HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-11-3, Page 6ARIIES IN CLOSE TOIICII
Neither Will Advance and Neither
Will Retire,
deSpatnli tem Berlin ys: The
17'04)41111mt ef the Tageblatt at
het:le:den eays that the Ruestete and WILL HANG PRISONERS.
Japaueee armies are only oue thou- t A deepetch from Tehio says: -Ata
saw yards apart. Neither wen an- tempts to escape. assaults upou
verde and neither will retie:). The geadds. and various instances of re-
setion. le =paralleled int railitarydantoter •conduct QX A the part of the
is. Ile 0d:des that Duly when:Resole-a prisoners of war under cell -
the Russians receive reaforeementedluement in Japan liave led to the
will the situation alter. iforneulation ef eeries of regidatious
The artiflery firing on theUuianWhich 1flheecaforth, be enforced, ae
left, which •began on, WNinesday andjg11°Nvs:
lasted 41u1ng the night. has spread Captives resisting the guards will
Grand Duke to the
smith. The weather has again cieeete ite imprisoued. The leaders of Plans
ed Up and le mach better for actixe to escape eccompaaidi by force will
oaerations. Suspidoue movements be hanged or exiled. and Parti -
of the Japanese. have been. observed :Padeds win, be imaxiseTted.
wea cg the railroad, The ChinThees0 oe leacters of organized as,'auits
say positively that the Japanaredolt goardh. will he hanged, and per -
preparing to turn the Russian right .tiCipants therein will be baptism -tea.
or break through a vulnerable poiat ea,PtIvch rek'oSed Ihnon talting on
t Jo.th that they will not again yarn-
Sipate in the war will be hauged I
captured again,
eapetch frizzl'io says;
retitrus give 10.S79 Jae
at the Battle of tine
is 1,60( less than nt t
ia0-1Yang. The military
eeploin the great leseee
at the Slialehe battle'
The rt Arthur cereespondeu
)dy Telegrapa, describing
st that place. eve the
°purse will achieve a wonderful wee-
eess if they Can capture the tertress
with a loss under 30.000 men, for
the garrisen, though worn down arid
Jew nornhers,, can hold their
-strong defences with ito great dad,
,leitatialtiee from the bombardment
,ef the lieariest ordnance and that
the Japanese meet SaCrifice great
numbers to gale even the advancr
defences. which, are as strong
forts. This despateli readned tit
Bally TelegraOlt by way of Yinhow,
they were surprised
Mug the elle:wive
heoIe Une. This sudden
Caught then; selid column
a The preaent indications
tla. au Zo uotill lead
lie offensive. The greater
part of their reinforcements from
Europe are etopped at. the Tio Pas?,
where they are principally engaged in
fortifying. Tile Koinimiti says:
"Arm chair =Ries do not grasp the
dOdegrnallical aud elimatie coreelia
to that would make PreelPillons
adVanne upon hfuliden a great risk,
Tey tilde underrate the treedport
veracity of the 'Siberien Railway."
Mukden says;
y light on the
on the Wirth
IliNer. directly
con t haled on
Jffli WORLD'S MARKETS Milch Cows -A few good cows aro
offering and the range of prices quot-
ed is unchanged at $25 to $60 eath,
REPORTS FROM T1R-F1 LEADING Calves --A fair number Were on the
market, bat the demand was active
and prices aro Arra in tone at 30
to file per Pound.
Sheep and Lauds -The run, weal
and Other Dairy Produce
faczety and trade was a little dull.
at Home a.nd Abroad. Quotatioxis are slightly loWer at $2, -
Toronto, Nov, 1. -Wheat -No. 2 50 to $3.50 for export Sheelli $=a
white and red Winter sold at $1.de $3.50 for evils. Lambs were Drat et
to $1-03 outside. No. 2 goose nomadd to d1.50,
al at 89 to 97a east, and No. 2 i Hoge -The market, has a weak tone
pring at 98e east. Manitobe,but m quoted unchanged at $5 per
wheat is uncleauged; No, 1 Northerodewt. for selects and $4,15 fed lighte
ices of Cattle, Geain, Cheese,
quoted at $1,044, No. 2 Northereeaeirl tate.
