HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-11-3, Page 3RUM
Oen uine
Little Liver Pills.
Must Bear Signature of
See Wra „war Below.
Teri swum an4 es cagy
to take as
ran 13111INESS‘
ouirrgm. wow .
cutia SICK
Stoic Headache, Biliousness. Dys
pepsla, Coated Tongue, Foul Breath.
Heart Burn, Nlrater Brash, or any
Disease of the Stomach, Liver or 13owels,
Laxa,Liver 1N119 are purely vegetable;
neither gripe, weaken nor sicken, are easy
to take and prompt to act.
- —
WHAT IS A. 11413SM
Aceoriling to a medical journal, this
ie an et:curt e definitiou of a
"A blustl is a temporary erythema
and calorific effulgence of the physio-
etiologized by perceptiveness
of tho sensorium wben in a predica-
ment, of unequilibrity frotu a sense of
neap. .T .0.1% t cot *Act., Iv-
Etting in a pareses of the vasomotor
elements of tile facial ca.pillarles,
ethereber, being divested of thefr
elasticity, they are suffused with a
radiance emanating front an intimi-
dated praeeordia."
It makes one blush to read it,
-,,Turns Bad Blood into
Rich Red Blood.
No other remedy possesses such
verfect cleansing, healing and puri-
fying properties.
Externally, heals Sores, Ulcers,
Abscesses, and all Eruptions.
Internally, restores the Stomach,
L:iver, Bowels and Blood to healthy
action. If your appetite is poor, '
your energy gone, your ambition
lost, B.B.B. will restore you to the
full enjoyment of happy vigorous ,
Christ is an Absolute Monarch in
the Christian World.
tlEntered accOrding to Act ot the par-
liament o Canada. in Elle year vne
Thousand Nine liundred and Pour.
by wm. Datiyo, ...ppront¢, at the
Department o. Agriculture. Ottawa.)
despetelt from Los Angelee,
says; Rev, loranDe Witt Talinage
preached from the following text: -
'John viL 5, "What sayest thou?"
Have you studied constitutieual
law? Without doubt it offers one of
the most appetizing feasts everr spread
in the banquet hall of the mental
epicurean. It follows natal unerring
eye the ramifications a a govern-
ment's internal •organism, even as
medical student searthes mia the en,
tangled pathways a the Perves and
muscles and arteries of the human
fnth'er to take her back". "But slie
as disgraced my home," said he.
"I cammt, I will not tanher back."
''But, man." said Joseph Parker.
'In your younger days have not you
yourself also been guilty of
"Yes," said the !ether, "but I am a
Mao cold she is a woman. The
world jedges inan's sios differently
from a woman's sins," "That is
so." said Parker, "Ven judges' man's
sins differently from reemenes eins,t the saine time oholle the (100°10 Arabians to break in upon Judab
Jut Obrist judges both Vie sins the htboette=w,741. teSecairoelsidee! dereeesredsaselit rifortiodffs' 'Lnild 4cisar7ornasn'aanydJbeillsOr%Mvivsess,ablesatyainz
same. *Ile- that is without sio
mot into a, larger ooe, ablating from , him only Ahaziali, the youngest, and
among you, let liiiii first cast a stone
at tiett. And, parent, if ,,o,„„. win ue the unfortueate flat space. theihe himself died au awful dea.tb.
not. be merciful to your daughter's blaCk spots. The awful business f 1 Ae,„,,,,,,, „„,e,„,,,, __..r.: --- yew'. sttr In ooe boatel! egg. Remove the
sins God will not be merciful with the Japanese gunners is not inter. euerun'tesiwtteetentts7tit ,e."atit'eeevita,eholliot water for a few rabintea. then
you.," Joseph Perker had Lavine rill)ted for A itt(oPent^ lunuulerAhle'co.' n'itZlorn"tt7"dersZeic/re7iroc "irlien470!4airea's with' 4. few drone of vanilla.
