HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-10-20, Page 6''GC'CLO BIS PLUOK Alin DEVOTION WINTFP OF POLAR MISERYte
0 ed by the time the winter night had
YOUNG fairly fallen theo had killed aeld fro -
---. zee. 40Q
.Top luiEsE BIRDS.
--0*-., ON PENGUINS. tleeengauritr
ne are not goti
ed eating,,
3lJ --- their 4(,;.vecyokve:yla,tialp.
District, raetiseci in
Q visit to the Red Cross Hospital When Daylight Caine Their leest tuthee tAborte:retic regions, hamen that whitereked out
s never neede
in the KopmF
ache eiends Would, N ot lIo.ve
1C23,0'Wn. Them, But the were the staff of life of
110ME AGAIN,. ,
Bet you dot IMOW Wliere I've been The Red Gress Society of Japan is three teen can exist
Al/ who would, like to know hOW by a mouthful or two of breed each
bee e od dowo on a fermi a national erganization, !Teezice all its when east a*WaY 'dee'. An OCCASiOnal bite cif pl'eserVed
ceuld bad a teeey pig
Look here where I've burnt the skia
tore half way up my areal valesceet eolebere from Sasebo, and Verge Of wwith. ieter,
te are in use te-day for thee the ehores of
mos una, writea
. . a Polar land on til0 meet. and the flesh of seets thet x •
th ickel enough. Lilted now and thee and whose chief
a eokiorre- 01 a few weeks, with no shelter ex -
no, spondent. cepting a tent, no fuel and no other
Last week I visited the Red Cross resoUrecs save two gulls, some am -
To brieg home hut km said
It weak?: get too SWini. big
elaien if, once begun. to grow,
An'1 saw 'ern netelie bay
With a cutter ten feet wide--;
hea waed, afl the day
X cattle/ sit on top an' ride
Au* tenet, sire the cutter stick
Cut a rabbit ieight in
Be went "equeak, squeak!"Uk
An' you oh
Farmers have no gEoe1ry store.
•'But they get thLr eggs in
An' they doza't need a/ilk/nen for
l'hey squeeze nala straight oet
Ale ray unele-tncle Jed--
(fact when I was ataralin'
"Crete up your mouth!" he said
Slue, brte xz Xi1,3r 0.yel
WOW= rottati in overall
An had pie for hreakfas-.gee
Sea" I rang the hell that calls
for tiloner an" for tea.
S.* the hired fli71. :,Tie ate,
able "long wieh
erent eleosed
"ar t1u 1 keefoop
basin with Uetest,
ody tried to jump
when we splashed or meest,
ys that l'ax a eight
got so hlack-oh, dear,
•d I'll get all whites
g it year.
e SITS'S ATR -7.1111,S.
bad been weeke and weelia
Viossie; but one nom,
ate in with hat u.
Meg Vet7 mysteri
• eletaet 'where
hung limp owl
eyes grew big °
e brought thea
at and blue 4
4 to go to
go Oldie*
nee With
utility wa$ to supply oil for fuel,
Seal blubber was piled in a, large
Meat tin and eet to blezing, and
Hospital iii, the 1,:(4.e.000hi tustlet belanivielititolilieil.encleur,rosi7yeilsziitleiesfieleled, inure &csrainoski,n,cgio, tailniiidgiazt dwasseal'Tkuisosti:ort atbhye
with a celilladM0 Il.°11.1 ird°11 F1345`11 detailed narrative which Dr. J. Gun -
c ns,....ist-, Oar Anderssoe is writing. Ile will Every one hes heard of the nevul-
Niwai (Ladies' Aid Societe") 0 tho nien were tierried densely black.
1ing of the Marchioness Oyania. +.142kr-.
tellOf OW Anfe4rgtiC wip.tqr a 1903 sion of etomach and nerves Irma
" chloness Noteshilllo. Bareness Mat$U-- ti, ich be arid two comradea spout in which men suffer whea they try to
dowse Baroness Senge and IrSle Chin- a Misery of dirt and darkness ou eat a gooit a day for thirty days.
'do. It was (me of toe most interest- the bleak shore of northern Graham When 3-Flen falter at such g._ task wip
ng and inetructive experieeees of the
sner. , . h , ice.
