Exeter Times, 1904-11-10, Page 41.1: E, X E E TIMS, NOVEM 13 E R 10th 1904, The Exeter Times Calendar for November 1904 0 13 20 27 'AMWAY „ 7 14 21, 2$ TelBeneter. tte. 1 $ 15 22 29 . 2 9 10 23 80 Tlinnene-en 3 10 17 24 „ t 4 11 18 25 13A.TOISDAYs 4 12 19 20 THURSDAY; NOV. 10t1, 1904 hoe THE TWUER GOVERNMENT TURNED The Coo:Onion eleetion ot Novem- ber arti, after a well -rouged enealt in the return of the ht^ Libsral Goverumene, oE Sir Wilfrid. Laurier to power by a ma- jority of 03. From the Conservative , SCentlettint. Ontario is the only xes deeming featare in be election, save And evert the Mae Island ut Prinot Ede.L 'Witile the aequisitioe hi men es Gee. E. Foseer, Mr. teetrr tTaylor and ex -Speak Wje w1].prove a deeided • .t the &Int irq, power of th The eve SN r,R ,14. LQ he Opposition ttb1eeature anti is one of the p itses of the eleetion. We Lis,. defeat will be seteardett y sided Liberals as .t au fo t ionet • devotten to dety s, his time to :Liirouttliou pelted to ie stit aeries*, en of We, fax. C %nada hae never hat l putilic man nhe was mere esteemed and liked b politic -11 %%patient% as well tes su nerters than is Mr elorden, IleiS univ reeotruized as a elsen, 1 OUll upriglit politiciau, an to bi ry and an influ- ublio ol tit • e WOU the CQUfl1- t 1tt1 followere and to believe th nitre win t11Tlw::, oitt. c t1c t1ze thought to be c to • al le a most notzbI Inture h ° tiou, all three tuje0 Conservatives.• In East Uu rou Th. Chisholm, of Wingbani. V tett Dr. 'McDonald by a streng *betty. Dr. hroDanald WWI eon- si d a very strong representative lTe o Upii t higb and dienified position in Parliament, frequently actine as &putt...Speaker, and was mexttioned next ia line for the posi- 'lion of Speaker. Mr. R. Holmes lu West Heron, a strong men. the eat - for of the New Era, else went down tee defeat, Mr. T. N. Lewis the 'yodeler Meyer of Goderioh being a succeestal cendidate for tbe Cola- servative party with a majority of 10. South Huron has done nobly, note ithstanding t he reale( ribiltiOn, by piecing upon record the return of a Conservative member, the first one in the bistory of Coufederation. Mr. Hebert Gunn, a popular Seaforth merchant achieved this most credi- table Wen:apt' for the Conservative party. Ile is a isnieness man.�i large experience in Huron, popular alike in town and country, and is to be coneratulated itpon his excellent wank. Ile tent make a gooe re- presentative. South Perth has fought the battle and /lost. The vic- tory of Mr. A. F. MeLaren. Conser- vative in North. Perth, is especially gratifyinz one. The fact that ho has been elite to bold his majority so well Is the more striking by reason of the fact that ureter the redistribu, lion or last year the township of North Easthope was broaght into the siding and as a rule polls t solid Liberal Majority of from two to three hundred. The cities through- out the Dominion elected 18 Liberals and 9 Coeserva Lives. Toronto heads the list with five Conservative mem- bers. Montreal elected four Liber - an. els and one Colaf$12r vat ire, while Ottawa and Tia. fa each elected, two Liberals. The Liberals cap - tared mie seat in Itemilton, three in Quebec, arid el,cted merabers in King ston, London, Winnipeg, Brockville, Vanetnlves, and Vlototia. One Con- servative e a s re t, arresti, n Ilanilitor, and Brantford also elected a COD - s'erva ivc The work of the Conservatives is clear. They should not telnd will not se nouragn. They will retain their rinciples4 perfect their organize ion, watch closely the administra- tioo, and be prepared for their ap- peal to the people whenever oppor- tenite is given. Public ownership has been streck a heavy blow, lett INT 40 not fox' a moment believe that the people's verdict has been given in the metier. The issue has been oo- scared slue znisunderstood, and has not yet been decided in Canada on its merits, THE NEW