Oats -No. 1 2 white its quoted at:the Moat. remarkable illustratioria of
at $ 1.01
-4-, and No, 3 Northern at
98; Georgian Bay ports. Griadine
la transit palace are Se above those Note. ---The fallowing article
tanoted. , beert widely publiehed and is owe of
814 to 3 ie low freights, awl at ithe value ot careftel marshalling and
8J, to tli le north and west..I.No. ihananysis or facts in presenting a sub -
new white is steedy at 3d to 8.2ez ject to the publie,
Bark' -o, 2 quoted at 45 to
43 to 14c, and no. 3 at 42c raiddle
freights. ,
64P,1...41-- pTieztesi(nlotarpteitritiss. dell a 63 to
Corn -No. 3 American yellow -quot-
a et 63e,c on, traele. Toronto, and
No. d mixed at 62ee. Canadian corn
nominal at 53 to d5c west.
ickwheat-The utaireet is nominal
a 50 to 52e at outside pointe.
aye -No. 7 quoted a 6.9 to 7Ds
PcsIciuutrsetIlteilti;trks.er cent. patents
quoted at da,35 to,:,•,, ao m a c
ettelteeast or west. Straight ro 1
rs ot speekel breads for doinesti
trade. in handle. SIAM to $4.7
1.hiriitoba flours tailehanged; No. I. pa -
eats. *and; No. 2 patents. $5.40,
and strong liakeren, * .30 on track,
Toronto. 1
Millfeed-At outside pointe bran is
quoted et alt.:el, and shorts at
d, 7.e0 to $1d. Manitoba bran in
saes. $10 and sharts at nL
46e michile freights, No. 3 extret
fr The .1.ission of Whiskey, Tobacce
and Coffee.
e beans are quot d nt
.40. and band -picked at
ea-Tbe market is steady
a:banged at
quiet at 7
v $1,75
" tioreen.
.45 t
$8 per b
d• ----The =oda
er lb. Von
U, o
d her on Lrnig,
,:street on Tbursda mornig, and'
after three. ' .-edale. who dil t
I bad distharged iim, at the point of
revolver, turned th weapon and to
,shot hillthelf deal • Wbea he enteret for
the store Ur. Drysdal------s standing ddie 1
tote are quoted at $8 to
de, Torouto. the latter
are tooted .e
all lets. 73 to
leen 0e
r 1b.; dneks
parto ie ill health in some form; if permitted
to continue to rule, they will not
et up until physical and mental ruin
a In.
n under that spell (and "en-
d spell" is correct), of eny one
of these drug,s, frequently assures
himself nvid his friends, "Why I can
leave oil any time I want to. I did
quit for a week just to show
could," It is a sure mark of the
slave when one gets to that stage.
lie wiggled through a week fighting
eveter day to break the epell, was
finally whipped, ana began his slay-
ery all over again.
The slave (Coffee slave as well as
Tobaeco and Whiskey) daily reviews
condition, sees perfectly plain the
steady encroachments of disease, how
the nerves gat weaker day by day
and demand the drug that seems to
smile and offer relief for a few min-
utes and then leave tile diseased
condition plainer to view than ever
and growing worse. Many times the
Coffee slave realizes that he is
between two fires. He feels
bad if be leaves off, and a
little worse if he drinks and al-
lows the effect to wear off.
clang tba behind the counter near the door. Poul
dt VAMP in to see Jack yeeterday."11b; yea
12P ni4. "but lI am he.
r todleyelaI5 to
see you. Pease come upte% b, de
le 'believed. conti
wells of Muldien.
Fghting began at 10 **plea,
needay evening southeetist of 'Mu.
The Japanese bare advanceil to
Village of Jerdagan. 'whit% they
reported to have captured after
tight lasting until Thureday mornin
where we, cart be private." The twol
ent upstairs together. and were
vaiking aeross the room wit t
MIST 11REAld .IAP onsTrx
A despatch from St. Petereburg
says t -Two iniperia.1 reecripts were
published In The Oflicial Messenger
. et
' ROOS pulled the revolver from!
hip pocket and placed the naivete'
it againet Mr. Drysdale'S heart. (
the same time remarhing that he
was very hard up and in a desperate
condition. "You must sign a check
for me or I will hill you death either (I
you or I must die," he exclaimed -I
on Thursday morning, the first of ,Sfr. Drysdale invited his desperate),
which is covered by 'Viceroy Alesiff's' "11" downstairs again to the safe,
order of the day announcing the; and la Passing across the store 21
appointment of Gen. Xotiroptitkin to t(.." a. clerk what was going m
the chief ere:emend of the Russian' Whitfield saw the move and fired.
