half their crews drunk," said a itself into popular favor remoies to tion appear. It. is tbe anaemic one Grimsby fieherroan at an bequest on be seen, but the fact tliet it is re- dieteS who are auttporting the attemnt Ple5S'I 143.° a who sutlers front headache d d -e.„ an Woo 'um ted ove-board fr without restins whose heart flutters la letters of sold the nemes of the --thegrefee David Rowe, a well-known and to bring back the pletureeqUe skirt d - - highly respected farmer, living about an palpitates wildly at the least omen Emperors are being placed miles from here, is telling his decoration, exertion. Such people can wily be beneath the medallions roresentins , friends of his remarkable recovery A very smart costume bride -col- ) ored cloth ellowe the polonaise effeet on the skirt. Tide is outlined with blaek entbroidery skilfelly interwoven with dyed red lace aed the effect is ettioning, The jaeket. alneost tight -fitting, having scareeiy aoy perceptible fed- liees over the deep 'Oreille at the front. Xt ilea A low YOke, rOseill ehepe, of White cloth etitched With Week eilVer threads, Fintebiag the is a band Of bittele silk embrOid- whieli eentitaued around the beloW Oft, bieetlitte in, Eton ef- . FARMER TELLS OF A BAD TWO YEARS TEEN DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS 7S-7,0VE AWAY ALL HIS PAINS, In es Bent Over with Pain and Hardly Able to Work Till He Used the Great Canadian IVA- nay Remedy. Nivel giVeS eneeioragement to the moe z• 4 ae j °In Consecon. Ont., Dec. 12.-(Speeial) cannot climb A steer a trawler. saved by a AM supply of rich, led e a • from a long period of suffering by blood and Dr. -Valle.= Pink Pills Near St. Ives a shark et feet long Ow use of Dodd's Kidney Pills, a child, 25 to 35 times per minute, • -,••••••••••••., et/ .,t/A:7-44,,ft-P-4464P your blankets or harden there. It will make them eat, White arid seemeneo "log, Sunlight Soap will not injure Onecy. 711 10,000 QUARTS OF AIR. In each respiration an adult in- hales one pint of Air. A lieelthy man will respire le to 29 times per minute, or, say, 20,000 times a day; is the -only medicine that actually was caueht fea hooik eon line, w, hen 1. "I had very severe peins in ray While standing' the ethat average re- . wakes rich, red blood with every en eagles fish weighing sear a atm-. back more or less for upwarda of sPirstiell is 22 times Per minute; 1Y- dose- Ordinary MeaieineS lelelY touch firedweigbt rushed at it and swallow- :two years," Mr. Rowe says. "These ing down, 13. Omen The superficial tile oymptores a disease -Dr. Wile ed it, both being leaded, writes Mr. I ,., 1 Pains seemed to coocentrate their area ofethe lungs-tleat is, et theit Dares' Pink Pills go right straight E. O'Doeuell, of Clifton Rouse, .ete ; fun farce in 1..e small of my back i alveolar, or space, win& they gar - to the root of the trouble and drive Ives» land the pain was alinest enbearable. I ern byamans a ow moutii—averages it aut. .91.1hat is why, these pills have All efforts to es'tablieh the Salva-, it made me go beat aver and 1 ecet1d1200 Nuare yards. The ameunt of a lArgar sale tllaii any Other raetii- titM Array in Russia.. hat 0 SO far bLNM I otit Straighten up to save my life, air eespired each day ia about 10,000 'ne in the werld, and that is why of no avail, mid 01_,tiwral Deign at "When I went tc, ernate it gave quarts. 'fife amount of oaargen ab seada and thOUsalnia 01 Pen& Oulitiford, as the Russian Govern- i we great pain and you may iinagine sorbed in the same leagth of time is alse theta SO highly. Rise Plorence meet bad issued strict injunctions i 1 was not eine to do Meet ,seerk, 000 litres, or about 744 grams, The afarryett, Chester. N. S,, SaYs 1- against the general or his followers 1 consulted a d0CtOe but his pre- amount of carbonic field expirel in have esed Dr, Wiliialus. Pink crossing the frontier. I scription did me no good, 124 hours is estimated at 511. guie 'Ile sleeves, are formed into t e le for several menthe and am they have restored me Fathaaaa }bailey. eas 'name:owe Agent, aey pais end a sot, better by etitthed pleits; above and below the t o saarer o. .Pther Mea`115 /41.'4 to tWO friends with *torn he Was time I had used the first box, 'I'm 5 ur- tee sorbed in 24 h ur is t I' • d lder Strine by means of small ha