HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-10-20, Page 5GETA.ESLIF1 ir Ole ewer- JA4esthe hair grow long and heavy, and keeps it soft and glossy. Stops falling hair and cures dandruff. And it always restores calor to gray hair. Sold fbr fifty years. Amminumsomonlow, „ammoontaxmar,;, MEDICAL NV, RROWNINCe, M ))„ M. 0.1 The Exeter Times Poft)Sce"gridesuidaet:eVnciee.f(IitinUielPoin. -TIIVRSDAY, '()C1°I3Eit 72°01, 1.9n; Teaboratore,Exeter. DRNTAie Ta- KINSMAN, L. D. S. ,AND -LI'. DR. A. R. KINSMAN, le D. $. I. D. S.,elonor Gmduate of Teronto Unaversity, Dentist. reet,b eel -meted -without an or wetter effeete, Oirice in Fan son' a block. West side of Main tee Exeter* Locals Inspector Tom, of Coderiele is in town . ' -Mrs. Davis, a Hereilton, is vis- iting her mother, Mrs, P, Fisher. Miss 14:ached :Malcolm, of Detroit, , is at present the gueet of ' :Mrs. A- ANDERSON, (D. D. 6.1:14 I '44"31los' DENTIST. e 1 Mr. 3. l'. Tilley, inspector of Mod - Boner Graduate of the Tomoto university lei eehools Wa$ the guest of his niece, sod noyal College a Dente' Surgeone of 1 Mrs. (De.) Amos, on Sat -ward -aye bottom lemeetion Ocribte.wirglisvoihtlahootuporreostboAlstro Iretn•gratistdrntleviakt ten.,,,,,,,,Isnsgyt_Thinonixe oxedier sacritawalr Gill:It . . eat, spcxt Sunday ,et her home here. leas. (Dr.) Gill and children, Wile are visiting in town expect to leave for home, Gilsonburg, Ohio. on Tit ureday. Mr. and Mrs. E. J., Spaoleinan re t- turned home 'on Tu-sday evening af- ter a. Vivasant trip to Sark Pranseleco end other pOintS Ivo:41. M. 'Aaron Sutton, who has been eeriously ill is now some -what lin- proved. Her sister, Mrs. Thomas. ERN BST Euaorx Ilea/man, it ;As been in a I. t en dan c e upon her durieg her illness. Tim Purily Manufact uring 0o, were employed and the resources of 'Wellapd„ neve ,Inove'd eheir plant the scenic artist and me olAanio are 6 d husInesS e to.. to Exeter. Mr,.• taxed to their utmost to make tho , Willis Powell, will look after ill:dr setting of the pr.. entrti to that tor 1,114,.amati,,to atut zwuraitia.,, Try interests here. Success to the l'ur- ty. Mr. -n. B. nielcoY, of the Molsonh Bank staff has been transferred t Toronto. Mr. B, T. Belcher, of Toronto Brandt, having been ap- inted wi t eller in Mr. Hickey's 7131011 liana of Caw% Presbytar- ien citurelt. Thankofferinel nlenin; Sunday, October 23r1, at 3 p. nt. in DI o ARLING, the •churob. Mr. fierkiesian, an Are enien stuck+ t will t ''' parristers.Voncitora. llotaries,Convennoers. Lot in , ' " a lth '1'8 Th Commissioners. Solicitors ror thearolsons --------`-• liank.Ete. I Rev. IN . G. Howson, of London, has . !dam toLcan at lowest rates of Interest. !been invited to INlitclull at the cloee oFFIeF:4-74ART =BET, EXETER. j of the Conference year. Rev, !Alfred ANS B. 46 u.mcasow Brown of 'Windsor bat. been invited t� Leradon, where Mr. Dowein's leas - tondo evast's next june. Mr. Reginald Elliott, of Norwich, was (*ailed home on Seturday last owing to the seriowe illness o( hie ----me.-- MR. BLAIR RESHiNS mother, Mrs, B. V, Elliott. We lion, A ,G. Blair has announcet art pleasod to learn t bat el rs. Hie his resignal ion from the thal rman- Hatt hos someaviiat improved and her ship of the Board of Railway Com - speedy and tilt i ma t , recovery is mismioners. in his s t :item eel t b ' hmwd for. retiring Commissioner announces Th e Conserve t tee- e 0 m m ii tee rooms time he intends aceepting another Freaeonss block is open every night P ' ,.,. andie being taken advantage of ey ihnlit'anrs te gain information. The At St, J'elln's chureie Hointesville, room will be kept' °pee antil after on Wedneklday morning, 00t. 121h, Om flection, end all supporters of the marriage took place of Miss Mr, Gunn are inVited to drop in. Floeence, _Louise, daughter af Mr. J. A lare'e and enthusiastic meeting Ocninntle-w Goiter -10h 4rp.. to uto Jov. O( ,tho Liberals of Exeter, was imia ll. A. 