Exeter Times, 1904-11-24, Page 7LUTE
Little Liver Pills.
Whiest 14.estis CelOiriti0.1.70
See Pecegerite Wrapper. 1ef0W.
Tarr entail ap
to lane east:gash
RI; Mullins.,
1 Can Do All Things in Who
Strength -45 Me."
ttl am truly afraid there will be
zo room foe the vegetables," said
Mrs, 'Forbes, aa she looked at the
reeks, cookiee, cold meats, jams and
hoeey that were rapidly taking all
the sp-ace on the table, But all was
finally settled, and the dinner bell
at the iie-oh/ time.
li. is ilnP4ssib1 to describe the
looka of surprise, astonishment and
It'Sr on the faces 01 the /anfertunate
jaeople,, as they came Otto the room.
It wee the nest homelike table many
nt them had sat down to for years,
and tears rolled down many Sorrowed
elleelts, as old rather Bowei r ev-
Let els therfore cast off the worles For "the leinp,-doni 01 heaven sii re ZentY
nioli een9eienItt/110: 1)21,QS-$,tir:'kinant irreanrs
Of darkness and put on the armor of violenceand the violent bear it
, W110 on this jo,vful (lay remembered
light.„—Romans, edit., In. away."
To enjoy fully the fruits of the re- To encoura.ge us in this contest for th° ll'ildsss and 1°4° -rite
demPtion we should realize that the armor qf virtue, to enable us to It was a day long to be held
"the night is past mid day is at overcome difileulties Arad surmount memorY bY all. To leeople long ace
Treated by Three Doctor IRE S, S. LESSON
NOV. A7,
Beier° Attack of
Got No Relief From
Medicines, But Found It At
Last In
Verse Woe. C rse, To the
crown of ride, to ("el ') the drunk.-
arde ot Ephraim were the high born
and wealthy men who eentrolled the
course ei the nation. As a glass
they were drueletrils. Their proud
erown was their beautiful capitai
lefty, which bad. become the. center
o tlieir einful vainglery, If one
spoke of the drunkards qt hfoutreal
tzr of Toronto the outcast of eociety
would be thought of, but the ec,a olea.
were the nobles made statesmen of '
Burdock Blood Bitters the jhliekenness was their ,
. characteristie ein. end as a result
There was prev lent elisregardof spir-
t that "the light. shines io the eerted in our favor if we are willing was SOMething inexpressibly delicious
urg, is111::11:1;11y413.dr:' ecfstQcluelitells' v4I:nhede.
ritness" and tliat it depends en- to co-operate. tiI ewe de all things in Miss Hester's dinner, They Mrs. Frank Hutt Mo "sh
Ureter" on ourselves whether the dark -lin lion woe strengthens me.'" When Praised Mary's cake, and Roo's nen-- „ luetitry mut debauchery which
ness shall comprehend it. we once ()chain this "auenor of light" (Made. 'and Miss Hester's' doughnuts; 1 kint., was one of those trourneo this time peevesjed *Amelia_ The
The Apostle urges os to pierce this we become so marked that even the but enjoyed the turkey and sweet with this most common of stomach w°rds whose glorioee leeway is ate,"
hand." We are very prone to for- ebstaeles, a vorefiinefog
a customer" to Oahe coarse fare, there;
t a d Nerve Mils.
eel au dee
oral *down ces4l.
tenter it et ouetere tatich
as Pelpitati • rt. NerYoue
Porlzation, 9, S1414911r-Sa
110 a, Faint ena Dire,* :indite Beton Rea.
ete. They are elperaleily liemhielel to
won:fee trOttigta Wit h, irrer,ular men.
a! V) cents per box, or el r
All tlealere,
n T. liftenutio Co., Ltetetai.
There are 41142,t 0,000
epeaking the same language, making
Chinese the most epoleen language.
