HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-10-20, Page 3, LUTE EC Rift Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. ?dust Boar Signature. of See Pee -Simile rapper Beim lirCTY t5Main wad az.: cos,. to 'take as cegar.. CARTEKS aiMEADACHE6 Oft DIZZINESS: 'Trim OR OluousREtt. 1VER OR TORPID LIVER. plus, OR CONSTIPATION. SAU.OW SKIN. TliE COMPLEXION tiptiti rtgNJ ariregttaiz=.:.,04,...;6. AD tiEe a purely vegetable System Renovator, Blued Purifier and Tonle. A medine tht acts directly at the same time OR the Stomach, Liver, Bowels and Blood. It cures Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Constipation, Pimples, Boils, Head- ache, Salt Rheum, Running Sores, indigestion, Erysipelas, Cancer, Shingles, Ringworm or any disease arising from au impoverished or impure condition of the blood. For 1101e by all Braoolsts. ItEMARICABLE SURGERY. A inervel netirgery Is reported from. Scranton, Pennsylvenla. As the Asia ut an attack of pleurisy the heart of Annie Riley, aged thirteen, moved from the left to the rtght, side of the body. Thus it remained for twelve months, when bet removing four entire ribs the surgeons reStored the heart to its oorinal place. The gid is recovering. Too much knowledge has been known to strangle happiness. THE CHRISTAIN SABBATH A Vivid Contrast of .the Old Time Religion " and the New. (En,t,ered eeeercling to At of the Per- alanieet of eyouccia, in the year one Th ane lunched ale/ Our. by Wm. Ilaily, of 'Toronto, at the I'enartment of Agriculture ottawa A deepateli trona. Los AngeleS, Ca, suers: Rev. Prank De Witt Telmage preaehecl from the following text:— Psalm xi„, 3, If the foundations be destroyed, what Cart tile righteons do?" Emasculating, depreeSing and be- nuelniug ie the maxim propagated by eome lazy, nonprogressave people as the rule ei theugnt and life, that "what was good enough for our fa- thers should be good eeough for us." woUld yield to no man in My •rev- erence for the ineneery of the sainted dead whose secred dust lies in our cemetries, No flowers aro there too fragrant for the family plots, no epi- taphs too eloquent or too reverent recount. ttemr virtues, nor, when he family financee ore Adeanate, anY quaOlentn to imposing to enshrioe heir rain. 1. have alWays found ut when inveetigating' thot if a eon doge not respect, the memory of a dead mother he will not respeet the . . being wife, who becomes the mothei of his children. In the first place, I protest against the leoncteleSut which is undermining the foundatiotonee of our ences- trill Sabbath. Be ilesecrators tame been going up coal deem the length and breadth of the iand asserting that religious worahip een become as much a form cif dissipation as drink etovereating or overexereising• ewe be. They Illeke a wrong a.pplication f our Lord's words that the "Sab- bath Was made for tnan told not lean for the Sabbath.' They affirm that fa faheUrd for a. businesa man who s been at taril work for at least days of the week from 7 Weigel; the Morning; eontetimes until 10 ,n or 12 &clock at night to he compelled to get up on 'Sunday in time for an early Sunday echoed, then -to attend tAVO 10ng church preadiing services, and then perhaps t o adtend a. Christian Endeavor so- ciety besides. They contend that Sunday should th be a day of rest and that what a t tan needs -upon the Sabbath (lay is b„„ relaxation. Ho should go to bed, k; Saturday uight after a hot badh with 1: his mincl perfectly at ease, As he 721 crawls into bed he should be Able to s silY to himeell: "Now, I eau lie hero c. the weteltti which it pours, forth on the needy and the suffering, hut he will be disappointed. The econonee which refuses to give help to those who need proves a canker to prosper- aty„ and those who withhold thelr charity come to poverty,. The cool- maed is that lie who loves God love his brother also, and the conyerse is true that be who does not love his eeteee. Y chief purpose of your life, to bring THE s to Christ your children and your s LEssoi children and ,your children's children? To -day