HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-10-13, Page 4Et EXET R `11 I M S, OCTOBER ilth 1904.
The Exeter Times
UaLencIa for 00tOber 1904
SZIRD.O.,O- • 2 0 10 22 30
/AMWAY 3 10 37 24 $1
4 11 13 23
ceirzn0000n.O.x. 5 12 10 20.
Tatatslaa_v_... 0 18 20 27
IDAV 7 1O, 21 2,8
SCA'n"CR-aax..•,1 $ 15 22 29
OCTOBER 13tb, 190i
" •
• • • • • • • • • • •
,L odex he C
a, i udxijg great
1 1te-electorate, and
t fight sin
Confederation. NVInather b wins
or lose,: for his party the comirna•
si.ruggle, the best men in all classes
• Canntla will adirtire his coorage
and tie, 1in-oils for which he is bar. -
t . air." Borden very trenchant -
soya •l.le would rather b3 right a
'defetd than wrong and become Pr
• Ile says that be would rather
defeated thin elected by trionery
and disbonesty, and the peopla be-
lieve him. Itiz- :appeals to the man-
hood a the nation, and those who
know him best, who knOW Els iroo
wU who.) know of ilia lofty a5pira,
ons, and of his clean. =sullied lite
are Singling him out as a man cern-
tending' -admiration. rot only for
is ability as statesman; but for
' Itiont standing' as a patriet, Mr,
Lazer 'as a man who would' rani-
' aerie, right than wrong. lie
mon of most admirable in,
" but lto looked the strong
wUl.n000ssary to make a leadoeo
• sonolity felt in tile sense of
1oIUn his colleagues in Owen.
ether it was througia misfor-
through necessity, no One to -
L ns bv able to tell: but the
:tins that the Premier lias
his cabinet, a number of
avvere in almost in:mover-
ed Dr.:stances and who to -day
ixe toting in wealth. Men wive:
;.5,`Vi•n. aoo lived humbly, even
LugUy, <nod who to -day are living
iU 44y planeCit iteeping oxpert-
olAisbnoOrtIS. ernioing in their
Otto, oecutuulating rt'al
olinfoly amassiug. fortunes
a year and no legiti-
` on cannot serve
;Alla fidelity and
ss a fort'One
at snc1 i bve risen to the
laCabint 1intrs under tho
en t regime ind ood old Liberals
the fact os tr heads
ottroe ti
observed Jweyer
a Liberal Uovrn-
mont n tie suit onso of the word.
;You cannot btanze the tr,IeVnt up-
nig,Itt men of a party for the Pv115
• wilteit tboy do not condone.
The Government of Canada to -da,
is an opportunist Government, trot-
:Eel:log in railway deals to gratify
the caprice __and ovarlee of
vrnands. It g`tior it, government that
Edward Blake or Alexander Mac-
kenzie, or the Dorions or the lid-
tonwollid in their bearts have ap-
governruent that appeals
no schooner, offerin5 fivid OE
' porailon for the rascal that
no Collodion of tents -fie years ago
woold hooe belioted the Canadian
✓ eorlb, caab1j ot tolerating.
IC the OOvernment should Lill
ond their is no doubt the undercur-
rent of public oentiment indicants
.n.gcli a possibility, few of tilt rainist,-
ers will leave their portfolios any-
thing like as poor men, as when they
,took possession of them -and
taxation Itoo risen by fOrty millions
a year 1 -Montreal Star.
• I"
barney nod boort preying upon
for years!
" `ifroo soot two knives lotooing DY-
tlie young man told Iiis boss.