'Wright* B. Ae Tationburet. Friday evening when a young men's A spopial call of the Mixon Pres - Liberal Club was organized. Offio- bYterY wee held in Clinton, on ers werc elected. and arrangeinents Wednesday teo consider a cell to wore made to engage the hall over Leamington to Rev. A. Hamilton, of Zr. Ch.U. Snell's express office, toondesboro. The °an was SLIS tarn' iNn143 11131.1 iiivil 1 ti 1 r otitlancrn every even- eel and Um Rev.sentleman goes to Card ‘of Thanks. -Mr :end Ivrrs. his new cengregalion in a fow weeks, Dignan +and Miss Hazel, wiSh in this has sold his 100-nore . farm on Mr. Abeelearn Lehman, 0 f Hay, publie manner to thank most hear- pronson Line to Mr. los,eph Smith, tilY ,ella sincorely their friends end the consideetaion being, $5,000. The the, t 0. 0. F.. wehtots ,smoemieovelnagioy.f farm is a good, ono and wen worth neighbors, also 111„.0 papney. Mr. X,ehman has de- aSeisted end sympathized with them "len '1-0 nivi‘ nit farming and has in their dark hour of affliction. They Purchased ia rei4itiemc ill Zurkil realize .that words aro too feeble to where himself end wife will become many kindnessee received. And it makes; you 'dizzy to even express all their appreciation of the l'esidelits shortrY• Those who have undertaken the think lar eating' you nced Perm"" Anniversary. -The anniversary ser- crectitan or a new rink in Seaforth the greatest of appetizing 'tonics. It mons of ren Presbyterian church this year are meeting with some dif- htzilds UP the whole body, the taste will be held on Sunday next, Oct. acuities. The tenders that have becomes aware of new flavors in fooa 23rd., (D;V,) The Rev. R. J .M. Gia.$8,. bean received are -a great deal bleher You never noticed before. A relish fled ft I 'ati fa tion in eating is ford, -of Guelph will preach both than at was expected they would •!1 '-c '-•,- 8 c ' morning, end everenee specie' be. The plans will have to be cheat r another xesuct from Ferrozone. which music will be furnished by improveeethe digeltion and obnverts church choir. As there will be no um ed sonaewhat to bring the cost doe w 10 t " t thinktl • everytinng eaten into nourishment Do you Want a Buggy Monday evening enterteixemenl, a can afford lo spend. special collection will be taken up. If you had taken ye° a Carters J'ust one Ferrozone tablet after for 4he blood. and brain and nerves. A cordial 'invitation is extended to Little Liver Pills before retiring you meels, easy to take and. pleasant. Try alt to be present at these services. would not have had that coated ton- Ferrozone..1?rice 50c. at druggists. .2• Everything known to the Dental Prefession Bridge work, crowns, al. Main . gold and vulcanite platee all done in the neatest nmener possible. A perfectly harmless anarethette v$ed for painless extrac- tion. , Olidee one door eolith ot Carlin Bro'setore XxOtor. Oar. ' Private funds to Wan 0 And one half per cent, Wein property Four M.ONEY T WellAve unlimited private funds for inve • out uvon farm or N'Illea0 PrePertY at low Ste -5 ot Interest. DICESON de CARLING Exeter, N Y T 0,AN. re a laXR0 ar401,111t Of PrIV4t0 it farm and villageproperties at lo rest, $T,,,Nuvity Barr e Main St, 1ilse E; X • many friends follow her to her new I home. Sudden Death. -1 n.twrs of the sudden death of Ge.rtrude Hicks, be, loved wife of (Dr.) II. B. Silk, of London, was heard with deep sor- row by her numerous finds here. We have not learned the nature of her illness but that she was taken very .on Sunday last and removed to Victoria llospic Ell, London. A summons' by telephorm called her mother. 