in its most severe form. Tile least arab t f • b "Did you ever See a tragedy?" said "Then ,S startea to 'use Dadd's areiens. Two -third s oe the aan-gen ing the 12 boars from 0 p. m. to 6 boxes cured me completely." a, in., threeefiftlis a the total being thrown off during the day, While this is going on, the pulmoaary sur - is throwing off 100 grams. of VIRGIN CROWNS TRE ALPS. water in the ebape a vapor, The Statue Placed on °lee of the heart sends $00 quarts of blood through: the lungs every liar, or Rigliest Peas. about 5,000 quarts deny, - A. band of priests anS sides have succeeded ia performiog the mapar- angled feat of erecting A statue of NNW's tiding Relieves Neuralgia the Virgin on the summit of the mighty Dent du Geent, a 18.1.70 -feet monarch of the Pennine Alps, The idea. WAS stated by Petite Louis Clapasson, the euro of Cour- mayeur, a well-known mountaineer. and the people of the Aosta valley subscribed the money needed to buy the aluminum statue, which is not quite hie size. Per weeks tbe weather was eloselY watebed, mid finally a party of seventeen men started -upon tlx dif- fiealt undertaking. From Courmayeur up to the Col ni (Neat the dillleulties were easily overcome, but from this point to the summit the work was full 0 peril. Over slippery ice -bound rocks and unsafe SUOW patches, up perpendieu- ler chimneys and steep slabs of smooth rock like the sides of a house, the party had to climb with their burden, clinging for life to ropes fixed to iron stanchions in the rocks. 'l'o add to the dangers a furious snowstorm creme on, and several times the guides bearing the statue were nearly swept from the mountain side. The summit, was reached without enisha.p three hours after leaving the Col, In the midst of a "torment," or whirling snowstorm, great holes were drUied lu the rock to reeeive the iron supports of the statue, and two hours later the Virgin was securely fixed on her mountain pedestal. - Than, on the edge of the precipice, with the storm still raging, the vicar of Courmayeur, Father Vesan, at- tached by two strong ropes to the face of the reek, performed roass, which More than once was interrupt- ed by the fury of the elements. elbow* they are puffed and gathered fa'l w" erIng fr°14 a'naeulla seated the -nubile Gaiety theatre. into a ileen cuff- on wit me or an aosa en 0 completlog the caStinele is a red hat aer4Pwiaollrii blenatvenare:nntrteianathnleaude drew', a pea:mile aeroes Ins throat, of pressed beaver, trinaued enly -with sagero greatly with nesaana bead,0ie1ng a, wound nearly two lathes aladveaz.tr‘e,dpluershsts.l er e,78racs. going into a decline. I hail medical 1 - aches. I was palewad seenied tobe "e"es After experlmeats extending over 'Despite tLe great demand for highly attendances but it did me no good, SIX 'Weeks With, two different oils, finished cloths a siriootla, surface thesurveyor of Kensington „, Then. a friend advised me to try Dr. tbe borough Frown shops are ellowing' an tuntsuai Williams' Pink Pills and' in a tew tiles reported that the system of lay- arariety of novelty SUItIng,S IA Which weel,,s found iboy were eloping Dealing dust by ell is unsuitable for embreidered dots or email deeigua are 1 "alumina their use for several Loaden. a feature. Something extremely eine nxgntbs, Awl in Again fljoying good Air. William Colby, who has just is a row camera liair eletli very softhealth, 1 think Dr, Williaras' Pink died at Pakefield, near I.owestoft, at with a touch of India eaelnuir, in gua Us will make every weak and ail- the age et eigh4r-seven leaves 114 metal shade, with Roman dots em- giri strong and healtity," descendants living out 0 13$, They troldered over in This fabric is Used You van st these pills from, ally are 0 children, 40 grandchildren, and for a. handsome etreet gown. There dealer in medicine but you sbould, 02 greategrandebildren. is a ratlier long elee.e-litting eoat, ea- be careful to see that the full name In tine schools under the Bristol iehed &wooed the bottom with a "Dr, 'Williams' Plok Pills for Pale Education Oonernittee there are 8,7a6 band of plaited satin headed with n reeple 18 o tbe wrapper around echolars with defective eyesight, and aPPlique of silk lace, but 'very boxy, each box. If in doubt write the Dr, the eommittee is considering the