HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-11-24, Page 8• lei tel.
E 1 E R '1'1 itt; S. N OVEMBER 24th 004
.1a1ies elteieese Fu' 1
llnedOaPe, uih fwLll
Rich Sala eleoekateli. j
Lined with tio, 1 Squire
reL rrimmed with
ettelee eat. A. beau. !-
tiful garment..
LadiesRR% Vests
long siotveopen front
so L downy finish, the
best value we have seen
this seasou. Aek fele
outs 25e Vests,
Ledies' Broeleatell
fur lined, Cape, Lineil
with real good Squirrel
eovered with rich Broe
cede and tritumea witlx
-Ladies' Black Fur Lined Cape, Covered with fine black cloth
lined with good squ.rtel and trimmed with plain black fur.
$65.00 $75.00$100 00
Ladies Black P#.4rsian
Lamb Fur Jacket.
Lovely glossy curt,
best fining. .& real
Ladies' choice black 4.
Persian 1.4.tott
with American Sable
Collar, Lovely height
glossy cud. Best lira
For eur olloicesi
ies black Persianfo.rub
Fur Jacket. This ts one
pt the choicest CoatS
we have ever offered,
Ask to see this line.
ztre showing a splendid range of Black Asti achan
Fur Jackets, all German dye. They come to us direct from
the makers. We can save you 111011ey CM fur Jackets.
What about that new Jactet for the little girls: we have
aline lot at very low Rrices,either short Beffer styles or long
Ulsters. Bring the girls in and let them see what we are
Dried Apples, Butt r
Eggs, and LAW
samtons highest prices
Interest Paid to
Four Times a Yed
your Savings Account ,kt
eign Bank of Canada
Where you will bave he interest added to the rncipaI and
compounded FOUR timesa year.
One of the highest privileges i this B nk is to encourage thrift
and econcmy among the people and to assist them in their efforts to
save money that will be available in time of need.
We invite you to share in the benefits and advantages of
modern and well equipped Bank
Branches in Huron County at
etor Crediton Dashwood Hensall Zurich
Far Marriage Licenses,
Wedding Rings,
Watches, Cloc Ica
Spectacles to
Watch Repairing a Specialty.
DR. OVENSsgegMfg:
Eyi Eit Nose and Throat
vislesExeter monthly.
Glasses Properly Fitted
Nasal Catarrh and. Deafness treated. Office
You ,don't need to dread a, cold
YOU Iiavo "Cure -a -Cold" on hand. Qu-
Zy at Itowcy's Drug Store.
Mr, and Mrs.'. ItIcDonalsit of Guelsib.
spent 'the lvaliday with the latter's
brother, Mr. W. Wks.
Miss Lillian Robinsonof Auburn.
Ant Nbanksgivtill boli'day wider
in parental roof.
Mrs .4" .0, Stanbury is visiting her
parents, Dr :and Mrs. Eastwood, at
Whitby this week.
Aliss Hattie Follick is spending a
couple of weeks in St. :•.,Iarys with
The Times has the correct styles in
wedding invitations and visiting
cards. Let us have your next order.
DN S A S. July 27, Sept, 7, Oct. 8., The Times will be sent to any ad-
ov. ,Nsy. so. London allies= QueenS ATI,. , dress until Jan lst., 1906 for one dol-
lar.. Send the Times to an absent
4. friend.
IRE p cKARDV'ESSOYME TOOTH CREAM hard.t ens 'the gums, and does not injure
a a late enamel of the teeth 250 at La tzes
Drug Store .
General Selling Agent for , Don't suffer with "cold feet" this
winter, 13ny a Hot water Bottle, at
O. . .Howay's Drug Store. Price to
suit everybody. a
Miss Don -Swell and Mr. Geo. Re
burn, of Crediton, spet funday at
Any persons, farmers or others, ate home or N. A. Skews, the
who contemplate purchasing lands gueate of Miss Mary liepburti.
in 'Manitoba or the North-west Ter-
ritories will find it to their ad-
vantage to call on me, as I have
recently been appointed general sel-
ling agent for all O. I'. R. and C. N.
