HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-11-24, Page 5411 The dose is one, just one pit
er Mild, certain. They cure
at bedtime., Sugar-coated,
constipation. aetY.V:i".
Want your moustache or beard BUCKINGHAM'S DYE
kbauttifal brown eir rieh blaCk? use lam cia. or wool= (44461`.111M4 C94, atiguile NA
The Exeter Times
,1J, M. D.! U. 0, _
I. Se Graduate Victoria Uni-
veteity. Once and residennace, Demieion
1,100tatetY, Exeter.
TT leiNeelAN, le D. S. AND
D. S. 0, D.S., Hence Graduate
ot Toronto UniveratY, Penttet.
Toth exttokted without pain or
hadaftez (gots. cage in Rai-
son's Nock. West sldeot *Am
r).A. ANDERSON, (U. B. 8 L.D.S.
Honor Graduate of the Toronto 1.Tneveri4te
inn level College of Deetal Smnone
Ointarie. with boners AI,Sa PO6t/g VWtate Og
011040 eebool of Prosthetic Dentistey (with
Ierldhing nettertible meknention,
Evw:. te the Dental Proleiseloni
Amain tide Oleo. Pridee wok. crowon al-
letraionmegolaanevniesenteplatesell done in
thit 12eAkte§4 Wenner pessilele. A Perfectle
nem:nese anaestlietie neve for pahaese entree.
ene+ Ogee one doer with Of Parilog Rre'a mere
thiratunde to loam Fann
And One half Ver cent,
vennItentee private fluids ro nv
ett tam or village property et etc
InCle$QN ee PART-4NQ
ye large ankeunt et private tunds
°Wenn Malettiti Exeter,
xtmay MIA:an at owest rates of lotereen
OrrIOEi-eteem tiTuBwr. XETR
•. WiRLINO 7.14 Menne
A. C. RAMSAY, V, $,
Honor ateduete Ontario leeterluery Col-
lege ; Boum= y Uo 24 Ontario Yeterinew
AseeciationI1 dieeeses at domestic animate
eelontillealliteeetee. Milk fever treated he
enotitteat *neve treatment.
goleFICE : one door south at Townliall
ItESIMNOE: Second touts earth ot Pres-
ibyterian chureb,
TUG Lisburne an Einar;
Farman Mutual Flit Insur
8116e 6omuanu
Bead Offices Farquhar, Ont.
Preskleriti-T. RYAN, Duel.= P. 0.
W. if. PASSetOnne
FAItteenille P. 0.
M.Olann'e, WItAX.Ein P, 0.
3. A. Nounts, Onolimasrz P. 0.
Wet. Rove l3oalen0Let P. 0.
artitiettAtile Chit.
A.. DUNCAN FAltrtellArt, ONT.
Witillaele Ftne...tatrern, Onr.
Sk, GILVILT.A1sT, LtreAlkt, ONT.
SOOve-Treas, Farquhar.
Do you Want a Buggy
We have the finest stock in town
ail the latest stylee, in the newee
Our prices are low as can be fotna;
for first-class material and workman,
J F Russell
Two Doors South Town Hail.
Gristing and Chopping
Promptly Done.
We are giving excellent sa-
tisfaction in flour since re-
' modelling our mill
11. Sweitzer
ARM FOR SALE, -Lots 20, 10
con. and llth con., of Stephen,
6 1-1 miles west of Exeter, being
composed of 100 acres on the 11th
con. and 120 acres on, the 10th
These forms are under good state of
cultivation well drained with good
house and out -buildings, thereon al-
so fruit bearing, orchards . Never
well the year found. For
further particulars apply to T. B.
4,1artyn, Exeter.
THURSDAY, NOV. 24tb, 1901
The Times has 4 upplY o boos
giving a treatise ef the horse anti hie
diseases, which we are gielug away
to all new and paid pp subseriberss.
