HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-11-3, Page 5NalaapaaaawommoRgoilima Niseesomempwrey::7-4-71 V .IGETia*i3f4k., Flair Renewer Is it true you want to look old? Then keep your gray hair. If not, then use Kair Renewer, andchave all the dark, rich color of -early life restored to your hair. "1,1721.-Vott=r1,F41),* MEDICAL The Exeter Times T W. BROWNING, M. D., M. O. I „, • P. S., Or aduate Victoria ITni- reastity. office and resideneace. Dominion TIJUItSDAY, NOV. 3rd, 1904 T.,aboratory, Exeter. DENTAL IT xiaemAN, L. D. 8. AND Pa^ Pi.INSDIAINI, L. D. $. I. D. S.,..Honor Graduate or Toronto Unavers-ity, Dentist. Teeth extraoted without pain or bad after effects, Office an Ran - son's Meek. West ablaut Main treetExeter• D A. ANDERaOhl, (D. D. S. L.D.S,i liatanor Graduate of tbe Toronto Vnivers1W anti Royal College a Dental Surgeons of Ontario.with, honors Akio Post.gracluate of ChIcage School of Prosthetic Dentistry (with honorable metttlon. 1Sferirthing known to the Penta.1 Prefession, donein this office. Bridge wark. crown% Ott I num, gold and vnicanite plates ail done in aleatesta manner possab petI harmless anaesthetic u4ed, tor naintess extrac. 1/6411111.00-.41,_-_,,tton. Office one door sontit Cubing Bros st,ore )1r,zoter,Ont. RANCE, MONEY TO LOA rrivat4 funds tolcan ou Vann propertv at Four arta olio half per cent, B.T.Lion MONEY TO LO We have unlimited private funds for Invest - emotion farm or village property at low ittosof interoot. DIOKflON CARLING Zaceter, rIONEY TO LOAN. We hese a, largeemount of private funds to Joao materna and villageproPertiesatiowrate., of Merest. GLADZIAN 4 STAN/AMY Barrister*/ Solicitore.lAtain St. Exeter. 401110.0NOMMOIN•tr***4.40•••••44tommot•Isomittlitt4.4.444 DICKSON CARLING, Blurtatero.sottoltort Notmle.R. couvonuoor Gonuoissionemnolleitors for the molten Bank.Eta. *Toney tolnan at lowest rates cf interest rePPIGE;-.VAIR =MET, EarsTgu. 4.n. elatx.nvo Mratts;son A. C. RAMSAY, V, S. Boner Graduate Ontario Veterinerv Co lege ;11onOrarv'Follow in Ontario wedeln. Assoelation. Ali diseases of domestic anima s scierttittcanytieated. Milk fever treated lay the:ate:it oxygen treatment. OFFICE: One door south of Town Hall RESIDENCE Second, house north ot Fres- hyteriati church Locals Mr, Perry Drowning left lost Week for Caledonia, Minn, Ivhere he will spend a time with his brother, Dr. W. E. Browning., Hallowe'en passed off rather quietlY here though in certain portions of Ulm own ga es were remove , an a eTvi other minor depredations were carried out. The 'vicious prac.tices are rapidly dying out and soon wIll hove become a thing of the past. Word has been received from Mr. S. Gidley; who left here on Wednes, day of last week for Duluth. that he reaybed his destination safely on Friday morning. remaining over one day at Sarnia, Although somewhat tired and weak Mr, Gidley stood. the purney remarkably well. Igessrs MeDonnell. Dickson. Ekrid Carling,Imve Carpenters busily engag, ed plaeing new plate gime in all the stores in the Fauson -Week. This with several other improvements which are under way will add to its appearauve and comfort making it rank among the hest blocks in town, S. M. Sanders returned home on Monday morning last from Winnipeg whose he had been