HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-10-13, Page 614.4444-4-1-4-1,14e+4-44+ IlEALTII ++++44++++4444444+14-14 IlEALTH is A IIABIT. Uea1th is really a habit. The habit of living rieht, We are about niae- teeths habit anyhow, ad if we get into right habits of living we shall have little trouble in Iceeping oui- s1ves in prime coudition, physically and mentally. In may be lietle herd at first. re- TSir4Og sonie eelf-denial tee break tip had tiebine and to get started CAPE TO CAIRO LINE. Being. Pushed on to Khartoum. from the South. Rapid pregress ie now beieg made with the construction of the Caee to Cairo Railway, and the route whieh, the nue will traverse towards Khartoum has been teuto.tively de- eicied upon. Prenent the line is in progress of constru.ctioe on the Perth' side of Victoria Falls, towerde Kelomo, while the work Qi erecting the we bridge whieh will cross the falls is proceeding from either side. Ile bridge' is expeeted to be eompleted by the end of this year, and the eece tion to Ka1omo-150 miles in leegch a few months later. right. but after the gOod habits are It fie hoped, by the time the Kale once e.stehliehed the benefit irons I eel° line is finished that arrange - them will be so delightful tliat theee ' roeete will have been made for ex - Will be no temptation to fall back tending the railway anetber 2n0 into the old habits. Miles to the copper district north of if you get into the habit of going the Keine river, and thee the pro - without breakfast, or eating jest a 1 ject is to carry the liae to Lake light, wholesome breakfast of Cerea1s1 Tanganyika. and fruit, or eoft-Imiled eggs and The railway will traverse the whole wheat bread and butter, you will fled yourself feeling so much better that you will, no longer crave a horrid breakfast of hot biscuit and baeon. pancakes and syrup, or fried petatoes and sausage. Yon will north of Eastera Rhodesia to the south end of the lake. It has not net beep. deedded whether the line wal, follow the eastern, shore of the wat-' erway or whether steamers oil the lake will be employed to continue, wonder how you ever thought sueh the means of communication. , brea,kfest was nice at all, and you I The railway. however. bejoin- really crave the ed with the Uganda Bee, and then will whole...seine food teeteadQ tea fernier inaigaelsele Pushed untthwerds Peet Feshocia to breakfast. So you will find it for IC.1141"ullL dinner and eupper. After you form the habit of eating only deers,di ible food youwill have no de- sire for the otherand will •feel se fU11 of vitality and good nature that you will never ward; to go back to the old, bad habits of eating. Bathing is a habit, too. If Yoe pny tile a bath one a Week YOU Will not think a slain; bath lieres- COnatio4 of.1)1a.2-1Y TolAng sary liacause yon don't know any Women lie Shone and Ofilees. thing about It. YOU VUntlt it Thousands of young women have because you iire not in the habit of' depend. upoe their own efforts to teldng it. But just commence to gain a. imihood.. and to these. „The. take a bath every anornieg or every- er behind the counter, in. the office, Until the colintry has been ounly eurveyed, however, lt is i possible to estimate the length time neceeeary to provide three 'certain/ caumiunication betweeia Cape and Cairo. I'IRRD AND DERIIRSSRD, STRAINED ITIS BADIC etelline erel ou wilL soon14' tthe factory or the home, work means, it. would be a grO4t deprivationor I close confinement -often in badly veil - go INitl;°;It it. 4 4s)14 bnt; in tbel Itilateti rooms. There is a strain an 4:34"1114". "IQAV?Vi by a 143411:4' t4v" i the nerves: the blood becomes in - run will maite you fek,1 lac% gnOil. 51.1 ..,, !shed, the chvelzjs rale; there are wide favali.e and so full of life, that *- headaches; palpitation at u will find it lust as ne:e,•ciary tO Ms h and o constent tiredness. yanr /fort as eating or sleeping. t rig Nth will soon taxman 11 the t 5"i9tnalS 'are neglected it luny lead to a etatiplete bre:1140ra- . a in habit. as putting an erhaps consumption, What, is need. 3ou 0 mbing our baits or Li to restore \Int and energy and uir...a.rilr, No am itality is 4 tonic, and absolutely tIA into the Itablt of breathiu e best tonic in the world is Dr. lvpraPr.It is just fis easy 10 Willierns" Pink Pills, They actually 1.1r, using the dlaphragni. make new blood. and bring health only the chest. Ex- nd cheerful energy