HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-11-10, Page 7UTE
• Carter'
Little Liver Pills.
Moat Bear Signatueo of
See Facaninilit infreener Below.
Veal arriala (ma D.D easy
to take as sugar.
p Lt.& FOR CONN.
iminervere eeiz.sezo. eneol.eo,
Suffered ForANutnber
; of Years From
g Dyspepsia.
▪ That is what IIs, Mary Parka at
Ceoper, Out say; awl there are lie
* thousands of °Owes who cart say in
In the same thing.
44 cured her, and will cure any- let
2: one and everyone troubled with
a"- Dyspepsia. Mrs, Parks write a een'
et follows: -
94 "I suffered for a number of years %le
a. • from lanspo,peia, and tried mans -reuse it
• dies, bat witheat any relief mail, on
m the advice of a friena,I atarted toes° re
Burdeels Bleed Ilitters. after ming ea-
one bottle 1 was pleased to and, that i
m was relieved of the areadful rains I sr,
stinared. I give all prise to 11 13 11. for
;gm the benefit I have received and I hope ,
fa n11 sufferers fran levspepsin will try ze,
fa thin wonderful remedy. if they du u,
* am eure thnt they will have the eume
; experience that 1 have haan
•ki 'Hu . Allr,BuRN Co., limiruo,
; Toronto, Ont. Ire
• Minnie. --"Did be kiss you when be
1114y—"Geetainly; I
Wouldn't consider any bat sealed
• Torpedoes were first introduced as
a practical weapon in 1S76. Taking
into consideration the great aelvances
• made in other weapona the torpedo
• has not been vastly improved. A new
• Mark XI torpedo, however, the most
powerful in the world, is to be in-
troduced into the British 'Navy in
the near fu'leire,
Peofile often say, "How are we
to know when the kidneys are out
of order ?" The location of the
kidneys, close to the small of the
back, renders the detection of
kidney trouble a simple matter.
The note of warning comes from
the back, in the shape of backache.
Don't neglect to cure it innue-
diately. Serious kidney trouble will
follow if you do. A few doses of
taken in time, often save years of
suffering. Mr. Horatio Till, Geary, 3,
about two years with kidney dis-
ease.writes :---"I suffered for }
ease. Had pains in my back, hips
'n'd. legs; could not sleep well,
and had no appetite. I took one
box of Doan's Kidney Pills, sent
they cured me. The pains have -all
left, and I now sleep well.
Price 50 cents per box, or 3 for
.$1.25. All dealers or 3.),
1 Tern Do eN Emienv Pire., Co.,
Toronto, Ont.
1' Das been the Lullaby Song of Many n
Victim to their Last Long Sleep.
A cough should be loosened as
speedily as possible, and all irrita-
tion allayed 'before it settles in the
lungs. Once settled there Bron-
chitis and. Con stunpti on may follovv.
'est the remedy you requiret't
'ante virtues of the Nolway Pine
and Wild Cherry Bark, with
other standard pectoral Herbs and
Balsams, are skilfully combined
to produce a reliable, safe and
effectual remedy for all forms of
1 Coughs and Colds.
Mr. 1d. D. Macdonald, Whycoco-
magh, N.S., writes :---" I think it
my duty to let people know what
great good Dr. Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup did for me I ha.d a
bad cold, which settled in my,
chest, and I ceulcl get nothing to
cure it till I tried Dr. Wood's Nor-
way Pine Syrup. The first bottle
helped me wonderfully, and. the
third one cured ine.
Price 25 cents per bottle.
Only a Trifling Cold
God So Loved the World That lie Gave
His Only Begotten on.
Thou shalt love the Lord thy God Tbe love of Jesus—what it is
with. all thy heart and with D.11 thy Nooe but His loved ones know.
