HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-11-3, Page 7Ir1^-144--if-t44.1-1-1-1-44-1-1-141÷1-
The celebrateci Pr. Darwin, who
lived in the earey part of the lant
century, was so impreseen wit•h,
none ietion of the necessity of good
ale. that being very popular in the
town of Derby, agland, once et a
market ilay he mounted- a barrel and
thus aedressed the listenieg erawd
"Ve men of Derby, fellow eitizens,
attend te Mel 1 anow you to be In-
genious and industrietie meenanies.
By your exertions you procure for
yourselees mid families the meessar-
ies of life; but if you lose your
to them must cease Tide truth all
of you knew; bet 1 fear sonic of you
health, that power of being ef use
de net understand how health le to
be maintained in vigor -this then de-
pents main your breathing an un-
contaminated air; for the purity of
the air becomes destroyed where many
are colleated together; the effevia
from the bedy else eorrupts it.
Keep open the windows of your
tttethtgeirjo,tattd4rowded workshops, and as soon as
• ou rive open all the windows of
your brooms. Neve ieeP in a,
room, without a chinine,v in it. nor
block that up_ Inattentien to this
o4vke o ssured, will bring die,
eases on yeureelves wed engender
among e-ou typhus fever, which ie
only another palm for putrid fever,
whieb wilt carry off your wive* arta
children. Let me repot
Advice -oven your windowe
to • let in the fresh air at least QitCa
a day, Remember witat I say: I
tweet( now without A fee, and can
leave no other iaterest than your
nood, H thie my advice."
It would be well indeed were It
possible to extend this 0Xcelleat ad.
vice to our people, espeeially those
Jiving in large centers of population.
Although it would be found impossi-
ble in the majority of cases to "never
sleep in 0 room without A chimney,"
tie °Pen grates are very little used
in this vountry, tbe advice to thor-
oilghly air the rooms at least once a,
day, by teeping tbe windows open
for a abort time. call easily be ewe
lied out, and even if they eltould bo
entirely closed throughout the day
(eve refer especially to the winter
season) the rooms can be perfectly
ventilated during the night by lower -
one or all a fraction of an inch.
This imperceptible opening is a reg-
ular life saver, eo to +Weal:. Venti-
lation by some means or another is
absolutely indispeesible; sueh ventila-
tion whereby impure air may be ex-
changed for pure-sicliness for health.
Had Suffered, for Twelve 'reeve
and Was Ultimately Cured
Through the Adviee of a Primed,
Twelve years ago," says Mr, Wm,
Emery, ot Welland _avenue, St. Oath-
arines, "I we, living in the town.
of 0 ano.noque, aad the physicians
there told me I had heart disease.
Fromthat time awl up to four
years ago I often had severe spells
of the trouble, The least exertion
would bring on violent palpitatioa,
and at other times 1 wovid become
iliZaY, 11CrVollS arid frightened awl
my beart would almost cease to
beat. 1 became reduced ia flesh and
insomnia followed, I was boneless of
finding a cure, for I had been treated
by an experienced doctor, and had
taken any advertised remedies with-
out getting any benent, One day a
neighbor strongly advised me to
try Dr, Williams' Pink Pills and act-
ing on his advice X got a half dozen
boxes. I soon foetid xnuch relief
. through the use of the pills, and af-
eer continiiieg the treatment for a
couple of months I was again en-
joyieg perfect bealth, I leave not
Sitteq bad any return et the trouble
and I feel aute hi eatiag that the
cure is a permanent one, and I can
strongly advise the use ef Pr, Wil-
helm' Pink Pills be all who suffer
frem siMilar trouble," The re-
porter can only add that Mr, "AlOrY
is well keown in St. Catharines, is
a prominent worker in Methodist
lcircles. and has the highest respect
af all who Itieow bine,
If you have any eynnetoras of heart
trouble. neuralinia, indigestion, rheu-
matism, anaemia or any of the eume
eroue troubles ceased by poor or wa-
tery blood, you will Mal new health
and strength in a fair use of Dr,
• Williams' Pink 'Mlle. Do not waste
money or further enclapaer your
health by the 'use of substitutes -get
"Dr, Williams' Pink Pills for Pale
People" it)n the wrapper around
(wavy box. Sold by all Medicine
dealers or emit ItY mail at 50 tents
a box or six boxes for $2,50 by
writirir tbe Dr. Williams Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
It often happens in cases of acci-
dent that the deeger to life is great-
ly increaeed by, if not solely depen-
dent upon, the lost of blood, the in-
jury itself being e comparatively tri-