There are so mato* dialeets wbich
dre entirely different thadhtlitay seem
scarcely to belong to the same ton-
gue, The inhabitants of Mongolia
and Tibet ean bardly understand tile
dialett of the people in Pekin. rut-
ting Chinese aside, the most, popu-
lar languagee are as follows, in Mil -
darkness. aleich is sin—sin lo wieked rehases not his elePlause. "Ior 'P° • „ troubles She writes .—"After Rolston with the prataaina hauseeel
fadieg liower are connected by thei
tleought and desire, in worlds and that seed of men shall be o As She filled an old linnr s cuP foe • '
worke. He calle sin the works of which eeare Goo," and evea Wielore the third time with the clear, amber be,ing treated by three doctors, and 'Itint to the fading *Whet of his t
darkoess because it is the work of cries out, "Oh, how beautifide is the 'fluid unit/Iowa to, the poorhouse ta- •
using many advertised, medicines - , , - . t- t .
glorions beauty," 13oth °tower' and
Satan, who 45 the epirit of del-le/less. ,chaste generation with gloryl for the be, Miss Hester resolved that in the _,_ a__ac_ of Dyspepsia: teehrilde" guess toatttoreraleaent(sis A.A.yeitr1:4
"1:1° that crunolits an in Of the devil onernory thereof is immortal, because futere all who wanted it 5hould have for a severe tt k crowned. Are on the heed of the fat,
MCA: it /14 That 011014111, merely to "'Die is the first mince pie 1 have and receiving /10 benefit, I haua . n „ ,,, , . , , 1
ta ens ( ve...ey'"). 1"4 gam tee adu-
r the devil hieti freato the begin- ht, is lenown with a ad and with hoOd coffee everY day-
... 'a onneiae, yll I . i'l h -
tutees znost of all
WQ, WOrk. What, tho devil wear our armor; we must shOW forth ,liad since mother <Bed," said Father
works, for the work of the devil is (mere )pay be lee to strive for it the wale more auface je " Sa welly spoken of, I decided to get tst,aod was fonlied lo beer some;
up all hope of ever being cured. sion is to the city of Samaria.
which was semolina/eel by fertile vale'
Hearina Burdock Mood Bitters so i,ys. Tile rountied hill gia whieli the/
worited from the begiouing and still its hylniahey, that loothog thereon Brown.
wrought in senra and hidden fron't Ow. 0.Let your light so shine bea crippled boy, wgen hfary urged e hnnu, ana aive it a trig, Before resentblance to a nuoian head, which.;
the light. "They loved darhness ro- ' tore men Viet they way see your bin, t() havo something more. SQ Q ° "..." b ' ' " , vies enrrounded by gardens and;
ther than the light, for their \Yorke ef,d waits awl glorify your rather quivering igaic island s‘wrounded I had talien it I began to feel better, farms like garlands. All -this beauty i
woe soon tg IX' 410Stropad, Somaria
10Wly ate
etti cured. I C011110f reommendith“"t four 5'eore after thin proplagy PY1
Who is in heaven. ith rich cretin), eauSed Clint to give nd by the time bad viten the and luxury was already fading argil
were evil " g
' This eense of evildoing causes the ea wearilw. this honer we become
as he greatest vein -doe] to feel ashamed eteer mouth tor Nye adopt cowl one was completelT fell into the Imens of the Atisp`41111$
his actions. Hence be hiee in SeCret thoughts, imitate Ws works and
"IA of content,
ty dessert.
n't had near
tg sill COW Strives to Cover 1119 etahee seven and mat as lie 1( . tooth% 'hen, wath a b
boos life from the eyes of his fellow
creatures. How mann. if their
souls were uneovere0, would cere
harbor proud, linchaete, enviatie„ ua
cheritable tboughte a-nd desires? If
the world's eye were constantly flea
ed upon im Wolin" we be guilty of
theft, fornication. aeleitery,
Quiet hated darhness and despised
, ----------.ple new
via. His words and WQrh$ were at- CO
ways such eh the honor of Ws Fa--; wally. hell,. saw vorths. y
taller and the salvation of His ',roe"
a i e , have thaw, turnips and cold hal
tilers required, Ile was the hg." ,stiii (m *your plate. De you wa
simile in the darlinese, "the trio ii. * Id a.,
CtillO;nTetatokGerlI aka
yOti feel better when
you are npt feeling
just right. If it's
your nerves the only
safe and sure rent-,
edy is rest. The
per way to res
lying down,but
nerves While you stand -Or Walk
by wearib8, you can rest your
Dunlop Comfort"
Rubber Heels
There is many a still, dtzli bea
ache caused by walking
Qri hard leather heels.
fort" heels are mad
springy b
great *deal e
acinen e . e.
tit which culiehtene Thee "Yee "' Fail Ben, reterethilly.
dreaminess, d.c..? And yet tne conies tato tide world." Whet eah no aloha,.
at ie teen tn•onv most of , °A° ;
• h that "tile feerful and the a 1/1514"' * reerenee ooethed and am e,
dock 33_01) . _tt e. .. , Is supposed to have been uttered.