11AI rs. Hicks, to London, but the yit;al spark had fled WA ore she reached, there. Mrs. Silk Was 'married to her now sorrow- ing busband, -on June 1st, 1903, and had spent her girlhood days in Exe- WILL WINTER BE COLD ' The coming winter will e a lone I one and •as severe as the last, some wveather predictors say. The signs drawn from animal nature aro per- haps the least liable Lo be wron%. and it is upon these (Ito predict ien is t i ; ***0$04.•04.4*44****O44444 40,444.44**44444444•444++.4 4.**44•444.4444444;44e40444 44: : 444>4444. **44 44.4 • a • a 4441 44+ 4 • 4 444 ***********4 4 • fre • *a* eralt****+ 44 • • 0 + ** 040+4+4* 4,.. t • 4 a 4' ••••000•0•4•4401•••04044.**+•••••••41414.•••••••••••********00•••04411404-44: 0 • I 4.4440/44.404.4404••••••••••• 4.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••0114. 4 44; t • : : * based, It is said by woodsmen, according to the current number •of Forest and Stream, that if ducks and kindred wild fowl hive pin feathers at. this time of the year there will be an op- en falt and winter. if, on tilt; other ter, where she was beloved by all. , hand, down takes the place of the Sho was always brigbt and cheerful, lighter Covering', the wini.'zr 'win be and was a general I aver i e in soolai !a )).ard. one, Last summer the birds oireles, also wry 110Pfui the sere -1 were so covered, while, the year be-, vice .of song, having bean 2/. very vat- fore they forecast a mild winter. Ind mernhor of aarnes-st• 1:ethedist Reports received by the Chief Game enure,'" choir of this place. DUring Warden and also by Mr. Basted°, leer resittneo in London she the Commissionor ot Fisheries, bear had become extremely popular , out the predictions of the obsarvers amongsto very larr th.°12 g (looted by Forest and Stream. friends and her death has cast , sportsmen seT thee the „lucks wikiz gloom. over all those with whom she have been shot alr,,ady have no pin was more closely associated. lier feathers, but have a full coat of remeine were interred in Wendiend thick down on the breast. If the cemetery, Lcrelon. ker parents and signs are to be trosted lids would leister, Mrs. Londwolio being in at- mean a hard winter, arid shows the R'lldance. Tir:` $P111)a OW of the on- Ailiden1 of laying in an extra too or tiro community is extended to the two of coal, fbieirootaiovued. faraily in this very sad al-- _ 11F, EESERVF.D non - 'Uncle Tom's Cabin," -Ed. F. production of "tyncle Tom's Oa- suffering from Seiatica was 'wbiOlk will be presented at the so great, 111A1 thanks Nervilin, 11 opera bcalse*'•g°14(14Y ev°111-kg• 0e4" was enred, "1 suffered for three II, 19 on a scale, of magnificeneo years front sciatioa" writes E. S. never before, witnessed in this town ji,oitirri, ac poramt. „and_ no man It hos teen many years sine,' an Exel. ver suffiSred more. spent a small lit"t° tre."t"4 fci 4 r fortune on differoit remedies but presentation of this beautiful drama Ib' only QnC ilA 1°11°1 actqrs worthy °r nar45 u,wc'endilaA'.