HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-11-24, Page 2II1S PARTICULAR GRAFT TZ'raOl'Sl'sON-410 RANK liZONGST COOIXTNAMS, h Isteane GiVen, to Cohninat's Mine oi A NEW IDEA. O Toeatanent for Indigestion - Now Strength tor the Stomach,. Nrone NAWBleb. 1,aci- Blacaq. Rosiness. The To Treatuteute-that te the latest axed (oily eeientide Care for in- tligeeetion, MI, the leading doct9ea Q f EUrOPe arid Atelerie4, aresi Nvitle seleeatiottal AneeeeS. No more purgative% Ile Were pepsin, no more Pateot foods, rie More long diet lists geolon: '''T,Ocee shalt not eat this or •that: No more ot all tleie-netle- tug. in tact, hut plenty of now, Pure. ride red blood to tome the liver aod give the steloach strength for its work. That is the Tonle Treatment, eat, but never Jo his lifeetor Oudigestiou. he been koowo comen.it robel The tonic treatment is based ott ry with violence. The liencoa recog- ib oew idea that drugs which digest the strength of the Plea. os for the food for the stomach really id to comm. it a crime for weaken, its powees through disitse. e ime not specially troined t 'The digestive orgaps earl llever absurd ;es for a elerle their work properly until tleey are was arreeted Yeiers barge Of bighwoy robbery. well-knowo eharete', and a hat he eoula poosibly gets e4 c,,t sugh gbarge was be e4 Ut suceeedetl, de it lie said to the "bcaus it isn't my eo eucceeded. The men in time lotei etuite v. wide Xeputatiou and had served terms of ' It/eying. strotot ettougli to do it ter them- Iti each depaetment of selves. Tie ouly thing that, can crime t bat each section of give the stomach and the liver new eeeh b thiei„ for instanve. , streugth is good lelood-eaml the only will rerely vr be found coo- thine, that can oetually melee tievio 1 io A burglary, Ao a. matter the thief look* don% 124 tbe THE SCRIPTURAL HABIT GOOD REASONS FOR ALL HE SAYS GIVING OF TrrPc-F's INCREASES RIC Frospertty in Increasineasure to Those Who Give Syse temotically, A. collectioxi of printed matter ou the eulejeet 9f givino f000d oi the lit,Tary ef an upeeeate clergyina OfferS a new and practieelly enweiked teld to the diseiple of oneet thought." It toueiteo open thesub- ee 'see.t from. sidee in, whiele thero m an enorwood. Oat, Nov. 2Lo-(SPeaial). Oen-feet of interest to the busineee --ow, W. N. hasOin. the weli-knowo mon, wio to the speculative student. lumberieim ana railroad contreetor, as wag as to the religious oeootee. Imre. is ore 9/ tbose who oever feil For the business oten there is a to $ay a good word for Dodd's Kid- / tabulated record of resulte believed PeY rill- afr. Ilas'''cl-4 gi've•5 filo "4° wtcoillIdalNy'e iiprinogsedoetrY°11.4eltobrocirg"jutetrthoof sP'141rw:YIATA: Y1;1/11'971.4 was' 1414 " with style themselvee, are a new reloue 00"t1110:trio.'n' ol.rnala;nisci:op:iwate; :hoenlojuld4::: 4;:n11:14g:aentdo I:ildvone:PPlive::::. Ait ln ate yluai, 0 vialimall10141.4. peal, given in tee form a ,,, ewnwete times I woulel bevon* vety weak aod seet WheSe present hea,deptarters tine 1 protniees, avid instances Woo thework oti tbe O.P.R. owl the Party 41)014, four lodes front Enniskilleo DODD'S KIDNEY FILLS 'CURED W, Well -Known Noowood Contractor Always gas a Oocol Word for Dodd's Kidoey What shrunk your woolens?. Why did holes wear so soon? You used common soap. a.n•D‘iiC XXPg•PISE, AsU ror Mc- eetemeu 1„tep. utimmumignewammicamEnnwommommosemomegam “TRATOP FILGRIDOS." New Religiolos Sect Casing Xue Comment in Ireigmd, Tue "tramp ogrims,- a4 they leo. tome oepe record of mode SoUnet end people all know bow Ire141714- The esseatlal 001'315'741 jo tr44 Tiloro People Than Are Aw - ern instancee winch the practice of(le 1 woo - prosperity. Naille$ of well knowo iDodel*e KiOney plus leo me en try ss,icin. and as this takes place daily It 'Y -ave Reart Pfseasea;re has been., coexistent with increasicz. "Beading of wennerna cures by ,helief of the pilgrims is total innuel...