HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-11-17, Page 8M i S, N 0 V E 1\iJ$ ER 17th 1901 $23 00 Ladies choicest Fu lined Cape, nadfrom Bich Silk Broekatell. Lulea wi no, 1 squit, rel. ened with. choice Tai hest, A. bean, tile" germetet. 25c. $15.50 Ladies' Bibb Vests ieng sieene, open font soft, dawny di:ash, the beet valise we Ita,ve seen this seasou, AS for oar 25e Vests.. Ladies' Brockatell tar lined Osne, Linea svith real geed Sqleirrel covered with rieh Bee - cede and trimmee with Black Thibett. $11.50 Ladies' Back Fur Lined Cape. Covered with fine black clot lined with good squirrel and trimmed th plain black fur„ Indies Meek, Persian L a n b Far Joelsele Lovely glossy env', beet Unice'. A real Beauty, $75 00 ; $10() 00 Ledies' cboice Week Persian 14,tro1 Je,*et. with Ainerieea Sable Collar, Lovely height glosee carl. Beit tka.. For oUr choicest. Le - dies black PereiauLamb Fur eteckee.Tiists one of the ehoicese Cots we have ever offered. Ask to see hi ire, We are showing a splendid range of Black Astrachan Fur Savkets, all German dye. They come to 113 direct from the makers. We can save you money on fur Jackets. What about that new Jacs.-et for the little girls! we have a fine lot at very low prices,either short Reffer styles or long Ulster. "Bring the girls in and let them see what we are showing »jeWANTED d Apples. Eater, and Lenge highest }mere upQ t paid A. STEWART tie matter aepeareiu this owe efieb week.) w. To get quiekly of the branche5 of The Sovereign Bank of Canada And open a Savings Account, Do not wait or a large sum,for it may never come; just deposit whatever you have to spare no 'natter how small the amount': We will gladly assist you in gettince started, Mise Lizzie Tayler, of Stratford, wiUepeed e couple of NN''Cel;s here wite friends, Mrs. J. eleittir pleasantly enter- teined, notaLer of friends on Ta- estlay eveeing. Mr, Wilber Martin is. epeteleire the The,okseivioliday with trisiels in Toronto. Ir. dwj Evart:. PI: London, is sending Thaelesitiving day under tee parental reef. Miss Gertrede Sheere. is spending the holiday a ith ber brother, 'eta, Aqanla Sheere. at St. Thomae, Mr. %awl Mrs. R. Barns is eyelid- Tbaultsaising at Mrs. Barns' )arente, Mr...end N. 3. Kvans, Mr. and Mrs, Teos. Sliute, ef Ta - oma, Washingtou, is visiting' les eis- er, Airs ...Tabu Evans, ane Mrs. W. Balman, M. E. lioreey „end -Miss Ade Varney, mho have speat the at few menths in, Manitoba, are expected home %this week. X•rs. Tule of Wietby. Q.,Ixd her daughter -ill -law. NT* „Tule and two bildren of ;Maine, after o pleaeant visit with Dr. and Mrs. .1. W, Browning returned home on Moe - dale Miss Edith Beer slap; u, saered owe. "A Proem of Parediee" by eel:entail Gray. la a Wen acceptable utter in Ohalmer's Presbyterian b. Sundey uight. Loadon Free Press. Dr, Sutler, London, will be at tbe Ceatral Hotel. gseter, on 1,ondgy, Nov. 2let., from 10 In to 5 p. u. for Eye, Ear, Nose and Threat con- leatioe, eyes tested and glasses HOW DO YOU SPEND' YOUR MONEY? Are you doing it in a way to receive substantial benefit? Are you laying aside something for a "rainy day"? If not, you wilt never have a better time to begin than tatted, begin the easiest way; come to any Br tidies in Huron County at Crediton Dashwood lionsall Zurich Clint° F, E. "CAR"? Menem, Extitereerenoti STANBURY, WNW" Mrs, A. Hastings is apendin t For Marriage Likeness, holiday with eriends in London. Wedding Rings, Mr John Wood,, shipped a very Wein chests, Clocks SPOStetcles ton CALL ON R HICKS Watch Repairing a Specialty. aVfeikOROVENSseaaf Specialise Deseasce Ey3 i i: Nose and Throe visitsExeter