1 a .ut ers too mgmy, ano 2. Il.--drile Lord bath a miglity
Would ntIVISC all sufferers from tiAt.ritoa,i.g ,0,10,1e.IA,..itvr1,i,Q.,:lt,.,,,Noinsct,011,i. 1
tjyspepsla to give it a trial." ', the Asee elan (eec: Ise.' 10, fi)1-? whom," :II
;Clod WAS ebout to use to penisli* pas
reel. Omit Maili.C11. As a tempest' lit t
null 4:13 ‘al (1,10o,;:fliaiarhlhtl,i'll)eessetatalyinug
4 t
1wat ere ea ernowitin. elm il
" i. vast (Ulan to 'Mg 4N11'09
La 41., Tile Vbang's <4 thp
ciesage plain, in
eatn. 1h ling of eetrie is to put.
.it oV'r-.)
Al trap. r
e irtiva gjawb1; thels°A7Yr
unbelieving:, and itte abOntillaAlle, a - 41' , ‘" : „ 1 610411..", Fens,1120u. 4 ho; ell mi J, li (11
von mnr, ' . h 1704 t MVO of olireelves \ellen IPon ' a ' --* . n
and mnraterers,. and forefeet orsand ealrdr°.t1°"' n'e "Ireerve' 1444 . .114e andel * tee'Llitea ' an:1 re '1 bergaine in.,41,lalfata i
Forceriees, and ;idolaters, :end all ' tr °' li "l'it el°t1.417;g• 415' Intl` le' i ' " • I let a tier
liars shall have tbeir portion in the fonlnvl anti hlgeknch's '11.44 w"'Ihne''''''3 11T'ait'S ' .."'''1 t 4 " ' 1 t i t a3r ' ani
.tt teill
III' 4
COl hunting with ore and brim,. of sin; wlien we 4,1if:coorey ourselves the dare nnqil 1.11-'' u4nt'ers W' 1.'4" "'"'° a up to the toli ii.l.tell 4 tate
,a. akitizi,a-a,„
et. 410es not „vent to (1' ter us. %Try 00p0site 0( a ciurittika eliwyrAtg,, StarYred. At last l'in17 ntuntv'E.41 at2t 'Zgatt11'.*-S,111 4,11011141 19', 419* -A4:91 4141i%I.
escare the terrilile penalty, ter! Aud yet our catty Itaa,-,,ia, f9 to on the. stiil grea*Z4 lonn. cold l'hht and . fer rause finer., to an to thine ea a*, . n Pra war rro;,en
uages of sin." $t. 1'41;1 ex": d„°_,". 1.1i90tight." for ' Mary hoastily eleawhi on.. teed oe thea gat *me curiotte law ef 417/at-action, to the cOntietoet of to; *
us to "put on the armor os " *Nelsen wee mreenew Ile also pre- table. while tho otl'urs iirtrat"dht in i,'"Ilficay siteeilt1 be di:tiros, iny game'
be001110 our strong defeeee in the then, front our epleitual lethare • and that; !Inure 1hiSt the thidal. thila1 for ' la three etelre• oiletear if pia-aitle.' rentiddnr'sIl'un".". and tit"I'eantilo
r t.wery good hoe eentaet. (genes 1 ,,,,,a, , , ,i -it MI !elflike relidi4114S e
elloex:1131.uttanuevtittho atIllenirPotnt'ileirsie norful<olerrlies-i odipsileiti Toenatt.ereltlaiyLoAtlitilIeerst..leveeeiglillilleetl. lItsiriiint i t,i,It e. 1 I not ,o4 1 lezzltrie:,,T 1 ell ,., sitrto:rs and mat trtqi,„, us re,,t.,iniar as ated,
exert ourselves to the sting point. ing. kola' tither part of hoe Weise, btit ; eeree to
no ensY te5Ti• Ileen'"e we' 113T° to tit° bninnCe• maY not find W4 went- longev aid I' I i ea* *I g
do vil UcliS Od
t hing et mat a
Metal tleeseasety, eaves-
enethime ebould, be heldn
This armor is simply the destireel to he 'made conformable to tbo utrin4v wbbli bad lieen etived for " over—taken avert and eleatiall, overs'arlut in." them Vilir
bgrts ht Maio, virtlies which, when uequired, the itnag,e of His Soo." I.et 119 the lontiery people who hltd united ;!efitie and out, that lectet once lelelie't n't'r" ra"' as
eomParniiselv few realiee how int- I 4,-.1"ee
ll (mid T," eaid Miss -
porteet it, is. to haye their. *t1- Bibles: And the
• .
