HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-11-10, Page 5TRE .X. E
0 Act directly 7t-:: tsee live;
' I S They cure consti-Pail011
- ers .. .
y bihousness, si„k_headachc.
Sold fOr 60 years. tgi.01044:
Want your moustache or beard BUCKINGHAM'S DYE
attautlfultrown errichblack? Use na-1 CIS. Plt eseesoromaanneaceerianatioes•
T W. BROWNING:, M. D., M. 0.1e
IP • P. Se Geaduate Victoria, Uni- t
versity. office mad eeahlenence. Dominion
asebotatory. Exeter.
The Exeter Times
THURSDAY. NOV. leth, 1904
TelNeektiale, L. D. S. AND
D. 8.1S, D.8...Honor etraduate
a Toroato tiewersine Dentist.
Teeth, extracted withouti rein or
badattet effeets, Offfee ie Fain
eon's block. We side ot Main
I).A. ANDERSON, (I). D. 8.144
A eabinet nieetieg was ileid Friday
at tho nesidence of Premier Ross at
which the decision ii`as reaolied t.o.
dissolve the Hou.se immedietely and
to -appeal to the Province. Hoe. W,
A, Charlton, Speaker, is 10 be nmee
iCommissioner ot Crown Lando, and
George P. Graham, ef Drocieeville,
will tbeowne Provieeial Secretary.
ffoizoreirednete of the 'remote ITulver4t3; The Department of Public 'Works
will go either to Petr Ryan orlion,
Evanturel, and if the former gets
it Evanturel wilt be eaken into the
Cabinet without poetfelio, and given
the. liret vaeaney. While the 13th
waa the first chohe ice of tPremier.
it is looked open ee unlucky, aod
December 21st or 22nd favored,
rThis may be a gracious act to 2,1ve
the Pri-lil*I'sblt) to d. Wbitney as
brisk MIN boX,
it 3 uow almost assured tbet
eler llynn will tato
over the de -
'trout of public works nS 1I011.
11. latcltfOrd's sOceessor, Should
„M. Gibson drop out which is
=nob -ogaieat tlie wishes of Premier
oes. r. T. Robinette, of Toronto,
may be called into tho position of
AttorneysCronerel as a make -slat,
ending et the close et the election.
This N elm standing of partiee in
tiio Ontario Legisletare which is
about to be diasolved,;--North York
Liberal, vacant. ueseated; North
Perth, Inhere). vacant. museated.
.0 have ajar areeent et pirate Sunda to seortst Norfolk, Liberal, vacant. uta-
014.11141,AN 4% STAN/3111W eantounseated Port Artlinre Liberal
Barrister* reeteiterneMaleSt, F4eter. vacant, xoeigned; North Renfrew,
weeeeseeessoo....---e-oeseseesee-eeseee-er" Conservative. vacant, resigned; Duf-
DICKSON $e CARLINGe Qopservative members 45; Libera
Nein, Conservative, vacant, resigned •
member.% 45; speaker, 1.
sae Royal. college aDentI
boners Aho Posegoureate ot
Wont) Solve) et Froethettc Dent/etre (with
loonerable mciatiOn.
Everything kaown to tee 'Deena rt'efesdee
40%04 thio office. Bridge avorie. orovrus, al.
lunsioum,gola mad vulcaeito platee all elono
the oeatest, timelier possible.A perfectle
- bane/vas anaesthetic used Mr painless extra -
Oe one aeor 6011,th of aareog Breast -ore
Private funds to loan on FA
AT a
Wohonetnilliolteeerivate tapes tor Invonn
-oeeeper, faem or village ere/vet-4"m low%
toot letereate
nts474 Ti1/414"T°PertiesE41""t‘t seated; Soule sta xarte, Liberal, va.
Solicttere. Noterieei Co:wormer%
onere,Salciters or tee eineue
loweat retest et *tex�
*erne re
$, Ns Parent haS repeated ha
of 1900 aid will appeal to tire
while the enthnelasmot the.
iotory is still in the air.
t inoting of the Cabinet it
was detided to dieseive the Legislae
Lure, Abe nominations being fixed for
be 180,1 hist. and the polling for
tbe 25tli inst.
