HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-10-13, Page 8t.1 EX ETER L1M S. 00T3BEE 13th 1.004 vom•••••••••••••INam....41.,.A., Big eady=to=Wear SKIRT••BARGAINS Bargain No 1 $2.25 Bargain No Ladies' Ready to -Wear Tailor made Skirt, in black or dark grey, trimmed with self cording and small buttons, Made from good solid serge homespun This is A smart garment, Ladies' Tailor Made Skirt, made from good blac Homespun, double pleated adjustable back, nicel trimmed with self cords, and Buttons. Ask to s $3.40 this special skirt les a sure bargain. 1 Ladles Tailor Made Skirt, made from fine black Bargainl Vicunas. Cloth, with fine invisible cord, trimmed with . Flounce Drops, Cording and Buttons., This very 1\ 0 3 - - . stylish Skirt is rna,de to our own special order We $5 00t consider it the best skirt deal we have ever shown. , l'. Its a good one. ' Bargain j - Laifis fine Tailor Made Skirt, made from fine li, j 1 roadcloth, trimmed on two front side gores with No 4 1 bright black Sutach braid and self cording, A Ladies 1 . S5 slort in every sense ot the word. It you are out for . 50 ,_. a swell sktrt this is the one ler you. Cider Barrels for Sale, -Ranging in size from 5 to 50 gallons, at Far- mer Bros. Wanted. -A. yeung, lady with ex- perience for the dry goods departnt.-Ca.eling Bros. Mr, Wm, Bagshaw has commenc- ed the erection of •his new brick dwelling on 'William st., •the found- ation being of stone with ceeisat finishings. We would Me to show $,ot,i our line of Black Underskirts. We are proud The Huron proseotien examine atiees will be held on Ootober 20.th and 21st. Schools taking the +axe- -Milleons should notify the inspec- tors .at once."' Leave your Orders early tor red and white cabbage, turnip?. beets pumpkins, squashes and winter veg- etables at „Louis Day's market Gardener. Exeter. Dr, Butler, London, will be at the Central Zabel, Exeter. WI Monday, Get-, 17th for Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat consultation, eyes tested and glasses supplied. Mr. Thos Handford recently pur- chased from Mr. Conrad Fuss, of Zurich, a heavy team o grsys, paying therefor the sum et 000. 'Mr. Dandford believss in purchasing, the best. Itegister.--See that your name is ma the \refers' list, Every male who is 21 years of age or more. who has lived in the Province, OIle year ttud IA the riding' three moailis Is entitl- ed tO VOM. Mrs. E. Adams, WatertowieSoutl Dakota, who has been visiting Lee brother, jr,;NW, Howes' and other -friends in town left this Week for Preseott, On Where abe will spend tt. hart time, Mr. S, j, Titounts, son ictf Mrs, Tbo- mas, S. Marys, formerly of Exeter. who lies IMI1 AP the office o Womeris Smart arii Dressy CoatFa S41 liinaeddeivolftlbt IsaiclkkoBline:,ver this p'jiapuendty w ai tnhd ss i'Z 0 viccnble coat cannot fail to be a favorite, Material is a good quality black Beaver with cape on shoulder, nicely trimmed 0 with silk and lined throughout, there is grace and beauty in every line of this Modish Coat. Made of high grade Zibeline a material we can recommend for appearance and 5 ciztvo,intyc,olslaegkrainfidtteiunpf.., , si itnitedch e‘dv . b ro_ande- SilkOline. 114 4 Made of fine Zibeline, in grey mixture, 0 trimmed with fancy braid and stitched 5 e broadcloth,lmed with mercerized, a great looker for the money. The material in this stylish and nobby coat is a good quality of black Sr white Snowflake tweed, nicely trimmed and lined throughout. A great bargain, Our leader is ot Mai* Imported Cheviot semi fitting, cape on shoulders, nicely trimmed with stitching and buttons, lined throughout. Bargains in Ladies Ram rt Coats Made of fine irnpOrted Cr4venette in dark grey, with shouldqr c pe, Belted back regular price $6,00 clearing at ot them the values are so,g000. Our leaders are 1.00. 