A keeper and matron for the
House of Refuge, .at Clinton, is 'being
advertised for to take the place of
Mr and Mrs .Prench, who have re -
W. Land Co's lands. Prices range signed.
Patten & Perry appeared in Gid -
e -tone $3.50 per acre and upwards.
Persons who settle on C. P. R. Ley' .s Opera House on Friday everting
last and gave a very pleasing per..
lands within one year after pur-
formance. They were greeted by
chase have ten years in which to
a very large audience.
eiay for such lands.
Far further particulars apply to
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab -
R E PICKARS, Exeter- lets. All druggists refund the mon-
ey if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's
Or at the "TIMES" office. signature is on ea,ch bor. 25c.
Mr. W. Hoskin and youngest del.).-
shier, Mrs. Moses Amy, of Sharon
TO ADVERTISEFIS. returned ibome on -Monday after
ppe,nclang Thanksgiving day with Mrs
A. Wainer, at Drayton.
he copy for changes must be left Messrs. Geo. Saraweil, S. 1Viartin,
not later than Tuesday noon. Casual W. Banalen, R. S .Lang, 3. G-. Stan-
advestisementp accepted up to noon bury, A .E. Hodgert, James Grieve,
Wednesday of each week. Thos. Gregory, and Dr. Brownintg
are filec delegation of Liberals from
Exeter, to the Toronto Convention
this week.
TRURSDAY, NOV. 24t1i, 1904
...........+•••••••••••••• Ms' Fila'nk D'elbridge' of Eicnsall'
• spent Sunday with friends in town.
LOCALS Dr .Cash, (Liberal) was elected to
• • -the Commons, for Mackenzie, N. W.
.....aaaaa•e. T., by a large majority. Dr. Cash
is a ilarother-in-Iaw of our esteemed
Mr. R. Elleringtort, of Toronto, t°watanefea. De- 3 .W. Browning.
spent Tuesday with friends in town. The collector will Be at the town
hall, Exeter, every Saturday and al -
The Times will be sent to any ad -
so on Monday, Tuesday and Wednes-
dress until the end of 1005 for one
day, Decenaber 121h, 13th and 14th
from 9 o'clock in the morning unt.11
Miss Gentle Kemp has takea a 12 otclock noon and, from 1 O'clock
position with Gladman & StanburY till Sive in the afierrt000 to re-
Barrisiters, as stenographer, ceive baxes.--w. Bissett,
Mrs. Ficred has gone t to Seaforth,
wforc she will snead 'the 'winter wIth Don't Monkey with
her son, Mrs. John Floyd. that cough us a flovvey's
Have you a distant friend? Send e
him or her the Times to the end of
year 1904 for 10 oents. GIlGorl
Mise Edna eleCallum is visiting
friends ia London.
The eloleoe's Ronk have optinesi a #
branch al Amheretbugg.
Canada contains one-third or the
whole arva of the British Empire,
Ntiss Norma Bobittr, a Loudon, in
Spcndizigs a vacation at her home
Miss Milared Godain to k pa. t
concert at Newber ee. Thursday
evening last,
Mr „Fred end is Linda Miners,
of Lenaceo, tlo holidays under
perental reef.
Mrs el. P. Athateoo spent Tbanka-
giving Day with Mess Livingstone,
at the latter's iteme, in BlYth,
Mrs, John Sanders and sister, Mrs.
Smith, are vaitient their sister,
Mrs. Miners. it Sarnia, -
mr Delve, Mae Ilewe and
'tete, epent the holiday with Dr, ad
Mrs. Itellaway. at Wineeham,
Tbe beautiful Iudian summer of
he pest few weeks has been greatly
La t ong contintte.
