HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-11-24, Page 4sor644 'et 4' Don't Let that 0:newer to -els own party, A eon- ention of 1200 Liberals is IA At a jt -COUGH 6et Ahead of you • Stop it in time. That's good advice for ycLi: health, and its • advice for your pocket book tOo. A cure in time saves mon- ey and perhaps your lifo. Perry's Compound Syrup of White Pine with Tar has gained much popularity by its prompt rolief in this most corn - mon ailment. It is pleasant to take and wards off any tendency Of a COW to result in Pneumonia Price 45c. a bottle _Ferry's Emtilsion of pure Nerwegian Cod Liver Oil with Ilypophomtee, the eteea perfect preparaten ore the mar- leet tcr ail pulreonary diseases and general debility. Peices :50 cents awl $1.00 per bottle. Sole Ageacy ]314014711ill Drug Stare tribenal for the trial of offence whieh bave been committee against he people and IN hieL Ile people alone have the right to place in their true ner.speet ive. A 'convention will atet take ewer one jot or tittle irona thhe weight of tbe Gerney eIaras A conveutioa will net efaee the West Elgin traae he Irate roufessioe ortiivevelat ions of tthe Soo election trial, A conven- tio•a will not restore to the people f Ontario the timber limits that teve been banded over to government heelers anO water peleere that beVe been exploited in the interest of tier- ing pronloterea or t1frenchise aud p ivileges that have letee, bestewed orporations threagh the aeency I3nJ. at. Gibsoe. Asouventioe vil inet justify the diefranehisenaeut Renfrew fora year and nake c$,i luiQs tbe ueneuet in sitting The Exeter Time na Tis e az he i�es he ,Hoes governene e defeither Lveetion nor a wt ot vtkn n d' n leeislature rite. which -orrept do. overnm Valendar for November 1904 ........ TITE.SDA.1" „ ViirXONEeDAX.,,. s BeerernDAY,s n, 6 13 20 2T 7 14 21 28 8 15 ;t2' 29 9 10 23 30 10 17 21 1 18 19 20 CA.NNOT DODO The vitae elect y where been ee he Toronto no product' helo v, an which readera will in to Le one a the ettineet and 3;coSt conclusive deliver- encet ilott, tee jet beeo pat forward in connection with the Ontario sit- Itetion. 24th 0 his i' uay °I1 bjzioleed for t s oat be jade been wet tsault o u 0 Met tltute9, w Q' tat at la tow to itenvee which are ineeparable aecedency n tiunlets 1.rotten stip cannOt be made — y by simple ehautttne the 'Mr .Res cannot by di lea eues re- tavy evils StrOt WU. 4. OuVell- r.00rt olaguilty wiS onlint I EXETER TIME'S, NOVEMBER 24011901 TROUBLE IN THE IRISH PARTY have been won or the Dominion Op- -• position. The privilege of voting Lembo), Nov. 19-orbe XrisNa- tienist party is on the verge of a ecrioue split ,,vithin its own ranke. Lreless some amicable arrangement s quickly arrived at Messrs. Dilloe and .9exton% with their persoual -will •geode frau). leadership of John Itedmencl. Ia this event Mr, Red:none will have the aggressive stippoirt of Wm. O'Brien, over wheel dispizte Les arisen. In eecent .specehes in Ireland, Mr. Redneerol is held to have `openly eitled with Mr. O'Brien regardize the differences of Opinion which have long ex:tit-eel be- tween efr .0'llriett and the Dillon. Sexton -Devitt faction. It is 'Stated on good authority thatt • ,Redraend bas been told that un - ss• lie withdraws his support, Mr,O'Brien's •succession reeult, o definite conclusion has been Ited. bat it iS eald Mr. Redinotel rs to brow in his lot with N. jea .in the event of the breach e- definite, it ie theueht tbat t' wn1i az, the moniteat be (voided, elr. O'Brieule pularity in the south beinoefset by 143 infleenee of Mr. Siettot a powerful oroau, the Free - mark's Joernel, and dhe raore radleal Messrs. DavItt and Dil. division prObably would ave lite followe fl,. Ilealy with balance of vQwer and tbs acong to preeent indleatiens wo14 be thrQwu lie favor of -.1Teesrs. Redmond -anti O'Brien. preseot internal eriele is the rc- r the gradual increasine ditti. t over the action instigoted by wl carried out by Mr. on4 in their Teutons land pur- ro'ng' with the Irish- land- was denied then in practically every i.polling ,division in the •province, as