HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-10-20, Page 7USSIANS WERE EATEN
ps Turn Their Right Wing and
Capture Many Guns.
despateli from Tokio says: It is
to early to measure the results
tremendous struggle which, bas
engaged in for the past three
'oath -1',Iikiztien,,but U mparts
mug Tokio indicate that Gen.
t,ltin has been decisively
severely punished. Ti
„wander was evidently
ta making his dispositien.s
cm: seottered, and lie was
n before lie could recover.
imates of the tetal forces o-
vary, Oae telegram front
ang says that the Massless
200.000 irten,„.with 1,000 guilts.
eAceeds the hunt -
engaged at lie Battle of Liner-
pest tele,gram.s from the front
contiottation of Japanese
toriari lieodquarters, io,
mt, Thursday, report as
ace the last report our right
hos been contineing a vigorous
t of 1 IIeWy towards the
ilia volume
the retreot ot the enemy front
siliu continuo its operotioos.
he central army continues its at-
: the Russiarn . and expects to
v the line between, Torigshariltou
chlakuchiatsu on Thursday.,
'eport that. a, large colurau of
erny is MOVing to the south -
is commencing the outlet
worliS at Cliteahtiaugebi
ot be verified.
r of guns captured'sb
lite lett army is ICI
o tuo centre cohmut
armr captd tour gun%
two counter attacks
Wotan of the left
7 daring, but. these at-
ulsed with heavy dam -
as inflicted by our are
heavy infantry Ore.
rein of the ieft army
hielt WAS despatched
$hihelliatsu to
Prices of Cattle, Grain, Cheese;
and Other nairY rroaneo
at Horne and Abroad.
Toronto Oct, 18 .--Witea t -No
white and red, Winter are quoted at
$1 to $1.01 at outside points, No.
paretions in the way offortifications 'v-e4h-n°1114°A1 4t 85° et
„ad ammunition bwre been made for and No. 2 Spring at 910 east. Mani,
'Who wheat steady; No. *1 Northern
Pioleuged stand M ca..se of neceSe
sity, quoted at $1.04.; No, 2 Northerin
Whatever the result of the preseot 90.te; and No 3 Northern at 9She
battle, Itarob Hayashi behoves that Georgian Bay ports. Grinding in
3011- only have a Small bearing up- transit Prices ore 6c above those.
on the eventual decision of the grins quoted.
Oats -New No. 2 white is quoted at
issue et stalne.
"Until Port, Arthur falls," he• said, 314. to 32c low freights, and at 31.4(o
anY Proposal looking to peace must north mad west; No. 1 new white is
bp fatile. Shoul4 it be captered, stay ot 22,14 east,
those in Russia who are supposed to Barley -No. 2 quoted at 43c mid -
favor a reasonable aettiereent would dle freights; No. 3 extra, 43e and
have a sentimental, material factor
in favor of their point of view that
no developmeat of the aaneheriati
cestnnaign emild provide. Jolson, in
No. 3 at 42c middle trights.
•Peas -Tie market is dull at
64c at outside points.
Corn -No. 3 American scellow quo-
Posaessioa of Port Arthur. could tett at 60,1e on track. Toronto, and
treat for peace. No. 3 mixed at 59e. Canadian corn.
"Intervention ht some shrine or is nominal at 52 to 53e west.
form Must eventually °cow; :At the lty44-T1ie market le quiet, with price
moment Rossia dreads- a'Qn 5Ues Arm at 60e east or west.
gesting it. because therein is involve Flour -Ninety per cent. patents are
ett eenicesion of defeat. Should (potted at $1„33 to $4.40 buYers'
Port Arthur fall think it would' sacks. east, or west, Straight roll -
ha sufficient," ers rit special brands for tioneestlei
cst,Atelt front Pavia says :
E ParisSt. Petersburg car
at 1earn4 iron* what la4 belle
reliable Seats* the final coon,
f the slew deet which is to
the Baltic, for the Far
which, iS fedlowS se°
Sze battleships SiSheis11
Vollky, IsTaturins Borealine, Alexan-
der Grel„ and Prince Souvarciff.