forces in the east. The Named gd.., The hall missed Mr. Drysdale and
endue to Gen. leourodateet as passed through the plate -glass door
Commanderein-ohief ot an the mid; into the street. Seeing that his
teed, and naval forces at tie, hcene or ShOt Itild failed., Whitfield Put tile
war. It toncludes with these words:
r Your military experience, strenge
theued by your action in Menihuria.
makes ine feel coidelent that you will
break the obstinacy of the enemy's
muzzle of the revolver against his
forehead and blew out his bratiuS.,
Thct ball penetrated above the right
eye. There is every reason to be-
lieve that the name of the lad was
forces at ille head'f year georitrts I not John 'Whitfield, but John Dray,
army, and will thereby aseure te4 and that he came from Pawtucket,
Riedel, peace in the far east," . Rhode Island. Ile always hail limed
1„ regardeu with suspition. Tt is sup -d
doeed that he was insane. I
despatch front Vienna. Says
The Russian Constitueional party,
abuse adherents Are numerous in the
diffetent 2*e:ester's. has published
a manliest° strongly condenaning the.
war. Tha manifesto declares that
the Czar himself is against itbut is
overruled by his Ministers and the
Grand Dukes. Only the proclama-
tion of a constitution will save Rus-
sia at the present dangerous mo-
ment. Tile manifesto concludes with
the words, "Down with autocracy..
Vivo the constitution."
A deepatch froni Muleden saps: The
ePPOintinent of General Irouropatkin
ae Commander -in -Chief was received
With universal approval. It will
greatly facilitate tee military opera-
tions. A Japanese attack ie now
expected shortly. The Russian bat-
teries continue to harass the Jnpane
ese. Otherwise all is quiet. The
Japanese dead recently found showed
by ttheir warm clothing that the Ja-
panese are prepared for a winter earn-
paign, whereas the Russians have
no t received their wiater outfits:.
Viceraty Alexieirs order hi, the eday
announcing Kouropatkin's appoint-
ment to the troops is in the same.
grandiose vein as ICouropatkin's
/lerof October 5, and is regarded as
hnviagditiCil,itlelY established the au-
116rs1iip of .that sill -starred document.
While Ale id takes particular 'pains,
in turning over the supreme cominand
of the land forces -to *Rouropatkin,
o inforni the soldiers and the world
of the marks of special ebnildonce re-
posed iii him, and to announce that
he will remain as Viceroy, the order
is considered as -virtually his farewell
address, and it NV in soon be followed
by hie return to St. PetersburgHie
eliinination as a factor in the mili-
tary situation has caused a sigh of
relief, The papers all welcome the
aTrnOurl cernen t.oi Kouropatkin's ap-
pointment to the clhief cornrriand as a
well -merited recompense for the man-
ner in which lie discharged the diffi-
cult role imposed anon and,
reading between the lines, as a prom-
ise OE better results, now tliat 'Alexi-
a:If is eliminated, and there is no
toinger a prospect or tlie elei.-at,ion of
rata' Accident to George Brethour z
in Parry Sound. Sawmill.
A Parry Sound despatch says :-
a distressing accident occurred at
the Parry Sound Lumber Company's
sawiuiil on Tuesday, by whieh
George ilrethour lost his life. He
was running the gang edger, and
while putting a board through the
machine, the saws tore a splinter off,
and it was hurled with great vio-
lence, striking Brothour in the
The piece of wood, five inches long,
entered the face just below the right
temple, tearing the upper jaw loose
and shattering the right lower jaw
into a mass of splinters, opening tee
brain cavity. The splinter lodged in
the wound. Deceased was an indus-
trious young man, who had been
married about a year, and he leaves
a young widow and an infant.
Supposed Workof Thieves at
Miato, Manitoba.
A Winnipeg clespateh says 7
o'clock Tursday morning the mail
bags in the postaffice at Minto were
discovered to be on fire. They had
been placed in the office the previous
night on the arrival of the . train,
and the door locked . Thursday
morning the door was opened and
the bags found smouldering. A
large hole had been burned in. the
floor. Letters and registered mail
are all missing. No motive can be
assigned except theft.
North -we -it Farmers Looking for
Another Rise,
A Toronto despatch says :--The
Board, of Trade grain men have re-
ceived advices from the west that
the farm.ers are storing a large por-
tion of their wheat in terminal ele-
vators with a view tO even higher
prices than now ruling. The grain
moving ont, is, however, taxing the
full capacity of the railways and is
monopoliiing the freight cars,
Tbe Creator made all things, we
We nzwellast teve.132adde°frorT end
water for, and air and suashine, bat-
whihelay'hisokreoern ilTearr Le(tivaeriodooCgoilffee?and
e4elThierPeerneut"enitinhge sitosine"grrt.
at plan bee
hind it all; the thaughtfel Man Relca
anderetand emotithing of that
IUt wed thereby to ledge these ate
les for their true worth.