let us have some of the .id fashioned purposes and ways and habits of our forefathers. When we are dying may we never be ashamed to utter the words which Dwight L. Moody said to his children. You all have read them : "May we not be ambitious to make money. May we not be ambitious for worldly fame and honors. Vey we eiraply be am- . INT`ERNAOTCITON2A3L. LESSON, - Text ot the Lesson., IL Kings vo 1-14, Golden. Text, Jer. xvii., 14, A an of God is not only one bitmus to find a coneeerated, earnest tusIteleni:er.weell°1$11)rtaittlblefull°1 ervdit'ts:essa,S. SFLE3C3T'ElD RECUPES' place to work in God's vineyard and 4c , o ass_es Drop Cakes—One cup ano- ebbo vi de 3.7 hin tahnodt 47eyard our wives, . 4, pAp x,s truly o man of God he is our friends wo'ranet supremely indtlierent to the titles, aT:eetsas79-0101.1:usll'od::11'411.'talblee:Poonnii:ciencl.. by ow. side tbe master's mule,r; positions or rewards of men, as ,geei°,-;:gt'ols.tc.d:11. o21:1.r.x 3sneognu; That purpose isooda Illvoiliteblespsurpsosrl. rslibsehtaweeheutitihi: eata birhtiewelioQustatreabstt,1 Buttercup ethi has blessed that holy purpose it thetlta king of Syria. a great and hon" rop 4".° 4-'411S clean" frcauth liveS el the 01(1 fashior.eci folks wnc6oroble man, a neighey man in a,- I • home eorning of their engtiren, 0. are now in heaven owititiog tbe,leet a leper, and the fiklixAbi lean of ot77.;ug,ar r runtil very ieeinghmt.thr:de-: utalle That God, unknosvn to the world as, Snell, "" a CUP cr" butter with a sup ti -1+14-1-1-4-44+144.4444-44. Th Plonie 4144-14-444-14444-14-1-114.14-1--T* brother proves that he does not love purpose form,s the true foundationdyet in touch. with God linnself. and beilOer of which inl The connecting link his God. „Ito dottiest delicacies ever ceoeed the living and true and the maker beaten yolks of three eggs, and whip y• glorified Christ, Mav God answerling art maid to Newnan's wife Over, the fulallmentand:captive by the Syrians and was act- toes add two euris of no . is the little , - three times, with two teaspoonfuls of to a smooth hatter. Stir in a cup parnoningiThraelitish mold who had been taken of leltewarin milk (or water). To in tbe mother's etove were not for and redeeming and ascended vigorous appetite.s. They were for the growiog boys, with health pit and pew alike - of this prayer for pul-;a11 and through all is t';le God 01" ' belong powder. Beet into this the the poor consumptive young girl who used to sit day after day upon the Isreel, who worketh all things after ' , egg and tetih mixture; finally fold in ur sifted oeighbor's veranda in the Maori sun, smiling at us as we trudged away the counsel of Bis own will, and who ;the whites, whipped to a standing 'USES FOR attrErt GRApEs. only cloeth wondrous things atoll. io i'frone, etti' in -eery lightly, and with Green Grupe gam...stem the grapes 11; Pas. Ixxii., 18). A leper is -10,0„ few str ' , 13 - . in yet 'tine to school. My, liow we cast long- and let thent sunnier in a porcelain human estimation hopelessly undeOri! Kalopse-For this any small ecr ing eyes at those jellies! We then -when soft hogermg death, The dasease is the the toe hest rta a sone a at thews almost. wished we could be rub kkeeteptlo:wwenitthfrom burninac jest enough water to and as a role doomed to a stow. end ; of beef can be utilized, eveu Ir get A4ttales44t for tliaenklittl° Awnildik;tiatvir° a sieve, and meamire, To every int ture. Consteler the most how:made 1 of t , A A ge in a la,N•er through. a. colander, then through 141°st l'enierlfehle itYP° °t sin in SeriP" to the put salt and Pepper each pi warm and Cellefeetahie the mite allow three -rewrote ef a poun*4 of man of weolth of whom Yeti 1:now or the pot. Over this eift, flour tens looked whish mother knitted leg' granulated sugar. steadily together for fifteen minutes, 'his fel/el"' it be is 'nu Unsa`ved Sin' n one boa them lieve heard, held in great esteem by tweeter fietea yea °nowt ond a bay leaves, Repeat until oil the in tAlumdprureachuilulreftixtrtlliwvrin.v.gtooveill;rtelde4hoilivill stirrina