HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-10-13, Page 5T
1 M = S,
0 0 T 0 13 E R 13th 1904.
rooloo•or000ro.,..o...,-,...-o.,00t0000.,,,,,,n bridge and splices, $9,00; Benj. Long -
Keep thein in t4o, house. ferd, plank, $1.2.0; J. Lewis, COD.
Take ROO whenyou feel bill culvert and drawing clay an dstone,
ious or dizzy. They act di, -r. $8,00: jos. Whalen, IX 2-3 cords,
fectly on tho liver;:440xv:;, gown' con{ root, $65. W
86o as. halen
.... 33 1-3 cords oE gravel controct, $100 ;
Want your raoustacho or beard i/ "i 1 11 r ' 1‘ ' ',1'%.
, 14 Jas. Couto,:ey, drawing gravel and
E.3.,9 repairing oulvert, $2; Eli Hodgins,
abeautitta brown or ricb.hlaelT ? Use MU ens. or esucitorsox ono rnote CO., NASIWA/ IC Zr. drarwilig Plank. and reiniiring culvert
$1.40 Benj. Langford, plank, do', 4
arid 5, $7,65; A. Mollimigey, at gate
MEDICAL $L03; Jno. Creighton, building bdg3.
and drauleo plank, $..00, James
( The Exeter Times a b - "3
j W. BROWNINU MD M CI 14°Q-'c'Y' gravel' 3°e1 C°11tY
gtant for ebority, $30.00; A. Davis,
gravel account, $37.00 Snlyan, 1 day
with grader, $11.00: Georoe Hod -
A very interesting meeting of the
W, C. T. was held at the home,
of Mrs. Williams on Monday even-
ing, Oet. 3rd, Mrs. (Rev.) White -
sides, of Hudson, Que,, led the de -
optional part. In the business part
the different recommendations were
read and adopted. In the education-
al oar() the delegate, Miss Ethel
county convention held in Gado-
RonorOradttate of the Torouto University rich, whioll proved very interest -
444 Boal College of Dental Surgeons or jog. and beneficial.
Otitario,with honors Also Post. aduate of
• 14 ,
• F. So Graduate Vietoria TirultsnAy, 001.0BER 13th. 1901
.versity. Oleo and resineuenee, Doonoion
loatioratory, Exeter.
.-`-‘• DR. ,&. E. KINSMAN, L.
, D. S.D. D,O.ollortor Gracloate,
of Toronto thuversity, Dentist.
Teeth extracted, without pain or
bad after efforts. Ofilo an Fan,
son.% block. West side or Main
.A. ANDERSON, (0. D. S. L.O.S. williams gave the report of the
CialeagoSehoolotProstloctio Deutiotro With It is our sad duty this week to
Evorything known to tiro Dental Protesolon
otOOn000face, 13ridge work, crowns, an
Iconlmen, gold and vulcanite Iodates all done in
the neatest rammer possible. A perfectlx
Iturimatess apaestbetic used for oeinless extroc-
Offiee one door sooth of Caellog Bre'setore
Vtivat tuad t
ondenoltall per
TO 14()AN
n on Fano property at 0uz
We have unlimited private fonds for invest
- eat novo form or village property at lowe
Wo have a largo amount ef private footle to
oan on farm andvillageProPerttesatlOwrateo
CT Ulttreit.
Ilarditere Solicitor% 1!datu St, Bute
chronicle the death or Mrs. Mary
Zettel, lkt of the late Josepli
Zettel, at the age di 61 years. The
deceased had been suffering for some.
some time front consuniPtion of the
throat and had beep failing vory
rapidly the last tow weeks and on
SatU r d ay vaerumic (teatli relioyod
her suffering. Her husband pre-
deceased her abont two years age.
Nt's. Zettei was ot a kindly dispo-
sition and was respeoted by all who
knew her. She leaves four sons
and fonr daughters, Thee hare the
smpatity or ow cenrinrinity in
thew sad bereavement, The funer-
al was held on 'Tueeday morning'
the remains being interred th tho
Catholic cemetory in town.
