HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-11-17, Page 411'1111 EXETER TIMES, NOVEMBER lith 1904, Don't Let that CONSERVATIVES AlEET NOV. 14 'Mr .j. P. Whitney has isstuel the 110wille eircular letter in evalob COUGFI Get Ahead of yon te Li A Stop it in time. That's good xx Advice for your health, and its t4 good advice for your pocket book too. A cure in tirne saves mon- c ey and perhaps your life. h h Perry's CompoundSyrup t] . 0 of White Pine vvrth Tar A t: has gained much popularity by a its prompt relief in this most cora- ;1 mon ailment It is pleasant to % take and wards off any tendency b Of a cold to result in Pneumonia ai Price 25ca bottle perry's Emulsion of pure Norwegian 1) OA Liene Oil with Itypophosites, the e mot perfect preparation on the mar- e* het len all pulmonary 'diseases and general debility. Prices dO cents and WO Pee bottle. Sc1e A :, Brownings t • Drug Store I The Exeter Times' ' 1 f4Alondar for November 1904 StrurnAv... 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 0 13 20 27 I 7 14 21 28 1 letneelene..—.....1 3 15 te. 20 greetteNnereneen.2 9 10 .0.3 30 I TIIIISSDAY.... ,. 3 10 17 21 t FIUDAY..n--.4 11 18 25 ' SetenraDAY....... 12 10 tee , 0V 7U ft0i ' ° ING Ten) is the day in 11rIziat we shottld ( think. not of whet we have lost but t a what nee Lane left, Eversene has Somali/tin to be thenhful for, it thc t matter ne viewed in lads spirit. The philosophy of the season is It man betee anent worse." Canada hae bed - ar troubles since last Thanksgiving Vey. So lima evry icountrY, She 11 la's had also ber feir ahem of blese- i ings, cud it is to these that the ttoughts of he people sbould turn, errant battle, murder and suddert eliethe' else leas been ereer thao her 1 sister nations. From earthquakes, i nftstiltoce and floods she nas also 1 Menet mercienlly exempt. Corapnrad 1 :witiotitese or other lands, ber trot** : len bane been of the "picaytme" var. 1 isety, She has good reason for , Thanksgiving. Whitt is said of •a roentry as a whole is equally true I f�X the individual citizen, The aver- 1 ago man may not have made a *Ante ;but the chances are that ne Las lived well during ene as Teen, Ond , has invent something, even tboutell tete 50 21•A'1hilla ia merely a pleasant memery so. two. Man7 material idling -3 are worth less, This i sthe Th l yin which be sbould ponder over these things. Evert live rainntes re- flection o ill make him the better for if. Be will see that Whatever mu have lost, he is eicher in ex- perieriee. He has gained knowledge He knows more than he did a year ago. Ile will not make. the same mistakes. Ho is in a bettor position no nyake, a himself tbe sleccess he dreams. It will create scarcely a • ripple 'et surprise Whea we note the fact that lost epportintities do not neturn. But .on the other hand no astonishment will be ,created by the equally sure announcement that Canada breeds opportunikies, that wilt eemo along nefaxe nett Thennse givin a Dayhundreds of 'them and tete men who will seize eliena is the Inau who perhaps missed others 'not yeane lie has another thence and be should be thankfal, A ers9y t • •-11:".•,i1c'`O;..°:tralfiriVicIWI-ii'liiiiryncirclIirrftri)lr. • , You can depend Hair Vigor to restore your gray hair, every Follow directions and fails to do this 'work. 11• r1 • zii fallingof the hair,also. great satisfaction in • you are not going to pointed, •Isn't that .,Ixt hair de a tan it was?.botit tel.lc jut bottle of. Ayers etn t." —4.,, AL LocR4a-N, Rockingham, •140 a bottle.. • for____Lo.s..... --"-- fading on Ayees color to time. it never It stops or• There's knowing be disap- so? white. It, _Hai! VIKej to N. C. J. C. AY= CO h132 Hair anuouncee that a Provincial Con- rvative meeting" will be lieda in ronto. on NOT, 24, the day after Liberal Couvexitioti ;— Driven to bay' and alarmed at the giateouts indignation et the people e Provincial Goverioneen, wtecb r several years, has held office by oans •oe freed told crieetei keitoot