HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-11-10, Page 84 s',‘" IMNS, NOVEMBER 10th 1904
Letlies choiceet, Fa •
irnt Cape, ineele front
Rieh Sili Broelettell.
Lined we'll no. 1 Squir-
rel, Teitnined witee
Cho«ce Tee 4ett. A be .t.u-
Vint gartirent.
Ladies' Eitel Vests
Ing sleeve, open fro -ie
1, soft downy fiaish, th •
best value we have seen
this seaeon. Ask for
oar 25e Vests,
Ladies' Brockatell
fur tilled Cepe, Lined
with real good Sauireel
covered with rich Bo-
na trimmed. with
Blank Tbibett.
Lune? Black Fur Lined Cape. Cnvered with fine black cloth
Hued with )od squirrel and trimmed with plain black fur.
taaaelt Persiagt
b tee:ee'e
.ag, A rea
leedieschoice tdae
Perelan leeemb Jele.kee
with Arieerleito Siib,e
altar. Lovely bright
tossy earl. Best in
For our choicest 14
dies black PersienLarob
Fur Jacket. This Is one
of the choicest Coets
we beve ever effered,
Aek te see this line.
g a splendid range of Black Astracha
Fur Jkts al German dye. They come to us direot from
the m We C4I1 save you money on fur Jackets.
What about that new Jacket for the little gir1s! we ha, e
a fine lot flt very low Rriees,either short liefrer rityle$ or long
Vlsters. Bring the girls in and let them see what we a
aprOf. 4* BONI%
0.174 L
igkes, pieces
MCD'S warm underwear Flannelettes
. 25 pieces of good heavy flannelette
col- 1
, .
oiarspVinywsitdreipseesIlling":„tagebecla yfaurcit.
Sweeping victory for the Renab- Stanfield's Unshrink=.
licans. Roosevelt careies all the
doubtful stetes including New Yerk
which gave hint a majority et 185.600
able Underwear
()e'er Parker. Made of Nova Scotia wool and 20 pieces 0 extra good qualityWrap- '
guaranteed unshrinkable,get your perettes, choice patterns and colors,
size aud it will fit perfectly until selling at 90 a yard ,
worn out, money wOnt buy any
better wearing or more comfort- Wool Blankets
able and satisfactory than Stan -
i5 'pr, white all woel hlaukets, dog-
fieldS unshrinkable Underwear (we bed size worth $$.00 selling at
fOr men.. f.00, 1.2,5, $1.50 gar- $2,05 pr.
Mr. ?ear 1OUiW of Detreit,
eending a few dayat 1de twine
Mr. nes .11inadford made a elelp-
cot of a ear -lead of very Tine horsto Port Arthur, on Wednesday.
Mrs ;Tule, of Whitby. is t1e guest
of ter brother, Dr, J. W. Browiainge-
;deo her daughteee'n-law, M. role,
Iiirs Janis, Ai ohas been ilt for
eonae tU past has now tamest fui-
eecovered. and left for Saroia on
ednesday evenieg, w -here ebe will
her daughter. Mrs. Goodison,
short lune.
Die Butler, Londonwill be at
Central Hotel, Exeter, n Alp 1047
Nov. net,. from 10 a. nit io
for Eye, ger, Nose and Throat con-
sultatien, eYes tretrde and glass
Ladies' Dress Skirts
sel‘leteelin'SktiPitn; Zoaoultie3'datc7rOv'slePrItticn re only Skirts made of dark gt.ey
garment Hoinespien heavy weight, nicely triva-
07rienne*.:47pular fleeced shirte and med "°°selirng at 3.29 ea°3.
drawers all size, qiiiele sellers 45 ets Ladies' Jackets
Meted natural wool Underwear
Medium weight, ebirte double breast-
ed $1.00 garment.
Plain, ScAch keit 17ndershirte and
Airs .11 X. Rogers. and chiterren, Drawers warranted onstiriokable, all
ho have been visiting Ler parents, sizes 53 cts garment.
.and Mrs „E. Christie, lett on
S day, of lest week fee Chicago
Air. itegere is actively mpg.
4)4 A011* of Rhode le-
ets for a couple
lr. ek, of the former'
D. A. Rose. They were
ye. to their home after
lett at the Worlirs Fair.
i)ew rel. ing
Is the ke
141.1 adopte
will be glad to
ay, by opening
account at any of
to prosperit ve
ethod?, If e
t you in the right
p Savings Bank
our Branches.