seriously from typhoid fever for the past number of weeks. Ile stood the journey very well notwithstanding his weak state of health, but an his arrival home in- flaination of the lungs set in and foe some days he was very low. Be is now somewhat better, Shipka Sower w t week , W, Smith accompanied b from Kettle Pomt apen %Ix the farmer's parent cui judge by actions, q umh of young people spent Yable time at Mr. M, Cartber' a evening a last week. s, J. 3IcPhee, A, McEachan, d T. O'Rourke, who went to Man- itoba for the harvest returned last week, Several from around here listened to -the speeches delivered by Messrs. D .11. Gunn, II. Ellin'', T. Coughlin lid Sherritt, in Crediton an Saturday evening last. They re. Dart excellent, speeches And a very large turn out. • bishorrie Schoel Report School Report -- The following the report of S .S. No. 4. U,Sherne, nomeS an order of merit; fith class, Bert Laxt on, Lydit Ifandford, Alma BAY ; Sr .4th„ Alice, Davis. Eileen Caves, Edna Luxton. Flossie Hunt - or, Pearl Hunter, Frank Rooke, Frank Handford, Itussell May, Ethel bzocur ay 0.•rnle litaxton; Jr, 4th, Arthur Kerslake, Nena, McCurdy, 'William Webber, Alvin Essery ; Sr. ard, Olean Skinner, Viim Kerslake. Willie Essery, Bella Davis; Sr. 2nd Jac. Davis, Annie McCurdy, Hadley .NraY, Thomas Coates, Clinic May George Davis, Awl Skinner, Willie Walker, Bechio Colbert ; Pt 2nd., Mary McCurdY, Rhea McCurdy, Fred 'Webber, Wesley Colbert; Sr. lst., Attie Hunter, Lena Coa.tcs, Le- da Harding. Alice, Creighton, Sam McCurdy, Vera Coates, Mennie May, Prank Coates, Shelinit Skinner; Jr. lst„, Roy Thompson, George Hack- ney, Albert Haelney. Average at- tendance 42.-W. A. Diriitison, Tea: cher. Unorno and Iillabort farmer's Mutual Fire in$ur- 01160 6ompanu Head Office Farquhar, Ont. D1160TORS President: -T. ItTAX, DeBLIN P. 0. Vir. PASS11103111, naavecouovtP O. E. I110111,BY, WHALEN P. 0. 3. A. Norms, CEOMARTX P. 0, Wm. .Rov. BoumIorAr P. 0. 3, Itussnm, RUSSELDALE P. 0. A.GENTS. 7, Ozatancuser,, STA,vv,. Or. A. DITATAlsT PAIIQGRATt, ONT. S. WILSON, FULT.AltT011, ONT. J. S. GrI.Pirfax, ONT. 8. W. F. BEAVERS, Secy.-Treas. Farquhar. Buggies! Buggies! Bo you Want a Buggy We have the fine it stock in town ail the latest styles, in the newee dors. bur prices are low as can be fou.n • for first-class material and workman, ship. • •‘. BEFORE YOU BUY GRILL 'FIND SEE US. -.I F Russell Two Doors South TOWV Hall. _ CREDITON Roller Mills Gristing and Chopping Promptly Done. We are giving excellent sa- tisfaction in flour since re- modelling our mill Sweitzer ARM FOR SALE, -Lots 20, 10 con. and llth con., of Stephen, 6 1-4 miles West of Exeter, being composed of 100 acres on the 31th can. and 120 acres on the 10th These farms are under good state of cultivation well drained with good house and out -buildings, thereon al- so irnit. bearing orchards . -Never (ailing well the year round. For fiarther particulars apply to T. B. .lifertrn, Exeter. ROSS WON'T MEET TIM HOUSE t of the Elections not yet an- Atctainecti, but the Premier is ex- pected to speak before very long Toronto, Oot. at -The stillnese that bas characterized the, minister, lal quarters at the Paribtment Build- inLts for some days continues. A Cabinet minister fitates that 40 cle- aoicin has