from len to forty voters found on presenting thenaselves at the polls (lot heir names, althou.,,h on tho list had been struck oft in red ink, and ballots were refused them. In Caie Bee usejour division or Selkirk, 40 names 1v9r4 red lined, and the men so treated were all Conser- vatives. A number of deputy re- turning office= have already been pieced ,uuder arrest. Provencher, Selkirk ttea Marquette were the worst districts. * The resignation of Mr „Stratton, which iree been ;talked, of fer nearly two years ha e at last been lemdedin. The letter and interview published Tha Globe, are chiefly ventarkable for omitting ell reference to the subject which is uppermost in the public mitt& There is a long vindication of Mr .Stratton' s work in the de- partment, which was hardly requir„. ed. It lots not been cbarged that he mtsspeot t/te m.oney ot the depart moot, or neglected bis work. Bat publie °pillion has Always connected Mr. Strattonts name with the dis- credited election metheds to which. the Globe referred: he was the spec - oil 0304 ot Mr. Gamey's attack, end it was Ite who arranged the irl- terttiew in wideli the conversion of the members for ;Manitoulin was aeounced. The Globe's oarneole ar- ticle ealleil for a reconstruction of tbe Government, 'and Mr. St TA t” tott'S MAW was the first thet ' otz- curred to every reader. As to the teettee or injustice ot sinolino him out 4"11 tido titalnWr WO do not speak 13ut be is certaioly sinolett out 14' cerolDen C0116'lltt, landno explanatio wi.0venvince the people that he is not ewe* being thrown everboard t snva:the Government, anti to MOO it elePeee that the dtwredited ;methods will diseppear with him—News. Terouto. reeve or at lie a tier: is eh premier. stlefe Ono a$ not likely to he deeeved y +the elaborate preparations on. G NW* Roes is malting to °ham "infoto.ite at his admiuistratiot. overuments es a rule are preparea • o. stand or fall on their records. Not so tlte Government in Qaeen's Park, tie same is to shift publio at- te'rdloo from be abeses which have breught it into dtsrepute by makine scapegoats of a few ministers ana effeeing new cempaiem ,ery to tile people, Mr. Ross wants to be judged not by what „be hoe dente, bat by what he well promise to do. This is perbaps the most damaging confession that Vas one from governratrit, whoee leader has justified or condon- edevery outrage it as practised. If ALIO xecord e the government o, good one, why is Mr. Boss afraid to appeal to the people on that re- cord, If every mirtiter as been true ea his trust and this Is the plea which Mr. Ross has recently pet fort1wbyjst necessary on the eve an election to discard four of these mixtieters and substitute; men who have no publie record tO defend. And why if .the government's ideals of admieistration are meritorious, does it beenme expedient to cell a conven- tion to proclaim nesv ideate and a Ile'rt ;platform? A convention seems rather a. nind cure for the evils which have been • charged op to the record of the Ross government. Mr. Ross proceeds -upon the 'principle that for tbe public wrongs he bets commit ted he has onfy P dip 11. 0 1 We know what all good doc- 'tors think of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Ask yourown doc- tor and find out. He will ten • Cherry Pectoral you bo,,,,„ it quiets the tickling ! throat,- heals the inflamed lungs, and controls the , .hardest of coughs. .....!..A.yees Chong Pectoral is well known in ' our family. We think it is the best medicine la the world for cougko una colds." raarm PrrRnsetz;Petaluma, Zee, 50c., AT. C. lalTIS CO-, AU dru at L Lowell, Mass. *lard Cotlhs Ile of Ayer's Pill at bedtirtie will Cently laxative& Otiton redottery,, ot voith awe AND Rev. hk. Elliott. romn'ntIy iner,tioned eative andidate alie local Lef,451attIV., On* r.1,1 .1.. P., of Ood he Littera), candid mold ROSS IN A. DIUEMMA ,441.4.444 ow a year or more lion. bee -been snuffling wino ,to dodge the inevitald d at last he finds himself so eom- j1ete1y driven into the eorner that e Iris to confess himself at the end Lis resources, The result of the