make a lest and desperate appeal the :constituencies, In order that the large majority of re people, those who desire clean,. neat, and decent government. may ave au opporionity to diseuss the e situation, I have bastrueted the licers elin Liberel-etoeserve.tive soeiation of elle Province to aek e members of be Associetiont eta representatives from the mania panties, to meet tst Assoontion all, in .the City of Toronto, on nerseley, the 24tli day of Novenes r, at e neeloele p. n. aeditIon I invite oepreseutalive en in each constit tee-nee—no matter bat their party atfiliations may ei and wee eyiseptalltize witit our jects—to entente also and help ue y their edvice end eneouragerrient. ehe. prentenee of greet public eril. party designations and differ- ees are of secondary rourtorigince. Tile first greet necessity of Cite telatlen elean, honest mid decent overnment The volley or the Opposition in the egislature 1 miliar to the peas le, an1 has; received their endorse., exit and eettfitatieu by a majority f eixor seven thousand Vil‘S. To hie „record we out with pria. The question of inereasieg the tone«C obteloing agricultural in- trueliort adding it to the our- loollam in ti,e High Schools awl Col- giate Institutes end providing par - els of land fox- praetical work, end 'se kite•questien DE the eneoarage- ent of systems of sewerage in ewns and villages, are anima the taestions telenceted by Us. Legielselext en,ouell be had to facili- ate tite acquirement to- munalir les on oroper and reasonable terms, t till public utilities and also to reeling Irelieljrtory for the prompt OAR/unit of disputes between op - •oil anti labor. At the Lee sersaten th ure eines Opposition proposhat • Toneektonben, lialewseycon tramed and taloned by the Gov ern- ttnt shoal in, operated by the :or a term a years, Tele pportanity for a praetical • test of over/amen; operatign et railways -as voted down by the Government. The etre vote of the Oppositicto on he question of tbe proper ossese- extt tat railway property "WAS made /ear by their efforts to pees the ettypiece Bill es a basis for action efforts eyelets failed when the pro- oter of the bill ebandoned it nil joined the Governanent in killing t. These etre some at the questions width the people are interested. But1 repeat, the first great no- essity of the situation is clear, ben- st and decent government. 'We are 1.1 familiar with the hoonil- Ming story ot tho iniquities wlacili ave been perpetrated and by means 1 winch a ramority Premier has een etribled—and, alas. has also coo willino—to defy public de- ency rind Montt bolero tlie people enjoyment or o position width ta notoriously holds by virtue of etob, eniquit les. 13ir what the Government lias one in the last we may reasonably oreoaat nhat it may nacelle to do n this, ne test ffort, to avoid pub- ic condemnation. In the inse t the public ("anger, nil in erten to refford an opportun- ity to evert ir, I have caned this eeting. 3'. P. WHITNEY. Toronto, Nov. 14. 1904. • R. STRATTON IN THE SENATE ieet tee would 'Doable Mr ;Stratton to carry ,ottt his aolicy free foam tne in fittenee of his As -joked partners. Rot it was all in vain. The barnacles would aloe be removed with ale iroe band, kir any other instrument. Fin" ally Mr .Stratton bas neen impelled to. cozne out from among them, and to fine a place where the fiery igen Pulseot the people an be checOed tinder thappier cenclitione, and where the ashes of pe.rtIsanelde repose t. the eosoni of eacn Senator as in an urn. THE MONARCH OF THE SNONea (By a Banker). Amongst the nuost beautiful and tee leant picturesque of •all thoze de- lightful mountain roads whicla so abound in that nature -adorned lama Switzerland, pernans the road leen-, ing4te the foot of Mont Blanco takes the first place. Olirabieg up to the banquette of the diligence—now sup - planned by a rail way—the long whip of the driver on !urges the double ein into a gallop, and we ere soon veiling in Om beauties of some ol natureaireet