1,25, 1,40, aod $120. tz;r11,111,inki:ti,Turerear 1,11,110t1,1,alt rnia Oar special Black Underskirt is made from laea,vy bright black Noreen Ye417 4 the Dental College. trimsned with small ruffle flounces, A Beauty and only $2.26. 1.:rane and Influenza Remedies. DOW'S and Winares Condition Pow - Yes; We are after all the Dried Apples an cl other farm produce that To ders. improved English Stook Food, can bring nS, Produce is s1as good ti? as vasb, Bring you' produce to lierbagenm, international Stock Food, and see how well we will use you. We pay the highest prices. and all kinds of Poultry Spice. Vor sale by 0, XAutz, Central Drug Store •Exeter. An itasessment a 0 per cent. has n levied on the policy ltolders OE tlxe1.Tay Tp, Farmers' 'Mutual Fire Inatranice Co, be company suitain- i, NA made it necessary to edeoveral iteavy lessee the past Female Belo Wanted - A compet DLISINES 119"4K" J".. erEMITT.,41.:IVI' es renting ptatbi5a each week.) You Lave more or less of it. Po sibly it is with us. Such being til case you know something of our se vice, But if not a patron, wouldn't i be well for you to become one? Our Methods are calculated toensureprompt and efficient service in every department of Banking. Perhaps you would like to give us a trial ? Investigate WE INVITE all who have any kind of Banking busi- ness to transact, to call and investigate our terms and facil- ities. The Sovereign Bank of Canada Branches in Huron County at Exeter Crecliton Dashwood Hensel! GLADMAN & STANBITRY, Solicitors. Zurich Clinton P, B. KARN Manager, Exeter,Branch For Marriage Licenses, Wedding Rings, Wertcliess, Clocks Jewelry, Spectacles tic CALL ON R HICKS Watch Repairing a Specialty. DR: OVEDISSageoTeSiTC, Specialist, Deseases, Ey., Ear, Nose and Throat viSite Exeter monthly, Glasses Properly Fitted Nasal Catarrh and Deafmiss treated. Office WEDNESDAYS, HOTEL. Dates of visits, wEONESDAYS, Any 27, Sept. 7, Oct. 5, Nov. 2, Nov. 3. London office 225 Queens Ave. 1111•••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • t LOCALS •••••••• p••••••• Read Popplestone & Gardiners ad. on page 5. See the aim of the, Sovereign Bank in their Ad., last page. Visa Sarah Kemp, of Eirkton, is the ,guest of her aunt, Mrs. John White. Mr. John Whiteman has purchased Mrs. Blair's handsome residence at Kippen. Mr. jno. Southcott, of Grand Bend icalled on friends in town on Satur- day last. Mr. Thomas Russell has returned home from a very plea,sent trip to ' ' Manitoba. D Ill E 6 PICKARD tIIJ he t;P3‘13.01aClinaKtintbroiefisIthetiluraninreect;id f - F Ger for South Huron. • Wanted. !A boy to learn the mer- asneral Selling Agent for eantile business, apply in writing to C. .11. s • A number from here attended the 1 on Tuesday ,of this week. Reform Convention held at Hensall -POpplestone: &. Gardiner. Any persons, farmers or others, who contemplate purchasing, lands in Manitoba or the North-west Ter- ritories will find it to their ad- vantage to call on me, as I have recently been appointed general sel- ling agent for all C. P. R. and C. N. W. Land Co's lands. Prices range from $3.50 per acre and npwards. Persons who settle on C. P. R. lands within one year after pur- ohase have ten years in which to pay for such lands. For fUrth c particulars apply, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Roe -cliffs, of Oregon, is at present visitinr his bro- ther Mr. Sohn Rowoliffe, James at. Mr. George Samwell has rreturnod• from a pleasant visit with friends in Montreal and ot her points East. 45 cents will pay a subscription to The Times (to end of 1904t and Daily Mail and Empire for two mon- ths. Mr. and !Ars. W. Grin, after a few weeks pleasant visit with friends London returned home on Satur- day last. R. E. PICKARD, Exeter. Mes. (Dr.) Dee- A. Anderson and children returnee' home on Monday •Or at the "TIMES" office. from a pleasant visit of some lime with friends in Mitchell. Mr. Will