election trials 1 -.;ft. him withoat majority in tbe Iloat.e ; the tailure of his tempts to earry, the Prov- ince for Laurier eitowed him that be is in a hopeless minority in the province. The prospect be - Mr. Ross was (leaver:Oa either way. If he decided to race the by -el - cations rm must win them ell, wbicli no ate egber in or out el Lis party expects he can do. If he decides to go to the province, be most face an !electorate which; voted want of ,confidence in him, by an over- whelming mejority only, a few days age. Bohol: 'rims between "the de- vil and ihe deep sett" Aste the old pro- verb has it, Mr. Boss has concladed that lin one direction only there lies a chance. If be could in some way import new issues into the campaign he ;thinks it might be possible to direct• public coneideratition to -the new proposals, ani fleas in some 'de- gree divert public: attention away from the eleetorial crimes of which his administration stands convicted. ete tthe Premier is springing some new programme which inay fur- nish a more hopeful fighting grounil than the attempt to defend the blnek record of electoral corruption 'oy trbieh the Ross Government has hum- iliated and disgraced the province, as no Englishespeaking comraunity was ever humiliated and disgraced be- fore. The .dodge is not without a cer- tain amosint of that cunning which is the Premier's chief characteristic as a politician but it is very mach too late lin the day for it to succeed. Th,e electorate of the Province lave already made sip their minds. as to what to do as regards to Mr. Ross and no promises that • he can make at this juncture will change their de- termination now. • I Th nothy what Ivfr .Ross may promise to do in the future that he and bis administra- tion will he judged :ny the electors. The judgment will be upon the re- oord of the Premier and his gov- crinnent in 'the past, and (upon that record they already st and condemned. What only remains is for jtidgment to be •pronounced and that will he done whenever the case goes 06 - fore ithe ,eloctor,s. John Mdrley, one of ;thc greatest of British statesmen, is in Toronto, During his visit he will be a !guest at the Grange, tke charming resi- dence of Dr. Goldwin Smith. Bean tho The Kind You Have AleatO Bought Signature of ' government ' n NOVA$eotia anny be gain. the feet ibat n one plaee sb.er taeo were 26 n Ines ou the it rnd of that nuniber 29 voted. The Lbera1 candidate received 171. On elle o Bat it was known that 19 were dend and 40 away. • it has tiroeti the(trainingeniral cam for Canadjau nmtht fl ibe at Xetowa wa n the line ot tho tuadiu eitie. This et an excelleut location. Theefteld xi about ten mdes square. R Le oentr,a1 as tar as tbe oast unit the r viur west is concerned, Sir Frederick Borden is •going to de - el& ;this metier at one0. The mit:Os- ter sgoing on with the work of oroextizino the new military council, It as progressing favorable'. * It is a ause for conoratelation when party diCerenees can, be over- looked and =en tan Secs 'the good points in their •opponente. Among Libc.rols bere is a general feeline, of esteem for Mr. Borden, the Op. position leader, and though his de- feat in Ilalifax was one of the inci- dents ef the recent battle at the polls it is hoped that a seat will be found for hira and that his services will not be lost to Cenada.--Goder- ich SignaL The, rartn,ysurraises with, regard to I he intentions of Hon. Andrew G. Blair, when he resigned, his position as chnirman of the railway commis- sion of Canada, are likely to prove talse. It is learned on excellent authority that he is about to accept t he post of presidentand manager ot the Toronto Roller Bearing Com- pany, Limited, and will receive a sale ary considerably larger than tbe 10. 