frame. It tells us where the brain auttiority tor hit waraiat,,,,., woma, grenade$ break anv into a triton; was ,siata hy Jahn altnehren. xxi. Serve with. aweet cream,
man, you may hear the voice of the S. worship of Jest- I Christ, oh, sinful THE s s LESSON
.aster offering you pardon of sin! ' .
h lk h
YOU can ear him if, iete broken
hearted woman at the feet of Christ,
you are a repentant sinner. You ca.n
if you will say, "Lord, saVe me and
save me WM.." That pardon through
Ohrist is the pronifse of the divine
iaw. Will you take it? Will you re-
ceive it now?
Story of the Destruetion of a Bus-
e siert. Battery.
The destruction of a Ilussiao oata
teay in one of the reeent .ezigagenzents
is thus described by M. Netairovitch
Donchenko, the special correspondent
of tbe Ilusskvi. Sloven -
"Scores of sharpnel cases explode
NQ -kr. 6.
Text ef the Lesson, IL, Kings xi.
140. Golden Text, Prov,
arxix., g.
Notwithstandieg the senettleess of
Mae,. Gad W9'rlr.s out His purposes.
:414 -1 -F -K444-14+ ft'
making oven the wrath of man to Stx,iffed Egg$. -13011 for bait an hour
Athaliali, dangliter of Ahab,. rsraers Pet each egg in half and carefully re -
most wicker...I king*. 4,9 a wife for his wave the yeura without breaking the
et7-dattiatIvUell:Lvlen 6:1Tieangeor theYeritibt: wdrth.PP:da4';()aruxkoanpdQpp°1err puituiette, tIrAc
1OWa it
:117:0;cli Is:1)(.:1TU reur1:0144441Ci tnitsnoeteg vtd:ilier4i: ibli;741:1611;;;Uair :IL::: :1 ; ra-flnhlier roW21111.1:171111:t ecui.frkleei,713:a t: :5PC::} .tt roundur "- eh °piCte eggs 4
ooufu altte
a bait of grated sweat chocolate and
Wtspoonfiil of sugar inixaci With
fittle cold milk; cOok in OM doubt
boiler tin slightly thickened* thext
waigo Nina. jeheslaaphat toOk 4 11:411-t,j07,,e4 eggs; remOVe 'ShellS*
son Jehorevan and in the lesson Qf whites, Mix with the YelkS A little
is. where the heart is anti olio the condemned Ls man condemned. vc-a., pliant chorus. eTbey did flare tee 5011 16. .• A rs ."•• ••••• ' 7 • • • aine•OW•Skt Withovt, Brandy.--Tialf a
man forgiven is man forgiven. No 'to tile hill and tlirove oP brown mass' red' etTleaLliIt' ,414,ofvit.Le 41,1"11..,.°14- t7 "wlich- pou4d et suet' Of uurrauts, of raisins.
. „, ,
more, no )e,ss. Oh. man, if you will t' of cloud that appear tu 1 -ie "aged sow 0ot itioertisesoltic;;,74-d-en'aidie,rATIA' ) peaotelnei4s7ge4rfiet;hethjrueie'rarol 13fonrgueretild
net deal gently With an erring sis-iwith blood; Tlics...° rilaSSCs °re seen tenanted
ter. God wol palms dcal gelltlY fnevged int° One, emitting out from 134 children kind tO externiinate ell the Lielpontts, the rind bedled tender, aud
with you. Rea ret -ea of tho house of Judah 0 rwiliCt.sa kite (discerd the white pith).