vletualslialadri vet; ewe. and dirt shit through .heatj of t fat venni,
4 1
i1IIvs opeeed anal cleaned perlothealiv. glorious beauty, el
000000 0 no Filet
" i the very fact per a . F bee, to her daughter. °Ae ---------------------------------...4 iaire' Neigh, while it in ate le his haul
eat:Wing et er I itetiel b. t ter. alai collect in an aliontino 'WaV. the fleet -rive in; before t
, ,
mu seri. ices. eat t00 9,1404 Nellid," said ;tenets ehould be aired as per- f %bit% alien lie that
Ti este
X Dinner
gone 0 ChUrch," tzaid "%lies 'Teeter, "seen as (titular it. over We Will bave n *vigorously ity,,tay day. eat ( 41: 'it ep, ------------------+1,..
brishnte "It will be safe to start" t , - . ttiwar ont
c. crust.
7e, plate; 9
onion an 0
of '
into ra p
t egg. le edges 4
-.mato nal over Pross
tber, crivip to leop in ions'.
through top crust end baize
n t "0 e
• d 4
a, put a elot
ilk O 171Q.L0 itt 4t
IQ very feet
alce Johann- rate the
only roa140 thin With
d *amp from spoon.
nen. -cut up at, ehickere
' ' • nto the eteamer and
14Wk gove thrteugh it
** 400 rauch water
vy to help fry
Have your fry -
t ti
an mom
• • eteaui 111*1
under it.
it wben it is
lit/1( m all k01110 lit() the .1 0 hf!St kind of bloat...Ms to bey eotettel dyne:ate'. inte who lute ng pan bot a plenty of beet euet
hue'. aeare. oou can play far theta S' St" varies with the, Inner.. Allotemil are, tasted etraaberriee for a year hat- tried out amd liet to try it in. rut
"All righte 111 run and, tell Rob Iidoe' wan pleasure... mamma, usually eonsiakareti the best. hut' vas to enjoy them. So this AeSorian the thicken in and turn irt some oh
LS71 11•
to bring the wagon arol" said hiut you must not "1.1"t 1"Ch '1411g" bia"kets with e 1:°"°11 'mar° an° ! w°1341 geeedilY tivv°nr the Ideas:Int * the liquor which has dripped. from
)t't IT giving the thrhevs final 'Ing, or am starvel."
WOW °filling"' stand home cleaning , ninth; evbieh noa belongati to Stamen the steamer, adding a little groin
0000000-000-000-00000-0000 ba`ding• "Let them the hinging, e is
. „ dt neteer than the9e. made of all wool. a aria, i time to thue. Keep the frying part
Itob carefully panned the . °Mug „ a ...,„ f y + s r' rairs of blankets usually are wo- 5.—Sball the Lord of hosts be for i covered until the chicken is Ef. a
EVerY191(137 Sr111U19.1 V41011 MISS MS, lot viands into the wagon. and wilco 'ges"e" ''''ss e'"`ee• an 'Mls' 'e""ze von 111 a 811441e pitam, and, bave to Velelunah of ;mete boeome"). To nice brown.