Ross, Mrs. Ross and lit- tle daughter, of Clinton, were guests of the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. a A Ross, on. Sunday. no copy for changes must be left TO ADVERTISERS. nOt later than Tuesday neon. Casual It has been announced tt hart the advestisementsracceptedup to noon celebration of the king's birthday Wednesday or each Week. will be held. on May 2241h, but tha THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1311h, 1004 ,The Times has the correct stylegin wedding .insitations and visiting cards, Let have your nextorder. a royal salute be fired on Noverabe • TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY' Take Laxative Bromo Quin,iste Tab- lets. All druggists refund the mon- ey ;if it fails to cure. E. Ws Grove's signature is On, each, box. 250. la maid for general house work; UM/1Y' good was; the right party nil)! 'find it a pleasart situation, Appl Mrs. Arcbibitict CampbelL, 425 William $t., London Ont, A. union meeting of the directors of the South Huron and Stephen & Usborne Agricultural Societies, was held at the Commercial hotel on Sat - Saturday last for the purpose a °losing up bArsiness in connection 3,11.th the late show. The warm and oppressive weather that prevailed on Monday culmin- ated in a SeVere electrical storui shortly before six o,clook. Accord- ing to reports the storm Vats more severe north and soutb, altimagla great quaatities et rain fell in this section. While a large dinner party was in progress at the borne of Mr, T. Eaton, Toronto. on Saturday even- ing between 7 and. 8 o'clock, burg- lars entered 13,s house and atole from Mrs. Eaton's bedroom jewelry valued at over $7,000. No clue has yet been obtained. A Good Offer. -The Daily Mail & Empire can ibe obtained for two mon- ths (covering the general eleotions) This offer open only till October .22nd.: apply at Times office. New yearly subscribers in the 'Weekl.y Mail get the balance of this year free and the new Atlas. The Pickwick Club, a newly or- ganized society will hold their first social dance tonight, . (Thursday). The event will take place in McDon- nell's Hall which has been thorough- ly renovated and made •attractive, where ample space is afforded to enjoy the evening to the fullest. Tha sympatby of the community is extended to Mr. and Mrs W. W. Neil in the death of their infant (twin) children. The little girl liv- ed for five weeks and four days:while the little boy survived three days long er. The _remains were interred in the cemetery near Luixtley on Mon- day. $6. 5. •••••••••••••••.*****••*, •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••*•••••••••••••••• ****************04•••*•••• %Er. C. Currency, of Toronto, who who is now in Palestine has recently forwarded to the Victoria College, Toronto, drawings of two funeral vases which are to be placed in the college museum as memorials of those two eminent friends of Vic- toria, Mr. W. E. a Massey and Dr. Sweetrnans The vases are white At- ticware of the Lekythos farm. Potatoes -The wholesale potato Men say that they are beginning to breathe easier as the crop is much better as the, higher ground is reach- ed. The Barrie district is turning out well, a mark,ed contrast to the lower parts of 'York county. East Northumberland reports great dam- age to the crop from blight. Mit- chell vicinity has potatoes to spare In the vicinity of Aurora, the crop is a failure from rot. Sale Bills. -Those having their sale bills printed at this office will re- ceive a free norlice of the sale in the Times and thus get the benefit of our large circulation. This is a fact which should be remembered. Sale bills are not seen by all in the dis- trict whereas ,The Times goes every- where. The notice though given free is often worth snore to the per- son holding sales ihan what is paid for th•e posters. Wanted - Mee and women in this country and adjoining territor ies, Lo represent and advertise an old established house of solid financial standing. Salary to men $21 weak- ly, to women $12 to $18 weekly with expenses advanced cash Monday hy check direct, 'from headquarters. Horse and buggy furnished when ne- cessary ; position 'permanent. • Ad- dress, Blew Bros. & Co, Dept. tenon Bldg., Chicago, Ill. / 3oy Wanted.