vial affair. Wbether light or serious
the wound can wait, indeed in most
ettailete.,----eataramust wait, for the arrival of
the phineician. but the bleeding waits
for nothing -it must be arrested
somata. ami if it. i<1 aat. slopped bY
eome one on the spot, or if it does
not cease spontaneously, the coming
of the physician may be useless, for
the wounds of a dead num need
In classes of inStrUction in first aid
to the wounded, this point is always
insisted upon, end rigatly; but unfor-
tunately how bleeding from a cut or
torn artery can be quickly and cer-
tainly arrested is not always clearly
enough explained.. The pupils study
diagrams depicting the course and
direction of the large arteries, and
round black or, red diets are placed
tbe points where pressure can he
effectively applied to shut off the flow
of blood from the parts lower down
on the limb; the application of a
tourniquet is taught, and sometimes
even the mode of tying an artery
(which is surgeons work and not to
be attempted by any member of a
t rst-aid class) is elaborately ex-
plained; but ,sometinies the lecturer
forgets to say that the most copious
bleeding con always be arrested tem-
porarily, had often perminentlY, by
simple pressury made directly on the'
bleeding point. • If you can put your
finger (litetally) on 'the source of the
•hemorrhage and keep it there, your
wounded companion will not bleed to
death, at least not while under.your
One must make sure, In doiog this,
-timt the finger is really making pres-
sure on the bleeding point, which
may be deep 'down at the bottom of
the wound; but the continua -nee of
the bleeding will soon prove that the
finger, or the cloth pad, or the
rounded stick, or whatever is used to
make pressure with, is not pressing
on the right spot. Care must be
taken not to soil the wound with
'dirty fingers or a flirty rag. If time
and opportunity permit, the finger
should first be washed or at least
wiped with a clean cloth, cued if a
cloth pad is used theouter layers at
• least must be free from visible dirt.
IA almost any company some one
may be found who has a clean hand-
. kerchief it the pocket. One which
has not been unfolded is best, for
this can then be folded inside out and
'eemadeup itto a clean pad of any de-
• siree shape. ---Youth's Companion.
California has an area of 150,000
squarees and a gi eatei acreage of
_ea„eleiesenay, wheat, mid other grains, fruitel
aria vegetables time any other State'
In the Union. In order to harvest
these vast crops California relies on
huge machines. It ie estimated that
a, big California hay -fork will harvest
a whole acre in the same time that
an ordinary pitchfork in the hands
of the average farmer evovid clear a
scalene rod.
About 400,000 snakes Are killed
every yeee in British India. The fees
paid as rewarde annually for the de-
struceion ca 'beasts of prey and vena
ataeas enalits by the Government of
udhi.eaneeme re- about $100000. '
The Remarkable Experience of An.
An Irish correspondent of The Lon-
don Daily Mail vouelles for the aceur-
acy of the following remarkable
"As the result of a peculiarly
dream," be eaes, "Mr. Charles B.
Stanley, ILA., of Eria-villas, New-
caetle. County -Demi, is suffering
from the effects of what nlipeara to
be severe sunburn, and he is anxiouu
to learn if any similar ease has been
recorded, and if any adequate mien-
tifie explanation can be put forward.
"Mr. Stanley, in relating his al -
Most weird experienee says : 'I am
thirty years of age, a student, and
very palefaced, treeing been cordite.,
ed to my lemma is the city of Del -
rust by severe literary work for some
inoitths, I paid a flying visit to New-
castle on Monday last, when the lit-
tle town was deluged with rain and
the sun obscured.
"X remained indoors all the even-
ing reading, and retired to bed about
11 o'clock. During the night
dreamt I was lying on. the seashore
in a strange locality, and that the
sun was shining with the intense
heat, so much so that I felt liar face
and hands actually being burned. In
My dream 1 2.emereber thinking what
a tainted face I would have aftei ly-
ing so long exposed to the glaring
sun. '
"'Tho dream passed away, and in
the in,orning I arose and commenced
to shave. What was my astonish-
ment, on looking into the mirror, to
find my face and neck literally tanned
dark. brown, my nose in a parboiled
• conaition, and the skin broken, my
forehead covered with freckles, and
my hands also tanned brownand
freckled. '
" 'The experience made me uneasy,
and accordingly I spoke to a doctor
who wee staying in the same- house.
