HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-11-3, Page 1•I H U RON & IVI1DDL ES NM GAZETT ‘Nowirros ...imaniammenwouswor- THIRTY-SECOND YEAR—NO it VWNINWIN EXETER, ONT., CANADA, TaURSI3,4AY 'MORNING, NOVENTUR 'Srd, 1904 000000000000.01,•014.*******4•0000000000004100000•000• • Mensal' • • • • Now is •• 4 I '^'1:Atrm Robte jarrott Lae 6014 out bis livery busarese, -G.J. Sutherland, Notary 1"ubllsa conTearal isaurer of Marriage 1,irceaseel. Legal eocements 'Cer, Gorarniseloner,FireXusaraaee Agent. elle ' p caretelly drawls at eeesoeable retest. ramiev g to loan on real estato atlewrateeot enereef.' • An P1 e or them lel 1 nft petual mdiennial glow. the time -eft.. David Cantelon has per° to be MI the le* oue for a Peed range or Perak stove', Weed or col as we have a large number to choose from of tbe. leading makers a Can- ada, neraely PANDORA IMPERIAL OXFORD TREASURE SOUVENIR r wifes face wreath la a WO (1150 earrY a, Igeto4 blasts to choose from. TERS e *t1g1t het We epecialter o Eave Trim Double and gle acting force pump, bath roo all kindon the shortest notice. We eleo Caere' ef a. full line a shelf hr4ware Cementthe two leading brande, National au1 Star breed, • .4 • • • • • lehased Mr. Venesi dwelling on Gx- • 1 to_tdxszisr.itee‘1,1$011 ao msa qms.4, lIngersoll, ate the gnests et Mrs. .T. 1 • B. eleAetleir and efts. (Rev.) E. A. i • es Shaw. -1,Ers Rohr. McMartin and family l : Lave Moved to Seafortle They will se tie nuseed by their xelatives and frie * ends here . * -lir. and Ietre, James.7‘fo)laalin, • o London, were in ,Ehe villa_ge title • • ek vielting Ur, and "Mes. R, liOu" * Lron Mrs. ereedartin's parente. : -Mr. jantee LieVerleY, having fiL- ted up the upstairs over his shop, re * * cently occupied es a rauele store by • eft'. O. Copeland, intends living in it • 1 r. * • -Ur. V. llowald 110$ commenced the erection of a LielW 1_1 -Welling On the let lie pin:chased some time ago trout Mr. R. Paterson, iinnueliatele east of the rectory. • Mr. Thomas lioueon. of Clinton. / es . ,setes Purchased the inter st of Mr. .t. er.gg MeCaughneY, in the Connuercial hetelImre and- will get poeseseion as 4it * . Fo00 as ties license can he trans- * ferred . Ur .W., J. "-Vigor, our enterpri, carriaee maker Is also atartin Won et tile seeond devellin Use hint this fall while 1 n umber of others ititend u I i the spring. • Work, es. 'Wog of .71,` HAWKINS ex ..........••••••••••••••••••••••••••04144 0 POPULAR SUITINGS Order ed OVERGOATINGS ANN Our Aim is Perfection in PANTINIS For Fall and Winter Wear Clothin • Popular goods must be made to meeb the requiremente and demands of the tinaes, we can't etated still we reuse either move forward, or back- ward. Oar goods contain distinct fea- tures that claim the attention of every eustereete One constant ttim le to roduce garments that have a, entree- , a, liersouttlity a th.eir own, to leave the old beaten track and. rise Phew* the venventimed enil common place. ' W Taman. Merchant Tailor. 4044.44.441•04.44•••••••••44 Baby Carriages The Prince of Wales Carriages and Go -Carts are always in it foe style and finish. a, nicely as- sorted stock just arrived. Bicycles We are again showing the pole- brated Cleveland Bicycles which are the best value in the market to -day for the money. Repairing Briug in your old -wheel and have it repaired, and cleaned satisfaction guaranteed, PRICES MODERATE S. Martin. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• annual meeting et tbe nett of like Bible Sa- s held at ilus eletlea- on Monday evening, fide given by the a eent of otiiy and reeleent ministers. tewart and her eon, Jas. Tucetersmitle has returned from ery pleasant trip to Vancouver* Where they had been spending uple of months. On their way they etopped off ee nearly ail reportent places along the line report having enjoyed the trip •ery moch -Ur. T. ,L Barre, the well-known lorse buyer, returned, home last -reek from tem old country, where bee beeu purclotsing, some more hie entire horses. This roakea the eeth trip for Mr. Berry to and from old ettentry. 'On this- trip he accompanied hy Mr. Robt. Moe ren, of the Loudon Road, Mad they report tile passage /tome ON he'll; a particularly rough one. it requires akill and patience and time to give the sleeve the Prot= Swirl* the collar the cote rech set aud the body the right hang. FallthlUS, SOUS anti 0116r60a1111115 The new materials for fall and winter are here and you can place 41, your order and secure your over- * coat without delay. We also give a Sete) Accident and Disease Polley, good for one year with the Ontario Accident Insurance Co. of Toronto, with every order amount- . ing to $10 or over. JOHN'S Merchant Tailor NOTICE Constantly on hand. at Ex- eter and Centralia the Best Cement in Can d National Brand Prices low enough to suit everybody. J. Cobbledick Order Your Coal Now. -Up goes the 'price at hogs and down goes the prise of edal. Having bought a few cars of hard coal at a price on, the dollar, I am prepared to fill all orders while it lasts at $6.25 per ton. First came, first served. Place your arder at onto for as soon as -this supply is Zone you will have to pay more money. Orders left at the office of A. Q. Bobier will be t H Pars ns Winchelsea Mr. luid Mrs. II. Brown and fam- wish to express their deep gro.ti- tacit to the InenY kind friends, who have manifested. sate* sincere eym- pnthy for thren in their re.ttent sore bereavemeet . Kirkton coecert in the iniorests of our public school vill be given in Aber- doe.te Ball. on the evening of Thanks - ovine 17th Nove.mber, when Prof. White, of Toronto, hunaerist, ,wifl give -the prograntrate This is a wor- thy cause and should be supported. Usborne. Accident. - On Saturday last Mr. William Allison, of the Thanaes road met with what might have 'been a very serious acoident. Ho went np on the xoof of a. building to do some Shi.ngling, and the reof being wet and slippery, he slipped otf and fell to the ground. He was conseler- ably :shaken up and so,mewhat bruis- ed, tat no tones were broken and we hope soon to see him around again fully recovered. Urand Bend The death took place on Sunday Oct. letle of Mr. Sohn Rumford, who lived on a farm near here at the age oe 72 years. The deceased, al- thotafah ,confine,d to his bed for some time, euffered from no partietilar dis ease, the immediate cause of death being a (general breaking lup of the system.. Ile had lived in this section of the country for many years and was mach respected. He leaves to mourn Ms loss a widow and One son. Internaent took place in the Grand Bend cerneterY. promptly attended o.- • • • Merchants Bank of Canada _ _ HADOF1i ICE, MONTREAL. ,CAPITAL (all paid up) ..... • .... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • $6,000,000 TEERVE•••• •••••• •••• •••• •• •••••• .3,200,000 SUR.PLIS PROFITS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 11 • • • . • • • • • $ 18,959 'TF105.:Fislin,E. F. liEBB,EN, GerteralManager , Superintendent of Branches I 95 Branches in Canada SAVINGS BANK Interest, at, most favorable current rates allowed on Savings ..PBank Accounts and Deposit Receipts. Special" attention-giVen to the business of Fartners and Cattle - 'men, to whom loans are made on approved na.nnes. Letters of Credit issued to travellers,'payable in all parts of the , , orld. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED Centralia - Looks oat for ellange• in the weather to -morrow as the elec- tions will he over. - Mrs. Ilauslaugl• left on Satur- day for ;Slot-Jere:11, where elm will remain for -elapse time. -League Was Dot twirl here until Wedneeday evening ()wine to the absence et Rev. Mr. Andrews, wbjo was Kea -citing for Rev. Dr. Hannen. Teeeday evening. and he Bible Societe which was held re. -Mr ,d, Brown, while loadiug car with apples, U1!( rt let barrea Lill on hie knee. injuritIM it ea that. lie had to Xemain in the house for .`..0Die days, Ite was °et again on Teesday and 4.' I10 te aroaeul sesta . a•Our worthy t °uneaten, bles.sz. Elston tied eatauel Davis places of abotle week. arts having purchased the s t bIr. Elston has been liv- ing in. eir. Elston's eew dwelline 15 not yet cempleted. —no Venous, Davis Co, have leen eemodelling their store. Thee have put a eeme0C Under their atorez malting a ,mott principally foe butter awl eterage purposes. In place et the wood ver - tidal, bave one of cement and have also added. all up-taelate elevator to work from the cellar to the 1st floor. They bave greatly proved the building and lieve every. thing very handy. They expect to Itleopu7.. car of dressed turkeys by ex teas to Vancouver, the first of next e chest Reps fintinatious of the Sr *allowing results; er cent, Dora graft dua r 67; Robert ilea derson ; 'McCann 57 ; An- nie Honorer . Thelma eVitzel 48; The promotione in the eril and tind classes are at follow% the nemee be.. big Given in order of merit ;FrOM jz erd to sr. flird, Milton Rats:, Lavine, Ilenoter, Lillian Heist from sr. to jr .Orde Georgina Hartman, Russel Schrader, Eduatute Kraft, front jr. 2n1 to Sr end Ch ries Re ler Hen - Wild Olive Turuer each . M. er. Kippen -bliss utile blartin, 0 Exeter, ae. sided St. Andrew's church choir, 08 Salebatklast and very kindly :WAX solos enormeer aud evening . -On Eri•doy evening •of last week, tho Izeople DE gippen enjoyed tt rare intellectual treat. Rev. A. McAuley ot deleseeed his interesting end instructive .anere on Mormane lara„ Mr.„ MeAttlal greeted with Me largest house that ever attend- ed leoture leippen, and we be- speak for bim larger audience next time he appears here. bliss A. Mar- tin. of Exeter, and Mr. A. Jones, of London, accompanied by Miss Me - Cloy, et furreshed the must cal part of the progranune. Their seleotions wore very choiee and well rendered, end we hope „etuee time itt the not very distant future, we may have them favor us nein. aliss Martin also recited. She was hearts ily encored, and responded in her u.sual good style. The. 'Mission Band wish to thank those who so liber- ally responded to the appeal for a lhank offering . JOHN WHITE & SOWS Daehwood 44.4,41.4.0•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Edigbeffer, of Blake visit- 42t14+int•leteteta:-.1-'++++.aellat-i-+++Iatel.ial..late;e:etatel-441.14-tni•-lefal.* ed her brother Mr. Geo Edighoffer sundae List. -A new 8 in. elle drain. was pot 4, 4. in by the, residents en south 5ide of eses the. teem line from Mrs, T)letteris I its to Mr. Jacob leellerman'e store. • -,--Arthur Rutledge left Monday 40 is 4. • es • + • mornine to flee a poS•tton in 1. S1.0 • - - at Exeter, Archie is a bright boy andwe have no deubt but teat he will gzve 2,-ood account ef Izinaselts leunaway.