Opens an account in our
No e to a er questions and •explain the exep-
toua1 advantages we offer to Depositors in our Savings
Bank Department.
The Sovereign Bank of Canada
Braiaehes n Ramon County at
cr (Mon Dashwood liensall Zurich CH
F. E. E.A.RN
elacager. Exeicrllreech
Bentley. et Dlyth, spent
t nitb frietnU tewp
on lr way to St. Marys
presrat the golden wedding
r hrOther, r. Francis Kirkby.
t place* whieli happy event Wati
-ea teforepart ot this week.
rgo Wernicke of Sacranten-
who has been visiting
deeds and relatives in and around
Exeter. lett on Thursday laet for the
Parry $eun d district, where he in -
elide spending the winter With his
I Wale eto thate'en tia
biI tatent envelope
ter beade. s. and emos.
business oa ds. an4 hi tap
the Times office. Tu1L be plea
lad repaid by renting Imre.
Mr. T., IL MoCalitItta and Reber
Taylor attended the Convention of
the A. 0. V. W., held ha Clinton on
day, of this week4 very good
gallon of the members were pre-
. and raatters pertaining to the
of the order discussed.
obit Blateliford, of Harme-
d home on btenday
a pleaFant• Visit with
ds n Manitoba. Mr. Diatelt-
rid spent some time in Deloraine,
ystal City. North Dakota. and
t xnaux old Iluronlies at the C-
ent points.
f net were to give a belled down
e for success in business we
tad ivel inclined to put ftsome.
nag like this; See to it that you
never let up sending to the, most
likely people, through the enalls an
endless obain of bright convinoing
ads, and then live up to your ads.
Wanted - .Mert and women n
this country end adjoining territor-
ies, to represent and advertise an old.
established house of solid financial
standing. Salary to men $21 week-
ly, to woraert $12 to $18 weekly •with
expenses advanced casb Monday by
check direct from leadquerters.
Iferse and buggy furnished when ne-
cessary ; poeition permanent, Ad-
dress, Blew 13ros. eie Co., Dept. A,
Monon Bldg., Chicago, Ill.
A prerey Coat, imported frieze in
black, Ai tel back, lined throughout
selling at SE,00
Extra heavy eteeking made 0 pure
"41, wool Vadorsbirts 1 worde4 yarnwear guaranteed, mon-
nd Drawere nn in nirleen aCeorde ey won't lite,' any better, all 41Xea ip
ng to $in rtoin 150 to 'Mete gement. to In, prices avcoeding efee„
ek Vineelit, 1 10 110p eta n -
will take part at t cencert Opera House
Atop, en Friday night next.
And Mrs ,I, Skinuer of Mit- Next Saturday Night
attenod the tuncral of ffie
late 17. Fislter. on SuxulaY-
A onion Thenkseiving servko will NOVEMBER 12th
be held ip james-st. church on
Tiltat/zsgivitti; Day With lost) at If you don't laugh don't come for
11 a. m. An oferiog in behalf of the w.
poor wit Bee token. e are funny.
Ma .J. •4411, vrt Popular Prices
on. Mrs. "O. M. Mar
Marrlege Licenses,
Wedding Rings,
Weetclume Clockee
Watch Repairing* Specialty.
DR. OVENSsat-fe.,?Naft:
' Nose an
49"N"'De"li Throat
ti;imis Exeter monthly.
Glasses Properly Fitted
Nasal Catarrh and Deafness treated. OfIlee
C M Cl HOTEL: Dates ot visits.
E N SDA S.JuIy 7 cp . 7. 0ct 5,
ay. .2. Nov. so. London office M Queens Ave.
General Selling Agent fer.
&P. R Lands
Any persons, farmers or other.
who contemplate purchasing lands
tn Manitoba or the North-west Ter-
ritories will find it to their ad-
vantage to eall on me, as I have
recently been appointed general ea-
ting agent for all C. P. R. and O. N.
.W. Land Co's lands. Prices range
from. $3.50 per acre and upwards.
Persons who settle on C. P. R.
lands within one year after pur-
chase have ten years in which to
pay for such lands.
For further particulars apply to I
oE New r
• Fisher.
Glenc,00 this
bin g lip a car of butter.