The cruisers Alamo, Zeinteltug,
bowed, Admiral IsTililtinoff, Dmitri
nonsked, Oleg Aurera, and Svotion.
nine destrcoers anti 10 big transports
The fleet will divide off the Spanish
ost, one squadron golog. by way
oathe Seen Canal and the other
d Cape Heft, reenitivig at ;
rrairged point in the Indian
goaling of the Calle
squadron has bon ensured by selliers
which bave been deSpatetett
A !despatch trent Chefoo SayS s -e
eneMy West or the Japartoo who arrived here On Wed-
, mu wear. a4iptuaed Ave gunsmats neSday from Port nalny report that
a the tot4 number of auns cap. additional heav,y gene are now drop-
- " D
pug sheltie :AO
1* Ithe harbor Of Pert
red 23.
lery anti
1"T1e right
dle pursuin
'"The supports and the artillery ree Arthur, They Auld tbat one shell
$'erve advanced. to :ricooliolzo and .„.i,,, !recently Fererely deranged the Rus-
sian battleship Retvisan.
gutty. driving the Russians from
1 tatien. Tiii, repalse frura High 11111 the Ja-
Panese say was tile cede reverSe
rin,ht wing of the ieft coldinn L. 4.) j it 1, .t, A
el, tie I aPalleSe be ore ot in
tire nriny captured 130 prin.
e places the fighting surpass -
1 iii.14110a 'Itnything shown
ar began. The losses are
i nted, but they unquestion-
,ani coveritig Wednesday's
.ot says:
e direction or Bensiliu ilia
attacks have been repulsed at
ints. -Communication " with
o has been firmly established.
Me Parma of the eireiny under -
ken 4by the main force of GM right
centre armies hes progressed re-
tkably. Persons who have arrived here i
'A line from Miterlishen to 3ratt- vessels from Corea, say that the sit -
union livid been reached. Tb -era 4 uatioe there is serious. Four thou -
of the enemy, possessing guns, sand wen mounted Cossacks are raid-
s enveloped by us, and thrown in- ing in the north, from Rijn to Gen -
great confusion, while another san. Communication between Seoul
rtion of the enony's force appears and Gensan. has been. cut. It is
have fled northward, also in great stated that the railway, for many
efusion. Miles hes boort destroyed. The Ilus-
'The right army lias sent a, de- slaps are reported to be within 70
chrnent toward Shilichiastiu for miles of Pingyan, Steamers arriv-
e purpose of cutting oft the retreat ing at Ohingunpho are warned. to go
Ilse" enemy posted at Bensiliu. no further. Many 'vessels are al -
"The centre army captured two
ins and eight ammunition wagons
t Sankwatshishan on Thursday
"Ascording to statements made by'
risoners, , Gen. Tiottropatitin, witli
hree divisions, Was in the rear of
lie force confronting our right army.
The centre mid left eolith:ma of thiS
arm,y, after ,driving a strong force
of the enemy before them, took the
Russia inons. at Lan•gtouchielt
. eicinFty at 1.80 o'clock in
i. the afternoon, and captured eight
guns. The enemy fled in diSorder,
many to the north, and our forces
pursuing them, hninediately advanced
to I" i elle n chiat-zra
' '"Tlie right column, after encounter-
ing tierce resistance, saccessfully clis-
lodged the, enemy, who was holdiug
positions north of Yentionuilu. The
i, enemy retired in confusion,
q "Our tore was engaged in pursuing
' the enemy toward. Lungwangenaci,
south of Wulieliiala
1 he left column is fiercely born -
ding Poyentai, west of the. rail-
ious days during the past few weeks
at the Western. Market, mainly be- CO-OPERAIION OF EATURE
cause. the quality, of receipts was -
poor in aimos't every class excepting SELECTING AND STORWG- 0
feeders, some of which- were of good SEEP CORN, -
Practically ao exporters' cattle
were brought forward, and buyers
were not looking for them with any
degree of' vigor. The quality a the
cattle Ieetltng at this tune of the a-,
year is poor, and farmers claim that, ap-‘poLlaPtixn'er oitnesetaosotnuell;tsseabteenalaniordiitsy-
owino; te the inferior nature oi the
grass this Year, fewer anime,ls cau ,o.rt-betlicehigueo).1t;risstioei ora
he fed per acre than in other seasons. lerting and testing wed has this is 0149,2.72,091, an inereAse of about
el '2:Iced wetthe sPcceia':ehneLr-Louls to bave low-. rit4ke r .tr4-aut111301.citerelYelothaaollageevetrimit)ro"let $1Ecl.;!;'15°w°A4)rd°%Iiiughter was sentenced to
the grass., Fe•mers 1411."e, c°4- oerience is a dear teacher." We have be hanged at Sandwich en December
Secinence, to Sell some _of the,ir cattle
1refo'0,.crile.htll,e3yefltarbei:ntthuled,toruie:areiuilifutlttlee, 110 more glaring example of rais- 22 for the murder of John Rudden:
How the Stkgar Ileet Industry Is
Xept Up in Fra.nee and
Telegraphic 7:3riefs Frorn Char Owlct
And Other Countries of Re-
cent Events.
.London's population is 41,602, an
Maven° in the year of 1,300.