Mr. and alre. Charlie, ;Miners.
f London, spent ratuksgiving Day
v"ele itir ,and Mrs. Wm. Miners.
S the except tonal inducements
ffered t positogrs by the Sever -
Igo Beak „in EMI.- ad, laqt paze.
Thozutoo i1kJ7 has plarohas,,
tho, hverysz„ibh., owiaNI by Mr,
Geo. Crauley, Th., prate peal being
Mieeee Pearl ant Tette, 'Kitson. oi
S. Themee, talent Thankseivine Day
ication at the Lome of Mr. S. Pow-
, Veztorit Street.
Da aot fail to re'aa tbe, first chop-
ee Q cmr ,y.94.4w serial story “Iiis
Favorite i',4licce” or "The Secret Ile.
iNIrs. C. Percy ;Ind dallehter.
Bingham, of Port Kerma ,epent
past we guests ef Pr. 3. W. an
Mrs ,Browning.
Mr. Charlie Cann autl Ati.SS Minnie
Cant . whew have been visiting friends
in the North.west attria,„ft the past
summer, returned home last week.
Th0 first snow came last year o
he 17th of November and sleighs
?ere in woo from t he 1Stb of
November till ht e in April,
The paitl up capital of the Mohon
ank three minion dollars ado
lte reservt. fund is equal to the cal
al thus assuring its patrons an
le seettrity.
end Mrs, IL Spicer and Miss
t Brantford. who attended the
flL4bfl-Au1rew' nuptials at Mini -
elite, on Thursday last spent Friday
with friends in town,
rill ture those chapped hands and
ace, tore lips. or any skin afeetions
also gives rzreat relief in &soma
Rheum, Ring Worm, etc 2?-•
at Lutzis Drug. Store.
Rev. 11. W. Knowles, end Mrs.
Knowles, of Fullarton. were Vests
of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mantle, on Tu.
esday. Mr. and Mrs. Knowles, are
spending 4 few days with Crediton
friends this week.
Trivitt Memorial Church. - Next
Sunday being Advent Sunday. there
will he a• special celebration ot the
Italy Commeration atS p. m. An
address will be given at the eleven
o'clock service on Canadian Missions
and ‘in the ovening on Foreign Mis-
Mr .and Mrs. d'ames WanlesS, et
Duluth, spent a few days of this
week bore with Mr, and hIrs. L.
Itardr, en -route from Buffalo, where
they had been attending the Nacre'
of Mr. Wanless' Sister, Mrs, (Capt.)
Smith. (Aggie Wanless) which occur-
red In (.12ot city after a short illness
Mr. AMOS Dative, the genial •secy,
of the Eirkton Agricultural Society
ets in town on Saturday, paying the
prize money awarded to the exhibi-
tors. Aftich credit is due Mr. ttoupe
for the success which attended the
society's fair this year, It being ono
;of.tbe best in the history of the as-
sociation .
0 The lest business barometer for a
own is thn advertising eolumns of
its lowl liewspaper. Those seeking
134rgainS will go many miles further
to trade where they isee bargabni
','vertised #thaet where none are offered
hence, business is .always ;better in a
town where 'merchants advertise
their wares than where thee' do not.
Azr OLD AND WELL-T.10BD Renizot.-hfrs
Winslow'sSoothing Syrup has been used for
ever sixty years by millions of mothers for their
children while teething. with perfect aucceqs
I soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all
pain, cures wind colic. and is the beet remedy
ror Illarrhcea. Itis pleasant to the taste. Sold
by druggists in every part of the world. 25
cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be
sure and take Mrs Winslow's Soothing
ilyrupand ask tor no other kind.
Sale 13111s. -Those having their eat
bills printed at this office will re-
ceive a free notice of the sale in ie
Times and thus get the benefit of
our large circulation. Tbis is a fact
which should be remembered. Sale
bills are not seen by all in theaise
trict whereas The Times goes ev
where. The notice though given
free is often worth more to the per-
son -holding sales than what is paid
for the posters.