monthly. Glasses Properly Fitted Nasal Catarrh and Deafness treeted. Moe E AIRLOS,4515L127, TOW. '3! art i eats ;le, pritten,a0.1), ct myth., spent Q Imo ,foreptat of this. week with ler exov.zo. London dace= Queens Ave. 1 mother, Mrs. Penhale, Gidley St. 1 Mrs. S. Andrews. .of Manitoba, is 11. Es leK AR Or Mrs, X, John.s at Elnavelle. P i visiting at the home of her daugh- . . Miss Eva Godwin, a Alma College, at. Thomas, is spending the Thanks - General Selling Agent for givirre %holiday- at her home here. er" Coming. -Patten & Perry coming 2 i a The Tunes has the correct styles in C P R L a Ild t ***Ter" 917aniliKeserr?'" 18th, 0 e Bois ' e Popularripriers. fday, Nov. wedding invitations and visiting? cards. Let us have your next order. Mr. and Mrs .Adolphus Evans. of London, sre spending the Thanks- giving tholiday wi th tbeir friends fine mar load at butohera cattle to Terrine°, on Monday last. The Times will be sant to any ad- dress 'until the end ot 1000 for one dollar Have you a distant friendSend him or her the Times 'to the era of ereo.r 190A for 10 cents. Ton %don't need to dread a told ef ent haVe 4'Cure-a-Cci1d" on and. On - 30 25c, at Howey,'s Drug Store. Miss Amy Johns, soloist took part 4the LaCrosse CIO concern at Olin. ton, on Pride/ evening last. Any persons, farmers or others, • who contemplate purchasing lands in Manitoba or the North-west Ter- ritories will find it to their ad- • vantage to call on me, as I have recently been appointed general sel- The Times will be sent to any ad - ling agent for all C. P. It. and 0. N. dress until Jan 1st., 1906 for one dol - W. Land Co's lands. Prices range lar. Send the Times to an absent from $3.50 per acre and upwards. friend. Persons who settle on 0. P. R. Rea, canon Coady, of "St. Paul's • lands witbin one year after pur- ch.urch, Toronto, is spoken of as the ohmic have ten years in which to successor to the late Bishop Bald - Win* of Huron. Fox further particulara apply to 4, Don't suffer with, "cold feet" this', winter. I3uy a Hot water Bottle, at R E PICKARD, Exeter. licevey's Drug Store, Price to esit ieverybody. Or at the "TIMES" office. Messrs. Ross and Taylor have re- ceived 'the contract for supplying the ,frame work andfurnishings for pay for such lands. TO ADVERTISERS. he copy for changes must be left not later than Tuesday noon. Casual advestisemente accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. THURSDAY, NOV. 17th, 1904 ••••.•,..41.4,11+4,00....•••••• LOCALS • •01110•4144 144).0••• Counoil nr.,-As on Fridee evening, To-dey, eherrsday (Thanksgiving Day) will be a public holiday. IVIiss -Lillian Robinson has resigned ber school in S. fe. No. 9, Hallett. Mrs. (Dr.) lee:Dowell, Of Listowel is visit in,g hensirter, Mrs, W. G. Els- sett. See bees eo otect Yotereelf ,againet a trainy 'day, in the Sovereign Batik ad .last page., Miss Lillian Elliott, of Centralia, seent, Sunday the guest of Miss Cora, F o Dr. L. 1..e..,aed Miss Mabel Follick, of. et. Marys, spent Sunday under the parental roof. , two 'houses in Hensel', Mr .end Mrs. Wile Oke, of Seaforth visited ;their parents. Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Oke, on Sunday. Mr. Oke is very ill at present. Mr. Jahn Evans, who has seent the past ,suramer in elanitoba, re- turned 'home on Tuesday morning. He spent Tuesday in London with naembers of this „family ,there. Mr. Jem,es Beer, who, 'has spent the past eurenser in the Assiniboia: R. W. T. returned home this week and will spend the winter heee with his family. • TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- lets. Al] druggists refund the mon- ey if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's .signature ison each box. 25c. The tollector will •be at the town hall, Exeter, every Saturday and ale .so on Monday, Tuesday and Wedness dee, December 12th; 13th and 14th from 9 o'clock in, 'the morning nntll 12 o'clock noon and from 1 O'cl,eck till five in the 'afternoon to re- ceive taxes. -W. r Eissete. Don't Monkey with that cough use Elowey's 16lierrll GOrdial Telex* ,F. o and George BcU of Earqubar returned eonee 021 esday morning atter a lew Mont115-spent in Manitoba, They re- iwIrt gt pleasant time and are gait° impressed with the prospects of that entry . Mr. Wm. leawden s.epolteu a as a probable cinaelidate for ,the posort of %county ecriencillor Lor 1905, Mr Bawdeu ltes bad wide experience in muuieipal matter e and bas held the posetion of Iteeve of Exeter, for se' - al .terms. A union. Tbauksgerine service will bet leeld in 4'arae.S-st clutrob. to -day, (TilarSday) at 11 a otter - Lug in 1ia1 o the poor will be taken cp. Rev. Mr. Martin, of Ca- veat Preebyterien church will take the services, Dr. °Wes. of London. 'who has been tile Nerthwest ter the past few montbs. has returned liorae, and will be at the Commercial botel, Exeter. for 'consultation as usual, on wed- reeditY. November 30tb. While in the Northwest the doctor raa.de a purchase of 4.000 acres 0/ land. Tile anniversary services of the elain Street Methodist church, will bo leiel On Sender. Decieraber eth wben film Rev. T. A. Oliver, pastor of the Methodist oburch, of Liatowel, will be ,ilet speaker of the day. Mr. Oliver IS considered one of the e.bleat pulpit ,orators of tbe Methodist church. Box Social. -At the Royal Ternp- lars of Temperance hall, - gender, Nov. 21st., at 8p . in. Eaohlady bringS box for two and. is admitted free. General e.draission 20 eentS, widish entitle* gentleinap to lunola wale lady whose number ha mey D097 sess. Good prograMme. All invited. FOR OVelt.SIXTY 1. EARS Asi OLD rem Wernerniee Ise:semen-Mrs Winsloves Soothing syrup bag boon wed for over sixty years by minions of mothers for their obildren while teething, with perfect motion It soothes the child. softens the gums, allays ail siain cures wind colic. and is t.ho best remedy ror Diarrhcea. 2t1s pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggiata in every part of the world. es cents abottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and take litre Winslow's Soothing Syrup and Bator no other kind. - The Saskatoon, N. W. T., Phoenix is now managed and edited by Mr. Joseph Holmes, tormer teacher lit Sharon, and son of :Rev. Mr. Holmes formerly of Exeter. Mr. Hobnail' Many 1.r1ends here wil lbe pleased to know of his success. The Phoenbt is one of the leading newspapers of tbe ,growinee west, and is in every Way an eraerprising and tup-to-daie epublica.tion. MOWS Warm UildontioarFlannelettes 23 pieces of good heavy filannelet te in pretty stripes iwarraotect fast col- ors 32 in wide selling at Se. a yard. Stanfield's Unshrink- able Underwear Made of Nova Scotia wool and gnaranteed unshrinkableget your size and it will fit perfectly until worn out. money wont buy any better wearing or more comfort- able and satisfactory than Stan - fields Unshrinkable Underwear fOr Olen- 1.00, Lee .50 gar- ment. gen's Pore Wool Underwear, plain ecotch knie warraueed not to shrink ea cts garment elexes popular fleeced elects and drewere eal, lees, quick sellers 45 ets gement. Mens natural wool Underwear Medium weighe, shirts deable breasle $100 garment. Fleia Snatch knits Uoileinbirts and Drawers, werrented unshrinkable, all eiees rt0 vtsgertnent. Boyfleeced atel wool Detlershirts and Drawers