It Itaa teen anitounced by the Dons
E ,S, Flynn, leader ot the Conserve-
tIve opposition in the Quebec' Leg-
ialitture, that the Conservatives will
not put any eandidetes in the field
for the Quebec Legislature at the
elections to be hold on Nov. 25th.
lion ,Mr. Flynn, issued a =rarest°
o &the vleators of the Province,
I elle, coarse of which referring to
the action of the paxent Govern -
moot ho announced it as an atten.tpt
to stifle, discussion, and as Shownig
tbat, the Provinoial Government
seeks do identify its cause with that
or Sir Wilfrid louriere and to receive
a verdict retlecting the vote Tor Sir
'Wilfrid, Mr Flynn eeso denopnces
the eetion as. Unconstitutional, AS
mot in public interests but dictated
by party interests alone, as an
audamous attempt on the eleetoral
:liberty ot tile Province' ana an at-
tempt +to identify the politics a Ot-
tawa evith those oe Quebec, and as a
menace Ito Provincial autonomy. hire
Flynn says the Opposition cannot
lend iteelt to, tbo Parent Govern-
ment's game, and believes that the
integest of the Province will be,best
served and. its institutions ;safe-
-guarded by abstaining from taking
part, in the fight, and making a
solemn protest ,against the thigh -
handed action of the Parent Govern-
ment. Mr. Flynn concludes 1.* de -
daring that the Oppositiop
make no contest but will await t
hour or vindication
A. c. RAMSAY, V. S.
Honor Gradeoto Paulo Veterinery
icee;lionoreryFellow In Meares setter)
Aesoelstion. ell diseases of dementia ant
scientilleollytilk teeted, Mlover treetea by
tatestoxygeri treatment.
OFFICE non° doorsauth a Town Hall
RESIDENCE; Second heuseriorth et Pres.
Usborne and 'filbert
Farmer's Mutual Fire Insur-
ance Geinpauu ,
Head pffloo, Farquhar, Ont.
• Drawnoits
Presh1ent:-T. Dupla; P. 0.
Piatqun,ut P. 0.
F. IdonLEY, WrtAxxx P. o.
a. A. Nonni% CROISIARTY P. 0,
Wm, ROT, Boner/101g P. 0.
7, L. Rtisszr.r., Itussra.uarx P. 0,
/. CIA101.1.011ABL, STAFF -1. ONT.
3, WILSOli, FUL.T..11tTOX, ONT.
J. 8. GirstnI,LAN, LIMA, ONT.
Seoy,-Treas.. Farquhar.
Be you Want a Buggy
We have the finest stock in town
ail thelatest styles, in the newes
Our prices are lovi as can be fouo
for first-class material and .woekmato
ship. -
F Russell
Two Doors South Tim, Hall.
Roller Milis
Qristing. and Choppltik
Promptly Done.
We are giving excellent sa-
tiefaction in flour since re-
modellIng our mill
Official Returns
The following i$ the official
urns for South Huron:
rol1igr a ser
Sib -Div, No, L. 59
Polling Sub -Div. 2... 63
Polling Sub -Div. No, 3.., 46
Polling Sub -Div. Ne. 4... 78
Polling Sub. -Div. -No. 5... 72
Potting Sub. -Div, No. 6... 59
„ Gunn
ens -1
377 197
Majority for Fraser -180
lfroeer Gunn,
Polling Sub -Div. No. 1.., 53 101
oUgSula.-Div .1%.M. 2e, 68 60
Polling Sub, -Div, No, 3,.. 47 109
Polling Sub. -Div. No. 4... 13 $2
Slajority for Gunn -81.
Fraser. Guno
-Roping, sub,niv. No. 1... 88 70
Polling Soin-Div. No, 2... 31 5,2
Polling StetneDiv .No. 41. 42
L>oliiugSala- -Div, No. 4... 22 33
Polling, Sub -Div. No. 5... 28 36
IMS, NOV EM IE1t I Oth 1904.