to tired and de - pa ini, flil them full f pressed girls ond women. Miss Viola air erv ' and everY time 131'11 tt Robinson's COrilerS, N. S.. ieugl tlie da m think of ite v : "I was a great sufferer from You wil like to tio it after a 'Wade. • daebes. heart palpitation and f.nally you, will be breatbli troubles that afflict toy sex, aty deeply all the Ulm:, witheut sivin the matter very rem% attention Your liings will be so inuthi stronge and your blood so numb. purer. But good physical habits are not all. Tlie mental habits must 3.150 he regulated, If "you are in the ha - tit of talking about every little 111. Pain or ache. stop it right eft, and talk health instead. Speak Muffle - of your body, think that every or- gan is in perfeet order doing its work naturally. Don't think you have to tell somebody every time your head aches, or your heart pal- pitates, or your stomach refuses to digeet some gorrid fond you have forced upon it. There are eo many other things to tent about. Just leave your little eomplaints and aches out of the conversation. It is just he.bit you have fallen into el talking about yourself, and you can form the habit of talking about more interesting and cheeriul things if you want to, and you will be a Inc The National Committee for the more delightful person to talk with. Establishment of Sanatorin, for Con - It ought not be necessary- to tell sumptives in England proposes by any one that they should not allow means of subscribed funds to erect a themselves to becon:e angry or envi- first sanatorium for the accommodu- pus or jealous or bitter. -Never en- tertain thoughts of hatred or revenge toward any one. It will hurt you more than any one etse. The body cannot be healthy if the mind is fill- ed with fear and worry, anger or malice, morbid or gloomy thougbts. Get. into the habit of looking on the sunsbiny side of life. There is a bright side to everything if you are stages of the diseaee. The affiliated determined to find it. friendly societies and trade unions Cleanliness has a powerful influence will be invited to endow beds at on the health and preservation of about 25s. per week for the use of the body. Cleanliness of person, as their members. °Viler beds will be well as in our garments wad clwel- supported by smaller societies re- lines, prevents the pernicioue effects gutting occasional accommodation, and, if any be not taken up, they nuty be available for paying patients at a slightly increased cost. A !ea- od seemed almost to have turned o wo.ter. and the least mutton left se weak and depressed. I used sev- boxes of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills and they have made •a remarkable change el my condition. 1 can truly say that I feel Ince e, new person, and I strongly- recommend tliese pilis to all wean, ailing girls." These pills cure all forms of blood and nerve troubles, but you must get the genuine with the full name Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Peo- ple on the wrapper around eachbox. Ask your druggist for them or you can get them by mail res 40 cents a box or six boxes for S2.50 by writ- ing the Dr, WiUlanis Medirine Brockville, Ont, CONSUMPTIVE WORKERS. Sanitorium Will 'Provide Employ- ment for Patients. teen of 2.00 patients. 'This sanator- ium is to be on a scale which is less expensive than aeything hitherto at- tempted, although nothing essential to efficiency will be sacrificed, The sanatorium !hoeing been erected, it is intended to he self -maintaining. In allotting beds a strong preference will be given to patients in the earliest of dampness, of had smells, and of contagious vapors arising from sub- stances abandoned to putrefy; clean- liness keeps up a free perspiration, ture of the scheme is the proposal renews the air, refreshes the blood, that selected patients whose disease and even animated and enlivens the is arrested shall perform a certain mind. We readily see that persons amount of outdoor work, and that in attentive to the cleanliness of their time a properly equipped farm for persons and habitats are the more the partial training of suitable cases in a gricul tural and all ied pursuits may be developed. It Ls hoped that in this way* they may be fitted for a return to wage-earning in different circumstances from those in whicli they accptired consumption, and that regrett a ble relapees may thus be avoided, • healthy, and less exposed to