„ fe/iCee,, 74-riA ',64,-friee.egit"ew 04€9.4`l CrOn. ge(77V909/ae.714-' 44,VVZICA Cta74,14:Cri/ 4e4 —Wag, 414eyte ULTS We con band's your poultry eith tahre or dressed to best advantag Also your better, eggs, honey au other Produce. THE DAW_PON 001V1MISSION CO., Lirirt Coe. west Market anuf coluorrox Sta., TORONTO, 1"0 HEAD'r AFFCTED9' a a TNes" they argee, "have im need cowartlly iinplements titie redo' koives. Wo don't have to Jill lean beings perolm- ay. but only woot their property," WS attitude oll Ilia port a the wet. XnakeS him rather a eespeeted meniber of tbe crimival brotherhood in. the eyes of "the force." A "goed ; thief," oe one detective is fond of voting. "is the Lind of luau weUL to A "GOOD 11111,W" who verbs on a men of iiraelical affairs. respected by i theilat. 410 saY "law not bad 'le the riYer thousands of persons ."-If eaceraluation were AnIde kilaN'e been 41-tr et 4 I 'everYone pea lo w b ing inereaPe of rittes coincident irM t00% three boxes' 19 ore idecq AMI liallirtar°41.14r4" 4/Jter h t4) 1144n14er PPr6911$ ‘1441kWg with extant is known: es the "SCrip-' cOMPletely." joaneenge le ono (,)f the ithia po.,blie baptism the cenverta re- ma -,4,114- suilering from heart disease." turel habit of givIng," in nut y reStlit3 of Kidney Piseacv Cure vow can their exPeriencess and tell how Ams startling statement wee mad bloo71 is Dr. Ailliains° Pink Pills for ti/e vastness Neerld ore, quoted os beo„ any paina since I wed them, It, ll 4 parts P o sutp s , Pole People. They binVe leng been .1t-atene-te as the greateat blood -building 11 tonic in the world, and all the iligh- 1 est necilleal authOrities atone that the olio seientiA0 cure for MdigeStiOn le the Toole. Tovatoteet. The mar- ;ovelloue succees ot the treottneet has 'hem proved]. in moor coreer or tho Dominion, One of the latest Wit- 'nesses is Mr. Jos_eph Ito‘-thette sL Jeronte, Que., who VASS: "I Sitaply iS "gri-aft" is to great row. Usu. ttiortxR and t"Va, ibeForn Itualdrer, er travaled arid fn on the liner omit breoree 1,00lta to the officers. Now. eeteli a :Jan is an taritm:rat tra I is, enny o, Tr you itcft, five da - an b do or drelre,a1 vow • 1 tb. thief" b. return it to you; lie, tt - eatil of approvrial hie; ' won: pick your. pocket. nat his ft" to involve his pzatan in Ill tible little lareen- ire v:1 there fele 60 tte Sea ''Becides," he 1.„ "I vent had enla , a thing, rout aline it it I t vied. Ael,ed what kind ot eritninal moz.t respeeted by the force. det4.1rtive at ti us that "we like good forger. A forger has to be A. river cbap, and generally well edu- cated. We •don't rank sueii a mon with; your five-eent 4,Iva-sneak." if you look, down the list of Iorfous persone enivately issued to Scothi-ad Yard officials, you will find dorms of different branches of ALONS. Tliere is the hotel thief, the luggage thief, the race -course thief, the shop lifter, the omnibus thief, the bicycle ;thief. There are as many brauches utmost of thieves as there arc of clerks, and curiouslee eaceugh, wheu inne a man has been associated with one or another of these branches, he will very rarely be found engaged ht la different branch. It is a ease of Eveier xnan to his trade. When Flash Fred, the Inggage thief, comes out of gaol, the police know very well that ho will not be mixed un in any affair of jewels or bicycles. Re will at once again turn his atten- tion to luggage. As to why crimin- als rarely or never alter their mode nt We, though they have served Many terms of imprisonment, is an 'odd question, difficult to solve. "It's a. man's -profession," said a. doubtful character to us. "You, for instance, have made your living in the past as an ink -slinger, and you're not going to suddenly change and be- come a bargee. Well, then, when a limn has carried a certain branch of thieving to a nne art, do you supjiose he's going to throw away all his knowledge of -the ropes and experi- ence, just, because he's had to mit up with a