GOVERNOR GE,NERAL Albert Henry Geores Grey elms appeintment as Governor-Geaeral of Canada has juet been eppreved by King Edward. Ns as bean u7.,i0Ve4a- Ire; 2Sth. 1851* and. is the son Of Gen. Rote Ches, Grey. Ilis motrer ,tvas a deughter of Sir, Thomas Hattie Par - Oar. The Coentese et Autrim and the Countess of Minto are Lis sisters Ue ineerhed ble title in 1894 on the tit of his grantlimole, the third iay of his party 1 earl. Ethteated at Ilarrow and fritt- college, Camltrieee, be wee eleet d member of Parllament, In the Lib seal interest, for South Nortbunab• erland. in lege, and lrepresented that onetltaency for five years For ' mother year he eat for the Tyrieside vision of Northamberiend. In 1896 toed Grey was uppoinod by the British aoverament to s seed Dr. ,Ieraeson asot the 1artered administrator .out1t Wean 'Co's Ile s one or the orig- aqknnts fo tbe oliarter, aud been an nt1uentia1 director of tb core:Deny, lie bad made a nem ber at epeWtions in South °Melee, vr,s5 'considered oue at the beet ; tten on that 'country. Lord Grey ba in recextt years taken a great Interest in the. Ereellsh plablie house 'tritai, Whose aims are tO provide desirable places of amuse. talent for the masses. About 18 menthe ego he came .to Canada Lo explaio the objects or tbe trust, and. leetured in Toronto. As the result of his visit Cafes. Limited, an assoc- iation for the eetablishment ot peo- pless toffee boeses was establislied in Toxonto. Lard Grey xnede many warm friends in that /city. be new governor-general was an intimate friend of the late Cecil Rhodes, and is one of the exeoutors of his will, He was a specia1 favor - Ste with the late Queen Victoria, les fetber, Gen. Grey, being tor many years private secretary to her Ma- jesty, Ind chiet of the suite which accompaned the Prince ot Wales when he made hie famous visit to Canada. Earl Grey is a godson of the late Prince Consort, and Queen Victoria herself stood sponsor (stalls eldest daughter. The Countess of Grey is the, deugh- ber of Mr. Robert Stayner Raiford, M. P. for Veestonbirt, Gloucester- eleret They were married in 1877. The family of Grey is one of. the oldest in Northumberland, and. tbe present earl trite:is his lineage baok to Sir jobn Grey, a Knight of Ber- mick ia the fourteenth 'century. The first earl was a distingaished tom - mantling officer in the first Ameri- can war. The !estate of the earl cov- ers about 17,600 LterOS. His seat is Hossink house, L,esbary, Northum- berland. The earl's eldest sort bears the title Viscount Howiok. The third Earl Grey was a cousin of Lord Durham, wim was sent out in 1839 to Canada to report on the state or the milony after the rebel - Y• tis Own con - vantage )seing defeatel in Hall- ev Lection, the leader of the govern- ment could go to a cottozt factory town the week before the vote and promise that the cotton tariff irvould be the first euestioo to D3 taken up, for revision after the election. In the last week of the campaign a mter who had 'been denottneing eitth tariffs all bis life zave the ste. ear xetieers by a departmental ore_ der an inerease of fifty per Cent. in [ heir protectitai, thus et -tabling them to make two advances in the price r this staple within a few days. 'there is not a government enter in Canada which has not been adver- tising many calls for texelers fer public works COntratturz, have been louled down with contracts,In tbe west where the minister of the Interior retains the supreme power over a people who have been seeki0.. home rule, where a large portion of the population are recent set lieu, yet in the grip of the departments an almost unanimous vote of the In- dependent people is required to dis- lodge a parliamentarY supporter 0 the government. These are hard eonditions to fight, and the case i elle harder when tits government favors are used to pay for the servie- ot the gentlemen Witt; menipulat elections so tht even the free vole %Otitis is rolled, may not be recorded and ellen provincial governments having be autitority to administer justices uso that power to protect the offenders, Agaiust these powers lad influences the Conservatives of Canada 'have fought and lost, ••-•••••••—•••410.