seenee. ,At eirst the road threads it Way amongst foreets of statelypine whieli rear their lofty heads high All air; gay wild flowore ia luxuriant leattfasiou gentertine the roedsitle in many -heed partereen and perf ut11- lug the atmoepbere with tbeir fraee nt aroma; while beneath, a moan, pin torrent purls and plashes oohs winding course alienist rocky spore d great fboulders and crags. TIO *road zow becomemore pre- cipiloas and •apparently perilous; we bave clImbed far above tthe aurtetne Arreett eeldcb 15Itere -torn into foam sftn lauding itself sheer over a roaky ledge into o imilioe rater far neneath, -wheelie it entere. iturrieltoous contuelon of broken eaves and curling' breakers. into 4 relent eleft in elle roch.; wbUe Ute read, • hewn out of the which at times partly threateninely above edgo 45f on almost sr- aular m !doh rises more thousand feet above the obyss eatle And now, looking along 'the narrow ledge upon whioh we r ediag, jutthrr rock apparently bars the way, awl noth. ing uan be fiC2111, but the terrible yawning oreelpice en the one Ado and •the buttressed roe); projecting parently to its edge, and complete- • obstructing ilo.‘ road, in front. at atotwithatanaliNg all this the driver new urges las horses to their utmost speed, evidently with a view to create teraporary alarna. mod we re soon at the jutting pint, when the „road with a sharp 'terve win& round the projection, and the need- s speed of the oscillatiug veldele again slackened as the perilous orator is sed. But .the prospect which now bust upoo else view ot the rouneed dome Noe ;the 'upreared peaks end pin- naeles or that mighty rat:march of be 'Draws is now so sublime !and 30 nificient that tbe possible con- mgency of et Aimee in thot rooky abysm ethich we bawl skirted is soon forgotten, and the nand tovels tn the ,grandeur and the majesty ot tbe impoeing spectacle. Towerina upwards ,to the azure ekies tho daz- zling snow white renge encircles tile eraeraid verdure et the aleine valleys whilcEtbe Svibire-hued needles and leo peaks .of the stlaciers which cleave their •way far down into the vales ;beneath, all combine in oreeting a scene ot overwhelming rooanty and sublimity .wlalob surely can scarcely be equalled on ties earth. A.nd if there were any on that dili- gence wbo bee forgotten elle great fact that time is but a preparation for latorantee and, who in that move- ent of apparent peril realized that it ithey were lo be summoned be/ore the dread judgment bar, :they were utterly unprepared, perhaps that elarming tEought determined them to movie to the Saviour of tbe world for forgiveness throu,gb the merits of His atonement for them, and for grace ‘to live a godly life. A.xoTitpu, TAFT LOCK' FOR THE TRENT CANAL Tito following editorial appeared in the Toronto News of 'November 10th If. when Libe,raliem was enjoying its 'careless south, it had been pro- posed Ito translate Mr. Stratton to the ,Sexiate, it is to be feared that the jests would Inve bordered upon irreverence. Mr. Stratton, accord- ing to his chief, has been singularly successful in his management of institutions for the .care of the men- tally ,detective, and this would have bean 'mentioned as a reason why be should assurae a commanding posi- tion in the Upper Chamber. This feeling, however, has now passed away etre cares of office hav- ing produced their usual sobering ef- fect. The Senate too, has been re- formed. This worn outt politieai hacks of another era and. another party have been replaced by veter- an, wbo, ba -vine borne !the heat and burden of the day, are now enjoying well-earned repose and dignity in the night's balray prime. The places of the plutocrats have been taken by .men of great -wealth and high stand- ing‘ira. dIse financial World. the, t r tte f amt./arts of the Sane te are now more ,clearly percesared. A sec- ond 'chamber is now :necessary to delay or revise hasty or ill-consider- ed legislation, and to eheck the rash impulses of the