coogantly to in the valley was Prostrated with emote:binge seal het hi email fruit f part this life as such, see his ilattare ,, may also be put in to give strength tars, or if preferred, it may be turned, prevent nier, a 33001,31a leper. and should de- is in. If there ere some bones these tYPboltl flevee and lay for monehs: into jelly glasses. end When 5014 ,descrileed by Our Lord Mansell in , to the gravy. hovering between mu and death " Lillie xvio 22, 23, and see also Rev- nettielegelOW11 by the side so as not ()ton Pour water--oot t don't you remember how your father seated fp, jelly. ' t - 3.n • ' 1- , . ,T ii --T A M. 1 io ,r1,-,0„ for t in ion t Ines rather be the little:covered, stirrinc frequently attain jaartga hitshetienitdilaghahnocirs stoomolkngtubrinss gielroaz Is, roeur. opec y.,. 1 , , . , , 1 c t. , 1.1 i I ,1 t wiu th,,, .. g x ',.., ; >,..7,,,.., 4. i wash off the )3erlee. Cook elowly, and t.s0.4 getting In bis wasbaraetts? ,rbe.y, tom iteoujel 110 gatheeed when Just hee all Re len 1 ° sr0t = nQ g_ _ ,WAter as it imils away, The tough - that. that sick man ono .1. gig to turn ripn ;item them. !God of Israel. than the 3eper Naa- est meet wilt be eettler and juiey if be, when upon his sick bed he heard ter in a preserving kettle for hall but not knowing 00(1* "Whnt t41011", strong Athlete. However that ulaY i wash nncl e°°it with a ru1/1°1 c't Ira' ,Iliall' esnPr° though so great a Ilinn' PPreePeabrae: hitnogts1-41sTi7i:yre. cipe is for six what his oeighbore had done anal" Imur ar Ilan ,oft. Let theni3t Profit a. man 11 he Sliall gain th° PeoPle. Lee eight eggs, one tea - how they bad kept the wolf oi hun-"eool ti, little, I at a., time, then put them, a little , whole world and los4blaoislitottistencsaopittlitv'e' ‘,8spp0000ltilegsobffnesi4nieggeonmioonA four table, ger from his door he cried like a lit- through or minced tle ehild. He became just such a.Pressihg' hard to extract ult. the juice. inlaid might bovit Pined and frott'd boson, one-half teaspoonful Kilt. and eick, veep as etalph Connor depicted Meaeure the liquid and allow one and ,beettuse of her raPtivitY. thet tate „oneteighth teaspoonful 01 pepper. in one of hie backwoods te is, one-lialf cupfuls of best gratmlated oseents Instead to have felt, more for , Conk the meat oral onion together I Then the funerals ot elle fathers sugar to oath two cnefuls of juice., fler Master. who was a leper. than thoroughly over A hot tire Ove and forefathers. They never allowee, [Bring tlee julce aulenot to the bolo, for hereelf, and with heatt-telt de- ' uteso twat the eggs thoroughly, and a, neighbor to be hurled like 0 dog (ling point, and Loll rapidly twenty frtre for his healing she naid to lim %add The SeaSoning; rut the pal-,; en 0, 0„ foieutiless pauper, iis eometintes we enhuites, then draw, the kettle to the mistress. "Would God, my Lorth.cooler port of the stove, and pour do No. They literally practiced back of tele range and add the ete.)were with the prophet that is la Sa-; in the eager stir tilt the eggs become he ospel rule: "It is better to go gar (whielt should be made very Maria. for He would recover him ot.thicle anti ereemy then the house et mourning than to the house of feasting." When their neighbors wept, they wept. iVileu heir netglibors were lowered into heir open graves, they theineelvee eta the ropes that gently let clown, 0 eeffiii.S. ditts not their way bitt- er than our way'? We live end reathe only for self, Was not tho bristian ItelPing Inuld Qut fore- scald and strain them, To nye pound tethers extended, to the troubled bites grepes allow two ar.el one-half pounds their inid.st better Rum the icy eighbors? We grumble in 4 etreet which we regard otir Of Sllgnr, one pint of einegar, one tablespoonftll each of einnae11011, tare with cloves, allspice, salt aml pepper; boll ke sr beeetise we have to wait for two o mmutes While a funeral procession, Until . rather thick and Seal at oaCO, er ' wending Its way to the cemetery, is Tie the spices in a piece of muslin. ea holding us at a crossing. Tne Gold- Green Oran° Chattney.