Let tie not say "bad" Or
without taidug testimony.
There are timeand conditiens
when it certeiely scene, to the ea341,,
at observer that these etimuleat uar
real the
ceale a."kBliefe" enemy.
One vas SIEP hAtO 'the nbt
' her whisitey, tobacco or coffee easy
h. but to 'du:dangle" is often
1 struggle.
me plain that there are Or -
when the narcetie effect
af beep posous is for the moment
beneficial ht the fearful argerneat
against them is that eelelem ever
does ono fled
dy neer of either
Ceffee obacco free from
diseaSe of soin
Certainly pow lere
effect on the human race.
It ia a matter of lailv isterv tea
tined to by literally znillions of pew
Pie, that Whfhlied. Tobaceo and C*
fee am) mailing, pro:Wang. beg -toiling
friends on the start, lent always false
hell itself in the end. Once they
get Britt hold enough to ehow their
trength, they insist upon governing
and drive the victim steadily towards
L'r; ordinary to choice large rolls.
Vie to lne; low to merlima grades,
11 to 12ee; creamery prints, 1f4 to
adtte; solids, 18 to Vie.
lOgge-Case Jots of fresh are sell-
fng al eoe per tender and (.;('COndS
at 16 te 17e.
Cheeer-elingle cluase. 9,!‘e per pee
and twius, 91 to 10c.
Bacon, long clear. 8 to Oe per lb.
in ease Jots; mess porla Stlat to feLla
5n; do. short yule S.
Smol&el meats-ITanis, light to me-
dium, 18 to 13edo heave 12";
9.1 to 10e; shoulders, 9. -to
backs, 14', to 15e; breakfast bacon,
124. to 13e.
Lard -We quote -Tierces, hte; tubs
Sae; pails, No.
trxrrEn STATES liAllICETS.
Buffalo, Nov. 1.-FIour-Steady.
Wheat -Spring, unsettled; No. 1
Northern, spot, $1.23; Winter dull;
No red SI ',ere Corn -No de -
mead; No. 2 yellow, 6,1e; No. 2 corn,
61e. Oats -Firm; No. 2 White, 34c;
No. 9 mixed, 821,e, Barley -Western
eaa., 48.1e, Ilye-No. I. 88c ort
track, Canal freights -Wheat, 32c
to Ne‘x York. lb
Detroit, Nov, 1„ -Wheat -No. 1
hi 10, cash, $1.19; No. 2 red, cash,
$1,20; December, $1.10:1; May, $1,
St. Lotus, Nov. 1-1Vheat-Cash,
$1.144; December, $1.14:e; May,
Duluth, Nov. 1. -Wheat -No.
hard, $1.20e; No. 1 Northern, 81.-
18e; No. 2 Northern, $1.11e; Dec.
$1.151; May, $1,1.12.
Toronto, Nov. 1 -There was a fair
run of cattle offering at the Western
Market this Inoreing as far as quanti-
ty went. but the quality of the
stock was again poor. Trade on
this account, was slow in some lines,
although for the better cattle thercu
was a good demand. Quotations
generally are about steady.
Export Cattle -There were praati-
cally no exporters on,the market. One
or two pdor lots were offering, - but
they sold as heavy feeders. The mar-
ket is dull and prices are !Quoted un-
changed. 1.,:•'xtra choice are quieted at.
$4.40 to $4.7.5, good to medium at
$4.25 to ff4.40, geed cows at $3.25
to "14
Butcher Cattle -There ia a good de-
mand for good butchers' at top quo-
tations, but -the offerings of the class
are of rotigh to --orninon grade' arid
the demand for thern is light. The
better caLf,ie. o (Tering to -day sold
well, bet trade was slow in ether Va-
rieties. Quotations are about steady.
So it g7""'n..".."'.'"."'".....es on from day to day.
Every night the struggling victim
promises himself that be will break
the babit and next day when he feels
a little bad (as he is quite sure to)
breaks, not the habit, but his own
resolution. It is nearly always a
tough fight, with disaster ahead sure
if the habit wins.