He said 1 Wei...badly sanbiarnt by ex:
posure. I explained. I had not been
in the sun for a single hour for
months, and that I arrived in New-
castle in a deluge of rain, at the
same titue mentioning my dream.
" 'He was amazed, and said it was
the most remarkable case he ever
knew, but he believed the force of
imagination had in my dream affect-
ed the skin and caused the sunburn
and freckles.
" 'The doctor asked me to write to
the press, as the case is a most re-
markable one. 1 may add. I am a
total abstainer, and am free from
any disease or eltin affection."
Don't give baby a sleeping draught,
soothing mixture or opiate of any
kind ,except by the, order of a com-
petent doctor who has seen the child.
Remember that all so-called soothing
mixtures contain dangerous opiates.
If your child is restlese give it Baby's
Own Tablets, as they are absolutely
harmless and in a natural way pro-
inote hc3alth-giving sleep.
Don't give medicine to check tlie
movement of baby's bowels in diar-
rhoea except on the advice of a doc-
tor. reed tlie child sparingly and
give Baby's Own Tablets to cleanse
the bowels or irritating secretions.
Keep the abdomen warm. 'Phis treat-
ment will cern diarrhoea.
Don't give a young child harsh ca-
thartics, such as castor oil, which
gripe and torture.' Baby's Own Tab-
lets have a gentle laxative action
and never fail to cure constipation.
Nrs J, D, Ciller, HeaLherton, Que.,
beys; "I have used Baby's Own Tab-
lets foe stomach and bowel troubles
and have always found them a most
8at s factory medicine."
Don't fail to keep Baby's Own Tab-
lets in tlie hoese. Sold by medicine
dealers or by mail at 25 cents e box
bt writing the Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co., -Brockville, Ont.
Indicators of Time in Ancient
English Church -
Sun dials have come again into
fashion_ they ate to be seen every-
where, •says Cliamber'e Journal, and
very often wrongly placed. Elegant
designs, too, are the modern ones.
and a large place of businees in Lon-
don is kept almost, wholly eacupied
in making new models to attract the
ee'e and appeel to the imagiriatiou.
A large quantity (if the stones of
Christ's Hoepital and old Kew
Bridge were boaaht and have been
carved into nice pedestals witb,
hiatoric flavor.
In the old days no thumb was
witbout its sun dial. Old St. Cuth-
bert's in Eclinburga, lor example, aas
a dial on the original tower to which
the new building was added,
In many old country towns tbe dial
has for centuriee occupied a prouit-
neat place on the church or in the
kirkyard. It was the standare thne-
keeper. But one farmer's wife in
Yoeitsleire has xt, series of grooves on
the stone flag of her house door, and
ties always the correct time under
her eye-whea the sun shines,
• A Pretty new dial deeorates Inter-
leita Poeta Edinburgli; and this is a,
very useful addition to public places
and gardens. Lord Iteddington has
very bandeenee sun dial of maseive
deeign in ids gardeus t Tyringhame.
Lord Ilchester has a. variety of dials
so placed that be can tell the tinie
on the gle-es of his bedroom wbulow
without getting out of bed.
there is a very nini dial engraved on
a, slab of elate and built into the
walls of the house. The mottoes
chosen by. the Kies and Queen are :
"My time is in Thy band" and "Let
otbers tell of etorate and showers,
111 only count your ,sunny hour," A
• huge stone dial, six feet square, is
on the wall of the Old Tile House in
"Ilefeene about your business" was
inscribea on the dial of the, old brick
house which stood in Inner Telleple
terrace, London; and the present old
sun clock in Pump Court Las mark-
ed the disappearing Lours for over
three centuries. 11,111e various cath -
ds, such as Ripon Minster, have
very ord dials, eiegular to nay St.
Paul's, London, has none; but as
locks were just appearing when 1Vrea
designed his masterpiece it is proba-
ble thnt the ora time had to give
place to the new.