4.4 4 4.4 • - 4 4
gins, spreading gravel, $2.50: ,Jos,
Kelley, gravel account and stievol-
13n,g- *3340'
'1 adjorncl to meet
Agabi 01 Nee. '7th., 190, at 10 a, m.
W. D. STANLItY, Clerno
Stephen council
The council of the TOW /a$1,11)
cr StePloen cenvened in the Town
thifl,Crediton, on Monday. the 3rd
day of October, 1901, at 1 p. m, All
" members wero present and the min-
Utes the previous meettug were
read andd ted
• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •
Is with the best artiole everytime • 4,tr
That's why Putnana's Cork Lxtrac-
tor has been in the lead for the last
half century. It cures corns pain-
lessly in twenty-four hours and nev.
er fails. Use only .1 ntnams for
corns and warts. 1 4.
Huron Presbytery met on Tuesdoy 4>
last in. Willis church, Clintoo, to
consider ,and dispose of a call 'hem ;
Leamington Presby t ernt it °Mirth, •
Chatham Poesbytery, to thellov. J.
A. Hamilton, of Londesboro ondHul•
lett., Rev, John Radford, of Blythes•
woad, appeared .to prosteute, the
call on behalf of the Leamington
congregation, Messrs. Reid and
Lowry, from Burn's ohnrch, Hullett,
and Messrs. Jaokson and jainteson,
from Lontleshoro, were present to
oppose the call. After both parties
were hoard the. call wasplatoed lo the
hands of Mr, Hamilton, Who alter ro
• ferring to the difticulty of severing
• ties that hod been forro.ed during
pastorate of twelve raars, thintglit
duty pointed him to the ooceptance
or tho call, "The Presbytery thee
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The following orders wore passed; agreed to his release and transfer -
Stephen Morrison, graoel aontraet. once, Mossrs. Larkin and Shaw were
,blks, 11 and 12, $ $56.25; Jes.?p_b appointed to draw up asuitahle min-
dwards, commissiolrrt wk. 3., tau ute in reference to Mr. Hamilton.
, fleut road, $2,37 ; ilium White, Rev. Dr. Stewart seal appoirtod to
' vas l t 1)
, gravel contraot and rep, cu v oc are 0 pu p o Q11 oro
g $ and vaeartt. on the 100 inst.
Baumgarten, constructing drain and to act as 'Interim Moderator
1 under award, $6,40; Wilson Ander-. The attentien or the Presbytery was
son, briek-bals ;And rep:tits to Sal1lac then draewn to the death of Itey, $,
bridgo. F,i2.50; Mich. gra- Acheson, formerly pastor of St. An -
vol and xnaking 3 cement bridges, drew 's olturch, Kippen, but at the
$25,00; Pat. Sullivan, gravel, $1.13; time or his death pastor of the Pres.,
.01'oent&IrssIfoilup,atac5k0„; 4rteh. Less. MeI,.ex*juit tina 6baw wert
aural), .at Towner, N. D.
pairing dulvert L'nd concesion, $1.25 appointed to draw up a letter oE
Melo Doyle, damage to bY road sympathy and fortvard to the
to $3.50; Robt. Hodgino, cover- beoeaved widow and
ing bridge and droning ltamber,9th
I 'e or e Tit MAN IATRO WORKS 11 kW/
oOO., VA; Dan °Limon,• 4
Biddupb Council ist side road, $1.50; Jim. -Madden, rerseverance ,and will -power he
Tha council met pursuant to ad -4, grant or $10.00 and drawinN" gravel, &est base but whether it? has
Jourtunt at, the reeve and all the t $1,50, $11,50; August Oanipbell,54'ra- strength and vigor is another con-
nerabers wool present, t vel, $1.20; Som behroeder, puttino
Tho Reevo w es iostructed tO ,in concrete til-, con, 14, $5.00; Geo.
