HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-10-20, Page 4•
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TIMES, V U i O B E R 2001 19Y'4..
lag of ituron
People's Ralwaa,
OM rAf;
Thursday^-,ob 27
peer ib ; apples, 4Uo per brl.; Leans, 15
cents i:er latisliel ; peas -green. 1O.s
pet• bushel; peas -dry, 10e. per bush-
el o
ush-el; potatoes, 15c per bush; lazy $2
pct' .a on . barley 1.2c per btmslx,.l :corn-
coin -meal, 10c per bush.: Indian corn,
farce pats, '10c. per .bushel.; oatmeal
-5o. ger lb.: svlae,ii 12c, leer bash.:
whet flour, 00e. per brio: hops, 6c
parr 'lb lnorse s, 20 per cont.; cot tic
lO per cent,
IS'. S, 'r arirf Corsts, 5c per doaexa
butter. 6o per lb.; :cheese. 6o peE+x
lb.:.apples, 62 1-2,e per tart.; boonfi
45o. per bushel; peas -gr -':en. 40e pe
iataslo ; peas -dry, Mao per bushel. ; ;pea.
tatoes, ?; o pier bush: TOY' f,•.4 pi'r tarn
barley, Rio per teamsla `1; cornut'al. 20e i.
bush.; Indian corn. "L5o peer
ash.; oars, 15e per busb.; oatmeal.
lc, per lb.; wheat. 25e per bushel :
wheat flour. 25 Por email ; hops. 12e.
per 111, ; horses. ;'S p ,r cent. and mo
ss Sin ail +^O knelt; coals, 27 1.2 r'
In Ft
lion, t
Birt• in Caxn".
or tells axi
r won s
rpis t'3
of 11.6.109.
a ;at
or higher protee-
tat.s fanner sells
49 ranch form pro -
e Canadian far-
ed State's. In
ka^ 1."zany. d States for-
tin s is : farm p ro-
,�. of 6, 90,090,osthe
11a lim :,e ' mark t,
The Campa!gn
nn , Borden and the People's Railway
CONY ENs ' tton, He as Idled the coming contest
tzi;be pus •e and 'clean as Its svOuld
never b.: a p arty tp any thine impure
polities. 11e stated that persons
ally he heal nothing ago,iust the Res
rnaers ;as mon, but it. was the
orrup►tion thole had m anifesied it-
a*1f during the •administration aaf the
tofoi ma party. He believed ilee par-
yileexns^1T's ss rb fired ot the mis-
la+es of the vs -so -sot ! ia'verzuueax
1 would demonstrate that fact on
ovenmber the 3rd..
Ail'. Gunn is one of Se;afortIz's.most
qua cessful business non. and wilt dta
creaJi to South Huron. in the Pet
of Canada,
to close of the Ir?rnvention. time
pm to 'resolution W tS f'a$42r14 exs
rssinst the eonfidenna;e of the elec.
South /boron iaa Ron. R. L.
1';ader of the Conser-
Mr,'GGunn Nominated,
�R t1wConsera.itiv(`- 0011Y: 10A
!al tat
Bonsai/. on Thursday, , .or last
Ate ,, it. It. Gunn. of Ss afart to
t1to unanimous aahoice of t1x.
sers;atcs .s of Sontlt Huron
I3S"dT rL MOM nt itles-
ion and the li all os•z5
Oroscaled aviA represent tins
call parr ,of tied ridin ^.:air. J . A
liannas, .Of Zurich, president of ills
opx, aalto ed tits meeting with
*appeal for faithful work
s a4:as start as ould redeem t
ben t In* p1:
.1'. P''., dla
\earth Afieldi
itl�r e
Fifers+ in
tea a,'t n>
'It as err
f Ctenxtlmlalns „ AXa ssrs. duo. „ elela, a
I, 1'.; `tilos. Hey, 'qtr,
Se eforn h ; Dr. Rollins, L
�ozn. T. B. Carling'. E .e er
4i. Tticltex:slnitlli •an<t 11. I1.