mind. This is the first and great ee
cominandment.—St. Matthew sodi, 4i4nY wastn yearn in the' vairl s•pecn-
!lotion as to God's ree'elation of Hina
No zizan can truly love his aeigh-
bor as be loves himself until he has ,Seif to us. With the GreeltS of old,
first learned to keep this first amo some say to Confucius anti to Beni -
will this be, but that it is net au
task 1ilha• •and to Mohammed. "Show us
the father and it sefdcietat us,"
great commandment. No easy
the What is truth? some ask witn Lilat
impessible one la testified by
lives of unnumbered thousands Nebo and like Pilate wait not, for the ane
have lived and in all ways done swer, Yet to us to -clay it is spoken
their best. 'Tear Ged, and keep the word of life by the eternal word
Elia commandments, for this is the a,Tesus Christ. "Ile that bath seen
wbole duty of man," was the text the Father." And the clarion -voiced
of the great preacher hundreds of declaration, "I am the way, the
years before Christ came. To -day truth wed the life." "God so loved
we teeth Our cbildren that they wer Q the world that Ile gave His only be
Heart and Nerve
Are a SpeCific for all heart and nerve
tronbles. Here are some of the symp-
tellis. Any one a them should be a
Warning for yo a to attend -to• it im-
mediately. Don't delay. Sereus break,
down a the s stein ay follow, if o
azade to know God, to love God and gotten son to the eind that all that do: Nervousness, SleeplesSilesS,
to serve God. It is true that "per- 'believe in Mu sbould not perish, but uess, PalpitatiOn of the Heart, Shortness
ecAstth out fear, but, as leave everlastmgHf le gave the
with the infant races in pre-Ohrist- best
Ian days, man had .first to learn to knEsp Gunn TIE ITAD.
fear God, so eveo to -day that ele., Walq -
remit of fear is sweetest which is with-, ttlear a. goo4 pleh one would dare
out epprebeneion, but full of r ever" to due bet while we were yet sinuera
ential awe,
We cermet love Ged Until WQ know er,ItattedoactQerellsTy" oirZeitioaelleY ‘tviclinn;
Hinz. To our in/Alley we knew Bthibeeease ale first loved us"?
•God made Ine; •I come from Clod;
beleng to God, All religions •
fere Christ were • shadows of the
truth in So far as *bey taught truth,
but witli ineernation • ligbt, -came
agAin, The incarnation Was o. new
omen, to UN 1 t O. thousand loving cation and the Holy IN 4
lo fait . In manhood we enter up-
on a more intinmee knowledge of
Him in tbe daily school of exper-
ience. • In inatarer yeArs w() say with
in cot : "We know Hint
ia wbont wn have believed." We do
Us because ITe has made Himself
WayS, As fatlier, mothetirti
, lover new b% es secnini A41.14atIniVictaYrne
hesearel friencl• as ruler of our des. into the world. la Jesup Cliriat
tiny and guide of our devious pathalone can be towel the allSWer to
wity; as a shadow from the beat and 4W0174W017riddle asked by the sphinxes of
a refuge from the storms which fret 411 ages, "He is our God; We have
the days of our earthly sojoorning, Waited for Hizzi," Iteart, mind and
THE LOVE OF GOD iwill must all be conaintrated to 111111
no passing passion, no varifibla in113Tilig Rerviee'
mama, but threogh all the ages „
God's paean rings eut, lutve levee' , Wed- lit thiS World they lueve
thee with an eyeriastieg love," For Yet not of it, ,TheY July(' 1,ivedos
our 0' Qa good Ile ehastens es, but "seeing' Ulm who is Ilt:t'isih"e4„ but'
'lie chustieements are tbotte of one :their vitions were rell'it'es and their
WI() Intows one zieeds. PAM And dreams the eternal, truth. They basee
sickness, potarty and suffering, ere . belonged to the tree aristocracy of into finely powdered rottesistone,
faets the existence of wl 'el ” 1 • t • Ill • .c Inc
In tbis faith matey bave lived and
o( Breath, Breath, Rush of Blood to the Head,
Smothering and Snaking Spells, Fain
and Weak Spells, Spasm or Pain through
the Heart; Cold, Clammy Pfau& all
Feet. There may he many Miner eyenp
toms of heart and nerve tretible, bit
these aro the chief ones.
Millnern's Heart and Nerve Pills wit
diepel all these symptems from th
Price 50 cents per box, or 3 for $1.25.
Mrs. L. Dorey, Heinford, NtS., writes
es ae Wa$ troubled with
pitztn_eps,, weak spells and fluttering o
the heart. procured a box of Milburn'
Heart and Nerve Inns, and they did me
so much good that I got two more boxes,
and afterfinishing them I was completely
cured. I must say that I cannotrecem.
/need tliena tee highly.