-{:1011V17111roltit t'SoCW Nerviline and was perfectly cured. can recommend Nervilin as a sure Cure for sciatica; it's exmllent also used in lite great spectacular Plays. Nerviiint,,, %la at tin itraxzis,18, This oornpany gives IA most rowerful 'intion- Anlong the scenic effeots d, Intelligent interpretatien of this Itching tnaster-ploce •of dramatie PUBLIC S_ClIOOL BOARD Used is the gorg('oos Aloalll;'03is, and Meeting held in the Town HA, lbe last scen"A the Ascent PI: EVa .10 on Monday, Oct. 17th, at 8p. in., tai- nt. J. Evans. the following is the r of business duly submitted and Lier t roved, type -writer connuittee,--Tbat v Underwood machines be.,n iturohiseil at a tom ta: $7rt 'each ill - to A. C. RAMSAY, V, S. Orcaloato Ontorio Voterinery Col - Inge 1. 1.10norary Follow in Ontario Veterivary .association. all,discasesof domestic' Animals scientifically treated, Milk fever treated"by thoultest (Magee treatment. oF IDE,: no door houth of Town Hail RESIDENCE; Second house north of Pres- byterian church. Tloe Ugborne and flibbert tiler's Mutual Fire Instir- ance ,Gompaat. ead tttfice, Farquhar Ont. DX3E0TORS esident;-T. RYAN, Drui.rx P. 0. e -Pres.; -%V. RASSMOBB, PAThetiliAlt P. 0. MORLEY, WHALEN' P. 0. ..A. NORMS, CROMAItTi* P. 0. Raz Bonsuotat P. 0. 1. L. RUSSELL, PeISSELTeet,E P. 0. AGENTS. OARInICITAtt, STARFA. ONT. A. Dtmozi rEA:ligt7RATt, ONT. Wxr,s021, PULLARTON, Osz Y. S. (411,PILLAN, LOCAN. ONT. B. W. F. BEAVERS, Seoy.-Treas. Farquhar. Buggies! - Buggies! realms c) bliss, borne by an4els; early Oates and stairway to the no beyond tlos skies; the Ohio ii - In inid-u inter by moon -light ; Southern Paradise at ;AIMS ; gori0al scones. typical or tlo birth of liberty and blessing of little eluldren ondinA, stands, Per G, Eacrett :trIti W. J. CarUng- Thnt, the Board receives with much t isf act ion t he principal's rt for th^ month of Svtember, an mad% congratulations to the.staff, on the marked improvement shout in 1 ho .11 xt,„„ and mor o the cschool, Per If. Huston and G. Eaorett, That the defects ju the roof be ro- paired 'under the diroction of the re- pairs contrail t tee. :Per 5, Martin and W. J, Carling - tat the supplementary literature r quirod Le obtained as per principal list. Per W. 3, Carling and S. Martin - That the maps required be also sup- plied at the earliest date possible. Per IL Huston anti S. Martin - Viol "the Motto and Crest report" be left with the principal for the present. Per S. Martin and W. J. Carling - That the following accounts be oc- cepted;-1I. Spackman, hardware sun dries, $10.30" .A.dvocute Printing Co., 84.00; W. 0: Ruston, Prism Jigh.ts, ammunt, 840.00; Globe Furniture Co., desks, $60.50. Per G. Eacrett and II. Huston. - That Miss Dorrington's request be granted with the opening of the new year. • Ver W. J. Carling -Adjournment. 3, GRIGG, Seery. be weird Rocky Pass; the Realistic ton plantation, all of winch aro po-dtively the most inagnif Whitt- dis- plays of scenic art and mechanical effects ever witnessed. This is the first lime that every scene line been produced in this great play, Adults - Mon 25c. and 35o, WREN YOUR APPETITE FAILS We have the finest stack in town ail the -latest styles, in the ..neweir . olors. Our prices are low as can be foun • forfirst-class material and workroan. 