There eave been hundreds of thou-
sands of people driven to their
graves through disease brought on
by coffee drinking alone. and it is
quite certain that more human mis-
ery is caused by coffee and tobacco
than by whiskey, for the two first
are more widely used, and more hid-
den and insidious in the effect on
nerves, heart and other vital organs,
and are thus unsuspected until much
of the dangerous work is done.
Nwo, Reader, what is your opinion
as to the real use the Creator has
for these things? Take a look at
the question from this point of view.
There is a law of Nature and. of
Nature's God that things slowly
evolve from lower planes to higher,
a Sturdy, steady and dignified, ad-
vance toward more ISerfect things in
both the Physical and Spiritual
world. The ponderous tread of evo-
lutionary development is fixed by
the Infinite and will not he quick-
ened out of natural law by any of
man's methods.
Therefore we see many illustrations
showing how nature checks too rapid
advance. Illieois raises phenomenal
rops of corn for two or three years.
f she continubdl to do- so every year
or farmers would advance in wealth
ar be3rond those of other sections or
ountries. So Nature interposes a
ar every three or near years and
rings on a "bad year."
Here we see the leveling influence
t work.
A man is prosperous in his business
or a number of years and grows
ich. Then Nature sets the "leveling
nfluence" at work on him. Some
f his investments lose, he becomes
uxurious and lazy. Perha..es it is
-hiskey, tobacco, cohee, women,
ambling, or soine other form. The
ntent and purpose is to level him.
Keep him from evolving too far
ahead. of the masses.
Good to choice are quoted at $4 to '
$4.50, fair to good at $3.25 to $3.- a
75, mixed lots medium at $2.75 to
$3.2fi, ponemon at $1.75 to $2.50 ancl f
cows at $1.75 to $3.50. r
Stockers and Peeders-There is still
some demand for good cattle ef
these classes, but the arrivals of de- 1
sirabl e ca fa] e re light and some v,
dealers say they have difficulty in 01)- g
training the quantity they desire.
Trade to -day was about steady arpa
quota t ions tare inichang,ed,. Stockers
are quoted at $2 to $3.25, bulls are
quoted et $1.75 to $250, 'Feeders are
unchanged at $2 to $4 per cwt.
A nation becomes prosperous and
great like ancient florae. If no level-
ing influence set in she would clomin-
11111111IN 1,111
Russian Admiral Sticks to the Story
That He Was Attacked.
St. Petersburg, Oet. 28.--Tbe naval without einalier enquiry there is no
general etad published the following 'question that sueli a Murse would be
two deSpatelieS from Viee-A.dMiralIP04141: Witlt tite JItSSCS. wh° w°11114
Roiestrensitz be willing to back the Cove/en:tent
FIRST DESPATCH. trentiiiietyrnItt'oNisersfuotset.tillineliuktenlyirthoewn:
"Tim North Sea incident was calls, ever, that the Government will adopt
ed by two torpedo boats adVaneing Sueli a, coarse. it is intich more pro
to ettatle without lights, under babe that after tlie first dealtof ex -
cover of darkness, against the ''es- citement has faded, a middle way
,sel leading the detachment. When will be folinil whereby the farts eau
the detevement turned on its search- be established and the national pride
light$ and opened fire the presetwe of hate countries be lamina -tined -
of several snl1 Steamboats re$04-- Admiral Wirenius, 'chief oE tho
bling stee.ut Ashing bot s were d15 naval The deteehroent endeavored pnoahveatlattaeittttol.(Allitddileleird7loiiteswesadds st.
to spare these, and cdaeed dried as hue made a Inisteee comer/11nd tbe
soon as the torpedo boats were out
osight, peestele0.oe torpedo bents, prik,
'Illie English press is indignant _eaf'-g° "tee °Illefal'% are of the sItte
because a torpedo boat t loeslittillatorlotioia,.'441°°4` Negptf4tf"4. 'with Great'
detachment BrItairi are coatinaing. Nothilee can
rig did not aid the victims. Now,
was not a, sitter -le torpedo boat
ear the detachment, and iteme was
left behind; coneequentle the veasel
be learned here of any ultimatum.