Land, to the eellth Of South Amer- eao imagine that nothing but the
First we were usherea into Tile in- Some details of the storh
y ave al- eat the coarse and greasy penguin
fear of freath evouid Olive them to
' **duel roams of The °Mears, with ready been made pewee by Tir, Nor- every day fer SeYea months, The
vbon the Japaoeee ladies exchanged deniid in his receoe address before feat was Accomplished and it shows
Xew reniar1s. With hot few excelha the lloyel Geographicol Seciety in what los,-, cao do. istQii stecessisy
mnsaant.besetxxnhgt! swaelzde lwitt°11eauloecif Gate" LonVewthitree /zten aept life in their But the hardest part of the
eibloody day, as if they would put it bodies through the 'winter, but lived after all, was the protracted
irorn them. -n great WretChedlleS3, and so change merit during the long stormy
We paused at the door of each war ere they in appearance when day- Seal blabber WaS too Pearce
iti bowed to the inmates, and then, bee seine te I. est friende limit excepting when the meal
ereal, eagerly to all the Surgetme would eot heve knowe them. ., They ooked, and so fcm days at.
, .set.e04,1nerate.1 isesteauldss,seeua,•aisewirthoarmoatttrelosw., i.sor-,:eireoldhiazeilpitialertr; on
Thre. sOtettatoo elerordz sthe ieepinhgreebag4mtei: theeurepeidteher, di;
sheets and scarlet blankets extended 1 teretie, but he slid not know that With uothing to ;Tad if they
t)loSe i pit-tientS S 'it ilt dapaneSe feet:- i 01119; and ..1.,vlien be net ;them itt the hut listen to tho llowiag of the along each side of the room, wed on . any Men trent that vessel were on IIONT eeere tO read. and uothing
lora •on their heels, and hoWed leW FIPPUIR IT 0114 net rreogolze OM nS a atorna It weal hard fate, bu
ins the party approached. 'rimy worN,Pe...le't 11.,f Pis own esiledltlen until *1I came out. of it in marvellous f
alai -leached muslin kimonos with a red' I'QN"AotwseoL1104,://leosrtil
" y, were as week, b4
eLenicthasolitetates.wititPr left th,
as coal from head to it, with 10n.g Dr. AedereeOli believes that
blailli hair hanging down over their ioeseeietjeu of their experionee
sweaters, feud black, busby beanie. I be of vervice to filture explor
'The Skie on 'which they were travell- distress during the survey 0
le over the snow were the eels° deeolate ass stormy eautbers 1
ng aboot them that Remixed to in-
dleate s'oillq aequaintance with eivili-
4t1°".The'Y m11.1ed t() bekmg tel TRIED ALL ELBE
one of the lower types' of men who
live almost in a /littoral state,
Id F., TIM BRUTE, C1:X.1510N, • TO NO BEN
The dogs took fright at the forbid -
(bag black figures and bolted ia every
Late in 1902 the Antarctic swes
trying to force her way through, the
teary ire to reach Dr. NoreleaSkiold'e
cum) at Snow Mil. about 100 miles
to the southwest. When it became
evident that the vessel could le
la his cantp, Dr. Andersson, t
er of the ship party. deeided
0 reach the explorers by a, eledgo
over the teea, ice and laud,
too lt with him Mr. Du ee and no
sailor named Grunden and a. small
stock of supplies and set out. with
igit hopes •of soon reitelling his
0 REDucEs
;6 000 Reward w'n C'aida by
I Lever- Brot-ers
Limited, Toronto, to ony person who
:An prove that this soap contains
tny form of actufteratiori whatsoever,
or contains arty injurious cheraical,e.
etsre fbr the Octeromanew. eef
A Chinese child is considered a year
old ot its birth, and its age is reek-
oeed, not from its birthdays, but
from. its New Year's Days, It it hap-
pens to hero on February lst, the
day before the Chinese New Year'e I
Day, it is said to be two years old.
wheo it is two days old. i$ one
year old ;when bora, end another
year is added cm its first IsTew Year's
Ntveezr.e: iaTh; faZinestaaemregioinrieagieC:niaudeZr othn:
to be nter who wisheri to secure MOQUe
*nese, hTortb Day. Ali infOrmatjou regard,
a time t and now easy ef access by We.