The hook mintains an index of die-
eages, giving a deseription of eagle
with causes, symptoms awl treat -
menta also a large collection of
excellent receipts, which awe very
valuable, The Times from. pow to
Tanury 1st, 1905 for 25e, to new
aubsotrihars only. Clubbiug rates
en application,
10011E -In Clinton, on Nov, 16th
the :wife of W. Moore!, of a deugh-
RADER.-In Stephen Tp.. B. on
MRader. a son.
AleTAGGnaT - In Clinton, on T
eetby, Nov. 12th, to Mr. and Mr
Z41,.),DIcTateleart, elaughter.
MarYs, on Thurscley, Nov. 1O,1901
by elee Rev, J. Taxior, aiSS Annie
Alton do Mr. Je A, Chesterfield.
sidence of •the bride's mother, on
Nov, 20d, by Rev, J. V. Sutcliffe!
Arthur Mollard. ot (lined Bend.
te Misa Bertha May, deughter
Mrs, .1Iarmer, of McGillivray.
/nee on Timrsday, Nov, 7tie 190-1
Rebecce. Olivet deughter of Mr.
neut. Mrs. George Staneury, to Mr.
John MeEtvete of the end. cone
vW on 'numbly. Nov. litle at
the borne of Mr, S. Andrew, by elte
Rev. W. IL Cooper, 'Mr, Aluert
Mitchell, to Miss Zeta. ;MUMPS&
daalgttler Of Mr. and Mrs. John
Nov. n
1904,*ay rga, beloved
of AIrs. Frank Willie, ot Spriuiesi
Msa., formerly a Exeter.
OUGSON -In Vehorne, on Tueedey
November 22n4, 1904, Albert Hod -
eon, oged 31 years, 2 months and
20 days.
CO -In Centealie, on Saturday.
November 10th, 1904, Margaret I.
McCoy, daughter 4if ?Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel McCoy, aged, 20 years, 10
months and 25 Ilays.
T x
Mr, ad Mrs. G. Shute. of Tacoma,
Wash., are visiting friends and re.
latives in Exeter.
Dr. Rollins and Mr. Ilugh, Spook -
man are in attendance at tbe Con-
servative Convention held in Toron-
to, to -day altursdaye
xegret to learn of the eerlous
illness of Mr. 3etis. Moir, o Usborne,
but hope to bear soon or his iica-
inecliat recovery.
Aire. Dr. Stoart and Mre, MeZay, of
A,iisa Craig, were visiting their sister
Xrs. H. Smith, of “Sprioglentet farce"
oe Tbaolesgiving Day.
EridaY, Nov. Rh, 1904. - Exten-
sive auction eale of Farm Stock and
Implements, on Lot 9, concession 3,
Seep -he& Sale at one Welock. sharp,
No reserve. ---Fred Hagentb. Proprice
tor. James' StanleY, Auctioneer.
-The Annivernery services of the
James-st, Methodist eltureh will be
beld on, Sunday, December 13.0,
when llev. Geo. Webber. of Toronto,
L former mach esteemed paetor
will take Loth eervices . An cid-
fashioned 4ea-meetine, will be an
interesting feature of the anniver-
sary eltis year,
Mr. Thoe, Penhale. of Sodom. on
Wednesday moroing wbile assisting
in threshing end while in the mow of
the barn fell tbroneh an opeiog to
e floor below, 4 distance of about
15 feet. Dr, Heladtettre was called aud
found that heekles neevee ohakine
UP Mr, Penhale sustained a fracture
of the sheolder. He will ko iaid up
for SAMe time,
Rumors are afleat that Mr. John
Essery may bo prevailed upon
to accept the nomination for County
Councillor for 1904 and 1906,Mr. Es -
eery Ins lied vest experienoe in fin -
!Lavine held the position, of
President of the leaborne IIihhert
Fire Insurance Company for *Jett
yeers. lie would 31Q (Iennt make an
oble tandidate. The ;tames of Mr.
Hugh. Speakman. or town, and Mr.
