HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-11-3, Page 8JLHI 'EX B.; R
S, NOVE 144 B E It 3rd W04
tirmg woug No better stoce
• E
yoor klettee o_ in west -
Eggs and Dried ern Ota arm
apples we want TRIS ,•
ef Far • than we silo
them, ,
About a dozen Ladies" new Tailor Made
Coats in "Extra Small Si7.es". a variety of
styles, all tbis season's make, greys and
black with and, without capes, with and
without belts. Some of our very choices ,
coats are, la this lot. Every eoat to be
sad at a bargain price If you are be
low the average size DOW'S yOlIT time,
No. 2
About 2 ladies new Tailor Made
Jackets in full ail(' extra large sizes, they
come in Blaek Beaver, Black Kersey,
Black Olie,viot, and Black and Grey
Frieze Cloth, with and without • belts
and capes, soma very smart military
effects in self strapping and stitching. No
matter bow large you are we think we
ean it yOU With a yerY swell coat and at
a very reasonable price,
re haVinOlia sneceSS with OW new Dess Good; our
very large and complete. Our new Broadcloths are special
We have a special line of new Black Goods that are ver
o buyers.
e&our ladies)
2e Vests
are special
sTwA Men
I -1,:x valueer i
's fleece
Lined "Und
wear at 45e,
pact each weeiol
ake Provision
Leave your orders early tor red
and Avhite oabbage, turnips, beets
Putelaltins, squashes awl winter veg-
etables at Louie Day's makket
Gardener, Exeter.
sTako Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab -
lees. All draggists refund the nion-
try if it fails to' cure. E. W. Grove's
*Platelet, is en each box, 25e.
^ rflnalegOlp. anted - A compet-
ent maid fer geeeral honse work ;
three in family ; good wagee: the
right party will BO it a pleasant
situatien„ Apply :Ire. Archibald A.
Campbell. 425 Williase, St.. London.
Election Day, --The following are
the. booths. where the voter
may use his franehisosday ; No. 1.
Kunz's earriage „shop ;No, 2, Week's
marble shop; No, 3, Jos. Cobbledieles
• offiee ; No .4, Town Hall. Record
your vote earlY.
We were in error last week . in
stating that an operation was per-
formed upon Mrs. S. Soodere, It
sboald have read :Nii:ili ar:rkie eloold
elm is sniying at lite lionte of her
'eters Mrs. Sanders. Ths young $ 4 00 SUIT FOR „, ,„ ,, ,. - ..• $3 35
t, 19 now progrees'ng very favor- 3 50 SUIT FOR - ... ... .., ... 2 95
OA -
ea. 1)ane ss wbo has spent
ast eix weeks in the vieirtitY of
are, sorting aud loohine efs
aeking ot aPplee for It It,
hts a'elttrna WWI ;Mathis
been engaged in sorting e,
ad of apples to be shipped front
Wonaants Institute "At Houle”
eegular meetine ef the Woraen'e
itute will be held in ihe form
'At Home" at Mrs. Gurney's en-
efterImee* NOV. ,411t al 3'
All members ore requested
Ito be present. Mr. Wickwire, Pres.
Mrs ,ilastinge, Setery.
Special Sale of
Iligh=Class • Clothing
•0•44,4••••••••••••••••••1104.0. 41*****40.14.404,11******11404111,
4+41044+++.40410+4,40+4440+.444e. ele.44.41,4•4444.**********4
Men's Suits
$12.00 SUIT FOR ...$ 0 75.
10 00 Seit free - .-8 99
8" 50 SUIT FOR , . «„, - 749
6 00 SUIT FOR - •5 25
5 00 SUIT FOR „, ...3 99
Boys3 Piece Suits
50 SUIT FOR 4 09
4 75 SUIT FOR „, 3 95
4 00 $UIT FOR , „ 3 35
3 75 SUIT volt 3 00
o s' 2 Piece Suits
t upon others rely upon
our own strength ; earn your own
()liars; save and deposit as many of
these dollars as you can; deposit them
any of our branches.
We make no discriraination whatever between large
,and maiI depositors ; all are treated exactly alike.
We shall be glad to have you call and learn our methods
of dealing with the public.