N. Eanthope ... '250
Listoeel „.
271 531
jority for MeLaren-260,
c are. Huron
D. Leonharat'a Iliem-Roid is :to
internal Remedy tlint intirely
moves the cause of Piles, and pares
Le stay eared any ease eo matter
bow long standine.
-I sou have Piles and Dr. Leonardt's Hent-Rold -Will not oure you
Yon, got your money hack
A thousend dollar goaranteo3oes
with every bottle of nm,uoidsoid,
210 233
Majority for Gunn -e3
Fraser. Gwen
idneDiv, No. 1.. 34 80
Irrenta,ST ^../r.01,11
a "ft or tIonno-46.
' Fraeer, Gent
olUng Sub.-Iliv. No. 1.. 93 01
lefajority •for Frasor-2
Puijjng SubeDiv. No.
Polliug Sub -Div ,No. 2,.. 40
Rolling Sub. -Div .No. 3... 91
Polling Sub. -Div. 4.,. 58
Polliug Sub. Div. No. 5... 41
PollinoSubollive No, 6.„ 53
Pealing Sub -Div. No, 7... 29
Polling o.
, 1 the people of St .Catliarnys and the
21 County of Lincoln to consider pro
35 vincial matters rather seriously.
ee While there N no ShadOW of a dOabt
29 that the present populatiou and
23 capable =tattlers at Toronto. Dr. E.
nee Jessop, will again carry the standard
325 of the Libenal-Coneervativo party of
Lineoln in the coming contest, yet it
is Renown that considerahle difficulty
i tieing experienced in the Liberal
tap finding a xnan who 19 will111,:r
o be "led 9.9 a lamb tette slaugh-
ter" when Rose r,40".'s to Clre country.
It has bowever, been. poem even
the casual observer for some time
weeks past that Liberel hopee in
walker Provincial contest htivo
centred upon et gent le man who
x had n brilliant businves career in
tht city, and has also served his
follow eitizene with much acceptebil-
ity as an alderman for the lent two
years. His support by the working-.
54. men of the city because of Ids Byrne
37 palely with thorn in their laudable
Worts to elevate the condition of
laboring man it bas been rightly
thought, 1V 011i d add considerable
exigth to one wbo would naturally
b conieing candidate. Tile ;en -
Heiman reterred to N Aid, Theo.
Sweet, t Ito welt -known Ontario
street dregeist.
Aid .Sweet was seen Oda morning
by a Ster representative regarding
tbo rumors thst have gained auolt
orrehey ot late, null when asked es
to the accuraey of Lite reports. ad-
raitted that for earn° months he had
been frequently approached and re-
quested to allow bitttsele tobecome a
oandidate and that recently the mate
Lor had beet urged upon his atten-
tion even more erapiratically than be-
fore. The genial alderman, however,
"sitated nett he had only one answer
Lo all such persons who had ap-
proached Ian in litte way, and that
was a negative answer. Ile further
said that, ondor tueoossible consider-
ation whatever would he consent te
become et candidate for the Ontario
Logislalare in the coming contest,
"paid gave as his chief reason that his
growing. business made such increas-
ing demands upon his time and on -
61 orgy .that it would be. impossible for
If you xi -shot a perfect and pergnan-
opt icure ask for Dr. Leonhardt'a
Item -Rohl, ,the guaranteed eemedy.
All Druggists. $1.00. or The Wit-
sou-Fyle Coo Niagara Falls, Otit.
Mr .Lean Ross, of Drucelield had
the misfortune to smash ox e of his
Mre .Feter Cleety, of Tueltersmiala
died on Vtiedneeday night. She was
41 years of age.
1 Sir. Darold Winsie of the Sever -
eign Bank Clinton has been treits-
ferred to the breech at Zurie,11,
Mr .Jeseple Iteeleur. of Zurich, has
t lettezd elle Mass o farm en the Sauble
tine for a term a five yes.