multitude—t� save the people, so to speak, from them- selves, Mr .Stratton Ins been en- gaged for several years in checking teee ill-considexed impulse of the people of Ontario to upset the Gov- ernment. The Government in this respect has performed to a certain extent the duties of a second chant her. The •people wantocl them to go but i hey felt that if they obeyed, this hasty impulse they would be acting the part of diemag,ogoues: and with admiral firmness and constancy they remain at their posts, smiling at the tempest. Yet it must be a relief to Mr. Stratton to go to a place where 110 can eerforna ties duty without any suspicion of partisanship. There were, we arc fore6d to drnit, some rd his colleagues who had gi MT1 ground for 'Ulla t •sni ei The , Globe ane several inets hinted at such •a eeceneereenon of the Can- t --- , Cedte. EA T C, XI. 0 B„,r0 the The le,intl Y:u an etnyl Bogle Sienatero or THE CHRISTMAS DELINEATOR The December Delirmater with its message of good ()beer and, helps fubaess, will lba welcome in every home. The fashion agee are ;usual- ly an -motive, illustrating and de- scribing "the very latest modesin a way to make their coestruetlen der- ing Uzo busy festive season a pleas - ore ;instead of a task, and the liter-- arn and pictorial feateres ere a raeRxcelieeee, A seleotion a Love Stow erom Ute Wegner Operas, retie catered into Roglisle by Richard de eallienue and beautieully illustrated in colter •by 3e C. Lenentleckort "" copies a prominent place. Alta a chepter in tie, Compesers' Serees, re- lating tee Romance of Wageer and 90%11104 is an interesting supplement to tlie lyrics. A very clever paper entitle(' "Tee Court Circles of the Repteblic." describes *some unique phases of WV,$ItiaagtOit sooial lifo is from .an 'upnanaed contributor, •who le emit" to write from ihe inner cire dee of society, There are slaort stories from the pens Of 0. rs Bea- leinson Smith, Robert Grant. Alice Broom. Mare- Stewart Cutting and Elmore Elliott Iseaete, and suck in- teresting winters as Jolla Maeruder, B. Frank Baum. and Grace MacGo- W411 CO01-10 114141 t1e attention ot attention of the ,oltildren, Many Gliristmae sugeestious are given in, needlework and the Coeltery pagee AV redolent of the Christmas feast' ht addition there are the regular de- partments of the luvrPaeine, with many special articles ontopies re- lating to woman's interests within and witboot the home, A $LEEK GAME Gunof .the micest and meet gene te1 graLte of the present day is worked by 'the fellows who go around eulargine pietures, A 31.Xl.M. ber of 'them are operating now itn a nolghbotring town, end tbie is their =came, Of getting alastOroers. They go into a home end. explain to the lady of the Itteuen tliat they bare itest started itt the neighltorhend in the nictUre 'lett-514M and they would lIko to bane a. photo of herself to enlarge free ot cheree tt Wee Would simply hang it eitx the wall, and tell enquiring friends who sbe Got it from etc, etc.. Fioally after Isom* tratefiret ixt the matter the lady simile the oontract, biadire tins ptc- tore firm to give her a picture free. Rut a iittio clause in Oa contract $ays 111 substance that in order to get the picture Trot, the purchaser agrees lo pa y SL97e for a frame—of enuese the lecture eauldn't he hung without a Inente—and their frames ere so much better thaal can ne got from .the regular dealer awl ever so meth, cheaper, and. titat is all the lady bas to do to get one ot these magnificent (1) pictures is to pay the seiltry sum of $4.97 for the frame, After this very cox:AM:bag 14.rgixtrient the agent generally de- parts etitb the photo, anti ethatis ot more consequence to him, tt con- tract for a frame. The game is so gentlemanly in every particular that the ogent does not .aet "Turned down" more than one* out of a doz- en times, and he makes a good. thing out Of it. Tho virmounceroont comes from Ot- tawa that tenders are being called for a 3200,000 lift lock at Kirkfield on ‘the Trent