ter 0111109114:0, early in the antenna, Ite had neighed there was barely room f be cut apart and bound separatels those who mere mercifully Permitted; Salad Dresehoo—Boil 4 meether one
, ie as hungry as I 11111, she (mullet
that this year she would tempt no for the three pastamgers. Stoll eating for a long time." if they are to be used one at a time. to reinain in the land, and ea.:pet:lane cuP of vinegar, two tableaPoonfuls of
"Just. the thing'" said Nellie. "1 1 The idea of weaving them in a sin- to • ilt ..t 1. ‘ e ' ' ' . t- 1 I ready sugar, olle-hulf teaapoonful of salt
can play all the old-fashioned tunes gle piece it; probably because they're, to taa a crown and Ohedene, Tins and one -bad teasPoientul of peyper.
ono's invitation for Tbanitsgiaing "Rand me that coke," commanded.
social debte Not that elle afield and baSkets. So Rob lifted up tele that snit them bether than anYthing easier to keep smooth and even on* residue was made up in part of those I
' I trb -,,, a that while ' a cream, with two teaspoonfuls of
Rub one tablespoonful of butter to
diluter, but would pay a few Of 1101' 11,112117 fr011l her oereh among the jars
not afford to entertain the whole: •vil- Wonderful widte and Oink lord, and modern. 1 hove I did not look too
lions : English, 120;, Germen, 10: lege if she cared to; but her tiny tucked the box ot roses Viet were lultell disappeinteil \141011 Father
32, ha to ornament ft by ahary,a feet. Tana Brown tool: the laet piece of iniace
pie "
Illiesian, OS; Spanish, 44 Portuguese dining -Tom was a tight ea for
peesons, amt. bee parlor and sitting- he turned to Miss Hester. Who
""'"'''' rooms equally dinduutive. anxiously eounting baskets and It was late in the evening before
Ktttet.m:=' aonEcomacexceonvonaco . Five years before, when her father 'bundles'. a e eee the dishes were washed and basnei s
"Wilat can I do for
and 3nother died, Miss Hester bad "I am sure we reeve forgotten Picked uP, for a
something," answered that lady. dinner, and supper followed the con -
concert followed the
"Did you get the pies, Mary?" cert. Long after dark tliree tired but
nThey are right under tlio front thormighly satisfied people got out
seat," said Mary, taking cis complete at Miss Hester's gate, and unloaded
a survey of tlie load as lier burden the empty boxes, bashets and jars.
nermitted. "Inverything is here ex- "Come at eight in the morning, Rob,
cept tlie lemon tarts, and you told and we will go for the china, and sil-
"The turkeys aro still in the ver. I am surely glad we did not
. .
roe not to get them."
oven!" exclaimed Miss Hester. attempt to bring et this evening,
me out, Deb. Whoever heard of a
oneih said Miss Hester.
"An right," resioomied Rob, cheer -
Thanksgiving dinner without tur- fully. "That is, if I am able to .1110V0.
hey?" This. is the bardest day's work I ever
the wagon started, and juet es the
g, struck, but I enjoyed it all the
After more packing and planning,
huge brick building, which was same."'
town clock struck 11. they drove into
tlie beautiful yard surrounding a
known to most people as the poor
house. Very few people said infirm-
ary, or called the unfortanate in-
mates anything but paupers.
IThe King of Terrors
. Is Consumption.
* And Consumption Is caused by neglect-
ing to cure the dangerous Coughs
and Colds.
Thebalsamic odor of the newly
cut pine heals and invigorates the
lungs, and even consumptives im-
prove and reviue amid the perfume
of the pines. This fact has long
been known to physicians, but the
essential healing principle of the
pine has never before been separ-
ated and refined as it isin
It combines the life-giving lung -
healing virtue of the Norway Pine
with other absorbent, expectorant
and soothing Herbs and Balsams.
It cures Coughs, Colds, Hoarse-
ness, Bronchitis, and all affections
of the bronchial tubes and air pas-
sages. Mrs. M. B. Lisle, Eagle
Head, N.S., writes ;—I have used
Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup for
coughs and think it is a fine remedy,
the best we have ever used. A num-
ber of people here have great faith
in it as it cures every time.
Price 25 cents per bottle.