with N. A. Ryan and J. S. Park in Orange, reP• “0"(1, etut" $1'5° ;
having the engineer under the dit- F. Triebner. gravel, $27,03: F, Tri -
cites and water courses act make an lamer, gravel, N. 11., Ole; Christian
lid with regard to water that Hoist, drawing cedar posts, * 1.50:
Geo. Webb, coin .worlc, Grand Bend
road, $3.50; Louis Brooker, cle:oung
out drain, 22nd con., $3.50; Wrat,
JohnStoU, rep. bridge, 21st con., $3.00
jas, Mitchell, opening pit and durum;
es, $16.25; Thos ,Webb and others
Top. bridges A. and B., $15,25; Fred
Stebbins. gravel, $1.30: JaS. Mitchell
part payment for gravel, *25.00; W.
Snyder, pile driving, N. 11, $13,00;
Schroeder, rep, ',,NItttl Creek. bridge,
$1.00: T. Collins, rep. bridge, C. R.,
$1.00; Chester Prouty', gratuity. $2.3
.Tos. Doyle, tile across road, $1.65; ;
aiul work nt pit, 1;16,80; J. fillnebOt- Christian Stade, cleannts out drain,
amp, carriage by-law work and min- $3.00; Fred Preeler, bridge,$2.23
utes, 25c W. N. Powe, repairing Win. gravel. ; Bert
$Clark, painting fence, re. Town
- 75c. • Fred Mason, stringers for
V011, SALE OR RENT. -At Wga- bridge, $3..00; Alex. Wild and others
leo. a dwelling, with store, oar- • cleaning out drain, $3.00;
neater shop, and post office ineluded, The council adjourned to meet
For further particulars apply to Mr. again in the Town Hall, Crediton, on
George Millson, Wbabri. Monday, ,the 5th day Of December, A.
D., 1004 -at 1 p.
,7101t RENT -Fifty acre litthEt HENRY EMBER, -Clerk.
F catecl north half of lot 15, Dth
has been diverted by the G. T. IL
eattsing damages to tlte highway and
t he (tuner of lot 31, con. 3.
8.Solieltora. Notaries. (onVenaCers, The teflon ing accounts were ord-
wieners, $olicitors for tleisselaen5! eyed, to be paid;
1,1C \ Man, spreaditig gravel
lowostrates of Interest. 0, $, B,, (By, 5, $13.75: George West -
Money to
0 STITET, 1=TER. man, ditching, div. 5., $5.00; George
. VICalf0 Zgerald, spreading gravel. $2.50
1). Johnston, ditching, div. 5, $1.00;
James Hodgson, ditching, div. 5., $1.
A. C. RAMSAY, V. S. A. Langford o'rovel contract $75
Honor Graduate Ontario Veteriner$ Col. L, I,' '-'10`cit elm ,tonn'k' for
ego ;Honorary Follow in, Ontario Veterinary 41.11". r4
ssoo!Won. All diseases of dornestio animals wrant on, L35; Hodgins, gravel
tificallytreated. fevor treated by
thelatest oxygen treetrocnt.
OFFICE:00e door south of Town Hall
2W.SIDENUF.,: Second house portb ot Pres-
byterim church.
Usborue ana flibbert
armor's Mutual Fire lusur-
OW Office, Farquhar, Ont.
Presidenta-T. Ryear, Duni.tx P, 0.
MonLEY, NSTnAzux P. Ct.
J. 4., Wonurs, Onoluavr 'P. 0.
WM. Rol", BORICII0LX P. 0.
CArtmcnArcx,, STAriA, ONT.
A. Dr.r.NoAN FAItQtatolt, Ols,;T.
3. WILsON, FtfrnAltrON, ONT.
Secy.:Treas. Farquhar.