e'at le oea .s . 8taeli. ,ul£J it
a1tir,ess',e, both , aaltamis
. ;,alt aritlt»'1 le:aile,
ws arra il;
atln`l+f n1.1- hip
o surer
set ion
of slr" tun
lava. ;air of
o6ti"C*, Ute ai'
to;°rsn'ss of
ap¢s nt relieved
3 8aaa�n
who. fully
tat down
it'. COM"
lee "wt'oe'gra teal'aro'atla
:at rirains
jo ilood fellow" -yr-.
cpunele a1 s13rOu b Ott' 101. Al
thanked 'daces:•
ibis ane;
fid Xi` RA 72.,
ilne Liberal -Cot
all tla I)3iraanion of
"pira ss ammlr ;aalamiira
tl, ;illllaty n 1 "broad-
s)aip in Xxarliatnlee
lie pxlntfArrxa. It
in oel
ixtg ATr* Roz;1
iv e hart;
t=" whitest oxncl tl?aa
anadian padic81 life axR
endorse aur 1iiv-
t1 tr.nnspgrluti;au and
who a1,1voc aces
awiirel railway,
ilway owned (lover I
ate protection
s Mori* par
eared alclea
la hada
ri°calaity int public life. his
nal eaanale*un tion
ec,teria •pjudiea's,
ledge hi lit our hearty 4i
rtlecotaing election
+TRi`J;-ia'a si, I'T011
rc' ca 1: tit
1s 1hr', evould r:arx'y
u1al lee* praiaal in tali
Frani-*' zgt n Iter
Iluran sattirt" teal
Church. Rev. J. Henderson.
11.15- Discussion
11.35 -- Election ot Business com-
1,. a General E. L. Report,
Miss May Gill.
Treasurer's Report,.
• Miss A. 'Woe's,
,45 -Prayer aiul praise Servico.
Dl. Hannon.
Business Coins'
2.00- Iienort of
:4.05 -Tine League anti its Rivals,
Rev. S. J. Allan,
'2.40 --Conference of Methods -
(1) Five good features of
Christian Endeavor Depart.
ZIrs, Godwin.
(b) Five gods features of Mis-
sionary Department.
Miss E, ?kT. Cranston.
(c) Five good features of Liter-
ary Department.
Miss B. liannoll,
(di Five good features of So -t.
Mal Department
(e) Five good points in a Teresa-
I1ev. x P. Sin cliff
3,20 -The value of d'ualtar League
Work. Pr. ;►fedd,
,40,..iliscussiOn, Collection.
0.50 -Forward Movement Cunt
nee, introduced by
Ren, O. li . Andrews,, B.
4.I0 -.The reading Course Its Jzue-
lectenal and Spiritual Benefits.
` Rev. W, 11, Cooper.
nalucted by
. Deatmens.
.! x 1evotional l k oroises
Ileo J. Mallen.
Introduction of officers-ea:nt.
51 riles
Address -..Tarn .'Romana, . ofMis-
sions. itor, Jas. Livingstoue,
Address --The Joy of Service.
Rev. Jos. S. Cook, I1.1)..14*. X),
lnlnouncements a meal I1, laedic-
as Clair l:extcml of ;that lining
bran o.o1' t11 innea ear osaiu to
ongecl imnll auaixatation from• rotor -
germs. T1ae dale cure is fro;^
t, healing •+ atarrhozone, one
ieln as . carrac,d by tlae air we
to •tlna+ remotest Hearts of the
natal ear: it reaches the source
tr"noble and cure deafness
eutly, Every sufferer from
xp areal
hearing •should use 0atarr-
a3onne which has effected Many 'Won"
rfu:1 cures, r"ou simple breathe itas
link medicated'vapor.--very* easy
.Ideasant. Ilo this and your
ingWill be restored. Cat;arrIie-
on never fails: it is guaranteed.
Two anont'le', treatment for SI,00 at
X'+'4r fc *310 lA 4"i <Y?Xt 'w1,o Is #a*Rt
i l,i' op+er ' 1t0t, Qxia1 ' b^a
fire err+ of age and .t llrstisasu'hiecl.
xto (1.S niuficad ;under the Ctafi
IecAion Act, or otherwise prohibits
lrosn voting may be reg,istered. pr
vsclod he has tla: necessary qualaflea-
Cletus Is to ret.idenez. Tlnc residence
,quWificatIons too entitle a Wan fitn
regi5t a asrn--
(an) rte roust la.tve xesid.din t1a
Ince for :twelve months vc-:i, pare
stintlite day of tit, first sittinz
Ile nitz'sr Irtive 'resided in
ipaality fur which registrati
1 1 for Thr'ee, months ne'.
n; the day athe first sI
lsr reegistrars,
attende1ce at any um -
Scheel, er othor iso- _
'trust ,be registered where their home
,Sittioted, anti not whore they at-
tend school. unless that es firer bp -
rut -fide re.sidence.
trio tale saux
dish during b
elane1toly fac
atgedy will cost , i.