—Seed two „ en 'Kale whieh our torefathers poao. pounds of green grapes and put them t(, tired ehould never be allowed to slip in a preserving kettle with one and '7 out of our lives. The sick limn who o lives next door to us should be hist 11 as carefully cared for and nursed by le us as if he was our own son. o bot ut the oven while the juice is boiling), stirring steedily until it is dissolved. Return to the Inc and boil briskly for two minntes pour his leprosy (verse 3). I have gem „buttered toast an• d serve. tittle girls of ten or teseve years in; Jellled Iloullionn-In serving hOUll- Porto Rico who go from house to Ion lu hot weather make lit the day house among the mountains saying. hefOre; when cold remove all greose, into eelly giasses and set aside where 1"Peitee to this house,1* and then ask,'„ end set the bowl on lee, adding a It Will not be disturbed foe two days itho privilege of singing of JehuS and tableepoonful of prepared gelatin to then cover. Of reading about Him from His word. :each pint; break into inwttlar bits dist beginning to turn ripe. sten; suera children es these put to eliame, wItteh must not he stiff, hut only Green Grape Catsup. --Select grapes 110w this Israelitish maid antlatcl half the cops with this jelly, tuat as long as please. If 1 aWa at 9 o'clock, all right. If I ea sleep to 3,2, better still. Then aft I awake I will haven cup of col and a roll brought to zny bedsid and will eat a little and then sta in bed another hour, reading tit newspaper. °Then after dinner wi take my children out to one at ti public parks or down by the seasid and get a. sun bath and a view of God's trees and valleys and hillsides, or I will go to one of our great art in galleries and look at the pictures. It de is impossible for no to go ana see hi the painters' and the sculptors' nuts- 121 terpieces on any other day. Therefore oN the city tart galleries should be open- ie ed on Sunday. Then in the evening 0 hour I will go to church if I feel like 1 it. If I do not desire to do so sh will go to bed again and rest—yes, tl just rest, such a system of rest I shall be invigorated end Shall re- en er 83 torn to niy work the next Monde strong- in body, dear in Miter, mere loving to my family, the human race at large, and to -Cod himself. That," ys our iconoclast, "Is my idea of Salabatli day. I do not think a arciworking man lias a right to ake his Sunday a day of bard work church going, so that he works arder on the Sabbath than lie does O any other day of the week," THE LORD'S DAY. I protest, in the second place, a.inst, the iconoclasm which would CLTIBITOTISE VEKSUS II01= Do you, ray brotlfer„ think far one Stant that the advent of the mo- rn clubhouse and public reception 11 and Delmonico banquets is a oral improvemertt for Modern men 'or the old fashimied quilting part- s and merrymaking frolics which nce made the rafters of the old armhouse creak like the beams of a ip at sea, and bend &moat like illiam Tell's bow? - Do you think lis? I do not. I believe that any Joyment which a mart is compelled ntematically to find outside of the sa 11 THAT'S THE SPOT! Right in the small of the back. no you ever get a pain there? If so. do you know What it means? ag It is a Backache. A sure sign of Kidney Trouble. Don't neglect it. Stop it in time. - If you don't, serious Kidney ,Troubles are sure to follow. DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS cure Backache, Lame Back, Diabetes, Dropsy and all Kidney and 131adder Troubles. Price 500. a box or 3 for $1.25. ail dealerei. DOAN KIDNEY PIILL CO” Toronto, Ont, 14 AVE yot " been smo1t. ing a good deaC lately and feel an occasional twinge of pain roundyourheart? Are you short of ‘,7"-a" eliminate from our lives; the divine pleneiple of concern for the welfare of others, Profane iconoclastic hands have been eedermining the foundation stones of our sacred Sabbath. Aye, these enentiee of God have been doing more; they ha,ve been sneering and ridiculing the beautiful parable of the good Samaritan. They !have been declaring that a man's neighbor belongs not to the family which Eves next door to hbn. The only neigh- bor who has claims he would recog- nize is the wife or child who lives within the four walls of his own hoese. Pia has been asserting that, a man's chief duty in life is to him- self and his own. After the members of his ianmediate fondly have eaten enough and have a well filled ward- robe and a comfortable house to live in, then a man has fulfilled his chief end to society. His doctrine is, "Care for yourself end let others .e for theirtselves in the same breath, nerves nen' unhinged, sensa- tion of pins and needles going through your arms and fingers? Setter take a hex or two of Milburn's Heart and, Nerve Pills and get cured before things become too serious. As a specific for all heart and nerve troubles they can- not be excelled.' A true heart tonic, blood enricher and nerve re- newer, they cure nervousness, sleepless- ness, nervous, prostration, smoker's heart, palpitation tit the heart, a.fter effects of la grippe, etc. Price soc. per box or 3 boxes for $1.25 BreAUTTIPUL IDOL. 'Can any good some out of such a zeroth?" I once read of great aqueror invading a countey of the east. One day he entered a 'pie where stood an iC101 00 beau- ul that not, ane of his folloavers s willing to destroy it, With an h, the conqueror said, "If you I not obey my cominands, I Will troy it myself." He -lifted: his tlea,x. As 11ra,ised himself in his 'rups—for lie liad ridclen his horse o the temple—with a miglity blow shattered tile idol into a thousand es. Then, to his followers' sur- e, he revealed the fact that the de of the idol was not a vactium, liad been filled with tbousands up - thousands of golden coins, .wiiich a lava bed burst from the broken ne and rolled to the feet of the' tern' iconoclast. The iconoclast who The 1'. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto. Ont, charity . and benettolence may think eliat tte too, will be able to grasp, Na CO2 far ten tif we, oat Wil des bat stit int he piec pies It on as stat at all drug -gists, or win be sent on receipt we, destroys the beatitiful Image of Many' Chrislitins who never peel., tittle net. Such bouillon, needs time of Christ even under the most favor- higher seasonirig than 'when served able circumstances. Holy is it that !hot. otherwise it is insipid. Sheer the love ot Christ does not more fun. wine, spices. cayenne, and /mon' jui terimconasntr do ot wtifin IlLywfesorlts.ap114111trneeeeiv.. sinhr oldr teerbatstipedllti:; athedwitilson: I osrei;eol ate Ilitu? The message of the little1tine is better than to make th maid reached Naaman, and his mas-lbouillon too heavy with meat. Wier ter, the king of Syria, sent him t*:preferred, the it beef extroct rimy Nnviculer disease (also cA teint or grom lamenes inflemmation of a smolt bone iestde the horse' hoof. it is tho co94t commoo and aerioue of aft reams of hooftrouhle. Write for free deecrip- time giving cause, signs and treat, meat of this elisee,se. ,j)uniop i7orseshoe Pads Put new leg* (pa your horse. and make his working life longer.. Good for riavicular disease. Will cure or help to cure all forms of lameness. gyosornarcecalkkTtrazeta Dunlop rim Co" rerranie, reraeviog en Aer*or 4oraleritAt hzr the Vovhsm shoos horse FOR RRHOEA, DYSENTERY COLIC, CRAMS, eYe PAIN IN THE STOMACH, AND ALL a - the Icing of Israel with great pomp, be tooth gelatine and reasoning I one -halt pounds of chopped green ap- bearing a letter front tbe king of ded, and the whole boiled. a few ples. Add four ounces of salt, one Syria and taking witli him a present minutee. our.ce of garlic, one tea,spooned of of much silver and gold and costly, Cream Candy—Roil, without stir - onion juice, one ounce eaeh of grated raiment. Rut, the latter said, "1. ring, two winds of granitlitted su- ginger and borseradish, half a tea- have with this sent Nnaninn any ser-, gar: One-thira pint of water; four spoonful of cayenne and one pint of vent, tliat thou mayest reeever hint tahleSPOOTIfIllS Of Vinegar; butter