''oune one of themthe other one
is Um ,girl 1woot to Jilarry, I want
to know how I stand N‘ it b you berore
toll him to do the worst be know:"
" have sayed yourself a lot
foonoy :old worry if you bad told roe
t his story years ago,'sala bis eraoloy-
er. 'Inn an ex -lag myself. Tlica' had
me in Joliet or arson, arid I .was
ly releasen atter it had been colt
elusively proven by my triends that
I itania't burnt op my Ciaictig,o store
tor the insurance. l'oa, your friend
and held you do get slant of this
dog. Tbe next thing you want ta
do is to te1 the yoong woman you're
gOing to marry, as well as ber fath-
er. just what you've told me. and if
tbe nirl is Worth marrying and the
old man worth, having for a dad -in-
law ,they're not going to bold
it against you, Put on your hat
right now and Pll go along with you
"And. that's jost what they did,
Tbe young man told the girl, and
site gave him a bug and asked him
it be thouatlit such a. thing wouldev-
r rlake attY difference to a woman
wb hortest-Injun cared for n man,
"Tbe bavney visited the Yelling
an"s" store a few days later to
make a aig„ The youog man took
iim up la a lett ,wbere they bad
been holdiog these oonterenoes, aud
'ben 10 almost haat tbat barney to
4ea11. After polishing him oft b
hooted the clog ail the way 'Iowa 11
sirs to the, streed and told hint
tbaL be emild go as far as he
"The barney knew that the youn
fellow bad mode a oloon breast 0 it
totbO people that he eared anything
• about. owl Ito scratched the youpg
follow's name oft his list a victims,"
--Woshington Star.
The meanest typo of crook in the
world" said a Washington detective
'is Barney. "Barney is crooks' pat-
ter for barnacle. A barney is just
wat his name, or its derivation, in-
dicates. Ire proys upon the black-
riclaile fellows -with whom helms done
time in the same prison.
• "There was one of them, an old-
time conman, who made a bad day
of it in Baltimore a coupk of years
ago. One of his vietims whom be
had born tapping for years for good
money, bad after his ;release from
prison for a 'juvenile bad -cheek tron-
action, worked his way up to the
position of manager Of a big ovVole-
sale chinaware and cut -glass estab-
lishment in Baltimore. He stood for
the heavy and constantly hunched
gouges of the barney, who hoO been
in. the same prison with bira until
Ike time whirlod around for him to
got married to a nice Baltimore girl.
'So one day he told the proprietor
•-of his store that he wanted to have
a talk with him after Inniness hours.
Then he told his employer how the
During the severe electrical storm
of Saturday last the frame house,
on the farra of Mr. Wesjoncs near
tore was struck by lightning and
completely itestroyed, So rapid was
he work of the devouring flames
M. jones saved very little of his
o eitold effects.
At a luceting bold on 'Monday
ening last at the home of
Bittertt, a literary society 'was „
lamed. The following officers P -St ports was WarlY
00e,tted 1-I1011OrarY Prosidends, again Inn 1r was close can*
Middlesex Kirkton Fair
A new company has been formed
in McGillivray to build and operate
a ;telephone rat. between Brinsley
and Ciandeboyo. whore an office will
tc opentol lay the, Bell TelephoneCo.
Wit 1 b e found an expellent re-
niedy for sick beadocite. Carter's
Little Liver Pills. Thousands of
letters (roux people Nvilo have used
00m prove this foot. Try thcm;
The Liberat-.Conservatives Of North
Middlesex u&t at Aalsa Craighorlay,
and nominoted. Mr, J. D. DrOtrantood,
Reeve of McGillivray•as their can-
didate, 'Ain Brown is recognized as
on exceptionally strong Manx and
acceptonce of tho nontioation will
moke his election almost a. certainty
Mr. 3)u mond stated, however, that
as the matter was a surprise to biro,
be would like two or three days in
which to consider the propoSition,
the convention acquiesced.
While liking a tea nettle from 1
stove. Edna, dauf-tbt.er ot Alberin 0 datercnt glas$es 1,1, be found
Turner, Clinton. had the mi0rw.1
sfortune below,
o pour a quantity of boiling
-Tito annual tall Lair of the Blatt -
shard Agriculeuroj society was held
at Kirkton on Thursday and Friday
lost. Thursday was bleak and cold
and was thooght this would have
an effeet on the success of the fair
but the nsual number a indoor ox-
Inbitors wore oo hood. the. entries
for the first day coming np, it not
in advance of previous Years, Fl:Oar
was fine and os a result there nons
splendid srowd, tho gate regeiOishe-
ing up to and exceediog sorao former
Tile show too was in keeping -with
the attendance, partioularly "tors -
ea, a finer show of which could not
he nem at nionY of our laroor fairs
Tbe fruit exhibit was good ° both as
to, OnaHtn and quantity. Grapes too
made a good sboolog considering
the hamkward, unfavorable season,
• Alltogother it was one of tho most
soccossful fairs hold under ;the aus-
pices of the society, and the officers
and, direOtors AWAY reel satisfied that
their work and offorts were fully re-
! warded,
The list of successful competitors
11E4'vvr tutAuGaT aeasEfl.