000 stipend. he enjoyed as chairman of the railway commission. * 0 * * Iron. Robert Boger, ininister 0 public works for Manitoba, who is in Toronto in ,connection with the provincial bond issue, declares that had 'the Conservative voters !been permitted to vote Manitoba would tAkiat, 111 is the grandest, most scientific and safest cure for any kind of headache. Without being a laxative, it regulates a disordered stomach, and is therefore something en- tirely new for a bilious headache. It clears the brain and makes you fit for the day's duties, and to those who are trou- bled with nervous headaches at night, it acts as a calmative, and insures refresh- ing sleep and bright mental activity the next morning. Your physician will tell you that the safest and best form in which to take a headache cure is a tablet. • Powders and wafers vary, containing either too much or too little of a prescription. All Red - rite tablets contain the same ingredients to a r000th part of a grain. They can be easily broken or crushed and swal- lowed with a drink of water. You will find that after takihg Hed-rite for a few attacks that your headaches will come less frequent, and in time will altogether disappear, unless brought on by careless and uregtilar living. We are the only head.. ache specialists in the world. A postal card will bring you a sample box, containing two doses, ;free. Don't buy before you try. The Herald Remedy Chicago, Moatreat TO BREAK COLD Right• end kly nethillg workso oicety as Nervitine taken real Lot It etude a gimlet; warmtitell through 4 he 'holly& end whet% rubbed on to ehest loosens up the cough and :relieves tighteees and SOXetterta itt 11.W CdIeSt. Nerviline • used as a preventative and cure for coldo, coughe =1 winter in ithoUsentle of homes becaase it goes atilt to work and brieres ner quickly. There is iw remedy in the world with half the power au Merit ot Nerviline: it's invaluable in every house. In large bottles, price 25r. • LOAN: AFT:LIES Creditors Accept the Offer ot the titre holders, le of the creditors of e At n Company held Nov. 17it vs.s dcided to acr,,Cpt the ofter znado by the debenture holders to settle their differences. The latter wish, ;to rank as -depositors, and in order Ito save further costs. it was felt by the nicotine: that the offer of 37 omits on tlte dollar would be a satisfactory arrangement.. R. Rome Smith, of the Trust Company, Was present and told the creditors that tho orfaira et tho Atiaa Company wore in such shape now as to pay a Ilividend of 20 conk; on the dollar, and at eome future date expected thee* would receive front 6 to 10 cots more. Jobe A. Robinson pro- tested against Any settleraent with t be debenture -holders being made. • Hope For Everybody ramoom•liame There seems to he no case so bad that Anti -Pill eannot euro it. A strong claim but well sup- ported . Just xecently st physician in Line cote. Nebraelta, has 'made a discovery which is exciting the interest arid wonder of the xnetlical profession all over the world. Dr. Leonhardt 'Logan on the theory that tile poisonS sent through the system by the rotting and ferment- ation ot undigested foods were the prime cause of -nearly every disease. He set to work to discover, if pos. sible, a remedy that oroule stimu- late and heal the mucous membrane lining of .the .stomech anml bowels, till by .their normal, healthy action, per- fect .digeetion would be restored. lie eucceeded laird his prescription he leaned Anti -Pill. The proof that Pork eras well 'done is found in the long list of remarkable cares naa.de by Anti -Pill. Ante -Pill is 50c, a bottle, at all DrliggistS, or Wilson -Pyle Co.. Lim- ited, Niagara. Falle, Ont. Sole agents for Canada. RESULT OP A CUT FINGER An inocident —a, cut on the finger— paused Edison Ito invent the phono- graph, or talking machine. Mr. Edison /told the story of this invention eo a reporter. At that time, he said, he was singing into a telephone. and i» the telephone's Mouthpiece ho had placed IfOr safe keeping a fine steel ,point. Suddenly this point cut his einger. found. to his ,surprise, that it had been neov ing here and there and roundabout, guided by the vibration of his voice. He ,placed a strip of yellow paper under ;the steel point, replaced it in the mouthpiece ,and said the alpha- bet. The steel while he spoke, rata over 'the paper, and for each letter of t'his, alphebec it mado a different mark or scratch. This ,was what