dis- eascs than those who live in filth enci dirtiness, and it may be noted tliat cleanliness brings with it, throughout every part of domestic. discipline, habits of order and ar- rangement, which are among the first and best methods and detnents of happiness. BRILLIANT CLOCIES, ribe municipality of :Berlin has de- cided to hang clocks, worked by el- ectricity' and in connection with thb t_lbsie"rvatory, al, all the principal cor- ners of the leading streets. The over the lone as near as possible to doek.s will be the point of suspected fracture, and ated t night, They will be suspend_ on the side where the skin is thi'i- ed from the poles supporting the nest. Then a vibrating tuning -fork electric lamps which light the 1s placed against the flesh near the bone, but on ,the other side of the fracture if possible, If the bone is continuous, a (Heti/act, clear sound will be heard in the stethoscope; but if the break is betweee the two, this eound will be faint and irregular, as the vibrations will not be transmit- ted past the break. Of cOurse, this Method depends up- on the fact that hard bone is an ex- cellent Conductor of vibration, while tissue is not. Perhape even a more valuable aPplicatiae of this idea would be te ending out when a brean has InaitLe'cl properly, for when the joining is again -perfect, She sound will be as clear as tlia,t of an brolcnn bone. WAS IN A BAD WAY TILL lig USED DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. They Removed the Bad Effects and Now William. Share= is as Well as Ever Again. Murray liarbor South, P.E.I., Oet. 1O -(Special). -Hurt through strata - in' his back while lifting, Mr. William Snaram, general storekeeper here. got so weak that he could scasselY hold 'up,. To -day lie is en- ItiSieg the best of health once more and when asked Sow he got his health back he unhesitatingly answers, "Dodd's Kidney Pills," iLaving sprained my back with heavy lifting," Mr. Sbaram says in, telting Ifis story, "it brought on Ur- inary and Kidney Trouble. 1 got so weak treat I almost feinted and could scarcely hold up. I was terribly troubled witli having to get out. Of bed so fremeeetly to urinate, "After usiug many medicines with Ile good results, I tried 13odire ne.y Pills. I have used ten boxes in all and now I can sleep without being disturbed and my old troable has vAllnoisdiledd'e.'hiv 'slimy Pills cure the Wid nee's, Cured Kidneys cure numerous diseaees. including Rheumatism, Drop- , and Bright's Disease. UURIOITS IIIBINti PLAUES .1..m.ltRR =ILION VRANCS A RETICOAT Roney Pound in Statuettes ---Where z. Zunehbacic Rept His Wealth.. It Was only a few weeks sine° 31. Beiieeigue. a Parisian, discovered a nice little treasure concealed 111, of the 'very last places where be would have expeeted to ilnd it. Ile had inherited from an aunt a smell statuette to which he attached very ittle value, but which nevertheless e placed as an ornament in one of Is rooms, As litch would titaVe it, ids maid in dusting the statuette one • day dropped it on the floor and pres- to: out rolled from its hollow inter - for a Paaage which on examination proved to coutain notes of the value of 11,000 francs, as well as a costly diamond ring, This is by no means tlie only oc- casion on whicli a statue, has beea made to servo tlie purposes Of 3. bank, A few years ago an art -col- lector of libarkoft, in Russia, pur- chased a statue of the Apollo Belve- dere, Of Which he Was very proud, 'Ono day, his children, when playing, upset the statue and broke it beyond all possibility of repair. The father, when he saw his prized statute in fragnients, was furious; but eonsola- tion came to him in a most unexpected form, for on excunirsing, the fragments he found contented in a hollow limb a, roll of Russian bank -notes of the value of 8,000 roubles. With the notes was a memorandum by a Che- valier Proldieroff, dated 18413, to the effect that the concealed money was ithe fruit or grunbling, and that it was Ids intention to use it in.the BUILDING OF A mantel'. A still more -milieus biding -place for treasure was that chosen by Pere Antoine, a hunchback beggar Who used to hang about the church doors of Paris soliciting Mins. When the hunchback died, Ibis nephew applied to the authorities demanding that post-mortem examination should be made. The request was granted, with the result that it was found the hunch was false, and that in its fratedelent interior were stored thcs beggar's savings, amounting to 96,- 000 francs. Pere Antoine. it was also discovered, was an ex -convict, who owed his freedom to the influ- ence of mevell-known deputy. • An inquest held at a London cor- THE TUNING -FORK. A very simple method of locating fractures hi belies, particularly, in long ones, by the aid of a tuning - fork, is practised by a ,well-known surgeon. 