Diseases- of the Kidneys are
numerous, from the fact that these ,
< of relief went up from- the :Anxious
organs act as filters to the blood, s. I
-mothers, for to -morrow woeld be
and form. one of the great Channels / Thrall:salving, and as yet no one had
for the removal of imp ties from.
hean leaden to the east.
the system which, if allowed to
left the big Mem and moved to the
eillage, because it was so lonely at
the old home. Ileist she led a. busy,
happy life with her books and flow-
ers, a blessing to the whole neigh-
borhood. In sickness and sorrow,
Miss Hester was always first to offer
assistance, and no social gathering
was complete without her. Conse-
quently she never lacked invitations,
and, during her five years of town
life, had eaten '1'hanlesgiving dinner
in five different homee.
Mrs. Gray and Mrs. Blake talked
the matter over on the way home
from prayer meeting, and each lady
expreseed the fear that her family
might be the elected one. "1 don't
know what I should do," said Mrs.
Blake in despair, "if Miss Hester in-
vites its. My boys shnply cannot
keep still one minute, and they would
be sure to do something dreadful.
Mr, Blake and 7 take turns keeping
tlieni, while the other goes to chtauh.
What would become of Miss I -Tester's
Preeimie china in that. sm,all
"Your boys are not a bit worse
than my three girls," said Mrs.
Gray. "IY stet: asne us, ,set sister
Nellie to come over and keep house
for inc that day; but I hope she has
•invited some one else."
Not only these two ladies, but
meny inore who delighted to enter-
ed in this house to -day. unless all
tale. Miss Irester made plans to clis-
ha,d a share of it."
pose of lively el -Milian on tbat event -
We did get an extra fine roast,
la]. day in case they should be invit-
bet paid for it ourselves," said hie
ed; but W13033, the evening 01 the 26th
fe "Yoe see, there,are 98 persons
of November came, a general sigh
here, besides our own family, and it
Costs a great deal to attempt any-
thing out of the ordinary for so
many. I'll just send them all out
of the eitchen and dining -room, so
we can have a chance to put this de-
licious dinner on the table before
they asuspeet anything."
In a short time the long table was
spread with Miss Hester's best cloth,
and at each plate lay a beautiful
white aster on the shining naphtha.
Illverything was faultless, from the
polished silver to the spotless glass
and old-fashioned china. The big,
bare kitelieri was filld with odors
foreign to that room, 'anh ,tlie big
range yeas loaded clotyn with • good
It took but a few minutes to ex-
plain their visit to the astonished
superinteadent and his wife, who
were delighted to find that the wa-
gon load of good things were for the
people who led sueli a cheerless life
in the. big building.
"We tried to persuade the directors
to allow our people a real Thanks-
giving dinner this year; but they are
up for re-election, and want the tax -
Payers to see how economical they
are," explained Mr. Forbes. "I told
Maria there would be no turkey cook -
remain, give rise to the •various
kidneyaffections,,such as Dropsy,
Diabetes; and Bright'e Disease.
The follOwing are sonle,of the
symptoms of kidney Y' disease:—
Backache, Sideache, swelling of
the feet aod ankles„ frequent thirst;
'patifinees under the 'eyes, floating
Specks before the eyes, and.all dise
ordera of the ntillatY sYstetat such
as frequent, thickMoudYescantY,
or highly cOlored, urine. ,
are exactly whet the nettle suggests.
, They are not • a ure-al1biit aree
aepecific for kideey trOuhles only.
• " .48141,1,d0a,lerS,
Thr .peboz,' or f°ir
Price 50 cents
Torou o, Ont.
- For sueely , there tvas a feast in
.store for sonie one. Callers tit itl'iss
Raster's eoe1r.1 not fail to notice -the
spioy 'fragrcertee ,that penetra,t,ed the
whole house, aild ehe unusual actin-
ity ' of the mestress arid her neat
Maid. The grocery wagon was seen
to rettle upto, the back door three
tiM09 in one day, and the man from
.lier farria brought in anysteataus par-
cels. in abundaace.. ' • " .