v-ater into ber Shoe. scalding her lea; 13 vir xtuu
roo inaran•-• erno
foot .tveray, rford, 5, Shier: foal -J. 1.1. Dwane,
• Mr, Win. Caldwell hes ourobast'd'S.Shier,G.Roltherford: Iwo -year -On
be old white obureb situated on 1,10 filly or gelding -W. Ketnie,lion-
Zurich road, west of Housall, and ter, W. Balfoor one-yea.r-old Hite
toveit it over on bis farm to be asa golding-S, punter, 'A, Itobincou
ed. as a stable. NA service haviur tn-A. Robinson. D. Hackney,
beeo tient in it tor many. years. •NORICUTLTITHAL HORSES,
It you once try Carter's Little 1 Brood mare -S. Hunter. W, Run -
Liver Pills for siok iteodootte, (no: poca,41., viark, uundle,
lottsness, or constipation, MX will wooson; Ulm -year-old filly or geld,
mayor be 'without them, They are 1ing•-11, Birth; two-year-old or
purely vegetable, small.tald vaSY geldjug-j. Delbridgo, W, Balfoor ;
take. Don't forget tins • one -year-old filly or golding-Atkin-
A rather painful aoehlent happen- son Th'os. 0, Ilaxiewood: team- J.
-ed to Ott, little daughter of Zanies i lioninson, J. Rosa
Henderson. of the Innovate. road, the GENERAL PURPOSE HORSES
other doe' She was playing kilout, Brood mare -J. 'Watson, A. (m.tbe stove and uPs't a bow 1 or bol. ninon R. Gardiner foal -A. Gunning.
grease on tor arm, 'burning the- flesh 1 R.Vert's. InGardinor ; three-yelar-old
on the wrist considerably. Ifilly or golding,-G. Hemp: two -year -
Recently t be little sou of Alex,1 old filly or nettling -J. Pridhana,
Scatt.8113 line, East WawartoSit, Ilozlowood,R7 Gardiner tone -tear -old
the misfortune to drink.a quantity filly or golding-Wom, Byde, B. Gar.
of cool oil. lie was talon to diner; team -,W, Pym, Ilazio-
Belgrare to the dootor and prompt wood, Wm. Inde.
measures were taken for ltis relief' ROADSTERS
in itenrifm;on and Hey,1 w. IT. 'Wood, of Bewail, has pat -
President, Mr. Bitten, 1st ohased a very handsome bran -
Vi Kerr 2nd. Vice- oho from D. MoBrien, of' Goderich.
Cidaholm Spey-V.4%o., As W, 05110(1 w$ leading' it home
flis risen; Idiunrian. Mr. Either. behind, the naggon Jerked him out
An " pro:rt.:Immo is being and alighting on his head be oeceiVed
epane tot oat Interested in liter- quite a shaking up. it Is baid Billy
„F work are eordillly invited lobe- will be a bronchia buster after
incmembers. while.
IC Sick headache is misery, what
is Carter's Little Liver Pills if 010'
Exeter Municipal Council.
Council met pursuant to adjourn- will "sitiveir °1'1" re°1)1e wb°
lent at Town Ball, Oct. 3.00%. ;have used them speak frankly of
pment. ul000s or rrevious met_ their worth. They are small and
in read :111i1 tonfirmed. easy to take,
Taylor -Muir -That By-law No, $, \Volker, or Clinton. has the
and collect rates for 1001. as honor of erecting. in ibis part of the
o levy
11,1 n first timQ no now read a 500., provinee the first °molt ttrcla
it and third ow and finally pan_ bridge. It Is situated over a small
Carried. sire= on Ow Gth eancossion, near
cUtication front Mr• Fowler David Cox's old Mill, eihove Porter's
ot Toronto, re the establishment of lial• It is admitted by all W110 hare
• omMt
factory for the numuntoture scen thts 33114g°' its ly"kalansbill
nails ete. e as road. ing a Condit to OM mon who built it,
Taylor - Armstrong. - Thai the Norman Webb, Nth° works in tbe
A, y e r's
Doctors first prescribed
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral over
60 years ago. They use it
today more than ever. They
, rely upon it for colds, coughs,
• bronchitis, consumption.