The taxable assessment of Toronto
appliCation of energy and waste of james van levery taw i'4gr
labor than in this connection. This were opted by the explosion 4 -or Qar
0:A:reuusun.wiror et good gtohoed auitteiltre$b sbre^e.,, iincarsexipeine"tsetA toss? sa disappointment soonderpaauyring
the last five months
condition. of things is doubly Miur- boiler in Beverly township, on Sate
hnlys eIlik,esflytil`o.ert-heir selection oi discourages further efforts. The taSk
a the farmer is arduous enough
stoelt. The bull; of the run consisted
even whea he works in conjunction
o 14,,liter feeders, stockers and but -
with: nature. Row nitwit marcehers; which did not sell with much acuit must, it therefore be whea her
freesbdeacapt.for expert purposes were a eo-operatioa is not forthecaning.
On the other hand we find ern
IWO lewee„ probably owing to the growers this province who
lare run, while the values of lambs
were firmly maintained. Cali prices tills year. and win) always
were steady. good crops of corn. These
have learned to discriminate betwem
A good business was transact
g°°€t cbses °f 14111°- ""vs, b" thn(3113trie4 and Isebeed.1)44Thentud ettohod4°47f
dium and fair grades wete a Mt!
eshier on account of the heavy deliN
oles thereof. Prices ranged fret
$30 to $30 each.
The range of values in exporters'
voliPtio. Ifir flbotawrsretne$Irta'rtg73edt;Q $NIO'.8‘41,' worasolonctpUrIlitritetsortatirinr:1805r PateallVetr'S'
tents $5.70; No. 2 Pntents. $5.40; cattle were as toilettes i-liest
ng bakers', 85.80 on track, buacifersr $.1.2,5 lae $4.43; fair 10
Torooto. good Weds, 83.80 to $4.20; medium
Millfeed--At otitside points bran is uto fair owe, 39,95 to $3,
Sploted at $14,S0 to $15, and shorts! Tito following wore the quotations
at $17.50 to $18. Manitoba. 'brain in for stockers mid feeders :-Stockers.
k 319. and shorte at 321. c Ives. 400 to 600 RM.. best. $2.70
COUNTRY PRODUCE. 32.901 inediutn, 32.40 to $2.73;
tterior soul roughs, 31.75 to $2.40i
Bean -Prime beans are i ted t Stclaer'4. 000 to "0 lbs. best' 38
fil O a
atao• to 31.35. end liand-picked to $8Att; reedimaa. $3 to $3'.25; rough
$1.40 to 31.30. $2.40 to $2.80: feeders, 930 to 1.0.50
ilia nood 33,50 to $3 60* Short -
Hops -The market is uncharged a I4N:p4s. 1 aoo. il1.200 lbs., *at *3%00
34) to 55e aecording to rpiftlitsr to 31.10 per cwt.
nonear-The Market is quiet at
pv lb. Comb honey, 31.75 The hallowing were the quototious
5 per dive% for shop awl calves t-Faxpert, ewes,
*-Car lots are quoted a .3,50 te $2.75e export bucks. 32,50
to $2.7'5; lambs„ 34 to $1,44.) per
ia Oil traele. Toronto. the 1
or 1 timothy. ^ Culls, 32 to 33.30 Win calves,
$1,0 emit, and 2 to Se per lb.
4Straw-Char lots are quoted at
$5.50 to 30 on track, Toronto, ,ers were quoted as follows :
ti prime bacon hogs, 100 to
Potatoes -Car lots a good (polity lbs., off ears. Toroato. $3.33;
are Sheol] lots sell at Sil to 90e. anti lights, 35.10.
quoted at 65c per bag on tack. tata
Poultry-Sprhig chickens 10 to lie
per th.; ,yearlings. 7 to Se per Its;
ducks, 8 to 10e per lb. verage Xs lather Than in tlin
United States.
A Toronto despoteli, says: The
Butter -Finest 1-1b. 15 to August crop estimate of the Ontario
1.7c; ordinary to choice large rolls, liepartment ot Agriculture puts the
13i to 15°; 1°.w. ustetlium 1417“4", g wheat yield for 1001
10 to 12e; immune*. prints. 191 to bustle's pm acre. The advanced ece,
2010; solids, 18 to 19e,
titer have suffered. On the other /Imre-Case tors at :yoga are soiling port trout Washington, jest received
nt the department, gives the average
band tbe JaPallesa Intro qvatraYett at 191 to 20c per dozen, and sec -
two redoubts. Which gave ISMS- CAWS ilt 16 to 17e. of.the United States spring wheat at
12.4 bushels per acre.