The unsavory locality knOWII as
Seven Dials derived its earn.) from a
largo stone nine winch stood in the
centre of the equare with streets
branching all. A splendid example
of Iniso Jones' i arebitecture stocia
for years in the middle of the new
square a Lincoln's Inn, with the
proud motto, "Let your light so
shine before men," and the irony of
fate was exemplified when it was re-
moved to matte room for a large
flaring mis lamp.
Glands castle has n.n elaborate
dial, a tall pillar with four lions
erect and back to back, bearing the
plate. et coronet surmounts all.
Doubtless when Macbeth WAS thane
of Glamis he would eye some sun
clock wimn he wanted to know how
the time passed.
has an ancient time plate etanterg,
10 feet 4 'aches high and bearing the
date 1707 and Lord Rosebera leas a
pleasing dial at Dalneeny.
el/hat is Said to be the Most costly
Sun -dial ever erected was orie in
pyramidal form, set up in the year
1669 by order of Charles H. facing
the banqueting house a.t
Its inventor was a Jesuit and pro-
fessor of mathematics at Liege.
This tail pyramid contained no
fewer than 271 different dials. Some
showed the b,aurs according to the
Jewish, Babylonian, Italian and as-
tronomical ways of counting, while
others displayed tables pertaining to
getronomy, geography, astrology,
etc. There were portraits on glees
of the Xing and Queeu, the -Duke of
York, ance.Prince ttimert. Sale cost
of this royal toy was enormous, and
for, repairing tirepn one decasion the,
bill came to £500.
Skibo Castle has a very ancient
sunclocia although Mr. Carnegie per-
sonally prefers his household to be
regulated by Greenwich time.
The Duke of Sutherland had a very
expensive dial erected quite recently,
in the graidees at Chorley 'eased,:
Quite unique has been the idea of
the Dulee of Newcastle. In his house
at • (number lie has a pedestal on
which are two iron hoops about a
yard in diameter placed transversely,
ono inside the other, with a rod
across the middle. In the centre is
a knob which, when the sun shines,
throws its shadow on the 'figures that
are marked in gold on. the hoops, so
that a very attractive time clock is
produce .
Another departure from the eon. -
volitional stone pedestal is on the
lonely island of St. Mary's one of the
Scilly group. An old cannon is
stuck upward with a eial-plate fixed
across its mouth.
which was brought from Egypt by
the Emperor Augustus, has been ret
tap as a gnomon. On the pacement
around it aro lines marked in bronee,
and for over a century Romans have
glanced at the "hour o'clock" as
they proceeded on their way.
There was ingenuity on the part of
the French gunner at Paris who had
charge of 'the gun for proclaiming
the hour of mon. 1 -le so arranged
the dial that the hour of noon con-
centrated the rays of the sun through
a burning glass on the powder at the
cannon's touch hole and the time
gun was thus fired.
Perhaps the present; methoa. of tr-
ine by electricity at Edinburgh Cas-
tle is the mere reliable, for on some
days the sun is obscured by clouds.
Holyrood Palace has a beautiful
dial hue to the unhappy Charles I.
Tt is called Queen Mary's, but the
mare referred to wee Henrietta Mar-
ia. For hewing the stoee alone an
Edinburgh reason was paid .4.08.
In the beautiful cemetery at Mary-
lebone l aa unfinished dial whose
shaft was from a deeiga by Mr. Gil-
bert, R, A. It is dedicated to the
wife of Joseph Hatton. One well
known man bas gone so far as to
nave a, beautifully earved on clock
erected on the marble stone which
covers his family burying place -re
eonetant reminder, truly, of the pas-
sage of days.
To get a pretty sun, dial is not a.
costly thing to -day, A brass hori-
zontal plate with carefully adjusted
gmnnon, but without equation table
or pedestal, cari be had, eight inCliee
in, diameter, for £2 fis,
'A vertical dial 3 feet by 2 feet 6
niches, with bright gun metal gnom-
on, and with all lines and figures cut
and gilt in, would probably cost £30
This is of Portland stone, with met-
toee and similar to that at Sand-
ringham. Between these prices
Each purchaser has his own ideas
as to a pedestal should he not wish
to fix his clock to the house or gar-
den wall. The multipartite dial is
• much too elaborate an article for the
ordinary man, It bears on its brass,
face divisions &hawing the differeacel
of time between the place where it is
erected and other places on the
globe, such as Jerusalem, MOSCOW,
Cairo, Yokohama,
TA setting up a dial care ban to be
tateii that At AS correet as regards
latitude. That is to say, a, plate
• and gnonant. set for Iionden or WM-
gow would only be good on places
twenty to tinety naliee in a radius
Irene these cities.