Order Your Coal Now. -11p goes
the price of hogs and down gees the
price of coal. Having bouglet a few
cars of hard coal at a price on the
dollar, I am prepared to fill all
orders while it lasts at $6.25 per
ton. First come, first served. Place
yeur order at once for as soon as
this supply is done you will have to
pay inore money. Orders left at the
office of A. Q. 13obier will be
promptly attended Lo. -H. Parsons.
Market Report...ante following is
the report of Exeter markets, cor-
rected op to Thursday, Nov. 24th.
Whreat from 95e to $1.03 per bushel
Oats 28 to 30 cents per bushel. ,
I3arleY 88e. to 40 cents.
Peas 58c to 600 per bushel.
13ran $16 per ton.
Shorts $20 per ton.
Chicken Feed, lc. per poend.
13utear 45 cents per pound.
Eggs 20 cents per dozen.
Dried apples 3 1-2 0,0 4t per 10.
Chickens 70 per pound.
Ducks 8 to Pc per pound.
Geese 8c per pound.
Turkeys, 12 cents per pound.
et ark Live Weight, $4.60 per e
Pork dressed $6.25 per cwt.
Hay $6 to $7 per ton.
Mantles and Millinery
$6.0o Coat, made of Pure Wool Cheviot, fitted ba -,.k,
lined throughout, up-to-date in every way.
Special Sale Price $04.39
$6.5o Tweed Coat in Black and White mixtures with
Black Broadclotb nicely' stitched on seams and cuffs.
Special Sale Price
$6.5o Coat of blaek Hopsack, piped with green Broad-
cloth, shouldcape, fitted. back. A very stylish Coat,
Special Sale Price $6.49.
$8.75 Coat made of good heavy quality of Black Hop-
sack with cape °vex shoulders. Trimmed WW1 fancy buttons
and stitching, lined throughout. Special Sale Price $7.49.
$10.00 Coat of fine Black Beavor with shoulder cape,
piped with black Silk, lined with Silkette This is the most
stylish Goat we have ever shown. Special Sale Price
our fine s
t st
of' Milliner
o -Wear an
ding all the newest and lat
ts seUng out
cos prices.
E Loudon, is ranning
wer-hoose this week
)at Charlton's Far.
, t 3a nese Cdtina in new
faucy designs.
11 volaris Bertha Wool. Needle54
rerfamee, Jewel Cases, Work.
..,at Charlton's Fair
Ir „Walter ruwplirey
d. trona the Northwest,
ngaged as clerk at Obar
couldbo desired for a holiday time,
For come t.ltere were the fields
of ATort„ for °tilers journeys out of
town to visit old homes and friends,
TZLO ArlioPling was never better, the
ads dnling as smooth as a fleor.
Among ithosa who went .out of town
to spend Thanksgiving with friends
were ;Ur and Mrs., B. S. O.Nell. and
Miss Tr^tvie. to London ; Mrs. Geo.
SamroJj,to Ingersoll; Mrs. J. Blot-
to cbford and hfarion to Ltlean ; Miss
Lida Quante. to Ailsa Craig; Mr.
end ,31#Irs. R. N. Rowe; and Miss Bout,
.-erioLl story "Ills Favorite Wingham; Miss Georgie ity.odulala;
Niece" or the S cret Revealed, be. and Miss Corkin gemp, Forest; Zfro.
Tgliamsos.uith the present issue of Tbe w. Reorooe, zoodeo ; George Ears.
'rob. win 80014 be looking rot a
Suitable Christmas Itresent for a
frien& We 14'1'0 nOW a well assort -
d , steak. Call early - Charlton's
rat, Brantford; Wilma. :nartin,
to London. •
'Among Illose who anent the holi.
day here with friends were -
Messrs. Percy Westaway, Wallace
Crawford, of London ana the Misses
Reistear°erYeMonEtaVinEs(4EnToAsUuLgEar or lead with Mr and Mrs. A. /Ford ; Mr. Ed.
