Exeter Times, 1904-11-24, Page 1URON & MIDDLESEX GAZ FITT E%
"*....................... 4................4...46"1I..
2 N . 1:
, the time i
. , .
to be on the look out fel' a I
Wood Or coal as we have a
large *umber to choose from
of the leading makers of Can- •
Ada, naely
e your wife's face wreath in A
Arid either One of them will ni
Petual millennial glow,
good range or eook stoye,
per -
We ale() carry a large stock of base burners, air Ugh , hot
**, blasts to choose from,
We make a specialty of Ears Troughingrnace Work,
Double and single acting force pump, batb,roora, and plumbing of
U kinds on the shortest netice,
We also carry of A full line of shelf hardware,
Z Cement the two leading brands, National and Star b
Bought with Confidence.
Worn with Satisfaction,that's
the Record of every suit we
Remember we offer
you the Suit that lasts, the
.Suit that fits, the Suit that
-holds, the greatest value for
—*T. -money.
W. W Taman.
Merceeettet TedIr
The Prince of Wales Carriages
and o -Carts ere always in it
for style and finish. a nicely as-
gorted stock just arrived
We are again showing the cele-
brated Cleveland Bicycles which
are the best Table in the market
to -day for the money.
Bring hi your old wheel and
have it repaired and cleaned
:satisfaction guaranteed,
S. Martin.
tic FEED
The supplying of your every.
day needs is what we are working
for. To get it we give you good
goods and deliver them to any
part of the town free. We keep
a large supply of
Flour aid Feed
constantlly on hand.
Come in and give
us a trial Order.
Remember we deliver all goods free to
any pare of the town
O'Briert's Grocery, Exeter
mado to oraer
We have a nice line ef
Overceating in Black and Blue
Beaver, Black Serge, and
Grey Overcoating. Made in
any style you wish.
We will give you the best
of linings and workmanship,
making a comfortable coat.
Come in arid see OUT doat-
ing and the latest styles.
Merchant Tailor
-There are several ,new easen o
soarlet kever in town ,
....The Epworth Lengno •3avo '
very interesting entertainment on
Wednesday evening,
-It is, rumored that Mr. S. Holtz-
man attends rebuilding his former
place of business.
I-Mr ,Ii. Either, M .P, f',, hiasiont
returned horne from Muskoka Nvliere
be ripent a few days deer hunting
Mr .Eilber had a pleasant outing,
-Messrs. Wm. Lewin H. Sweitzer
antt,Dr„ and Mrs. Heist left On Tues-
day tor Toronto, to attend the Con-
vention of the Liberals of Ontario
on NI ednesdai of this week.
-A very pleasant Mine was seen
bY th3 reembere of the Literary- So-
ciety on Monday evening last a tue
b.emo of Mrs., Zwickert This Ives a
coesical evening end selections were
givee by Miss Lulu Eesery, Miss
Clara Heist. Mrs. Chishelm. Miss
Vivian Beaver, :Niles Beulah- Beaver,
Mr, Chisholm oaul Dr. Itaist. Twe
interesting papere were given. one
,011 elie iife a Sisakespeare by Miss
Lewie end another on the composer,
Wagner by !Are; ;feel:alter. Miss
Clark aleo gave a recitation, The
e elegy will meet on Monday, Nov.
Mb et MIR Clark's home, Ti 811b-
jeet "Diekene"
Itoy Coaltice. of St. Marys,
spent 'tee Tlitteltsgivinse holidays un-
der elle 0.3rental roof.
Mr, Jobe Pieter spent Suntill
friende in Exeter.
Geev WSIcocke, left on Sit
Weiler Ion Pullman 111.1 Nvilglx)
ILAs a. Rood situation aS Bookkeepe
-Miss MeKass, of St. Toms,
spout -the holidays with Mr. an
Mrs. Welter Hero.
-The telepliono hes a t
itu evorking order tier
of eeveral tveeks .
Quality of our goods is t ve
Will our trade on. Cannot uo
xcelled. Harvey Bios.