Mountain, against .their asseilants. lobrese-Soles at 91 to 91.0 p
al the JaponeSe remain in six tb.„ the latter for twins. The following table of bushels per
acre Is interesting as showing the su-
periority ot Ontario yields to those
110G rnoDucTs, of the United States:-
MirineSotts 119503.1 111'10111
N. Dakota ..... 11.8 12.7 15,9
a. Dakota ... 9,3 15.8 12.2
Iowa ....„.. 11.4 12.1 12.11
Washington .. . 18.9 20.5 .20.8
United States ,. 12,7 14.0 14.7
Ontario .-.. .. 18.3 18.7 13.7
"Ilio oat crop of Ontario, however,
has grown to huge proportions, and
is now worth twice as touch as the
Province's combined roll and spring
Wheat crops. A comparison of On -
and the United States crops
is, therefore, interesting.
The advanced United States report
indicates a crop of 888,500,040 bush-
els, being an average of 32.1 bushels
per acre. The Agricultural Depart-
ment estimates the yield of oats in
Ontario in 3.901, at 101,500,000 bush-
els. being 30.3 bushels per acre.
The comparison by States is inter-
1901 1.903 1902.
bus. bus. bus.
Illinois . 32.0 26.6 37.7
TONVa . 32,0 24.0 30.7
Wisconsin 35.0 82.8 39.9
Minnesota' ... 39.2 32.3 39.0
Nebraska ... 30.-t: 29.5 31.6
New York 34.1 84,0 40.0
Pennsylvania .. 33.9 28.6 36.5
Indiana ... .. 33.1 24.4 41.1
Kansas ... ....2 ..... 17.8 26.2 33.5
Unitred States . 82,1, 28.4 31.5
Ontario .... 39.3 41.6 85.3
The Ontario crops can suffer a big
reduction and still be above Vie aver-
age of the best grain -yielding States.
other capturod fortifications, south
Of Shuisiti,ving, which were mentioned
In these deseatelies Sept. 23.
The Japanese consider that the Bacon -Long clear, 8.1 to 81e per
progress they have mac is satisfac- lb., la case lots; mess pork, $1.4:50
torr, and believe that the capture of to 315; do, short cut, 317 to $17.50.
the fortress, although slow. Is cer- Smoked Meats -Hams, light to me -
tale to be accomplished. dium, 13 to 181c; do, heavy, 22c;
rolls, 30 to 101c; shoulders, 9 to 9ic;
THE COREAN RAID. backs, 14 to lalc; breakfast bacon,
A, despatch from Ghetto) $ags :- 13 to 3,31c.
Lard -The demand is fair witli
prices Arra. We quotte-Tierces, St -
to 810; tubs, 81e; pails, 81 to filc.
a instance is given of a regiment
Ong within a- few yards of the
Japanese trenches, but recoiling be -
lore the murderous volleys of, the Ja-
panese, then coming on again • with
reinforcements, literally -under a
shower of sharpncl, and finally suc-
ceeding in driving out the Japanese.
But the Japanese artillery fire was
o withering that the Russians' were
1(3 to remain
in the trenches.
A deepatch from London says
ter discussing the battle between
Russians and the Japanese south
rukden, Baron Ha.rraahi, the Je-
sse Minister, on Thursday said to
. Associated Prese that reports of
Japanese successes must not be con-
strued as forerunners of a, decisive
blow,. as it is practically impossible
for either commander *to utterly iirnsh
the other. Fie held that if Cep.
Kouropatkin is defeated in the Pre-
aSent battle, "he can put forward no
.trategical excuses, as at
Ile pointed out that "retirement A sudden inrush of water and mud
oyanm" merely means felling back in a coal mine at Carlhock, Germany,
vpon his main defences and base, imprisoned eighteen miners, who are
eamely,, lemo-lang, where all pre- believed to have perished.
ready at ChinaMpho, discharging
railway material. The Russian raid wood; choice 90 per cent. patents,
is on a scale hitherto unprecedented, 35.50 to $5,60 in wood. and 2fic per
bbl. less in shippers' new brigs:
straight rollers, 32.45 to $2.55, and
25 to 30e extra in wood. Rolled
Oats --$2.3'2 .1 per bags $4s.90 per bhl.
Feed -Ontario bran, hi bulk at 317
to 313; shorts, 319 to $20; Manito-
ba. bran, in bags, $18 to $19; shorts,
321. Deans-Clioice primes. 31.40 t�
31.45 per bash; $1.85 to 31.37* in
car lots. Provisions -Heavy. Canadi-
an short, cut pork, $17.50 to $18;
light do, $17 to $17.50; American fat
backs, $17.50; American clear fat
backs, $20; compound lard, 6; to 7c;,
Canadian lard, 61: to Vic; kettle ren-
dered., Sa to 9;e; hams, 13 to 13e:
bacon, 12 to 180; freSli killed abat-
toir hogs, $7.50 to $7.75; heavy fat
bogs, $5; mixed lots, 85.25 to $5.-
35; select', $5.40 to 85.50 off cars.