-.. NOTE AND COMMENT Mx. Blair will itike n tbrec mouths' stacatien stlien bis resigna Lion ot the chelnaterellie of the rail - may e0InZniSSIOU is aceepted; then he will go into haw practice with bis 5011. the confidence of the people a Can- ada as he becomes spotter known and. has further epportunity to show his mettle. Iiis defeat los Ralifax re - excitable as it is, is only a tempor- ary elseek in a careee teat is as- sered and from whieh the people of Canada have mach rea.SOD to 'expect unselfish and patriotic service ia the future, Canada participates In 110 nr feet el the rout for the entire term of eears. The Oran,d Trunk Railway Company holds or controls all the steel: of tile Grand "Trunk Pacific ad draws all the profits. BLINDED WITH HEADACHE People often get blindiu; head- aches that suffer from constipation. Simplest remedy is 1)r, Ilareilten'e Pills of Mandrake and Butternut They aro mild certain and safe. For Iteatiaolte end billiousness use ()Illy Dr .1fami1ten's Pills, Price 25c. Corticelli Home Needlework a :Retire of Shanel, Lad the assurance to 'cell on Mr. Gerrard tO ilaVe debate on religion. After leavine he was followed by some natives be, longing, do tbe mission to the vil- lage, wbere he was wesitlin,e in seati- aficial style. They arrested biro, and handed lira over to the Sinhsiangh- magistrate, Amongst les personal affects were found a seal for signing deeuments ssued by the society, a list ot the members living in the dis- trict, and a yellow flag bearing the device I have mentioned before as the one that Boxers in that region had on their flags in 1900, 'Remove the -Tarters and destroy the For- eigners.' It has 'been said that the magistrate is „going to make more arrests on the streugth of the in- formation eontained in tile list," Tee fourth querter of this excel- lent magazine is now being; mailed to subsoribers. The edition is an ex- cellent colle, end ell lovers of fancy needlework should not be without a copy, Just Miele sotee 96 pages of instructive reading 'matter besides numerous colored plates, nsailetl to yOU. for only 15 cents' or for a year four slumbers for 50 eents. Tee oontonts a the October number is as follows ;—Table arranged for an informal supper, embroidery and laro for table decorationt for the batty. rule -tide gifts raakluee cross stitch Fofa pithaws, some einapie bor- der desighs, dress accesseriee, Rani - it and point lace, etnue simple cee- erpleces, uew braiding, desteue for shirt waists, and scarfs, centerpieces table covers and pillows Opted on creani linen, dainty /ace collars and dress aecessorie% collar and cuff sets in nardanger embroidery, collet:A- .(1nel eillow design tinted, on color. ed. tiekings, boliday novelties easily made, a beautiful centerpiece of af- ter ehiner elotle fancy decoration, fancy stooks, turnovers and, slundder collars in silk Maltese lace, Frater- nity pillow designe, tinted brown linen centerpiece, embroidered and jewelleol buttons, Russlau, ren- aissance, and Marie Asttoinette cur- tain lacca, embroidered bands, em- broidered. hosiery. English eyelet em braidery, notes by the editor. Do not miss sending for a copy. Just. the thing needed to help you with your Christmas gifts, Cortieelli Co., Ltd., St, Joint's P. Q, Mite Grand Trunk Pacifie Rail- way Co., defaatte in payment of any or its rentals to Canada, we baro no lien or secretary, of any value, front the Grand Trunk Railway Co. ,or the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Cern- Pants, 41 41 * Sir 'Wilfrid Laurier's majoyity though laree, is far from being the record