Have you found. out that Harvey's
"Star" flour surpasses all. Don't
be tempted to suostituto inferior
line.s .
alitehell-esndrewe-11. very pret-
ty holiday Nvedding was that whieli
took place on the evening of Thaeks-
givine Day at p. m. the resi-
dence of Mr. Sidney Andrew, when
hue yoangest sister, Miss Zeta, 'WAS
united in marriage to Mr, Albert
Mitchell, et prosperous young farm-
er of Dielduiple near Centralia. At
the appointed hour the groom took -
his place awaiting the bride who
entered the parlor on the arm of her
brother, to the strains of the Wed, -
ding march played by Mrs. Wil-
son, of Cromarty. pollow.ing her
were ler two little nestles, littee Miss
Elva Roweliffe, of Exeter, as flower
girl, tarrying. a Lewitt of pink and
white carnations, and little Miss
Rota Andrew, of Cromarty,
ring bearer both daintly at -
tired in white silk The bride
looked lovely in at dress of
white Persian lawn trimmed with
insertion artl Duchess Satin ribbon
nod carried a shower boetet of bri-
dal roses and Maiden -hair -fere The
ceremony +waS perfornma by Rev. W.
II. +Cooper, of Elimville, rend was
very'solemn and impressive, guests
being present from Byron, Ilderton,
Damn, Chicago, Toronto. Brantford,
'fedora, Gorrie, London, Cromarty
and Exeter. After congratulations
the guests were invited to the din-
ing room where they partook of a
dainty wedding breakfast, the tablea
and dining teem _being prettily de-
coraited in green and white, Mr.
Cooper proposing the toast to the
health of the bride and groom, then
to their parents, and lastly to the
host land hostess, Mr. and Mrs. S.
Andrews. The 'evening was aeter-
wards .spent in social chat, singing
and igramaphorie selections, nutir the
small hours of ,the morning, when
the ;happy couple left for their note'
home, ithe bride wearing a vet:y hood
suit of grey snow -flaked, trimmed
avith 'crashed velvet. They were
showered with rice and followed
with 'best wishes for a long and hap-
py voyage over the matrimonial sea
of life. Among the many beauti-
ful and useful presents, many were
received tram a distance, among
which was noticed one from'El. Paso,
Texas. The groom's present to the
little 'maids of honor were eaCh
golden pin with brilliant settings.
Canada is bounded by three oceans
and is 3,500 miles wide from west to Eden
east, and 1,400 .miks from nortle to -Thanksgiving passed off quietly
south'. in our burg.
Our ;school tell has been fixed
THE and once more we hoar i,t ding.
-Me. Davidson visited at Mr. Jas.
Handf,ord's on Sunday.
a'Liss Ida Caves, milliner of
Cheap -eh -le, is at home tor the wint-
- Mr. and Mrs. Budder, of FarqU-
liar, spent Sunday Ivith , Miss Clara
- Mrs. J. Miller of Exeter was a
guest at Mr. IL Coates' the latter
pant, of t he week.
-The church shed is almost cona,
most completed and the corner looks
like itself again-
--Mr. Fred Luxton and daughter,
Miss Minnie, Spent the Th5nksgivine
holidays, in London.
-Mr. and Miss leueler spent Sun-
day g 'tests of Miss Clara Luxt on ,
who was at home for the day.
-Miss Lela Buswell, who iS at-
tendinre High School at Inman, spent.
Thanksgiviing holidays at home.
-Miss `staa Caves hos return-
ed 'home af ter spending the past
three ,m,oellis in the millinery de-
partment near Toronto.
--There is 40 be a literary enter-
tainment Igiveein h,e church, .41CXt
11.101141ay night, under the a liSpiCCS of
the Epworth League. A zood pro-
gramme iS expeceed. Everybody
come and hele a good cauee.