-One 44ty last Week as . Mr. Berry Schrad' er left Ids tease tied to a. posf in front of his father'e house, they1 got loose, and made a I dash down the street, when they •+ *e- ase- • -1- .T. came to where ene eels* drain bad bean dug one hi'-.osank in the earth arta made a complete summersaalt : which checked, the 1 i 11 .'y 11 i- levet any damage to teem or it. -Nee. jenstiamt Sr., Nolte lives with her ,sen, 1icb1Ir il, ,on the Saahle line. met with Aft gsufortunate ae cideet to a lady of I4er advanced age being in It: eeveuties, She was eo- lag to visit a nelehhor ween Bite ippee and in et -tempting to save I resit in the fall, brolte axle arm /el epreined tem other. Last ee- eirte 5110 \VON tieing as well an eai..tht Le expecied. And etre. .T. M. Beacom", et wingliere visited Mrs. Ileareer'e par - ones, Mr. atul Mrs. Reenolds, of Sae - epee. Mr. Deemer is O. P. R. Agent Ile Weis satisfied thee sooner or lat- er tliere will be an electrio or eteara Toed -through thee section. llis opinion is teat S0010 Of the branch- es et the C. P. It. tint are being built mirth, Via COMO *MS ,C4F.01.11' raSTr lq, COMO We regret to learn that the Sem- i. Bank intends to remove their is ant. ;qr. C. Huston, front our rU However as this recasts an ad r Mr, Unstop, We Wal ee- S Vannot be band and wish ere success in lus new - field c, 29on.tbiIi1.y. err .11uston erne 'here about one year ago o. perftssTrate,S, t,artp 4unt 3err; 3111) tt bifusbinisesPsleAwsarSet o bi on had the confidence of the people Mr :Huston goes to Thedford Sat- ( mornieg. Wood ham --Mr. Bert Rundle spent Sun- day in Mitchell. -Mr. Itarry Edwards has ongase ed with John Sawyer for the winter montbs. -Mr .Thomas Fotherieghant and family left on Tuesday for London where they intend to make their future home. -Mr .James Neely who formerly Vivo(' here but -went to Ireland some twelve years ago is renewine ac- enainiances in the village and sur- rounding districts . -Miss Rachel Kirk Su/Waged in -L. O. L. oyster supper on FridaY evening, Nov. 41b. Everybody come and have a good time. -Mr .and Mrs. Thos. Johnstone spent Sunday in the "Stone Town." Mr. Nelson Pletcher and /re Mar- shall spent Hallowe'en in the burg. 7, -Mr. -and Mrs. Wesley Switzer spent Sunday the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Shier. --Miss Lavina Berry is learning dressmaking with Miss White. -Mrs. W. J. Roy wet rue m Cromarty 011 Satterday last after spending i he past week in Lindsay. ,ti dlo e in Exeter, on Sunday last. --Rev. R. A. Cranston attended a wedding in Toronto, last week. -Dr. Telford, who has been ser- iously ill is now on a fair way for re co v r . -Mr. John Stacey has erected a new en e around his premises which adds greatly to the appearance of hiiti 400s -Mr- AvorY, of Woodisam, who has rented Mr. Geo. Miller's store will take possession in a few - days We 'wish 'Mr. A VerY every success in his new under t ikiii g. Zurich -AL the meeting of the members of the HayBranch Agrieultural SO^ cicly in the Town Ilan, held here re- cently 'the matter of the new fair grounds was dealt with, and on a, ballot ,being taken, was ca.trie,d by a good majority, only four voting; against it. Over two hun- ted and fifty dollars has already been subscribed by ahe lnisiness men and residents of Zurich, towards the new grounds. Ten acres et land has been parchaSed from Mr. Sam Rannie east of the village. The .position of the new fair grounds should prove egrot benefit to ,the Society, as it h 4flafle 411 1:- l:ss110 4,1 0 3115111110 Sexsmith Crediton Mr. Bowman of Londe makieg a bee stay in town wit John Young, -Edmund Wnerth returned home from Napinka, Manitoba, laet Mon- day. He is quite in love with the West. -Mrs. Schneider, et Elkton, Micll. who iris spent some weeks here with friends .returned home on Wednes- day last. :Several of the friends of Crediton are glad to learn, that btr, blatteest Winer, who has been seriously ill the past Rev