MrS .ii. Aretrews -.Ind Mots Labatt
Andrews, of Clinton, Mft last 'week
for ee tureen, where they will spend
the Winter.,
M. Wm, Seeteie. w io until recent
ly oecupled the tore and reeidenee
of Mes. L. 3. IL Simpson, has moved
to Varna. His sinacessor, Mr. J. T.
Reid, took possession on Metettay, at
Drucefield ,
Mr. Albert. Schiloe, of the 140
on, Ilay.son of Mr. JOhn Schilbe,
shot a wild goose recently Ho
"winged" end succeeded in capturine
It alive, ewe it seems to Le doing well -
i ca tivity
p •
Who'll be the Next Victim ecured at; poeitionsas teacher 'in the
Gordon Manning of Canoe baa
Winekam pablic *ghoul to teach jun-
Aid. Sweet refuees to carry the Lib. r leaving work. We understand
'rtto folio -eine, is Pe -produced iyhe don't you tr.y Carter'e Little "
oral 13anner in Lincoln. ealary ie $450.
re, pert from the St. oethedoes Liver Fills? They are a positive cure
ening• Journal of Nov. 51h and. speaks tor sick headache and all the ills pro.
in high terms of on old. Exeter hoy. duced by dieordered Hoer. Only ene
Mr. Theo „Sweet, eon, of 7afea. Joho Rill a dose,
Sweet, Huron atreet. Mr, Albert Ilan. of Seefoeth, mot
reow that the Dominion election 71.11i bad aeetdela f"," C1474 nt)
e ever, the peewees 54n5,tion n. the woollen where he was
erio neturally elohne attention vooking. A Nbeejs. eheors tbe
tithe coupled with tbo fact that. ate penetreting his arm, initictine
but recently rumors paned curr Y eertoua wouude. .
that the Oetarei Geverrunent whele Derangemeet of tee beer with
probably appeal te the eauetey 0,4 stipatiou. injures the complexion
Dec. 13, and, that Friday a acerat chute pimples. sallow skin. Ile-
seseion of the Cabinet west held at ve the ca.u.ae by using Cartor's
Premier Roes' residence, hs caused ittle VMS. Ono a dose.
• tbetn.
Rev :Mr. Magee, late of Goderiole
aseamee elle past orate or the Clinton
and liasti Line Baptist ohurebes, lie
bas ()uriue. bis ministry been station. -
at Wiartou and Alvinetone, and
previouely was for a time engaeed
n educational work.
Petitions asking the ownsbip
uncil o nuutt to pass a Local 0,1)4,
Lion by..131V and submit the same to
he 'electors for retifloation will bo
pxesonted to the commil at its next
which is expected will be
e middle of the month.
lentienninte oho has been
with her step-aleughter, Mrs.
Collation. Clinton, for ov
s pest, died lost week at tbo
age of ninety yeare,. She
o Meleillop township where
livea for twiny year and was
oh respected.. The funeral toolc
ce to the Clinton cemetery.
Sunday at ternoon last ilia
e of the local Chinese, laundry -
et Clinton, was entered and
twenty (rollers stolen, together with
the 'bulbs on two of the electric
lights. At the time the Mem was
committeed the laundrymen were
attending Sunday sebool at the
Presbyterian eltureb.
A pretty wedding was celebrated
at tho residence of Mr. Irugh
Grieve, Tuckersroith. on Wednesday
aftornoon last, when his only daugh-
ter, Miss Seen Belle, was 'meted in
rearriage etierr. Sohn O. Reinkie,
prosperous end progressive yam;
farmer ,ot the same township.
Nippon Methodist Anniversary
services will bo hold on Suneafo Nov.
13: Rev. S. Salton, of London, is
expected to preach at all the servicee
Mr ,W. 13. Robb died at the resi-
dence bis 'brother in Tuokorsmith
on Tuesdey night of last week. He
bad been sutfering for a couple of -
years with paralysis, but it is male
a few mouths since he ret urn ea rront
Denver, Colorado, wheel.% had bee:ells
.home or some ‘time. He is surrieed
by bus wife and one dela.