.2.31111•MIT61.016 4.1•SIOntinamiliM
Do you Want a Bugg
We have the finest stock in town
all the latest styles, in the newes
Our prices are low as can -be foun •
for first-class material and workman.
CALL fltsID SEE us.
J F ussell
Two Doors South Town Hall.
IZoller Mills
Gristing and Chopping
Promptly- Done.
We are giving excellent sa-
tisfaction in flour since re-
- delling our mill
FABM FOR SALE, -Lots 20, 10
con. and 11th con., of Steplaert,
6 1-1 miles west of Exeter, being
cdmposed of 100 acres on the llth
con, and 120 acres on the 10111
These farms are under good state of
eultivatinn well drained with good
house and out -buildings, thereon
so fruit bearing orchards'. Never
failing well the year round. For
further particulars apply to T. B.
bilartyn, Exeter.
concession of the township of Us -
borne. Good brick house, bank
barn, driving shed, good water, 14
acres of fiat wheat. For further
particulars write to Newton Ma-
ca,uley, Winchelsea, P. 0, or apply on
premises, Newton Ma.cauley. prop.
for solo -The un dorsi gned has for
sale a number of up-to-date thor-
ough bred Short Horn Bulls. They
are of the low -set, thick blocky type
and choice breediog. Will be sold
reasonable, inspeotion invited. Ap-
ply ,on Iit 16, con. 2, Hay, or John
Elder, Bons:ill, P. 0. •
locals .
mt AIM FOR SALE -In The Town-
ship of Irsborne, being lot 13, co
2, consisting at the best 100 acres°
land in the township, well fenced and
in good state of cultivation. Good
brick house and frame barn, conven-
ient to 40110°1, church and marloet
being only two miles from, Exeter.
For further particulars apply to D
C. McInnes, Exeter. or Thomas Hi
ins, executors of the estate ot.
1 iggins, deceased or to Gladmart &
S t a nbury, ,s-olicit ors. Exeter.
In the matter Of the Estate of John
Constipation the Cause of most
Women's Troubles -An Atasy way
to Permanently Core this Painful
1 Conation.
, There are few women indeed who
do not suffer with chronic consti-
ptjtion, Nearly all aro slaves to
some kind or medicine to correct
this trouble, and yot they get noth-
ing but temporary relief, One per-
iod ot constipation is followed by an-
other., and it's physic, physic. physio
Yeor in and yorir out, till life becomes
IL burden.
• Thero is no a sure. cure for this
condition and o. cure that does not
have to be repeated. It is Dr. Leon-
bardt's Anti -Pill,
Dr. Leonhardt, of Lincoln, Noh.,is
the author of this proscription. He
ed it for years with wonderful su-
ss in his own large practise us a
,mecly for dyspepsia. biliousness oud
141"iiipriadies who have suffered for
ye.ars`oire now enjoying good health
ale`.4fect 'freedom from,. the old
eioiShpittion through the .use of
Mrs. Tabb,287 Emerald SL North,
Ilamilton, Ont.. says!
'I am no longer txoubled with con-
stipation. I cannot praise Anti -Pill
Ford, lote of the Township of too otgooyoo .
Ste011°n. In the County of Huron A month's treatment for 50e. AB
,Notice is hereby given pursuant' to citruggists, or The Wilson-Fyle Co.
Farmer decesedd.
"The revised statues of Ontario"' agents for Canada.
Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont. Sole
The f,ollowing returning officers
will act in Western Ontario ;-Brant
W. B. Wood, Brantford; Brantford,
Shoriff William Watt ; Bruce South
ober Todd, Walkerton ; Bor3e. North
bert McFadden, Glammis; Elgin
East, Chas. Winnacott, Copenhagen;
Elgin'West, C. St. Clair Leitch, Dut-
ton; Essex South. Jacob Shepley,
; Hamilton East, Lieut -Col.