Tbe ollicials of the Foreign Office
limint, out that it would be inost un-
remmlimg war the moan steuivifttrut\lOrpeedepettlitle Rplizisee Lookcileltronlitef.to.hree
boats WAS that torpedo boat whiehlofficera of the squadron. Now tdat
'as not mink, but only tiameneddi Admiral itojestveneley's explanation
The tied-me:Pent did not aid the lit- /ins been received, it Will natlltalld
tie steamboats because we enspeeted and necessarily involve an enquiry, at
them of complicity, on account of whieh both fliatiOnS predintebly will
their (Meditated' getting into the be represented.,
rder of the Positions of °Ur Ve.'5" Poreign Minister Lai:Mord is quote
seis, Several of them show.ed "'eel as finning that he courts aIigfall
hts and others onid very ode," enquire' at Vigo 11 tlie laws of nett-
SCCYN11 trality will allow die ships to stay
ving und several hundred lisle^ long enough.
mg boats, tile squadron showed t 1,,, Etara ",,,,,,eoereonne r NIT!
them every considerationt except! d'tdd
Wileft they. in company with foreign Loruloe, Oct. :2a. -It is evident that
torpedo boats, of which one OisapdGraat Britain is preparing for the
peered, while the other, aceordiegepoesibility of weir. Tremendees ace
to the fisherineede own evidence, reltivity is reported front all dockyArds,
mined among them until morning. ;where vessels under repair areTJuy being
euldheSed it was a 'Russian, and wile ready for sea under urgent or-
1;14-l'Iretbilledtgicntlluts; hueuetalstemiladj: rt.::insfsrotomtetobetimAdtmAirdaolltie;;;ItyAt tagehoelatiffs
igner. and remained =Ail morning, lore seaming gniat quantities of coal
ekiotzigi.tehletivireeto• rtoeprpaeirdodahmoaagt,itse,tn, other ports orm poying hign freights.
fer Gibraltar, Portsmouth, Malta and
(met fears of betraying itself to4aut eteeiterrenneast geet Js hastening
se who were not its eteeompliees.
to 0 also on tdo spot dsheder1in the direction of Gibraltar, anti it
Wendy dragged into 1••••••,,....,... with dean cleareti, did leave
"de is announced that the Channel squad-
prise, ',Ng in the mum of the ""
Jo equadron, to express my ei„ Gibiraltar early this morniere, its ale
oldeet being a "Awn atack on
cere regret to the unfortunate vie-, , „ re miewie0
tints of eircumetances under which no L'Ple rock," 11,romfe 1.1 ,t ct",
warship, even tittle of deep peace, r ceecenerating. in -AC ft. tticit.
could have acted oteeraiene dire Britieh navy is pointing in the
The mystery of the trawler :Whir, tUrcetion of rad Baltic fleet. a, portion
lnstpad of being cleared up by Vice- of Whitt is expected to sail from Vi-
iral Rojestvenskede report, to- dia dm -lug to -day.,
day o• arruissiealarsn to11),13ple itIllteegrextlir.latinaetvie4. Fediaps the meet significaet dee
is hailed with the greatest anilSrae-
then at the Admiralty and elsewhere, the meeting was ()Herod prior to
but it is felt that a direct issue bus :the receipt. of Itojeetvensky'e rePore,
now been reised between Russia and which ehoudee tite eituation consider -
Great Britain, and the incident has ably and appears to piece some of
entered upon an even More delicate the iderden ,;,f proof upon Great Brie
stage. Public sentimeet in both
countries doubtless will demand the egnherleneetelngletirrIg1
n $714)011u1sItestitlYigel.nar"
most searching investigation to es-
tablish the facts and probably neith-
er nation will be willing to accept
the result of an ex -parte enquiry by
the other. The outcome will media- eredulitY, and drldentier the wild
biy be a mixed tribunal or ,orde Was regarded as merely tut adroit
sort. This at least in the sugges- counter in order to gain time. nis
tion of some of the tooleteheaded allegation that he endeavored to
men here, as it is felt that only thus spare the irawieN and ceased to fire
could a repetition of the main md as soon as die torpedo heats were
quiry be avoided, 1 out of sided together with the virtu -
Popular excitement has readied a al accusation of complicity with sup -
pitch unequaled since the beghtning posed Japaneee torpedo beats egainst
of the war, Public sympathy and the fishermen, is hardly likely to re -
confidence tuidoebttelly are with Ad- comele an angry nation to the pos-
mind Rojestvensny. Should Russia sibility that there is another side to
choose to stand even his version 1 the ease calliug for investigation.
Admiral liojeetvensky s teport
seemed to stagger almoet everyone.
Its statements were met witb in-
a,te the world perhaps foe all time.
But Dame Nature sets her army: of
'levelers" at work. Luxury, ,over-
eating and drinking, licentiousness;
waste and extravagance indulgences
of all kinds, then comes the wreck.