Canal. The location will he between Lake Simcoe and Bal- sam Lake, or about 100 miles from the Peterborough lift. The Kirk - field 'lock will be 130 'feet long, and will overcome an elevation of 55 feet, being slightly smaller than the one at Peterborough. It will also differ from the Peterborough look in that its towers will be of steel instead of concrete construction. Work will bie Pilebed forward very rapidly, and it as expected that the lock, as well as that portion of the canal' on -ivibich it is situated, will ibc completed by the fall of 1905. taAlte. is the grandest, most scientific and safest cure for any kind of headache. Without being a laxative, itaegulates a disordered stomach, and is therefore something en- tirely new for a bilious headache. It clears the brain and makesyou fit for the day's duties, and to those who are trou- bled with nervous headaches at night, it acts as a calinative, and insures refresh- ing sleep andlright mental activity the next morning. Your physician Will tell you that the safest and best form in which to take a headache cure is a tablet. Powders and wafers vary, containingeither too much or too little of a prescription. All Hed- rite tablets contain the same ingredients to a i-eootla part of a grain. They can be easily broken or crushed and swal- lowed with a drink of water. You will find that after taking Hed-rite for a few attacks that your headaches will come less frequent, and in time will altogether disappear, unless brought on by careless and irregular living. We are the only head. ache specialists in the world. A postal card will bring you a sample •box, containing two doses, feec. Don't bey before you try. The Herald Remedy Chicago, mot -Areal. Perth Everett Langford, or crouton, bas rented Ben Langford's 'farm on S. le, Helaine/In. ilneeee no Muni as a prompt and VOSLLIVO cure for sick headachebit- iousnese, constipation, pain in the side and all Ryer troubles. Carter's Little 1,iver Pills. Try them. Mr .Co. Haenes,o weubikrA, West Nissouri, .was ohopying wood a few days ago and es-nere trimming some small Beebe tbe axe glanced and etruck tete side of les left band near the wrtst anti made a painful cot. . z.fr 4'0 Mr. Js. Watson, tin OW .MSidzas ot .ttoUierweU, ie in failing bealtb, end es now cenfined to his bed for Me greater part of tbe time. He is now 86 yes7rs old and is probably the oldest man in V tglarkm. Roy Runt on of Mr. Ralph • Ilient, of Follarton, amide/Inane fell distence of 20 feet from a high door in the side of the barn. Ile was etaceinecious for enrae time, but bags eseaped serious injury. 11. M. 'Moir. chargetl at the =lees at Stratford with tbeft from the DO - minion Express Co,. St. Marys. was found guilty by Jastice Teetzel end eentencen to one •mouth in jail, A petition frOro St. Marys peoplo re- commending mercy no doubt pro - vented tho sentenco. from being more severe. The fillarterly official Ward og the l‘Tethedist church. Bt. Mary% have extended on invitation to Roy. aura- pbroy Graham. of Wellbural, to ewe- ceed ;the preeent pastor, Rev. T. Manning, whose, iterm expires next summer. Rev. Mr. Graham is ono of the younger members of the Metbo- dist aniniatry and is an old St. Marys boy.,,Iraving been brought up in that town and continuing to live there untleihe heft to continue his studies There was almost a second tragedy the basement of the town, hall, St. Marye, elte exact epot Ni,'Ilare the bee ner.Robert Swalee met, bee death by 'touching A, live electric wire* • David, Currie. whale superintentlin the vatting in of A now Janine wa • nearly electrocuted. 