NO DISTINCTION. and ehe well nigh succeeded. But 0.Tlw. Pot ioto a Pan. clever with
Do r'C'it believe God discriern 1 God was watching over Ins word to iesligore and it Will heep three menthe
of my text disablise your mind of i:tte°11:e:I:rttilitaief(j.11:eihri:rilt:flh2eja)ettio,nii lAwahai:Vaintitheindo:liercvelerlddynPliflyaArceilipieitseQtevitime.rbylar7ndys"g4t r
between the eine a the social class.01
es? If you do. let Me by the scene
that surmise. Come, iet us push our prieetto take the little babe Jonshij clioial-tIlrla' Delight.--Idere is an
way through the multitudee crow0- el bis nurse and hide Gime in the excellent recipe for "fudge." the Vas -
In tile temple aud Piel out who house of God six years while Atha.- sar discovery so dear to the achoole
arra is sinewy and strong. it tells
from whence comes the source wbicli
Creates the law and whence the power
which executes the law.
In the kingoloni of Cod we have
supreme authority. The eoun-
the churcbes nifty forotelate
trines, make decreee and con-
struct creeds and entecliisms, but
igh over all there is the will of the
teat King of kings, Quist is the
supreme ruler of hie isingdoni, and
his word is the test by which (armor
dognie and practice :met he jodgeel.
Let us eoesider setae of the climate-
teristics of this government.
First, it is an. absolute monarchy,
We UAW governMeAtS on earth that
we •describe AS absolute monarcbies,
meaning that they have AP constitu-
Mut. There tire thousainia of thinga
whichi the RUSSIAn caar wouM like to
do which be cannot do. in an ine
finitely higher eenee is Christ the
bsoltite ruler in his Olugelom. In
is wisdom and power he governs
without check, and kis word is the
lAAV and life of his people, "I am
the Melia. and Omega, tbe beginning
and the ending, stall tbe Lord,
which is and was arid whicl. is to
come the AliniglitY."
A significant illustration of Christie
originality and his freedom from cur-
rent principles and prejudices is given
In the gospels, and it may help us
to understand his attitude if we
study the story. One day while
Jesus was teaching in the temple
surrounded by the people the fie:dies
and Pharisees tried to entrap Min.
Right into the temple where Josue
was they dragged a trembling. fright-
ened, sobbing woman who had been
taken in adultery, Rigbt through
the crowds ot listeners they puelied
her. Then they cried out in stentoe-
tones eo that all could heart
"Master, what shall we do witli her?
Shall we stone lier to death, as
Moses commanded, or shall we let
tier go free?" Instead of Christ
condemning or orqui Lt 1 ng the poor
creature, as they all •supposed he
must do, Cnniel. by his actions as
well as by the word of lip con-
demned the owe- who were her ac-
cusers. Vika was the meaning of
that Jutign.ent? Ws cannot forte,
moment suppose that being so pure
as Christ tleought lightly of so hein-
ous „a Sin. It must have been loath-
some and abhorrent to him, but we
may learn a lesson from the way in
which he treated the sinner and her
accusers, a lesson all the more weigh-
ty because it comes from him who is
the embodied law Pf the kingdom of
The divine latv, in the first place,
makes no disceirnination between the
masculine and the feminine sins. It
des not come to rnan and smilingly
say, "Husband, you have a. right to
be a libertine, while your wife must
tread the narrow path of virtue."
It does not say, "Brother, here in
the 'saloon of respectability' you can
get drunk, but if your sister is found
in that saloon she will be disgraced
a • ,
Ifor life.' It does not say that a
man can tell vile stories and fre.-
quent the low race tracks and be the
conspanion of pugilistic thugs and
dissolute characters and still be re-
spected, while a woman, having dono
wrong, can never be...allowed to enter
again into the aseociation of the
good and the true and the respect-
able. But the divine law does say
this: "Oh, men, if the sin that this
women has committed is to be pun-
ished by stoning, every one of you
'cello has committed. the same sin de-
serves to be stoned also." A blas-
phemy from a man'sJips in the sight
of God is just as vile and culpable
as a blasphemy from a woman's lips.