Meta Whose Sadder, Brains Lead.
Russian Porees to
The shameless untrustworthiness of
Reesia's diplomacy and 'One utter cor-
ruption pervading her entire publle
ez•vice have been clearly and impar-
tially- pointed out front time to time,
says a London despatth. There Is
Yet a third clisgraen which Idtberto
has not been so defieitely indicated,
viz., tele conduct a and character of
Russian officers, militarY and naval -
Tee press of every capital Of Europe
has more than hinted that drunken-
ness was largely 'the centributing
ceeese of Russia's latot self -humilia-
tion in the North Sea. Th e time has
new come when the drunken disso-
luteness and brutality of a /ergo
Proportion of the Russian officers
should be held up to the reprehension
ef the etvilleen world. Its result
k iaireloonliceecronin, e a matter of interoatioA-
No one nezzio tbe highest None
4 , it) SlAt'li Melt as tic brave Geoeral
' Si Neese', the conunauder of Port
t , Arthur, One Of the few Ituseian ogl-
e cern who gained the respect Of pfileeni
e of other nationalities duriug the Pe -
Ikip -expedition, but Steessels, Moire-
patliine and Kellerri are Sadly few in
the Ituesiaa vervicee, both of whict
are disgraced by the presence of toe
uniny officers of the type of the
ftrand ihtke Boris, who even at the
f froot tiarr000d_ed himaell with RR
S entourage of painted women and
drunken boon companioes.
Such were the men who
Pain exPedition rode ree
• their aaddles, with an orderly on
either eitle to rupport them when*
neeeseary. aizeh were the Men wlen1
ordered Chine:se prisoners to he tiliOt
in ordee to itv010 tbe trouble of
• ausporting them. These are the
who have been SW) in ebeer ,
cal of drunken brutality to etrilie
".idt'e privato standiog at
ineSsSEAV. TtiZtr'EP aro,
elide for the
mon salt, for thus you will prevent
a, disagreeable smell arising awl pee.
meeting the whole hoose.
Clean sten' rods by washing them
With soap and water, mid then poi-
ishlog them with any braes poliehing
fluid or with an cloth dipped
NOV. 13 -
Text of the I.esson, Hings
ziL 4-15, Gobleu Text,,
Neh. 39.
All that had been accomplished thus
far in eaving ,loaele from the rage of
Ailinilah, in keeping 'alio safely and
in baying hiln anointed king Was
through the faithfulness of Jeholadt.
the priest, end his wife, Jelmebabe-
ath, showing us how much may be
accomplished for God by a faithful,
fearless, devoted man or wmaan. efe-
hoiada lived to be 160 years eld, aid
when he died they buried Win in the t
city of David among the kings be -
rouse he tied don. good in Israel
both • toward God and tosvard
His lionee ar, (hneen. xxiv.,
15, 16). Hie name signifies ,t
"known to Jehovah," aani that is ,
better than to be known. and honored
ail men. To be truly the Lords
and to live for Pim is everything,1
iAll else iS nothing no matter IhOw
Men inay praise it Vintile -.Nash bad
such a sozineelor lie did right in the;
'aneebt of the but not perfectlen
for the high places weitz not take -11;
awtay. and the people still eacrillned
'mid burned inma?,Q there (versea
13). The Bible records only one wlee*,,
alwayii and in everything did rignt'
before G'od.
I Under the teacbing aII gull
Jehoiada the yours king w s
to repalr tbe lionee 411 the Ion
;to that •end sent prieets and Lev
into all the cities of Judah to
tiller motley for MA work. end tl
• tz estis trope ea ;ley 01,01 atriawor Wet. unibrella$ should never be left leen
were continanaled to beaten it,
the eons of Athalioh, that evickea
woman, had brolzen up the bouse Of
' lad had bestowed the dedicated'
g tiPeit Bilt sixteen
izaiisen and ties house was nOto
P4 There wets erinsething of Wa to laie sea. shiPs. Ulna
Gott an inetttieg of loan in this; „Mane- More who spend the nem
nence the dealee, for loon.s way jof months on tine roe nas beaellerid
defog e eine/are Gone were. eaf.e Ann. tan i.nobalily eiAraparae
It was nt 'alit of Gott to repair tined ore forailior tie dn-
.„•h, tells of the tranktely whiett g•eeete
Nvoniar disease (also called coffin-
g-roggy lameizess) is an
inflammation aa, small bac inside
the bOrSe's flea, It is the meet
common and 4eripus of all forms of
beef freebie. Write for free 4e4crip.
tion, giving caziee, signs and treat,
ment Of this disease.