weeks is eble to get round again. Itatz, the Independent candidate for North Middlesex was in town to -day, presumably looking after etray votes, He Steals quite confident of success . --Through the carelessness of some of the citizens in allowing their children ,to attend school before they had thoroughly racovered from seal - let fever, the disease is being spread throughout Om entire •community. -Mr .Joseph Heist has returned home -from Mississippi State, where. he has purchased. an interest in a brick, yard. It is his intention to sell out here stud move to " Uncle Sam's?' domains in the near future. -Mr. Dietz, who leaves for a visit AO Germany, his native land, goes to New York, Saturday next from -which point he will sail on the following Tuesday. We all wish him a fine passageand a happy reunion of friends. -Mr. Frezer, the Reform candi- date, held his meeting in the town Hall, Wednesday evening. There was a good. attendance .and much en- thusiasm. Mr. 13. 13. Gunn the Con- servative •candidate held his moot- ing on Se turday night in the, Town Hall, and if the success of the meet- ing is an indication of the ultimate outcome, of the contest his success is assured. Thespeakers. were -Mr. Either, 1%1 .P. P., Mr. D. Coughlin, ex -M. P. P., Mr. Sherritt, ex-M.P. and Mr. Gann, the candidate. -The sermon preached in the German ,church, Sunday night by Rev. G. D. Damm, 00 a"Chrislians duty to his country" was certainly maa.,Lerly effort and the pastor de - Anniversary Services. -On Sunday last anniversary services \vere held here, and as the wecither Was all that ,could .1)e 'desired there was a large attendance at both iCternoon and evening meatin-as. Rev. A. LT. Going, of London, preached in tele alternoon and Rev. A. E. Shaw, of lIensall, in the evening. On -Aleirelay evening 'alio annual 4 e1-111e4t1147 was h,eld, and as 'ale weather AN es fine, the clitircil Was filled to the, door:, An .excellent programme was rend- ered, after all had partaken of the good ithilia.s for which Sexsmith is noted. _among those -who took part in the programme were; solos by Misses Livingsltone, Johns, Huston and Godwin ; readings by Misses Dewey, Murray and Godwin, while Rev, W. M. 1VILartin, oC Exaler, and Rev. G .W. Andrews, of Centralia, each gave fine addresses. The, cliair was oactipied by tile, pastor, Godavie, in his • 4+ 401* FTTRA.111:40:.. e liave on exhibition at our wareroouls the 1argest and best aseorted StOek of farniteve of all kinds, eeerbe foreffete41 to the patine whiele we are selling at prices that + eaunot be beaten iu Canada. We invite ell intendieg purchasers to yisit our etnee wets coropeve our goods and priees before placing ordere. We can save yea many deltas*, e uarantee every pu or SUaU to b entirely sa sacoy ge RowE T ON •4- Furniture Dealers and Undertakers. • 4- • .1.-• -..,-.:÷:-.:44-:-.--:-.÷,--.',.÷.-:--.:4+4-i-+++i4+++++;++.7,4i,++++++44+ .,404040.44* , e. • serves ,great credit in the way he handled ahe ealbject. Every word spoke was the very embodiment of truth and. should accomplish much 'good, and help in establishinT, God's Kingdom on earth. Such $43 I:111011S Sh011iC1 be preached by every pastor to their people, when thete, is a great question 13etore .the country. --'the Literary Society met on Monday evening at the home of Mrs Chisholm. The aubject was Gold- smith and three interesting papc,i's were ,given. lst "His Lite and \vork' by ilVliss 33 1501 ; 2nd "The teaveller bY Miss StrulLer ; 3rd., "The 'De,serted Villa,ge" by Mr. 131u:el:le Musical se- lections were given by Misses Clark 8nd. Bowswell, Miss D. Ls15r3 Misa L. Essery ar. and DHoist. The next meeting will be held at the home of 'airs. (Er.) lel let on Monday evens Steg next, Nov. 7. The aubjeets be- ing -Advance in eledicztl Science" "The Wild Flowers of Canada." ege-ere--eielleeeeeeseeeee eeeeeeeee-eseeesieeee esee•Seseeeisee:see:e'e,ege •.