The Sovereign Bank of Canada
Branehes in Hu= County at
ter CrocUton Dashwood Hensel! Zurich CIIntol
Manager, Ezetcaliranch
r Marriage Licenses,
Waddling Rings,
Watches, Clocks
Specttesclion t
Watch Repairing a Specialty.
DR. OVENSZaletrailMi,
Specialist, Deseasea
Eye Ear Nose and Throat
Read Fopplestone & Gardiner a ad.
otzpage 5.
See bow to protect ertaIrself in the
Sovereign Bank ad. last page.
Wanted.13 boy f o learn the mer-
cantile bu.sinese, apply in writing to
Popplestone & Gardiner.
The Times has the correot styles in
wedding invitations and visiting
cards. Lot ANI ha,V0 your next order.
Coming, -Patten & Perry coming
'Jerry from Kerry," Friday, Nov.
,1„gth, Opera House. Popular price*:
visits Exeter notably. 2r.tr5, W. Bowden, who come ten
Glasses Properly Fitted days ago was strIcken "%nth paraly-
Nino," Catarrh and, Dengma treatgat °mg, EN is now very much 'reproved.
Wat Welt. S1.1. iTtgLia 1)SttAt. ?'I- glit85: Earl Grey, the new Governor -Gen -
rear: 2, Nov. Ss. Loudon °Ince VS Queens Ave. 'oral, will sail tor Canada, ion the
Parisian in December.
To -day (Thursday) is the day you.
Dand right
cast your vote for the Dominion
elections. Be sure to vote early
Parents' Day -At 1 he school, Fri -
General Selling Agent for day afternoon, Nov. 4th. All par -
O. P. R. Lands
Any persons, farmers or others,
who contemplate purchasing lands
fin Manitoba or the North-west Ter -
Outs are cordiallY invited by teachers
and pupils.
Miss Ethel Hawke, or Moncton,
N. 11. is visiting frieeds in this
locality. the guest •in town of Mrs.
Wm. Howell".
A number froni town attended the
ritories will find it to their ad- anniversary services of Seitsmitla on
vantage to call on me, as 1 have Sunday and the tea -meeting on Mon -
recently been ;appointed general sel- day evening.
ling agent for all O. F. R. and 0. N. The death took place on Oct. 19th
W. Land Co's lands. Prices range of Mr. William Johnston, an old and
rorr-1 $3•50 Per acre arta uPwallds* respeeted resident of Lucknow,
Persons volt° settle on C. P. R. the age oE 72 years .
lands within one year after pur-
ebaste have ten years in which to Mr .end Mrs. WM. Appleford and
• pay for such lands. son, of Leamington, are spencline
few days ot this week with Mrs. AD
Pet further particulars apply to pleford's brother, Mr. J. Senior.
11 E PICKARD, Exeter. Mr. Jeanerette, who has been with
the Sovereign Bank here tor a short
Or at the "TIMES" 'office. time has been removed to St. Jacobs
in ithe service of the Bank at that
Bev .De. Hannon, eondueted the
anniversary services ol the Centen-
arethodist 'church, London, on
•Stuaday last. Ten years ago he took
charge of similar services in the
same chueoh.
Mr. W. E. Jarrett, of Hills Green,
who has successfully taught school
Seetion, No. 9, Goderich, for the
past two years has resigned, and
has accepted a school .riear Zurich
eat a 'gond increase in salary.
Chicken Pie Socia]. -The Ladies'
Aid 'of Caven Presbyterian church
will hold a chicken -pie social on/
N o verabe r 11 th , itt thc basem mit of
,Lhe 'church. A good prosramme
alSO be rendered Admission 25e.
Mr. R. S. Schell, manager of the
Royal Loan & Saving Company, and
one of the best known business men
of Brantford died on October 21s1,
after a lingering illness. Be was a
brother of Mrs. R. Millyard, form-
erly or Exeter .
The, post offo ce department has just
begun the issue of the 20 -cent stamp
in the King's head series, which'
with this addition consists now Of
six denominations namely, the one
eentetwo cent, five cent, Seven cent
ten cent and twentlr cent,
tie copy for changes must be left
not later than Tuesday noon. Casual
advestisements accepted up to noon
Wednesday or each week.
THURSDAY, NOV. 3rd, 1904
4 •
40 004.4a4P0 )404000+
iVIrs, Baiter and son, Willie are
in London this week on business.