If the shebew is noted against 'the
time given an a good wateb t will
be foiled that that is the easiest way,
to get a Sun clock fixed. When the'
incorporation of clock -makers WAS in-
stituted by charter in 1.031, they
bad jurisdietion not only over clocas,
but, also over sun dials, and had au-
thority to search for and break all
bad and unreliable dials.
There must have been many an
error in the years that hate OAP' a
since it was lira tnowu bow to cal-
culate the flight of time by the on,
for we read Viet King Abee bed a
sun clock, aud it 'was in 742 B.C.
tbat be reigned OAT
Cured Mrs. alas. Murphy and.
Everyone Else She Recommend-
ed Them To.
River Gagnon, gale., Oct. 31.-
i (Special). -No complaint is so cone-
Irnon among women as Paiu-in-the-
I Back, It is a safe estimate that ful-
ly half the women in Canada are af-
flicted with it. tor tbat reason every
evidence that there is o, sure and
complete cure in existence is thankfullY received. And there is abund-
ant evidence that liodn's Kidney Pills
is just such a cure. The distriet
could furnisli a dozen cures, but one
is enough far an example. The one
is that of Mrs. Jas. Murphy- She
"I suffered for thirty-eight months
witli a pain in ray back, 1 took just
one box of Podd's Kidney Pills and
I have never been traubled with the
pain since. I also recomutended
Dodd's Kidney Pill; to other people,
who complained as I did and in eVery
ease the Pills did their ditty and
brought relief."
Meekness is not roshiaess.
Restitution is the proof of repent -
Virtue is more than an absence o
'Withholding the hand withers the
Patience givea big push to any
• Revenge is sweet, when it is sacra
fined. 'n
Clianging the clock does not stop
the sun.
A little sin may be the seed of a
large sorrow.
People who scatter sunshine can-
not live in shadow.
The only time love sighs is vlien it
has to quit work.
The ideal tree may count for mare
than the real timber.
Dreaming about heaven is a sin
when it hinders duties on earth.
True noblemen are always knighted
with the sword of affliction.
Cream does not stay at the bot-
tom ;because it gets in a dirty bucket.
Men who are carrying to -morrow's
burdens are not counting to -day's
At Faringdon, Berkshire, Vingland,
farming has been raised to a science.
Mr. George Adams, of the Royal
Prize Farm, Waelle.y Iltrese, farms
sonee 4,000 acres, of whicli about half
is arable and half pasture. • He em-
ploys from 200 to 250 laborers,
milks 500 cows daily, keeps about
forty Sbire brood mares, a score of
breeding sows, and from 3;000 to
000 laying hens, grows about 1,000
acres of grain, besides attending to
other multifarious items in the ordin-
ary course of farm practice. About
1,000 acres of meadow hay are har-
vested annually. All the work, cut-
ting, carrying, and ricaing•, is done
by piecework.
It is permissible for a barber to
scrape an acquaintance, but he should
draw the line at bleeding him.
lkinard s Liniment Cures Colds, etc
She -"Did you see any sharks when
you =owed the' ocean'?" He-' Yes;
Played Garde with a conPle.''
Sunlight Soap will not
burn the nap off woolens
nor the surface off linens.
Ask for the Octamee i,sat
While six burly Yoricaliiremen were
driving through the streets of Paris
in a cab the floor gave way beneath
their weight, and two of them -were
dragged along wed severely cut about
the needs and face,
Stop *he Pain 1)0} Destroy the ate mai; h
e -This Is eadly too often the case. So
many naeseees nestrures purporting to
cure, in the eziel do the patieut. lea
meneely more harm than good. ler.
Von Stares Pineapple Tablete are a
Rarely vegetable pepstn preparatien„ AS
harmiese us xnflk, Oae atter eating
prereets asy disorder of the digestive
organs, 60 hi s. box, ate cense.-4Q.