in 'OM bistory et the Domin- ion. In 1878 Sir John Macdonald swcpt t he went ry even more et f e 0- tualle than on the oceasion or Sir Wilfridts performance of Thursday. Sir john came back to Parliament with a majority at 86, not 68, ae is strangely asserted in many periodi- cals. The detailed figures are; --. Ontario -63 Conservatives, 25 Lib- erals. Quebec -4S Conservatives, 17 Liberals. Nova Scotia -16 Conserva- tives, 5 Liberels. New Branswickt- 5 Conservatives, 11 Lioerals. P. E. L,-5 Conservatives, 1 Liberal. Man- itoba -3 Conservatives, 1 Liberal, British Columbia -6 Conservatives, no Liberels. Total —146 Conserva- tives, 60 Liberals. At the first di- vision iu the session OE 1879 the figures were ;-136 Conservatives, 51 Liberals—mayerity, 85; and a Speaker in Ithe chair. That eerctains the. 'record an the Canadian House. Aper's Give nature three helps, and nearly every case of con- sumption will recover. Fresh air, moat important of all. Cherry Pectoral Nourishing food potties' next. Then, a medicine to control the eetIgh.end heal the lungs. Ask any -good ;doctor. "'tarot sided AIWA Chotryl'octotalbt years ago. X have soon terrible eates or litnit,dle ea see curod by it, I am never witbouSit.' A.LnZItt G. lifAXILT011, Illerldtta, Ohio. 25c., 5tc.. 11.00. 3. a. AVMS CO., All dr u mists. f eI. moil: Coast' Ith d d SAM V #1,03 Aer'eJl •••••••••••...21110••••••••........ A LETTER FROM CALIFORN1 Mv .A. McDonald, it faraner cleat rQs- t Thames Road, L'aborne, and who has spent the past year in Cali- fornia, sends the following letter Ihe read with interest by Ids many friends here. Seuta Rosa, Col. Dear Editpr.-1 drop you a few lines asking yea to he kind enonels to obange ray address an tise Times from Fulton P. 0„ to Santa Rosa en, No. 0, as we Lave moved 3 miles from Saute Rosa. We have rural delivery here. ee'e have been enjoying snod health, and ,.tt cool summer, end Itave seen SO= Vale sights. We have spent $01110 thrte picking up prunes. They are aloe, - ed to tall on the ,gronnd, then thee are packed. 'into boxes and then dip- ped Into weak lye and then put on trays to dry in the s.un. After the prunes were done, we went picking bops. Just imagine 500 acres, 18 hundred piekers, about three ions of green hops per acre, or one of dry, at from 25 cents to 32. tents per lb: every body teat has a piece ot land that is fit for hops is rooting out the prunes and planting or :getting the laud ready to plant next spring in bone. There was a farm of 25 nines rented the other .day for $1200 a year for ten years and the tenant plants and puts in the poles and wir- es. The farmer has to build a hop kiln and barn. The hop kiln itt 30 feat by 60; the hern is 40 by 80 feet two stories high. It looks too bad to see ,the prune trees all pulled out; now the crops arc all past. Next was t.lelt serapes and they were a very large erop. Some farmers had 7 and 8 tens per acre, while others had no snore than 5 tons per acre. One far- mer had over 700 tons at 515 per ton There was a great many grapes rotted this year as it rained for about 36 hours. I have bought a small farm of grapes and prunes. My address now will be, ALEXANDER McDONALD, Santa Roe, R. D., No. 5 *41 41 * 41 Tem defeat of Mr. Borden in Hali- fax is a regrettable feature of the election. As 'became a leader, he gave his time to enunciatinn the .of his party througlout tha country, and, perforce, neglected bis own constituency. This, raight have been expected. to arouse the entbus- iasee of his supporters and excite to some degree achivalrous sentiment among, his fellow-citizons. It is usnally regarded as an honor to have Us e leader of one of the parties as a eeprosentative; but in the Maritime Provinces the fashion seems to set in tbe opposite direction. In 1900 both Sir. Charles Tupper and lion. Geo. E. Foster went down, and now comes the 'defeat of Sir Charles' suc- cessor