Mr. Chas. Knight, or St. Thomas
spent Sunday udder the parental
The very la test in Wedding station-
ary and Wedding cake boxes at The
Times Office.
The Goderich Organ Co., declargd
idividencl of 6 pereent. on last
year's opera t ions.
Have you a distant friend:, Send
him or her the Times to lire end or
year 1904 for 10 celitS,
On October 31st., 1517, Lte.
titer leek bi$ first etep to -
yards revolt by nailing his
lebrated theses to the door et the
stleeburch in Wittenburg, and al.
owe.% Luther was at that time an
5thaian Monk, tbe Reformation
ded as dated from that day.
The Rev. Rnrei Dean Tt.lylor, o
St James church. St:Marys._ oco
the lealpit Trivitt Memo
a h on Sunday last, preaching
-o able and approprate ser -
the interest of the Sundey
The Itev R. J. M. Perkins
batted similar services in
The Epworth Leagete of the
tbetUL church in town will meet
ttt he james-et. ehurch on Tuesday
evening next, when, lite programme
will be given by the viFiting Ticagino
f ter wbich refreshments will be
reed by the members of James-st
°Wetly. A cordial invitation is ex-
uded to all the menabers to be
3 00 SUIT FOR 2 75
2 75 suu ....................225
Men's Odd Pants
75 PANT FOR ..
50 RA= FOR ,4444•4140•441...
• 25 PANTS ,FORa
Now IS THE TIME to buy your Winter Overcoat and
Men s Overcoats be prepared for the bold weather which is coming sure.
We are to the front again with the best selection of
12 00 COAT FOR .. ..,.....„ ,, ...$ 10 Youths and Boys Overcoats to be seen anywhere.
$ . 50 IVIen s,
io oo co .cr Eon - - 8 99 Try one and see how they fit.
9 00 COAT FOR .., „. „.. , 8 49
8 00 COAT FOR ....,.. .,. 7 25 '
7 00 COAT FOR ".„ „. ..„ .,. 5 99
Boys' Overcoats 1
$ 7 00 COAT FOR, $ ri 99
6 50 COAT FOR - . . 50
5 75 COAT FOR -- 4 98
4 75 COAT FOR 3 99
Boys' Reefers
3 Niens!'s Specials 3
A. nice black Cheviot Overcoat, Velvet collar, straight anti breast pocket&
Made up very stylish with, good lining for $7.00.
A striped Tweed Overeoat, Velvet collar, straight
the new belted back and straps on cuffs. The hest of
eewest coat this eeason fot $9.59.
A good heavy dark grey Pilot cloth, looee back,
pockets. A. very good style for SHIA.
and breast pockets.wall
lining. Very swell, the
velvet oiler, etraig
3 00 CO -la FOR • 4 2 50
3 75 COAT FOR 2- 25
1 ittle Gents and Youth
1 50 COW' FOR _
Men's RAI Coats
5 00 COAT FOR 9
4 .50 COAT FOR
A Very Special Line of Boys Knickers
Clearing at 45C a Pair
Levitt, Gran
g friends in town.
le Fish left this week for
N. 17.. where the will
week s visiting friends.
London i the gues
Qeo*ge iett, and
to town.
Tom and brother. Mr.
, visited friendat 13Iyth
and Tuesday of this
cot. (I".",d/r3.23°
tbe J.Ice,naas
Tuakcrsmith, ean boast of for his
grainxhibite. ilis display consisted
of 4 varieties of wheat, 2 et peas, 4
of oats and three of barley, All ot
the 'exhibitions at whioh ha showed
Were held itt the •county of Huron,
attd secured first prize in nearly
very place .
Rev. A. G. Going, D. A.. of London,
occapied the evapit ,ot ,Tansee-st,
church on Sunday last in the ab-
sence at the pastor, Dr. Hannon, in
London. Mr. Going preached two
very able end praotical discourses.
In the afternoon he conducted an-
niversary services at Sexsatith Me-
thodist chureh, there being a large
congreeation present. '
Mr .11. Smith, Hay, has «old a
very hendeorars young Shorthorn bull
to Mr. Thos. 'Livingstone, near Al -
This bull, "Royal Salute;" is of
red color, and is one year old. He is
by imported "Royal Prince," and was
a prize winner this yeaat the Lon-
don and Exeter shows. This fine
young -animal will be a valuable ad-
dition to Mr. Livingstone's own herd
and an advantage to the neighbors.