"You just wait A wbiUe. 'AP Bus'
slan soldiers are a little bit raw
yet," "Well, they'll be well eleini
when the Jane genie up with 'am:"
Minard's Liniment Crites ulplitheria
"No," said the self-saerineiug girl,
*tile lips that toncla tobacco shall
never touch mine -but you, may lass
e behind the
For Over Sixty Years
Mil& WiRro av's Sac:quiz:a Sleati2 hos been toed's,
vir!,1)1:ttre:Itittiraix.1 ofauLtt:_ii. I. ehildrea while foothill;
laladoillic,rezumfesthe4talatanritallT, tisInd lesTlet3
hestrenteay for .0iarthrea. Twonty Art2 eittsu oo
Said Oidroggisui threwthout tne ;4114,41.h* saurel4s.tnds.
ihster"Alea,W4AftlA,OirotiornleAS:elitAtIr.," V.--llt
"Ile certainly is an adept in the
of conversation:* "Yes; but
het a pity lie isn't more adept in
the art of saying Mg!"
Running' Serer% the outcome of n
d blood bave a never -failing balm
Aguew s Ointment. Will bear tb
oet stubborn caeca, Soothes lrrKn-
tbon • inetantly after flret epplica.-
. It relieves all itching and bux'u-
Ing • discaees bn a. day. It cures
Mae la a to bi nigittee 85 cents. --39
etia te'
Soon after the College - imen
nient the world begins to take tb
conceit out of the wise graduate.
Lover's 17-Z (Wise Head) Dieinfec
art Soap Powder is better than
other powders, As it is both soap anu
An indulgent land:and is all right
if his indulgence le limited to one
small glass.
C. 0. RICIIAltDS & Co.
Dear Sirs, -I have great faith in
VINARD'S LINiefF,NT, as last year
cured a horse or Ring -bane, \vita
IWO bottles.
It blistered the horse but in a
mouth tboe was no ring -bone and
no lameness,
Four Italie, N. 13.
Ponce tie Leon had discovered the
fountab of youth. "Ain't it sim-
ple," he exclaimed, as he dipped in
.his fiuger and tasted the mixture.
"'Why, it's nothing but rouge and
burnt matches and a little pink
e is cent direct to tea diseased
parts by the Improved Blower.
DeOs the deers, dears the axr
pa..tsgas, stops droppings ie the
throat and pennanarriy class
Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower
free. 511 dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase
Medicine Co.. Toronto and BuSalo.
In enion there is strength -so a
meek and lowly man with a strenu-
ous wife says.
Kidney ere -Pain in the back is the cry
of the kidneys for help. To neglect the
cell is to deliver the body over to a
disease crue„ ruthless, and finally life
destroying. South American Kidney
Cure has power akin to miraculous in
helping the needy kidneys out of the
znire of disease. It relieves in six hours.
One way to improve the memory is
to assume for a moment that you
have everything you want.
Imoruis imitilent cures Gerrie' t gows.
Mrs, Weeks -There can be no dom-
estic happiness unless there are etpu-
teal concessions.
Mrs. Strong-Nonsensel Me and
my husband get along all right, and
I make him all tie° concessions.
Those whom neglected coughs
have killed were once as healthy
and robust as you. Don't follow
in their paths of neglect. Take
S a I gi
nava n
right now. It is guaranteed to
cure. It has cured many thous-
ands. • n
„Prices: S. C. WELLS & CO. 4u8
250.50e. el LeRoy, N. T.. Toronto, Can.
ISSUE NOi. 44---04e
t-tt, 04.te, kedis
11/ et/
Will Dry In 8 lizelra,
at all Hardwares DO133e
Montreal, Toronto, Vaneouver,
We can ban
alive or dressed
Also your butter,
other produce,
cor, West market and Colborne flu., TORONTO,
poultry eftbee
est advantage,
, honey end
Dominion Line Steanishi
Moderate Rata earvicet,
awed calm yasseaeers terauel le eon 0001423 0
oit tho im,liner at tail .114i0 of 04 f
+4.9r1394 Pt *Ube to- 1,44 fors Tn.r.1 T4440,
lonrCr),1007,14310100, al0r4g0ig 40‘ VF A*415-4
liuil4;t1colat1 enpll to leen' 4304% or
PeAttlattr.11 LINO Orlf1U0d.