- -A. smart boy to earn the grocery and dry goods business -Carling Bros . S.T.T.13.3,31.a..) ay. 1:R.,,CrW oad brooms for 25e. at 0 lliss 11, InlanAe, of Staffa, spent e days with friends in town. 1 We are sellkyr tne balance o tinware at coit.-01,tarlt oil's Fat lion. Thomas Ureenway, ex -Prem. ier of Maiiiicka, has become the Lib- eral candidate in Lisgar. Manitoba, for the Commons. A married man at St, Joseph. nava- d Badolir. 36 years of age, has 14 of tf mil', 9 sons multi accuotigrs, and said to he one of the happiest in the county of Karon, 0V13 COATS OW- IS 'ME TIME to buy your Winter Overcoat and •be prepared for the cold weather -which is. owning sure. • We are to the front again with the best seleotion of, Men's, Youths and Boys Overcoats to be seen anywhere. Try one and see Low they Rt. 3 Mens's Specials 3 A, nice black Cheviot Overcoat, 'ITelvet collar, straight and breast pocket Made up very slylish with good lining foe $7,00, striped Tweed Overcoat, velvet collar, straight and breast pockets.w the new belted back and straps ou cuffs. The best of lining. Very swell, e newest cleat this season for $9.50. A god heavy dark grey Pilot cloth, loose back, velvet collar, aralg pockets. t.very good style for $10,00, Ffttal Accident - The sadnews vas received here an atonday e o Fort William of the n ef'''r A?rsu'..colrereri),1411 0Qtal'uttadsi own. Deceased was a paWter by de and some week:a ego was era - p ()Ted painting the interior of rge elevator. The workmen wer spended from ilie root by ropes, and Coleman was working in • this manner near the top at the •levator when his rope broke and lie fell to the ground a dist4nee of some hun- dred feet, He was picked up terrib- iy inJured but lingered until Satur- day night when death ended his sal- iss M. Toni leaves on Sator- ferings, Mrs. Coleman on receipt of day next for Yaw:tower, B. 0,, w here the news at the aeoldent. with her she will Viit with her brother, Mr. son George, hastened to his bedside reinain 'until next spring, wasonsli"i'lirtilzi lilviomrkiino gt3te ilua8citit'sti;ir:uds. Gregory Tom, Miss Tom expects to and Al the Reform Convention held at young, 41 411 and his uniirrieli death Bensall, on Tuesday, Oct. lith, Mr. Is "en,,v *Celt by his mother and his Atio.n7ascr, of 13ro.cuieid, was chosen slloarnr:wing bride or but five months. as a candidate tor the coining elee- Thr funeral took place at Fort \\91- A telegrareceived by Mrs. aohn -•- m Dignan, on Wednesday, stated tbat J The niAcrxEtAsTtliorEmit piTrlito.EdC;'•ill'ESbe, cam- ber son llarvey, who has been ill tral on 1.be 16th and 17th and 18th. 1 with typhoid fever, at Toronto, is This is a Vulcan reactionary period rapidly, sinking with no hopes of audit will bring on a disturbed wee- p fy. E,Illed by Lightning. -During the 6evere electrical storm, an Monday evening, a valuable team at horses belonging to• 'liar. Wm. White, of tiler conditien that will ran most ,probably, into the regular storm perioa following. The mercury braoe shows that a mercury equinoctial disturbance is central on tbe 28th. Rogerville, were killed by ligbtning reaching from the 18th to the close while in the pasture field. On going or October. This fact will tend to a oua next morning., Mr. White found Prolonged spell of umsettled, dis- turbed weal her. the leases lying together dead. Tb a application papers for convert- ing Messrs. Ross and Taylor's business into a joint stock Co., have been completed. The company will prooeed at once to erect a saw mill to be completed by Jan lst, and will buy logs, and do custom sawing, to accommodate the general public. nearly all the stook required has al- some drawing room table, by the so - ready been subscribed, and after Jan ciety with whom she has been ac - 1s1, 1905, the firirr will be known as tively engabaed during her residence the Ross, Taylor Co., laraited. • here. The following is the address: An Enjoyable Evening.