. M, Cantln et St. JOSenh,
a visitor in "town on Friday
Mrs. Rutherford, or Aimee*, is
the guest of her sister. Mrs. Chas.
The Times will be sent to any ad-
dress until the end of 1005 for •one
dollar .
Miss Ethel Dow has taken atio Pool -
:LS clerk with, Messrs. Carling
Don't forget the ehicken-pie soc-
ial in the Presbyterian church on
i ay evening
Have you a distant triend? Sand
him or her the Times to the end o&
year 1904 for 10 cents.
Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Cure and
Restorative for sale at C. Lutz's
Central Drug Store, Exeter.
Sacrament of the Lord's Supper
WS dispensed in both Methodist
hetrches on Sunday last.
The Times has the correct styles in
wedding invitations and visiting
cards. Let us have your next order.
Coming. -Patten & Perry cominr•
Jerry from Kerry," Friday, Nov,
18th, Opera. House. l'opuIar prices.
The family residence belonging to
the late C. W. Smitb will be sold by
public auction on Saturday after-
noon next .
The Times will be sent t
dress until Jan 1st., 1906 for one dol-
lar. Send the Timesto an absent
Mr. French, and little daughter
of Toronto, have been guests of his
sister, ;elm E. Follick, during the
It E laleNARI, Exeter. forepart of the week.
Or aL the "TIMES" office. 1 Mrs .II. Hooper attended the Pro-
vincial Convention of the W, C. T.
, U., at 13ownianville, this week as a
-1 delegate from the Union here.
tie copy for changes mist be left
not later than Tuesday noon. Casual
advestisemente accepted up to noon
Wednesday of each week.
THURSDAY, NOV. 10th, 1904
• -
4. •
Six wrecks 11'0111 next Sunday will
be Christmae.
Next Thursday (Thank givin
Day) will be a public holiday.
Howey's "Ciine-e-Cold" does cure.
Your money back if it fails.
Sae how the Severeign Bank can
benefit you in their ad. last page:
31iss Mary Hepburn and bliss Live
Y1 gstone spent Sunday in Centralia.
Miss Cora Fotvell, who has been
on the sick list is Tepidly recovering.
As Thanksgiving day is drawing
near, people should keep an eye on
their fowl or they may he missing
-so me,
Mrs. Penhale, Gidley street, who
intends to break up housekeeping,
will hold an aaction sale of her
household effects, on Wednesday,
Nov. 16th.
Mr .W Salter, of Ilr,ussels, who
hes been spending a few days visit-
ing his parents and friends here, left
last Tuesday for South Bend, India-
Take Laxative Brom() Quinine Tab-
lets. All druggists refund the mon-
ey if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's
signature s on each box. 25c.
Chicken Pie Social. -The Ladies'
Aid of Caven Presbyterian church
will hold a chicken -pie social on
November lith, in the basement OE
the church. A good programme will
alse be rendered. Admission 25c.
A full line of Remedies for In-
fluenza, LaGrippe ant Colds, such
as Laxacold, Dix Cold Cure, Hum-
phlirey's Specific for sale at 0, Lutz's
Central Drug Store, Exeter, Samp-
les free.
Don't Monkey with
that cough use HoweY'S
A great merchant says that "many
smaller mer ants in the cities doubt
the value of advertising in their own
case. These men fail to take into
consideration the fact that in most
instances the department store began
as a neighborhood store and increas-
ed its business by judicious advertis-
ing. Advertisine is just as profitable
for elle small bitaireess as for the
large one. Newspapers publicity
comes firet."
Fell Twenty Feet. -One day lasi.
week as Messrs, Geo. Hearnan and
W. Jones were working at Mr. Wm.
Bagshaw's new residente, the scaf-
fold :upon which they were standing
gave Ivey precipitating them both
to ;the ground, Ja1on4 with brick,
mortar and a keg of nails. Mr.
ileaman broke his fall somewhat by
grasping at the window sill below,
hut Mr. Jones fell to the ground, a
distance of some twenty feet. Both
escaped any injury save a severe
shaking .up,
An Eejoyable Evening. -The re-
ception tendered to the Main-st.
IVIethadise League by the meraners
.the James -et Methodist League
in .the •j'ames-st. .church on Tuesday
evening last was very enjoyable. The
chair was ably filled by Dr. D. A.