'Only for Ut praseneo of his Assistant and others about there is little doubt but that he would have been killed. Mr. Carrie was almost amconselous when is helper, a lad named Weston, man- aged -to jerk Om tire from his, band, Ile ;recovered in a short time but has a badly banned finger, mad is Ain Quite deaf in onti ear as a reault. • Mr. Currlo's eecond finger on •Ins right hand is badly burneti and, tie first finger has a callused crease across it where the wire lay. Except thests amens and a -deafness evliket continues +Still irt one ear as aweeult ot elm accident, he is quite lamsell again, but it was a alone call. GENERAL NEW'S. Manitoba is as large as England and Sealant]. Ontario is four times tbe size ol. England. Seventeen years age, it was a capital -crime in uganda, Africa, for a native to learn to read and write. Now ,therti are 50,000 nativ- es who 'have been trained in the mission ,sthools. Colton las soared so high tbat unless there is very soon a material tunable in the price'tx•avellers will have to shove .up elle prices on all cottons and linens. This :means that sbirts •will advance ha price fully twenty per cent., reraarked one gents' furnisher recently. The Doratnion Council ot the Young Women's Christian Associa- tion of Canada is extending its work beyond the Dominion, and in re- sponse to the call from the World's committee is sending out its field foreign secretory, Miss /i. C. Mac- Donald, set° lett on Nov. 10th for Tokio, Japan, where she will assist in the organization and marrying on of the Young Women's Christian As- sociation -work, She is to roe support. ed iby the sixteen city and twenty- three cellege associations affiliated with etre Dominion Clifumeil. Miss S. Little, 13. A., whohas for the past three years bean secretary of the etudent department, has been ap- pointed general secretary of the Dominion Council. Middlesex Mr. Tas. C. Knapton, of Parkhill, has sold his fast little horse, "Bar- tley Wilkes." to Mr .George McCor- mick, of London for a handsome Green & Co., ivholesale ot London, will remove to Toronto. They have purchased. forty feet of land on Wellington street, for which they have paid $450 per foot, for the erection of premises. This is done in order that they may be in the same district with the other large millin- ery airms. The many frienda of Orr. John Doyle, of McGillivray, who has been lying in an almost helpless condition for the past 11 weeks --the result of an aceident--will he pleased to learn that the past few days he has showu decided signs of improvement. From the head down all seine of feeling had beet( void but now signs of im- provement .are leaeifested anti he gives promise of at least a partial re c 0 very. Huron After a pastorate of 38 yeare, Ben Dr. McLean, et Myth, has resigned las charge Mr. Henry Wolper, jr., ems pur- chased from his father, Mr. Henry Walpor, Sr,, the home stead on the Bronson 1thtt HUY. The ttoWn •of laalmorstoxi tarried by-laws by large majoeities to ex- tend. 'the Municipal electric light plant and tbe Public Library build- ing. Mess. W, II. Green, of Wingbarn and Mr, Walter Rose, .of Listowel, and formerly of winghara, have pur- chased the electric light Pont nt Teeswa ter. Must Dot be confounded with com- mon cathartic or purgative pills. Carter's Little Liver Pills are entir- ely -unlike them be every respea. One trial wil I prove their super- iority. Tile official count for West Huron, which ttook place at Goderiob, is as follows i—Total votes polled for Lewis (Conservative) 2,243; for Hol- mes (Liberal) 2,150—majority for Lewis, 93. An ,enthusdastic op:eating of the` East Middlesex Conservative As- sociation .executive was held' on Sat- urday aflenneon, Nov. 121h, at the Conservative Club, London, to dis- cuss plans for tee coming campaign for the Ontarib Legislature and to fix e date for tile nominating con- vention The data of the conventioe was named for Thursday, November 21th, to he held at the Conservative Clob in London, The exeoutive de cided to request e oh sub -division to send eve° delegate, , lag eit etnette r Ilit e o s c, I A geisbizPiepratoorAs- similating theribod andllefula- Ling Itiestowitsavaloweis of 01110teStligraSti011,C11e00111- 0.?