4 stethoscope is placed streets4 beginning ba,s been made With seventeen clecbs, and should the experiment succeed 300 of these cioeks will be Scattered"Over the city. NArtyll flAL C ON CLT.7S IO N ''So you want to marry my daugh- ter," reirmrlzed the old genteernan, cer to iniy do'' replied lac youth. "Wel), what are your prospects?" persisted the old gentleman. ''Ary (letr replied the youth, "the prospects of any fellow' who marries the daughter of a man as rich and inatientIal as you are ought to be sal/indict" • otter's court some time ago ou Wa- ter Samuel Mott revealed another treasure -a small one, it is true - concealed in a most remarkable plane. Slott had a wooden leg, and an, examination of this limb revealed ten sovereigns concealed in it. The precaution was a very wise one, for it came out in evidence that for some weeks the deceased had been rarely sober, and it woued have fared III with Ws treasure if it had not been so artfully and EFFECT ti APIA!' CONCEALED. There was considerable method in (the parismony of an old lady who, wherever she went, carried with her an old box, apparently full el odd pieces of screp-iron, The box was a sideleet ei jest and ridicule anomg her neighbors; but the old lady could afford to :made at their jokes, for it was, in fact, the most valu- able box anywhere in the district. \thee she died tele box was found in an outhoese, open to anyone who eared to inspect it; and under the surface laver of old iron were found 3,000 golden 'sovereigns, the savings 4lit In another case known to the writ- er', after the death of an old WOrtiall in the North of England who had forl years been in receipt of outdoor re- lief from the parish, a sum of £800 was fouled in a Dumber of Pincush- ione scattered abont lier one room. 'nen Miss J , a notorious De- vonshire miser, died, it Was found that her pillow contained securities and ban.110tea at the value of over ,3.S.000; While at an nuetion sale of the effects of a LeWiSliaill lady miserly instincts, the purchaser lier piano -stool found SMALL IONE OP GOLD in tho horsehair stuffing, and a gem. taerofin who bought lier bedstead dis- covered 4000 hidden away in one of its hollow legs. A. sensation Was easteed at Jassay, in. 1191111lanianot long ago by the death of a ¥rtie Dalsch. whose 'ee-, ceetricitice had for years beeo the goseiet of the town. Although, it was more than suepected that elie woe a rich, woman, site liad lived in the most sordid and miserable man- ner.• and was generally regarcleel as a Miser. When her Am belongings wero examined after lier death not ie trace vould be found of her SuPposed wealth, until, au going through her articles of clothing1 it was discove ed that one of her pettieoats gowned stiff, ea if heavily lines, Tlie petti- coat Was ripped open end revealed notes of the value of 200,000 francs Sewed under the lining. •This diseovery naturally stimulate ed tlie zeal of the searchers Further petticoats were examined and in all laree 51111r% in nestel were found con - reeled. The total anieurit of the treasure whit% had served as lining for Nine. Balseh's petticoats was no less than 8,000,000 franeS. CRYING 'BABIES. Babies do not cry unless there ll Knee good reason Thr it. The cry or a baby is nature' warning eigeal •that there Is something wrong. If the fretfulness and crying are not caused by exterior s'ourees, it Is cone elusive evidence that the crying baby is ill. The only safe and judicious thing to do is to give Baby's Own Tablets without delay. For indiges- tion, colic, teething troubles, con- stipatioxi, diarrhoea, worms and sim- ple fevers, these marvellous little Tablets have given relief in thou- sands of cases and saved InallY pre - delis lives. They are guaranteed to contain no harmful drug. Mrs. Joha Dobie, Sr. Andrew's East, Quo., says: "Baby's Own Tablets are a splendid medicine for the cure of constiPation and other ills that af- flict children. 