tete It Pleasant Rapid Reliable Effectnal best vinegar. Cook slowly until re- of his leprosy" (verse 6). )size of no e t 1 . Atom duced to a pulp, turn into an earth- There was a. great misunderstand-1Ni of glycerin. When on dropping en bowl, add half a pint of brown g on the part of the king of Soria, in cold water it quidkly hardens, add sugar, cover and let stand for one and well might the king of Isineli a small teaspoonful of cream of tar twigeekht.ly instisrgangn tadre, Then seni rend his clothes and say, "Am / God, fetal*, pour into buttered plates, and - to kill and to make alive?" Truly ; pour two tablespoonfuls of vanilla pounds of grapes, scald and strain Spiced Green Grape.s.--.Stein four in voin is the help of man, even if a.: over top. Pull when cool enough. king, in such a case, but the malt of l A testy of coolting beefsteak that I there. Put them in a preserving ket- Ood heard of it and said to the ,a wee bit tough was accIdentallys tie with one cupful of water, inareli king of Israel, "Let him come zmen'stumbled upon one day. Company them slightly to extract the juice, Itti) al n ye tr oapnhde t simmer slowly until soft. Then in Israel" (verse 8) Sito and the contents of cupboard and re-' he shell know that Uteri); came when it was too late to order, he came in his pomp and stood atofrigerator were very slim. Two end the door of the liouse of Elijah, think, ot porter -house steak were hastily ru ing that the prophet would come out through the meat chopper, using tit and with some great demonstration . • at i e. A eoffee cop of . call on the name of the Lord his - God and make him whole. Oli, these water, then the rest of the dinner was pet on to cook in salted boiling race thoughts of ours as to our own ini-- was prepared and ready to serve be- portance and as to how God ought fore the 'meat was cooked. Rave to work or as to what might happen. ,skillet smoking hot, and grease just See even Abraham led astray by his enough with butter to keep from thougbts (Gen. xx. 11). Hear our sticking, stir in chopped meat, and Lord's question, "Why do thoughts Ltsike ,,. stir until Irteat is cooked through; arise in your hearts?" one or two minutes is long enough. II Cor. x, 5. 88) and note carefully Jer, xerix, 11; ITeat xne, plater and p/ace meat in a messenger centre of \alate, heapieg it up with of butter on top, then salt When Elisha, sent only to tell Newnan what to do, assuring A lump it he would be and pepper to taste. Make a border him that if lie did of the rice around the plate and clean and his flesh like a little child, his pride was so hurt that in anger serve together. Sometimes I serve an attitude of stern neutrelity— had at not been for he would have naissed his blessing Inaccaroni with tlie raeat instead of his servants. rate. None of et is ever wasted, and their Majesties have presented the lAeing persuaded to do as he had twice a week is not too often to general with two pieces of the finest been told, the word of the prophet is serve it to my fanally. Round steak ganee, wherewith to make a suit of fulfilled to hine, Then he honored is a good steak to buy to chop if summer clothes, as well as a gilded the God, of Israel and offered to re- you haV0 110 adds and ends to ese. fan, on one side of which is a paint- ward His servant, the prophet Elisha ing by the ExnpreSS-Dowager and on but the prophet said, "As the Lord the other a poem by the Emperor liveth before wham I stand, I will himself. The latter, it is"chronicl- receive none" (verse 16). We think ecl, bears the tirle, "A Wall - of "De- of Abram blessed by Melchisedee with fence to the Empire," a delicate compliment to the general's strategic skill in guarding the environs of Pe- kin, "The talk in mandarin CirCleS 110W iS that if General Ma acts with discretion he may, in the fulness of time, obtain a viceroyalty for the 'mere asking. JAPANESE BEANS*. Pew of Them Would he Enougb, f or an Army. SUMMER COMPLAINTS ITS EFFECTS AKE INAAVELLOUS. ACTS LIKE A, CHANNI. RELIEF ,ALSOST INSTANTANEOUS, strain through a coarse