$$4,11dRe5.COntaill5finituer pantalorphine fter Niteroi, TOT NalnIt V ()TIC, OttairSiKaZerGY4 Xeeie eeee ror Infants and Ohndr he Kind You Havg Always Bought Beam the Signature of ter .ped'ertilefftedy erCouslipa- , SOW Steritath,Diurripea, 'INOrnts,Convulstous,Fcomash- ess Andlooss or Sz.gEE. Tac$imile..$ignatur *et Miss Carrie Macdonald left Sat- urday last for Toronto, and will soon take ber departure for far-off Japan where she expeets to take a position as teacher be -one of the colleges. She expects to be absent six years. Her many friends -wish 'her raucla success and safe :return . Mrs. Chas. Smith, of Jiraes, Ohio, writes; "I have used. every remedy for sick headache I could hear of for the past fifteen years, but Carter's Little Liver Pills did nae more gond than all the rest. A :meeting of the etteildin,g commit- tee of the Howse of Refuge was held an Tueeday, of last week. but only two of the raem'bers were present, Warden Bovvraan and Mr. Spackman. There .was, however, but little busi- ness to transact . Last month's /easiness at the cis - toms office, Godericle was an ex- ceptionally large one, no less than $8,668.48 being collected there and at its outposts. This large amount is partly made 'up of the dutiespaid by Contractor Pigott on his machinery and equipments . Mrs. Colin Campbell, secretary of the West Huron Woman's Institute, made a mot e successful tour through Owen Sound, Wiarton, Lion's •Head, Teeswater, Winghe al, and other towns in the interests or that society Her denaonstrations and lectures at each place were juatly appredated. The marriage of Mable, second daughter of the late William Shan- non, of Clinton, to Mr. C. J of the Molson s Bank staff, Aylmer, lams 'solemnized on Wednesday last at ,the home of the bride's mother, Mr .and Mrs. Joy after a trip to eastern .cities, will, reside in Aylmer. On 'Tuesday as •a farmer was cirivr. ing .into Soaforthe from the porth, he saw a dear browsing at the straw stacks on Robert Govenlock's farm, a mile end a half nue of town. 11 S nibbling away quite as leisurely FIS though it were in, its native wilds Muskoka, instead of in the 'midst of Bee,e the The iSind Valise Always Belie Big/mare In 1180 For Over Thirty Tears ASTOR A *444 „set...444444 1113 fIOLSONS BANK (1ucorporaled by Act Of Parliament 18e5) CAPITAL PAID UP • • $3,000,000.00 RESERVE FUND • • • • • $3,000,000.00 • 47 Brenehee in Ontario, Quebec, Alberta, British Columbia aria Manitoba, EXETER BRAN OH t Open every lawful Day horn 10 A. It4 to ala NI, except Saturday 10 to I M. in. • Farmers' Salve flottas cashed or tollecttd. • Forms supplied • On eePlieetion. DRAFTS eta ell volute in the Dominion, Oren Briten and • ited states, boueit utdfifold st lowest rates of examen, SeAVINGS 'DEPARTMENT • • Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received. Iuteres corn- * pounded halt yearlese and added to prluelpal June ZOth aud December 31t. De. • posits uccelpte also issued and highest current rates of interest allowed, 42 Advances ramie to fara.ers, stock deniers and business men at 40: ,r• lowest veto and oa MUM fumble term. Agents at Exeter forDom. Goveramenta-a ; • • Dickson & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager. •••••••• ••••••• •411.4111441.414• 4441011•••••••••••••••4144....41, ett 40, .11A .a; 41- ,civilizatioo. Mrs, John Sobilbe, ofg ,the 14th cello Hay mot with e painful toeithap one day last week. She, was in the act Af going down the cellan steps when ehe was overoorao by a faint- ing spell and. loll to the bottom, causing o painful fracture of the orm. W napo to bear of a full recovery. Mr. ellegust Hemel:tin of lIcEillop died suddenly on Saturday morn- ing, Oct. 29th, Ilemmie suf- fered .from lama trouble for some years and it eventually caused his deetn. He was a native of Germany Ho appeared ito be in hiseusnal good health etp to the time of his death. He was 73 years oE ago and leaves a wife tend family. tion will be a part ot one of One most progressive and substantial coinpantes itt tbo Dominion. At tele last ancetieg of the Seder— ich mount:11 a petition was presented asking them to prepare and