in the leadership of the Op- position. It goes without saying that a seat be found toe Mr. Borden. Re has developed greatly during the four years that be has carried the responsibility of leader- ship. and there is every reasonto that be will more and more win [IOW LAURIER WON ($t-. Johns Sun) A government in Canada has a g re a t. a (Ivan t a,ge over an opposition in !appealing to the country. It hes large patronage and. is 'able to offer rewords, not to persons only, but to dietricts and communities. The ministrysnow in office seems to have thought itself justified in usins not. only Che proceeds of the public taxes, but the whole credit of the country for .the purpose of these eleetions. In the face of the Premier's repeated declaration 1 lot government opera- tion of railways is a vicious system 'Ole government buys a railway for the s-ake; of carrying two constituen- cies, It promises to buy others for the sake of winning seats. At the same time it agrees to build a rail- way snii hand it over to a company and maSps all possible use of that deal totrie'&nee a campaign be-lieved to be Itha ss costly ever seen ,1*. Tables inptrltthli their babies ' nnsbfl. to pro- ablets are sold ers or can be had lc-, cents a box by writing tT.7:pai.,h, /Is lianas' Medicine Co., Breekvitr""'" W1L1, BE MADE SENATOR, Government to elevate lion, j. 11 St.t•ation #e Upper Reese, The Mail and Erapire bas it on good atithority that Ron. J. 11, Stretton will be made a Senator al- most immediately. Ile te expected to officially announce within a Sew days his resignation as Previncial Seeretery. His elevation to the Upper House s a. reward for party services. It is uteerstood that the Laurier Govatn- atent promised hies the position it tOrned i and helped elect R. R. Ile% the 144era1 candidate in West petobereugh. He succeeded in do- ing that and wilt now claim his Sen- a torsbip. i* the grandest, most scientific and safest cure for any kind of headache. Without being a laxative'it regulates a disordered stomach, and is therefore something en- tirely new for a bilious headache. It clears the brain and makesyon fit for the day's duties, and to those wlso are trou- bled with nervous headaches at night, it acts as a calniative, and insures refresh- ing sleep and bright mental activity the next morning. Your physician will tell you that the safest and best form in which to take a headache cure is a tablet, Powders and wafers vary, containing either too much or too little of a prescription. All lied - rite tablets contain the same ingredients to a x -tooth part of a grain. They can be easily.. broken or crushed and swal- lowed with a drink of water. You will find that after taking Iled-rite for a few attacks that your headaches will come less frequent, and in time will altogether disappear, unless brought on by careless ani d rregular living. We are tile only head. ache specialists in the world. • A postal card will bring you`a sample box, containing two doses, free. Don't buy before you try. The HeraldRemedy kto. Chicago Montreal, win( CRICK" jqT'RE BACK QU are up against a wbole lot of trouble unless you have a strong re- medy like Nerviline to settle pain and dislodge stiffness from the mus- cles and joints, Just rub Nervitine on the painful spot—not much :tub- bing because Nerviline has more power than ordinary remedies. 'Yoe won't stiffer long atter Nerviline is applied for it relieves almost instant e Mr. Phillip Adams of Oakland ye, "It I hadnSt used Nerviline ess my back would be stiff yet. A f.ew ...Application% ot Nerviline tools alt the soreness and etiffness, 1 can commend Nerviline, for eaty kind of usoular pain, also for rheumatism. ice 25 cents . CANADIAN SOCIETY OF NEW YORK Your soldiers are Vent' brave --NCL home hay Itt she wee tsu yoh go 7A 0515 Ilast . Ne a re eel meeting o the Exe- "ve Committee of the Canadian Society of New York, a programme of entertainments for the members and, their guests was arrautted for the months of November and rtnern- bear.. The evening of November 19tUt will be designed as "Ladies' Nieht," when o spatial dinner and entertainment wilt be provided for tho raerabers nd teeir guests including ladies. The annual dinner will oe held on ‘nia.,‘"WiS\s'sn stoM,,„"Nsiisss. \-,Nthtehe stee.h.