sieve, pres- . society of his wale and children and sing all the pulp through. Return home is a depleting, enervating and to the lire with two pounds of brown ultimately degrading enjoyment. A sugar, one pint of vinegar, and one believe that any enjoyment which tablespoonful each of cinnamon and systematically makes a, another rele- allspice. Simmer for twenty min - gate the care of her children tolutes and seal. nursegirls and to hired honds is an + enjoyment evhicli is poisoned through GENERAL MA POPULAR. and through by evil influences which will ultimately bring forth narvest- Empress of China Narks Hint Ings not for God, but for Satan. I Out for Pa,vors at Court, believe this tendency of the human race, this evil poison atmost every- Glenered Ma, whose name has bane where prevalent, to find enjoyment the subject of many indifferent, not anywhere, everywhere except by your to say Painful, jests, is apparently own fireside will ultimately result in in Nigh favor with the Emperor end a, second downfall of man as .drama- EmlYress of China. As a token of tic and overwhelming and complete their appreciation of his connuet as when Adam, and Eve ate of the since the conlinenceMent of the war -- fruit of the forbidden tree unless man during which period he has adoptecl himself, by, the, grace of God, halts and 'learnS again to find his chief pleasures in the associations of his wife and children within Phe four walls of his own home. once heard father say to my mother, "I hope after we are dead that our children will believe we have loved them and have wanted to be with them more than with any one else on earth." They. lived for us: Yes, our parents lived for Os. May we be like the old folks. May we fund our chief enjoyment not only in liv- ing for our children, but also in the companionship of our children, no matter how old or how young they may be. May modern society not be involuted into the pleasures of a clubhouse or a public reception hall, but be evoluted into the sanctified enjoyment' of a Christian home. NORLdDrY SLTOCESS, EVERY HOUSE SHOULD 110AVIC yr. cue VOUS 0,1t16C1311T 10* rf. 7AK0 1.40 0.10sa. PRICE, •360. ' IT'S SOMETIMES TITAT WAY. s ] She was Surprised when she.heard n of the engagement and she showed 0 men, I ask of you one question. It is a blunt question. Will you an- swer me? What would you sooner have had your father to be—a great speaker, a great flanancier, a great general or a siniple, noble, pure hearted and devoted servant of Christ as he wag and is to -day in heaven ? You answer well. There is but one right answer. Then, if ' the noble, pure, gentle Christian life of, your father meant so much to you, can you not, will you not give to your boy the same Christian heritage? I3y the sacred altar of God's love will you not follow their example? Will you not carry out the dying, wishes of your new redeemed and gloriQed It is all very well to be told that tlie Japanese soldiers can get along with tea and a handful of rice or beans or dried fish. But has anyone met a Japanese bean face to face? An American borticulturist, who has been expel -in -tenting with them, has 'produced a vegetable measuring 42 inches and fulling a quart measure, That Jax at ep er rt pslonlidnistsitlaeNsWilOoluCt mysteryon iris . day's pursuit of the Russian with a bean strapped around his belt, and when meal time arrives, bites 05a foot or two, according• to his appo. tite. ,ntust always remember the size of these t111n4s, A recent writer parents and consecrate yourself to of Manchuria tells of his surprise at your Divine Ira -aster? Will you not hearing that a Cabbage was on its here and now lead your boys and way to him, from an admiring friend, girls to the feet of Christ and con- He did not quite appreciate the gilt secrete them to the Master also ? till he founFi that it weighed 400 Shall not the chief purpose of your pounds and lasted a good-sized fa.m- Christian parents in reference to fly, with friends and relatives throwo. their children be duplicated in the , in, a whole winter. HOUSEHOLD