Sure, Sure, Sure.
.7717 -'"""---he law of the unit is the law of
the mass. Man goes through the
same process. Weakness (in child-
hood), gradual growth of strength,
energy, thrift, probity, prosperity,
wealth, comfort, ease, relaxation,
self-indulgence, luxury, idleness,
waste, debauchery, disease, and the
wreck follows. The "levelers'. are
in the bushes along the pathway of
every successful man. and woman
and they bag the majority.
Only now and then can a man
stand out against these "levelers"
and hold his fortune, latTle and
health to the end.
So the Creator has use for Whis-
key, Tobbeco and Coffee to level
down the successful ones and those
who show signs of being successful,
and "keep them back in the race, so
that the great "neld" (the masses)
may not be left too far behind.
And yet we must admit that same
all wise Creator has placed it in the
power of man to stand upright,
clothed in the armor of a clean cut
steady mital and say unto himself,
"I decline to exchange my birthright
for a Mess of potage.",
"1 will not deaden my senses,
weaken my grip on affairs and keep
myself cheap, commau and behind in
fortune and 'fame ,by drugging-,withwhiskey, tobacco h or coffee, life - is
too short.- It is hard enough to win
tho good things, without any sort of
handicap; so a man is certainly a
"fool. trader" when h&" -trades
strength, health, money, and the
good things that came with power,
for the half -asleep condition of the
"(hugger" with the certainty of sick-
ness and disease ahead."
It is a, matter each individual
must decide for himself. 1 -To can be
a leader and semi -god if he will, or
he coal go along through life a drug-
ged clown, a cheap "hewer of wood
oe carrier of water."Certain it is that while the Great
Father of us all does not seem (
"mind' if some of his children are
foolish. and stupid, he seene3 to select
others (perhaps those he intends for
some special work) and allows them
to be threshed and castigated most
fearfully by these "levelers."
If a man tries flirting with these
le and f 1 ers hil e, gets -few s aps
as a hint, he had better take the
hint oi a good solid blow, will fed
When it man tries to live 'upright,
clean, thrifty, sober. and =drugged,
manifesting as near ds he knows
what the Creator intends he should,
happiness, health and peace seem to
come to him. Does it pay?
This article was written to set
people thinking, to rouse the "God
within" for every highly organized
man and woman has times when they
feel. a something calling from within
for them to press to the front and I
"be about the Pather's business,
don't mistake it; the spark of the
Infinite is there and it pays in every
way, health, happiness, peace, and
even worldly prosperity, to break
off the habits and strip clean for the
work cut out for us.
Tel a GLOBE.
Telegraphic Briefs Prone Chu OW11
and Other Countries of Re-
The Carney Lumber Co. will erect
one of the largest saw mills in the
spe°911srti).7ent"t 01°1:3:74011S‘.°11n-
Ottawa's population, according to
the assessors, is 63,231, and its as-
thlfrod Taylor was sentenced at
London the other day to 29 months
in the pottitentiary for deserting hi
Oneral Lake and Mrs. Lake were
passengers on the steamship Ionian,,
which arrived at Montreal on Suit
Tenders are being invited by the
Dominion Government for the COIlm,
struction M.' the mint, They will be
received up to Nov. 12th,
Representatives of South -Wales tie
industry contemplate establishing a
btullinngessgoolrisareorwl*QiZtoQrtefipl.t* manufac-
Otter may be selected to take
itt liglng 111) 111 position as CORI-
nCt. eadA Who
J. Id Drinmeoed pleaded guilty at
Winnipeg of einliezeling $5.480 AVM
the Idanitobe Mortgage Investment
CO.. and will be sentenced this week.
Inert Grey, the new Governor-Gen-
eral, will soil on the Parisian on
Decem ber 1,
Great ilritnin refused to allow Ger.
many to land troops at, Walliele Bay,
South Africe.
The IliAtOrS Qf Liverpool and Mad-
agascar were hooted at it meeting Qt
the Society :or the Propagation of
tbe Gospel.
Sir Tlionia$ Lipton on Saturday
entertained about 800 oflicere and
mpn. of the United States ember
MP:TM at the Cryetal Palaee, LOA -
ltight Un, John Morley arrived in
New Yorle on SenthlY.
A. satchel with dli30000 in jewels
was stolen from a NeW York Central
train on Satuatiay.
The body of a petrified prtddstorie
woman was tonna in Vermont State
on Saturday.