been -arrived as to what is to be done in the matter of elections and ;there is some uncertainty yet. However, Ross has "evidently made up his Xnind but is not ready to speak. The Prcatiler may be e,x- ponied to "shoot Ins bolt before the centinnatiOn of the North Grey ease against h.,. )3. MacKay, on the. 7th or Noiernber. ConservativeS say he will atever meet the IfouSe with tbe m40> charges han;ing over his head. .It is 110 Soo revelations, they say that wilt prevent N. W, Rowell, K. C„, frown goin.r into the new Cabinet while. E, 13 Johnstoit, K. C., has dochned the honor of being At - Tho visits of Premier Ross to the office of Lieutenant -Governor have teen rather frequent during the past, four weeks and dissolution is pre- sumed to have been the matter under 4isoussion. CANADIAN PRIZE WINNERS T ST. LOUIS EXPOSITION Private reports from St. Laois show that Canadians did renaarhably well with their 1,000 entries in the Worldls Fair. No other .count,ry, or any state la the txtt:on, had so large on entry. in ilatoburgs, 1.4TndS ana ornamental bantams, Win. MoNtil, Jt, Oke, London, and" U. 13, :Donovan and George Ile;;tte, of Strathroy, won nearly c verYthmg, jas. Dundas, or Toronto, showed Ute bet pullet in Duff. Loghorns; Cornwell, ot Tharoesvillo showed the hest cockerel; J, IL Alioshall, Of Brantford, won t wo firstS lack lalinorcas, and James Arthur, of London, two firsts in Silver \Aryan- dottes. Ills pen for $140. Geo. Colwell, of Paris. and Mr. T. Orown. of Tilsoliburg, were union,. other Canadian winners, their ex- hibits .enck$ and geese takinZ large1^.1iiire of prizes. Giving as his reason Lbe feet that ho had occupied his present pulpit for five years, Ole ,extreme liniit he allowed himself in any one place, Rev, Geo. Brown, Blenheim Baptist minister and special constable, who has been so prominent a fivre in the temperance work in that section has resigned. It is 'understood Mr. Brown will take up temperanee work in the Province for the Dominion Al- liance. 01.0 FOLKS CAN'T STAND Harsh, purgativo medicine, but i ariably find Dr. Hamilton's pill Cr ndralte and Butternut tho ruild- curee for constipation and sick. attache. No gripina• pains. sur UC, price 25c. rso only Or. Rim- ilton's Pills. COUSIN BUM! CONCERNINO WOAI,EN It's he texpeeted t t happens -with men. 'Toilet 50 with woerien they're sort r got to expectini the LIMO for wasliin% an' wipire dishes to some 'round regularly, an' it does. I look on thins New Woman move- ment with 'spicion. The OW Woman was so mueli better'n 1 be that if they're gain' to improve her I'm 'Praia she'll git out a' my speer; On" if they ain't what's the 'use o' monk- eyin'? Podger says that he don't take no stock in releegion ; bat when says to him. says “Podger, did roar old. mother's prayers ever scent to lead you astray any? you oughter heard how still he kept. Women ore better than men, hut when they fergit it they foreit so dum hard that it's 'cliscouragliV Needin" one band to hold her sat- chel, au' another to feel an! see if sho s harm together behind; s always seemed a horntie shame to me that Naolier didn't give lovely woirten another hand Ler gen'rel en" raiseellanyue purposes. A man an' a woman started, to travel together. ITO went by reason tut' she by instinct. What about it/ Nothirt' I only she WAS the one that gat there. -A. Waterhouse in Sun- set Magazine for November. A ,distinguiihed medical man and soldier in the person of Sir Felix Se - num, London, England, physician ex- traordinary to his majesty, Ki ag Edward, since 1901, is a guest at Guelph with his son, Person &mon, who will enter the Ontario `Agricul- tural College to pursue the regular 0.0=Se. STRANG.