Friday evening last fire broke out
in the -casement of Hodgena Bros.
°lathing store. Clinton. The brigade
extinguished the fire before it had
gained,nauch headway. although con-
eiderahla damage was done by smoke.
Tozer & Brown, whose store ade
joined HodgensEros., will 'also stetter
considerable loss by smoke. The fire
is supposed to beve originated from
the .furnace.
There passed away on Sunday, at,
Goderich, a pioneer of Hurpn county
and a well known citizen or Goder-
ich in tbo person of Mr, Allen P.
McLean. Mr ;McLean wee -abet -it in
Scotland, sixty-sevon years ago, and
.this lin a young
ajo " rf Fraser
FraSer. Gun
o 1 No, le. le ra
1No. 2,.. 91 67
b. -Div. No. 3... 52 101
b. Div. Na. 4... 47 80
FAillk FOR SALE, -Lots 20, 10
eon. and llth eon., of Stephen,
6 1-4 miles west of Exeter, being
composed of 100 acres on the 11111
can, and 120 acres on the 101.h
These farms are under good state of
oulti.vatien well drabied with good
house and out -buildings, thereon al-
so fruit bearing orchards. Never
tailing well the year round. For
further particulars apply to T. B.
Marton, Exeter.
A mooting of the sorutineers who
officiated at the election on Thurs-
day at London, was beld in the Con-
eerveLive Club zoom, and as a result
of the reports submitted in, them it
was decided to apply for a recount
of the ballots. The application will
be: mado early in the week, before
271 302
fojority for Gunn -31.
Fraser. Gil
Div, Polling Sub, D, No. 1.., "'
Polling Sub -Die, N'o. 2... 67
Polling Snb.-Div. No. 3... 29
Polling Sub. -Div. No. 4... 15
Polling* Sula.-Div. No. 0„. 72
'eTajority for -4 .
Fraser, Gen
SubeDiv, No, 1,.. 45 92
telling Sub. -Div, No. 2.., Ot 76
ollIng Sabo Div* 3.., 73 (hi
Polling Sub:4W, No. 4... 51 35
Polling Sub. -Div. No. 62 26
Polliug SuboDiv. No. 6... 35 71
Polling Sub, Div. NO. 7... 30 55
Polling Sub. Div. No. 8.. 52 56
112 476
Majority ,for Gunn -64.
Fr.aser. Gun
Polling Sub. -Div. No. 22 04
Polling Sub -Div. No. 2- 25 50
Polling Sub. -Div .No. 3.. 29 62
Polling Sub. -Div ...No. 1... 47' 70
--. --
123 255
Slajority for Gann -132
flay ' Fraser. Gen
etcHillop 31
Stephen ,,
Tuckersmith ... 180
Irsborne • .
Henson .-
270 381
Majority Jo! Gurin-111
There were 30 rejected ballots.
- Appended will be found the re-
turns for East and. West Huron, and
Perth, in the recent elections .
Steele. McIntyre.
one of the county judges. St. Marys ...
Miss Eva Booth, who for the past Planshard '72
eight years has been in eommand of Downie ...
the Salvation Army, in Canada, fare- :Fullerton 83
welled in London. on Saturday last. • Ilibbert . ..
She :Interns to England. : Logan • 123
Mitchell ...... 93
S. Easthope
rOft SALE. Farm, 50 acres, all
cleared. and tile drained, cent-
er Road, Hibbert, brick housenbarn
with stone stablei- 'under, orchard,
two spring. wells, school 'beside and
d,aily raair. Address, T. J. Murphy
for salo--The undensigned has f or
sale a number of up-to-date thor-
ough bred Short Horn Bulls. They
,are of the low set, thiek blocky type
and choice breeding. Will ' be sold
reasonable, inspection invited. Ap-
ply on lit 16, con.„2, Hay; or John
Elder, Hensall, P. 0.