Cheese -Ontario white, 9 to 9.1e.; col-
ored, 9* to 9.1c; Quebec, Si to 9c.
Eggs -Select new laid, 24c; straight
gatlierad, eandled, 20c; No. 2, 13;- to
14c. Butter--rancy grades. 1.9-41 to
191e; ordinaryr firiest, 18 to 191c; and
Western dairy, -15 to 15,2,c.
Montreal, Oct. 18. -Grain -Oa ts,
38c to 38.3c for No. 2 in store here;
No. 3, 37c to 37e; American yellow,
No. 2, 61c; No. 3, .59c; No. 2 white,
59c to 60e; kuckwheat, 59c to 59*c.
Plour-Manitoba. patents, $5.80;
strong bakers'. $3,50, higli Ontario
blended patents, 33.75 to 33.85 in
All houses and food supplies o11 the
line of march <have been `destroyed.
A 'despatch from Tokio says :-The
Government. on Wednesday issued a
domestic loan of eighty million yen
at 92. It is payable in seven years,
and will draw five per cent. interest.
The Emperor MS conferred on Dr.
Anita McGee, who is at the bead of
the party of American nurses serv-
ing in the hospitals here, the sixth -
class decoration of the Order of the
Crown, in appreciation of her ser-
vices to the sick and wounded sold-
iers'. The other nurses have been
decorated with the seventh -Class de-
coration of the same order.
A Desperado *Uses Chloroform in
Sleeping, Car.
A despatch from Sedalia, Mo.,
says occupants of a sleeping
car attached to a Missouri, Kanaas
& Texas train, eastbound, were rob-
becl of their valuablewhile asleep
on Wednesday morning between this
city and Franklin Junction. The
robbery was perpetrated, it is alleg-
ed, by James G. Rumsey of Chicago,
who was arrested here. Ramsey, it
is 'charged, crawled through the win-
dow of the wash room of tbe sleep-
er while, the train was standing at
the Sedalia station, and when it re-
sumed its way eastward, it is al-
leged that he chloroformed the negro
porter, and used the drug with suc-
cess upon the occupants of the sev-
eral berths.
Whoever the robber was, lie' ripped
open suia cases and grips and search;
ed the pockets of the travellers
clothes. He. took civerything he
could find, and made a good haul of
watches and chains, Knight Templa,rs
and other secret order jewellery
chareas'dia.mond pins and a large
quantity of cash.
'Buffalo, Oct. 1.8. -Flour -Steady.
Wheat -Spring, stronger; No. 1 Nor-
thern,n31..1.8*; Winter, stronger; No.
2 red, in store, 31.17S. Corn -Nom-
inal. Oats -Firm at decline; No. 2
white, 8.4.1e; No. 2 mixed, 33c. Barley
-C. f., 45 to 5$c. Eye -No. 3 in
store, , 83 c. Cana 1 freight s -Steady.
Minneapolis, Oct, 18. -Wheat -Dec.,
31.13S; May, 31.14* to 31.14k; No,
1 hard, 31.15; No. 1 .Nortliern, 31,-
15; No. 2 Northern, $1.12. Flour -
First patents, 36.10 to 36.20; sec-
ond do, $5,95 to $6.05; first, clears,
36.50 to $660 in wood; second do,
83 to 38.10 f.o.b. Mitunteapolis, ia
wood. Bran -In bulk, 314.50 to 315.
Milwaukee, Oct, 18. -Wheat --No. 1
Northern, 31.14 to 31.15; No, 2
Northern, 31.09 to $1.181; May, 31.-
10St bid. Rye -No. 1, £31-ic. Barley
-No. 2, 55c; sample, 35 to 55e.
Corn -No. 3, 54 to 5811,c; May, 46*
to 461e bid.
Toronto, Oct. 18. -Trade showed
no improvement over that of prov-
Cruel Tractices - by West Indian
A Kingstown, St. Vincent despatch
says: The barbarous superstition
which prevails among a portion Of
the population of the West Indian
Islands is the basis of a ghastly and
extraordinary crime that lia.s come
to light in the Island of St. Lucia.
The finding of the heart and hands of
a white child in the possession of a
Obi -man (a negro sorcerer) led to the
discovery that the child had been
niaitdered and the body mutilated in
order that the superstitious natives
might, through poseassion of portions
of the body, be able to work spells.
Charlottetown. Woman Killed on
Way Home Priam' Work.