and Trunk Railway System and Atw yco9111137:leer.Y:eugi;;:r1)011stlirey;netait4hgueetx!
alive or dressed t
sh-a 4e2,-.
elenE.47,4414' ara effiee44(
WOW 016°1 hoe' Aka/A.4e.•
5,1SLAND erry,
11011,Sg AND FLOOR
tO &Ins at an lierdWare Misls,-
0DS & Caul m
_ontreal, Toronto, Vancouver.
to ete he nad on applicatiou to agenta er
coos -Mg guides. routee, rate$ Ptc, Pan LTRIF
other preduce.
tptsiltsy AlsY,,aaltruerrelay 'G. 1-0O3cel, G w. THE vAwsor4i COIVIIIVIISSION Lima
'etroas on tbe left erne anti sOlt With
idOevneast eyes in o manner peenliar
to the Japaaese when in the preeence
• of elders or soperiora,
patient, with the ontline
Igure, ehowing where he WO
C entrance aod exit 0
ete lay on tile liunit. and
$ cose or special inter-
profeasional standpeint.
eoix-General discussed it with
attentliug surgeon, awl in ewe-
laatanees the patient was teld
ids 'klaxon() and show the
It eeetried impeasible that
before one eplendidly
ow the surgeon *Stowed off
wends through flaek. breast..
ntil wrist. Ile heel beat
cold gray dawn
was mahir.
with WOO
hoed *sal mi
achoofow-iiji every
'Sbe earee straight to
them awl said. "What. d
an airing. little girl.? d'art
those arms, If you pleare."
Flosele was eo surpriseti she c
not lift them. They were very
lay, anyway. so inaelalit Hirai
up, and said, with a gay little ensile
that held the tears back, "Yee, dear.
'you are going to have ou your wraps
and tafie the nir this morning," and
she buttoned the coat over the little
white gown, tied the hood under the
chin and slipped the xnittens on. Then
Vi0Sf,i0 and lied and all Were done up
in a great big blanket bundle, and
Cars West Market ontl Colborne eta, TORONTO.
em Cholly- wood
ly, that you're
a. full 1?"
$ will suppose."
ers in
f stile Xereer'e (Mee noloy Disinfect,
ikot Sop Powder la e. boon to any
homy. It, dieinfects and cleawf at
the same time.
Tram fare is not ceded bY Scheel
vis.e. Ow
a aide record. I; ettelerl
will foal mothers who i
u this medicine has P,
or their Mlle once. 'Who,
Baby'e Own 'I'ablets to
en ;sou have a guarantee
are not Stopefeira,- them.
us soothing stuffs. No th
for children gives this guar -
a d no other medicine eafely
eures all suelt ilia as voile, indiges-
tlon, eonstipat ion, 'diarrhoea and
teething troubles. The Tablets not
°lily cure these troubles, but an °c -
dose given to a. well child
out wile
' t
Epchildren 1.1/ Victoria., Auetralia, They
IT are carried la ears to aul, from
Wei free of charge.
rtling Case Thos. Ira
St. z.rtlry's Ferry-liCe Tel
Meo re. York Comity,. N.
et. pecial).--That Dodd's
Diabetes, on
is of Ridney
lease. has 1wt ctorily prov-
the front w,indows thrown up fall
height. The frosty air came tingling
in °with the busy click of hurrying
feet end all the eitess din.
Titer/ brother rushed in with' cap,
overcoat and mittens on. and his
reins, with their jingling sleighebells, e lahleis for your children -
:dangling from his waist. they will net disappoint you. Said
"Hello!" he said. "Is this turn- by anediethe dealers or sent by mail
nut ready to start?" and throwing at 23' cents a box by writing the Da
the loose end of the reins over the Williams' Medicine Co., Brochvifie,
riende. Sledging, however, proved witce.
be enormously difficult and by meson says: on, of this
ore Mr.
time the little party reached
d their strength and resources began. to Guile
0 nearly exhaustea.
The twilight was lengthening, the
darliness would soon fall and they
knew very well that if they tried to
imalto the march of 100 MileS south-
ward and met with any special Will-
culties in the untraversed land they
were certain to perish.' 'Thera was
thing to do except to go into
nji and eke out the winter some-
lioW other..