H *alio and Lilly McKay, of liensall
0,01$4111:(1.1,:al ora .$1 u. 1,1 11T: 1E0, s\tvh, rate) k. Da, raco talitinnr.:008 tve foci or
Funeral Directoriand Practicable ginbaliner. Opera House
Mr, Bobert Sanders very pbeaa-j don, quests of Mr. and Mrs, Win
••••••••••••••••••••••••••• st••••••••••••••••••••••••••,.
Ladies Fur Buffs in Alaska Sable, Arnericoi Sable Isa-
bella Fox, Stone Niartin,Opossum,and Coon from $1 to $10.,
Ladies Fur Caperines at all prices,
Ladies Fur Coats of nice _Astrachan Dso. Beautiful
curl and first class linings $28, $30, $35, $40,
Men's Fur Coats of galloway calf, natural color of black
finest tan in town for $2.9.00.
Men's Brown Calf with Astraehan Coliars very fine
coat $28.00.
IVIen's Bishop Coats of Russian Dog. A good Coat $15
and $20.
Men's and Women's Fu Caps $2 to$6.
Flannelette Blankets, large size $1.00
Wool Blankets large and heavy $3.00
Horse Blankets, and Rubber Coats at away
down prices.
••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••114.411.40•440414114)4044.
••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••41414a
Furniture & Undertaking
To Make R00111, tor Mild& 0000S
Big Bargaius next Week.
Bedroom Sett including Iron Bed from $12.00 up.
Couchos from.. ... . up,
Extension Tables from................$7.50 up.
tly entertained a number of Mrs. Bowman ; Herman Ileaman, of Lon
Southeett's neighbors, at her bonae eloti?s,,sovihthaimMr and
ou Friday 'evening last with m
selee. SrrartsiG;rema
. 11
lions from 1118 gramophone.
The Provincial Secretary's Depart-
ment warn automobile owners that 4liss Frond, London, guest of Mis
they must mot transfer licenses and My Armstrong; Miss Griffin, Nor
numbers from one vehicle to another gaiuotristOortit3fiinr: ,\NNv,int with 1:ais::;aYMISens'aElll
in Ontario.
There are 604 licensed automobiles
l':Aairlt:iluinbrseYwillther;iasus, :enornidortliol, lin":
The Bev. Dyson, of London, is an.
• •
In Western Ontario
Smith, TraItamore, and Miss Stoddart
of Forest, with the Misses Sanderti;
$ •
• )
hfr. and Mrs. lionthron, Hensel':#
nouncea to give a lecture in the
Tri- ers, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Inwood,
with Mrs. R. It Collins; Allan My -
vitt Memorial sthool hall do -Morrow
(Friday) evening at 8 o'tiock, ont•The
London, ,gthests of Mr. and Mrs. S
Story of our Church." A collection
svill -to taken up to defray expenses..
1 flicks' Forecasts for the ftemaintl-
hi the last meeting or the Sea- 4
general storm period for November
or -of Noveraber.-The last regular, orth Iowa council the application is snm ,tho
24th to 29th. As ii
'a°st Mr town7.e.lteaybiji; NI3vaissset.cfc'epotfeEd,xedtu6ijr:-*
i•d is covered by the Veus
Wlearn that Mr. Bissett has Neely- n
indioated by the atorni diagram, this
les to commence on Deceznber 15tb.