`e, tees %.•&„ CASTOR IA e teS, htts. •Ne'tnet The Kind Ton Rave Always Bouglit, and which 111S been itt uso or °WT. 30 years, bas bente the signature or and. bas been made under his per. on supervon since its infancy* * "44 Allowno one to deceive you in this* All Counterfeits, Imitations and 4‘ Just -as -good" are but • Experiments that trifle with and endanger the liealth or Infants und Children ---Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR1A Castoria harmless substitute fOr eaSter 014 rare. gonia, Drops and. Soothing Syrups. It is Fleasant. It Centelete neither Opium, Morphine nor other Wareetie substance. Its agoi its gaarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Iliarrbdux, and Wind Colic, 3I't relieves' Teething Trouldes, eteree Constipation and Viatuleney. It assimilates -the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, &since healthy and Ilatural sleep 'The (litildron's Panacea—Tire Vriend. CEIWINIE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Hue Always Boughtt In Use For Over 30 Years. t' • MK C lt /15 ••••••••• 40.414.4.411.4140.. .0 044. 44444 444; • THE rIOLSONS BANK (Ineorporated by Act of Parliament1855) to; • CAPITAP/i D IJP • •••• $3,000.000.00Lk° • RESERVE FIJND — • • — $3,000,00000 • • nitre:mho:lin Ontario, QuebecAllende British Columbia' and Me:nobs. et Open ivory Lawful Day trout 10 to 3r. at. except Eeturdny 10 d. to 1r. M. 01. On application. DRAFass ria all points% tbe Dominion, Ore:n.1341(110 aria len. ited b'Ealcs, boneht and sold at lovvelit rates nt exctumge. SAVIIINGS IDEPARTMIENT Depoesits of $0.00 and upwards received. Interest corn. d Mind to principal June 30th ima December 3ist. rie• • • • EXETER BRAN ForIrriOrfie Sale, Notess cashed or collected. Forms supplied Deeember Gth. Renresentative men • voun e Y • posits Iteeelpts itsnett an4hIghesc eurrent nuts of interest alloyed, d to farmers stock dealers and bustness men at of Canada and the %tea States be, tho guests of. the Society An inetructive programme of speeches and, music hes 'been arranged for (hie o6casion. Tim Cautttlian Society. is composed of three bundred tind forty members, all Canadians by birth, now residing and engazed in business in the City of New York and vicinity, Its ob- jects are to foster cordial social re- lations among Canadians and to ad- vance ,every possible way their in- terests. The Society 'make its entertain- ments 'during' the whitey months oc- casions of gennineltospitolity to all Canadians whether 'members at Che Soclety or not. All Canadians are requested tohe send tnames and addresses of their relatives end friends who are Canadians and reside in New Tork City and. vloinity, to 'Mrs J. A. Buck- riell, Secretary, No. 170 Broadway, New York, so that the courtesies of the Society may be extended to them . IS YOTJR BREATH BAD? Bad .brerallt is onA3 of the early :symptoms of catarrh which chonld be AO:locked at once and not allowed Lo run into consumption. The sur- est cure is fragrant, healing Cater- rhozone .which cures catarrh by re- moving its muse. No case itt too chronic,—even the most stubborn yield, in e short time to the balsamic mapor tit Catarrhozone. It makes cures thrtt last, for once ,cured by Ca Larrhozont you etay cared. Ca- te rrhozone ' is pleasant, convenient end safe !to use, relieves almost in- stantly and is guaranteed to cure every type of catarrh, bronchitis and asthma. 