The sins of Ananias anal Ahab are
as evil as the sins of Sapphire and
Jezebel. And yet from time lin-
Memorial ,the world has always had
two criminal courts in which it has
judged its moral delinqafents. The
one is the "court of mercy" for mas-
culine offenders; the other is the
"court of no hope," in which lynx -
eyed Judge Hardheart Sit ,s upon the
bencli, charging the jury of "no re-
grets!' and'sentencing. woman defend-
ant after woman defendant ,to a life
imprisonment in the "penitentiary of
The • highest compliMent which in
chivalric times could be given about
a fatlier was, daughters were
11 :virtuous and his sons were all
rave. Bu why should not the
ons be 'virtuous as well as the
aughters? And yet man -0 bitter
man, censorious and guilty man --
hou art ready to condemn thy sis-
er when thou are not ready to con-
e= thyself. Joseph Parker in one
f great addresses describes a
rotlier minister who had driven an
ernrig and yet repentant daughter
away frOM Ilk home. Joseph Parker
pleaded and prayed with the angry
Are a sure and permanent cure. for all h
Kidney and Bladder Troubles. s
IS the first sign of Kidney Trouble. t
Don't neglect it ! Check it in time! d
Serious trouble will follow if you don't.
Cure your Backache by taking hi
verso of our leeson. "tbe seed ot litilf teaspooutni of salt teceuo. two • o proense of its 43Q-Stiort b
COMPOSP Vint group. Who are those tfrom ifiespeir to hope. A little more
strong, fine looking men standing in spare, and it will Answer the forte
front of Christ? They are oot in- Ore.
significant clerks. They are not lab- "What does it enetter that4181
orers or farmers who have come in^ are now whistling bulleta said to the eleven "I will put. emit Let coot; .can he cleaned by sim
liwy are net lurelings or beggars or ititeenown piece, Ile" Qur liells' hetwe" thee and the 34414 irovrithi3e:tlie:;:rinegb-gtv:1114itte.w111 hardeu in gullet° with wor w
to town with dust begriraed clothes. that the foe Is firing at as front Solite tween tee
vagabonds most or that
group jusu .4 _ .bi 1 . e bruise Ills heel, (Gen Ili 1.5) there to gra111 and' Pour on 4 blAtgr(11 .t14.44"`"w""-• with son'
, a whole battery is coining to an end bad o - t . t *lite 'et on Unit a g4P 't4 ehaaried nut" lue°15 154th: egaosole9;t6Pie(;* ryikjeapple is
tant be
that two eoldlers :n a5e:ers::: her seed; ...., 4 gooTt,edr:uttlhoe.: beat till it begins A. little borax is di
ines4ine:sd htiraoZebnecwohmoit froturani itopesrPetaniel have already Wien cloee bye TherAbell bruise thy head and thou shalt letad
' ' arm tem e ConVil UMW. the part of the devil to destroy the '
In frout ot Christ, lia-ve keen intellec- MA • .1) • for the stennech to deal with. i
tuai Ames. 'IIOV . i th i b • ee few molt -wide more end every ed royal. or. oe it is in the mergin roo Distapluigse-One pint of flour, term 0,
QV Ia1.0 IA e r p e -
kingdom." .orhil is one elf the leaepoonfuls a baking powdew. ell ealuldete4 ln 4404:4" Min.ut"'
elm' movements the eetione of Atter
ceseful men. They bave in the
glance of their eyes the eeareliing
a bell that is celebrating it& eruel
vietory there,
"We still distinguish in tliie
smoke the rare answering ray
'our' fire, the dull sounds of 01
shots. There the dying battery
sounds wale a volley. Aucalier! Lt
will stilt struggle on; It will eilence
them, We ham greedily! We pass
Walt reigned over the land (verses
1-3; It Chron. Nen, U. 1"211 -
From the dee' Viet the Lord God
DONT take med-
icine to make
you feel better when
you are not feeling
just right. If it'S
your nerves the only
safe and sure rem-
edy is rest. The
proper, way tO rest
is lying -down, but
you can rest your
nerves while you stand or walk
by wearing
Rubber Heels
There ie many a still, dull head-
ache caused by walking heavily
on hard leather heels. "Com-
fort" heels are macle of good
springy rubber. They save a
great deal of nerve discomfort
71i 4f ati
girt: Put tegether two culls of gran* -
ulat,ed sugar, half a cue; of sweet amine se
milk, a, piece of butter ehe 444 of a wrong Side.
hickory nut ani two berm indica', Arattile slobs
be stnooth
side with,
end ironi
1 ag
tilog is 6tlent. We loon -and we do
mit believe our eyes, It is uot a bat-
tery; it is the cemetery of a battery.