Anderson. Rev .Dr. Hannon &lever-
ing an address of welcome to the vis-
itors. The programme was then
rendered by the visiting League, con
slating ,of a. duett by Mr. and Mrs.
A. Andrews ; solos by Miss Eva lIus-
+on and Mr. R. Gurney; 'readings by
Miss B. Howey and Rev. W. Godwin;
quartette by 'Mr, and Mrs. Gurney
and Mr .and Mrs. A. Andrew's, inter-
spersed with, selections by Mr. Wil-
lis Powell on Edison's phonograph42 .
1e./' the programme refreshments
were served by the Tames -et- League
IVEarke t Report, -The following is
the report of Exeter markets, cot-
reebed up to Thursday, Nov.10th
Wheat from 95c to $1.03 per bushel
Oats 28 to 30 cents per bushel.
Barley 38c. to 40 cent.
Peas 58o to 60c per bushel,
Bran $16 per • ton.
Shorts $20 per ton.
Flour, $3.00 per cwt.
Low grade flour, $1.25 per cwt.
Chicken Feed, lc. per pound.
Batter 13 to 15 cents per pound,
Eggs 19 eente per dozen.
Dried, apples 3 to .3 1-2.
,Cliackens, 7 icenes per peered.
Ducks, 8 cents per pound.
Turkeys, 12 cents per pound.
Mee MAO -
d Alie$
all, en Tuesday.
are, Murree' ,attended IV, Ear-
ign Missionae ry Cumuli Hen -15 cents and 25 cents
Mrs. (Or.) Rollins, who has safer-
from inward trouble or the past (bus IVill last over I
Inner oe yrs, and her case tie., ary storm period, cen ral ou the
4nuin more serious, en operation and Oth. A decided. fall of -
vaszesovted to in Italie° °I reli°v" emote DI Y he expected on and
I bee sufferings Tim operation . .L. taie, 704, with obau3.4 to
Irrtr,°0111f 4) LdoenndonV."MnertaY'Rboilipnrs t‘t(l'aurlui"enra, and more storms or rain
tbrough the operation very turning to snow at the wind up
o ably and lier many friends now will pess eastwardly over the mune
or her speedy return to Itmlith try on and next to the Sth and 9th
• a'as. flagshaw, was taken sud- These storms will be rollowed
promptly by a decided raise in the
1 a eitivirnwolotnli ‘-itt,pbtoondaitctietine,dinogn sSuuinie. barometer, high -,rales from the
day school, nis ildus the second northwest, especially over the lake
regions. and change to mutat colder
attack, the went to London on Mon -
The next storm period is central on
the 14th. Its influence will be felt
in all its varying Oases, from the
12th to the 16th.At first it will
operation was -successful, and r.
•ex turn warmer and the barometer
Bagshaw is prozreesing very favor- v4111'egin falling in western sections
f These .conditions will progress to the
4tath oi Mrs. /iced. _ The death I eastward, according to the laws of
storm movements, followed by more
ot Mrs .Mary Reed widow at the late rain turning to snow west and north
it •D *Deeds Esq., occurred ot the re.1 during and about the 14th to 1.6th,
sidenee of hor daughter, Mrs. 3. P8T- The moon being in apogee on the
kinson, .420 Pelt Mall street, liondon 17th and *n the celestial equatox on
an Tuesday et this week. Dcceased 1 the 38th, the probabilities are that
lady was 'n°1'n in Engin"' 84 Years a 'threatening state of weather will
ev, and moved to nets country with
r late husband whde still a young
woman. For a. number of years
Mrs, Ileed resided in Exeter, pre-
vious to going to London and made Huron Presbytery: -The PreSby-
mnny dose trienag bore ie'y bar kind l illeornysoalLliounroinborasettuaninesta.7:11. cehumrceb.
and loving disposition. Throtiehout
her life she bore continual testimouy J Lennan, of Kippen, Moderator. Dr.