ad - The skirt bee a wide box plait at Williams' Vedicine Co., Brockville, visability of providing diem with the front which ie continued around Ont., and tbe pills will be sent at speetanes, the lignre ia a succession of tinier 50e e. liox or six boxes for $2.50. "If I was guilty I would be only plait. The sleevee of the coat are too proud -too pleased te tell you. novel. Bagging from the shoulder 1.11 But 1 was in bed at the time," So mutton -leg design, they grow narrow- said Pat Sullivaa, a tailor. accused er at the wrist, where they are finish- of stealing a coet at Birmingbain ea a witia a. cuff ce satin and lace, op- Saturday, Ile was discliarged, sutra', On the inside, where the eleeve "Unutatried working inert are the Is buttoned above the elbow. - USSLAIS Awful. Condition 9f the People o That Country. Embroidered dots are also a:feature Fear of Russia has hung over the l'alluitY"" said Judge lilladan at Lartl- f dosaa 01 eupysts weave. The worad for more than quarter of 0, beth County Court. embroidery is raised anxi the favorite 1esrtury, but to -day, after a nine. The woriers largest ploughing f colors for it are brown, bright green months war with J epee, its dreaded match, the anima °Vent othe and blue. 'Mohair and worsted MIX-, power has become almost a laugh- North Kent Agrieultural Association, tures In novelty weave Awe in dark ing stock. 'Russia, bas great size, took piece neer Dartford. No fewer neutral tintS with a glint of bright Joined with great weeeness, some than 130 ploughs were employed, Lula color. Among the clinging fabrics al the causes of its lethargy are in- it was it wonderful scene, rendered there are soft vigognes in mixtures, curable, Others are due to a back- still more interesting by the motor or witli email plaid grounds strewn ward civilization. The roads are Ploughing and an exhibition of the with tiny dots of white or color, mere military routes. Tho postale° ancient method, the use of oxen, The bandies one piece of inail for 15 that Ivel motor was awarded the gold passthrough +3 ur own. For every medal. most extravagent class in the Wm - RED RATS. One sees more and more of the red velvet hats. Those made with the broad, suraten crown, trimnied simply evitb, a, slender bow ef red velvet rib- bon are very smart. Underneath the brim there cluster either red. and -white ostrich tips or it bunch a shad- ed red flowers. Smart little toques a red chiffon witli a big velvet rose shading to pink, are much used for evening wear. Sometimes sixth a hat is the only touch of color seen witli an all white evening toilette and the contrast is warm arid beautiful. Sailor bats 18 broadtail velvet are excelletit for everyday 'wear, for be- sides being serviceable they are quite fashionable. One seldom uses more than an immense rose or bunch of foliage on such hats. Tricornes are not becoming to every style of face, but the womar» who can Wear such shape, successfully ought by all means invest in one. A rich little 'design has the brim and crown made of pres.eed velvet leaves in shades of brown. These leaves are of much. importance in the millinerY world, be- ing a feature of the new season. This season, like all others, has its freakish styles, though be it said to the credit of the modistes that the exaggerated and superfluous seem less and less apparent as the years roll on. The really necessary fashions in themselves are too expensive to per- mit of much indttlgence in things 'de- stined to fleeting favor, and. it is the exceptional woman who buys a hat or gown widely StepEtrting, from the conventiotal lines merely for the sake of novelty. The freakish fur of the season is a rather strange pelt which no one seems to have appropriately named as yet, mingling black, white and brown, in odd fashion. •It is evident- ly some species of cat, and comes two miles of telegraph in Russia, Through a crack in the wall an en - eve have five, and for each mile of ormous nuinber of bees had made her telegraph wires we have 58. their home under the bedroom floor Ignorance leads misery by the of an old farm hoese at Longthroee, hand. Three-fourths of the ehildren near Peterborough, and their inees- room. 01 those who go to sthool, On one of the floors being taken up,difficult. never see the inside of a school- sant