,Punfop radecti
new la on
bilS Uvr14ing 1 lenge
icelar disease, Will cure or
re Ali 111347a* of lameaess,
Send yournorneozz rat=if cora 4.4
The Panlop Zire Z'ormteo
5‘ on 6,v Mo 131ofolcomith
wino oh000 your homy
gedy Wisie
• land ita Name.
The twin lights of Thatelter'a
d• are ferailiar to nellty who no
leutple, but to go
for On. money with
=is net the LOWS wety; „
caneot belleve that
of Illenoveetevitente ttO n.41 UPON, tl'Plnitt" indi‘idu
calrisT, never denied. But in thoPe ;by the irtory of faith, stupendous , open to dree as the, sins see:lathes These len who Waro drink- sooneY 104 r.4!)141 carry on
words to the afflicted wierrior. "I'dyl and imposeible As the task mist bare; while damp and IN liable to split. ing elhame during the work, yet *ore is so mint Of it
grace is sufficient for thee," Ile told ;seemed to them, as to -day oftentimes The right method is to eloee a wet, teeetoe <twang- Tii are and Fit malty ways titaleed to
of the IllealiS W1101'01)1' all May be en- ; it seems to uS.
umbrella awl steed it, handle down- the men wit esporisible 'money front sill Fortin et' pireplo
riOrede suffered. " 'we sa,y in the• lnqan • •
common creed of Chrstendom •and So let us learn and labor daily to will:cis' t° °aim Corzespolidents Itiessian panersi this end.
1% 11 • $1 ild fully
duty a PaPe" eate have dasertbed drat nag eharzeo 1
as we se it vo knew °hoe/tee sae,. : get otir own Ile Inge doi ng o „ 1 t • ,
regoz-ds 00 !Jr ieid1n
red heart is beating in unisort with
Priest. who ever liveth to make in- ;us school oinee•lves in lovine much lareer whilst dark papers with 'pipet ar the men ',net
who, ehunteleee with drink. have per.
n tat sta e o • 00 0 •
' k'
paen. mad -excite gine. obscene
„ to tho size, a the room. • Papers of %Nob abanfeamee women withal *be
the heart of humanity. 'In our ; Pleased God to rail us• lel- a light blue sbade make rooms look boot et eeetnea.o wet ilyieg fellow ,
gi al tl
eereeeseen fm, tee we have one who !tilde to our God in whom we ihe bie• patterns reduce ill a arent
DOUAI 1,!. MAN. ( 4
eau •e, and mho is, "touched with and move and brae) our being. loriag Ms; Of tile aPartsuallt• t• nets
Itv110% crive(-rlfrtliir" (4,,r11:iurilion‘ilvrianwifttruvtsf::11: 1 NT" \e' IS irtgi lai re, I 1;ni t ir 11"vh°oIlle tit teAtlePINevitslaenct• rrisiQleoto tset•t°5111:1 r lettts'Ctl'; I th.`' 44.117 t 111(4 r 1"3111st)2"
„• seeutvia •5451ten, or merry • aeroz.tpanyeo ,
tb is 516 nalents, It woa on a iong
PA- Rea-'7.ott Aattszg;i7t.ite—srt7r:111:::::::qismW111'405.iM1141;
mne ,Yearg ago. to lie enact—tie-et tint
etallren emal eteenal all yea.
s aiqt ipRnift in a veeeel for
reloneed, where Mr. Taateiter
aborea of the cletreh, ThinT
• it totie.t11,1i.tek if.1atlettaNztett;inedeinlizi
of it." Tiee' had a tee
• beatieg out of Iletwich
id 1 . n :tight en the 14th hod
money nor In
Were tA•1 doabliner the
s Cinna So 5,!145 Vitre. Sadden. Partiona ,Ausearet
unt nose eat a gorni 5111 ?he night. aael the
50 tion of 47 erait 1'. IS *hi en 55n the
in the mat,. eheee bee emir) W0lit ri0C05.