Mr. Edison had hoped for. He now held the steel paint still and drew the paper scrat- ches slowly over it. There was given f.orth very faintly, the alpha- bet las he had repeated it. Thus Che principal of the phono• graph—the registering and the re,. production of the voice's vibration;; —was discovered 'through the cut- ting of a finger. It was Edison's finger, though that was cut . .9naith's or Brown's might have ben;t quite hacked off and no phonograph would have resutled. Provide: Winter Peed 111.,••••••••••• Judging from ;the reports and ob- servations there will have to be some !careful feedbag <twee dais win- ter. Cattle. ;sheep axel hogs appear to be ebout as numerous es in ether years, bat some of the crops thet no, :tally furnish considerable fodder are quite light, notably wheat and corn. The raIge of the supply of corn also sufered deterioration from the ef- fects ef the heavy September frosts euosequontiy the feed on haed will have to he handed Out I'Vith more than ordinary intelligence and care, Every farmer trill endeavor to meet the peceliar cendttiono in which he finds himself in Ilia own way, bat word ef -caution with regard to the treatment ot the Straw otaoksheuld not ,rotee amiss. The man who i$ lo the least (teat as to whether or not his ettPPIF of fodder will earry • hie steck througlt the winter can do no better than to begin as soon as the threshing is dome to ec000mize with Ids otraw. By entting it and mix- ing it with ensilage or hays the sup- ply Of reagleage -can tee very largely increiteed aay a little eoresight, saw.. dust oae be precured in many in- stances to help out tbe sapply bedding. At this time of the year one -eon never tell what the needs ay be before the %text year's growth of fodder in really, Ana a lit - tie mare of the' food supply now may save meny a care leter on, I T -OV 41U LOSING WOG 'Veer eystere is eut at toiler nnd Perrozone is needed to start re- tuijldjug process Verrozone ma - es new tissues, forms wlmlesorae cod, etreogthen A the nerves and eps your physical cooditien up to o proper steodard, "I lost fifteen meads ;through La Grippe" writee Cyril Lash, of Hartford,. "but soon egained my termer weight and lin. roved my health by using Ferro zone. It's tiie best rebuilder.nwi fiwst [tonic I ever used." Use Fer- rozone—it ;assures 'moth. rrtv) on, et dritoeists, wit s" e. Y * VONA X X t%'‘‘ 'tot etteento,,,Nee.‘„Seee tee, etesNetteen \ The Kind Xou /lave Always Bought, and which has been in. use for over SO yeltrS, has borne the signature of and bas beenimalle under his VCro Soma supervision sblee its infancy* wtg-t"Ireltlt Allowno one to deeelen youin AU Counterfeits, Imitations anti "Just -AS -geed" are Intt Iflorperintents that trill° witlt and endanger the health or Torant$ and ChtlelnOne—Feoperlence against Experiment* What is CASTORIA asto.a, is a hartlidge Substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- gorie, Drops and Soothinc", Syrups. It ite Pleasant. it contains neither Opium, it'iorphine nor other wareotle substance. Its age is its guarantee,. It destroys Worms and allays Ileveristraess. It cures Diarthcea and Wind Cohe. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the. $tozottelt and Dowels, givingleeolthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea --The IldOther'S Friend. ENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS' ears the Signature of The KIM You Have Always Bought lin Vse For Over 30 Years. PITAttn OMPANY. TT mC1.011..V ereeer. Scw 1104,1K gemenef tbc iivea' tt conatipation, iniuee tb complexi induce pimples, sallow shin, ore the cause by uthrig Carterle 'tato Liver Pills. One a dose. them. The centreet ford'e ne A.rmories has bee» awarded • t efessrs. Nagle and Mille, of Rioter sell, for thtt oura of $47,703, Ii th our$a of a few does the purchase 04 he eine will be accomplished ea that the eantractor$ can place mAterial 1144 ground with a view to startino perations in the spring. ltr ond Mrs. Jaines 51acdoxiald, of Stratford, ,celebrated their golden eredding ou November 17th Rela- tives th tho city and from Syracuse