A.RM FOR SALE -In 1,he Town-
ship of Usborne, being lot 13, con
2, Consisting of the best 100 acres ilaS
land in the township, well fenced and
in good state of cultivation. Good
brick house and frame barn. conven-
ient to Scimol, church and market
being only two miles from Exeter.
For further pa.rticulars apply to D.
C. McInnes, Exeter, or Thomas Hig-
gins, executors of the estate of B. I.
Higgins, deceased or to Gladman &
Stanbury, solicitors, Exeter.
him at teas time to undertake to
:,'carry the Liberal standard in Lin-
A NOW Religion
1 nthropologist No Lonllger Consider -
A .generalesa\rVviecyk!oai the changes
through which popular thought has
passed within the space- of 25 years,
forces %upon us the conviction that
old .forms of religion are rapidly go-
ing out, and that a distinctly new
religion is ,coming in. Tbe biologie
cal laboratory, which, a quarter of
a scentury ago was the sole posses -
on of a fess- high priests of scienoe.
and of their tyros-, is now the poss-
session of every pupil in the high
school. 'The, college is comine- down
to the, people and the people are
going alp to, the. College. Anthro-
pology, with, its conclusions concern-
ing the origin of icrime and the orig-
in of religion, is no longer a vague
mystery to the naasses, and the anti.).
ropologistls no longer regarded as
a wizard full of wicked and impious
thoughts. When ave find that Oar -
win, who taught that man was not
creabed "by hand." (but is the decen-
dant of that wonderful " monkey"
which, since 1858. has made such
a marvelous stir it' the world) is hon
ored iby having his ashes placed be-
side those of Edward' the Confessor
in Westminster Abbey, as% Innst con-
clude 'that the reapproachment be-
tween irelig,ion and ecience is very
close indeed -M. A. Lane, in National
Majority 'for McIntyre -1.21.
Lewis Holmes.
Goderich town ... ... 100 ...
Goderich, township._ 174 ...
Ashfield ... ... .... ... ... 38
'West Wawariosh ... •- 14
Clinton ...... 9 51-
nuateitt 104
283 207
Majority for LeIVIS-7G.
Chasholni. McDonald.
Wing,hana 128
Turn'berry... ... 51
Howick . . .... 226
East Wawanosh
Wroxeter ...
1 l
15 For Infants and Children.,
139 The Kind You Rave Always Bought
- --- Bears the
405 223
Majority for Chisholm -182. Signature of
To Cure a Cold in One Day
,Takei Laxative Bromo Quinine dir ts
Seven Million bates sold In past 12 months. This siva
14 /Ott
on every-
rrvtoc.,00 box. 25c.
came to country
man He established in Goderich
about forty years ago, a teiloring es-
Mr' .David Jeroniette, who Ileas on
the 16th -concession, Ban met with
a serious accident Monday. Ile was
roturning homefrom Zurich with a
horse and rig hired from Mr. lela;gel
Ile had nearly reached St. Joseph,
clriving,the animal at a torriffic pace
all 'the way, when in some manner
,fell out of tlae buggy, head tore -
roost. As a result his fa.ec is cov-
eret1 with painful bruises from con-
tact with tho hard road.
The House of Refuge committee of
Huron 'county council met in Clinton.
the Other day, all the members being
preaent. The 'meeting was called to
inspect the work. The tix-chitect was
present and advised inspector Mc-
Kenzie ,asto the completion of the
carpn,ter work. The committee
ound the walls completed and a
number of men putting on the roof.
The committee relieved Inspector
Canielon, as the stone work was
completed, and directed contractor
Cooper to attendto the levelling of
the ground at Once, the same to be
done ;under the direction of Keeper
F renal .
Guessmg at the heat of an oven spoile
more food than inexperienced, cooks.
Dainty pastry and delieae atkes are
ruined if the oven is too hot or not
hot enough. The oven thermometer of the Imperial 0
does away with an glIeSswenk. The least .expenenced can
certainty when the oven is ready for baking or Meeting.