Then +1.1alla1ty1e. cif lrgborne, at%)
oleo spoken of, who have also had
vide experience in municipal matt.
rs. The reontest pronalsos to be an
live one.
Friday. Qv, 25th. 190% --EA:toi-
le." election sale of Farm, Stook and
plemerits. on Lot 9, coneeesion 3,
ethen. Seta at one o'clock, sharp,
reeerve„-Fred Uagith, PrOPIriO•
jams Stanley, Auctieneer,
The Death of Mr. Altert E Mel
at. -"the gymmtliy of a host or
en leL extended to Mrs. Lydia
oiiin fl Che death of her Yagn
Mr. Albert E. Hodgson.
VJsJL oeeurrei on Tuesday. Nov.
144' at the early as of 31 years
tlis and 20 days. Mr. Jfodg-
Ita4 n in failine health for
past. but was able to go
P until Saturday before his
ing the summer hie volae
y and he was male only to
iculato in whispers. lie kept
bright and obeerful throe -ell all his
illness, and was a young man belov-
ed by all Ids friend'', upright in oil
)1is dealings. Ile was a ;norther ot
Ike Alain-st., Atethodist church, and
attended the serviees of the church
when bis health would allow,. There
remain% .enly one brother, john, end
his aged 'mother to mourn bis loss.
The taneral will take place on Fri-
day, Nov, 25th, at 2p • ne front the
residence of his mother, Thames
Bond, for the Exeter vereetery.
The Canadian Artillery Association
will present .an address to tbe Earl
of Mint°, in Toronto, on November
12th, after the Royal Canadian Dra-
goons TecOlve the }Ling's eolors from
the Government, Lieut -col. King St.
Catbarints, will make the presentin
tier. .
At tbe last meeting of Samaritan
lodgo I.O.O.F., Ingersoll. Bro. Robert
Elliott, formerly of Wingbem, was
presented with a veteran's jewel,
whitna indicates that he has been a
member of the order for 4upwards of
25 years. The Presentation was made
by bistrict Deputy Grand Master E.
B. efoorrey, at the request of Lis-
towel lodge, No. 160, of which Bro.
Elliott is a member, The presen-
tation .was accompanied by a few
appropriate remarks, and the reeve
lent replied in. A reminiscent man-
ner, referring to the history of the
order for the past 25 or 30 years.
Toronto's new union station ie to
ciost at least three million dollars.
Rev. Dr. More, secretary of the
Canadian associetion for the pre-
vention of consumption and other
forms of tuberculosis, hos dis-
tributed circulars th the diferent
county councils, askieg them to en -
("torso the work of the society, and
to petition the Provincial and Do-
minion Giivernment to have Sanitar-
I iums established in each of the prov-
inces. It is (believed this move will
promote a great deal of interest in
work of .the society, and expedite the
work of esbablishing sanitarium.
A Remedy Which is Claimed to
he. Infallible in 1.3netunonia.
This remedy, whieh is claimed to
be harallible, was formulated many
years ago by a well known physician
in New Euglancl, who never lost a
patient by this scourge; Take six or
Len onions, nom:ding to size, and
Chop ,rine. Put in a large spider ov-
er a hot fire, adding 'about the same
quantity of rye meal and vinegar to
form o stiff paste. Stir thorough -
be and simmer five or ten minItites.
Put lint o a cotton bag large enough
to .theer the lungs ancl apply to the
chest just es hot as the patient can
Tito Times wilt receive subscrie-
ions at the following sato.