-In Usborne, on Oct. 25 to Mr .end Mrs. Henry Strang, a VI OR SALE OR 11ENT.-At Wha- .11: len, a dwelling, with store, car- penter shop, and post office included. For further particulars apply to Mr. _George Millson, Whalen. OR SALE. Farm, 50 acres, all Jr: cleared and tile drained, cent- er Road, Ilibbert, brick hoase, barn wit") stone. stables under, orchard, two sprinr, wells, school 'beside and daily mail. _Address, T. J. avturpby London. ..clememesagmersatror IIORTETORN DURHAM BULLS f or saler-•The nndersi,gned, has for sale a number of up-to-date thor- ough bred Short Horn Bulls. They are of the low set, thick blocky type and choice breeding. Will be sold reasonable, inspection invited. Ap- ply o.ai lit 16, con. 2. Hay, or John Elder, "format, P. 0. locals . MI ARM FOR SALE -In lire Town- ship of USborne, being -lot 13, con 2, consisting of the best 100 acres of land in the township, well fenced and in good state of cultivation. • Good brick house and frame barn, conven- ient to school; -church and market being only two miles from Exeter. For further particulars apply to D. C. McInnes, Exeter, or Thomas Big- gins, executors of the estate of B. 1. Rig gins, deceased or to Gladman & Stanbury, solicitors, Exeter. .001.2101.M010.16.971.4.1 tart- MADDEN. -At Mount Carmel, • on Oct. 28th to Mr. a,nd Mrs. Michael Madden, a tson. • RADER.-On ,the North Boundary, Stephen, on Oct. 22nd. to Mr. and Mrs. Rader, a son. • W1M8Z NOV MARRIED MAKINS -- SMITH -- In Exeter, on Wednesday, Oct. 27th, Mr. -Henry Makins, to Miss Juliet te Smith. All Exeter . . BRENNER-ZELLER - In Stephen, Township on Tuesday, • Oct. 25th, at •the home of the bride's p_arents, Mr .ancl Mrs. Jae. Zeller, Miss Lo - vino Zoller to Mr. John Brenner, of DaShwood. - IN Winnipeg,. on October 20th, by the 'Venerable Archdeacon O'Fortin, 13 .A., Miss -Mary Brown to Mr. red rt. Knight, both formerly of Exeter Mr .and Mrs .Knight will take lap 'their residence near Yorkton. •, DIED RUMFORD - Near Grand Bend, on. 'Sunday. Ocli. 16t11, John nutniord,, at the age or. 72 years. • STECKLE -- In Stanley 'township, on Friday, Oct. 21st. the son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sbeckle, at „the age of 10 months. McEWEN - Stanley, on October lfith, Annie Eva, eldest daughter of Mr. Duncan McEwen, aged 26 years and 10 months. Exeter School Report JR. LEAVINCr AND MATRICULA- TION, FORM Iff Ifonors.-Mary Roach 87; Yeta Cobblodielt 79; Martha Carling 73; Edith Moncur '72, Ilazel Drowning 69; Pella gall 60; Irene. O'Neil .8: Alvtn Bruit- nell 54; Theo Barthel) 54; Mabel iiptIrks. 50; Ifarvei Borland 49; Daisy Dining 42; Louise Carlin; 330; No. register' 13; daily .,averaze 13. L. C. FLEMING, Teacher. HIGH SCIIOOL DEPARTMENT FORM It. Bonors.