'BEFORE YOU BUY - GALL fir•ID SEE US. , ussell Teti() Doors South Town Hall. ISONNONNIW `CMCRSOWIMI CRE ITON oiler ills Gristing and Chopping Promptly Done. We are giving excellent sa- tisfaction in flour since re - Ring our mill wet ze 11 ARM FOR SALE, -Lots 20, 10 con. and llth eon.; of Stephen, 6 1-4 mites west of Exeter, being • ce'ffiPosed- of 100 acres' 'on. the 11th. COtt. and 120 aortas • On the 10( h These farras are under good state of cultivation well drained with god house and out -buildings, thereon al- so fruit bearing orchards . Never failing well Um year, sound. For iurther particulars apply to T. B. Meet yin, Exeter. Presentation; - Prior to leaving for new home in Duluth, Mrs. 8. Gidley, was made 4. -he recipient of re.r,y handsome silver tray from the members of the Trivitt Memor- ial Guild, with whom she had been active -and helpful in every good The corning. Provincial Convention work in which they have been en- of the Ontario Sabbath &wheal Asso- gaged. Regret is expressed at hee eintion, .at Handlton, on Oct. 25, 26 departure, but the best wishes of 27, promises to be one of the, best conventions in the history of tie: 'Province. The place of meeting is ,admirahly adapted for a large gal ()ring of workers, and the hospitality fo:r which Itamilton is noted will no d oub be submitted to a very con- siderable test. The programme is rioh and varied, one of the best ever prepared for such 0, gatherins,itt - Canada. One Of the 'best features will be that of Ivcrs. 1-T. Elizabeth Foster. State Primary -Superinten- dent of New York, and one ofthe best primary experts in Ameri C 1V11+0 Wit "deliver several addresses, conferences- on the "Hera° .Dellart- locals . enent. and House -to -House Visita- tion." Sunday School workers gener- ally are ,urged 'to make this the 0Tc:et-est converdion in the history of the Ontario Sabbath School Assoc- etatdoe, and there is ,every indication of a eec-ord lit'ing made. All Sabbath Schools may appoint representatives in the eatio of one for each hundred or tractien of a hundred on its roll. F or 'bine ts .and ,o t he r info): motion, delegates should apply to the Secre- tary oL the A,s,soca.ation, rooms, 99 - Biggins, deceased or Lo Gladinan & Stanbury, solicitors, Ex.'eter. 100, Confecateretee Life 'Building, To- ronto, before Oct. 201h. gtie or bad taste in the mouth this morning. Keep a vial with you for • LIBERALS SNEERED AT IT occasional use. SABBATH SCHOOL CONVENTION 0•13411191110•01220M•210•110111•• 1•11*,•01211:•153 IV OR SALE OR ltENT.-At len, a dwelling, with. store, car- penter shop, and post office included. For further particulars apply to Mr. Geo.rge Millson, Whalon. lesn••••••• ************•*•••• QH.ORTIIORN DURHAM 131.11,LS 'ha for salty -The undersigned has for sale a number of 611p -to -date thor- ough bred" Short Horn 33ulls. They are of the loW set, thick blocky type and choice breeding. Will be sold reasonable, •inspection invited. Ap- ply on 1th 16, eon. 2, Hay, or John and Rev. W. E. Hassarcl will conduct Elder, Hensel', P. 0. F ARM FOR SALE --in Ihe Town- ) .Ship or Usborne, 6eing lot 13, can 2, consisting of the best 100 acres of land in the township, well fenced and in good state of cultivation. Good brick house and frame barn, conven- 'ent to ech-ool, church and market, being only tes-o miles from Exeter. 