Merchants Bank of Canada
=CAPITAL (all paid up). • • • • • • • • • •
RESERVE • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
' THOS.:FISBEaeneral manager
95 Branches in
• • • • • • •• • • 6,000,000
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • $3,200,000
• • • • • • • • •••• 0••11$ 18,959
Superintendent of Branches
• Interest at most favorable current rates allowed on Savings
31Bank Accounts and Deposit Receipts.
Special attention given to the business of Farmers and Cattle-
-men, to whom loans are made on approved names,
Letters of Credit issued to travellers, payable in all parts of the
W, S. (3HISHULIAi Manager.
-Mr. john Clark, of Ibis plate,
has seceren a position in Granton.
-Mr.•Charles Carter, of this *et,.
moved on Tuesday to Also Cram.
- G. 0, jone,s left on a trip to
Ireland, the land a bis forefathers.
- Riebard Canticle ello for
the past few months has been in tbe
Northwest, has returned home .
-Mr. M. Miller and Mr. James
Simpson are taking in the sights of
the World's Fair at St. Louis,
-Mr. .James Barry, =of this place
has left for Eaneaa City, where he
will spend a month with his brother.
-Miss Jane' Cunningham, of, Chic -
i' going to spend tto next few
months with ber cousin, Mr, James+
- .Miss Morton, tbe lady evangel-
ist, who for the past three weeks has
been preaching in the Methodist
church bero, left for her home in
Toronto, on Monday,
-The funerel ot the loom arm,
Walter Iledgins, Of the seeond
Biddulph. leek plaen on TueseleY, to
St James' cemetery. and was very
largely attended. Mrs. Ilodgins was
24 years of age, and had been about
ou year married.
• welch will be sqkl for S4.75 each. Sete
everywhere for esee Fs le Pat7ex, need -
ware, Stoves, end Tiesoillhilie.
-Miss Norma Baker, is home on
short visit.
-Mr. 30110 Italiebrother paid
him a ilyleig visit Thanksgiving
Lydia Bane. of Lendon,
1Ethel gollerMan. of London,
chic, Rutledge. of Exeter, were
hone for Thankegivirre.
-Twe weddings and three deuce
e elated for the iinraediete future
;n 'tlns neiehberhood.
,George Powell, ot the SOV -
reign Bents. spent Thankseivine
hs hoe Itiled
env.13Mrf.ari1(11.eintere o
t tho
Evangelioal "'church is aesistine the
Rer. Geonorm. of Crediton,
special meetings.
Syne et ehe members ot the
r agent:a church are erecting a
good sized addition 1,o the shed a
commotlation .
-Mr. land Mrs. Smit4 hardware
merchants of Sebringville, visite4 at
Mr, jorlas Ilartleib's, and made a
few calls "upon Wends in the village
Lest Wedeesday. Mr, Smith is
brother-in-law to Mr. Chas. Ilartleib
of Zarich,
Mr .3. J. elerner, a recent citi-
zen and merchant of our village re -
mond his furnitnre bitch Id had in
storage here to Zurich, where he
hes bought the dry goods business
formerly condoeted by Ids brotber.
-Our citizens were taken by sur-
prise upon learning Monday mornina,-
that Mr .john Hall and family were
packing their household effects, pre-
paratory to rereoving to London.
They left for their new home Tues-
day afternoon amidst the many re-
grets of their friends. 0
Exeter Municipel Council.
Council met at town hall, Nov.18.
All present, Minutes of previous
tnocting road and confirmed.
Taylor Weod. - That Mr. C. B.
Snell be instructed to place a 50
O ea light at the corner or John and
Carling streets, at .once. -Carried
Muir -Armstrong - That the
following ,accounts be passed and or-
ders drawn on treasurer for same ;-
John Bartner, labor at cemetery.
i15.00; jno Ford, salary at cemetery
$27.00; J. Harburn, plants+ at ceme-
tery $12.00 ; Geo. IL Bissett, select-
ing jurors, $4.00; A. G. Dyer, do. $4;
Joe. Sutton, labor $18.90; Walter
Westeott. ,do $10.30; S. Handford, 40
$10.00; Win.' Anderson, do. $7.50; T.