year or so in quod? Not likely. It's his living, and he'll stick to it. THE SPECIALTY -THIEF falls into his precise "graft" by chance. Perhaps his earliest thieving iinstinct applied itself to stealing Sweets from shops as a small boy. In Sorne schools one boy with this instinct will, set the fashion to sever- al others. It will be voted clever and smart to purloin a packet of choco- late, or what not. If not detected, the boys will persevere and filially become skilled at shop -lifting. Then it is that the idea develops, and we fled our Man a shoo -lifter pure end simple. and quite inexperienced in any other "graft." IVaurtler, of course, cannot be called a "graft." In the best .criminal cir- cles, the inurderer is not seriously re- garded at all. A Mall who would be so foolish as to put his neck into a noose, for no special -reason of gain, is classed merely as a non -criminal fool. Only if he has committed the ; crime Os a last resort, end been fair- ly succeS.eful concealing it, and has, above all, gained substantially by it, could he be enrolled in t/ie in- ner circle of crinie.--Pearson's Weekly. nese% the p)Oil fortune is attributeoe Kidelove with )odd 'o It'idney rata' theo_oY lie eit,ve been "sdvett" ' ,by the beneilelary sciteiy to the bonit, and you. will cure your 1411111.Mg0. 4444 P-"41WAra CoOPe:/.. A POT/ Of Arr., ,t -trot with °them who aro Mere von - UW .-...”'.....'f '''''''.......'-... .&erva,Uva aa t4 aro hc4,iered to ho4XTTTICB Al -D DOM; O'FtENICS. r'at least. elotnay involved, 1 GIVItS Trrnr,s PROM FIRST, te to 'MVPs for the 'Improve, Ole ili the eNampIes quoted is of a mer.t ot liusband-s• , bated the thOUght fend. 0Codinotutire soap marufactitrer of wanto to zee be' !wetland.* coulee I had to fOree ialYaelf tO eat, ,CWorld, Ride reputatiOn. Startede!e reSax She le Advised by but afterwards aiways suffered, to London upou bis businees career a With dull, heavy pains in the stone- as a boy with all his worldly pos- beat by a doctor at a recent inquest a Zsteanti, and, accerding eo, to (looney, one of the prel.„ to a, Loudon heart specialist, is in al Merehente of IpEonisOillen, has certalia degrea corrects his family uncl one to Ballillee "1 S1)441141 P9t liko aasY that to ivo4 tie'nn pilgrims. !wort disease is AS OCATIMOle title MOMS of persons front coure iMPLY," said tile CsPertit "ha ertannagh hare followed lir. 4 a -1-2a °.r° thAt on/ober Of Per- eOleo going about with weak hearts roust be very large. But this is not disease of e heart. whici‘ I believe is really ulle0110110n, "Lfundrecla of people go about their daily work on tile verge of death. and yet do not hnaw it. It is oat when the shock comes that kills them • that the unsuspected WealitleSs of the heart is made Apparent, "Navy think their hearts aro at - ted, boweler, and have really no' I thing the umtter with them at ull. ITitere we 0. great many people who. 'Mover fail to go out without their and entbraced the NOW Imilef, oven sold their farina or r en diet to give hien WO their business. ha order to joie of lettuce a day, and to give the new Jordeuitee, ovh. I seemed to be bilioue well eessioes in a in111(110, and his solo biro portion of lettuce with poach- During the present weelc sixty -tow and this caused severe lleed4ClieS,,'eapital 1410Wleage of wapmehlog. ed eggs every might. fur six \recite, ers011e have been imptized in Pallie further aggravated nly Maar- Iiceirese of an incident upon the way ,,Thse writer giVea these hints en how ssidY river. and these aro now go, position. 