, „ 2.5" G. A. Sawyer, They had about three weeks' supply
eharenceviae. Que., says: "'ye of canned neat, bread and callee,
used Baby's Own Tablets for my
little girl and find that they are the three sleeleing bags, a piece of tar -
Paella and a, tent, but no implements
.eri•V' hest Ineliciue cull' give her." excepting a few haves and cooking
utensils and ono needle, and nothieg
to Nem' but their mummer clothing.
The first thing to do was to pro-
vide shelter and tlieh to secure 11
Soot of the little white bed, he pranc- °et.
ed and capered after -a most spirited
fashion. And Flossie laughed till the
curls began to nod once more, and
mamma said that was enough for one
time. So the window's were whisked el es en. dhey had reached a nar-
down and the wraps put away till tile row stream, when suddenly sh t
next day, when lelassie's eyes began - behind ° 9
ta, sparkle a bit as soon as they were
brought rett.
"Now," said mama, "this time we
aro g o haee re little car ride.
Here's the conductor," and brother ness of scouts to fight, but to re -
hick to 1Surokih/ headquarters front,
the enemy's Ithes, with two cOni-
rades who had. shared the perilous
the game possible before darkness put
n end to hunting.
They put up their tent and piled
up stones so as completely to en-
circle the tent with a stone wall,
Over the whole they spread the piece
of tarpaulin.
Tbeir abode was thus provided with
rashowed they were seen double walls; anti when tbe snow Helpless as a Baby --South America
by the enemy. came they covered their hut dee Itheureatie Cure strikes the root of tb
ailment and strikes it iinick. n w
with Severe pains
above the region Of the Kiiiiire's•
When I lay down it %VMS torture to
get up again. Ary. appetite failed
and I lost flesh rapidly,
doetored with seVeral, physleians
hot it was alt of no suse. Shortly
alter this X began to °urinate blood
and then I knew X was in the grip
of that dread, monster, Xitabetes,
"At tide time a friend prevailed ote
me to try n box of Dodd's ICidneer
Pills and they did me so much, good
I; tontinued the treatineat tilt had
Used three boxes. They, cured me
ne Emperor and Empreees of Bus-
sie, usually give fiVe Court balls du
1ng the season. The iirst embrace
all who have any title to recognitio
and cotints about 8,000 guests. Th
second inclUdes something under 2
000, and the number is reduced w
each successive ball, until the Idth
4.00, or possibly 500.
For over Sixty Veer.,
UfecNV;Y41,01reSiMUIRIti $witvrese tete
minienaot mthersfer their childrqta \ago toachUw.
lunothreabothild,soltenattteracmellermeue On
wiedeelle reeteateoheateinach mellow,* anew tee
bratrozedirfor Xalarthwa, Tesetresis cairn* a battik*
ti old lor. stisisAbreuthous Ile sato eel
away us.Wistuswedoorofsesirsser."' el-ae
The smallest Inhebited ialaed 1
the world is Viet oft whielX the
stone Isiglitliousti stands. At low'
water it, is aort. in diameter.
ifoteran'IStory-George Lewis, of Sha'
PA.„ writes: "1 ant eighty years
01 age. X bieve been troubled with Ca-
tarrh for Alty eeerte and In my time
are used a great many catarrh. cure%
hut niner had any relief uotil 1 used
Dr. eignewef Catarrhal nowder. Una
box cured me completely." 50 cents.-.
lifother-"What's the matter?" Mrs
Neoweti-s*X---I always heard Charles
was fond of the turf, but X simply
eau't get hinl to toUch the lawn
gloWer, '
is sent direct to the disused
pa.rie by die improved Blower,
seen dm takers, dam the
posaiges. cops drappings the
throat and porrearialitly cures
Catarrh andliay Rarer. Mower
free. AU dealers. orst,A.W. Claw
Medicine Co. Torearo nee Buffalo
r- The discovery has been made that
s good paper can be produced from the
n refuse hops that have hithesto 1 een
0 throWn atrUy at breweries, oe used
e" as manure.
One of the brave fellows fell dead
in the stream. It is not the len '
reareteel solemnly in witli a big con-
ue,or s cap on. "Whiz, whiz!"
came en electric car round the cor-
ner, arid mama slipped a nickel in
port observations, so the two others
dashed across to the opposite beets
when a shot struck number two and
lie fell.