1 consider it my duty to recommend them to all who have little ones." The Tablets are sold at 25 cents a box by all druggists, or may be had by mail by writing The Dr. Williami's Medicine Co., Brockville, Out. SCH001, IN A FOREST. A new kind of school is about to be started by the authorities of Charlottenbarg, Germany, for the benefit of diildren who', though not exactly ill, are so weakly that they are very liable to be attacked by disease, more especially tuberculosis. The-eschool is to be built in. the depths of the Junfernheide Woods, near Berlin, and the children will re- main there the whole day, special ar- rangements being made to supply them with their meals. 'They are on- ly to receive from two to three hours' instruction daily, and aro to spend the rest of the day in. taking healthy exercise in the forest. A. flirt is a girl who is afraid she will be left at the post. . CAN DRINKTROITZLE. That's One Way to Get It. 'Although they won't admit it many people who suffer from sick headaches and otber ails get them straight from the coffee they drink and it is easily proved if they're not afraid to leave it to a test as in the case of a, lady in Connellsville. "I had been. a sufferer from sick headaClies for twenty-five years and anyone who has ever had, a bad sick headache 'knows what I suffered. Sometimes three days in the week I would have to remain in bed, at other times I couldn't lie down the Pain would be so great. My life was a torture and if -I went away from home for a day I always came back more dead than alive. "One clay I was telling a woman my 'troubles and elle told me she knew that it was probably coffee caused rt. She said she had been cured by stopping coffee and using Postern Food Coffee and urged me to try this food drink. eThet's how I came to send out and get some Postum and from that time I've never been without if for it sufts my taste and has entirely cured all of my old troubles. All I did was to leave off the coffee and tea and drink well made Post -urn in its place. This change has done me more good than everything elee put together. "Our house was like a dreg store for my husband bought everything he hearcl of to help me without do- ing any good but when 1 began oe the Poetenn my headaches ceased and the other troubles quickly disappear- ed, I have a friend who had an ex- perience juet like mine and _Posture cured her just as it did me. "Postern not only cured the head-- aehes but my general health has been improved and I am much stronger them beforef now enjoy delicious Postumeni :lie than ever did coffee." Name given by Post,urn. Co., Battle Creek, m "There's a reason," and it's worth, finding oUt. •••••••••••• Heart relief In ha.lf an hour: - A. Indy in New York State, writing of her cure by Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart, says: "I feel like one brought back from the dead, so great was my suffering from heart trouble and so al- most miraculous my recovery through the agency of this powerful treatment. I owe my life to it." --19 "According to the doctors, most people eat' too needle" said the nig- gardly landlady. "You wouldn't be so uncomplimentary as to say that could possibly be trete of 0031 of your lodgers, would you, Mrs. Irons?" asked one of them. iVilnard's LilliffiCilt Cures llondruir, Miss Joyce -"Yes, Jack and I are to becorrie partners for life." Miss Means-' A.nd you will be the senior partner. How,. nice!" Death or lunacy seemed the only alter- native for a well.known and highly re- spected lady of Winghern, Ont., who had travelled over two continents in a 'vain search for a cure for nervous de - batty and dyspepsia,. A frienct 1'01'01)1 - mended South American Nervine. Onc bottle helped, six bottles cured, and her own written -testimony closes with these words: "It has saved my life. - 20 - There are very few deans- ing operations in which Sunlight Soap cannot be used to advant- age. it makes the home bright and clean. REMARKABLE WATCHMAKING. M. Leroy, a Parisian clockuniker, has just achieved a triumph in - watches. He has been at work since 1897 upon a ebronometer which he has just completed. It contains 07ri Pieces, and has cost $4,000. On the case are the signs of the Zodiac, and on the main dial, besides hours, minutes, and secoaste, axe numerous caraputations of time In years, Months, and days, the phases and ago of the emote the seasons, sols - ties, and equinoxes, and various Woe records. Then there are large and small gongs, and