They tell you how it
.heals inflamed lungs.
htta a very Ind for three year.
t 'Zhou /tried A.icr3 cherry, roctorm. lay sore
Atom o;ovc acoo ootos000lo..7.-rOolootlropped,,
rzoorostorm Guthrie Centre Is.
loc..' Om. a..0. AYER. CO.,
'oin'tfittg sta.'•' ?amps.
‘dou 4,1
' Poi at nen:Iran' InCureg
;aril) Action next MOrninag.
olerk be. insirncted wrRo vi
ene evaporator at Clinton, Iiinde
iu rovic„, tii'rihts lutviter._th„3 mtrtahL reoard for himself anc
vied. day last week by peeling and coring'
Mr. Harvey, or irarrs. Bros. wait- 65 bushels or apples in less than
ett on the cattail 'regarding ilia.' q.„1,1t„,,31Gut9;, sonao years aitto 75a •
tension of Abe "ekemption of taxeS '4'84'4 Durham bull-taeo. Bantle &
on their mill property for :mother young fellow named 'West, but the, San; two-year-old Durbam -
years,• apples wore. of better quality ond nodge.
Woad - Muir - That no aclion be largor titan this yoar.
jairen in the matter.-Corriod . cow' -Goo, Bentley &Son, 3.
itaziewood, Pritilam ; two year-old
ing accounts be passed and orders Hay Council
ratOi reofr-WOOd-The heifer-lst and 2nd, 0, Hackney ;one-
Advoottte. printing Co., accoom to Ita131,1°%neCtilanctilho onof t'll:ITicit'.1.7,riPuirric°1!,
drawn on troasuror for sumo; year-old heifer-3st and 2nd, G.
Oct. 1st. S;s2.45 W. J. Maroon, tile
nett., $9.50; Ily. Parsons, streetwat-
oring to Cct. 1st., $60.15; W. J. Bis-
set t, oho ri fy to Mrs. Delve, $9.00 ;
Miss Kemp, part solarY. $25.00; Geo.
11. 13issett, part solory, $27.50; Iltorrh
Oke, Ho, 50c ; C. B. Snell, electric
Light to Del. lsto $92.16, less reduc-
tion, $11.07 ; $81.09; Rd. Davis, la-
bor, $1.50; Wm. Davis, sr., do., $6;
1), llonoell, do., $3.01; R. Pickle, do.,
75c; Jno. jr., do., 50c; S.
liandEord, do,, ;7,2.73 : Ford, sal-
ary, cemetery, $27: A. Hooper, labor
labor, cemetery, $1.50; Wm. Vole,
do„ $6.75; James Willis, do, $1.50;
-W. S. llisseit, part salary, $93.75. -
Taylor - Wood that the caretaker
of cemetery bo instructed to procure
on load each of machine andslop
briok for cemetery. -Carried.
Taylor -- Armstrong. That suffi-
cient gravel be, procured from F.
Green's pit to ofrovel road in
now part of cemolery.-tarried.
Muir -Wood -That Thos. Sanders
be paid the sum of $303 on sidewalk'
Taylor- Armstrong -That the
Reeve, bo authorized to sign con-
tract with the Dell Tolophone Co.,
for a service Lo como,Lery.-Carried.
Council adjourned to Oct. 21s1,
at 8 o'clock p. m.
GEO. 11. BISSETT, Clerk.
Brood mare -a. McCurdy. -Join
Delbridge: foal-Ist and 2nd. DoIng
las Bain; three-year-old fllly or
gelding -1st wad ..nd. John Del
bridge; one -year -old -3, Watson, 31.