,. . ian just as tho conductor eThe injured scout flung him across
came along, taking up the fares and ids back and plunged into the both -
Winging earuetes table -bell each ' '
es, loping to escape, but was pur-
from the depths of his pocket. sued and
It was a lovely ride, Flossie said, SHOT POUR TIMES.
veltli shining ey'es, and it was so nice With superhuman strength lie stag -
Lo hear outside things again! gered along, his bleeding companthe
'The next day, when ready to start, all the while beseecifieg to be left be-
n little brown birdie flew from the hind.
cedar -tree right pastthe window‘ But the brave fellow knew that the
Brothr said, "Oh, Jet s take a Wye".., Japanese carrip was very near, and
and flapped his "wings" enough for pressed on. At last lie was forced
ail three, Flossie, mamma and him- to drop his burden, remembering the
Self. So they- flew right up into the vital news he had, to impart, and
birdie's winter home in the big, slid- Witil,one last effort reached Kurold's
tering cedar, and znattuem seemed to lines;
know all about her family, and could More :dead than alive he poured out
ansev r
his story and then lapsed into lire
consciousness. For a time his life
hung in the balance, but youth and
strength prevailed, and tiler h .
tlieir questa:as as wellies 1
Mrs. Birdie herself. Then they drop-
ped down on the waving arms of the
big oak and swung a while, till mama
fiUstlecl them right in out of the cold.
After a weeX of these daily -air -
trips Flossie had gathered so many
• -winter roses in her little white cheeks
• and the bide eyes had caught so
much of the seearkling sunlight from
frosty roofs and sriow-b:ung tree,
that one morning she found herself
standing at the big front door, and
then a little later she and that 'warm
wrap and blue hood and plittens were
actually sliding again.
We sometimes hear of lockjaw re-
sulting from running a pin or a
rusty nail into the foot or hand. 1.1
every person were aware of a Perfect
remedy for such wounds, and would
apply it, then such reports would
cease. The remedy is simple, al-
ways at hand, can he applied by any-
one, and, what is better, is infalli-
ble. et is slinply to Smoke the
'pound, or any wound that is bruised
or inflamed, with a woollen cloth.
ITwepty minutes in the smoke will
lake -the pein out of the worst case
01 inflanneeetion arising from such a'
under snow, excepting ae the narrow
entrance. They were thus able
throughout the winter to keep an
average temperature of only a little
below the freezing- point.
Within a, few miles there were
plenty of penguins Waiting to be sot
In Any Time of Trouble is Grape -
Food to rebuild the strength and
that is pre digested must be selected
when one is convalescent. At this
time there is nothing so valuable as
Grape -Nuts for the reason that thh3
food is 'all nourishment and is also
all digestible nourishment. A wo-
man who used it says:
"Some time ago I was very ill
with typhoid fever, so ill everyone
thought I would die, even myself. If,
left me so weak I could not properly
digest food of any kind and I also
had much bowel trouble which left
me a weak, helpless wreck.
before- us, a sterdy young soldier, I needed noerishment as adly as
Cures Unlined Believes Neuralgia
e To remove inarking-ink stable learn
linen paint the mark with a, solution
of cyanide of potassium. with a tele-
el's hair brush. As soon as the ink
disappears tlie linen should be well
rinsed in cold water.
1%iight, 10 Daniel street, Brockville,
Ont., for tweive.years a great sufferer
from rheumatism, couldn't wash him-
self or dress himself. After using six
hOttlCS was able to go to work, and
sayr "1 think pain has left me foray -
'The English race is getting near-
sighted owieg to the city life enl
conditions of our Civilisation r.,ays
a well-known oculist.
Mead's L.ininient Cures BUI113 etc,
, Slowpay-"Doctor, .1 sUppose you
can recommend your tailor to. me?"
Doctor---``Certainter, but you wilt
have to get someone else, to recom-
mend you to my tailor."
Her Heart like a Polluted Spring
-Airs. James Srigley, Pelee Island,
Ont., says: "1 was for five years afflict-
ed with dyspepsia, constipation, heart
disease and nervoim prostration. 1 cured
the heart trouble with Dr. Agnew's Cure
for the Heart, and the other ailments
vanished like mist. Bad rellet in half
anhour after the first dose. '-27
ready to return to his Emperor's sat,.
vice, despite four bullet wounds. anyone could, bet noee of the tonics "Who was it," shouted tlie suffra,ge.