last perdisturboance which is central in De-
e ,
ed, leis acceptance, owing to some of acanber. The ancreasing force of
this Venus period will be severely'
the duties imposed. We trust th.at
felt from about Friday 25 to Mott -
Mr. Bissett may decide to remain.in
day ithe 28th. But marked storm
Exeter, and continue in the position conditions win
appear aboat
he has se ably filled here as a
officialthe 'tif the full raoon on the
Wanted.me o
-- Men and women in 25th. Ireton the whole, we warn our
this tountry and adjoining territor- readers of very general luid force-
ics to 'represent and advertise an old
established house of solid financial
standing. Salary to men $21 week-
ly, to women $12 to $18 weekly with
the north
expenses advanced cash Monday by Atlantic disagreeable to
check direct from heedquarters. ' dangerous, causing •heavy gales over'
Horse and. buggy runiished when
the whole lake regions, with general
cessary ; position perover the interior, turning to
.manent. Ad-
= -
Bros. & Co., BcPt- A# sleet and snow, with an. early bliz-
Monon Bldg., Chicago, Ill. '
dress, Blew
zo.rd possible in western to northern
eats of the countr b
.Ross & Te,ylor evish to I.) Yeringing frosts
thank their numerous customers for
even int.° the eouthn er,sta.tes, dur-
their platronage. during the past 28a
ng the last days of the month.
'years, and althEin
ongh the rwill i Enjoyme
Ask to see the
be knowgi nee ehet Ross Taylor Co.
T9ilet • Goods at Lutz,s
eve coil* a, l'e•ontineation af your
-Limited, after January 1st, 1905.
Drug Store.- '
, 4 •
mraluecl i,t,radc. Owing to the, .fact il
'that Otir books have to he closed by ;•i`
-the .30e1 Dec-. and the business turn e• THE SOVEREIGN BANK
ad lover to the new firm intact, it 1 .. .. ,.y stat •
Tho an-yeariement of the
4Avill ibe necessary for all accounts to b
Sovereign Bank of Canada, which
:settle top in full not. later than the
Julate en -this issue, ' shows that i -
20th of Deteember.--leoss & Taylor. I I • , ' n
i e
• stibution to be in a thoroughly pros -
Death lot Mrs. Willis. -The sad in- porous ,condition. The deposits show
.Lelligonee 'reached here on TU.esday ,Ji0.0 increase of $2,887,000, and now
nigja,t let the death, in 'Llican, of. May esttand at $7,196,000 while the total
Morgan, 'beloved wife of Mr. Frank e assets have grown durily, the past
Willis, of Springside. Assa. leIrs4 year 'from V7,200,000 to b$10,200,000
Willis, was Married only a few setortil an increase ett $3,000.000. These fig -
years ago to Mr. Frank Willie, so.4 Aires are rea.11y, remarkable tend
of date late James Willis, of, thisei show ,what can be done ny the ad,0P-
plooe,, and during her many frequents; Hon of modern methods, such as the
visits to the hom.e of her huSbancl,i1 Sovereign Bank has pursued since.
here, she become endeared to a very,. it commenced business, The general'
large, oirole of friends. Some time manager states that trade in
ta go she contracted a celd which dzi, Canada, on the whole is set-
velopea in -to consumption, a.nd te Ls -factory, andthat outside capi-
change of ,climate Was made, whe,ni, tal is 'being 'directed to this country
she -v,,itli, Mr. Willis moved to th4' for neanufa.cturing purpoees. The
Northwest, but there het strength' profits of the bank are highly satis‘
gradually gave out and she return4itacto,ry, and, out of 25,,Q00 customers
ed to her parents home lu Lucan, tcfl now on its books, only six have fail -
await 'the end She passed peaeefali ed ieinece the. bank .commenced busi-
ly away on Tuesday 'afternoon atil 'less. This is the highest tribute
il .o'clock. , The sympathy of tine Cha 't"al 1.-)'3 Ix'id 40 the management
comm unity is e,xtende cl to the', of 1:11..e Sovereign Bank and shows
bereavcJd husband ane family: Ile6 . that 'great care and . conservatism
reniatin.s will be interred in dui have ibeen exercised in 'the selection'
Lucan eemetery this (Thursday) ,,,fe. of ale Pr,) u s i al s 8 . l'he shareholders
o.,0,011. . ': have good reason to 'be satisfied with
such l'esult.43, and the onneral man-
Thanks,giving Iroliday.-The in- .,, ager, Mr. D M. Stesvart, is to, bet
" • • e
fiacoce of Thanksgiving Day extend- ' cougra t a lated on the euctessful re-
ed 'La tali classes and conditions, and '..erard he hos achieved for his instith-
round iexpression in ways in.numer- Lion. See alalfe-yearle statementon'
able. The weather., was all that page' five.' ' i•
ful ettorms during the last six to
eight days'.of November. These
storms ivill be largely boreal in
character, making navigation on
• This school enjoys Me re- lb
t putation tof doing the best 4)
; work in Easiness Education
• in the Dominion. The large •
schools in Canada and the •
; United States employ our
• graduates as teachers. We giye the same 3
• instruction to all and that the "Best.'