raugjugin pricee accord - ng to size team 15e to 'Mete garment. Order our Coal Now. -Up goes the price of hogs and down, goes the price of coal Having bought afew cars of hard coal at a price on the dollar, I am prepared to fill all orders while it lasts at $6.25 per ton. First come, first served. Place your order at once for as soon as this supply is done you will have to pay more money. Orders left at the office of A. Q. Bobier will be promptly attended to. -H. Paesons. Sale Bills. --Those haying their sale bills printed at. this office will re- ceive a free notice of the sale in the • Times and thus get the benefit of our large circulation.- This is a fact which should be remembered. Sale bills are not seen by all in the dis- trict whereas The Times goes every- where. The notice though given free is often worth more to the per- son holding sales ..than what is paid Lor the posters. • To protect trees against mice in winter, wind the bases with tarred paper, but for safety put ligh,t colored weappin,g paper outside and hold all firmly in place by a thin strip of wood and three tacks. Tar. red, paper, alone, absorbes 'the san's rays and may kill the bark beneath it. Light-celeeed paper reflects the rays. This point ehould be remem- bered when using tarred paper for any purpose. Market Report. -The following is tin report Of Exeter markets, eor- mutest up to Thursday, Nov. 17th. Wheat from 95e ,to $t03 per bushel Oats 28 to 30 cents per bushel. Barley 38c. to 40 cents. Peas 58c to 60c per bush,e1. l3ran $16 per ton. Shorts $20 per ton. I Flour, $3.00 per cwt. Low grade flour, $1.25 per cwt. Chieken Feed, 1cper pound. Entice 13 to 15 cents per pound. Eggs 20 tents per dezon. Dried, apples 3 to ,3 1-2. Chickens 6 to 7 cents per po,unsi Rucks 8 1-2 cents per pound. Geese 7 cents per pound . Turkeys, 12 •cents per pound. Perk Live, Weight, $4.60 per cwt. Pork dressed $6.25 per cwt. Hay $6 to Fr per ton. Wrapperettes 20 pieces of extra good quality Wrap- peretten citoice patterns and colors. selling at 0.4. a yea Wool Blankets 15 pr. white all woel blankets, dou- ble bed size worth $3,00 eelling at *165 pr. Ladies' Dress Skirts 12 only Skirts made of dark grey Thamespim heavy weight, nicely truta- med worth, $4.00 selling at 6329 ezeche Ladies' Jackets prerv Coo.t, imported frieze in Week, Altai back, lined througliont selling at $00 Hosiery etecking made a pure worsted yarn, wear guaranteed, mon- ey won't. buy any better, all sixes up to 10, Prices according to iz?, elrAmi...a., az aR.,,o-w-H1 ;mine' is en London viit ing Miss Annie rish is visiting friends n Rochester, N. T. Mr Jane Soutbeott, a Grand Wad I' visiting friends in awn. Mr. iloward Powell is visiting with friendi higineardine. Mr. Castor Willis, returned home tram the Northwest on Vuesclay. dr .T .11, Gaffing aro pending, a few rd friends. Mr :and Mrs. 1' Claire, are visitin.- stein. Dr. and Mr5. nannon are visit- ing their dee:Vito', Mrs. P. E. Mel,- ott at Chatham this week . Mrs, Vanstanc, of 'Brantford, la the guest et her sister ;qrs. (Dr.) Amos. 7an.,, A. Bell and Mr. W. t. OI3rie aro „spending elm Thanksgiving boll day with friends In London. and Mrs. Carlin; days with Brant - k Wood end " ids in Hole Tbe Itev eelr ateylsworth, of Luean will luta eh missionary SernlOnfl in Jaraes-$t Methodist therch, on San - clay next, Nov, 20tb. Mrs. IL Reaper, President of the loord X, T. IL has returneafrora attending tile Provincial Convention held at 13owletinville, last week. She reports a pleasant time. Mr. Thos. Ireneford has iraproved Lis eel° and. exchange stables by ex- tending the building several feet South. Ties