'For further particulars apply to D. Crl McInnes, Exclv.r, or Thomas -Rig,- gins, elocutors of the estate of 11.'1 The Liberals sneered al the efforts or the Conservatives to promote the Canadian butter industry. They jeered at the idea. of the government going Into "the grocery business" Rut the Liberal Minister of Agricul- ture now takes great credit to him- self: for following the lead of the Conservative Government. la. is :1 ma t ter of pro- found regret thnt after all Canada's efforts to promote the dairy industry, it should receive it black eye. from W. T. R. Preston, hero of the West Elgin soaldal, who, in an interview granted the "Toronto News." on Aug. 2911t, 1903, made the following slanderous reference to Canadian butter ;- hir. Preston said that there were certain standard sup plies which were relied upon in the 'British _market and which the people had inaplicated faith in because the people who exported them , were hon- est and maintained the standard set. Itt this class of goods were Danish, butter and New Zealand batter and frail.. in fact, Mr. Preston staled that lie used New Zealand butter on his table every morning because it could be depended upon, and Cana- dian butter could not. The atten- tion of Ile Government was called ro his defamation of one of the chief products of Canada "on two occasions, but the ministry viewed the situa- tion with complacency and have Laken no steps to resent 'Preston's dame gin As tatcmcnt s. ,A4 feereetertee,. tee VW To Oar Cold in One Day CB Take Laxative r Tprtlets. Seven Million hoses sold in past 12 rnontlits. 'Tiiis signiture, ;•'.-e- , Cures Grip in Two Das. '14,0 OR every .„...yvateexxo box. 25c. 4 • . ..› . : 0 : *V . wilfail of China .:. i i .... .. 4, . il. 4 ,i, ,,,,: it t 44,4 0* * • 4.4 * . . . * * 0 0 • 0 • * 4. 4> 0 0 I 1 Glassware & Crockery .... .... 4... .. 4 . .::: .. • • * a • • '4, a • 04* • • 0 •, 0 * • • • * • ,„7 * 4 O "4' l• • p • • • 4 • • a- • • .4. • • • • • • • • • I a • • ,..._ • 4, 4,. ..* • • *a • • ,,,* • • • -* • • • • • • 2* • • ..,- * * • , 4, • • 4 4, • • • • • . 4.• •'0' • • 4. , * • Il• 0 7 • 4 4:fr, 0 O• . , **> a * .• • • 4 • • • • • 4 41 • • * .1 •11. 40 • • * 44 4•• • • • 11 • 4 • *- So • * ..p. .4. . 4, *4 4> 40 • e . 4, 44 4/, • • 40, * • 0. . • • • • 15 **it ,41,. :: • a * • 012 .4 4 4, . :* 4 4 ; :i $ i.2.5 Cake Plates. China, hand !me Glass Preserws........", . 8 • * • • * 4, 40- • 44 * * 4, * paintd. - , .. - • • ,. ...- .$1 oo flac Glass Preserves - .... , . • • 10 :* e • •* a* •4: ; Celery Tr - Chi 60 ',5 Ch"na Cake 21 *a 0 „ 7..c . , a„),b, China .„.•,... ,- c i •••••A••••••* . • 4,•4, 4. *• *4 SOC Celery Trays China - ...,...4o $r oo Cabarets ...... „ ...... 85 4: •• : al>, ' . • , to : $1 oa China Salad , ... • ... - . - .75 ,r5c Glass Spooners ...... ....., r 2 :: : : 4.0. 75c China Salad . • .. 9 • • • • • I • • • • .460 J20C Glass Creamers • .. • • • • .. : .... ...ri g• * •- ** . _e* 75c Porndge Set ...... .,......6o ,roc Glass Creamers a* .. •• Oil r -c Shaving Mugs 12 'rA,5c Tea rot Stands .. .2o *o * o - **1•••••••••••• ..• •00904.4,4•4 Vi• * 4 • t • * • 4 * .2,• • . • :: 40C Fancy Syrups..., , • , . • ....32 'r OC China Sa.lads .... • . ** * o 44: se Children's fancy Mugs .... .... 4 Arm Wine Glasses . , * 75 4. et, 4. .i .. IOC Children's fancy Mugs.... ....7 ,75e Whiskey Glasses...::: ---,Go :: : : 4 • • • Isc fancy Mustards ...... - • 12 20C Glass Wrter Pitchers .... ....16 :: •: : • o oo roc China Salts and Peppers ........8 25c Glass Water Pitchers.. , .-2 :: : : 4* •4. . o .. 4. .. 111 ritees .4 .4 4, 4. 4 ti e are CLEARING out We 4. 9. .. 4. iii Line FOR GOOD .. .. 4+ • * 4. 4 4 No More For us Now s your chance. ** *4 ** • * .. * • 4. 20c China Cream Pitcher for .... 15c 25c Glass Syrup . • 04 : 44•40* 25c ChIna cre4r11 Pitcher for - - 20 15c Glass Syrup.. • - • ...*.; ., ......... f3c • 0 • o 4, o oc China Shaving Mugs ., ...... /6 zsc Glass Vineg,ar or oil bottles.. 