a little carillon of three notes for sounding purposes. On the lesser minut diat are .226 stars of the Boreal and 200 of the Southern hemisphere, time at 125 different cities ef the world, time* f sunrise attl, sunt, and a ther- menieler, a bydrOlneter, and a intr. oineter. OeUth American Money cora is the ly kidney treatment that has proven egeal to correct all the evils that are likely to befall these physical regent - tore, Rundrede at teStiniOniala to ilroVe the curative merits of this liquid kidney specific in COSeti Or Brislit'e dis- ease, diabetes irritatiOn of tiet bladder. ininumeetien,' dropsical teedency., Don't deley,--22 "They say a carrier pigeon will go further than any other bird," said the boarder, between bites, "Wall, ra have to try one," said the land- lady; 'I notice a fowl doesn't „go far." Stansteac Junction, P. 12th Aug., 1893, Ms.srs, 0. 0. Richards ec Co. Gentlemen. -I fell from the bridge coding from a platform to a load- ed car while assisting my men in unloeditee a load -of grain. The bridge, went down as well as the load on ney back and I struck on the ends of the sleepers, causing a serious in- jury to my leg.''Orily tor its being very fleshy would have broken it. In an hoer could not wall '. a step. Com- menced using MINARD'S LINIMENT and the third day went to Montreal nearly well. I Can sincerely recom- on business and got about Well by the use of a. Cane. ln ten days was Mend it as tile best Liniment that I know of in use. YOurs truly, 0. H. GORDON. "The first duty of au attorney," said the eminent lawyer to his new student, "is to see that Justice is done." "Irrni" said the student. "And I hope you will excuse roe if I remark that I have noticed that the lawyer who cen succeed in doing her the oftenest generally gets the biggest fee." -- Plies Cured In3 to 6 nights.- One ap- plication gives relief, Dr. Agnew's Oint- ment is a boon for Itching Piles, or IllInd, Meet -ling Piles. It relievesquick- ly and permauently, Ifl skin eruptions It stands without ct, rival. Thousands Of testimonials if you -want evidence. 35 cents. --53 The world is too busy to hard the chronic grumbler. What he deserves. To Starve le a Fallacy.-Tbe dictum to stop eating because you have indi- gestion has long since been exploded.! Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets Me, troduce a new era in the treatment ot stomach troubles. It has proved the:0 one may eat his till of everything and everything he relishes, and one tablet taken a.fter the meal will aid the stout - bell in doing its work, GO in a box, 35 cents. -23. , Some people forgive and forget and others forget to forgive. For Over Sixty Years Map. WINPLOAT'SSOOTHINO StRUT hes been nefb1)0 n1E110110 of mothers for their children while teething. User:411w: the child, softens the guras. allaye pain, cure; wind colic, regulatostho etontach and bowels, and le the bestremedy for Diarrheas'. Twenty -bre cents a bottle Bold Ls -druggists throughout the world. Be sure arid "Ms.s.WntsLow'sSoorauta S veer." 211-40 Visitor -I suppose you long to get out? Striped Party -Not exactly, mum. I'm in fur bigamy an' dare's t'ree of 'em. Wilnardis Liniment Relieves tleuralala The man who has to ask his wife for car fare every morning has no use for a mother-in-law. 1 To proee to yen That Tle, 1 es Chase's Ointment is a certain and absolute cure for eack ' and every form or itching. bleedinga.nd protruding -piles, No saanufact-nrent have guaranteed it. Seethe. Imonials in the daily 'press 'and ask your neigh. ;era what they think of it. Yon eafi •use it and let your ineiney,ba.ck if not cured. 60c a box, at di dealers or Ifnma5son',131rice St Co. -Toronto Ore Chase% Oleitmerri ,.., , JAPAN'S NEWSPAPERS. • Nowhere else in the world has the "progress of the Press" been so ra- pid as in Japan. The first "daily" made its appearance in 1872. In 1890 there were alrealy 716 jour- nals of one kind or another, with a circulation of well over 2,000,000, figures which have been very largely increased since the. The increase of all kinds of printed matter is faci- litated by the prevalent low wages and tlie cheapness of paper. The number of books of all kinds is also exceedingly high, an aVerage of near- ly 24,000 having appeared between 1895 and 1899. ISSUE 41-044 4,4447.414:1,74e% WielCies alleeenfinelegeeteelenneneilittereeifrX6lealetanfelf=tereueleterle serape VIARM ‘4ESLAND 01,1-1/7 HOUR