huenraing made sleep few are taught more than their alp- 1the Space between it and the ceiling habet. In Russia. proper, 94 people of the room below was round to be out of every 100 cannot Write their packed with honey. No less than 1e cwt. was eXtracted. from Russia, but as it is more biz- arre than desirable, no one seem to be deeply interested in its origin. One sees many exquisite girdles in Faris just now, some of the hand- somest being Jet shaded satin ribbon. Others are of -pompadour silk., while still other designs are of the most delicate Japanese workmanship with 'Japanese names-Tatettefushi, for in- stance. There is no limit to the width of these girdles; they come from three to nine inches wide. The latter, however, can be crushed into the smallest possible space, and stretched aecordinglye"' The newest shopping bags are great square affairs that might be mis- taken for Sortfollos, niusie rolls or anything else, except "wliat they really are• Their immense Si70 ail 0 rdS an 'opportunity for all kinds of handi- work which of course, cofttribetes Considerably toward their expense. The cheapest are $1.5, and the price runs right along from this sum to $600, wlien the clasps and corners aro studded with jewcis though scl- "dom diamorarIu, Amethysts, Olivines, ophireio opals and peals seon pre - erred: 10 the ware dazzling brilliants. names or spell out easy' words. Technical education is even enewe ne- glected; and for every 11,000 people there is but a single physician. The burectueracy and the me.rehants in, collusion have built up a perfeet- 4 Japan is a nation of gardeners. Every man, woman, and child is pas - 1y organized system of graft. It is sioriately food of flowers. Gardening openly recognized, treated with tol- is a religion. eraxiee, even thought of With. respeet. Not only do admiraLs buying- coal ollow did you like our new duet?" much larger sums than they "Oh, was that a new., category of human sufferings. Gives I reliei in .30 minutes. -75 in foreign ports procure receipts for she atked. have duet? I thou ht yo were only Heart SIck People -Dr. Agnates amp for the Flen.rt is a heart tonic that never fails to cure -is swift in its ef- fects -goes closer to the -"border land" and snatches from death's grip more sufferers than any other remedy for any family of diseases and aliments in the paid, with their leader officers, but . „ g onarrelltneet no contract is let at home which - does not allow a liberal margin for a "rake-off.". In this way, Russia has paid for her railroads two and a half times the amount -which the minister of finance estimates as their value, It is said that fully 75 per cent. of -the large Red Cross fund which was subscribed at home and abroad has been stolen. The magni- ficently equipped hospital train which the czarina sent to the east was looted between St. Petersburg and Moscow. Not a thing of value was left in it. To sum up: Russia stands at a great crisis in an evil plight. Xts aristocracy is rotten and tyrannous; its people sodden in ignorance, with- out moral sense, dull and brutish; its priesteraft often degraded, ex- tortionate and sensual; its land of natural resource wasted and con- sumed; its imperial bullion for its coining; and its czar, a grotesque weakling. 4' FATAL FOR FRANCE. It is a common suliposition that war must be formally declared before hostilities eon be entered upon; but this is very far from. the truth. Even the delivery of an ultimatum is not necessary; a simple "act of war," which may be construed from alnmst any ill-considered act, is sufficient to sab belligerents at each other's throat', Thol3lowing up of the !'Maine," al- though uodouletedly the act of a lu- natic, who had not a shred of of- ficial warrant for tlie deed, was suf- ficient to cause the Spanish-American War, and a petty quarrel over the sticcession to the impoverished Span- ish throne was the excuse upon which the lettatoo-Pruseian War was entered. -upon.' The dispositiop of the -throne of Spain seems to iave always exercised it earieful influence oyer the destinies of France, by the way, lor it was over e eimiler'eptarrel that the great Duke of Marlborough had to tile the field to figlitetlie Battle of Mal- pIaquee. It waS a glorious victor!' for our groat general; but wben one reads of the carnage it caUsecl, one , wonders if the affairs of an outs de IShate Warranted suoli woeful warfare. 