-Inotwith- Exeter, October Oth 1904 standing the rain on Monday even- Dear Mrs. Blasdell.--WO the morn- ing, the entertainment given by Mr,' hers of Main-st. Ladies' Aid, wish Prank R. Conklin, in the Main to express our regret of your street Methodist church was removal from among us. Life is full not large, but those who of mystery and" we question the need faced rile elements were rewarded. osi:dlik so mi annv yo‘sbest and we submit. sad partings. but Divine by an evening of exceptional pleas- li ure, Mr. Conklin, who ranks high We trust: your life of usefulness ratty numbers was loudly applili:iddeidtfeen ,eraeitl IGtecta,lsoneghoisenesa trebd,lasnsidngswemtaryusitoltant as an entertainer, i n one being fully .enjoyed. you .and yours to your nos home. We ask you to accept this drawing - Fell Dawn Steps. -One day last room table as a slight token of our week as Mrs. Alfred flicks, of the esteem, feeling that its inailequate 5111 °*nsessicus of Usb°r°° was en- value but slightly expresses our feel - gaged in her household duties, she ino at this titne. A.midst new, accidentally slipped down some steps scenes and new friende we hope leading into the woodshed, a distance memory will sometimes turn to the fonfilabsotUrtuockighwt°itrl 1/11:rbackhs,'tralagainst ini110 Ladies' Aid of Main-st. Good-bye.- Signed on behalf. of the Ladies' Aid. the lower steps. Mrs. Flicks is now 4., • confined 'to her bed in consequence SNIET'LING AND SNEEZING COLDS tied it is scarcely knoWn Yet what Can be stopped in a taw :minutes injury she may have received- and permanently cured in one houe Social Evening. -Miss Anna Martin bY inhaling fragrant healing Cat - gave a very enjoyable social rune- arrhozone. No remedy - compares lion at the Manse on Tuesday even- with Catarrhozone for cold in the mg in honor or Miss Mary Brown, head or nasal catarrh. it soothes an who is on Tuesday net •expected to heals the inflammed mucous Mem- leave for Winnipe, where she• will, brane, prevents sneezing and cough - upon her arrival, be united in mar- ing, clears away the stuffed up feel- riage to Mr. Fred Knight, of York- ing in the forehead. If you havn-t ton, Assa., formerly of this used Cabarrhozone get it to -day and place. The surprise tendered the try it on your next cold. You -11 be bride elect took the form of a kit- surprised AI the 'efficiency of this de- chen shower, and many usefea articl- lightful inhaler treatment which es were presented her by her yoeng pleaiseeks,e.cveryoraonpelobteccaouusteriti, _ cures so friends, who one andall wish for antiiy her many years of happiness in her trial size 25c. new home in the 'W'est. Market following is Scour South window for (espie thes' pcirto Exeter markets, eor- or. souveniors of Exete,..-Charlton's reefed up to Thursday, Oct. 13th ; Fair, Wheal 95e to 1.05. per bu,shel. Mrs. Carrie ;a Lion has been fined Oats 28 to 30 cents; per bushel. $150 and given six Months in jail in Barley 38e. to 40 cents. Peas 58c to 600 per bushel. Bran $16 per ton. Shorts $20 per ton. Flour, $3.00 per cwt. Low grade flour, $1.25 per cwt. Chicken Feed, lc. per pound. Butter 14c. per pound. Eggs, 18c per dozen. Dried ,Apples; 36. per •pound. .ork dressed. $6,75 per of 8tw6,irtms'a;sAl,th8%Lnybetaliresrolioef. gfeLt,tscleets1 l31111 ork Live weight, $5.10 with Pres- ofcon- y. Peci:s cir. a raise' tractcd tuberculosis, but all signs of that disappeared while ae the Colo- guirccir riAr • redo hospiie1,' SCI 911C Might have seiegaztee The Kin l You Haya Always Baugh! Lived much longer had she not fa lien arid 'broken her thigh. Eo reports the of 1:4-4tie physician of the Denver County TIos- .. ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION At the regular monthly ineetin; of the Ladies' Aid of Main-st. Me- lhadist thumb held at the horae of Mrs. IL Huston, on Thtirsday last Mrs, E. 'Modell, who 'this week leav es for her new home in Brantford, was kindly presented with a hand - Little Gents and Yout 'Nice Navy Frieze. Fancy buttons,,,,i,SM • Black FrieZe MOWS • . Orey Wen .Men'iit.- style .,..„„.: inter Underwear For Men, Women and Children Ve have everything in the Underwear line to keep you warm for winter CARLING E3ROS ••••••••0****4•••••••00.*******0•0444.•••••••••••steeee 04004:40.00.414.0.******00**0 440•••••••••••••••••••440e. eke We have a display of NTRE Wichita, Kansas, for the destruc- tion of property. ,• Subscribers to the Mail ana ' Empire have choice of one of the following pictures; "Min- er's Farewell,"- "On the Edge of 1 he Herd," -Contentment," or enlarged picture of E. L. Borden. Mrs. John Gillispie, who die4 re- cently in Denver hospital ,at. the age BARD TO BEAT in ti PRICE and QUALITY. big thing in Rockers. sell CHEAP TABLES in our Windo County both as t Next week look f A great big stock tO C, HUSTON! Funerat Diren a Practicable Rinbalmer, Opera Ileum Bloc 4••••••••••••••••••••••0 404* HAT DEALERS SAY I- "How is your flour trade? Goodl" II -"Then you must handle Harvey's Star Flour." III -"It's sold the country ever." IV --"We don't think there is anything we handle that hPlps our trade like that Star flour." V -"It will be a good day for the flour and feed trade of our country when they learn to use Harvey Bros. Star flour entirely." HARVEY BROS. 00 A 0 00 0 + 0 • 0 0 04 0 • 40 0 0 0 40 • timituceiesciemsaciasulimatatozorg tag 0 04 000 0 0 4 0 • 0 0 1,0 0 0 04 • 00 000 -LARGEST AND BEST • 4Is- In Western Ontario • • So far as we can learn no Bus • - iness College in Canada graduates • • ZO imany and at the same time • • such a large percentage of its * students as -does the • 11/OCEpTRAL /L,Ift STRATFORD, ONT. 0, our Geneses arc up.to-ctato, instructors 419 • experiended and 'facilities unsurpassed. 0 • Students may enter at anytime. Write • • for free catalogue, se • 4> W. J. ELLIOTT 1 • D. 4., • A. McLACHL'AN -Principals 0.44,0•04•0***04.04.09-80.04000 A GUARANTEE!) CURE roTi. • PILES itching, Mind. Dieedina or pro- truding, Piles. Druggists refund money if Parc Ointment fails to any case, no matter of how - long standing in 6 to 14 days. First ap- plication gives ease Mid rest. 50c. If your Struggisl hasn't it send 50c itt stamps and it \sin be forwarded post paid by 1?arie Mcdicina Co„ Si, Louis, Mo. ? To the F • Again With a consignment of short lea Georgia Pine. It makes the most beautiful interior finish o any lumber ,ori the market today. • Lumber Lath and Shingles We are in a, better pasition than ever to supnly our many customer:. with all they may require either from shop or yards. Bee Keepers Supplies ready delivery, Place your Others for Tanks earl. Estimates cheerfully given. itv-Oall in we like to see Tali's* ROSS TAYLOR WE are here with the goods. We have the most, complete stock of reliable COUGH & COLD remedies and o her seasonable preparations. We lromvoeotdhs, su efinctis: estaas_sortment of Rub- ueHot Water Bottles Ice Bags Fountain Syringes Enemas ecc &c We have just received a large stock of the best .,renele English and Atneri- cifta Perfumes and other toilet articles. We have never failed. to give entire sat- isfaction in any case where we tested, eyes and prescribed glasses, and WE are here always., We have everything you want The finest goods at the best prices. Drug Store