'Use only Catarrhozone, complete outfit $1.00; _sample size, 25 cents. Missionaries in Danger It was reporLen some "tame a go that the Presbyterian Missionaries at Ronan Wel'ra in danger of their lives through an up ri.s ng, liad bean It 11 rest ened by th" $ecret ',ed hd- ies in that Province for some time Sorne itirne that report a. dis- pal. ell announced that., there was no danger from any such uprising. The Henan correspondent of the Pres- byterian, writing from lIwaickin?;, Sept. 1, says that very disquieting n,ews had come from various quar- ters. The missionaries at Chang-etc- fti hod again had to call the atten- tion of the oficials to the Tsaiyuatt sect who were showing si,Tns of fresh activity. The missionaries of Taim- ingfu ,hod .to flee from that city ow- ing ,to their lives having been threat - oiled by this same society, '0.1 H wa c ng," con t in u,e d h correspondent. "there is consicierabl excitement owing to the matistran hiving issued proclamations rsivins CY-4LO w00.-E",,Z4:o. 1110 details of the arrest, of a- leade- Boa__,1hthe o Kind You sae meats bilge, of ehas some society by Rev. NI. settn„ rard, a Roman Catholic missionary 10 Weihui City. This leader, who is •Yrs • lowest race sod 00 olOSG fsseeable terms. )gent* at Exeter tor Dom. Government, • Dickson & Carttng, Solicitors.N. D. HURDON, Manager. • •404•••••••••••••+*•*1*.••• ••••••••••••••••••09...... fleas, lice and mites . Groups. of parasites.--,Ortle- quo species of fleas, ,the bird flea* lives upon ,tho iowl. This ilea is provide ed: wetha sbarp piercing moath;11 attacks the fowl at night, and through causing constant irritation and less et blood does much harm. The raouth of the louse differs front tiec: mouth of the ilea is tliat It is not sharp end used for piercing but simply for biting. Lice bite silently, and cause considerable pain. The most iinjurietts or the relies is the red fowl mite. This is ytillowish white .to dark red in color, according to the quantity of blood it contains. The blood es drawn from -the fowls at leght, and during Stbe day the mite hides in the tracks and crevices of the home. 'When the chickens appear in poor health they should be examined at night, and it mites are WHAT IT IS found treatment should 'be ;resorted The Mucous Membraine and +helm- to. portant Part it Plays in the. Prevention and extermination. — Health or Sickness of the body. If the poultry house is old. and The mucous Meraltraneds Me inside lining ot the body, :indite all its ves- sels and organs. The moraent tbis raucous membrane becomes oat of condition, ever so little, illness, fol- lows swiftly, in some form or other. In ninety-nine !cases of a hundred disease has its beginning in some de- rangement of this Mucous Mem- brane. It !is very delicate and extremely sensitive, and consequently very li- able to disease. If you are not feeling well you may be sure that the tMucous Mem- brane OC SOMO organ is sick and re- quires immediate treatment. There is one medicine ehat is in- tended to act and does act, direct- ly and curatively on the Mucous Membrane. It is Dr. Leonhartlt's Dyspepsia, Biliousness, and Con- stipation disappear as soon as Dr. Leorthardt's Anti- Pill has restored the Mucous Membrane to its natural healthy !condition. 50 cents a bottle 1 all dru,geists, or the Wilson-Fyle Co., Niagara Plls, Ont. Sole agents for Canada. The Parasites of Poultry A Cornmon Cause of Los—'Pre- vention and Extermination. The presence of parasites is one of the primary causes of unprofitable- ness-and iiistase in a flock of poultry says ka Poultry Division, Ottawa. The fowls are rarely examined, and the 'reason or their poor condition is not discovered or even considered. It will pay every poultry man to ex- amine his birdscarefully before they go !into winter quarters, as their hm health and comfort daring the next months !depend largely upon thei,r f cedonn from vermin. There- are three i,disCinct groups of parasite preying 'upon