W. A. Login; Hamilton West, seneaa
Jones; Huron East, W.H. Kerr, Erns -
gels ; Huron West, W. Baillie, Dun-
gannon; Kent West, Sheriff J. Gena -
mill; I,anabtou East, W. 3.1VIcAlpine,
Watford; Lambton West. Sheriff J.
Flintoff ; London, R. E. Dignani ; Mid-
dlesex North., Z. McCormick„ Lucan:
Middlesex East, Jno. Gillson, London
Middlesex West, W. 0. Moss, Glencoe
Oxford North, Sheriff Jas. Brady;
Oxford South, 1'.1.1.Mayberiy, Inger-
soll ; Perth North, Sheriff John
Hossie ; Perth South, Chas. F.
Whalehan, Si. Marys ; 'Waterloo
South, Geo W. Ross, Ilespcler ; Wel-
lington North, John Anderson, Ar -
1897, thal all creditors and others
having claims against the estate of
the said John Ford, who died on or
about the 30th day of July, A. Do,
1904, are required, on or before the
151h day of October, 1904, to send by
post prepaid or deliver to Kenneth
Goodnaan of. the town of Parkhill, in
the county of Middlesex, solicitor
Lor the administrator of the Said. es-
tate their christian and surnames,
tiddresses and descriptions, the full
particulars of their claims, the state
mont of their account and the na-
ture of the security, if any, held by
them. And further take notice that
after such last mentioned date, the
said administrator will proceed to
distribute the assets of the deceased
tunong,,Lhe parties entitled thereto,
having regard only to the clainag of.
which he shall then have notice and
that. the said administrator Will not
be• liable for the said assets or any
part thereof to any persons or per-
sons of \\ hose claim notice shall not
have been received by him at the time
of such distribution al Parkhill.
Dated the 151h day of Sept.. 1901.
by IC ENNETII GOODMAN thar Wellington ' South, I?. Sot a tr-
his Solicitor. ,,e4 J. P., Guelph.
Adoration, Bard workmg igen usual
J3* 14,1ve irritable nerves and should
fortify thoir oystem with, a course
or Verrozone, tonie that r,builds
and revives beyond all tellin;.7. It's
just wonderful the strength that
Ferrozoue imparts to broken down
en. It forms new blood. S4110::'S
the ,ystem with abundant noorioli-
mem, and whero formerly there
was diredness and lassitude, Verro-
zone establishes a reserve of energy
and vim. Try Perrozone-price 300
per box.
Six Grand Trunk trainmen \two
nrxiated by deadly coal gas in
1. Clair tunnel on October 10th
result of the breaking in two
a heavy train "01 loaded coal oars
nd the attempt or trainmen to poll
ut the stranded seetion and resone
heir follows who were stalled. in
the death trap. There were 18 cars
itt the train, which had left the Port
Huron yards under charge ot Con-
ciliator Joe SinapS011. Brakemen Dan
Galles, and Alfrod Short, Engineer
Coleman and Fireman Forester, The
first intimation that Supt. Begg,
superintendent of the Western
terminal at POI' t Hero*, bad of the
occident, was when Br:ikon:mu Jas.
Short rushed excitedly out at the
American entrance and annotanct4
that the engineer, brakeman, and
two conductors had been ,*tuffocated
by coal gas. Supt. Ilexon tiocoropan-
led by engineer Wm. A. Morden
and Pumpman George Mollompro-
raptly started in to assist in tire work
of rescue, but -hardly had they ad-
vanced into the opening when Supt,
Berg fell backward dead. Mellon
and Morden succeeded in crawling 011
their hando and knees to the open
air, where they became revived in a
short time. The dead are A. &Beg;
and A. Coleman, Port Huron. Thom
as MeCrash„ 'Richard Tinsley. jos.
Simpson, of Sarnia and D. Gillies,
ot Aliso Craig.