Itirtolt; sbagio roadster -john Wil-
son. T. Beatty.
Brood mare -Douglas Bain; Taal --
Geo. ICemp, D. Bain; tbree-year-old
filly or gelding -A* II, lagft 4
two -year -old -Albert Ferguson, OM.
2.13,ZiEtiVQ04 1, one -year-old - Albert
rerguson, ; single =rine
horse -J, Bunter & Son, 3. Watson.
There wore just two events on
tho card. They wera the 2,60 class
and tbo open trot. There were
Arco entries in each.
The 2,60 raim-Thos, Murdock. lien
. all, 1 1 1; Geo, Joynt, 2 2 2; E.
Langford, 3 3 3 .
There was no time ,given but it
'as understood that the track re-
cd aras 'almost brokon.
Tho open race -John Excn
Lor, 1 1; Jos, Beattie, Kirkton, 2 2
. 'Williams, St. "Marys, 3 a.
JOHNS -At Etiraville, on Wednesday
October Rh, 1904, the wife of Mr.
;T. Johns, jr., a son.
LAPORTE -.At the Saublc line,Ho,y
on Sept. 18th, to Mr. and. Mrs.
John L'aporte, a (laughter.
LEBEATT *---At 31. Joseph, on Oct.
2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Lobeiau, a
daughter. •
Bentley $4, Son ; minorcas-G.W. Ste-
phenson, S. Shier ; °opines -A, With
G. W. Stephenson; plynaouth rocks,
white -A. Reith ; plymonth rocks,
barred -A. Reith, G.W. Stephenson ;
white crested blaok polands-lst and
2nd, G. Bentley & Son; light bralt-
mas-G. Bentley & Son; G. Wt
PlteASOTt ; biopic spanish, 1st aud 2nd,
A. Renal bondons-A. ninth: log -
horns -D. Douglas & Son, A, Bela,:
polands-G. Bentioy & Son; turkeys
-D. Douglas & Son! 11 .E. Switzer;
geosO-D, (;#11glan SOIn
Switzer: duelts-A, Shier, •D. Poug-
las and Son •
$„iogie top buggy, D. McLorty &
Son. W. Babb Son; single open
buggy, W. Babb & Son; Portland
cotter, W. Babb Son,
Bentley & Son; bull out -G. Bentley
on Saturday. October 1st. All raem-
. & San; heifer calf -G. Bentley &Son,
3. Pridloann
Mitch cow - 3. McCtordy, John
Hooper; one -year-old heifer - A.
Doupe, Zohn Hooper.
hers present. Minutes ot ProvIc'lls
meeting were read and approved.
The following accounts .ofere ord-
erod, to be paid; Municipal World.
blank forms, $1; Tp. Clerk, postage
$9.50; Hess & Doichert, lumber and
wood, $4.3.09; F. W. Farncomb„ fees
Laporte and. Denoraie Awards $15.20;
F. Hess, Sr., fees Loporto Award,
$3.40; Hess & Son, wheels for grad-
er, 4:1c. 510.50; 3. Kochlor, °avert,
Goshen line. 52,25; Peter Badour,
culvert, Lako rold, $2.50; Jacob Gag -
stetter, ditch, con. 16, $8.00; R. Mc-
Arthur, culvert con. 6, $1.50; Wm.
O'Brien, culvert, con. 2, 55.00; Ezra
Smith, drain across road, $3.50: Zur-
ich Police Trustees, tile for Zurich
drain, 564.00.
13y -laws No. 4 and 5 wore duly
Passed after being read three Limes.
Council will meet again on Sathr-
day., November 5111 at 2 o'clock p. m.
P. HESS, Sr., Clerk.
zETTEI, - In Zurich, on, Saturday,
Oct. 1st.. Nary, relict. of the late
-Joseph Zottel, at tlic oge of 61 yrs.
NEIL - Ixi Exeter, on October 10111.
1904„ Joseph Garnet, son of Mr.
- and Mrs. 'Wellington Neil, aged 6
NE11.,-In Exeter, on October 51.14
1904, Ruby Grace daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Wellington Neil, • aged 5
weeks and 4 days.