Hartnoll, +do., $1.50; R. Davis. do,
$7.50; -Thad Tones, do, $17.50 ; Thos.
Welsh, eee $7.25; 11. Statham, do.,
$4.12; D. Stumobr, do, $3.60; Mrs.
While, scrubbing, $1.00; C. Perkins,
25o ; E. Huai:, labor, 50o; Wm; Fish,
do- 50ej ante GRI, ;aightwatch. $L,50;
C. Lakin., do. $1.50; Geo. Ford,gra-
vel, $227.55; D. Runinhr, gravol at
cemetery $10.00. -Carried.
Council adjourned to Dec 2n4.
The itwealtee.eixtb anatlal meeting
of the Ontario Agricultural and Ex-
perimental Union will be held at
the (anted° Agricultural College oe
Monday and Tuesday, December 5th,
and 6th, searting at 1.30 p. me on the
5th .
Experinicnts ie agrjcu,lturc and
horticulture have this year been con -
cleated on nearly 5,000 farms
thr,oughout Ontario. The results of
.the 'carefully cortdact,ed work will be
summarized and presented at the an-
nual meeting, to which all interested
in agriculture are invited.
Some of the special 'subjects to be
presented +and discussed at ithe meet.
ing ;this year are as follows ; "Selec-
tion 'of Seed Corn." "ilow to Earrn
Successfully lvitle as little beep as
'possible" "The shipping of Fruit in
Cold 'Store ge," "The Girl and the
Home." -Farm Forestry for Ontar-
io," "Actual Observations of econ-
omical -methods of increasing the
yield's per acre 'of our Farm Crops.
Ladies' sessions 'under the auspices
of the Woman's Institites, will be
held i+1.1 elle Ma cd on aid Instiiutn on
Monde y, Tuesday and We dues da3r.
On Monday evening, a public meet-
ing of. interest to ell will be held in
the College Convocation Rale
Arraaigeraents have been made for
eingle trates to Guelph, for the Ex,
perimental Union Meeting and ehe
Provincial Whiter The excur-
sllon rates start on Saturday, 1)ecem-
1)er 3rd. For full particulars in re-
fcrealce 1l. he programme and the
excursion raiee, eeriee te C. A. Zavitz
Secretary Agricultural College,
Ltp I p4 ly Onlirto
-11.0. Fancy has purchased a nen
1 horse,
1 -The painters aud. paperhangers
I are renovating Resseldale sehool
house this week.
..,-Mr. and ars. Frank Williame, o
'‘Ittehiell &X' eni Thanksgivnig'
"Orehard ,Greve."
-Miss Jennie Hansom who has
been attending college in Toronto,
spent Titanitsgivmg at home,
--Mark Clark had a Ellocesefal
gravel bee on Saturday and Monday
to fix up end gravel his driveway,
Irs. W„ Cornish. is at present
1 %.-ery Ell with congestion of the lonZs
Her many friends hope for her speedy
-Mrs „Ritz, of Mitchell is vlaiting
her daughter- of the Russadale
Miss 13, Clark an Mrs. C. Seel-
lenbergor visited friends in 8trat-
ford on Sat arday.
Mr. Itarry Cornizb. Ole bastee
under the Doctor% care for they
week is able to be around again.
-Mr. end Mrs A. Hodgert a
son Hennetle and daugliter, Marie
spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and.
Mrs, T. Vennorr of Chiselliurete
-Mr, and Airs. Fred zaeney,
Staffa and Miss Gilmurry, of 'New
lork were guests at "Floral Bower"
Wednesday everting, of lost week.
The pales for the telephone stem
UT nearly all erected between Kirk -
ton 2I1171 Fullerton. The Hee ie ted to :to be in, running order in a
short time
-Mr. Ed. Hanson who leis been
;liege)* ill with a severe a.ttack of
pneumonia is gradually i =proving
under the slallful treatment of Dr.