1011W tbe Mr. 1.1140Alwr. after being, leafleted
. once, of the 1, ord• about by the sea for a long time,
11i11'd 4i "a
' Until; of the love of Jonathan and • be, honortng The Imly mono and wine t 1 If I •• -en ions. •.
ta poem ozzis
• • e o•• •i• eof ,r it i5.1 placed
bottle, tool poor over il an ounce 0 trbeie. coo the men whoett drink- end weone, pe( eie brought tuter of.,• wate aide to aline; feet to a mei; Lied
• David and recall that it was "pass- IDS word and serving IIhn truly • ot into little pieces, put it in f'" '
ing the love of women,", but— the days of our life.
f+1•4444 -11-1A-1-14-1-141.44•444,
spirit. Cork tightly and leave t Inca nOrves • ;11001111MM' to panic
about a week. A few Orops of this
a email tablespoonful of suet nr on a handkeiabief will have a suuln
drippings in a spider, and brown the of the sweetest end freshest of
roast in this on all sidas. Then put ee
It onto a. sballow pot, which has a earpete may often be washed over
flat bottom, with one cupful of hot instep. of swept, with great advan-
water; cover, boil ono miuute, turn alga, In half a pail of warm water
the meat, aud boil a minute. Re- put in a, spoonful of ammonia, and
move the meat to a platter. Put riuse a cloth in this before care -
M the pot a meat rack to have the fully wonne. over the meet. nee
upper side two inches above water. method not only removes the dust,
Dredge the meat with flour and PeP- but Also bring -s out the colors with.
far greater fresbness than would the
most thorough brushing.
Buttermilk pie, of winch you have
heard so much, should be prepared
as follows Beat two eggs to &froth
ley; remove the rack and stir into with half a teacupful of sugar,
the gravy flour moisteeed with cold tablespoonful of fiour, one pint of
water, and salt. Recover and. cook buttermilk, and a tablespoonful of
tl • h h '
zo ets. •
*44444444"15444-14444444444• per, piece on •the rack, cover the
SELECTED RECIPES. 'pot closely, cook gently but steadily
Eggs Newport • Style,—Take one three hours, adding mare water to
pint of bread crumbs and soak in keep one cupful, .iet, the end of two
one pint of milk, 'Beat eight eggs aed a hell beers, add salt tend pars -
very light, and stir with the soaked
crumbs. beating five minutes, Have
ready a saucepan ie which are two
tnblespoonfuls of butter, thorough-
ly hot, but not scoraning; pour in
the rnixtui•e, season with pepper and
salt, as the mass is opened and stir-
red with the "scrambling," which
should • be done quickly with the
point of the knife, for three minutes,
or until thoroughly hot. Serve on
a hot platter, with. squares of but -
tared toast. '
Cupped Eggs.—Put a spoonful of
high -seasoned gravy into each cup;
set the cups in a saucepan Of boiling
water, and when • the gravy heats,
drop a fresh egg into each cup; take
off the saucepan, and cover in close
till the eggs are nicely and tenderly
cooked:, di -edge them with nutmeg
and salt. • Serve them • in a plate
• covered with a napkin.
• To Poach Eggs.—Have the water
well salted, and not let it boil hard.
M•eak the eggs separately, into a
saucer, and slip gently into the wa-
ter; when nicely done, remove with
a skimmer, trim neatly, and lay each
(egg upon a small, thin square of
buttered toast, then sprinkle with
salt and pepper. Some persons pre-
fer them poached, nether. than fried,
with ham, in which ease Substitute
the ham for toast.
White Stock fon S oup.--Two knuck-
les of veal, two enions, two table-
spoonfuls of salt, .azed eight quarts
of water; boil six hours; strain into
a stosie jar, arid keep in a cool white of egg and a very little vanil-
place; when cool talt'e off the fat. la. Angel cake is generally better
13u tt 'Br e a d —Sift.en°u.er'h for being' kept 'a day before serving.
flour into a quart of bat buttermilk tio it is a little tough place it in
to make a thick batter; mkt a yeast stone jar and cover with a plate,
ga 5 one- a ottn. rlhat seasoning butter. Whisk all the ingredients to-
muY be changed by cooking carrots gather thoroughly and bake with
may be skimmed out before tbe flour Add A BABY'S HOROSCOPE,
is added.