Every housekeeper will appreciate thie convenienee of the
Imperial Oxford
1 to
flost cooking allures way be traced to the fact that you don't know*
your oven. With the Imperial Oxford Range you, know that the heat
of the oven is evenly elistributed and itS eXaCt
Write for the Imperial Oxford bookiete Or better
ou, will you Call at one a our agenciei and eee
tine stove itself?
The Gurney
Foundry Co
'Toronto, Canada.
Montreal, Winnipeg
old b
the tim1, e, but et in
with ebooting ne. no
Under needeal treatment and O..
doctor fear.' blood poisening.
If there ever WaS a specific to
any one. complaint then Carter's
Littio Liver Pills are a apecific for
sick headache and every WoMark
should know thin. Orly one pill a
dose. Try them.
Lewitt one Coe Chicago, elripped
lot of export oettlo from St. Marys
• Moue' tho o Omelet help probehl t
geet 10411 (white Prime) ever
Perth County, The erinael eves
n pounds aver a ten and a balti
10 polls" It was bred by Mai
Wood, River Rola, Blowhard.
thoroughbred Durham.
old and pure white be.
the bull waS a Year-
ing fr. d was offered $100 for
...eeeeeeseeseeessreeeesee,...e.: elelee+44
held up Georee Gast -
rd, and his wife to
vent 40 and 11, on Wed
9t and relieved them
m or money and a
ttcrnt to rob Gast-
xell's store, of th same place was
unsuccessral. Some time during the
night an eetrance was forced to the
bee of the Ontario Hotter, and the
oash register eontainine about $0
was carried off bodily. The cul-
prits are supposed to be the &Mein
eaolx case.
Are altogether too numerous. Our
obetils are fall of thorn. Chances
e -our own children are weaklings
It's a shame eo many children grow
up without health Viten they could
bo made strong by Ferrozone, the
best topic growin:e toys and girls
can take. Ferrozone invigorates
the whole end? helps digestion, mak-
es tbe blooe. pure and rieb. It sup-
plies more nourishment than child-
ren cart get in any other way and
soon establisbes a reserve of force
and cetera's.. Give your children Fere
rozone .ated watch them grow $trooz
Peice 60o per box,
Mrs. Clench, of Si. Marys, who has
been visiting her (laughter, Miss No-
ra Clench, ,Lhe famous violinist at
London, England for some, montbs,
is expected h,orne in a few days. She
sails on the S ,S, Bavarian.
M. Edward Pierson, of St. Marys
accidentally ran a lady's hat pin in
his right foot a few days ago. No
trouble was anticipated from it, at
Reports from many districts hull-
oateetiett potato blight end xot are
again this season ceasing serious loss
to tbe farnihrs or Canada. This dis-
easeebas -Isom quite prevalent in
.many parts of Ontario and Quebec,
and although a good preventive is
known in Bordeaux mixture, few
geowere seem to have enrage d. their
potatoes. Mr. L. '11. Newman of the
Seed Division, who visited nearly ev-
ery county in Oribarlo during the
summer, confirms this statement
and 'reports that le many cases he
found growers sadly wanting in
knowledge of tho disease and meth-
ods of preventing it.
There aro two known blights which
affect the potato in America, the
early blight "Altermaria Solani, and
the late blight which unites the rat.
Playtophthena Infestans. The early
blight .causes ,,the spotting of the
leaves early in Suiy. nese spots
increase in size 'Unite and Sorra
masses .of diseased tissue. This blight
does 'not attack the tubers and is
bot nearly as injurious as the other
If Ilie leaves are punctured by bee-
tles or from some other cause the
disease ,gets e foothold eaeler
The late blight is the one which
eauses by far the greater loss, both
by lessening tile crop and by causina
rot. According to Mr. W. T. Ma -
coon., Horticulturist to1 the Central
Experimental Farm, this disease
pasace the winter in the tebers, and
in .tha spring when the vines begin
to grow lit starts to develop !growing
up through theteasees of the potato
stem. During the latter part oE July
it produces on the undersides ot the
leaVeS myriads of tiny spores, -which
in the mass have a forest -like ap-
pearance. These snores make tha
ruse ,stage, which is caused by the
leaf tiseues drying up where the
spores have been feeding on them
and causing dark brown spots, It
is from this stage that further, in.