will give ample room both up end down stairs. Tho plate glass has now been place (id in 'tire stores of tbe Fanson Block by else owners, Messrs, Dickson, Car- ling end McDonell. The wholefrOnt now presents a 'very marked en- provement, Mrs .Penhale held o. uccessful auction sale af ber bousehold effects on Wednesday. She will break up housekeeping for the present and make her home with different mem- bers of the family, for a time. A special passenger train passe through here on Sunday enrouto for Clinton, having on board about 50 of Ithe relatives and ;friends of the rate Mr. F. IL McPherson, who died i nIsondon, and svhose, .remains were interred in 'Clinton. on Sunday. Mr. Jas. Ba gsh,aw, who recently underwent ,on operation in tbe Vic- toria hospital, London, is now pro- gressing very favorably towards re- covery, Mrs. Bagshaw spent tbe forepart of the week with hint at the hospital, Mrs. G. Scott, .and children left on Tuesday morning for Olds, N. W. T. where •idiey will join Mr. Scott, who left some weeks ago with their household 'effects, etc.. We join in wisbing 'Mr. and Mrs. Scott mech pleasure in their new -home in tbe West. Alexander IL Notman, assistant general passenger agent of the C. P. 114 died on his way home to To- ronto from Los Angeles. He had gone West a few weeks ego in hope that he might gain better health but finding his strength gr,antially weake.ning, lin started for home, but henamorhage set in, and he expired on the train, at Albuquerque, New Mexico. Mr. Notnean was one of tbe best known and certainly the best liked railway man in Canada. New Books ;-Tbe following new books have been added to the Public library; Wben 'tee Land was Young by L. Mclaws ; 'Ter such. is Life" "The Heart of Man", One in Charity" "The Day of Recompence", "God's Outcast" S. K. Hocking; "The For - este' S. E. White ; "The Bay Mineral Collector," Jay G. Kelly; "Sunday School Teacher Training" H. M. Haenaill ; "Monarch" E. Thompson Solon; 'Tied Cap Tails," S. R. Crock- ett ; Lorraine" Robert W. Cham - bees ; "The Truth Tellers": "The Tragedy of tithe leor•osko" Connor Doyle: God's Good Man" Marie Correlli ; "The Bella of the Bow- ling Green" A. E. Barr; "Olcl Gor- gon Graham" L, Lorimer; Kide of Kate Hall", E. Fowler ; "Deserted Village" Grace Rhys; By the Queen's Grace", N. Sheard; "Bar- bara's Money", A. Sergeant ; The Rack • of this Tough World" A Giberne ; eM. Olaaissa,'s Day" S. Tyt- len; "Ct'er Moor and Fenn," J. liock- ing4 "Rachel Marr" M. Robert ; "The crossings" W. Churchill; "Weapons of Mystery," J. Hocking. On elle night of the election, be. ebe rettirns from the different constituencies had 'been received in lee town hall. Dr. Rollins, e'resi- JERRY FROM KERRY OPERA HOUSE EXETER Friday, Nov, 18th Wattle, for etee t parade at nOnn e*ad at 7.10 le front of Opera boon. Prices +.40••••••••••••••••••••••• 440••••••••404041...........* ,..4..***40,414,44,1•4440111••••• •••••••••••••••4•••••••••14 LADIES' FURS Ladies Fur Ruffs in Alaska Sable, American Sable Isa- bella Fox, Stone Martin.Opossum,and, Coon from $1 to $19. 5 and 5o cents at 10.e. Lutele. Ladies Fur Caperines at all prices. Ladies Fur Coats of nice Astrachan Dog, Beautiful end and first class linings $28, $30, $85, $40, dent of tbe Liberal -Conservative As- meiation, who as a student of hu- man nature wished to Rnow the feelings of those pretient in reeard to the tonteet, offered. a prize of 31 to tthe One guessing the nearest to the inaJority of votes for the candi- date, 11 al, Gunn. and the same amount to the one guessing tile, nearest or vorrect majority of either Government. Slips of paper were