12 a • a 4 5c China Shaving Mugs • • • • • • • • 21 25c Gass Nappies, , . , • , , „ . • ... 21 • * a* 25c China Gilted Mugs ••• - . • - ...IQ oc Glass Bread Plates ... - . .16 : • .4* . . O : ** 75e Biscuit jars for .... - ,..... 6o Butter Plates,.............. • 3 soc Biscuit Jars for „..... ... - .40 `,2,5c Pepper & Salt combination -20 45c Biscuit Jars for ........ 33 '25c Glass flt tters , 1 11.. • • OW * * • • • • • : I,00 eese Cishes , .. • : 4.1 $ Ch 0. 3 ..........•••• _Preserves ...o.. • . . 8$ :11SC Glass Butters • • : • 4, • 8..c Cheese Dishes 65 ir se Glass 4* 50e Cake Plates, China, .• l A 1 4 • • 1.139 l'i20c Glass Ceeler ICS • I, • 0 • A • 4 • • 4. • • a e • • 4. 4. -• 4. 4. 4. • • • • • * • 4> • 0 if 41* 0# - • • • No Coupons on these prices above • * • • • • • 0 0 • ,•• • • •!II .4,11 441 • 4. • • • 0 • 4, • 41 • 4, 4, 1141 • • 40* * v • 4, 4 .40 • * • • • 410 Mentioned. 20 to 25 per Cent Reduction • • * • ** • * 4. ** • a * • 44, 11 •41 • * * • 4. ' •41 • 11. • • 4, 40 • 4.. It, Produce of all kinds taken and highest prices paid * 4 • a • a 41* *4' r4 I • 4> • • • * * POPLESTONE 4,k GARDINER • a *a • • •• • • • • • 4,* • 4. 4.* • • • • 4 t .40 * • *41 TERMS CASH OR PRODUCE ONE DOOR NORTH OF POST OFFIOE • IP: * • • • * • • o ******************* • $ • • 0 404•4110.104•0440,14.*****••••••••••••••••••••••• e4.4•41***********444.4041•••••• 4, 11 • • ••4,•••••••44.•••••••••***e*************•••••4141••••••••••••••••••••••••• • 44, 114.4••4•••••••••10.4104.411*** •••••••••••••••••••••••••• .11•4114.441••••••••••••••••• • DIED DIGNAN.-In Hoepifal, Toronto, on Thur_sday, October 13th, 1904, Har- vey E. Dignan, only son of and Mrs. J. E. Dignan, Exefer, a - cd 22 year.s. SILK - At Vici,oria. Hospital, Lon- don, on Monday, October 17th, 19041 L. Gertrude Hicks, beloved wife of Dr. Harry E. Silk, of London. Aged 25 years. 1)1f:erred. in Wood- . land cemetery-, London. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ MIJACKSON & SON* 1: Junk Dealers. Main -St. Exeter, I 4, * Occupying J. P. Ross' * * Store, one door south of * * Metropolttan Hotel. t 4. Will pay highest cash 4. s 4.. I price for the following + goocls,such as all kinds of4. * 4. 4.. 4. 4. 4. 4.• 4, Scrap Iron • Brass Copper Zinc Pewter Horse Hair • Wool Pickings Rags Old Rubbers Bones and Bottles 4. • ..t. He quantity tan large 1: ten Sall1: .T.4-4-44,,e4,+++4,4•444,444,44-+,tee+4•4• •••••••"•••••••44/. 1.4•••". • e,.. itaz The old-fashioned bake -oven was the best our great grand- mothers could get. They baked in it in a kind of a way and were satisfied with it because they knew nothing better. But the modern housewife wastes time and good food when she fails to avail herself of the improvements of the Imperial Oxford Range No other range on the market can do the Jbaking this oven does. The oven is kept evenly supplied with fresh super- heated air: all the time. See this range at ,your dealers or write to us direct. The Gurney Foundry Co., Limited Toronto, Canada Winniped Montreal ' Vancouver 12. Scid by T. HAWKINS & SON, Exeter, years commencing on the date of the Canada pays interest- -lox. seven completion of the eallteay frora Win- rapeg to the Pacific, upon three - earths of the cost of construction of ,the mountain saction , The Toronto News ,estimate's the expenditure ,theNorth Renfrew bye -e ection to be at least $12 per hiteadol the 5000 voters, and quotes „precedent, that the riding shodid '1)0 disfranchised for it s ti *Cr