.Charlottetown, PET., despatch
aays :-A horrible' murder occurred
here ou. Thursday. night. Miss Lillian
Warren, aged 40 years', was killed by
a' man' awned Michael Power, who
was Arrested shortlyafter he had
committed the crime. An axe was
found near .the scene of the tragedy.
Power is believed to be insane, and
for some time had been cora:Med in
the • State Prison at Charlestown,
Mass.. He, i•ecently escaped from that
inetitu'tien. Miss Warren was' on
her 'way- home froni work when the
Murderer attacked here
097.800 feet of lumber have passed
through Canadian ports to the Unit-
ed States.
Tenders for double -tracking the
ilerainurdpi:: and
called for.
The new Dominion cruiser Vigilant,
which was limit at the Poison Works.
Toronto, will be ready for zea about
the 22n4 hist,
The inland reveette returns at
Producing tlUs seed is very..sinipbe,an increase of 89.182 over the cor-
Ranulton last month were 280,078,
yet withal se *dentine that it be' responding month last Yeor•
eCalles eXtrernelY interesting, and we reeei'ed in
usge ndstY(sife,:sZetrci: ,41c‘vof4sr 'est:it:out otthal Ottawa.ei ao Pmb :ea:n:1' ICI:: at'
best ZOtat;t1X11‘:0"1:1
WODIa refer those who desire to take canada will he awarded the orst
Ip the Nortliein parts or tile Vro- Airs George Schuler has received
'since, where ,so-called silage cora Is 32,000 from the Hamilton Street
grown, the seed is eeeured in rit0St
eases through the ruetbuin of the
seed merchant. A grower will order
a certain quantity of seed, ashIng to
be supplied with nothing but the Jx.aier.
best; he receives the seed and in the
great majority of eases shows it CEEAT
without testing its vitality, and a It
Beitish trade returns show
(ahis to glse."eCislata-sti.the whole fbarlantiaeler industrial conditions,
Railway Co. for injuries. l'he c,can-
Pany has also, had to pay 32,000 for
the death of Ws, Charles Herman
and 82,000 for the death of Bertha
should test his seed for himself and Earl Grey's friends will banquet
u it he good give the seedsumn his him at 'Newcastle before he leaves
Police Frustrate a Plot With. Roe
A despatelt from Johannesburg
says: Pour armed men attempted to.
"hold up" the Commission Street
branch of the African Banking Cor-
poration on Thursday night. Ti
news Seat an attempt on the bard4
might be made hadbeen eornound.
eated to the police, and detective
were in waiting for the robbers. One
of them was shot before he could
escape, while two of the °there Jump-
ed into a cab whieli wae in waiting,
and drove oil. The deteetivea fol-
lowed in pureelt, frequently firing
upon them. Jumping from the cab.
One of the robbers ran od, 'but was
overtaken and captured. Tfis coin-
PaniOn was red at -three times, and
in Commission Street fell, and was
a/so captared. A man who xs
suspeeted rif being the fourth; robber
has been arrested.
Plant Which Steel Trust Prop°
to Erect ha Canada.
A despatch from New York says:
According to a person in close touch/
with tlie v.ftoirs a the United States
Steel Corporation there is eubstantie
al foundation fer the report that the
company proposes to erect a. rail mill
in Canada. The cost of the arms-
ture, however, has been greatly exag,
gerated. The mill, it built, will rep-
resent an outlay of less than twO.
million, and it is doubtful if it reach-
es tliat figure. An expert on steel
says in this opinion the Steel Cor-
poration will be compelled to usa
own ores in the manufacture ef Can -
adieu raile.
c Assaulted, at an Eviction
Near Cork.
espa.tch from London says: AV
Isport. near Cork, an attempt on
Wednesday to alct a, tenant named
due: It on the other hand it be bad tor Canada' Edmund Murphy for unpaid rent of
Far, are , fl -.1;e ne Governor-tten- six years led to serious iiditiuz rif_
rms appointed Lieut. Viseount p'olice, arriving early in the i*no‘ra-
ury bis A.D,C.
urged English clergymen to tette upi3rurigiv. assailing the police with
redhot irons, boiling wgtter, and
stones. compelling them. to desist,
The conflict continued all day. 'With
the arrival of relotorceruents the po-
Uao the Dlob with fixed bay-
onets, and nanny on both sides were
injured. Late in the evening, through
let him dispose of it as bent he Can,
A. failing that many growers have is
to delay securing their seed until too
little tune is left to obtain an ade-
quate knowledge of its real value.
ifer.ce the seed is sown in a, hap-
avarti manner and the results an-
xiously awaited. There is little
cause to wonder at the numerous
fields of Hungaritui grass and Millet
to he seen throughout the country
and uhiell. though poov substitutes
for cern, are OUCO mare oecupying
that position durino" the Present
We would therefore strongly urge
the corn growers et this country to
tee to it now that well irultUred
ears of a desicable type and the
ing, found the place barricaded. A
The Church COngress in England l crowd asselnbled and assisted
work in the colonies.