Times !to jenuery lst 190G ... $1 00
Times and Daily Globe ...,„ „. 4 25
Time end Daily Mail and
Empire*********4 25
Times and Daily World 10
TimeS end Toronto Daily News 1 80
Times and Toronto Daily Stier 1 75
VMS Ond Daily Advertiser 145
Times land Toronto Satuedey
Night • - - • ,,, . ... 2 351
Time in Weekly Globe ,. 1 00
Times end Weekly Mail and
&Wee' 4...41 4i11 40491 1 75
Times end Family Herald and
Weekly Star
1 75
Tinxes,ana Weekly Witness 1 6,$
Times And London Free
Press (Weekly)..„.„ .....,1 75
Times and London. Advertiser
(Weekly) . 1 50
Times and Toronto Weekly
Times ond learro.erts Advocate 2 25
VI OR SALE. Farm, 50 acres, all
cleared and tile drained, cent-
er Road, Ilibbert, brick bouse, barn
with stone stables under, °ramie],
two spring wells, school beside and
doily mail. Address, T. J. Marphy
for sale-Therundensigned has for
sale a number of up-to-date thor-
ough bred Short Horn Bulls. They
are of the low set, thick 'blocky type
and choice breeding. Will be sold
reasonable, inspection invited. Ap-
ply on lit 16, con. 2, Hay, or John
Elder, Hensall, P. 0.
The council of the corporation
of elle County of Huron will meet in
the council chamber in the town of
Goderich, an Tuesday the 6th day of
December 'next at 3 .o'cleck p.
All accounts against tbe county nust
he .placed withthe clerk by first day
of meeting. -W. Lune. Clerk.
ESTRAY-frem lot 2, .concession
5, +township of Ilibbert, 2
steers, one year old, one all -white the
other all red. 2 heifers, one
red, ithe other mixed red and white ;
1 heifer two years old, red with some
white and white face; 1 steer, near-
ly 'three years old mixed red, and
white. Any person giving interim:
tion that. will lead t otlieir recovery
will ibe suitably rewarded. --Samuel
Harris, Hibbert, nlitchell P. 0. '
"G1 ARM IPOR SALE -In 'the Town-
-1.7 ship of Dsborne, being lot 13, eon
2, consisting of the best 100 acres of
land in tlae township, well fenced and
in good state of cultivation. Good
brick house and frame barn, conven-
ient to gehooi, church arid market
being only two miles from Exeter.
For further particulars apply to D.
C. McInnes, Exeter, or Thomas Hig-
gins, executors of the estate of B. I.
Biggins, deceased or to Glaclman &
Stanbury solicitors Exeter-
bearit. In about ten minutes
chenno ithe poultice, and thus con-
tinue reheating and applying, and in
a few hours the patient will be out 1. II
er danger. And just here -a word of For*Infante and Children.
caution. In applying this or any
oCercised to lei the patient get The Kind You Have Always Bought
her hot poultice care Inns!: be ex
chilled during the changing procese. Bears the
Rave ithe licit one all ready to go on
before iLlin cooling one is removed,
T1M3, N 0 Ar E R 24r,11 1004,
0 lacl make the exchange so swiftly ;
-and deftly that there is not a zoo- I Maine first Canada Last
merit's exposure of the body surfa.ce (
w ic i ((conies exceedingly sensitive 1
to a chili.
Pite-,,uffere.r.s, know that Ointments
titcre 1°17uit t 7teercane.T
e ;
don't remove the •caese.
Th!re is a little tablet that is to.k
1 en internally teraceres the cause of
Piles and euro AM' eas?, of any kind
no matter Low long etandine.
A montiOe treatment eoeis $1,03.
Ask for Dr. ,Leouletrdt'a Ilena-Roicl
,(a thallsand dollar guarantee goes
1, with every treatment..)
Ilem-Reid is the discovory of Dr,
Leolulardt of Lincelo, Neb„ one o
the 'most distinguished and euccess-
ful physicians. in the \Waters' Stat -
All Dreggists, er The Wilson-Pyte
Co., Limited, :Niagara Falls, Ont.