N. 3.7., Guelph, Seaforth and Coiling - wood with, 18 grandohildren, were present. On responding to the h.ealtli*E himself and his wife, Me, Macdonald eaentioned that be lean. Mit had. cleared the land where Clio. ton ,now stende and cut down tho first .tree on the site of the Town of Seafortie AN EPPICIENT TREATMENT FOR CATARRII first destroy the germs thal excite the disease. Then there aro numberless sore spots in the MUCOUS raembrane to bo healed. Every re- ot portent cure •tor catarrh, is found in fragrant healing Oatarrhozone !which not wily in- stantly kills the germs but restor- es ;the diseased membranes to a nor- mal ,condition and prevents there - lapse :welch is sure to follow.the use of ordinary remedies. Catarrhozone is a scientific cure for catarrh Ilia relieves ;quicker, is more pleasa.nt, most 'certain to cure than any other known remedy. Failure is impossible lasting cure is :guaranteed. Use only Catarrhozone. Two zmonth's treat- ment si.00; trial 25e. Get it to -day. • Huron There tare 76 inmates at the Huron House of Refuge at Clinton. Mr .Norsworthy, of Ingersoll, bas boon appointed junior clerk of the IVIolson's Bank, Clinion, Mr. A .E. Bradwin, leditor of The 13Ieth Standard, is a 'candidate for Co. Councillor for his division. A 'committee has recommended the purchase of the Horton residence in Goderiol% .ait $5,000 for transforming into a local hospital. Mr .Williarn Steenson of Lista- wiel, died at Harrison ,from injuries received by being ran ovor tor train . The Bell Telephone Company has appointed Mr. Peter Tansley to the position of loco' marnager of the Wingbain ;branch, and he has alreade entered upon his duties. Why don't you try Carter's Little Liver Pills? They are a positive cure for sick headache and all the ills pi -e- duced by disordered liver. Only one pill a dose. Ro'bt .Italdwin, • of Seaforth, aged 60 years was suffocated the burn- ing .cif One. Elgin House, Elgin, Man., on Thursday night. Re was on his way home at the time. IjI is 'expected that the G. T, B. will relay its tracks between Stratford and Go'clerich, with heavier rails sb aS 10 permit of heavy Mogul engines being ,used ,on this cud of the line ibis coining winter. I3er t lIovey, of Clinton, was sac. eassfal !the 'other day in trapping s. pr'e't ty 'Mink, which was two fest long from .tlp of noseto end of tale,. This is rthe fourth Bert bee secured Bean the The Kind Yuu Have Arways Bought signature TUE SONS BANK (Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1S7Q • • • CAPITAL PAID UP •••• --• $3,000.000,00 • • • • • • • Open every Lawtul Day front 10 A. M. to 3r. st, excePt, $atlIrday P14. is, to X 1 , • Fermiers' Sole Notes cashed, or eollectid. Forms eupplled • • On appecetton, tzliAPTe on all points In tbe Dominion. Orcet notnto and Vie • Rol States, bought and sold at lowest rates ot esehange. RESERVE FUND • • • • $ 15 tiranebeS in entail% Quebec, Albeettellritieoleeiltia tted EXETER ElRANPI-1 • • sAvirgois !DEPARTMENT • • Deposits Of iiI11,00 and, upwards received. Interest co • pounded lira yorloys mid added to principal Juno 36114 and Weather Dose De - it pestle Reeetpta also tined andingheet current rates olinterestellowee. • Actvarsces made to homers stock dealers and businees men nt it lowest rates and on most Womble tome Ainenta et Exeter for Min. Clovernme • ' 46) • Dickson & Carling, Solicitors, N. D. HURDON, Manager. 10 4144*******************114.0. in a Atir's ti Burglars entered, tho Commer. dal etotel at Clinton and made toway with about $200 in looney and /m- ole**, besides the bank book several notes and cheques for $5.00. Mr .end Mrs T. O'Neil, of Cline ton, celebeated the 25th anniversary of (their marriage on Toeday last. Thatthey may, live 40 celebrate their goldou wedeljne is the wish of their molly friends, If tbere ever was a specific or any ono complaint then. Carter's Little Liver Pills aro a specific for sick headache and every woman should know this. Only ono pill a dose. Try them. The tru.stees of S. S. No. 7, Hal- lett, bave engaged Miss E. Ohidley, of Clinton, as teacher for 1905. We congratulate this young lady on get- ting a school so near home, and the school is to be congratulated on securing, tse efficient a teacher. We lunderStand that arrangements will he made for continuing the bits- inees of the Clinton Foundry, which has boon closed down shine the death of Mr. 0. 