Lo the all -sufficient grace of God. In AthiceLtreaounlo,mio
wasaispsponintceod.ntemonitrteeneer in her early years particularly, she was
active in church work, but it was in ploave:dofto.T. Leamington,A. Iia inil on.Merv.ho.A.hass.
that hee
her own home and among the familym
religion was supremewaasnad PresbyteryMcGregor,
(afs Lao ntodeonan ,.airddorfests he ad 4i h:
shone most brightly. She
children wil lever cherish the seized
good mother and her remaining esonnaltbIlley'sin?SapobrbtaatnleceScolifooalsinCgomtmheitAtese.,
memory cli her motherly devotion, I sembly's Sabbath, School literature,
iler kendernesa of spirit Was most
and the teacher's training course. A
marked hy her long and continued motion was passed comraending these
to the attention of 'Ministers and
Sunday Schools.Rev. Mr. Srnall in
Sunday School. Rev. Mr. Small in
behalf of Auburn congregation, ask-
ed leave to borrow$2500 to complete
their new church. On motion this
day',morning, and an operation was
pertorrned by Dr. Wis.-liar t,
remove the trouble, on Tuesday. Dr.
Browning also being present. The
be prolonged. possibly into reaction-
ary period central on 'the 19th and
:10th .
illness. During t.lile, past year she
has been constantly* confined t °bel
and at times her spirit almost reach-
ed the Border -Land but yet again
she was spared a little longer. The
remaining members of her family are
Miss ‘Citeries and Mrs. Parkinson, of leas granted. Revs .Messrs. Larkin,
London; Mrs. (Rev.) 3, D. Hannen. Smith. and Anderson were appointed
et Flint, Mich„, and Mrs. Shaw, of a .committee to nominate Professor
-.Wilkespoet, Ont. Interment took for Montreal College and report to
place at Wilkesport, La.mbton county next aneeting. Rev. '3-. A, Hamilton
,en wethaeedey. The esrhiptaby 0E having ibeen transferred to Loam -
tended to the bereaved ones.s ex_ ington, a motion was passed appre-
many friends in thie locality i
dative ,o ( his charaeter and work dur-
Death of •Mr .F. Fisher. - Manying i:h
le' twelve Years Pasteeate in
will regret to learn of the death of I.ondesboro and Hullett. Missionary
Mr .Frederick Fisher, which Leek , meetings ;were left in the hands of
place on Friday of last week, at the sessi°11. The ,cominittee 'appointed to
age of 61 years and 1 month. yr. secure sanely for
Chiselhurst coe-
Fisher had been in poor health for gregation, reported that the attempt
the past -seven years but about one ' to make any otihfor arrangements had
year agoei‘he became worse, lingering failed. Thte Rev. W. M. Martin was
during all theveary months
with asked to continue as iis pastor. Ta,
no eotas of reeeoe!.y. Deceased was attention of sessions was called to
one of the eierly pioneers, coming to the proper revieion of their member -
this iCountry when a lad of two and ship rolls. The Presbytery ladjourn-
a ,half 'years old, his parents settling. ed ;to meet at Seaforth, on 17th Jan -
in the, township of TJsborne, where uary ,next. ithe W. F. M. Presley -
lie continued to live until seven terial Sooiete met in Carmel Church
Year -s ago, when he removed to Exe- : Ilensalle on the same day' A largs
ter.• Ile was 'greatly respected and Slumber ,of delegates were present -
tion was
all 'the Societies in the Presbytery
though of a quiet, retiring disposi-
a large .eircle of friends. He was a
well known, aria enjoyed eine. represented. Mach progress
the, fullest confidence and esteem of was macit9 in many of the auxiliaries
and iniss:on Bands ,both in member -
member of the jarnes-at. church ship and thank -offerings. Total
Thirty two years ago he was mar- money 'raised by the Auxiliaries $1630
rind to Miss Elizabeth, Buswell, who °nd by Mission Bands $328' °°in`-' an
wile, an only da,ngfhte t. 1 ft t adva,nce of $111 for the year A
mourn ithe loss of a loving husband, , large public meeting was held in the
and kind father, as well as two evening, when Revs. A .E• Winelies-
wmiam and Genr„e, ni. ter, of Toronto ,ancl D Carswell, of
Eeete,, ,„ 4.., „,„ „:,,4,.,..,, m,,,, b.-rur,I McKiDop gave earnest addresses and
or IN-Te‘V ''i'le'rk',"aynCII'M'r's°. C--.1%,--or6;'.. niensi° was furnishe" bY Carnici
borne. The funeral on Sunday 1 t e'll'r°11 choir'
was one of the largest held here for
some ;time, interment taking place SALE REGISTEBS.
inR1L!1:. Exi'erise. etelnlicekt.:x7.Forecasts for SaluxdaY' N°v. 12-11°115.:e '11.1d Lot,
the first part of November sailoscok5,e.tvlieerapirosphearrteys E fthelpilla
to Chas.