1 grim pale. fellehe beeathe so profoonelly impre-sed to prepare this magic rutti.er of resse- mg about seoNing convertS, weiplet and the tubo with a belief In the printlitles 4al tithe ate tintott nmsculute elteetim-- the method of baptism: he undermining my gm*, V'„1/ WW1 Ids it eareiNgs he, If yoo break the biteds, cut the On the harem a the river the p11 - n. I tried several reme - proccolled to Corry it into teeet. Se leaves from tite lettuce heals and teelms assemble arid corafitet deco- ithoqt l,ltiCa‘"; a doctor tr.r troy. 01.andootrot prhelleens throw them tor some time before 4tforoil exereleen Then teey form ultet ottritood _Osage, is Ilea:illy *0 ease-- the Iruoilleso terving iuto the %vase, for washing lane on either side. Tito persons to 014 t1^4" q-- an aVilWeti a large al. the ha- and cleamitig, tho best part will be be bapWed tn.-Arch through this al tie N fot rnt ;Amt.. ,lelt Was routinized ittereaeed retio Wet. no lettuce heads should he bonnes being SWIM in the meantime. fdr lailne,e jtiv tl;rough all the iv-nee/lino 110.14i$ to washed Whole alai CUM and prepared Standing to 14191011ns tbe river is name and address somewhere Wien ,,,111° lu;44:k.,, rirlas„ whir.sli soap orcumplVted for idiortly before fiereing in order to re- ore the pilgrims, and lie, repeat -40m and, 4 1311N1 hraudY ready for etios, and s, B.C.Cmt*&A .A-4) this mialipti*v^ihirer. no literature in tato all oourishing eubstancee, In /be usual bapteenme formula. tolergenele3, OM; Yet 'OW never Awl 1144ing tha 1411ta 441r which tbis JneKent is in;iadeil treats,* Variety In food does not net:essay. catches, the person converted and Om. several 11, e the soleleet from the novel Mottle By mean a e,,'eat variety itt any one platen hlut completely wafer tho "Some of these people will Oven imProvelih'Int In 31Z7 cton* el point that it h a molter of indPler- meal, nor tiers it neu ride pgv,tries , water. •tri7 written instructions in their only was uty d1in better„ 114 epee whether it Veliq mostly the tithes and indigeitibie stuns. A meal of ral health unproved in every tutt* t proveil the royal road io ritshes. two or three articles is really better "village that the authorities he-ve So meat is the excitement in the Pnokets as to evbat is to be done comes, with them when the Om -meted seizure New blood Fet,eliell to be or vio soap. That somewhere a 'grog, number, but each meal deemed it prudent to &oft extra pco se t te I Fort trim blames do Oa. 0 th'"gih Yt.1"' INV!' tween ibe two In,Ir 4 eOurfi•e elleatIll be different from the other. Ince to Ilallimunallard but so far "One mittelle-aged lady 1 hnow Wes 1e Iti e • 'b ' , ' „ from whieh the tliblar sviitein was Iireabfasst, dinner and suprer SnOlaru their EerViee,S have not been required. 60 cenallent tlmt .11K`t" 'wart' w3s I took eight boxes oft1Dr. . - • n to sudden failure that, sho never went F polo altogether. wild those who „never absent is the fact that is point- ,conFist of toilet:eat articles of food, anywhere without ber brandy Phial. see me now would never }mow /, rtil,Orxt. 'Ms. as well 08 other Ineltiad these be oaried frotit clay to day, had tieen art 1111Well day in my life. 11,c14'111tf; Isevery- utilutearchn e n -Dr . Von, Stan' awl got her husband to tell preqented as coinciding A variety et wholesome foods well t wife is the ono who does net, serve to does the. contain lejitriouo drum) or taelc OM°, pills, anti etrongly advise every Alma t11114Mag it - Even', young, man who eleons his clothes with gasoline does not get credit for owning, an automobile. �t is easy enotigli to acquire a equitation as an orator if one can remember what soineone else has nald. °homy " said his mother, who , , bad him across her Itnee, "this hurts xrie worse than it dges e I Was afraid,".- said Johnny, under, hill breath, -"that cardboaid I put in my arcueers ha injure bier deltcate tend! low° toy splendid be.,Aith to thespovitlf the oeriptural promise rather cooked Is needed. 1.110 eelletble liellfie• Pineapple Tablets Are not wa onettomts body knew whet to do if an at - dyspeptic or Weak Person to lose no Records( of an AI'n league are butilmail end children the things day areotice-they aro the pore 'vegetable1 "CurfouslY enough, it wee the time in taking them." also given iu Which emit member not after day %nail their appetites aro pepsio-the medicinal extract /rout this jband who died from sudden heart „tin noehette's statement is a on gieel his tenth but submits an cloyed, and their stomachs go on u tuselous fruit, and the tablets are pre- failoye, The rife died years after - strong tribute to the Tonic Treat- annual repot af blu hestuese pros- 'strike. 