--Ena. McPherson 84 ner cent; Mary Mrirry 73; May Wood 73; Monte Coward 72; Nellie Russ - sell 71; Edna DOW 69 per cent; Mary Knight 69; wall= Triauvr 67; Willie, Knight 65; May Jones 06; Offa McPherson 63; Milton Pfaff 82: Thomas Quinton 01: Ilarvey Gard - ;Ivor ; Ida Arrostroita 52; Tom Car, ling 40; Elmore Sert:or 40; Boy Far, mer 34, Total number on roll 19; average attendance 18. A. E. DORRINGTON, Teacher. ltEGULAR, COLTIISE, FORM Honors -Hugh McKay 81 per cent,-; Edna Taylor 76; May Haw- kins 72: Bella, Hairkins 70; Bertha Snell 70 , Maurice Dobler 6$ per vent.: Teal Sanders 00; Jessie, Russell OS; Beat- tie Martin 66; Lulu Martial 64; Ida Rowe, 63: Allie Haggitli ; Case Howard. 59; Blanche Sheere ; Cohbledick 68; Lloyd Godwin ; Lizzie Sanders 55; Maud Johns ; Irene Handford 48; John Wal- ker 4?; Leah Iteramer 46; Edward Willis 46; Mitchell Willis 44; Vies- alo Sweet 3t; NiWe Disseit 34; Seo. Armstrong 26. W. J. Oen, saobr COM MERCiAL COURSE, FORM - HIGH SCHOOL. Honors -Vlotoria 3),Tiners 89 per cent.: Oliver Gras -Idol 80; Worge Wambold 87; Jennie Hardy Si; Maud Taylor 81; Alice Howard 83; Dyer liurtion *83; Ito Johnston 83: Almina Motter 82: Linda Hunter 81; Berth -a Willort 81; Besse Web 80: Edith MeKoY 78; Edn't, Bissett 77; Garfield IloilTert 74. Roy ParSolus 69 per cent.; Fra.nit Knight 65; Cliesley Enna 65; Jerelea Ilawden 59: Allan McCurdy 54:11ar. y Benelle ; Frank Damien 52. Total enrolment 49; average 47. W. J. O'Brien, Teeclier. ROOM IV 4114.-Lillien 4Unn ; Vinni Douglas Stewart. Xo .031 roll .38; average a l30a C. VOSPER, Teacher. ROOM V (1.-1sic• Loney Heywood, 2iall S9etpr Sweet 3rd Willie /3irroy, Anita Barkrier ; 4th Ilerble Gardiner Jr. 2nd. - 1st. Annie L'tng; 2nd Harry Sweet. No. on roll 51 ; overage atieridsno 40. I. E. 'WALBOND. Tesche ROOM VI 2nd, - Della MacKay 74 por cent; May Jewell 73. Middle 2nd Lillian Boyle 78 per cent.; Clair Wood 77; Stew- art 76; Edna Brook ; Olive Door- ing 73; Stella Soutbeott 72. jr. 2n0. -Bay Dearing 82 per ten, Truman Elliott 71 No. on Toll 53: ay. attendance 41. A. E. MARTIN. 'Teacher. BOOM lin Sr. Pt, - Baby World, Violet Knott, Fred Ogden. Ernie Harvey. Mid. Ft. II-Florrie. Dinnie. Gladys Delve, Edith, Davis, Lula Ilastings, Annie Day, Ernest Noil. Jr. rt. 11 Blanche QUatoe, ;Toe rol- lick, Agnes McKay . Class V. -Martha Bagshaw, Me v- iol Jones, Nelly No. on roll 39; average attendance 34. F. E. CAltLING, Teacher. ROOM VIIL Class A. -Madeleine Carling. Vio- la Rowe, Chester Russell. Class B. -Annie Collingwood, Glad- ys Scott, Bruce Walker, filler Hus- ton. Class C. -Beatrice TIodgert, Lily .Collingwood. • Class D. -Ethel Day, Roy Ogden. No. on roil 42; ay. att., 38. S. J. Irwin. Teaeher. E M. B E R 3rd 1904. ii*********4.4.****+9,e.***********+.****.+44*****.+44.419.••••••••••••••••••••• ••• i 4) +.*.+***4.4k4.*4.4.4o+*****4494.*4.44.44444*4**+*e******.4.4.****4.4.*.+*******+4. * 4. 0 4. * •***********4.4.04,94.4************44+4•44.444.44.44.44044.44+44**4.444.44404.4 4 *41 : 4 •''' 4> 4 *44440444.4040****************************************04.4.************* 4 4 40 ,4 4. : 44.4., 4. 4 * * • • 4, * • * 4. 4., 4. 4. : : ** • 4 4.* *4 owniall of China „,,. ... ... . ...... ,... .... 4.4. :O. : • 4 • • t • 4 • .:• 4*., •e ,4-, lasare & rockery.4.**..• ••••* i swC2 •.4 ••t .. ,„,.. . . ... • .. • * • 4., * * * . 4. 4 ** i_n Prices •4 .....