A e. in lalss Of bufiinea
*Le e-alxellia's o
etc° victims .' alnl1Mt a
ant n would be iuvelv.
alliat w kin
adequate el o
i t 1:. t ana
d to iaauluc:° a r.flee-
7*4iliaisihit 1ia9-
* use: pet ible to 4O31':
as employes, and it.
aier *1f coit;r;atulation that
xtbGw a %sc
4.It and not a crowd
v p►afien r train Ihaat
a ip 111,+ 4untu'1,
Tbe COPSCrvative party belies'
Dint the Canadian farmers can on
should be protected by the tariff.
Th,e policy of the Conservativo
party woo thus stated by the Conser-
vative leader, Mr. L. Borden, by
resolutions in Parliament ;-
"Tliat this "(louse, regarding the
operation of the present tariff as un-
satisfactory, is of opinion that this
country requires a declared poltcy
o( such adequate protection to its
labor, agricultural products, man-
ufactures and industries as will nt
a31 timos seeure the Canadian mar-
ket for Canadians."
This is the I•iflITIP National Policy
Minor:fled in 1878, by Sir. John A.
Coropare the high protection on
....farm products given by the United
State,: with the Canadian Tariff ;-
Collodion Tariff -Eggs, 3c. per
deo.; butter, 4c. per lb.; cheese, 30
Do you like your thin, rough,
short -hair? Of course you
don't. Do you like thick,
heayy, smooth hair? Of
course you do. Then why
nair• •
not be pleased? Ayer's Hair
Vigor ,-makes beautiful heads
of hair, that's . the whole
story. Sold for GO years.
"Timed used. Ayer's A.fair Vigor for A Jong
time, It As; indoed, 'wonderful hair tonic,
restoring health to the hair ana scalp, and, at
the same time, proving spiendia dressing "
Andra 'sts Lorell,„ Maas
an. Sullerintet
urt Ott ies, mat
eta eastrate.1 that there are
meny c fairs. and (that 34 the re
MID. (''Npecinli of them, are to be ob.-
iteed, the number mast be material-
ly vedaced„ Som...countat'S levee ten
tin.' twelve exhibitions, and the com-
i. ion creat ed, Mr, 00W331 854%5, has
produced a very UnSatisfnetOry con-
dition or thianrs, and, in. order to sot -
undesirable kind ore se04.V.ed. These
i chide. those for :nen only, vaniblinz
and settle ,of 1 lie fairs held
ently bor." prov.nt more of
ilaguo spot 40 the district titan any
boon to agricUlturni education- the
purpo.e of the show. Pick-poclois
and very undesirable eitortent fre-
quent the averago fair, and if the
exhibitions V.frAl purely anricultural
there would be fewer at them.
In reply to tlto question tis to what
suggestions lied been made. to reduce
the number of fairs, mr. Oososn said,
had been suggested to ,cut out the
111 but two ,or three. This was im-
practicable, he said, as were
nonny societies bolding hinter ex-
hibitions than any other organiza-
tion. Each s,ociety receives $80 from
Stile, Ontario Government', and the
total for any district is $800.
-The proposal to withhold the
grants was also oonsidered ina.dvis-
The proposal most favorable is
that the Govternment should limit
the number of rogrioniturtil fairs to
hield in any county at from two
to four, and that the 'people should
be allowed to vote at the municipal
elections to decide whiCh fairs shotald
be continued.
The total 'receipts ot agricultural
societies in the Province is $400,000,
Of which the grants from the Gov-
-ernment amount to $800,000. When
is considered that only $248,000 is
paid For nil oth.er agricultural. pur-
poses -- 1Varrnersi institutes, Fx'uit
growers, Ian Guelph Agricultural
ed the money wasted under the
present system. /'
It has been found that 261 so-
cieties in the Province estimate their
total loss through rain on the fair
dates at over $6,000.