1 reAPPY CHILDI100D. Right Food Makes Erappy Child- ren Because They are Healthy. Sometimes milk does not -agree with children or adults. Tlie same thing is true of other articles of food. What agrees with one sometimes does not agree with others. But food ran be so prepared that , it will agree with the weakest storn- a.cli. As an illitstration--anyone, no rnattee liow weak the stornaCh, can eat, -relish and digest a nice .hot cup of Posture coffee with a spoonful or two of Grape -Nuts poured in, and sucli a combination contains nour- islament to carry one a number of hours, for almost every partiele of it will be digested and taken up by the system and be made nse of. A lady writes from the lam] of the Magnolia and the naciaing bird way down in Alabama and says: "I was led to drink Postein because coffee gave me sour stomach and made me nervous. Again Postural was recom- mended. by two well -en 0 :wn physici- ans for my children, and I feel especi- elly grateful for the benefit, derived. "Milk does not agree with either chine so to the eldest aged four and one-half years; I give Postum with nlent,v of sweet cream. It agrees with her solendidly, regulating her bowels perfectly although she is of a COP Ftirated "I'm- tile youngest, aged two and one-lialf years 1 use one-half Postum ' li and one-half s,-;imrned c. ane not riven any medicine since the' chil- dren' began using Poston, and they enjoer every droe of it. A. neighbor of mine is giving Fos - tum to her baby lately weaned, with Sp,lenclicl results, The little fellow is thriving farnouSly." Name riven by I:Postwar Co Do ttle Creek Mich. Postum agrces perfectly With chil- dren und supplies adults with the hot invigoratino• beverage in place of cof- fee. thousands of Arnold -- cans leave been. helped Put of 5totnach ncl nor -6)91s clisca.se leeviee orl coffee a nd/VSiflg P 0 turn Pond Coffee, Loolc. ci,acie for tile little book 'TheRio te Wellvillo " The railway traveller in Japan btlyS a first, second, or third class ticket; or, if he wishes to go cheaper still, he can get a ticket entitling him to stand on the platform only. A census reeetitly taken of the bars- ae in Paris shows that while the Palais Royal quarter"bas 18,600 in- Itabitants, it accommodates 80,600 horses. e. C. C. RICHARDS & CO. Dear, Sirs, -A few days ago I was taken with it severe pain and con- traction of the cords of my leg, and had to be taken home in a rig. I could not sleep for pain, and was un- alile to Put my foot to the floor friend told me of your MINARD'S LINIMENT, and one hour from the first, application; I was able to Walk, and the pain entirely disappeared. . You can use my name as freely as you like, as I consider it the best remedy I have ever used. CEMISTORFIER GERRY. Ingersoll, Ont. • --- "And you really thinik, doctor, that there is hope for iiim after this?" "I certainly think so, madam! After this Morning, I shall only call once a day instead, of twice." 20 'Years of Vile, Catarrh -Chas. 0. Brown, journalist, of Duluth, Minn., writes : "1 have been a sufferer from Throat and Nasal Catarrh for over 20 years, during which time my head has been stopped up and iny condition truly miserable, Within- I 5 minutes after us- ing ]Jr. Agnew'sCatarrhal Powder 1 o bt allied relief Three bot tl es have al- most, if not entirely, cured me." 50c.- Have You Eczema? - gave you an Ain disease or aruptione? Are yoll subject to ehallug or seelding? Dr. Agnew's Ointment prevent's and cum any and of these, end eure,e Itching, "needing and Blind Piles besides. One application brings relief in ten -minutes and cases cured in three to sex nights. 35 cents. -73 The French Post Office 'department has exeliefed mourning eflvelppeS from the mails for the reason that they cell be opened without muelt chance of detection. ••••••••••••••• Fr Over Sixty Vents ittap.Wisetow'sSoornixaSsitur hal be %Nei, tio 1011111MCit mothere for their children while toothin:. lti‘notheothe child,8050U3 the galas, nilnyepnin, enr01 wind colle.regniatue theetonntelt and bowoh, audio rho LI strouledy tor Twouty•t4o (manta n bottle Bold by druggiots throughont. the world. es len+ AA tilltut"Allto• W.tlit3.0+v'ti$00Talitill vas r: 84-01 WA:72,5;?;InintAl ,FetiVnl'•sf,t,TO ; erertehine found, Poo full part'eu:ere address Box119„ Canna. One, No Breakfast Table complete 'without POULTR We can handle year poultry al alive or dressed to best advantag Aise your butter, eggs, hooey an other produce. THE DAWSON COMMIS$Limited Cor,. CO Cor. West Market isnd Colborne eta. TORONTO. PLAIN ENGLISH? Ifis wife came into the room where he was sitting. She was twisting herself around in the etrort to look at the back of her new blouse. 