Five counterfeiters, were arrested in
New York on Saturday with materi-
als to make $80,000 of bogus bills,
Thomas E. Ledge% a stave fitter,
and Wm. Dixon. an electrician, of
Se -realise. N.Y.. were instantly killed
at Syracuse by an electric light wire,
The honorary degree of doctor of
laws was conferred on Right lion.
James Bryce, the English jurist and
echolan by the Columbia Ihtiverside
George Jaegers, under sentence of
death in tlie vounty jail at Newton,
1NT.j., for intinfer, eominitted suieedee..
by tuking chloroform and carbOlie
Trolley cars in rear-eed collision on
;Ueteestboro al Marlboro J) trey L.
Railway, two mid orteetalf miles west
of Westboro', Mass., iejtired 18
people. Slippery rails are account-
able for the accident.
There is a eet of lively young wo-
men in Milwaukee who have an en-
tirely new fall -bring photographed
in a Wan. They are taken in an
uudertaker's shop, dressed in white,
with flowers, and are eaid to look
prettier than any Oiler way,
Former Alit'01' 8. P. Smith of
Davenport, Iowa. son of Sant -.tel
Francis Smith, ;nether of "My Coun-
ty, 'tie of Thee," was sentenced to
ten years' imprisonment ler embez-
zling $120,000 from estates for
whic1i he was trustee.
Mrs, 'Marie Becker Is dead at Color-
ado Springs. Three years ago frit:
visited a Chicago packing house, hor-
rified by the slaughter, she reeled
over and was carried away uwon-
scions. Since then She has .been
blind and dumb.
George P. Brotzman, aged 25,
cashier of an insurance company, and
Secretary of the local Iodic of Elks,
committed' suicide bzr carbolic acid
at Newburg, N.Y. He had been suf-
fering froni melancholia, due to an
attack of grip.
Edward Beuvia, 21 years of age,
was accidentally shot and Isilled by
in friend, Wm Frechette of aboute
tau same age, at. Malone, N.Y.
FrecheLte was showing lids new rifle
when the weapon was accidentally
discharged, the bullet striking young
Bouvia over the. eye.
*Because Justice Amadse Herville of
the Tahiti Islands is suffering from
tuberculosis the inunigration au-
thorities at Washington have decided
that under the law he cannot be
permitted to land at San Francisco
ind cross the. continent to New
York, on his way to Prance. Tuber-
culosis is held to be a contagious dis-
It has been the business of the
writer to provide a practical and
easy way for people to brealc away
from the coffee 'habit and be assured
of n return to health and an of the
good things that brings, Provided 4'
the abuse has uot gone too far. and
even then the cases where the body
has been anbuin on a basis of ease.
strength and health run into the
It is an easy and comfortable step
to stop coffee instantly by having
well -made 'Postuna, Food Coffee serv-
ed rich end het with good cream, for
the colbr", and flavor is ,there, . but
none' Of the caffeine or other nerve
destreyihg elements of ordinary
coffee.- "
On the contrary the most powerful
rebuilding elements furnished' by Na-
ture are in Postum- and they quickly
set about repairing the damage. Sel-,
dom is it more than a days, after the
change is made before the old stom-
ach or bowel troubles or complaints
of kidneys, heart, head or • nerves
show urunistakable evidence of get-
ting better and ten days time
changes things wonderfully.
Literally millious of brain -working
Americans to -day use rostun, hav-
ing foural the value and common
sense in the change.
The cup that cheers the honey bee
tue buttercup.
8300,000 has 1)001) reinsured in eight __,........
$200,000.. For ' the $500,000 pollen
!has taken out hnother life policy ,fer
13ritish companies. ' .... -----
rislc. , A .week ago she took out a
policy for $500,009, Since then she
now carries more insurance on her
health, and is rated as it first-class
she .:p,ai , it cash first-premoim of
816,276. ' Of the, $500,000 policy
Ole than ane other woman. She i$
twenty-nine years 'old, in perfeet
Mrs. arome Nadler, .("f Chicago'
The Dowager Emprese of -Russia is
ll seriouslyCr1 11.
TOi s a
movement for the feder-
ation of all the dock laborers of the
Anarchists inade an unsuceessful at-
tempt on Inc life of the Spaniel'
Minister of Commerce on Saturday.
An American. negro, named Newis,
has been sentenced at Hamburg to
six ntorths' ini ris 1 1 t for ,.11
slaughter as the result, of the clenfh
of las opponent in a rcuLtling inatelt:•