411119084 B., :Verve 9.17 et. eaensotens Montan
The guest region in Canada for th
nter who wishes to secure ItioaS0
le the Ternagand region in New On -
and now easy of access by the
Grand 1.1.'ruult Railway System and
North Bay, All %formation regard-
ing vides, routes, rates etn„ eau
be lied on application to ovate or
by addressing G. r.e., Meet, G xt,„ 4 T,
., Montreal.
H ig 44,4.808. woutil iimk bt*4rdys1 If
at ,sfl1e0er town, Wag ilea:, neap* eel 141
iliniT1014 ASA EitIOAN D 1/4if,4 Ct2,
'You eau say 'wixat yonMite bou
er," said Spratt.ii; "but In
are sound." "Yes; hi
les are all sound, I'M acknow-
replied Hunker "nothing but
Catarrh aid olds Relieved in 10 to 00
MIngtots. &Wirt, puff of the breath
through the lower supplied with each
bottle of Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Pow-
er diffuses this powder over the sur-
face of tee nasal passages. P4111109
and delightful to use. It relieves in-
stantly, aue permanently cures catarrh,
hay levee, colds, headache, sore throat
tonsilitis and deittnese. 50 eentse-41
"Truth," remarked the meralizer,
"is stranger than fiction," "Yes,"
rejoined the demoralizer; "and the
majority of ertea seem to be shy of
associating with strangerel"
soda IA rrr t*5I1
anara4.1u .to• "
41.10t.E.h.D. 4,2.nr lt
UST. Walt Oar Sad.*
Ardn.E. to eta eau* eti
TARRoX OROS.* Toronto,
TO Sielele
a -1w. zo.
',neater Or ire
age Yalta
en il17*tal
Millard's liniment Cures Distemper,
Mamnia,--"Jobany, 1 am ashamed
of yen for keeping at the bottom of
your class in school," Johnny -"I
lieep there for the advantages of the
place, meenma. It's euir last guess
at a question, you know. When all
the others have failed, it's almost
impossible for Zee not to guess
" OneFcat I tho Grave', -If the thou -
mends of people wbo rush to so worthy
a. remedy as South American Nervine
as a last resort would get it as a trst
-esort, how much misery and sufloring
•Irould be spared. If you have any nerve
disorder you needn't suffer a minute
longer. A thousand testimonies to
Record of Assassinations in Ile
Russian Service.
The price which the Russian sys-
tem of government has to pay in
the lives of its officials is striking-
ly shown by the following list, an -
paralleled by any civilized country in
the world. Within the last year
three prominent members of the gov-
erning classes have perished under
the hand of the assassin:
General De Menseetzoff, Chief of
Police, murdered in St. Petersburg,
Aug. 16, 1878.
Prince Demetrius Krapotldne, as-
sassinated while returning from a
ball at Kharkoff, Feb. 22, 1879.
General Strelnikofe, Public. Prose-
cutor, killed at Odessa, March 30,
Lieut. Sudeikih, Chief of Secret
Police, and his nephew, M. Seeley -
shy, assassinated in St. Petersburg,
Dec. 28, 1883. •
Captain Solotouchine, Chief of
the Moscow Secret Police, assassin-
ated by a female Nihilist, Jan. 11,
M. Sipyaghin, Minister of the In-
terior, (M. de Plehve's predecessor),
assassinated in St. Petersburg, April
15, 1902.
General Ilogdanovitch, Governor of
St. Petersburg, assassinated at Ufa,
May 19, 1903.
General Bob rilcoff, G overnor-G en-
eral of Finland, shot et Helsingfors,
June 16, 1901.
M. Andrieff, Vice -Governor of raiz-
abethpol, murdered at Agdeak.ent,
July 17, 1904.
M. De Plehve, Minister of the In-
terior, assassinated in St. Peters-
burg, July 28, 1904.
I -Ie ---"Do you 'remember the night
I proposed to you'?"
She -"Yes, dear." ,
He -"We sat tor o3ae hour 'and you
never opened your Mouthe"
She -"Yes', I remeMber, dear.
Ile --"Ah, that Was the happieet
hoer of my life. 'L
Then write at once for oar new
TELAGin to tten:(11:RAPHY
eee tdrom
C'ntra School of Tolographv
TORieNTO. aNr.
In ir4tEOU Teat Camel nuneaa 0 dlsifc.
ShAW, Principal
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Used in Mitts, Gloves
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