' Thanksgiving day hewned clear and
cripp. hdie light breeze fluttered mil -
!Ilene' of "rea e,au yellow leave5 tinder
ithe 'big maple. trees, , The '„windows.,
of aliss Ilester's kitchen- Were open,
faend 'ehttrdlogiaeih,'eauglit.gillapsee , of
Ilaer 'arel. 'alere, in plain dresses,- hurry-
ing to :and :fro. . For' the first , time
lin, eilhey weeks, her goat'. in. • the,
,. e .
cheeth Wee -meant,' alid the eongree"
gatiorx eoneliicleff,thet''coripany from:
thd (Sty hoist he,expeetecl.,at -the cot
the bed that way. But, if you tut
them apart, get bindloge to match
that on tne ends, and bind the .riew
1`70 blankets should be washed, but of those who were true to God, forel off from, the' lire; add two well-beet-
edgee with it, : ' mat 0 oz et .
instead Should be dry-cleaned, .to seeing the evil, had already left ' en eggs and a cuP of sour creeth,
leave them huffy and light. Bet Samaria and cast their lot with ,,,Tii. This, if Rept in a cool place, win
(if washed they must be) better then worship. . . keep for weeks.
Dutch Cake, --When you bane your
otton-warp blankets can be weaebed dale for the eake. of privileges of
any. others, tbough even those should. 0.. me - e f • T .. fe. 'bread, take about one gee:et of
be done with smait o pef gment ins-
tfltU 11) nu. the crown of Israel is epoken of to; a ',butter to a Wall two tea-
fadieg garland,' :elie crown of ;Judah.' spoonfuls of flour; add to the
• -.le m vinegar end boil five minutes. Take
greater care. TheY tow') to him thee sittetli in hid,- sponge in a pan large enough to
h raise it in Add one large coffee -
cupful of soft white sugar, three-
quarters of a cupful of lute -warm
water, butter' about the size of an
egg, melted in the water, and two
eggs. Mix all with enough flour
malte a nice soft dough. Let it
rise until light (say from three to
four hours), then put it into four
pie platee. Let It rise again until
the pans are full. Bake in moderate
oven.About thirty minutes will
with sugar water, sprinkle granulat-
bake them. When done wet them
ed sugar and cinnamon on top, and
pet back into oven tor a few minutes
until sugar has frosted. You , win
now ha.ve wholesome and old-fashion-
ed Dutch cake, or- cinnamon cakes.
The same dongh will answer for.
buns, cinnamon rolls and olcl-fash-
lolled rusk.
should be stretched (curtain. frames
are good, if you have (hem) flat to merit, and for strength to them that
turn ("back") the battle to ("at")
Watch the bindings; they get tat- ,
the gate. In what pcirtieultar way
tered and torn, or soiled easily, but Iv" "Teliffcali to 'In'°ve in'in';elf to be
kets out of doors every little while,
ITang- the blan-
to let the glory and the beauty of Ins peo_
ahiscernment, 'and fairness to the of -
they're too easily re -bound
thera stay shabby. ple? By giving a spirit of justice,
as well as airieg them. as you make firers of peace, and a. spirit of eour-
ways before your mind that thamore
the bed, keelfieg the principle al- age and success to the soldier in the
field. He will supply the need of
them—and for you.