Another curious case was that of a helped ine -until 1 fineller &foci Grape- leader --"Who was it that did the
young fellow, badly cut about the Nuts feed morning and evening. This most to elevate \roman?" Far down
not only supplied food that I thought the aisle. a little chap blinked his
head and ears. delicious as could be, but -it also eyes, and drawled, "'Why, the man
what those 'ungrateful Core-
ans deli they threw' stones at this made me perfectly well and strong- that invented those high French
mart arid nearle- killed hire!" was the again so I can do all My Housework heelg." And then the meeting ad -
sleep wen, can eat anything without
Marc:lioness Oyarna's remark to me journed.
as theSergeon-Geeeral told his story. any trace of bowel trouble and for
s we passed from that reaeon alone Grape -Nuts food
Thus for two hour
is worth: its weight in gold." Mime kinardrs Liniment Cures flandruft,
one ward to the other, jeweeseee given by Postmn Co., Battle Cenelo
more and more by the hearty condi- Micli•
tion of the wounded. -Unlike the Typhoid fever like some other lis -
sick, they hate no long period of eases att acke the bowels and ire-
convalaCence. Once their wounds heal quently sets up bleeding and makes
they are well men, and it Eias been them for morrais ineaPable of digest'.
demonstrated that no other soldiers ing the starches and, therefore pre
recover so quickly from wounds as digested Grape -Nuts is invaluable for
the Japanese, their physical condi- the well-known reason that in Grape
tion being attributed to the nater0 Nuts all the starches have been
Tips are no longer ' optional in Plishecl in Gra
of the Japanese ration.
--------f------ transformed intope_giN•auptes slaoici, aL:se
tion has been mechanically accom-
means that the first stage' oif di,ges_
Berlin; they have become obligatory factories and therefore
So e,ha,t there shall be no misurider-
staading on the subject, the proprie-
, .
tore ef public baths have issued me
cee none the anment of "tie", to
i be gitee the attendants.
Some of the most curious 'drums in
the world are thrive used by the
Lamas of Tibet when they practise
their, religious ceremonies. ',they are
manufactured from skulls, preferably
the snail ones of children, two of
which are placed. together and the
dried skin of a snake stretched over
the concave side of each. The ver-
tices of the two skulls are next ce-
mented to either sfde of wood
diVe covered with cloth, the sides
matter how weak the sto.macii,
leo-to the ekins, of course, being out -
can I el./nest, and to coniplete,-the ghastly
handle it and grow streng, for f appearance of these instruments, the
the d
days trial proves. 0 ahryeadsereoaftudreevsilsareenid,ailniotrerdibloen ientateinan-
in galley colors.
Tho Backasho Stage may be just that
incipient form of kidneY disease wilieho
if neglected, will develop into stubborn
and distressing disorder that will 'take
long tedious treatment to cure. Don't
neglect the "backache stage" of tie
most insidious of diseases. South Am-
erican 1Cidney Oure stops the ache in
six liours and cures. -30
Clara -"Did you lose your presence
of rnind when he attempted to kiss
you?" Mand.. -"Yes, for a moment.
Why, I nearly told him. to stop."
I was Cared of terrible lumbago
I was Cured of a bad case of ear-
I was Cured of sensitive lungs
otehat a murderous -looking villain
the prisoner is," \vhispered an old
lady in the court -room to her bus -
hand. "I'd be afraid to get near
him." "Hush!" said her husband.
"That isn't the prisoner, that's the
When the little folks take colds
and coughs, don't neglect them
and let them strain the tender
membranes of their lungs,
Give them
C nsuan
ur e Th° Lung
It will cure them quickly and
strengthen their lungs.
It is pleasant to take,
Prices, 25c.L. 50s., wad $1.00, 306
Pails Wash Basins Milk Pans &c
$ s
Any Pinot-Claim Greasy Okra Upply YOU.
eitee te--"You
ad w4sbez yourself
Tramp :-"Please,
say proper time
t eis twa hours after a meal,
hay • had anything you Call
s wits."