\\tee the lien fishing fleet Wan
ed. 111! 54 ere the men whose come
fandiee is such that a half hoarsen
heavy firing be their fleet at close
range enabled them to sink one
fIsleboat and to Lill two and wound
thirty fishermen out of a large fleeV
of Unresisting' trawlers busily eng'afia!
ed nt their peaceful t vole, whose
humanity is such that wben the leis -
take was discovered tiny sailed off
inlet the night without offering the
slightest assistanee to their victims.
Surely it can only be the duty cl
the Cent. to purge his service of
such oftieers these, who at the
present inoment make Russia's only
fleet a disgrace to its country and
a danger to every vessel afloat, save,
perhaps, its legitimate foes,
,., Agft;v:a.trtilnittanis.t:ill ttlzirtniv:taailluitlintu,.1117tetlelitsileisstda.iutvt:s1;:fun:tniii...si. , vt..01,!_l_l't,113.e. o_onor \''Fv;i1,142k°,::::e*..:s, 414)1:rtintii.:14.115,101abnildistrailiii:
c ' ' • ' din h IL 1 '
. , , companions. llow dreare untet have
and taut bath: in its ithee to recthe
• - ' been that lonely vigil in the storm
etnre. MI the princes anti all the peo-
..Itt Ind darkners evliile the ineatiate sea
ple. , . A
a gi, ' thundered on the rocks about him,
.titinitooltdhe e1:4tetttitui.triul.lorkiline3e-nli‘av(11,0unglahitio, and, ma% nag under thatilar rfrrams
stances. be "wished for the day." ln
tool the nor% 'Wel.8.. perfected by them, the caret. dawn he saw his wlee ogee,
fnniltihituille,Y l'aeilulthiPhi:isnenflwelo()or g(1::cleIrtlhielzilsz soon see tiesidQ him,
state and strengthened it. Tile over- tiOg hdeelf forth from antonget the
8:0,31:8Te;f7 l 1 with :re;:liroile:11.11::te°reuP„,:ttli7S44t1.2°11:1:imi: tithIt‘srnejorbtrite4tfinoCitillitliel:mt.11::\nscleirrt:nkl neuelz:nelibe1:4•11:2:11:1F.::. she
1 j•,101(1r:n:.
All the ot le
II. tlu'on. axiv. e ith our lesson for commemorated in oaeery's men,' a
(verse 1-zO. A.very, ids wife and nix children. l'he
Compare carefully the accotmt in nome of the, unfortunate family , is
to -day. The work being finishell, bidden. reef shunned by unwind's, not
they offered burnt offerings in the far from Thatcher's Island. At the
house of the Lord continually all the time of this melancholy shipwreck
days of Jahoitela ar Chron. xxiv, there were not more than two or
14), and thus the Lord was honored three families in Cape Ann, and no
again in His own hollse which had help came for Mr. Thatcher and hiS
been $0 desecrated by the ungodly, ivife on the first day or the second,
and all. through faithful Jehoiatia Fortunately some provisions •tvashezi
and his "louse. If we will as Joshua
did, "As for MD and nay house, we . on shore front the vessel and the
weather cleared, so they eould am". At
w*lI15), serood will surely blesse Lard" us- ..aluvd. , themselves comfort 14e during the
make us a blessing to many. time of their enforced stay. Ti
heart of this lesson is the honsetriolef were finally taken off by a fishing
the Lord, its desecration and restor- iNS'eLisieel vae:2.3.s lrtr:riebdir. tT°haMt,ertierieh:reandi
or celery ends with the meat, which one crust, as you would ee fruit pie. •
any sp ce 01 flavoring desired.
Lemon Candy.—Cook together over
Angel Cake.—The following recipe a slow fire one pound of loaf sugar
has been recommended for a moist and half a pint of water. At the
and tender angel cake 4. Take the end of half an hour clear it with a
whites 01 nine large eggs. Add to little hot vinegar. The scum must be
them a pinch of salt and whip them removed as it rises. Test the syrup
lightly until they are partly stiff; by raising a spoon, and when the
then add half • a teaspoonful of shreds of sugar snap like glass the
candy will be ready for flavoring ;
add lemon • essence to taste, and,
when nicely flavored, pour into_ a
buttered tin. 1Vhen the toffee is
nearly cold, mark it into squares
with a knife.