- ...: .4. • :4... .., •• * .., * • .. • • 4, • • • • ** ''''•• • 4* 40 t 4, • • 41, 4 *4. I 4 *4 4 4.* e are CLEARING out this ..),...„ 4* * * • • 4 IV ** • '' ca.* • • ** * 4 *4 • 41.0- ; 44: :: • 4 0* 41i4o. ** . 4.* • * • * • * 4 ,,,, *44 *. Line Fog 6009 0 ..... .. . .. i * 44 4 **, * 4 44 ** + 4 .4 • - 4,4 • it, • • *. 4* 4 • • 4. 44 *4 4 •* •** • ?if: No More For us. Now Is your chance. . • .0, .. . .. I: 20C China Crearn Pitcher for .. „. 1,5c 2SC Glass Syrup , . 1$c Glass Syrup.. 1 * sc Glass Vinegar o bottles - 4 • Sc Glass Nappies,- - Glass Bread Plates.. - .. .6o toe Butter Plates,. - ...... , 4 4 I t 4 40 Pe PM eC Salt cornbina .20 * 4 • * 33 25C Glass Butters , , ... R 4 • a • t 21 .. a # NA a a a a # 85 c Glass Butters.... .13 5c Glass Preserves , . - . 12 oc Glass Celeries.,. - . .. , . 16 c Glass Preservcs .- O c Glass Preserves . .,4o 25c China ,Sistc.00G1 Caassbas7atson,eys,.. 6o 0c Glass Creamers 4 * a DO*04404s4 +0+ alb. •W CO 3R, X Beare the The Kind You Hale Always Bought Signature of CATARRH. PNEUMONIA, CON- -SUMPTION. Deo tit's fateful trinity h:•y are of- ten called. Catarrh, is the first stage, pneumonia of tt nt follows ,tuaci consumption finally exacts the fall penally. This can all he averted by using healing, balsamic Catarrhoz- one, an antiseptic that penetrates the remotest air cells o". the lungs. Catarrhozonc reaches ho entire mu- cous surface of the throat and breathimg oppara.t ; It carries health wherce.ver it goes, brings in- stant relief and is absolutely cer- tain to cure. Bon't delay, get Ca- tarrhozonc to -day. It means health certain cure. Two =oath's ,treat- ment S1.00, trial size 25c. Catarr- hozone guaranteed. EF USE, ') A RETURN PREF 1z, F,NOE Dot v, hen .Sir Nliff;i1Lu came into power he stilt no commission- ers to London. Ile gave Great Brit- ain preferencm the A 3111111CD1, w 110W 1.t - • cure a reluin p'0Nir00 -J Canadian farmer in thl. r ket. In the contrary, lc did his best to prevent -,,Lich a pi bc.io granted by Great an to the C •n - action fat Inv r. I "nt 10 11111 ni, al the 1 i.imend Jui.11.,-, a id s 11; "What we give you by our tariff on give you in 0,..7r,ilitutia for, the splendid trrodom under v Mali -we ...an'TvvesoGpr4:y., To Cure a Cold in One Day -Take Laxative Bromo Quintile Telets. d /6, on every _ seven Miffion boxes sold in past 12 inonthS. Thig *Mature, ,,,,Inintorro 00X, 0.1-C. 044404+040***.4.04+ 444440Q4*o 4044 4404+40400404444+4.0+40404 0,404400o4. China Cream Pitcher for .... 2 .. aoe China Shaving Mugs , ,. 2: 25c China Shaving Mugs - , . • 4. *1 ** 23c China Glitcd Mugs., . , .. . , ..2 :4. 7$c Biscuitjars for :: 5QC Biscuit jars for 4.5c Biscuit Jars for *. $1,00 Cheese Cishes • • ** 85c Cheese Dishes-. .,. .. - - -6,5 • • • • 50c Cake Plates, China.... ....39 :: $r„as Cake Plates. China, hand • • ,,„„i **p..„.„...„....., ......... 4.• ••• 7sc Celery Trays, China .... 4* sac Celery Trays, China - 4 0 • $1 oa China Salad..., 4. •• *0 . , 7sc China Salad.. - .. - .. • • 75c Pornoge Set a * * • * * * . • . * • . Ise Sbawng Mugs ...... . „ . ::: 4oc Fancy Syrups .. , „ . :. Se Children's fancy Mugs.4.. • roc Children's fancy Mugs • • 'so fancy Mustards ... , , . . .... • • • roc China Salts and Peppers 0 • 't0c Glass Creamers,. • 12 ASC Tea Pot Stands 32 ?'20C China Salads 4 $T.00 'WI= Glasses 4. 