Also every form of rheumatism,
neuralgia, sciatica are hest cured by
Ncrviline. 'the quickest relief for
rou.soular pain yet discovered. It's be-
cause Nerviline strikes in and pane-
trate,s right to the cora of the pain
that it gives such unbounded satis-
la.etion. caught cold in my s.houl-
tiers while driving and suffered great
pain, wrkes G. E. Dempsey, ofbBor-
lin. used Nervilino • freely and
was soon quite well. I hove found
Nerviline an excellent remedy for
rheumatism neuralgia as well as for
cold on the chest. recomraencl
Nerviline highly and wouldn't be
without it." Price 25c.
The month of September is shown
by 'the record of the Ontario Weath-
er Bureau. to have been wet, eool,
and cloudy. The mean temperature
Lor the month was 58.6 or 2 below
average of 58.8 for 63 years. Sep-
tember, 1903. was 60.1 or d.08 above
the a.verage. The highest tempera-
ture registered was '79.2 on the llth,
and the lowest temperature, 33.8, on
the 21st. The lowest temperatureln
Septeraber, 1903, was exactly the
same as the lowest temperature last
month, but it occurred on the 29111,
while the highest temperature in
September, 1903, 83.8, or about 51-2
degrees 'higher than the highest this
Rain fell on 12 days to the anioant.
of 3.99 inches, or .73 above the aver-
age. art September, 1903 there were
7 days of rain, amounting to 0.41. or
less than half an inch, being 2.85 be-
low the aver.age.
The number of hours sunshine re-
gistex•ed numbers 190 hours. The,
average it 210. In September, 1903,
221 were tregisteredi
The heaviest .rainfall occurred on
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tats
Seven Million boxes sold in past 12 PLIOntlIS. This signaittreo
on, every
5*. 3SP•
i it t
4., ••
4 4).
I li We are CLEARING out
• • •
• O.
T, ilo, Line FOR GOOD
. .
..:, .
::: No More For us. Now is your chance.
. .
. ..
0 .. 25c China Cream Pitcher for ... , 20 i 5c Glass Syrup ...... - .. , • - - 13
* ..
* .4. 20c China Shaving Mugs ........ 16 15c Glass Vinegar or oil bottles.. 12
* ••
• .. 25C China Shaving Mugs ........21 25c Glass Nappies..., . • .. .... 21
• ..
• .. 25c China Giltecl Mugs,. . ,..20 20C Glass Bread Plates... , .. - -16
• ..
• 7sc Biscuit jars for ., ..., ....Bo Toe Butter Plates .... ... - . - ... 8
• **
: .. soc .Biscult Jars for ..... , ......4.0 25c Pepper 8r, Salt combination .. 20
Biscuit jars for ...... ...... 33 25c Glass Butters ...... , ... - - 2 1
2 4t: $I,00 Cheese Cishes ...... 35 isc Glass Butters ...,
• ..., 12
. • • 85c Cheese Dishes ...... .... , ...65 Isc Gloss Preserves .. -
: it. sac Cake Plates, China... . - -.39 200 Glass Cel or ies., .... ,. ... -16
. .•
. • $t,as Cake Plates. China, hand me Glass Preserves ... .... 8
4, • paintd... J. .,....„ .. $1 00 12c GlAS'S PreXerVes ....., IP
. at,.
or ..
...., .. 7$C Celery Trays, China ,.......60 24 China Cake....
• • • 4. 4 4 8 5
*IC C e . 4 4 4 ...O... •••• 21
4* VI: snc Celery Trays, China .... 0, -40 $to00 Cabarets ......
. •• $1 oo China Sala.d. - .., ... - .75 x 5c Gloss Spanners . - ... I 2
* .4,, I,
• • • • 75c China Salad. - .. - .. ......60 .20c Glass Creamers ...... ... - .15
• 1 41, ,,
• - 1,,o, 7sc.Porridge Set - es.. e.e, . 4**60 !IOC GlaSS Crearner$ • ........ : . • • • • 8
• . ...