Ilea•b.s for storing should always be
gathered on a fine dry day. Remove
the roots and wash the rest in a
solutioe, of borax, so ae to free the
herbs from grit. Then tie the herbs
in bunches and hang up in the sun to
dry. Should • this not be possible,
think the cake is done, as if falls they should be placed in the kitchen.
very easily. On taking it from the Directly. the leaves are crisp, take
oven turn it upside down in such a them from the stalks and pound in
a mortar. 'Plien store in clean, dry
bottles.. Sweet herbs May be mixed,
but terrapin., mint, and sage should
each. be bottled separately.
cream of tartar and whip them until
vers.- stiff. Fold in carefully one
and one-fourth cup of granulated sir -
gar that has been sifted three times.
Sift ono cupful of the best pastry
flour seven' times (if you want a per-
fect cake), and fold it into the sugar
and whipped eggs • lightly.e Last of
all add a teaspoonful of vanilla.
Turn the cake into a large unbutter-
ed pan. Bake in a inoderate oven
from thirty-five to fifty minutes.
Never open the oven door until you
way that a current of air will pass
under it until it is cold. When cold
loosen the cake from. the sides •or
the pan and lift it out. It, should
be so delicately baked that this will
act be difficult. If you inteud. to ice
it over coven it with a soft uncook-
ed icing made with powdered sugar
cake which has been dissolved in
warm water, and set to rise, 'When
Ineht, work in tall a teaspoonful of
soda which has been dissolved thor-
oughly in great spoonful of warm
water. .add flour enough to work
over without stickiness. After ris-
ing the eecond time make into loaves
alla bake slown,.
Iteefsteak and Onions.—Select
good cut of round steak, cut an inch
thick and a piece about five etches
square. , Peund to a jelly with a
wooden menet on a meat block.
Slice four onions, put in the frying
.pan with ono cupful of boiling wa-
ter, and stew till all the water is
gone, W 1;11011 t Stirring. Then` add
salt altd pepper, and a heaping table-
spoonful of .butter. Fry the onions
carefully to a golden brown. Heat
a fry in," pan very hot into which
put the •-.7tectie, turning often to sear
over emit protect the juices. Serve
' on a hot platter, season with salt
and pepper on the platter. Pour
the. Onions around the steak.
Pot Roast—Select a piece from
the under round or cross rib o beef,
about two pounds in weight. Heat
Let it stand for two or three days
in this way and it will become ten-
leCarble should be washed with am-
monia, and water rather than with
soap and water.
To remove the smell of onions
from a saucepan, fill it with water,
and drop into it a red-hot cinder.
A lump of camphor should be kept
in the plate chest, for it will render
the stored -away silver less liable to
Dishcloths should be well washed
with soda and soap, 'rinsed in clean
water, and. then hung out of doors
every day.
Sunflower seeds form an excelleiat
aud fattening diet for poultry. They
are also invaluable as halt for rat
and mons° traps.
Stained teacups and other china
should be aubbed with a little salt.
After the discoloratien lias gone,
wash, and dry the china as usual.
When anything boils over on the
stove, sprinkle it thickly with, cem-„ woman is her hater'-
SLAIN soLmErts.
A graphic description of the posi-
times in which dead soldiers are found
on the field. of battle is given in a
letter from Lientetant-Colonel
kin, deseribing the fighting at Mo-
tienling. nBettlefields,'' he writes,
'are very direrent from the novelist's
description. It is curious bow few
dead men lie prone. Many fall in
fantastic arid inexplicable attitede, I
saw one man zvho had • been shot,
through the chest, crouching on his
knees, almost as if engaged in pray-
er. Some men lie doubled up,
clutching their knees, or even their
feet, and in the trenches many sit
calmly with bowed heads, as if bu.5y
eating-. I have seen soldiers who fell
backward, with their hands behind
them as if they had tried to feel
the spot where the bullet lead issuecf.
I have even seen men with their
heads between their legs, and in our
trench, a corporal. lay dean, tightly
grasping the collar of his tunic with'
both hands::
"Ali, yes," said tele faun. young
mother, leaning over the needle of
her 'fIrst.born son; "tile eT of a
San o King Humbert to See Fall
of Britain's Power.