7$c Whiskey Glasses 20c Glass Wrter Pitchers 25C Glass Water Pitchers .. .4 .. .. : If No Coupons on hese prices above 4. .. Mentioned. .. 4. * 4„. .. •.. . .4, • •..„. • • •.. . •. • . ., 20 to 25 per Cent ... .. ... .... ... ... .• . ;. ... ... ... 4, * • 4. ** * 4••• : .. Reduction .• • .., .4.. .• • • ... 4.4. .... 4. . „. .... • ..4 ...• • ... .. •• . . .. 4) • • . • e • '0 .4 . . • : . • .. • IP 4' . .. Produce of all kinds taken and highest prices paid .0 b * • o *o • * o. ii 41 o •o • * to ** • POPLESTONE 86 GARDINER II * * 4* e 40 • • . 4, * * • • 40' 4 4* o • • * • o 4), • TERMS CASH OR PRODUCE ONE DOOR NORTH or POST OFFICE *X • 1r 401 • 't • • 44> • • *4> 4> ..1 • • . • • • 4, '• • t 0 • • * 2 ***************.**********'*****,41**********************************0 O * T 4 . -0 * * 4044.4444•04444444 4+4444444+4444444444444444.04444444444444.* . 4. • o • 10 e***404**444.••••••••••••••••••••••••4444.4144404-44 •44**********0444**4044 • : .> 4 .4.44.******•******************************444botoo*, 4+44,444444444444.44•4rs***; • 4 48 • • 21 .. x6 75 • 4, Ye 4 *16 • 4> * * 4. 4. 4. 40, 4. 4. • • 4. 4. 4. 40, • 4. have prospered. It is a free gift. We ask no compensation. Protection has been the curse of Canada. We would 'not see you come under its baneful influence, for what weakens you must weaken us." Sir Wilfrid Laurier preferred to obtain the Cobden Club's gold medali to adorn his breast rather than to I obtain something of incalculable ad- vant a go to t he Canadian farmer. - • ^ 4. Itig • JAC.IKSON 81SON:i: ..:. :1- Junk Dealers, 4- ol- :.1* .... aia Mn -St. Exeter. 1 4: + ... t Occupying J. P. Ross, .1., Store, one door south of * NI.t....tropolltan Hotel. 4' + : + ...- + ii. HI pay highest cash 4. -1-+ t pric., for the following 4. -.7- goo.,s,such as all kinds of -:- .:- 4. Scrap Iron + + Brass Cop, er + ''.....Zinc Lead + + + l'e w ter I-iDrse Hair + + \\i001 Pickings Rags + 4. ( 4- •,‘• Old Rubbers + 4'' -1- 13ones and Bottles i. -1------ ,,,,t 1 + qailiTY TOO largo or * too Small 1 4. 444* dtar •••• The oven of an Imperial Oxford Range and the old- fashioned spit before an open fireplace do better roasting than any other cooking apparatusinvented. In the olden days the spit had to be kept timing to get all sides of a roast cooked. It is much the same with the ordinary cook -stove. The heat of the oven' is greatest on the fire side -roasts, bread, pies, cakes, etc., have to be turned and twisted to get them cooked at all. The result is uneven, unsatisfac- tory cooking -good food ruined. The diffusive flue construction of the Imperial Oxford Range draws fresh air into the flue chamber, super -heats it and diffuses it evenly over the oven, thus heating it quickly, thoroughly and uniformly -hack, front and sidcs are at the same equal temperature. The resolt is juicy, tender roasts, light, dainty pastry, evenly raised bread -successful cooking. When you buy an Imperial Oxford Range you,get the result of over sixty years' thought and experience inNcientific construction of cooking apparatus. The Gurney Foundry Co., Limited Toronto, Canada Winnipeg Montreal Vancouver I Sold by T.'irl&WKINS & SON, Exeter. 1.0C pays for the TIMES from now till January 1st 1905