Mr .G. Eiernick. of Saorameoto,
Cale is visiting relatives and renew-
ing acquaintances in and eround
town. Mr. Kernick was a resident
of Exeter some thirty year ago.
From here bo went to Ltican, then
to Muskoka end from thence to Cal-
ifornia, where his son, Arthur, aim
of the most promising men in the
United States, has Amassed eon-
ssiledledrsa.ble fortune in the gold raining
Mr .Jas .Smith, who has been ser-
iously ill or typhoid fever for some
weeks in a Cleveland Hospital, has
so far recovered to be able to re-
turn home. He stood the long
journey very well, and his many
friends, hope that wtili the change
and .care at home, he may soon be
restored to his wonted health, lee
was accompanied by his ,brother,
J., of Torento, who will remain for
a few days after wlaieh he will re-
sume his duties in the shoo depart-
ment of the T. Eaton go., Toronto.
Market Report. -The following is
the report of Exeter markets, cor-
rected 'up to Teursday, Nov. 3rd.
Wheat from 95c to $1.03 per bushel
Oats 28 to 30 .cents per bushel.
Barley 88c. to 40 cents.
Peas 58c to 60c pee bushel.
Bran $16 per ton.
Shorts $20 per ton.
Flour, $3.00 per cwt.
Low grade flour, $1,25 per cwt.
Chicken Feed, lc. per pound.
Butter 13 to 15 cents per pound.
Eggs, 18 to 19 cents per dozen.
Dried apples 3 'to 3 1-2.
,Chlfclrens, 7 .,cents 'per pound.
Ducks, 8 cents per pound.
• Pork dressed $6.00 per cut.
Pork, Live Weight, $4.75 per cwt.
'gay $7 per ton.
A Modern Business Method. -- The
business people oi . a certain town tr,rit
together every e,celt and offer
a prize of $5 :to the farmer evho driv
es the greateist distance to the town
on business. Ire must be a farmer.
and he nartst (mine on business. Ile
must market soine products of the
farm, or he must do trading -either
buy some hardware, subscribe for
the local paper, or patronize the but-
cher or tiontor. Ile must prove con-
clusincly the distance he came, and
the farmer who has made the long-
est trip gets the purse. It has
preven e. greet .draeving *card for the,
town, and men with their families
come. !great distances.
n Mondy
gg of I,ontion, anti her claw
geter.t -law Mrs. John Merrifield, of
the Soo visited Mr. and Airs. Richard
Giclley a feW days of last week,
Wet Wedding, On Wedees
eiit, October 2�tb# a vory qiie
ularriage taok place at the /tome of
tito b1Ide, when Miss Juliette Smith
marriage to Mr,
ins, of this plakee The
serezuony was performed by Rev.W.
todwhi la the presence of only a few
ediate friends. The bride
"Wba was attired. in a navy blue cloth
does was attended by her
Bertha Smith, of Hamilton,
d given away by her brOther*
I miry Smith of •Woeditock, Mr,
and Mrs, Nokias will take up their
/evidence in the groom's borne on
Andrew street. The Times join in
best wishes.
Any am &same to procure a f ount or the advance in tee
.farm might find it to their intereet Price of iron and othev material, the
to xeati one advertised by Mur- niackentiths here as well 05 in the
a)by, London, in another coluran. eeighborine villages have found ft
necessary to put up the price of
Net The many friends of Alm Frank liame „bn,;nn. $1.1„
WHIN will reeret to hear that, she is gw-boon
very low at the borne of her. parents -yarned. ,but itt nearly every nue of 1 at
mean. Mr. Willis who ism York- business throughout Canada, Prices
ton. Assa hes been summoned to her have gone up. Printers also beee
bedside. had to .rale the prices atprinting,
Mr. Norman Lloyd has been (elm- Paper costs front e to 3 cents per
ed as electrician at the power house. 3jlQund more than it did a few years
Mr. Stevenson, who has filled that 1ago, consequently the cost of set -
Position for the past five months has ling a newspaper eat is more -the
in cost of doing a job is more. Our
resigned. He leaves for his home
Hamilton on Friday. subsoribers may help us in this mat -
Navy Frieze, Fancy buttons.