. *-
The Provincial Secretary through
the Inspector or Prisons and Pube
lie Charities has given lestructione
Elise each jailer in the Province shall
make a special report to the depaet-
meta on the first day of the mouth
g iving, 'the nionee of all persons
confined do the "Oils who have been
certified by the „fail surgeon to be
nearie. This eepert will give also
their sages. leneth o -time in jail
together with 0 epeoial certificate
from Alto jail surgeon, under the
trio .ilate, in regard to rite Mental
4 physieel condition of vaelt pere
son is reported, to be
The Sheriff of each country has
;11-50 teeu requested to make a sian-
iler return upon the Bret day ot
each month, and to send that ro-
t tire to the medieel superintendent
of ,tho asylum for the insane for the
in which that Jed as located.
Tbe department is at present re-•
moving trona the 4311 and plaeini; in
the Asylums all those persons that
we suitable for asylum treatment
anti is ealling the attention of the
coert officiele to pereeng who are
confl.ne4 in the jails, who should be
itlie house at' refuge of the county.
The jailore have been instructed that
no insane person while temporarily
lined in jail hall Wear clothing
• upplieel eo ordinary prisoners,
wbieh it has 'been found, unilar the
reeenl inspectiqn, was oecasioually
I e own g to ,a misunderstatelin-
rules .
ni mild only be usad on or t
deetor', orders. For a mild physle
eke Dr. Hatailton's Pflis ot Alan -
drake and Butternut. No gripe, no
pain, certain relief for tteadache,
constipation and torpid liver. Use
only Dr. Hamilton's Pille, price 25
Biddulph Council
Tirs"council net pursuant to ad-
journment, on Nov, 7th, 1904, the
Reeve end all the members present.
The Reeve and Couneillore Armi-
tage and Ilryan, were appointed ci
ommittee, with power t what with
the rebuilding *t Flynn's eridenn lot
20 and 21, con. 3,
rho following accounts wore gra,
°red to ho paid:-IlugE Carroll, tile
drain, 811.20: T liodgins,
rep. bridge, div. 3, 75c: Mrs. Down,
refund .of engineer's costs, tne same
being paid to treasurer, 85.135; Jas.
Coarsey, work on culvert, div.
$2.00,; F. A, Ryan, overseeing build-
ing lot culvert, 81.50: 13. Ilrokison.
rep. eiulvert, 5 .B., die. 1, moiety,
83.00; Jas. Whalen, 52 14 cords of
gravel ,contract, S. 13., Moiety,
$62.01; A. Patten, drawing gravel.
div. 3, $2.25; A. Patten, 16 1-4. cords
gravel +contact, div. 2, 848.75; A.
Patten 32 1-3 cords gravel contract
W. B., moiety, $40.10; Jas. Whalen.
30.cords ot gravel contract, new road
div. 3, $45.00; Jas. Whalen, 31 cords
gravel .contract, div. 4, C, S. Ile
$77.50; llobt. Guilfoil, 4 days on
road, S. 13. moiety, $2.50; London
Mulual, 3 years risk, ins. on town-
ship hall, $14.00; Municipal World,
blank forms. D. and W., acct., $3.00;
exprees :charges, assts-ment roll, 25e;
J. S. Park, gravel account, $31.09;
Ell Eadgins, gravel account, $20.75;
A. Langford, balance of gravel acct.
div. 5, $135.50; P. Moedray. spread-
ing (gravel cliv. 5, $14.00; S. Know-
les, gravel contract, N. 33., moiety,
$36.50; J. Knowles, ditching and two
culverts N. 33., moiety, $1.25; E.
McDonald, gravel acct.. $12.55; It.
Hodgins, plank on bridge, N. B., 5oc ;
Win. Yelling, sr., gravel aeon, $5.80;
Geo. Breem, gravel acct. 86 cords.
$30.10; Geo. 33reem, opening two
gravel nits, $10.00; P. ileelmen, tile.
div. 4, $2.10; T. Mackay, open
ing ,ditch C. S. Re div. 4, $1.00; Jos.
McCarthy, ,ope,ning &tele div. 4, $2;
Whelihan, 'rep. bridge and plank, div.