FLINTS. If sticky' fly paper is turned wrong side up on floor, carpet or furniture, the blessing of tbe Most nigh God, it may be removed with benzine. possessor of heaven and earth, and A particularly good layer eake is therefore refusing to touch a thing iho result of stirring grated cocoa - belonging to the king of Sodom (Gen. nut into the chocolate filling made xiv, 22, 23; xv, 1). Contrast the baseness and the, covetousness of to put between the layers. dhood is simply bread, butter, and Sugar, with A sandwich dear to 4, Gehazi as told in the rest of the chapter, but note in the last verse a liberal sprinkling of powdered cin - his punishment. Our Lord said, namon. Try this ror the. school hutch 'Take heed and beware 01 covetous - nese, for a man's life consisteth not baraetss. Bsk av be polished with electro - oilmen moistened to a paste with lemon juice and water. Apply witli a flannel cloth, let tand a few min- utes, then rub with dry flannel and polish with chamois. A handle] of dates Is an excellent addition to the liana. basket. Also an envelope full of shelled nuts, Soft dairy clieese now comes in tiny pots costing five certts. One pot should serve for two days' ihneheon, the lit- tle pots afterwards serving to hold jellies and preserves. Sometimes, in, a sateen bedroom, to have a window pp during the night means a direct draft upon the head, which makes the occupant fearful of taking cold. Set a screen before the window, =have a piece of table oil- cloth the width of the window, setv smell brass rings to each corner and have corresponding nails in the frame to slip thein over, The oil - A silk hat that's worn ail night cloth should be- wide enouglb to reach loses its nap, half way up the sash, and if tnMh- sunbeams of wit quickly melt the tacks are used instead of nails the ice of sarcasm, window frame will 3dot he defa,ced„: m the abundance of the things which he possesseth" (Luke xii, 3.5). Agaia it is written.* "Godliness with con- tentment ie groat gain; having foori and raiment, let us be therewith 'con- tent" „(1: Tim. 71., 6, 8), but there are few who seem to believe these words. Even among those who bear the name of Christ there are not wanting 7those • who manifest the spirit of Gehazi. The Elishas and Abrams are very rare; but inasmuch as every one of DS shall give account of himself to God (Rom. xiv, 12) it should not concern us so much as to others as it should AS to our- selves. How do I stand before God? What does He see that I am seeking? Should be the great ques- tions. Is it eaeity seen that I am standing before Him, living unto ,Him? "Why, I was perfectly satisfied *0My own mind that you liked Tom better than George," she said. "Well, to tell the truth, I did," replied the engaged girl. "Rut you say you are engaged to George?" "Yes, that's true." "Well, 1 don't tioderstand it at all." "Why, it's very simple. You see, George was the one who proposed." - An old Scotch woman li.ceps her preserves from moulding by pouring a little pure glycerine On the surface after the preserves have cooled. This is said to be both sure and good. r,,n1fPlin Alt GOOD THINGS must win upon their merits. :The International Dictionary has won a greater distinction upon its merits and is in more general use than any other work `of' its kind in the English language.'‘ see-, at, A. R. &wee; LL.D., Ox.gord University, England, has recently said of it: It is hacleed a marvelous work; it is difficult to conceive of a dictionary more exhaustive and complete. Everything is in it— not only what we naight expect to find iu such a work, but also what few of us would ever have thought of looking for. A supplement to tho new edition has brought it fully up to date. I hcrve been looking through the latter with 13. feeling' of astonishment at its completeness, and the amount of labor that has been put into it. - • LET US SEND YOU FREE "A Test in Pronunciation" whiphfi4ifords vsnastit.land inettuctivc evening it, exam - Illustrated pamphlet also free. G..:S; C. MERRIAM CO., Pubs., Springfie/ Mean.