13'. Macpherson. It will re - sumo .operations as soon as they have accomplishe.d taking stock. There passed away , on Sundat morning one of Colborneee oldest and best-known residents, in the per- son of Archibald Sands. He had been a 'resident of Colborne for fifty years having journeyenstxaight to it frora the land 'of hie birth—Scotland, and for 25 years filled the position of 'treasurer of the township. Elmer Taylor, who was assistant at 'the G. T. R. station at Clinton, hes resigned and has been succeeded :by Mr. Victor Miller, of Goderich township, Charles McNevin, who hae been ‘ohecker has been promoted and made relieving agent. Alf. Butt succeeds ItiM there . Chas. McIfevin, freight. clerk , at Clinton station, whose home is ie. Mt. Forest, has again been compell- ed to xeturn home on account of ill- ness. This Is the second attack of fever he ihas had inetwo months' time Mr .Peter Clark, Treasneer of the Township of Culross, died last week at the age of 77 years. , Gordon letanning,, of Clinton, who is oteaching in No. 7 Hallett foued that t he number ,of his scholars dwindled down to one /solitary girl r ecen tly, 'owing to tin p.revalanee of whooping +cough in his isection. Like a good Samaritan he went about trr. ing to 'restore his pupils to good health. 'Last Friday, a farmer in Goder- eli, ,offered a load of cordwood for sale on the market refusing to esti it any ether way than by the load, .it e,eugla if he town by -low says that it rffinst be sold by the cord ; conee. quen Lly a ,c,omplaint was made be- fore She P. M., who issued a aura. - mons. The tiefondant, pleaded guilty` stating lie was not aware of the leve ' end ,Lhe .PP. M. Imposed a nokainsi line, as it. woe a first, offence. I 1 will be :nen now that when „a borer cicoeiinda,ncls, ,wood must be sold h'- ilto Tbe Clinton new Era sat , nurnber nr railitory men a Eittre on seem to be iedignaat over the flOt of the commanding officers of the county in having the stores of the Winghem ;company eornoteltl, !te Xiolge doe, owing to not Lavine an officite !that section to look after No. 2 company. Iluxon regiment was ionl too large when ton companies 'Wert( in ithe regiment, but rit its present standing it hos only seven. No, g Gerrie was .transfOrred to Perth, and No. 10 ot Bayfield became defiant:et R is likely, that enough agitation een be brought to bear "On the autlitt eities to have No. 2 revived it Wingltam with an officer in com- mend . Mrs. Elizabeth 11. Thompson, of Lillydale, N.Y., Grand Worthy Wise Templar, and Member of, W.C.T.U., tells how she recov., ered by the use of Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable' Compound. , 'Dan Mies. leasxneer I am elle of the many of your grateful friends, who have been. cured through the use of Lydia E. Pizakham's "Vegetable Compomtd, and who can to-da,y Manic you for sthe fine health I enjoy. when I was thirty-five years old, I - metered severe backache and frequent bring -down paina ; in fact, I had. *womb trouble. I was very anxious to , welly and reading of the cures your - pound had made, I decided to try It. I took only six bottles,but it built me up and cured me entirely of my troubles. My family and relatives were naturally as gratified as I was. My niece had heart trouble and nervous prostration, and was considered incur- able. She took your Vegetable Com- pound alad it cured her in a short time, and she became well and strong, and her honae to her great joy and her hus- band's delight was blessed, with a baby. I know of a number of others who , have been cured of different kinds of female trouble, and am satisfied that your Compound is the best medicine , for sick svomen.'"-- MRS. ,ELIZAI3ETIC 11. Thourson, Box loe, Lillydale, $5000 forfeit If original of ab000 latter proof% fonulnonecs cannot be produced,