• Students may enter at any time. Write
• for free catalogue.
• D. A. McLACHLAN, •
*W. S. ELLIOTT, }x--ri• •ncipals •
Itching, Blind, Bleeding or pro-
truding. Piles. Druggists refund
money if Pazo Ointment fails to
any case, no matter of how long
standing in 6 to 14 days. First ap-
plication gives ease and rest. 50c. If
your druggist hasn't it send 50c in
stamps and it will be forwarded post
Paid by Paris Medicine Co., St. Louis,
The serial story "His Favorite
Niece" or the Secret Revealed, be-
gins -with the present issue of The
Times .
W. C. T. U. Notes. -Sunday .27th,
Nov. being th,o World's Temperance
Sunday, we are going to hold a 'mass
meeting in the Xames-st. Church at
3 o'clock. The children of :th.c var-
ious 'churches will lead in the singe
ilea and al.ogive choruses and read-
ings. Mrs. Gordon Wright, of Lone
,don, a very talented and ablespeak-
er has promised ILO be with us and
give as an addrese. We welled like
..to see a good attendance. No great
reform was ever concl.uoted but had
the 'opposition or some el the clergy.
;Slavery was defended by preachers,
Some even held slaves. So to -day
fMisters 'are to. be found who use
toxicating liquor and oppose pro-
Ihition. One of 'the most .recent in-
cidents is that .of Bishop Potter op -
oiling a saloon in New York with
the Doxology end prayer. But The
Biehop's Saloon" as it is celled, does
'same old business in the same
olc way. After all, ',ministers who
erreare rare, but the Christians of
theerank and file who go astray are
lent n. Do IN`C net deserve the tet-.
ribib criticism made oy judge Ren -
stone, who in sentencing a prisoner,
"I have to send teas young man
and brave soldier, with a hitherto
spealess tharecter, to a feloo's cell
rola brutal crime conatnitted when
madly "drunk, and committed solely
'through 'driak. Tie was tempted
hdcause Ithe drink met him in the
mrost attractive shape wherever he
ItUrnell his facelie was bows -Ver.
tOmpted iviththe full approval I
!rite Government and the Parlis.foaxA
' 1 ''tl the ot tausetetec • pproval
of the church of Chriet. Every
single 'crime en my pl esont Jist eorctee
We expect to have our saw rnill run-
ning by the first of the year, and win
pay the highest cash price for am
logs of ever description delivered now
or ally time at our saw n2ill ahrear of
Planing factory.
Lumber Lath
and Shingles
We are in a better position than
ever to supply our many customer:.
with all they may require either from
shop or yards.
nrCall in we like to see you.V1
Star flour is our specialty.
We believe there is no better
flour made than our Star
We use only the best of old
Manitoba wheat and 'mix it
with old Ontario grown wheat
which makes the best flour
that ca,n be made.
oIfrygoelti a 170 e Ob.and
never sack tried aoue
give it a fair trial and we are
confident you will like it,
Dealers handle this brand
and you have a winner.