13y the tense lines and bulging aspect about her lips he Itnew that leer intnith WAS fail Oi pins, Re knew i anyway without looking for those symptoms. %Tgof-vult-woft-sh4114bf4sy,f4- ," sbe said, 'Yes, it 1004 all right," be ane sWered, resuming his paper. "Owf wuffegs-pf-suf-up-up-w-r-r-r- oognsth," She mumbled. "Of eonee it does," he aS3nred her, glancing over the top of the paper. "It fits like the paper aix the wall." sere szauizcztwk wsolpl-gphiznen-bm- er foot, "Didn't I tell you it was all right?" asked the man, lowering the paper. "Maybe it needs a little tithing up in the slioulders, but no- body could nottee it," Irastily letting' the pipe fall fi'one her mouth to her band, she cried "I've asked you three times to raise the window blind so that 1 ould get more light. It's a, pity you can't understand plain Eng - Of course, the man could have said metbing scathing in reply, but he ow better, An admirable food, with all its natural qualities intact, fitted to build, up and maintain robust health, and to resist winter's extreme cold. It is a valuable diet for children. Tho Most Nutritious and Economical. ARPET DYEIN and Cleaning. This is • specialty with the BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING 004 Send particulars by post and we are sure to satisfy Aildrsos Box 15$, Montresi. Farthing prielcets of tea are 'being solcl tl-iro-u.gliout India by groevereo who have at last recognieecl that they ItaVe an i.ramense market at their door. Minarri's Liniment DNS Burns etc. There is a graveAlligginr, school in. -Brussels, ad all cardida6es for the post of • sexton 18 Belgieun to be ell- ble inns t, have graduated from this Leytr's Y -Z (Wise Ilead) 1.;is ect - ant Soap 'Powder is a boon to any home. It disInfeets and cleans tit e sa-P3.9 t t nate., CONTAINS 25,000 NEW WORDS, Etc. New Gazetteer of the World New Biographical Dictionary 2330 tknarto rage,. New Plates. s000 illustrations. Should be in Every Horne, School, and Office Rev. Lyman Abbott.D.D.,Ftlitor of • The Outioolt, says: Webster has always been tliefavorite in our household, and I have, seen no reason to transfer nly allegiance to any of his competitors. FREE,".A. Test in Pronunciation," instructive and entertaining. Also illustrated pamphlets. e G. a C. MERRIAM CO., Publishers SPringf leld. Mass. HARDSOME 14k RING and GOLD WATCH F kit E TRY CHA'NOE OP BREAD. thel was talkies about bread. "People ought to vary their breads the Same as they vary their meats," be said. "You don't eat ham three times a day, year in and year out. You don't eat beef that way. You don't eat entettoa that way. Dot that is the way you eat bread, if you are the average sort of it. man -- one certain hind of bread select:a you for breakfast, lunch., and dinner all sour life. "The stomach gets tired of this bread monotony; and when the ste- rile& tires of it thing it %vain digest it. Renee dyspepsia, The bread monotony is responsible tor a good deal of the dyspepsia that flourishes. "There are dozens of varieties of breads -Corn bread, whole-wheat bread, barley bread, Salny Lunn, brown bread, aerated bread, malt bread. 'With these, and many mare to choose from, why is the average family so foolish and thoughtless as to confine it self to oue kind of bread only?" Of about thirty reeognieed coaling stations in the Patine, Great Britain owns at least twelve and the United States six, An ntld-lookine turtle has been cap- tured at, Burlington, -Vt. Its shell is soft, its back is spotted, its bead is like that of a striven and its fins resemble those of a fish. 60 Specialists on thn Case. -In the ordinary ruu of medical practice a greater numb‘r than this have treated cases of chronic, dyspepsia, and have failed, to cure -but Dr. Von Stan's Pine- apple Tablets (6018 a box at 35 cents cost) have made the cure, giving relief in one day. These little . 