'Ile food should vary from pared itt as palatable form as the jwards from another disease. meet. Dr. Williams* Plide Pine gugpa [Pertir, Tho res" --alis, sad to suelulso season to liQuoll• from daY to tint', fruit itself, TheY cure hulilleVous GO n23(nitiselallsled,OuibsttilloYrohlelarel.aiweneatllieos:: In a box, 35 cents:SO him because they actually made new oven llie most sanguine believers in from Ineal to meal. rich blood for lam. These pills go the worldly prosperity ot tithers,1 Bat meat., eat fish., eat vegetables, a-days1 should think that the right down to the root of the trou-'show only two or three out of thou- eat fruits, eat cereals, but do not stress a living, the wear and rush ble in the blood and cure that. The sends who do not report largely in- try to eat them all in one day. Be- of modern business iffe-tparticularly ew blood they make carries healing' creneetl besinees prosperity. The emember your body is Matte up of the live minutes' meal followed by a a health and strenerth to every part. of books or the old lOouth church of many different elements, and tt is rush for the train-liave lot to do the body. That is the new Tonle Boeton, which hare eareflilly preserv- best nourished by many Oifferent with heart trouble. Anil I am sure Treatment, and the highest medical ed names or doom and the amount kinds Of food. that heart 'weakness caused by over - making is on the inerea.se," 00,01•••••••11, Quite recently the boatswain of a British man -o" -war buried the cap- tain at sea, reading the Burial Ser- vice himself. authorities 210W recommerrd this given by each for the last lifter years Minard's Liniment Cures treatment for all the common ail- axe also called hi as evidence, World - merits such as anaemia, headaches, ly prosperity is attested here by the backaches, rheumatism, sciatica, MU- names of many 'who began giving at might, nervousness, dyspepsia and that early period -who are still giv- general weakness. These are all ing end WheSe seine have increased caused by bad blood and therefore axe from year to year. The names of all cured by Dr. Williamsrink several of the largest givers are to Pills. You can get these pine from he found tho list /Ay. years ago, any medicine dealer or by mail IA when they commenced giving smau riOe a box, or six boxes for $2.50 by atnenots. 'writing to the Dr. :Williams Medicine , sTors SPENDTHRIFT. Co., Broekville, Ont. Explanations of the practical effect of this system of giving oder an 'at- tractive field of speculation to the DEEF.-SODDEN LONDON. students who explain governing caus- TILL NOON. ' The Sim, pie DishThatKeeps One -- tes mid effects scientifically. First One Tublie-house to Torenter-nine it is pointed out 'the most emphatic Breit ix]. East District. dimetion is that it shall be systema- Vigorous and Well Fed. tic. This not only doe.s atvay with Whe.n the Doctor takes his own na.vies of the worlrwill be tinder Hard," by 1lev. Richard Tree, Loa- rpomlieg also. and Can only result in water." "Yes, and I reckon Russia's ing of the East End to an extent in- oaf, those evho follow it are obliged speird.thrift, see_ he recommends some confidence comes to the observer. on, expoens the excessive beer drink- the salvation of the will be the first!" credible, if facts were not furnished to keep a, cax.eful system of monetary A Grocer of Ossian, Ind., bad a practical experience with food worth Sceue--Small '.vaysitle station; train anproaching--Sandy (to his master): "Bero's yer tram, sir." Master (who has his own ideas about cor- rect speech) : '"Ilhat's not my train, but rather the train I'm going by." Ilut it happened to be a special train and didn't stop at the station, whereupon Sandy exclaimed "We're haith wrong, for it's neither your train nor the ane ye're Vain by, hot its the ane that's gone by your!. ilidess a man is willing to confess his ignorance lie will never be in a position to learn. One Short Parr Clears the Head. -Does yeu head ache? nave you pains over your eyes? Is the breath ellen. sive? These are certain symptoms at Catarrh. Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Pow- der will cure most stubborn eases in a marvellously- short time. If you've had Catarrh a week itis a sure cure. If it's of fifty years' standing it's Just as ef- fective. 50 cents, -57 ''Yes; submarine -boats are very popelar of late years. Soon the A book called "Seven Years' foolish' and irrational giving. but of medicine ,and the grocer eats the food t.o prove his point. records. The business man who fol- anyone's attention. Dr. A. Salter, of Janmiea Road, S. lows it knows what he is doing from , ,s • years E., has spent a year in investigating the drink question in the borough of Bermondsey. fflie statistics he has gathered with regard to the ptiblic lioeses are extraordinary. So far, he has analyzed five dis- tricts in the boroligh. In one of these where the average wage per man is 26s per week, there is one public House tO every 29 men and every 27 inhabited houses. In anether area of seven and a half acres there are al men to every public-heaise, while the average weekly wage of the men is only 23s. "The result of this state of things - in the particular area -pot the whole bormegh--ruay be summed up in the words, 'Hopeless demoralization.' In the 'areas given I have no hesitation in saying that' 90 per cent. of tlie families are drink -ridden. They are simply drink areas." g week to week and from. month to so says: weak from stomach and bowel traction of tthe cordS of my leg, and month, so that he can never fail for had to be taken honle in a rig. I a large ainourit. His knowledge of trouble that I was finally compelled his affairs, self-denial, and systematic to give up, all work in my store, and could not sleep for pain, and was un - payments are bound to win success in fact all sorts of work, for about !able to put na3r foot to the floor. A. for Elm. Third it gives a strong four years. The last year I was friend told me of your MINAIM'S , NT, and one hour from the motive for enthusiastic work Co / o the o nearlya for nth td t tl. b d all of the LIN= time, a those who haven't it for any other and ' nauch of the time unable Lo retain food of any sort on my cause. Tithers, so it is stated, and stomach. My boWels were badly it appears not without reaSon, in- constipated contintrany, and I lost in variably become enthusiastic givers weight from 165 poends down to 88 and so become enthusiastic workers. pounds. One of the cases found in the re- ,,When at the bottom of the ladder cords is the sworn statement of a -Lich 1 oianged treatnaent entirely and an extravagant measure of success. of iness house which tithed its pro- started in on Grape-Nute and cream a bus f fits, aside from tim giving oi its per- or nourishment. I used absolutely nothing but this for about three sonal mein/eel's, as co"la oniY °Pen it months. I slowly improved until I to the suspicion of being a clever gd- vertisement if printed in any way but got out of bed and began to move about. C. C, RICHARDS & CO. 