passed around and 93 guesses were made, each person being allowed a guess an ball majorities. These slips were examined after the offi- cial returns had been made, when it found that Mr. T. IL MeCaIluna was the winner in the first mimed con- test, having rguessed 112, wbieli is the %correct majoritY, and Mr, (Tames Taylor coming nearest to the correct majority for Premier is awarded the other prize. Golden Wedding, - I. very hap- py event VMS celebrated on Friday evening last at the home of Mr. II. Buckingham in honor of their rift- lieth anniversary of the wedding day of ,his parents, Mr .and Mrs. Samuei Buckingham. The event was re- 32embered in a happy manner by the assembling of, tlie family and relit- tives, numbering about 25, Rev. Dr. reel Mrs. Hannon also being present. A very interesting feature of the evening was ehe ehristenine of their grandson, .Allan Saznuel Buckingham, and little Miss Mary Morlook, A very dainty repast was served, and a pleasant evening was spent. Mr. R. Sanders entertaining with music ✓ from his gramaphone. err .and. Men. e 13uckingham sreceived some very valaable ,presents from friends in Detroit, Si. Thomas and Exeter. Mr Buckingham was horn in Devon, England 75 years age. Mrs. Buck- ingliam, (nee Mary M. Calder) belie's' 4 n. native of Cornwall. Married in Cornwall, Eng., they then .CDDIC 10 this (country in 1857 and have re- sided in Exeter for the past 35 yetirs. Mr. 13uckingliam for many years carried on the business of blacksmith on the tcorner of Main and Huron streets. Tbere are three children living; William, in Kangas, Mrs, Jas. Weekes and Harry, residing in Exe- ter. John, la graduate of elm Times office, land who had 'climbed ,the hill of success died in California some years ago, and another Son, Thomas, Wanted - Men and women iu who was a tinsmith with Mr. II. this country end adjoining territor- Spackman died in his youth. Mr. ies, to represent and advertise an old, and Mrs. Buckingham are both established house of solid financial in the tbeet of health, and have the standing. Salary to men $21. week - esteem and good will, of ale who ly, to women $12 to $18 weekly with know them and the Times join in expenses advanced cash Monday by 1 wishing them still maey years of check direct from headquarters. happiness ,Logether. Horse and buggy furnished when no- IIERE'S A REAL PROPHET cesmtry ; position permanent. Ad- dress, Blew Bros. & Co., Dept. A, The nainiaal,e_prediatiaa at Elia efonrho:Ip3rIcal:,iunaChicialigeoll. w, rIegiven titi . 1 Hartz, the 90 -year-old made tbis week after Mr. Hartz la ge°seb°ne seear. with, the Family Herald and weather prophet, of Reading, Pa., was Weekly Star of Montreal is a de:- examined bile bree8tbene el a ge .e aided change from' former years. lt hatched last spring. He saldt-- mac!tsitlpdro, -T Ilan way theough, and accord's/1 to v" Trite immenselyPrirreessn' t ;Me prUrika r. "I find that the hone is dark eill hose who have received their copies the disc -the entire year's subscription to that ,olorations the winter of 1 04 rit easily worth more than ,ononnce and 1905 will be very sesevere. It 1 ..ereat paper. The publishers are on start early in November, and wil c else look out for -the energetic can- ,oatinue eatil late in the spring. ,ssers nieveiry. locality. Anysmart Thee will be some great snow- y or girl .can make lots of pocket storms The bone indicates that i.oncy for Christmas by writing to the temp eree ure will be ver /the publishers, ,,,, nesse' low, end there will be an . )„. 