submit 'to tato vtap10 et New Year's a by -low; prohibiting ties sale of intoxioatinee liquor 'within the limits of the muni- cipality. Ting petition eveS signed by, 'nearly 400 ratepayers. A cduncillor moved itho submission of tbe benlawe but the motion found no 'seconder, and as the matter could not be din. cussed without a motion 'before the- Counoil. it eame to a standstill. Tele crowd thereupon left ine council ohom.ber and held an indignant meet ing in Tempeatance IlalL A report was re-oeived at the Pro- vincial Board oE Health department of soarlet fever in 73tephon township Huron 'county. There are now eigh- teen or twenty ,oases. Mr. 'Henry Eilber, eecretary of the local Board of Health, who made the report, says that the public schools in the town- ship have been .closed. and every pre- caution ;taken to cheek the spread of the idisease. A quiet wedding took place at the residence of the bride's 'mother, in Witignam, ,on Tuesday last, when Miss Mary Coutts became the bride of Mr. 'Wm. Showers. The ceremony was perforxned by Rev. Mr McLean, and was witnessed by im- mediate relatives of the bride and groom. After the ,ceremony and wedding dinner, the hippy eouple on the efternoon train for their fixture home in London. On .ThairSday of last week, there passed from thls life another of tbe pioneers of Huron in, the person of Mr John Sheppard, wbo had reached the advanced age of eighty-two years. He was 'boon in Tipperary. Ire - band, and came to tTes country with his parents when two years old. In 1826 •the foiaily settled an the lot on the llth con. of Goderich township now owned by Mr. W. D. Connell, and bore tha share of the Inas and downs of the early settlers. A movement is on foot to see what inducement could be :offered to Mr. J. C. Kalhfleisch to have him move his saw mill from the 14th eon., Hay to Zurich,. The mill has not .beeia 'running vary regular for some 'Lime past, owing to theadiffi- eulty of obtaining sufficient rdep to help run it, and it is thought that if ehe mill would be iodated in Zurich, aufficient help could be ob-' tained and there would be enough WOrIC to keep it running nearly the whole year, Gocteerich was the seen elast week of in financial transaction of far- reaching importance t 'aro ughout Wes tern Ontario. As a result of negotiations extending over several monthe, the Huron & 1-3' ruce Loan a nd Invosfenent Company, •of Goder- ich—nne of lthe most important fi- nancial institutions ot this tlietrict— thas teen • amalgamated with the Standard Loan Company, oC Toronto. 1The final arraogenaents were made • and from a this out the local corpora- .:. . Mrs. Anderson, Jacksonville; Fla., daughter of Recorder b Deeds, West, who witnessed heir, signature to the following letterl; prames Lydia E. Pinkhami's1 Vegetable Compound. 1 "DE,Lii Ishii: piNnium :—There net but few wives and. mothers who he, el not at times endured agonies mad suc e pain as only women know. I such women knew the value of LydAal wisee E. Pinkhanes Vegetable 00)*' pOund. It is a remarkable medicine,. different in action from. any I evert knew ew ahnadventhsocreoughmlyanrya reliable. "1 whevri ,,,,,, jrn, e manent benefit, who were cured in le a, women doctored for years without pit , % than three months after taking yoine Vegetable Compolued, while others vreon were chronic and incurable came otter cured, happy, and in perfect healan after a thorough treatment -vvith tetie medicine. 1 have never used it nayselt without gaining great benefit. A few, doses restores my strength and appe- tite, and tones up the entire system_ , Your medicine has been tried and! found true, hence 1 fully endorse it." t 0— -Ulla! :- Js. R; cAk s. 0AnNviDlE1 let, ]isoN1 a' .2-2507:0=f; isfertuffiontinat otraselo.00e letter proving gerrainenou 00,- 4riii other medicine for women has received such widespread and ung,nali, • fied, eneorsement. No ()thee memente • ha e such a recordof oures of fenteee troubles. Refuse to buy any substitute..