3 and 4, $3.00; Jelin Creighton. rep.
bridge, .div. 4 and 5, 50c; A.. Davis,
work in pit and gravel account,
$8.35; M. Armitage, cloe $13.82; C.
ditch and culvert, div. 2.
$6.00; Jas. McFalls, 'rep. bridge and
culvert, div. 2, $8.00; Benj. Lang-
ford, plenk, div. 2, 18.75; Jno. Ryan
work on old. bridge, lot. 20 and 21,
con. 3, 59.00; S. A. IVIcFalls, spread-,
bag 'gravel, div. 2, 55.00; jas. Thomp-
son, work. and overseeing W. l3., mo-
iety, $13.50; E. Blake, tile, $11.00.
The icouncil adjourned to meet
on Monday December 51h. 1904 at
10 0. ni.
W. D. STANLEY, Clerk.
Signature of
o Cure a Cold in One Da
,Take Laxative Broil,*Quinine
Seven Million boxes told in pent 12 months.
This signature
in Two Days.
on every
bo?c. 25c.
Portia/0, Maine, zejoieed in the
certainty that its "population will
be /doubled by Ilia construction of
Lha grand Trunk Pacific Railway.
Maine's patriot editors have not
reeet their Globe aright or they
wOuldis7.c that tha contract requires
the Grand Trunk to build up a Ca-
nadian port.
Maine des nec worry about the
coptraet, krowing tlmt the Grand
..reunk's treasure is in Portland, and
bet:Ovine:el:tat "where i be treasure it
tiore .will the heart be allo.
Self iniereSt will pull the traffic, to
^Hs Vori/ar*d with nothing but
COntrlet ebligatious pulline- the
'attic iowardi Canada,
Self interest will oe more treaty
la1e-310bl titan contract obligations
ir A lin Grand Trunk Pacific is any.
inree lik,6•-t7ie 4,14 Grand Trunk.
Canada should be about tired
building railways which divert Ca-
nadian trade to the great work of
Uto I
keepipg, 'the State of Maioe out of
poor house -Toronto Telegram.
%romans' instItute
From "the Government report. No.
slItiattle111173t1a1:4 frontieginTclexWtroameatw5;rIons;
the report of South liurort Brauela
limy he interesting.
The Woneeeee Institute o Soeth
litarou wag organized on Oa 9th day
utt tellilitlerrY.'141110113es laavlgoalliezawd1414stairttlfrial
membership ot five. There, are now
tifty-three members, end twaliranelt
Jn'ititu'es, one at Itensall and epee at
field, We hav.;', spent our
it di in securing tientenstrators and
in edvertisine the reeetines. We al-
eo had a trained nurse from, Toledo
addyresinastrouti4rtiveI.nstitute, which was
verOctober .11 thought to ,oe ths best
ontit ter holding an open se
Anintoce"gugitte benefite of tho Usti,
tute may be mentigned thu elePortue
nity we have of meeting with people
whiele would not otherwien he
Perisiblei new ides an to tha doing
f our daily work, aed the many
helpful talks eking all lines of work
in ,rnonection with the borate
The meetings durino the past year
Itevo kl,tten helpful and thoroughly
enjoyed by all, and WO latme to in-
creaesi our membership through tbe
coming year.
Teachers' Institute
joint uretin, ol tlo Exec
nittiV4 of East and West IIUron
?Id hi Clinton, Sat urdoy the
for the norno,iq or ar-
IIUX foo'a union Institute
lug. A very full at tendance at
fficete at boot 81.0.qmiatiorls were
present. The l'nion Meeting was
arranged to be held in Minton, May
251h and 26tle 1005.
It ;was decided to get no outside
help tor the day ,f:OSSiODS, bat it was
thought advieablo to eet an out-
side lecturer for the evening meet -
g. The arraneetnents for lite
evening eession were left in the
beetle et a committee composed at
Messrs. Lotto/4 Houston, McLean,
Rogers, Reward, Hartley ond John-
ston. A good. list of anbjects with
namas attached was then spoken of
for ,the programme: these with
songs and recitations will make a
very interesting meeting .