Credulous persons who believe in
horoscopes will be interested in one
published by "11 Meatirio, of Naples
concerning the baby Prince of Pied -
maid. • According to this oracular
announceineet, the future Ining of
Italy will require close attention and
great • medical care in his earner
years. He will be in serious physical
danger, it seems„ at the respective
ages of ten months and four years,
but will live if well cared for.
His destiny begins to take shape in
1918, when he will be fourteen years
old. In 1022, at the age of nineteen,
a "great change will take place in his
existence," arid in 1927, when he is
twenty-three, there will be an event
which will have inomentoes conse-
teuences for himself and for the Itali-
an nation.
The Prince will live, says the • or-
ecle, to see the fall of the Papacy,
and. its reconstitution • OTT •reformed
lines. He will also see the downfall
of England's great power, and the
final political union of France and
Italy after unnrecedented disasters to
The culmination of Ttaly's prosper-
ity will coirte in 1 957, when the pros-
ent baby—then a King—will be 53
years old
A schoolmaster, after giving one
of his pupils a caning for speaking
*ungrammatically, sent him to the
other end of the room to inform an-
other boy that; he wished. to speak
to hint at the same time promising
to repeat 1110 punishment if he spoke
to hint Ungrainnaa,tically.
The youngster, being quite satis-
Red. with what he had got, deteemln-
'ad to be exact, and thus addressed
his fejlow peon. :
"A color/roe substantive, of raascu-
line gender, niugular number, eomea-
ative case, and in an angry mood,
who sits perched upon the eminence
at the other end of the room, wishes
to articulate a few sentences to you
in the present tense."
Restaerant Iliner—"I say, waiter;
\\there did sere get Ibis beef?" Waiter
—"I don't 1(310 127, sir. What's the
matter with it?" Diner ---''There's
nothing tlie matter with it; that's
why I asked."
{rOtyt Marblehead to Yarmouth, where
Both tabernacle and temple, built he lived to a good old age. Other
for God to dwell in among 1 -lis peo- „children were born to Ithn arid his
plc (Ex. xxv, 8), were typical of the wife, by whom the name is pere-
Tviz'ueir 1T,2)ab, iaenu tay
r 1 Gev, er JesusgoCid ipr priest
tes td
(Heb,antnated in various places to this day,
It VMS more than it century later
prophet and kieg Is also a type of that the twin lighthoeses were built,
ITim in whom God dwelt perfectly, They were first lighted on Dec. .21,
The church is now His dwelling place
on earth, not any buildieg nia.de
with hands nor any so called denom-
ination, bet the companyof all true
believers, wherever found, and all
who are true believers aro expected to
yield themselves and their posessions
wholly to God that He may make
use of them to gather from all na-
tions the members of Ms body who
are not yet gathered that so the
temple may be finished and the king-
dom come.
There is , very great need for •Jeh-
oiadas who will fearlessly and faith-
fully. honor the Lord alone. Indivi-
dual believers are also temples of
the Lord, and there is great need
of such as are willing to be wholly
consecrated to Him (1 Cor. vi, 19,
20; II, Cor. vi, 14-18), whose con-
stant motto is, "What wilt thole
Lord?'' '`Where wilt thou'?'' and
wh es°. whole heart says gladly,
"Whose I • am and whom I Serve"
(Acts ix 6; Luke xxii, 9; Acts aserii,
28). It was a sad clay for Joash
when the good priest, his faithful
counselor, died, for then came the
princes of Judah and persuaded the
king to forsake the house of the
Lid and serve groves and idols,
and, although the Lord seere proph-
ets to tune the peaple again to Him-
self, the people woril4 not give ear,
and the king went so far as to caese
to be stoned to death Zechaeiah, the
son ot ,T eh oi a cl a , because by the
spirit of God lie reproved their sip.
J hu 3 oash„ the King, xemembered
not the kindness which Sehoiada. his
father, had done to him, but slew
his son (II enr(1l), xxiv, 17-20), 91-,,e
Lord noted it tine made mention of
it when an earth in Its hurailiatioe
(Luke xi, 51). All the ineeily on
earth cries Lo laim and ITU 121 11 ill
Nis own time sed to it (Gen. iv, 10;
Elab ii, 11).
Needed in Every Home
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