'Dear Sirs, -A few days ago 1 woe taken 'with a 'severe pain and con- A MOTHER'S PPEOA.uTION. There is no telling when a medicine may be needed in homes Nvhera there al'e young children, and the feilure to have a reliable medicine at hand may mean much sufferieg, and, per- haps, the loss of a priceless life. Every mother should always keep a box of Baby's Own Tablets in the house. This medicine acts promptly and speedily, cures such ills as stom- ach and bowel troubles, teething troubles, simple fevers, colds, worms and other little ills. And the moth- er has a guarantee that the Tablets contain no opiate or harmful drug. One wise another, His. Geo. Hardy, Foureliti, says: "1 have und Pabeee Own Tablets and find them a blOoduff fgt. &Wren. 1 am flat sat- isned without a box In the house at all times," If your 'dealer does not keep ;OA trolgto in stock send 25 ceoto to The Dr. :Williams' Medicine Drooliville lOnt. and you will get box Ity 'max pest paid the semi-privato character of these records. As it is, the 4:00 per cent. profits which were reached, were giv- en as "" direct fel- have been improving regelarly, and now in the past two years have leen working aboet fifteen hours a testimonyto the fillrnent of the challenge; eBring ye td.eavY 113,111).it..-.1.eiisfeto. re and never felt bet - all the Lltfiee into the storehouse and prove ine nwherewith--e''- ow never innficeettifiesae twobi•years Tla eakfyaesatofGrape- It)yze is also significant fact that Nuts c,nd, cream, and often have it while this collection of literature two meals a day, but the entire, comprises the Whole gamut of facts and material for what is. known as brealdast is always made of Grape- , Nuts and cream alone. modern methods af Preaahing, as well "Sinee commencing the use of as "modern thougnt" out of deference Grape -Nees 1 ha' e never e sed any- thing to stimulate the action of the bowels a thing I had to d6 for years, but this food keeps me regu- + larixcl trnit) lino shape, and I am grow- ing stronger and heavier every day. NOT SO ,MAD AFTER ALL. "My customers naturally, have A nobleman, against whom Olsen- been •interested and I am compelled ity Was iinputed by his relatives, NV -AS to answer a great many questions askecl, during •examination by Lord about Grape -Nuts. I.,otiglaboroug,h, "aTow many legs has "Some people Would think- Lha,t a le of sdaat ihel:ao,edss‘ uphdecioaeldsh:decipalisfe?:ais:e3'hc.:plee:ue-biplrool?irr :L.': 1, asked/.stohi,eaemlinpu.aote elierdIms:enap_, osnwci,"(n).seco7i1 Mich he f)nihefilN, CN'VEtlhjiitl:slicidalagnn,11tadoticon,crve'ett'llhlillTerl "Is it not the same thing?" said meet vigorous fashion." e is re lit ence, A live sheet) Sas'four lees, •a Look each. padtage for- the fam- Name given by Postern Co, -Battle to the spirit of altruism, it is onlv selected from ad ,isoclly and held as a source of reference rather then'exhor- tation. first application, I was able to walk, and the pain entirely disappeared. You can use My name as freely as you like, as I eoesider it the hest rexnedy 1 have ever used. CHRISTOPHER GERRY. Ingersoll, Ont. Youth is going to tackle the things to-raorra‘w that age finished yesaer- clay. Levers Y -Z (Wise Head), Disinfec- ant Soap Powder dusted in the both, softens the water and • disin- fects. Many a man who imagines he could run tlie earth can't even manage a small garden successfully. • Bed-ritillert 15 Yeas. — "If anybody wants a written guarantee from me personaily as to my wonderful cure from rheumatism by South American Rheumatic CUre I will be the gladdest woman in the world to give it," says Mrs. -John 13eaumont, of Elora. "I had despaired of recovery up to the time of taking this wonderful remedy. It cured coInpletely.''—.5S Be the critic of your own work, and have no higher court of appeals than . your owj n udgment. - rer Over Sildin Mato. 11'12,7m evy'r,Soornrar0 Sy,1 been ised Millions of mothers for the,. i 0. , while teething. riiiIngetlriBit!e•heireuVtdOss!to'esro'rt,InhaP0141"0';),,. neatrifne°0x.or Tharrham. ,wenty-tire cents a had() Bold bydrui;gietz throughout, the world. Ile aura awl gig foto Mit,. IV/Ns to w'msooTaiicti z 'au r." 22-01 , "My stater ,can play the plario'beau- tifollYi" '-`011;, '''',131lt you Ought ' to hear my sister Pay the penile • lumI" , A. school boardi official called at the home of a. pupil whose absence had extended over a week, and In- quired of the lad's mother the cause. "Why," she