The proposal is to grant, the
societies allowances for spring horse
shows, seed shows, and for the, pur-
pose of pure„brod stock, and Out of
the funds an insurance could be es -
rain. Al 1,?rescool, n very laroo num-
ber or • 0 ro ins aro wiped out every
year by ihis incarl5.
;AA. 111 4CIA MTL
onooth The Kind You Have A ways Bought
expertmental fa
proved of snob
farmers rtliablo d up
rmation as to the best methods o
lture and stock raising. Farms
established at Ottawa, in the 1.1, 012, eritiose Provinces, in British Col-
bilt Manhaba arlft tile Nor'' ish Colurnbis, 41,729, Con. 10.-
scssults tIrst"'„ 205A45, Con., 210,791, Intl.._ 6,853 • Lib-
ents eery m11111'441 1." eralo, 478,134; Con., 417.635: Inel.,21-
of 1 be country. 655. Total vote polled 947,1,1t.
I)lI 41I:
Towing Lures ;*lraass flue vale t:o11a't1
in 1)Onlinioni tNlection. '.firm
pmos�zi de voto a`
which candidates were elected. by tic
laxtiation, of wlmiele there 1y -re four
or dare is not included. -Prince I d-
,�s�ard Island, Lib. 10.033, Co.nMtn:Nova scow, 14b. 58,312, Con. 00,0:1;
New Brunswick Lib. 31,126,Con. 32-
6 9, Ind.,1.101: Territories,; Liberal
the last
the public fund
lion.Syelney Fisher's organ, the Mon
Is inclined to habitual constipation
end should use Dr( Hamilton's V113
The MIL Fisher. boinx a stock- oleaase lint system and a'egulate the
holder in that paper, transferred the sstarTagrtl,zEraul. 151',)00731';' nFro.1113nomiliditoartnids
stock., when he became a zuirdster.
to his brother, Roswell 0. Fisher, Pills. Price 25c,
without consideration and DOW -"on--
claims he has no interest, although GENERAL NEWS
be adenits that he still contributes A Hincardine man, ;tow in. his 87th
nosh d the support or thot viper, .year, raised 4.1. foray of twelve child_
ren. ten of whom are still Jiving. But
The total vote cast at the last ftaheet.rathoosti ruointoninrkhaobtliersptaretainofe ittoiscatline.
Llominion election in 1900, according
th the reoord, was 947,454, and was
protty evenly divided. It does not
leave much, to 'come. and go on for w`ag's uf $3 Per uTek.
the puxspose af betting. The major-
ity or the Liberal vote over that of
the Conservative is 30,469, and or this,
number 29,672 are supporters in Que-
bec. Taking 41Wily tilt 21,655 votes
cast for Irtdependent candidates the
Liberal majority is reduced to 8,000 Owing the rumors regarding
over oll the Dominion. From these a boxer upraising in Ronan. China,
figures it may be seen that Quebec, Nvhere home Presbyterian missionar-
though about 50 per cent. smaller ies aro working, Rev. Dr. Mackay,
than Ontario, practically is tho ruler secretary of presbyterian missions,
of the whole situation, and dietates cabled .therc to ascerlitin the facts.
what Ontario should do. The tol- Fears were entertained for theix•
sofet.Y. Dr. Mackay received a reas-
suring, cablegram .to the effect that
the missionaries were all right,
osigzeoraattut Tlie YOU !tau Always BOON
Soft and crooked bones mean
bad feeding. Call the disease
rickets if you want to. The
growing child must eat the
right food for growth. Bones
must have bone food, blood
must have blood food and so
on through the list.
Delineator for No.
will not lack apprecia-
A variety of "Toothsome
dies" ore illustrated,. the re -
Its also being ,tiven. and special
rtieles are devoted to Jou* season-
ble culinary topics as "Sweat Po-
t o ,Da in ies," Chestnut Receipes,"
Savory Saiatl.." and "A Cranberry
CaroVt The correct service for for-
mal afternoon and evening' functions
is explained in detail by Eleanor
Marchant, with. the aid or Atriking
illustrations, and other suggestions
o value to the householder ore given
in the department or "rfouse FUT-
nisiling." which treat of baskets for
so and decoration.