Frieze Metes 405
Frieze Men's style
Winter Underwear
For Men, Women and Children
ve everytitiog in the Untlerwearlineto keop you ware i tor winter
•••4144110.S....1/4Thteseesedosep sees s • ssaaaa........4).
•...teasesseassessseess+.....441, 0414•40.41.....040•414.44
Mr. and Mrs. T. M.Beetner of Wing -
loan called on friends in town last
week. Mr. Beetner was operator at
the station here about. twenty-three
years ago, and was a yonug man who
made many friends during his stay
-Mr. Nelson Nortb.cott, wire and
child, of Stratford, are at present
visiting Mrs. Northcott's parents,
Mr. and Mrs .C. Aldworth o( the
North end. Mr ./siortheott is. a
fireman on tbe Grand Trunk Rail-
way. .
AN OLD AND WELL -Taxers Iteatzter.-efrs now vacate, from the late Mr. Da-
Winslow's-Soothing Syrup has been used for
over sixty years bymilnons of mothers for their nid Johns, and opened up a grocery
children while teething. with perfectariceeis and liquor business. .By the exer-
Xtsoothes the child, softens the gems, allays all of,se of the fundaracntal principles of
vain. cures wind collo, and is the best remedy
for Diarrho3a. It is elftsant to the taste. Sola sueoss, namely, hard work, unbound
beeYnarlitnaggisbottlthe.lo fir value nPaerbis of
caltilalwabolreld; Be25bo ud s icnIsr4 getileayncsluccoloeseedeadttianntli)ounimintgo
sere and take Mrs Winslow's Soothing;
syrireand ask for no other kind. up a large volume ot trade in town
Mr. _rhos Ogden returned home
land country. They .werc also firth
Saturday last from the Northwest
on 1
where has pent the past summer. believers in reaching, the people
through the medium ot the press.
the Exeter Times of
Mr, Ogden is delighted
with thei 111 the files of
end, wbo met with an accident by 1 mabe ranked among the wealthiest
country and its prospects and expects}
the eig,lities, tbe "Star Grocery"
hods .a.
prominent place. Their faith -
to move bis family there early t
nex-iful efforts have been awarded and
spring, having taken up considerable
land near Woolsely, Assa. they now retire from business, hoe -
Mr. john Taylor, or amount of thiworld's goods, and
the, North ling accumulated a considera ble
his horse running away and the wag- of our citizens. They notemake way
ti*Ota passine over him, about two 1 for .the younger firms, who are step -
months ago, is now able to bo out ping forward in ehe mereanlite line.
again, although still suffering eon-
siderable pain. Ile has decided to
give up earmine, and has sold his
fifty iacre farm, being lot 4, on the
4th concession of Hay, to Mr. John dice te, who have secured 10,000 acres
McMahon, of the same township. or land in the Assiniboia ,will now
Sale Bills. --Those having their sale devote his interests in that direc-
bills printed at this office will re- on .
ceive a eree notice of the sale in the
W. C. T. U. NOTES.
ter by looking at the label on their
paper, and if it does not read, :fan,
01, eome in and ask us to make it
read, jun. 08.
Retiring from Buriness.-The past
few years have noted many changes
in the personnel of the business MOD
of Exeter, very few now Meaning
of those who were actively engaged
in business lvhen Exeter became an
incorporated village. This week
Messrs. Farmer Bros. retire from
business and have disposed of their
grocery stock to D.fessrs. Snell &
Rowe. Some twenty-eight years
ago Lhey purchased the store, they
We are pleased to learn that Mr.
John Farmer and his family will
still ,remain here as citizens, Mr.
Farmer being one of the. Exeter syn -
Tinae.s and •thus get the benefit of
our large circulation This is a fact
• which should be, 'remembered. Sale
bills are not seen by all in the dis-
trict whereas The Time goes every-
where. The notice though given
free is often worth more to the per-
son 'holding sales than what is paid
for the posters.
,Wanted - Men and worn= in
this country and adjoining territor-
ies,do represent and advertise an olcl,
/established house of solid financial
standing. Salary to men $21 week-
ly, to w:amen $12 to $18 weekry -with
expenses advanced cash Monday by
check dircot from headquarters.