said, "lie's post his thirteenth year, an' me and ids father think he's after haulier school - in' enough!" "Schooling, enough! Why, I did not fmisli my education until I was twenty-three." "Ile that so?" asked the mother, in arm:ge- ment. Then, reassuringly, after a moment's thoughtful pause, "But that boy of ours has brains." ilinard's Liniment Cores Distemper. Fishermen on the Lake of Neucha- tel are using motor boats. Bright's Disease-- Insidious 1 Decep- tive: Rem nitres& ! has foiled hundreds of trials by medical science to stem the tide of its ravages -and not until South American Kidney Cure proved beyond a doubt its power to turn back the tide, eves there, a gleam of anything but despair for the victim of this dread form of kidney disease. -54. If you must knock, get out in the middle of a forty -acre lot and wield your hammer. floard'a USW Gums Carpel in nova A young married couple's Drst quar- rel usually begins with an argument about how to- avoid quarrele. pfa e, nanvaiJi?m,I;Tgl'trtra",; 1 and absolute cure* for eace '1"19 'and every form of itching, bleeding and protruding piles, he manufacturers have guare.ateed it. Bootee imonials in the daily press and ask your Ilei.sh. iors what they think of it. You can use it and fet i our monov back if not cured. fee a bo, at Jo dealers or EDMANSON,BATES & Co.,Torento, Or, Chases Ointment OPEen-ATOBS WANTe-71). The bending of railways all over this Dominion is opening good posi- tions for telegraph operators. The supply is short, the demand good. young men should give this calling more attention. The work is easy to learn, and the expense of qualify- ing is small when you attend the Central School of Telegraphy in Toronto, which is in affiliation with the well known- Central Business' College under the principalship of alr. W. H. Shaw. These schools ttee thoroughly reliable and offer super- ior advantages, --- Mr. Stubbs -"Yes, that Mrs. Full - rich attended the missionary meet- ing and contributed oven her jewel, lery to the poor heatlieb." Mrs. Stilts (enviotisly)-''Well, only a heatieen would wear suoli jewellery an Ufa Fullricli carries on her per - 01 ade big enou1i for man to work in w1 1 -las more mate any other brand or Canada. Made scale it requires 393' to 43 yards per dozen, Where, .4•1111M. r common shirts Ilave only 3 to 33 yards. That's the reason why the "Big" Shirt never chafes *the armpits, is neve tight at tile neck or wrist- band; is always loose, full and comfortable and wear Eachshirt that tells the whole history of the "Big" Shirt., and also contains a notarial declaration that the }LEX. "Big" Shirt contains 39.,T,-.1 to 42, yards of material per dozen. Sold at all dealers but only with this brand:— HUDSON BAY KNITTING CO Montreal Winnipeg Dawson 1 Friend -"Why do you allow your daughter to bang the piab0 so hard?" IOather--"I'm hoping she'll either sprain her wrist or break the instrument!" Ninard's Liniment CURS CBI Teacher—"I suppose you know, Harry, that in keeping you atter school I punish myself as well as Harry --"Yes, to.'m; that's why I don't mind it!' Baby Humors, —Dr. Agnew's Oietinene soothes, quiets, and effects quick and effective cures in all skin eruptions corn- moM to baby during teething time. It is harmless to the hair in cases„.,0 Scald Eend, and cures Eedzerna, Salt; Ithca and all Skin Diseases of 'older pcopi 35 cents. -55. FLATTERY PAYS. ; Johnson -'Oh, you cocoa' t talk! You're not quite perfection yo-ursell, I would have you loapw.'a Mr. Smithers--"No, my dear; but wheo You're about l'en vety - near perfectiona', Miss Johnson' (coming closer) - "Oh, Itemy!" 10111•11101.1112011. The thousands of people who write to me, saying that ting:0119s Consumption CureThei.Lung Tonc Icured them of chronic coughs, cannot all be mistaken. 'Obere must be some truth in. It. Try a battle for that cough of Inert. ( Peteesi S. C. Vries & Co. Ole 25e, 50e. al. LeRoy, 1-1:7 ,Toronto Can. 'ISSUg' .01