Wrabeienh," bieesToPetealistkc.wgretnnneed. libilnaPlanreP(rtn°Waereil71seklelkIditl'
'were the scribes. They were, th; and the little cube S are Martng down*
electors ef tbe jaw and the ;aterprt, ward'. irrtio battery itgelf is buried
ters Scripture.** These othe under heaps of sliarpnel fragments
men are the Pharisees. They we: d tbe debris of ehelle; it le liter-
ate pet limiter to keep themselves out lly covered by them; there le nut a
threatie of truth running all sifted together *sea or three Vin., Teo owes IIS flavor to certain
01401 ill* cion, a child, 9t 0E4 mixed with xellikieut milk to plze volatile oil which is present only
devil (1. John iii. 12e, was per- forret a dough. Drop by the tea- ,itUt Ve*' ..1°18"te quautitiest The fact!
*tied to hill his own brother Abel. Vomited over coe0 za.„41,43 foitteen tbat it is so veltttila renders it most
°of the seed et the Kingdom. but trdralltes before fierliter and whilloneMiSar,F to I001) tea, In an air -tight
raised up Seth in hie Mem,
stewiag. Tbey are tikes:tibia me ace, eaddY"
vent of the tack of shortening arid ,To de"' Pewter scour the pewter
The attempt of the of T"'',67P euviousl,
wardle unspotted from heathen t use free space. It was ileeeeeary 144 aiVii /setae about, timo .0144 5.1090
to hill all tehe male ebildren Swedish arg
1 -id of cabbage until the leave
but do not break. Take u
Jet it cool. nave ready sato
ed bee, to 'which add About
s numb cold boiled rice;
7011.11Puroir,hultnre.eisl °own;
soft mass with wedk.
nd one egg. Mn w.gi
ip stock or lune. Now, cut off
w h Angora in which they, might The hey's mother looked exaspar. And bad iris "body sealed up at The the large leaves of the cabbage, put
read their own condemnation.
NO nIMUNITY GIVEN. ated. "You wanted regular suspen- tomb of JoSeph and guarded by a large tablespoonful of the mixture
der trousers, like your latherie." She Roman soldiers fancied perhaps that ott each leaf, roll neatly together and
But and in the next place an said, severely, "and now that I've be hael frustrated tbe purpose of fasten with a toothpick. Lay the
other trenchant lesson. Vie divine on.tide thr,ra you are not satisfied." God. But the Son of Mary roSe frontirolis close together in a wide keetle,
toms that they carried extracts horn hat could be saved, to tae oft theq was born was another piece of th
the Hebrew law about with them in gunlocks and MIAOW the ammunition claws work 00 that Noe, as was al
little boxes or pbylacteries. Tbey boxes. The removal of the /41In5 so, the attempt of Herod to hill tbe
had these boxes strapped to their could not be thought of. ',',To horses little babe in Bethlehem wbo had
foreheads thot oll Men Illiant see could enter this hell and emerge. just been born he king of the Jews,
them. ' But when these men, those allege, by killing' all the male children there ,e
leaden: of Jerusalem, were standing of a certain age. These are but ool4
there condemning a poor outeast wee
man foi her sins Christ In tilletwo wirenplylio obtadtb:auesevoarlethooloplaildmotlithee4Idtorgeaedtheetr.
i With a pa.ste of !elver sand And
ater, ming an old bung covered
h leather. Rinse the pewter well
cold water awl polish, with Ouch/
crushed dry whiting.,
4 To remove tar on cloth! . rub a
,dittle lard an the spot and let it
a stand on hour or more until the tar
Is softened, when it rimy be washed
out with hot water and soap. Rinse
n e ear la a water,
1 To renew polish' on marble which
!has become dim, cover it with it
'StRaitiOn or plire.beeStvaic in td1 of tur-
pentine, and then rub dry with a
'linen or cotton eloth. The hard
revedge tnitipeti pleees of wood. One
rubbing gives the polish.