Defective wiring Caused a 3100,000
tire 1 Washington, on Saturday.
One man Was killed and another Is
'Y:14olrrikg aftrtutrnuoabailUeeraCifi:elltoninStatrciNay7 the meduition of the pollee priest
exto'ertari e41=evuetilir inr tMougrePtliziYer w3408 Trdrlezesmits twoerseurirneanddee,r, OAnte-
the Alaskan Indians. and Government
help is absolutely necessat7 to pro_ policemen had allot itis front teeth
vent them trout starvation and ester- ku"ked
mination.STRIIM COST 318,000,000.
Product of a variety noted tor sue- P. E. Roberts, produce commisstoa
eeesive large yields be secured f
next year's seed. Thea should bo
suspended in a dry place until 0.
couple of weeks before sknaleg time,
when a few kernels from each ear
'Should be tested to ascertain the all-
important percentage of vitality of
the 'seed in general. The time of
the ycar is now at band, therefore
when those who grow their own
seed, or aim to supply others, should
do their utmost to secure Om best
pOssible seed ears, endthen store
those selected ears in sueli o manner
that their .vitality will be in DO
waa impaired.
In France and in Germany sugar
beets now produce twice as many
pounds of sugar per acre as they did
before the innwovement of the sugar
beet was undertaken in a, systematic
manner. That work waS begun by
Vilmorin. of Paris, three generations
ago. The sugar beet industry could
not succeed at all if the practice was
not kept up continuously.
First of all, the finest beets of
dealer, Chicago. .010 a petition in
bankruptcy. Liabilities were sche-
(tided at 3263,000 and assets ,nt, 31,-
500. The .4:inure was attributed to
unsuccessful speculation,
A snnord in quick justice was set
whet. Frank .Shorts, af Kilneurite.
111. who insisted on fighting the
chief of police, was arresnel, thrown
into jail, convicted, fined 35, ilia fine
collected, andprisoner released in a
space of three minutes.
Clarence M. Daily is dead at his
home in East Orange, New Jersey,
from the effects of a cancerous
growth resulting from long continu-
ed PersisIente in the experimenting
with ,X-rays apparatus ia the Edison
Laboratory, The history of his casej
shows him to have been m martyr to
science, to 'hiedevotion to the soils.
tion of the mysteries of tbe X-rays
and fieuoroseope..
Terrible Crimes Charged. Against
Hamburg Woman.
Docic Workers of NarSeilles Will,
Return to Work.
A despatch from Marseilles says
The strike of dock workers, which
practically ended ,some days age, haS
now been officially closed by the dee
cision of the Dockers' Union. to re-
sume work, though. a few coal heav-
ers are still standing out. It is es-
timated that the rorty. days of idle-
ness consequent upon this strike
cost, tho city $16,000,000.
.Tames ogan WaS no dount an im-
portant person in Branbary, as he '
was the only man who could be hired
to saw and split wood or to use a,
lawn -mower. He never lost a chance;
to impress this fact upon a casual
"I've got to get through this job
for your ma quick as ever I care".
he announced to the small son of one
of his employers. "I'm y,
losing sixty,
eintS an hour right along every min-
ute I'm here. There's three folks
smooth shape, well formed and of waiting for nee now, and 1 4:ain't
medium size, are selected. 'Mete A Hamburg, Germany, despatch
suys '-The trial of the notorious know how they're going to get along
choice specimens of e root are har-
a coot place taa. baby -farmer, Fran Wiese, known as till to -morrow without me,. me, any one
vested and kept in
*Why, Mr. Hogan," said the boy,
til spring. The sugar beet is a thc 'Angel Maker," has begun at •
biennial, producing what we call the lirenimblrf.terrible offences, and sense-
respectfully, "I don't see how youre
ing planted the next year yields
Wiese is charged with
first year from seed, which root bo- the
disclosures are expected, as losing sixty cents an hour when.
seed. The seed is sown for the crop
of beets roots for sugar making.
These selected beets are stored in a
cool place; and before the time for
planting: a small core is taken out
of each beet. The juice is pressed
out and tested for the per centag,e of
sugar and purity. All the beets
teat teat over 15 per cent. or sugar
aro put by themselves; and all that
test above 16 per cent are put in
another lot. Tbese become two sets
of mother beets. These are grown
under favorable conditions with
plenty of room. The seed from each
beet, each mother plant, is sown
the following year in a separate row.