A Thousand .Doller Guarantee goes
with. ev,ery bottle of Dr. Lcondardt's
Hein-Roid-the only certain cure for
every form of Piles.
George Cook, St. Thomas, -Ontario
,of a vessy bad case ot Piles of
over .1:en years standing. I had tried
everything but •get no per.manent,
Blind and Bleeding, Piles and suffer
pd ieverythang. Ointments and local
treatment for soft bones in hardt's Enna-Itnid cured ine perfect -
children. Littlecloses everyday
give the stiffness and shape
that healthy bones should have.
Bow leks become straighter,
loose joints grow stronger and EPWORTri LEAGUE CONVENTION
firmness comes to the soft
Convention of the Exact' District,
Wrong food caused the wiil be held in the IVIain-st. Metho-
trouble: Right food will cure it. 25th. A 'lorge tioTniltr(om' • Octet'
In thousands of cases Scott's societies iS 7expecterd' and the fol.:.
Emulsion has proven to be the lowing. l'r°11Lable Prag.-e'anao has /ipan
prep ar ed.
right food for soft bones in MORNING SESSION
childhood. 0.00-1Jevotional. Exercises,
Rev. Win. Godwin.
Send for free sample- y Spirit Filled League,*
SCOTT a; ..R.OWn.IE, Chemists, Mrs- Sutcliffe.
5oc, and $i.00; all druggists, 10,55 -- Thci Money Nerve ot Lb
nall3r which removes the eause of pil-
eo. $.00 al; druggists or The.Wilson-
Fyle Co., Linal „ Niagara Falls, ant
1111.1.. HAS PROVED 11'
oronto Man Explains Ito -to Ile Ga-
ined Thirty Pounds in a Few
Weeks. Remarkable statement.
At 89 Fuller Street, Toronto, lives
tt W110 CUOMO 10 havo proven be-
yond the shadow of a doubt that Dr.
Loonda.rdt's Anti -Pill is the most ,
wonderful remedy ever introduced.
Iris name is W. A. Bill, and he mak-
es the following statement ;
"1 nos very much run down and I
had a conStant pain in my side
which made life a drag to mt. I
full3r ibelieved my days were numb -
treatment of Dr. Leonhardt's Anti -
Pill, and the results were marvel -
"After a short tines I found InY-
self restored to perfect health and
strength., which I aro. thartkful to
say I have enjoyed ever sinne.
" I hove gained -thirty .pounds in
weisslat sinee I commenced to use An -
Mr. Ilill's statement is only one
'ef many. No one has ever used Dr.
Leondardt's Anti -Pill without beneo
,Price 50e. All druggists, or The
Wilson-Fyle Co., Limited, Niagara
Folds, Ont. Sole agent for Canada.
A sad event i ook place at the home
of Mr. Robert Norris, Staffa, when
his father-in-law, Mr. Samuel Mc-
Curdy, departed this life on 'Monday
October lOth.
.J. T. Reid, of the 4th conces-
sion, Stanley, hos bought the• store
business of Ileattie Bros., -at Bruce -
field, and will take possession about
the 1st or November. .
Harsh, purgative remedies are
fast giving way to the gentle action
and mild effects of Carter's Little
I,iver If you try them they
will certainly please you .
Mr. Israel Taylor, of Clinton, has
accepted 1113 positioo of district man-
ager of the Imperial Life Insurance
Company for the counties of Middle-
sex ,anc1 Huron, with headquarters
in London.
After ,stil tering, untold agony from
1.our months, Mrs. Shier, of Clinton,
(formerly 'of Goderich) was placed on
a ,siosetcher, Monday morning of last
Nveinc, enct sent by train to Victoria
hospital, London, for areatinent,thaL
will, we trust, prove of great bene-
fit to her.
at ,at,19ti,111'111:111:,IFInrt91W1111,1
fleSSaildReSt.0011taill$ neither
Now NA'Xit;C QT/C.
16:1.6.17*41:4::ossi:"J:ss.... so: s
Apc:1717*-wRgat7d; forcon,sti
Lion, Sour Stotach,Dlarrtio
and LOSS or SMER
ASTO n I till
For Infants and. Ohildr
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
(incorporated by .4et of Parlituuent
0110111Cyery 1 -awful Day from 10 A. st. to 8 e. an except Saturtioy 10 4. :V. 1 I% 0/.