For rattling windows get erour
t carpenter to let you breve some small
lof these firmly fixed on either side
'between the window and tbe fratna
, will prevent any rattEng. *
i It is quite easy to remove the ugly
green marks eaused by the damp on
stone, tile, and brick floor and steps,
;all that is necessary being a. good
,scrubbing with wo.ter in whitta a.
stiaall quantity of ebloilde of lime
has been disaolved.
To heep a frying pan nice always
wipe it mit immediately after use
with thick paper (burn this in the
mime). Fill up the pan with hot
tooucigaillwr.attl>ir,as'ialatdhe letitboil titer -
as earefolly ats the insulteleirofyottillewpiasint
to avoid the strong smell of frying
: ,
:in the house. An omelet pan should
never be washed; it Should be rubbed
clean with linen, then with soft
paper, directly after it is used.
To loosen glass etopt>ers-This oil-
fit:41110ml recipe is sent from Johan-
n„esburg by a correspondent who says
lie has never known it to fail- Tie
a piece of string to a 'door handle
or leg of a, table. pass string once
or twice round the neek of the bot-
tle, and pull bottle backwards and
forwards several tunes with a smart
iczoio:meionot8, le.io/ding the other end of
the string in the hand'. The friction.
expands the glass and the stopper be-.
was hin muking figures upon the ground
woman to he crucified on Calvary
law does not accept zeal in bringing 'The're too tight ilndkv the the dead and is seated at, tbe right pour Selne stock or water over and
others to juetice as a ground Vitale- 4r1"S' retorted the boy. hane of God uutil the time snail 1ook slowly, covered. ItIth a teen
solving the prosecutor of bis own
"That a because you hitch tiieni-way
c f t I (lenturn once, so they wil," he evenly
111. 15. and every other purpose
of Olod shall be surely and
One of the last
tidega we read of the devil in Scrip-
ture is that he went to make war
with tbe minion ointhe seed of the
wommi leeep the commend -
molts of GA end have the testi-
mony of Jesus Christ (Rev. xii., 17).
Ido not wonder that tbe devil bates
and tries 'tn get rid of many parts
of Scripture, and especially Vie open-
wror,gdoing. The scrlbes and Phar- to your shoulders with yOur SU- done. When soft all through tak'e up
isees cannot atone for their sins by 51"der8'.. 1415 111°"1" "P141nekl. enrefully, thichen the gravy with
denouecing and condemning others. "I Him to." flour and butter, ilevor and pour
Though a man might prove eveny " 'Have tor ... over the rolls, To be eaten with
other Man a living example of total "Why yes. 11 1 didn't theY'd rag earned potatoes.
depravity and devote bis life to the on the ground- 1 --it Stuffed -Eggplant. -Wash and wipe
eXpOsUre and arraignMent• of teem- "Now, George," interrupted the a large eggplant awl par -boll it in
inals. be must take hie own place mother, "the pattern was rot. a boy boiling salted water for ten min-
a the bar and answer the indict- of nine, and you are nine years and utes. Let it get perfectly cold, cut
Inca or his own iniquitieS, Instances tWo months. The trenSers IntiSt bela half lengthwise, and serape out the
centre, leaving the wells 01 the vege-
table three-quarters Orton inch thick.