The grower finds which row gives
him the best, value of beets, in tot-
al yield, in weight per beet, in. shape
and position of growth and in per-
centage of sugar and purity of
juice. Out of the rows which gives
the highest general average, the in-
dividual beets, which stand highest
in sugar contmt and purity, are
chosen to beecane the mother beefs of
the following year. The sugar beet
growers keep up continuously the
practice of having seed from the best
mother plants. By that process the
sugar content of the sugar beet crop
has been raised frore about 7 or 8
per cent to between 11 and 16 per
cent. That is the result of systema-
tic, intelligent selection of the best
Maras and the use of the seeds from
those plants, selected out of each
generation coetinnously.
However; beets cross-pollinate. The
pollen from one row of beets will
cross with those of others. The
growers adopt the plan of planting
mother beets where , only the good
beets .can cross-pollinate with each
several highborn ladies who employ-
ed her are subpoenaed to give evi-
The police charge Frau Wiese with
murdering her huSband and Ave
babies entrusted to her care. She is
else charged with systematic cruelty
to children, with participation in
various immoral dealings, and with
Perillry. There are several lesser
charges. •
Five years ago Wiese reated a large
hailer:, in Hamburg at an enormous
price, and started business dg-.
baby farmer on a large scale. Most
of her customers were people of posi-
tion. They paid heavy foes -some-
times as much as 31,000. The
clients simply handed their babies
over to Wiese, who undertook to
look after them permanetlya Instead
'of so. doing, it is alleged that, she
Murdered them, some being poisioeed,
ethers. burned alive in a large eivea,
and: others thrown into the. Elbe:
Wiesesecured client's from. Eng-
land, Franee; and even America.,
by attractive advertisements,. 4,114
when her husband noughts to Check
her criminal career, she is charged
with heating poisoned him.. -after hay-
ing setiired a high life insurance.
Monarch, a little mining town of
seven hundred inhabitants near Con-
nellsville, Penn., is in the throes of
a terrible black diptheria, epidemic.
There are a score down with the dis-
ease and several deaths have already.
occurred. The Schools liave been
closed ter a week.
mother pays you twenty, and you
couldn't be but in one place and-="
"Rave you got as far as geornethry
1. your studies?" inquired Mr. Ho-
gan, eeldIss, resting his arms on the
handle of the lawn -mower.
"N -no, sir," admitted the boy.
"Whin you do you'll understand a
good many things that's hid from
you now," said Mr. Hogan, resuming
hi leisurely progress over the lawn.
Mr. Appleby had read sornewtere
that a judicious planting of old files
in the exposed Qarts of one's garden
would protect it from the delareda-
Lions of chickens. He 'decided to give
the. plan a trial.
By visits to all -the carpenter and
blacksmith shopshe succeeded in
getting a large eolIection, of old files.
These he placed jnst below the sur-
face of tbe ground in his garden,
with special reference -bo the spots
where an old hem and chickens be-
longing to his next-door neighbor
had been doilag the most damage.
A few days later one of his friends.
Who knew. ot his plea, met him, and
ask.ect him how it. had succeeded. .,
"Dor several days I was a good
So cleverly did she proceed wileal deaf encoliraged,„ said Mr. .Appleby.
her a-ork that it took the polich two "Tini-ey didn't seem to know what was
years to collect suilicient evidence to
arrest her. After the arrest banes
of infant \actin's were found bidden
beneath the floor of the kitchen,
One of her infant victims, it la
stated, was her own grandchild,
St, Louis ex-Ahdermen. Get
A. 81. terns despatch .Sans :-
Charles P, Eeliy, ex -Speaker Lower
House, M'nicipal Assembly, and
Charlee:A, Outke, former membee'
that bof.are were on Thursday Sett-
tenced 'to terms in the penitentiary
for etamection with the suburban
briber deal. Kelly was given two
Y.ea7, s for perjury, and Gutke live
*sire for, ,bribery.
1,1*'reatter with:the garden. Then all
at, 'oce they beganto do mischief
7:eith the growing plants than ever
..before.: I watched that ,old hen, and
after a ay or two I caught her, She
was Sharpening her bill on the files!
Reciprocity with Canada was advo-
cated by the Chairman of both Demo-
cratic and Republican eonventions in "
Ma ssachu sett s.
Revolutionary Jews show renewed
activity in southern Russia.
Prince Mirsky, the new Russian
Minister of the Ulterior, dismissed.
the 90 deteetives forming' the late
Von Plehve's bodyguard.'
A party of four Ketchikan Indians
have found J_50 pounds of anibergria,
worth 8100,000, in rhe carcase of a
large sperm whale, which bad been.
washed' ashore near Tacoma.