2 Fat -niers' Sale Plizstott cashed or colieetta. Forms pplicyl
On application. DRAFTS on all points In the Doutialoo. Orti% t. Brno! lot rat.
'led states, bougltt and sold tat lowest -rates ot exchange,
Deposits ot ffilLOO and upwarls received. Int
Mundell holt yearloy, and added to 'principal Juno 3,0th and Decembe
Ansitalleccipts also issued and highest current rates ot Interest Allayed:
ACIVaticeS made to 'farmers, stink dealers and business men at ,,o'k
SIS lowest rates and on most favorable tonna. Agents at Exeter for Dom. Goveroment,
• D101CSOn carting, Solicitors.. N. D. Hi./ Rpm% Manager. *
Forty-ninth Annual 'Meeting was
held last Monday.
Reserve Fund now equals the
Paid:Up Capital -President
Speaks of the Bank's
The forty-ninth annual general
meeting or the share -holders of the
Molsons Bank was held in Montreal
on October 17111, 1901. .
Special 'references; were made as
regards the Rest X1,131 d which
1 has now reached $3,000,000, equal ip
the paid up capital and making this
old. established institution orie or the
strongest in the country, also to its
having never passed a dividend Which
few did in troublesome times gone
The General Manager, Managers.
and -officers come in tor a good shore
of eulogy from shareholders. The
dividend declared was 9 per cent.,
with, a good. chance of being inoreas.
ed ito 10 per cent. with . continued
prosperity. But the President TO-
xerarkod"Wo must continue the pol-
icy of safe guarding the interests of
the Bank for lean years must fol-
low ,the years of great prosperity
which have blessbd our country.
The following is the profit and loss
Balance at credit of
Profit and loss
Account on 30th
September 1003. .
Net profits for the
year, after deduct-
ing expenses of
roanagement, re-
servation for in-
terest accrued on
and provision for
bad and doubtful
457,200 12
$483,016 63
Appropriated as follows:-
07-th dividend at
rate of 9 per cent.
per annum, 2nd
08th Dividend at
rate of 9 per cent
Per annum, 1st
October, 1901 ... 185,000 00
Business Taxes.... 0,601 58
Expenditure n
Bank Premises
Officers' Pent -dolt
Added to Ilserve
Fund . 150,600 00
445,009 45
Leaving at credit
Profit and Loss
September, 190 t
$ 37,077
Jas, MI hell, or Wingleava receiv-
ed a nasty cut on the top of his bead
on Monday. while IA work in the up-
holstering factory, by 41, weight folt-
mg on hien. The wound required
several s tit thes.
Mr. Wm. Wellwood, Fordyce
has sold bis fine farm to r. John
joynt, or Lucknow. There ;Ir.` 200
acres, arre hundred improvsd, and
the price was $7,500. Mr. Wellwood
will reside in Winahana.
All disorders caused by a bilious
state. of the system oan be (lured by,
using Carter's Little Liver Pills. No
pain, griping or discomfort attend-
ing their use, Try them,
At St. John's church. Itolmesvillo
on Wednesday, October 12tio the mar
riage took place of MiSs Florence
Louise, (laughter of Jas. Connollg'S
Goderich township, to the Bov. II -
Wright, IL A. Tilsonburg.
Mrs. Ita,yes' First Letter Appeal- -
'lug to Airs. Pinkham for Help:::
under Boston doctors' treatrcient for a
long time without any relief. Their
tell xne I have a fibroid tumor. I can-
not sit down without great pain, and -
the soreness extends up my spine.-- '
have bearing -down pains both back .
and front. My abdonien is swollen, .
and I have had Bowing spells for three -
years. Mrappetite is not good. I can-
not walk or be on nay feet for any -
lettostb. of time.
" The symptoms of Fibroid Tumor -
given in your little boolt. accurately --
describe my case, so I write to you for
252 Dudley St. (Roxbury), Roston, Mass. -
Hrs. Efayes' Second Letter:
"DEAR Mts. PniunAn : --Sometime
ago I wrote to you describing my symp- -
toms and asked your advice. You re-
plied, and followed all your direc-
tions carefully, and to -day 1 am a well
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