the domestic: fowl, coneeins many crevices, all the nests, roosts, and other fixtures should should he removed from It, end the walls and ceilings covered withheavy; building paper and liraetvash. The latter should be applied het and fair - liquid, se as te enter every crevice in the buildings Its quality will be im- proved bY addIng to !every, sgallon of the wash one-quarter pound of soft soap previously dissolved in boiling water; also a small quantity of salt. The material taken from the house should be burned, and new roosting quarters and inside fittings put in. T.heSe fittings sbould be Simple in construction and easilya•e- movable so that the verrain can be destroyed . Before the fowl. 'return to the bouse they should be thoroughly dusted with insect power or sulpimr. Ey dusting each fowl over .a box or paper the powdercasa be well rubbed among the quills DE the feathers and the ekcess will not be wasted. The coal tar treatment for the destruc- tion of the gape worm can he effec- tively used 'to rid fowls of vermin. The fowls are placed in a barrel, the inside, of which is coated with a mixture of !coal tar and coal Oil of the consistency of paint, and tlae top of the barrel is covered. The lice are overcome by tho coal tar fumes and fall to the bottom of the barrel A paper should be placed to catch' the vermin when they fall, so that L hey may be destroyed. The poultry house 'requires ,cican- ing and limewashing twice a year, The roosts should he !remoVed and treated wIth coal tar er kerosene ev- ery week, and the nests frequently cleansed and new straw placed in theta. t. It is necessary to 'regularly exam- ine ,young ,chicks for eead lice. If present., the lice will be foundin th2 down or feathers in the chickens head. li not destroyed they will so waken 'the ',chick that it will die from los's of blood. The lice cart be removed by smearing the. chick's wi,th..greaSe al; Swc.et oil to which a few 'drops of carbolic acid poultry, and .is due to a speaks ot mite. The scales of the feet and legs become ralsed and separated arid a cladk-like curetion accumulates be- tween and over them; rough lumpy crusts are formed, and under these. the mites live and br,‘ed. The diseased legs and feet of the chickens Avoid. be well washed witn stiff brush, warm water ente soap. The artists should then be re-, moved and a mixtare of equal parte of sulphur and lard rubbed Into, Me affected parts. After three or four days the legs of the chickens. that were treated should be cleansed with soap and warm water. You!kv,s...AvearcLyILErnitNs: Peblicat ion Clerk. ; had heen added. Sealy Leg.—This disease is quite env:emit in flocks of. neglected ' leeste.A. `rely. . Another club woman, Mrs. Houle, of Edgerton, Wis., tells. how she was cured of irregulari— ties and uterine trouble, terrible. pains and backache, -by the use - �f Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable % Compound. " DEIn Mits. Prsenen :—A while ago my health began to fail because 0ft' female troubles. The doctor did not help um. I remembered that my mother - had used Lydia E. Pinkhara's Vbgetable Compound on many oe- insions for irregularities and uterine - roubles, and I felt sure that it could laWharm me at any rate to give it a 1 ',I was certainly glad to find that vrithin a week I felt much better, the ,terrible pains in the back and side . *ere beginning to cease, and at the - time of menstruation I did not have nearly as SeliOnS,a time as heretofore, sh I continued its use for two months, eed at the end of that time I was like anew woman. I really have never tott better in my life, have not had a - tick headache since, and weigh 20 , ds more than I ever did, so I un- • tatingly recommend your medi- - lastb,"— Mits. MAY Hems, Edgerton, Witt., Pres. Etousehola Economies Club. ''''45.00408„80 frireannfeft loft blpornotaiticofeja, boos tette.p.rf...71/4 • IF