Chop the map line and add to it
small cupful of mincee chieten, half
cupful of minced ham, a quarter of
a cupful of bread crumbs, a table -
have, been known of a criminal under 1 all right. I'm afraid it's your tun
human governtnent securing for him- happy disposition teat ie the troll -
Self immanity from punishment for woe*
his owe crimes by betraying his lead- "No. it isn't my disposit ing and tbe closing cbapters. for they
er to the offiers of the law or even by it isn't," the boy said, beseecbingly. do so show him up and tell his
ion -truly
leader, but such Men are despised fOr I C "
"They're just plain too long in the doozn. j d
In the seventh year elioia a
himself executing sentence on that
their perfidy. even by the communityt von spoonful of melted better. stilt aud
”CoOrge," -Said 'the moilier, re- Priest' gathered
- the rulers and the
to taste. Mix well, wed
el t tie 1 to the PePPer
it)roug.ers, Y.
I Made them exactly
ilar prieciple is applied in our courts house of the Lord and made a coe-
that profits by the treacliery. A sire- iioott teasell for those captains and brour, en
re/with:111v ,.,,.Jenough soup stock to make stiff
Of justice when a man is allowed to
turn state's evidence. It sometimes like 'the pattern You must not he
happens that there is no way- of ueeratefui. Tliere are lots and lots
convicting a notorious criminal bu-t of ho 3'•'s who would be proud and hap-
py towear those trousers." -
Theory is a vine from which facts
are gathered.
by testimony Of a confederate. That
confederate's evidence has to be pur-
chased, and the price paid is a par-
don for him of his own share in the
crime. It is a heavy price to pay,
a miscarriage of justice, but it is a
res"fflt of tlie inadequacy of human
administration, and it has no place
under divine law.
But, though the divine law was
and isso hard upon the unrepentant
sinner, how gentle, how loviag, how
pardoning, how forgiving it was and
is .to the repentant sinner who comes
asking for mercy at the feet of • Jeans
Christ. . Sweeter than even the
coining of a little child to be. caress-
ed and forgiven by a loving mother,
isthis picture in nry.' text of a poor
convicted outcast, . trembling at the
feet. of, Christ and finding pardon and
peace and life. t 'pen See her now.
as the rough nieft are pushinr, her
up. Her face is scratched= and
Weeding; she fights thein step • by
step'. I see heras they fling her at.
the Master's feet. 'There at first she
shrinks under his Pure gaze., expect-
ing that0U0 50 sinless Will iridoese.
the ,condemnation .Of her ,-ancuSeas
and in horror at her crinie. hand her'
over to the executioner. but, though
he loathes her sin, he has compas-
sion for the repentant sinner. I see
her now, ,when - all fear leaves her
and the bad .men turn tlieW hanks -
upon her. Now.; she .looks up into,.
Christ's face with •grateful love:
Qh;my friends, though you•ginay 1)0
scarred .with the SiTIS of an evil"
past,. though you may. be ,east out
by the . World as one who ought to
die, Mercy and pardon, in Christ You
will find! Will you not as a -re-
pentant sinner threw yourself at ,his
feet, where you . will find peace and
life and hope?
And where did this broken hearted
Magdalene find her peace? Ali,- yes;
was inthe temple! 'There the
vine. loci,' of mercy' was revealki: to
her. While Christ was teaching the
people the great lesson. of.. God's
forgiveness. of 'sin they brought her
to ,him. Inthe, temple Jesus turned
land Said to her : “Zsil-either do e Cop-
deinn thee.' o and Sin no •morp.''
in the temple,. in „the. building of
A Standard Remedy
orient with them and took an oath
of them and showed them the king's
son (verse eh and he said unto them,
"Behold, tlie king's son snail reign,
as tlie Lord bath said Of the sons
paste, and fill the hollow sides with
this. 'When full and roUntled high,
sprinkle the foreetnent with- bread,
crumbs, and lay the halves, side by
side in a baking pan, pouring three
of David." Oh, the comfort that °°Pftas sour' stock around them.
there is in the glorious faith that Bake nearly an hour, basting every
ten es., einove the eggplant to
"every purpose of the Lord sliali be minut
a hot platter, thicken the gravy left
performed," botli against His mie-
n_ 29), in the pan with' browned flour, boil
mies and for His people Per, up once on 'top of the range, stirring
no matter what people think or say
now how munii the devil may resist.