Inard Liniment for sale engem
An anai,e-sie
MOS Of the
of Commons sit
total of 670
called John,
the first Christian
of the Mateo
out of lJo
less than 92 nec
Under the Marva Intreh-Tbe to ore
d torment of the victim of nervous
routration and nervous debility no 0310
estimate who ban not been
under the ruthlese leek of there relent,
less ininien foes, M. Witliania, of Ford-
wieb, Ont., wee for lour years 9 nerv.,
oue wreck. So:, bottles of South Amer-.
bean Nervine worked a miraele, rine Ids
doctor contenied 1t.-25
arum: TO 'MINOS.
It happened- in a large public park,
tied the angry' Irma failed to receive
It bit of sympathy from the throng
of people who witnessed the sceue.
Ilo Was walking With a pretty we -
nom, evidently Ids with, and a, small
boy, and be had the air of a, man
who had brought his family out for
a pleashae trip and left his tein,per
Bunning along the patli the boy
tripped anti fell, rending the air with
shrieks entirely disproportionate to
tis size. The WOIrmil ran to pick
liira up and soothe him, 'while the
Trion sank back upon an adjacent seat
ntirely oblivious of a small plaeard
ticked upon it, giad proceeded to de-
lver a iengthy lecture to the boy up -
n the evils of miming away any -
here and in the park in particular.
The child's clothes were somewhat
usty from contact witli the gravel
athway, alui his mother vainly
cached for her handkerchief th re-
ove the traces of his mishap. rin-
113:Tasilineesa, tyinlotittnren-d me your
andkerchief to dust Robbie's
othes? I am afraid I have Jost
"That's right," retorted the father,
lie fished out the article and threw
at her; "throw them away; I can
y for more, Money's no object.
ook at me; do I ever lose anything?
ow, do I?"
"No, James," replied his wife,
eelely, "hut----"
'But -there's no but about it. 1
cic to things, and--"
'Yes, dear," said the wife, meekly,
she completed her task and rose
her feet; "I know you stick to
ngs, and perlia,ps"-lier voiee grew
11 meeker-' perliaps that is why
u sat down on that freshly -painted
The cost of relieving the poor in
England is going up ' by leaps and
bounds. Since 1892 the cost of in-
door maintenance of the poor has in-
creased by 47 per cent, in London
and 44 per cent.' in the rest of the
country. The cost of outdoor re-
lief has in the same period increased
38 per cent. in London and 28 per
cent. outside London. The total
cost of relief per head of the popula-
tion has increased during the last
decade from 53 to 72 cents in Lon-
don, and from 80 to 32 cents in the
rest of England and Wales,
"Was your ship crippled by the
storm?" asked the reporter. ''She
was not," replied the captain,
"though she lost one of her hands.'e
Shaw -"Ile has the inventive facul-
ty very high1y developed." Martin -
"What has he invented?, Nothing,
so far as I know. But when his wife
goes out he can think of things to
keep the baby amused by ehe hourl%
omjjvel Steamshlps
Alacferate Rate Service.14
1 S5 05efl come payee:ere lertere telea 50OGA01)
szeamer et the low rata of $er
Moot, or $P.ta tonfen. Tuna rims so
eenyealavoiloa, Oloasmor qnseraturivititli.i.
orkillaulicolontecoly tit loceliirouts. or
E, Toon% dermmeet Uosiral
••=••••••••••••••••••nelmr,minea-v, .crammarwo....www•Varnnmegnow
Cleaning 1
Torus. Ton entsnoireps work so Um
took for luso a 10er totes, or isisil.Alrook,
AiontrealaToreato, Ottawa), Qu.ctbece.,
Used in H.B.K. Mitts, Gloves
and Moccasins --tough as whale-
bone, flexible, soft, pliable, scorch -
proof, wind -proof, boil- proof,
crack -proof, tear -proof, rip -proof,
cold -proof, almost wear -proof --
certainly the greatest leather
ever used in mitts and gloves.
Like buckskin it is tanned
without oil, unlike buckskin it is
not porons, it is wind -proof --will
outwear three buckskins.
"Pinto" Mitts and Gloves
never crack or harden, never, ..get_e
sodden, are always warm, pliable,
soft and comfortable.
Soldat allbuttnever with-
out this brand
Montreal lit'innipeS Dawson 2
ISSUENO. 42-04,