Pergasen. of Eirkton, I
-The Ladies' Aid met last There- ,
ay. at the home of Mrs• race7.1
viral a valllable bale of goods wag
peeked for the Deactme" IIMIgo;
Mr. 044 Mrs. J. Uan au4 dough,:
ter 4epes, of Pallartou„ au4 1.rs.
O. \Vatitilre ZiZ.1 '4,.r.e.e. Jf Izzard, of
Cromarty were the gue.sts of Mr.
4 Mrs. A. llodgeret on Sanday.
Bvans spent the holiday
with. frieeds at Lexington, Miele
- Frepch, of Mutton, is vzs-
(tan leer sister, Mra, Wna. Elliott.
Leona Wilson, of London,
spent Than ksgi zr at her home
-Mr. Rieherd Nicks is visiting her
on, Mr, Frank Hicks, of Newton-
-Mies Dowswell, of Oredikeer elseet I
Thanksgiving, 'the guest of Miss
Mary Hepburn
-Mr .and Mrs. 3, Trothen, of Lou-
don, spent Thanksgiving at 'the for-
mer's home here.
-Miss Ida Windsor and MissFor-
itedatwteletek,lat ter's borne in
-Mr .and Mrs. Jones, of London,
visited Mrs, Jones' sister, Mrs. Woe
Hicks, an Thursday.
-Mr ,and Mrs. Charlie Towle, of
London, are vieding the former's
sestet, Miss Lizzie Towle ,
MiSt4 4TOnilie Handford, of Toronto,
visited at her uncle's Mr. J'arrieS
liandford, a tow days last week.
- Mr. Charlie McDonough, of De-
troit ,was the guest of bis omen,
MISS Brownie Andrews, last week.
-Mr .and Mrs. Arthar liedden,
and family, of London, spent
Thanksgiving at Mr. Richard Hand-
- Misses Lucy Andrews Old
Lottie Foster, of Toronto, spent the
Taanksgiving holidays at the par-
Dt foil to read the first ehap-
ter lof oar new serial story "His
Favorite Niece" or "The Secret Re-
1,1e,ellingten Clark, Mr. and
Mrs. A. Nevin, +of London, attended
the funeral of the late Miss Mar-
garet McCoy, on Tuesday last,
-Mr, Albert Mitchell has beeught
4.;4 -.
• ei
10'4. We have on exhibitiou at our warerooms, tbe3.40,1
:* largest, and best assorted stook of furnitore of all kinds, ever he
*es for offered to the public wbielx we are selling at pricee tha
cannot be beaten in Canadat tiot
• n•
+ We invite all intending purchasers toyisit otxr store and --es,'
eoxnpare oar goods and prices before plaeing orders. We can•
save you mauy dollarsWe ,
Guaaira +40
Furniture Dealers and Undertakers. 1:2
• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••*************************ess
S .
-Mr .14 Spencer has created tia
addition to bas di7411111474 Wbieb add'ff
greatly to its appearance.
--Our burg is very quiet at pre -
Sent, in fact ie has got beenso don
for many days. The time Is nearly
true when, another boom is neeeseaty
E. BeeigneuI bee got in are,
other supply of grems, which he u
es in sreeputacturingleine. The stelae
realInfgetureal by Mr. Becigneul egg,
Depocee ,e very popular arsiele
-Mr .S. Sweltzer returoe
,:ijiutshk,0:za,cor opleuoof dgereorla.nds las
-Our mail 'carrier, Mr. P. He
•mars, ,,iligl005eti et 'Lie fouto tor the
winter Mr Wm Rill. 4•4kiag t
-Mr, Wm. 11111 had a plotighing I
bee on Tuesday afternoon last and
spuelocueegeblet gettine ehout acres
-Mr. G. Windsor, of Centralia,
accompanied by ,bie eister, Mrs. 0,
Brown, ot London, visited in this
vicinity on Seturday last.
-Mr. George Wileen dispoeed oE ,
is horse to Mr. Baxter recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson leave shorten
for New Ontario, where they ,n -
tend making their future home.