0 . • immense crop of ice. My advice to Chicken „lie eocr,a1 - The FOCIa1 0110 PeOPle is ;-1l your coal tees, given ,by ,the Ladies' Aid of Caven nd do it early, and you'll never Presbyterian church, on Friday even - aye cause to regret the advice of ' Ilan last, was a inark,ed SUCCCSS, a fel Sp FURS EN 9 Men's Fur Coats of galloway calf, natural color of black finest tan iu town for $29.00. Men's Brown Calf with .Astrachan Collars very the coat $28.00. IVIen's Bishop Coats of Russian Dog, A good Coat and $20. Metes and Wo r Caps $2 to $0. Flannelette Blankets, large size $1.00 Wool Blankets large and heavy $3.00 orse Blankets, and Rubber Coats at away down prices. CARLING BIROS **4440.44•40.440$4044++•.+M 4*..4144444****14-0,44.***** ture 8: Undertaking TO Make ROOM lOr VHS, 6001:1$ Big 13argains next Week. Bedroom Sett including Iron Bed from $12.00 up. Couclass from........ ......$4.50 up. Exte.nsion Tables from.....••••........$7.50 up. C, HUSTON Funeral Director an Practicable rabid:tier. OperaHouse loc •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • : LARGEST AND BEST: • In Western Ontario i t ..0)CENTRAL,- ei ',,STSATFORD, ONT. • This school enjoys the re- es' • saltation ef doing tbe best * .41 work in Business Eduoation t in the Pominion, Vie large. rs• schools in °arm& and the, • Z United States employ our t • graduates as teachers. We give the $gune 4, • instruction to attend that the "Beste . ss Students may enter at any time. Write. 4, for free catalogue. .}Principals I 404.Div..As.,.31BeLLLATRAN .0•••••••••••••••••••••••• A GUARANTEED CURE FOlt PILES Itching, Blind, Bleedbag or pro- truding, Piles. Deungists rotund money if Pazo Ointment fails to any case, no matter of how long standing in 6 to 14 days, First ap- plication gives ease and rest. 50c. If your druggist hasn't. it send 50c in stamps and it will be forwarcled post paid by Pais Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo. thc g(mseb"° vorY large ,number being present, who did simple justice to the excel - 0 We expect to have out saw nalli relle ning by the first of the year, and will pay the highest cash price for saw logs of ever description delivered now or any time at our saw mill at rear of Planing factory. Lumber Lath and Shingles We are in a better position than ever to supply our many customer: with all they may require either from shop or yards. FLOUR FLOUR FLouR Sar flour is our specialty. Wj4 believe there is no better our made than our Star We use only the best of old Manitoba wheat and mix it with old Ontario grown wheat - which makes the best flour that can be made eVEATIIEle FORECASTS On and touching the I 9Lh and there will be a reactionary swing of the elements back to more general and decided storm conditions. De- ereesed Winne tio -conditions will aP-, pen, 'the 'temperature will rise pro- gressively' from ,the west, and aut- umnal storms of rem and sneer will take alp their [transition march from wesi to oast over I:lie countrY as followed by return Of erising ha - remoter and change to much cold - lent "chicken pia", which the ladies If you have never tried JUL of Cave's church have won a reuts.- flour get a 100 l, . sack and g,00d thieves provided. After supper give it a fair trial and we are body of ,the olsurch svhere an inter- C u had be,cie served all repaired ,i o the ona,erit yen Will like it, J. C- St'enhurY making a very able Dealers handle this brand eeteiap; programwas presented, len chairmen. The resident minist ere piesent, delivered sborteiddresses so -1 and you have a winner. Lien for ma ing. as well as the other les, readings and duetts were rendered, as wel las selections by tee choir. `the pioceeds were rnod: gra- tlfying netting about 370. 1,IARVEY BROS. •