It was moved by Mr. Lough, lerin-
oirial of the Model School, Clinton,
seconded by Mr. Bluett, lerineipal of
the public echool. Crediton, and
adopted, that the Secretaries,
Messrs. J. Hartley and W. H. John-
ston ask the Minister of Education
for mare epecifie instructions as to
what is to bo ittnderstooO by tbe pa-
per on Reading at the next Hist
School Eetranee Examination.
Much sorrow is felt in Clinton
and by many friends in Western On-
tario for the sudden death of Mr.
D .F, Macpherson, which occurred
in London, on Monday last.
Eighty-six Britisb jack tars, in-
cluding one dozee mariners, together
with eighty petty, officers and seven
first-class officers, arrived in Que-
bec, Saturday from England by the
S. Lake Erie, en route to the Esqui-
malt station. The party comprises
a portion of the relief draft from
Liverpool for the North Pacific na-
val station.
C/ 41" C3P 3Ct. X ...A. •
Zetus th. The Kind You Halo Ales Bought
÷ Junk Dealers.
• Maie-St. Exeter,
Occupying J. P, Ross'
• Store, one door south of
Metropolitan Hotel.
* Will pay highest cash
price for the following
* goods,such as all kinds of
Scrap Iron
}Terse Hair
Wool Pickings
Old Rubbers
Bones and Bottles 4.
t: Do quantity too largo or
3: too Small
The water reservoir of the
Imperial Oxford Range
is so designed that it keeps a lerge volume of water at a high teretira-
titre. This reservoir attachment of the Imperial Oxford Rangers so
arranged that it comes in close eontect witli the het flues and beepe
a plentiful eepply of hot water ready at hand. The range is also ttted
with an exceedingly powerful water front for use in eormectioo witla
kitchen boiler. If your dealer doesn't hodle the Imperial Oxford,
write to us for particulars.
The Gurney Foundry Go.. Limited
Toronto, Canada
Sovereign Bank of Ca
(1nnorpOrated by Act of Parliament!)
31St Oct.
EtisIt end Bank alancee ...1$•• O. I,
Handle wed la.vontireenta .. . . .
/*me And Discount; 5502
Benk Premiees, including Sefes etc.,.. 52,359
iletteierred Fiends and Undivided Profits........ 362.838 420.113
Sovegengti Bank notes in 'circulation.. - ...... . 1,237.050 1,284,840-
,,,.,...,4,300,432 7, 2,741
Awiabla Mtou1, *3,774.705
To the Shereholde
Nrc, bog to cnclos heewtt1c conidenSed comperative statement or
tha„Bont7o volition at tile -close of tire lentil Half -Tear, end nt tb corree-
Penang 4ato Iasi year.
57,209,920 $10,201,954
General Menager.
Toa will °tomes lortre increesch ioJeeposies, Leone, Cash., antl Total
ASsots. The Not Ciroultation is at clone to the Zonal limit es we think
it tpriaditeat 4oiellow. and Ny0 have bean obliged to pay out notes of other
beoks at the large offices tor the post six weeks.
Trade in Canada ou the whole is satiefe.otory, and the Bank', basi-
nese le increasieg in. every direation. We have our 25,000 eueberners, and
WO con safely sae:they nee well :state/led with the Service and
troatment they receive .
Only sir of our customers have foiled tiln00 the Bank started, and of
those three neid. UR in full, the others being quite smell acceurits. Wee
menbion tbis fact to give you somo idea al the high ,quality of the
Bank's clientele.
The Banks Assets are in fit-olass oundetion, and, the profits are
highly eatistactore; 00 serious losses having /been, sueteinee this year,
-or, en foot since WO commenced tasiness
Tho Bank is very well and favorably known ia the Crneted States
Great Britain, and Europe, and our hasinees 'with these countriee is.
growing rapidly.
Outside ,oapital is laelog directed to Canada, and we are trequently
askod or information regardine sites for ;manufacturing purposes, etc.