.NToCUR,DY -- In Hibbert, lot. 11,
eon. 3, on October 10th, Samuel
McCurdy, aged '79 year,.
COLEIoIAN -- At Fort Wiliam, en
Saturday, October Sth, Mr, Fred
Coleman, forineri,y of Exeter, aged
, 25 yoars,
gcDOUGALL Farquhar, on
' 1?rdnesrlay, Oct. 5t3,, 19O, m.t.
Archie, son of Mr. John Mc't'ougall
aged :44 yearsmonths
Scott's Emulsion is the
means of life and of the en-
joyment of life of thousands of
men, women and children.
To the pen Scott's Emul-
sion gives. the flesh and
strength so necessary for the
cure of consumption and the
repairing of body losses from
any wasting disease
For women Scott's Emul-
sion does this and more. It is
a most sustaining food and
tonic for the special trials that
women have to bear.
To children Scott's Emul-
sion gives food and stren2,crstrengthID
for growth of flesh and bone
and blood. For pale girls,
for thin and sickly boys Scott's
Emulsion is a great help.
Send for free sample.
SCOTT 44 BOVVNE, Chemists,
Toronto.50c.and $1.00; all drg2ligril°.
_ ts
Mitch cow -3. O'Brien. B. Poynter.
Mitch cow -1st and 2nd, Jam. Ilaz-
lewood ono -year-old lieife11"--1st and
2nd -Jas. Hazelwood; heifer calt-lst
itrol 2nd, Jas. Hazlewood.
IItrethour took ail nrizes for
wheat white, wheat red, barley, Data
and limotby seed; small peas, I.
Brett:lour, john Hodge; tint o beans
Wm. Wiseman, Wm, Sadler; oars of
corn, A. Shier, R. 'airfoil;
25 lbs. of butter, Woo, WiSeMtan•
JOrt, Hooper; 4 lb, table butler, 4110.,
Hooper, 3. Slider.
Drente sugar, Mica N. Doupe. 31.
Bretbour morel systm, Miss . N. i
Doupe, P. P. Switzer; home-made
Orgatl, SilaS Shiero Mrs, 11. Barr;
lOhnit.04.s. All wee'. AXaggie .144405011;1
oakoa. R. Ruskin; union, hien i
huts, Jameson, Dims Oreighton;
snit* Vanadian tweed, Sider Mao -
shall ; 5 lbs. honey .in potion* Bent.
Icy $•,:k Son; extracted honey. Bent,
loy Sons; canned peaches, A, Bro.
thaw, M. Jameson; canned "plums.
51. liretboUr 3. Robinson; calnied
pears, 3„, RolfinSoll, D. Rogers; caul
ncd cherries. J. Robinson: canned
ooseherries, 'Michael firethour
canned strawberries, M., 13rethour„
31, Jameson; canned raspberries* DI,
Bretton* A. Shier; cannel tomatoes.
A. Shier* a. T.T.rolArt. t jelly* A. Shier
plmt.c_grapils, Senior; gonad draw -
Mg. J. SWAM', jaeob Taylor ; Port
nit oanvas. M. White ; portral
crayon* 3. Taylor. liorvelt ; land-
s9apti Pre,YOU. White. 3, 'Taylor ;
net carrlarce hatateSs. j. Tay.
ler; double sot' team harness* j. Tay -
ler ; painting on glass* M. White;
collection of stuffed birds, \Val.
1111411 New Yorker pola
ii.avalwood, Wm, Wiseman; Wart
Sort% Untatacs. at B. Wilde. Wre.
'Wiseman ; Beauty of Hebron, Wni,
Sadler; *White Elephant* R. Davis.
llose potatoes, Wm. Sadler; Amite
State, Wm. Sadler; any other var-
lety potatoes William Sadler.
a. While; collection pont.
toes. William 'Wisetnon.
Sadler; Swedish turnips, A. Inattjtt-
son; IL B, Switzer; field carrots, L.
Day, Wm. Sadler; garden carrot,
Waiter Hazelwood, "Wm. Hazelwood
inangel wurzel, long red, jas.Sand-
* B. Poynter marogel wurzel.in-
tormediate, A. Robinson, Robt, Da-
vis; sugar mangel, L. Day, A. nob.