• 4. 4. 4. :4+14 Sle/1 WHY NOT ESCAPE COLDS? People hew alwaye bed colds and 'mime the cowmen idea, ex- ists that they are tanaatOidable and must be endured like the other ills of life. This is in ft measure true. Nothing has as e et bveeoniaadisbice. overed which is absolutely certain to stop or promptly cure ell cold% But it 03 longer true that roost colds are un- aNinety colds out of a hundred can be stopped in the the right remedy he proneetly used ; and most colds well under way CM he etrred in twenty-fonr hours. YOU CAN PROVE IT Thii $0 thiug you Can readily proye for yourself. It will pay to prove it, for at bIt a cold means a week or two of dis- comforts and at worst, ie natty mean a very serious termination. 4. if colds cau be cured you ought to loamy it and employ the remedy. g.Ve zneke a cold euce- We call it "CURE -A -COLD" We sell this ventedy under a guarantee. Thi gtntrautee rueans that if the remedy fails to do what it, is claimed for I MOney paid for it Will be cheerfully refunded. We do not want the money unless the remedy gives value received. 4. , We do urge thee the remedy be tried. wader this gaerantee, because If it does tere you it, bas a value for you widen is far be- yond its cost, Thi. Who wish to escape colds altogether Should 4. keep the remedy on bane ready for Inneediete use as soon as * the first signe of cold ;appear. This makes it possible to escape all colds and we know or 4- + few other things thee. are So well worth while. "C LIRE eaks•COLD " Is put up in capsule form, is harmless and is easy to take. PRICE ee CENTS MANUFACTURED ONLY BY We S HOWEY, Phm. B. DISPENSING CHEMIST * EXETER, 'a ONTARIO * '2 4. eeeeleeeeteeeesease-e-egeigeossaasseegoeseeelee eeeseeeleese-egieeeelee eaeseesegege-444-e4+ 00400•4100+04444.40+0.4.44;,,4404 9 The Staff of Life is 0Briews or060 p (Trevethicles Old Stand) StatlidalS Bread We have just opened our new Life in ,every piece We're all alive Within this hive, Our bread as sweet as honey; If you want to try Come in and buy, But don't forget the money. W6ddin ing Gaa Spccialtll Cream Puffs and Pastr3-. VV. J. STATHAM Successor to J. T. O'Brien. aseaaaa.4044. Grocery, Flour and Feed Store in W. Trevethick's Old Stand and t one of the principal features about our store is that everything is fresh and clean. Sugars, Teas Coffees, Spices In fact everything that goes to make an up-to-date grocery store. Flour and Feed always on hand. We deliver to any part of the town, earGive us a call. O'Brien's Grocery, Exeter elielECEMEIEEMMIMInainalrnaMailaIMMEMMIS21111211MMIM1111- ir olviffilING NEW CASTOR IA For Infants ande Children the Rev Wea.. usual good style. On Tuesday even- The Kind You Have Always Bought setial. wits held, -when 1 Y enjoyable, !time was spent by all. A. gee( pioarai me 'compiaec1 14 e'- & atly talent 444-S4 tenclere'82. 'The proceeds amounted to about , fifty ;dollar a whith is the , most iitade 414' opening el. 4.41 Iri.k -Aegean Bearsthe Signature,of Do riot Vote to thn G Tend ;,,J•eresses Lei; 11.1 tic up Canada 'to 391:!;',A124Y Coltillan seg I have recently secured the sole agency tor Exeter and vicinity for Liimp fiEfiTEtt A Household necessity. Indispensible in the sick reoteie Recommended by prernment physicians. Endorsed by train. ed nurses. Call in an see it work &Ise a full line Sugar Beet Knives and Fcrks fiEwfiniANS L ov allizall1811611111/11MMMialirilimilluMwail."a11.1.111.111 14