sun and air they get the better for each. The gist of this promise is re-
1peated in the New Testament for 'the
The friends of Miss Hester were Quilts should be shaken and aired, benefit of us all. Weary minds un -
still wondering how and where sheable to learn or to plan may have
arid fresh covers put on when they
spent Thanksgiving, for all had no -their strength renewed by turning to
are soiled. The light cotton -filled
liced the shut -up cottage on the way quilts can be washed repeatedly if God. Cliristities who belicave that
home tram church. When the sew- they ere done carefully. God will save them in- death shoeld
ing ChTle lila: at Airs;''al3lake's, tor Pillows and blankets
that get claim God's promise to save Diem in
the first thoe in her life Miss Trester "soft" and refuse to stand up with- life
made a little epeech. Tier hands out drooping (and elm 4' . y s ha" erred
trenebleff slightly, and there was a housekeeper has this 'experience some
es- evert 7 But the al o : '
. gl ' ' and throegli strong
becoming pink spot on eadh cheake time or .other), need a tonic M the dtlirern(11-airewion-leie, of the way, "And
but her voice never* faltered as she shape of more feathers, and probably even these reel wita wine, aid stag -
said: "My dear friends, you know new covering. For pillow covers ger with strong drink." Judah, on
how often I have accepted invitations wear out in the corners, and letthe
e . eir whole, contrasted favorable -with
from all of you, and how much 1 easionvfeathers workthwaY Israel, but even here tlie besetting
hove appreciated your kindness. I through, and those occasional featt- sin had been drunkenness. Teie priest
knew I might never hope to return ers amount to something by the
an this, so I thought of paying you time the break is discovered. In en and the prophet have erred through
("reel with") strong drink, and con-
e)" back, as the Bible tells us to do, filling pillows do the work of chane- seghently,they are swallowed ep, they
when it says, do not invite your kin-- bog the -feathers in a room with
tired and neighbors to your feasts, doors aa -I windows tease shut are out of the way, they err in vis -
In short, T invited youall to dinner against all stray breezes. It is hard i°n'
they stumble in judgment. /n -
enough to shake the light bulk into toxicated priests could not perform
by proxy, when I went out with. Rob the other cover without winds to their important functions in judicial
and Mary, and we tried to niah.e the add to the mischief. And tie a matters. Intoxicated prophets would
day pleasant for the poor people at handkerchief over your hair, or the lack. capacity to ;discern 'any 'els'
i on,
the infirmary. I told them all that
tiny wisps of down that will fle neatoat 8. Tiiis sad versfe
- 310 expla-
it was not my dinner, but yours, and up will stick to it in a Most aggra- nation,
they all hoped e-ou, woad want to
vating and tenacious way. 0-13. In place of a litimble, teach-
accent my invitation -that way every A pretty treatment of sheets, and able spirit the nobles of Jerusalem,
Year. I hope you all had as good pillow and bolster cases, is to ern -
like those of Samaria, now tureete
e time as we did; but I don't believe broider your initials on, just above
their scorn on Isaiah. They say:
you could." the hem, directly in the middle. The Whom eliall he teach Onowledg,e? and
"Miss President," said the IllilliS^ illitittiS SI10111d be rather large, and whom shall be made to understand
ter's wife, "I heard glowing accounts should be heavily padded, and em- doctrine? them that are weaned from
of Miss Rester's peoxy dinner from broidered in the white', eotton that the milk, and drawn from the
MY husband, who called at the in- la,unders so well. breasts; for (Revised Version) it is
ternary to see a sielt man; but I did
eot feel at liberty to mention it be- Time -Saving Pie Crust.—One good -°1-ece1t en°n PreeePt'PreeePt LiPen:
fore Miss 'Hester did. 7 tlierefere full cep of lard ---cold, three cups 13reeelIt; 11ne upon lme,upon
1 Ino
line, here a little, and there a little,
move you that Thanksgiving dinner (round) full of flour; one even. tea- This passage has been vailously ex -
by proxy at the infirmary be made spoenful salt. Rub together till
an annUal affair, and that Miss Hes- thoroughly mixed; set away in a cold
ter be instrected to allow some of place till you wish to make a pie.
us the pleasure of helping lier each It will keep any length of time cold
and drY. *When you wish to make
thin, gas heePing wal:In till, tile table year itto , ells no eeetaii „ a pie take 01 -ie cup of tile mixture
was finiaied, eeary s weadet.fue leaf, s teen - anel as little cold water as you ewe
with lis wrea,th, occuined th,e said the president regctidless of paa--
' possibly get it together with, hardly
place of honor, fianited by mounds liareanatarY InIts-, a more than a teaspoonful of water. I
of sagerer jumbles and soft .ginger- favor o 15 I e se rise, n,
bread," •stich ' - only Mise Hester
boelld Malts.' At Oath, end of, the table
n, vizie-Wreatlied platter was loaded
'with pears, peaches, grapes an ap-
add a few drops of water at a time,
"It is imanimouslo deloeetaff,"" Said roll out, and on the top crest sift or
*the president, as all rose to their sprinkle a little of the dry raixtur o
feet. "We „will' elope *-iby singing: to make it flaky. "Very gootl„. and
"Praise Got" fro/ hone All Blessings alevays the same and 3.-ea,dy for in-
FlowP stant use. •
plahted, but it is 'beet ta,ken as a re -
a. bag 2,5 OW ne d 1 ' '
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