"Corse and buggy furnished when ne-
cessary; position permanent. Ad-
dress, Blew Bros. & Co., Dept. A,
-TaTonon Bldg., Chicago, 111.
3/ft: .Thomas Ranclford returned on
Saturday last from the Northwest
where he had been on a business trip
Mr. Handford speaks very highly
of :the North-west, and stated that
half ehe wheat had not been harvest
ed as yet, and eliat it would take a
week or more to harvest the • rest
of the crop. Mr. IIandford ;brought
back with him a carload of western
horses, among which are some -vety
fine animals. In faet, this is the best
lot of western horse'that has ever
beebrought to Exeter.
•laave organised for another
yea t having held our annutil eleetion
of officers. Our Meetings are held
once a month, and we .extenal a cor-
dial 'invitation to the women and
mothers in Exeter, to join our soc-
iety .
From the following will be seen
that the authorities of the C. P. R.
are bound to have prohibition in
i heir employees, thus saving many
lives 'indirectly by the liquor traffic.
"Engineer Crowell, running on the
Regina ,division ot' the C .P. 11, was
sentenced recently A Regina to two
years in the penitentiary for being
intoxicated while on his engine. Cro-
well was taken off his engine uedor
this charge alone, no accident be-
ing at the root of the trouble..
• Rev. G. W. Brown, of Blenheim,
has had himseli sworn in as con-
stable so as to be better able to see
that :the 'local option of that district
is 'being carried on p'roperly nnd he is
indefatighle in his work.
While the Re gei eh Fair was in pro-
gress in Merlin, recently a carousal
started at the Conainercial -Crone.
In the midst 'of it Rev. G. W. lirowri
of Blenheini swooped, down and car-,
riod,anely the. liquor, amid hoof and
jeere. The matter will probably
come up in court, at no early- date,
if You Want Furniture Buy at tiuston's
We sell Cheap,much Cheaper than elsewhere,and
after use You will say was Cheapest, We don't
kee the shoddy kind in our shop, nothing but A 1
al ector and Practicable Ernhaltner, Opera House Mee
Star flour is our specialty.
We believe there is no better
flour made than our Star
We use only the best of old
Manitoba wheat and mix it
with old Ontario grown wheat
which makes the best flour
that can be made.
If you have never tried our
flour get a 100 lb. sack and
give it a fair trial and we are
confident you will like it.
Dealers handle this brand
and you have a winner.
te• inessliollege in Canada graduates :
.'4:1. so many and at the same time •
0 such a large percentage of its •
: ▪ In Westerndoes
it, tiz7Ontario I
• So far as we can learn no Bus- •
: stideintscai .4.
'-'51/T4([111-1d0Bpj. OCrfT.-----1* ,
O Our Courses are up-to-date, instructors e,
• experiended and facilities unsurpassed. 4
0 Students ma Y enter at any time- Write 0
0 for free catalogue. • ti•
: W. J. ELLiovr,1.,,„ rincipas . . , ,,,
. t .
,o, D. A. McLACHLAN, J
We expect to have our saw mill run-
ning by the first of the year, and will
pay the highest cash price for sa
logs of ever description delivered no
or any time at our saw mill at veer o
Planing factory.
Lumber Lath
and Shingles
We are in a better position than
ever to supply our many custoraert
with all they may require either fro
shop or yards.
lareall in we like t see youertat
are here with the goods.
have the most complete stock of
reliable COUGH & COLD remedies
and o her seasonable preparations.
have the finest assortment of Rub-
ber Goods, such as: --
Hot Water Bottles
Ice Bags
Fountain Syringes
Enemas Scc
have just received a large stock of
the best French, English and Ameri-
can Perfumes and other toilet articlee.
have never failed to give entire serj----
isfaction in any case where w? tested,
eyes and prescribed glasses, ana sNVE
ar,es here always.
ARANTpEILDEseti-RE 2011 have everything you want
Itching, 131incl, 13teedine, or pro • -
The finest goods at
t.rudinse Piles. Druggists refund e
money 11 17est prices.•
,azo Ointment fails to "
any case, no matter of how long
standing in 6 to 14 days. First ap-
plication gives case and rest. 50c. If
your druggist hasn't it send 50e in
stamps and it -will be forwarded post
retid by Paris Medicine Co., St. Louis,
Drug Stor