- A. Vulea.n storm period was Smitle Andre,w street, Exeter, sale
central on the 3rd, extending from at 2.30 e'clock sharp. John Gill,
the 1st to the 6th.. The conjuuction auctioneer, H. Huston, Execetee,
of the moon with tbe sun and earth, 'Wednesday, Ie,ov .161h al the resi-
11CAV moon falling on the 7th the n e nt Mrs. Vire Penhele, Galley
high barometer and cold fellowine street, household effects, etc. Sale at
Pork fever Weight, $4.60 Per cwt. the first slorm period will not be one o'clock. John Gill, auctioneer,
Hay $6 to $1 per ton.
Pork dre,ssed $,25 per ewt. so decided, but thretening condi- errs Wm. Penhale, proprietress.
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••**
Ladies Fur Ruffs in Alaska Sable, America* Sable 'Sam
bells. Fox, Stone Martin,Opossum,a,nd Coon from $1 to
Ladies Fur Caperines at all prices.
Ladies Fur Coats of nice Astrachan Dog. Beautiful
curl and first class linings $29, $30, $35, $40.
11.:ENIS: FURS..
Men's Fur Coats of galloway calf, natural color of black
finest tan in town for $29,00. -
Men's Browr. Of with Ast.raehan Collars very fine
coat $28.00.
Men's Bishop Coats of Ru. Ian Dog, A good Coat
and $20,
Men's and Women's Fur Caps $2 to $6.
Flannelette Blankets, large size $1.00
Wool Blankets large and heavy $3.00
Horse Blankets, and Rubber Coats at away
down prices.
.4040.4.4,44.4ti....44.4•••••••• 4+44k 44+0 *114 .0 4110 044 04114.414,
40114.4... .4444 OP* .4444 4* Ito+ lit) • 41h. Itt. •••••••••••
Furniture Furniture
If You Want Furniture Buy at iluston's
We sell Cheap,rauch Cheaper than elsewhere,and
after use You will say was Cheapest, We don't
keep the shoddy kind in our shop, nothing but A. 1
Funeral Director and,Praoticabbe Embalmer. Opera House Bleck
Star flour is our specialty.
We believe there is no better
flour made than our Star
We use only the best of old
Manitoba wheat and mix it
with old Ontario grown wheat
which makes the best flour
that can be made.
If yon have never tried our
flour get a 100 lb. .sack and
give it a fair trial and we are
confident you will like it.
Dealers handle this brand
and you have a winner.
•• In Western Ontario
• This school enjoys ithe re-
• fellation eat doing the roest e
le work in Business Edemation•
;in t_lhe Dominion. The large ;
• schools in Canada and the •
• United States employ our
4, graduates as teachers. We give the same
instruction to all and that the 'Test.'
- students may enter at any time. Write
4, for free catalogue. 4.4*-
*W. 3. ELLIOTT, }Principals •
0.0 .00 O.* 41.00 • •••••• *44 .•
Itching, Blind, Bleeding or pro-
truding, Piles. Druggists refund
money if Pazo Ointment fails to
any case, no metter of how long
standing in 6 to 14 days. First ap-
plication gives ease and rest. 50c. If
your druggist hasn't it send. 50c in
stamps and it will be forwarded post
paia lay Paris Medicine Co., St. Louis,
We expect to have our saw mil run-
ning by the Brat of the year, and will
pay the highest cash price for saw
logs of ever description delivered now
or any time at our saw mill at rear of
Fleeing factory.
Lumber Lath
and Shingles
We are in a better position than
ever to supply our many customers
with all they may require either from
gimp or yards.
XerCall in we like to see youdliet
are here with the goods.
have the most complete stock of
reliable COUGH & COLD remedies
and o her seasonable preparations.
have the fineet assortment of Rub-
ber Goods, such as: -
Hot Water Bottles
Ice Bags
Fountain Syringes
Enemas &c .&c
have just received a large stock of
the best French, English and Ameri-
can Perfumes and other toilet articles.
have never failed to give entire sat-
isfaction in any case where we teste'll
• ee
eyes and prescribed glasses, and WE
are here always. ,1
have everything you want
The finest goods at the
best prices. •
Drug Store