AND FLOOR PAINTS WM Dry in 8 Hours. fln Sala at all Sardis:ire Otialara Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver. Potatoes, Poultry, Eggs, Butter pples Let us have your coeelgroneut el any at them tqtictei and We Will get you good prices. THE DAW-140114 00IVIIVOISSI0N COI Umt Car. Wont 67airlict and Selbotne *to TORONr0., Any First -Clams orrieer can pis vou, INSIST ON QTT1NG EUPDV'e. CLEANIN LADIES' WAL.Cnio 011 Ctrriric sUrs'a cal4b., dons ysrfatly by oar Scowl roams. Try a SIMMS AMERICAN AVICIPIC co. 4 Calltne0 Tliere is no end to the ti'ouble In a fatally tbat zas two heads. Lifebuoy Soap -- disinfectant - is strongly recommended by the medical profession as a, fiart,gflard against in- feetions diseases. 22 All poor people are more ar les perseeuted by society at large. tilineird's Liniment Cures Burns. elt .1•••••••••••••••. WASTED REGRETS. Do at waste tiule and vital fortes In continual regret. There is noth- ing so exliaesting to mind and body as regret. "If I only had not done this or said that -if I could go baek-if I could live Vint day over again!" What folly it is to indulge in Weak millings of tliat nature! No Inman being ever did, go back; ne lips were ever allOWed to unsay words; no feet ever permitted to un - tread steps once taken. it is useless to plead with life to let you unliVe the past. Take your lesson, and go on little a wiser fu- ture. Let your resolutions become a part of your character, making it strong- er and braver. Let your errors peke you kinder, e Because you have been weak, be- cause you have suffered through weakness, lot your human sympathy be great, and your charity broad. Be a guide and a counsellor to others who are tempted, if they will listen to you. DOWN WITH DIFFICULTIES. You will find that the habit of mi- nimising annoyances or difficulties, of malting the best of everything teat comes to you, of magnifying the pleasant and the agreeable, and re- ducing to the least poessible impor- tance everything that is disagreeable and unpleasant, will help you won- derfully -not only in your work, but also in your attainment of happi- nees. It transforms the disagreeable into the agreeable, takes the drudgery out of distasteful taslts, eaSeS the jolte of life wonderfully, and it is worth inranitely more than money, The sunny, buoyant, cheerful soul menages, without losing his equili- brium, to glide over difficulties and annoyances which throw others off their balance and niake them naisor- able and disagreeable. By the al- chemy of serenity he extrats from the annoying rocks in his path the precious metal, which enables him to do sometbing worth while. dloard's Liniment for sale everphert; '‘`Eiow that woman hates." me.'' "But she spoke nicely enough." "'Vas; but that was jus f done for effect., If you remember, she didn't torn and look.at my new dress." • When you think you have cured a cough or cold, but find a dry, hacking cough remains, there is danger. Take Conaumpti CureThe leLung Ton at once.-' It will strengthen the lungs and stop the cough. • Prices: S. C. WELts & Co. ZO5 25e. Se, $1, LeRoy, N.Y., Toronto, Can. nion Line Steam MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL. Alotteratto Rate SerViGe. 8ecou even Tazzeo„,-cra laittle.1 ete‘t V19.7”44 On UM ttlititOr n we 11,11r raw of sal or 44,513 to Lottlea, Teirl clau ar gucalA.W,VVIII4 Rican pm-tie:Mara apply Inlts'alass, en DOMINION rasn or'rumA, 011:3003t. 6,,T.ronto, l st, daa.rantcetd;i MentraM 1111134113.11COMAKIrriltC61=13166lICXWaSTIONAIS trAIIE ARNDT% •,r.STITI.ITE, 131:1MIN.0NT, -'- Por the treatment of ell forms of SPIXCII DEPECTS. We treat the cawc. not eimply da hal4 .""er°W''rt.41tel'iTirlielt,incnittluarrs,4116.P"'elh Made big enough for a big man to work in with comfort. Has more material in it than any other brand of shirt in Canada. Made on the H.B.K. scale it requires 3934 to 4? yards per dozen, whereas common shirts have only 32 to 33 yards. That's the reason why the H.B.K. Big" Shirt never chafes the armpits, is never tight at the neck or wrist- bands, is zawa.ys .,loose, full and comfortable and wears well. Each shirt bears a tiny book that tells the whole history of the "Big " Shirt, and also contains a notarial declaration that the I-I.B.K. "Big" Shirt contains 3934 to 42 yards of material per dozen. Sold at all dealers but only with this brand :— 'HUDSON BAY KNITTING CO. Montreal 'Winnipeg Dawson