Whenever American coneerns ,that wo have assi,sted, in this wayelocated
where we had branehos, the Bank secured their accounts.
There is but onb matter of regret that we have •to report, alad that
is, ,the retirement of the President at on earlz date. Tho Benk's beta-
ness has now assumed swill proportions that it is desirable to hold Boand
meetings more frequently than bas hitherto leen necenatuSr. and as sereb
meetings are .h.old at the Head 01,fice, in Toronto. Mr. Holt (who .re -
aides in Alontroal) finds it im"possible"to atteted as often aa he desires.
In accordance with tile policy which hea prevailed slow:tile inception,,,
oE managing ,the Bank to the mutaal advantage of both Sletereholdess
and 4oustomers, we have decide& to pay interest on deposits onarterly
hereafterinstead of only twice a year.
Shareholders who have not already- opened Savings and Deposit .&e -
counts with us are invited ta avail themselves of this opportnnAty.
Please note that any suggestions y^oti. wish to offer regarding ilia
Bank or the furtherance of its business will always be gladly receive.
The whole staff have worked hard., and successfully to give the
share -holders a tboroughly safe and profitable institutime, and the Dir-
ectors end myself will apprealate your co-operation in making am Sov-
ereign Bank a. power, not only in your own tieigliborhood. but tbrough-
out the entire Dominion. }en n eal
It is not tustomary for Cajeadian bankers to address th,eir 'share-
holders on such matters as the above exeept at the annual meeting, but
we have done so from the outset, our policy beeng to keep the share-
holders of the Sovoreig.n Bank fully end correetly informed about their
own institution as frequently as possible. We also feel that suth in-
formation as this letter contains will convey a. much better idea 8.9
the real condition and business ,ef the Bank than the most detailed
statement of figures could possibly reverl.
. Tour obedient servant,
General Manager.
Montreal, 31s1 October, 1904.
General News
Henry Winterhalt, chiet of pace
at Berlin, Ont., was suspended from
office by the police committee, hav-
ing been initoxicated while on duty.
In reference to the class or books
supplied be lumber camp linraries t he
Rot Portage Lumber Company writ-
es to the Minister of Educiallon stat-
ing that the men prefer good, vp-to-
date fictron rather than other
works which are oui of their class.
Frederick Nicolai representing
Delgain papers is in Toronto. He is
writing up Canadian agriculture, and
intends to "try and induce his own
countrymen to come here rather
than go to Congo, which is Belgium's
colonial territory.
G•eorge S. McConkey the well-
known ,Toronito restauranten left an
estate worth slightly over $94,000.
Earnest G. McConkey is the chief
beneficiary, WS second son, Fred
not being mentioned in the will. The
widow gets 'property valued at $6000
and the daughter. Miss Maud, who
was Ito receive $10,000 gets just $2,-
000 by a codicil dated Aug. 401, 1.904
T,he wedding +of Mr, J. A. Chestere
field and Miss Annie Allen, St. Marys,
Wa.5 Celebrated, on Thursday last.
lion. E. J. Davis, commissioner or
Crown Lands in ,the Ontario Govern-
ment, has announced that he will
not again be a eandida.te after the
close of tthe berm of the present Lege
Canada contains altogether 3,-
3315,647 square miles of land, or a.
total area of 3,456,383 square miles.
The land area of Europe is 3,627,000'
square miles. so that Canada ig
nearly as large as ell Europe.
On Timeday of last week, an
interesting event as celebrated in
Seaforth at the !residence of Mr. W4
, when E. m.
Melinda, May, was flnited mar -
Fred Trorester, the G. T. R. fire-
man, wbo was alinesb asphysia.tedin
the Si. Clair tunnel on October 9th
last, is still at the Sarnia General
Hospital. One day last Nveek
recognized his father wheic the nurse
asked him if he knew who bad come
to see him. Then again he lapsed,
into .unconselousnees.