So every promise to Abraham and
Used In Thousands of Homes in to no.vid shon be literally fulfilled.
The people sball be a righteous Ala -
Canada for nearly Sixty Years
and has never yet failed
to give satisfaction. i
tion n their own ).n , and the Son
of Mary shall sit on David's throne
at Jerusalem (Isa. ix., 6, 7;
21; Jar. iii„ 17, 18; xxxii., 411; Luke
1., 30-33),
constantly, and pour this browned
sauce about the base of the halved
eggplant, •
Turkish Delight -Make a, syrup of
one pound and a half of best loaf
sugar and one pint and a half of wa-
ter; clear this with two whites of
eggs and the juice of a arnail lemon.
Next dissolve three ounces mid half
of the best starch* in -rather less than
This manifestation and crowning of half a, pint of cold water; strain this
Joasli were P4 the seventh' year, and and add to the clear syrup when it
there is at least a sUggestion here is boiling. Reduce the syrup by -fast
that as our Lord 'Testis, the true boiling till it is two-thirds of the
seed royal, the true and only seed of original qtiantity. The paste should
be Very thick and stringy, Flavor
with any sweet essence. Have ready
a large dish well covered with al-.
mond oil. Empty the "delight" on
to this, spread it about one bleb
the woman, has been hidden about
6,000 years, except when Ile came
in humiliation only to be rejected
and crucified, the time of His manifes-
tation May be the beginning of the
seventh thonsand years Since the thick; then have another dish ready,
(Gen. ill., 15) word was given to the thickly covered with caster sugar.
great adversary. Let those laugh When the paste is quite cold turn it
and scoff who dare to, but blessed out very carefully upon the sugared
are all who believe, fOr there shall -dish. Absorb the oil with tissue
be a fulfillment of all things, spoken paper; then cut the paste into
by the Lord (Luke 1'
. 45). Rather square riccos, poWder with sugar,
let us rejoice and beglad,aml give and keep very drv.
honor to Rim, for the kius.niOnt shall
come and Wo s1i1l reign With HINTS FOR HOME LIFE
See Verse 12 of our lesson. •And
To flavor. salad dressing add small"
us also clap our hands and rejoice in
pickles, olives, and capers, minee,1
very fine. •
CURES Let the fate of Athalinli and- tile Macaroni should be kept in air-
Diarrhcea, Dysentery, Cliolera final doom of all such (as recorded tight receptacles, and when- cooked!
in Matt. xv., 41, 46; Rev. xiv., plunged into boiling salted water.
Cholera Morbus Cholet'a Infan xxi-- 8; 11. le 740) take To take care of silk dresses proper -
hold of the hearts of all scoffers while 13-, they should never be brushed, Emt
tum, Cramps, ,Colic, Sea Sickness
and all Summer CeniDialnte: - only turn in true penitence to To bring out the brilliancy 01 cut
there is yet tnercy for them if they rubbed with a soft piece of merino.
• 14i111 Who iS not willing that any glass, ainmonia should be placed in
Its prompt kise will prevent a
should perish (II. ret. iii., 9). Je-
hoicr.da. the priest and Joe sit the.
king and all the people made a cov-
enant that , thiey would all be the
Lerd's ,people, then 'they overthrew
the altars of Baal and, slew his
tlieater in which it is to be rinsed.,
To prevent 'eggs cracking while
ffreat deal of unnecessary suffer- boiling pierce with a pin at the
ittg and often Save broad end before putting them into
the water,
salt' for. tabi T)U
Price, 530. priest, -and ttle people rejoiCed 11.11c1 becomes caked LU 44 y .010 4
ithe t,k, rS (II. Chrcnr, , tit.'aWalet .) at
T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto,. Ontol.o. 16221 arrowroo1444 t.
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