$c Tea Pot Stands ...... 20
2 : •• Isc $having Mugs... , .. .. - -
• • ..). 400 Fancy Syrups" ... , .... .. . 200 China Salads - - ..., .... -16
se Children's fancy Mugs.... .„. , 4 $1..00 Wine Glasses ., ........ -75
.4.• • to :: 10c Children's fancy Mugs.- ....7 73c Whiskey Glasses ...... 60
4. • .. Tsc fancy Mustards .... ...... T2 20C GIGSS Wrter Pitchersr6
I • 0* ioc China Salts and Peppers ...... 8 250 Glass Water Pitchers-. . " .22
o„ 2 • •
.• 4) 0
o 4 • • • •
• • •
•• .. *
• • 0 .. •
• ,t 41,4f .4, •
• . ** No Coupons 013, these prices above .. .
. . .. .• .
• . .. .• .
200 China Cream Pitcher for .... 150 250 Glass Syrup -
t 44.* Mentioned. .• •
.. . . • • • •
• 4 I , • • * *
y • •• • • 4,
i • .. • • *
,,,, 0 .* 0+ *
%- 0 0* .• * •
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-c,. • 4,* •• • .
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11 • • • s. * •
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42 • .• • • • •
... • 40.•• • • 4,-
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,.. • ..
• • • • Reduction ....
•• ..
t • ** 4.• . •
x, • 40.
• • •• • • • 40-
44;* • •0* • • • 40.
I : tt Produce of all kinds taken and highest prices paid :41 t I
• . .0 •
• 0 .0 • •
• 0 04•
.• * f
• 4 *0
••_ ..
• • •• ..... • ..
• • •• , •,.. •
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2 s•••••••••••••••• ***poop** ••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••4••*4+•••o••••4••••• • rt:
: osio eo 4 4•+, +•••••+•+.4004 *so **Moo 4,4 ••+•••o• • o• • o• • • • o • t ••••••••• •44.0.0 4•••• • Z.
20 to 25 per Cent
• 9 + 0.• •• 4.
4) 0 44• .• 4.
O 0 44 .4)
the 24th, when nearly two inches et
water fell, the largest amount in any r
one day since july, lst., 1901.
Ex -Mayor R. W. Knight of Wood-
stock, died Wednesday night after
an illness extending nearly over four., ,
years. He was first elected to the
Council in 1886, and served„ continu-
uously till his election as Mayor in
Junk Dealers, T-
Main -St. Exeter. 1.
Occupying J. P. Ross, .1.
Store, one door south of *
4.1:,...,,NIetropolttan Hotel. +
* Will pay highest cash *
* pric-.. for the following .1.
'"1' goods,such as all kinds of :,.=.*
.1^ b , 4.
Strap Iron +
• 4 -
Copper • +
Zinc +
Lead • +
Pewter • +
Horse Hair +
Wool Pickings 4. Montreal
$ l'14...........Mm......soolow.
Rags 4.
• Sold by T HAWKINS & SON Exeter.
4.,44.4-4-••••••4 •
The water reservoir of the
Imperial Oxford Range
is so designed that it keeps a large volume of water at a high temkera-
ture. This reservoir attachment of the Imperial Oxford Range is so
arranged that it comes in close contact with the heat flues and keeps
a plentiful supply of hot water ready at hand. The range is also flag).
with an exceedingly powerful water front for use in connection with a
kitchen boiler, If your dealer doesn't handle the Imperial Oxford,
write to us for particulars.
The Gurney Foundry Co. Limited
Toronto, Canada
Old Rubbers
Bones and Bottles •
Ne quantity too large or 4•
ss SmaU
Trial Trip. -Now is the time ta
secure two good papers for the price
of one. The Weekly Mail and Em-
pire from now till Jan. 1.st., 1905
\ for only 50e. To new subscribers
Trial Trip. -Now is the time to,
secure two good papers for the price
of one. The Weekly Mail and Star
pire from now till Jan. 1st., Ton
for only 50a. To novo subscalbers
1 enly. •