feetion takes place, as tbe spores are
carried rapidly by the wind and
alight on the foliage. They are also
washed below the surface of the
ground and reach the young tubers
and. in Lime cause the rot. The pota-
to got itself is a dry rot; the wet
rot {comes through decay- of the tu-
bers. It Is when the tubers begin to
form (that the blight begins to ap-
pear. This is just after the potato
,a -re. is Iv top ereelc Ate.
Beets the 'The Kind You live Always Beught
Junk Dealers.
114t Exeter.
Occupying J. P. Ross%
e door south of
opatan Hotel.
hest cnstt
fads of
Scrap 1103)
Horse flali
wool Bain
Old Rubbers
Bones and Bo
No quantity.too arg9
tao Small
CaSe at this tirae. In the Province
of Ontario potato vines usually dry,
up ,during the latter part of Mi-
st. Why shouldethey die so soon
when they do not produce seettt If
the season is tairly favorable oven
the earliest varieties may be kept
geowine eight on into September by,
thorough oultive.tion itad eltraSing.
The ;important point is to got them
past the period when they ore in a
w akoned .condition, without injury
!ramtfungies diseases of inseots.
xperlments cfandeicted at the Nritr.
mont Experimental Station proved
that ,over halt the crop of m.arket-
able potatoes were produced after
August 22nd. In OutarIo the, potato
vines fare usually dead shortly after
that date. The great gain in keep-
ing potatoes ,growing until late in
Soptertfber 4s here very apparent.
Very intarked results in spraying
with Beirdeaux 'mixture for blight
have been obtained by the Vermont
Station, the Trish Department ot Ag-
riculture, and the Dominioa and
Experimental Farms. In 1901 ex-
periments by Mr. Maeoun with eight
varieties ahowed an a.verage differ-
ence in favor of spraying of 100 bus-
hels of marketable potatoes and in,
1902 with eleven varieties the aver-
age difference was 120 bushels per
tore. With the Empire State varie-
ty there was a difference of 165 bus-
hels per acre. Ist 1902 the vines were
sprayed four times, on July 10th,
July 22nd, ',Tuly 30 and August
13111., the formula used being 6 lbs.
Milestone, 4 lbs. lime, 40 gal-
lons water. While the Colorado bee-
tles were aCtive eight °uncles ell Parra
green were added to each forty ;eel -
Ions of the mixture. For large areas
the expense for bIuestone would be
i nthe neighborhood of $6 per acre.
and the total expense probably not
more that 88 or $9. Even at $10
per acre the result of the above ex-
periment for 1902 woald show a pro-
fit of $as per acre. potatoes selling
at 10 cents a bushel.
These :results should convince po-
tato growers of the importance of
spraying +their potatoes for the pre-
vention of blight and rot. The work
must {bo thoroughly done. Spraying
Abould be begun by the middle of
July and 'the vines kept covered with
the mixture until the eloge of the
season .
It ,is generally xecogniaed that
some varieties of potatoes have
greater power than others to resist
Ibis ,disease, and it is safer to culti-
vate ,only viarieties which are supe-
rior in this respect, All diseased_re4.
fuse from an affected Cold shoald
be burned. It is also advisable to
avoid lasing for seed purposes pota-
toes from a diseased crop even
tbetIgh the tubers appear healthy.
Yours very truly„
W. A.,r.CLEMOkii,
Publication 'Mark
has passed the most vigorous ste
the stage when in a wild. state it
would be blossoming and produeing
seed. At this stage the constitution
of the plant is weakened, which pro-
bably teak -es it more eubject to dis-
The Canadian Teibllerarice LixigLle
oe Toren to, will, „ upp or I. t wo
colored children each year in th.V S
Paul's River IndustriarsehOol,
eria, 'West Afrita.