A shooting performance by one of 1
he big ships of tbe Mediterranean
leet Nhows t, efficiency ot soe
vessels Sii the British navy. The
practice was carried on ;under ren-
ditions somewhat like those of acs everybody
tual fighting. The slips steamed 141 .
To nearly everybody at some man
or othor our service; are well n!gh
Indispensable. We had in wind
Weddingcakes. Not evat7encl who
likeS tin4Q1141te ti!'41;,; baking'
Ana no wonder So many things
may happen -.and so much may be
only half right, Ira easier to let us
attend to__your requirements at such
times. We shoulder all the work
end bother, and guarantee that you
will be pleased.
Oysters 46 cents a Quart
Successor to J. T, O'Brien.
Constantly on hand at Ex-
eter and Centralia the Best
Cement in Canada.
National Brand
Prices kw enough to suit
knots -more than 16 miles- an bout
The Tango was 'unknown when the
order to fire was given. It yelled
during tlite three minntes for which
firing lasted from 4,500 to 5,000 yds,
The target was the actual size of
The United States has spent twen-
4naidship portion of it battleshm
ip, iy-two illion. dollars eStablishing
In ate three minutes :Wowed the Rural snail delivery which, now serv-
Aboukir, a big armored -cruiser re- es ono -seventy el the popalation ot
cently built, fired sixty eounds from the toontsy. In the Milted States
one broadside, and of these forty- there are seventy-five thousandpoet
four were direot hits, The other offices and five hundred thousand
large ships did nearly as well. Ane miles of postal roatee, with, a yearly,
enemy which received forty-four hits travel over them amoenting to five
within three minutes from shells million miles. The service costs
weighers one bundred pounds and over one hundred and fift3r aniliton
upwards would lee likely lo have dollars a year.
enough of it .
Axes and Cross cut Saws
Call and see our stock for 1904. Right quality
to our midst as his bride one of and ught Prices.
Elunville's keityoung anaidoes. We
extend congratulations to th,e bappy1
couple. 1t I
-The "At Home" which was held'
under the auspices of ,the Women's
Missianery Society on Thanksgiving
'evening at the home of Mrs. Henry
WilS0111 NVIR,S a grand success. A verY
enjoyable ,evening WaS Spent by all
who were present.
- Fred He ggilth returned
last week from Edmonton, where be
spent the past two montlis Fred
exPects to return to the west about
'theist of Meech next, and will hold
an extensive auction sale of Farm
Stock iand Dnplements, etc., on Fri-
day 251±, inste (Lo -morrow). Sale to
commence at one o'clock sharp.
--Death of Miss Margaret McCoy -
It is ,o,ur sad duty this week to re-
late 'the death 'of a very estimable
young lady in the person 0 Mar-
garet Irwin. McCoy, eldest elatiehter
of Mr. aind. Mrs. Samuel McCoy,
which ;took place at their heree on
Saturday evening last, at th,e early
age of twenty years and -len moan's.
1)oceasedihad been 111 hat a few days
stricken 'with, pneumonia. That fell
disease 'did itS work so surely and
swiftly Mat few in the neighborhood
knew she was ill until with awful
suciele,neess hop death was announc-
ed. There is a vacaot chatr nt the
home and one so loved and 10Villg,
Nvhile (still in the very bloom ot
young 'womanhood, has been caned
;twee' Ito, try the realities another
world. She will PO missed oolong
her icompnolons, ;Ind 'the sympathy of i
a blest of frion"dS go out lo the sor-
rowinee parents, brother and sisters
initials hour of sad bereavement. The
funeral kook place em Tuesday after-
noon, service being held ad the home
by Rev .Mr. Andrews, of the Metho -
dist ,church, who paid itouching tri-
butes to the meMory 04: the deceased.'
tier cnaun5 we,a 1 raerrea m
Exeter cemetery on Tuesday last, a
large ni3.Jaabcr being in attendance.
an(I Stove Store
4.0 .