'specialists" have proven their real merit. -72 All new schools in Switzerland have a portion of the ground floor appro- priated for baths. TUE FREEMASON, Toronto, 50e, a year, Cowan & Co,, Pub's., Toronto. Mrs. JenleinarYour son's engaged to be married, I hear. I Saw a young lady wiCh him to -day. Was that— Mrs. O'Bull-Yes, that was his fiasco. Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff, "Oh, Geosge," sighed the romantic girl, "I wish you were ince the - old- time knights; I wish you'd do some- thing brave to show your love for me." ''Gracious!" cried her fiance, m"heavorty't gIetttlignrgeedtentomdollarsrry ay owe d e, e nr, liandreas 'of beautiful ningi and Watebo% Ifroe tZol aalbur7dnWishing Blue at euti. us your ramo uddrees and agree to nen 20packaaesoroar famous' °I2t1,Yst0; you a ks5eVilb . Vil 1n, mail postpaid. Eydry lady needs lAuing, and at maybe. a package you un sell the 20 psole, '558 in n few hour. When so'd send Us the i3Ot and we wilesond with elegant, large Mal - 6C0 RUM CS. 0105 510 - 10005 - handlome and 11 ly 5105, if you wilt, son to im Cho 1.11m14,,with• • • rthiayovofl05soyon au opputanqy to son, ono" of our !I -mph -luau " gold " t.,^o hos in adition to tho lOn,. Addroyi `rho rirarvot teinei ca.; 110p1, 290 Toronto P's,. DR. A. W. CHASES CATARRH RbRE senpsrts beythdireeeitmlirod 18 tothedroewaseilt: ' pH„seas.isgelshestuolpcserds.roolppearingastilnietahl: throat and permanaroly cures - Catarrh and Hay Fever: Blower free. All dealers, or Dr. A. Vl/Xlissa Medicine „Co., Toronto. and Saffala A MODEL HUSBAND. Wife --"I need it little _more money." Husband -"It is only two days since _ "Now, look here! I want you to 'Understand that I wouldn't anlr for am et°oennenddlroatYti 1: 'al. shci(an't n eihnl icrlede ,rrjY1)ni ntiodera(3gclt. caal vlt-mebthat and iceiltsIsindneooernn. ; slave, to be treated like an irrespon- sible being, and I just want you to know tliat I won't stand it either, SO there now! I've got just as much right to yonr money as you have, soeetfh\a-rcelearr '."e'''°e-L51-----"treereler golog to remork that it is only two days since I , drew my salary, and you could have all Yoll "Pinto" Corst ovan Used in 11.B,K. Mitts, Gloves and Moccasins—tough as whale-, bone, flexible, soft, pliable,scorch- pzoof, wind -proof, boll- proof; crack -proof, tear-prcvlo_rip-Proof, cold -proof, almost veer -Feet -- certainly the greatest leather ever used in mitts and gloves. Like buckskin it is tanned without ail, unlike'buckskin it is not porous, it is wind -proof -will outwear three buckskins, - 4`rinto» Mitts and 'Gloves never creek or harden, never get sodden, are always warm, pliable, soft and comfortable. Sold at all dealers but never with- out this brand to bat bol 15 bee dee On Tee Pal tltu ale fen a by tint rea floc I(1 It eoa, tar yar, slat pas 'An A the Ara onl W not itFe aad foe beg: the Art suel visi the wit 17 the of ane elle one !JUDSON BAY KNITTING CO Montreal Winnipeg Dawson Diggs --"Castleton was out dri with the Widow Grasper the o day when the liorse ran away him, and he's laid up in the lio Griggs -"Well, ft might h been worse -the widow might 11 rule away with Iiim."- Minard's Liniment for sale eve Young Mother -"Now Harold, hom. 'do you love most, papa or me?'Lit- tle Harold -"Papa." \toting Moher -"But yesterday you said you, loves!. me most." Little Harold --"Yes, bua I've thought it over since and ee- cided that we mai must sticn to- gether." Rheumatism will succumb to Sout American Rheumatic Cure because goes right to the seat of the trouble' ". anil removes the cause. Many so-called cures but deaden pain.ltemporarily 00135, to have it return again with doubled violence, Not so with this great re- medy. It eradicates Orem the ,gystero the last vestige of the disease and its, cures are permanent. -74 Since the use of wire, fehces !has become so extensive, the moriber of cattle killed each year by lightning has greatly increased» olow.ost— Neglect. a cough and contract consunaptiou. h 8cCutoirnii:auhT):).5:1-111::ngth cures consumption, but don't leave it too long. Try it now Your money back if it doesn' benefit yoft. nicest S. C. WELLS & Co. 05a 50c. S1 LeRoy, N. Y., Toronto, C ISSUE NO. 50, da