'boson ; onions, W'rn, Wiseman, Wrin
Sadler: blooil boots, linag.Wrojtan•le
3. B. White; turnip beets, L. Day. 3",
B. White ; cabbage, white, 3os. San,
thus, Wm. Sadler; cabbage, rod, H.
ro Switzer, john Solves; tomatoes.
A. Shior, L. Day: cauliflower.L. Day.
Jas. Sanders; celery, Jolla Selves,
Jobn XTrqnjlart.) citron, rotaull Di
Whit*, John. Saabs PUnticittS,
Hazelwood, R, Davis; 'watermelon,
Win. Wiseman: parsnips. Wm. Sad-
ler, W. it, Poison squash, James
Sanders, L. Day; muskmelon. Miss
M. McCaIluna Wm, Wiser:Ian,
•Tudges. 'W. 3. Robinson, M.
Maidens Blush apple:4, ,Tas, San-
ders, Jno Hodge; Wolfe ltiver, Miss
Jennie RobinsOn ; Northern Spy, jo
Bodge, A, Gunning • Blenluira Pip-
pInS, Jas. Robinson. 'Ratcliffe, Bos,;
Fallow Water, Ratcliffe Bros., Sam.
Doupe; Tatman Sweet-, Wm. Sadler,
Samuel Bourke; Baldwins Wm. Sad-
ler, Ratcliffe Bro.s.; Snows, 33.
White, Ratcliffe Bros.; Grottnings.
Day, F. P. Switzer; King ot Tamp
kins, P.P. Switzer, Writ. Sadler Alax.
enders, Robt. Pletcher. Wm. ilidler;
20 Jaz .Pippins, P. A. Sperling, F. P.
Switzer Golden Russets, Wm. Haz-
elwood, L. Day; Ribston Pippins, A.
Doupe, Wm. Hazelwood; Colverts,
Jas. Robinson, Wm. Hazelwood:
Sweet pear, M. Brethour, Wm. Wise-
man; Duchess of Oldenburg, Miss K.
Doupe, Samuel Doupe: Cayuga. Red
Streak, Jas. Beattie, jits. Sanders;
collection of apples, F. P. Switzer,
Tames Sandors ,crab ap-
ples, Thomas Roadhouse, Wm. Sad,
ler; plubas, Jonathan Shier; fall
pears, Wm. Wiseman, Mary McCal-
luta winter pears, Jas. Robinson;
L. Day: grapes white, L. Aay. M.
N‘rhibe, grapes, blue, L. Day, 'Samuel
Collection of house plants, Robt,
Pletcher, R. Hoskins; geraniums, ,R.
Fletcher ; fuchios, Robert Flet-
cher, R. lloskin ; cacti ,R. Ho-
kin; •rare plants, R. Fletcher, R.
Hoskin ; Collection of cut flowers': M
McCallum, M. White.
Counterpono croclactod, A. Shier, M
McCallum ; counterpane knitted Miss
3. Rohinton ; patchwork quiltMrs. E.
Bonham, M. Brethour ; quilted quilt
Wm. Hyde, M. Brotlaour, ; crazy
patchwork, Mrs. E. Bonham, Miss
„Jennie Robinson ; home-made „gloves,
N. Creighton, 'Miss Kate Doupe;
home-made stoakingsN. Jameson, N.
Creighton; hand -made socks,*N.'Cre-
ighton, M. jarneson; ladies' under-
clothing, ;Jennie Robinson, Mrs. Ilan
ham; applique work, M. Jameson, N
Creighton arrasene work M. White,
N. Crei.ghton ; Roman embroid-
ery; Mrs. Hanham, M. Brothour ; ve-
oetion embroidery, N. Creighton, M.
Brethotx slippers embroidered,
Mrs. Hanham; • NI. Mc Callum;
slippers knit led, Miss Jennie
Robinson„ M. McCallum; sofa, pil-
low, M. Bret:hour, M. Brook; cover-
let, W. E. Paiscy„ R. Fletcher, ;
child's dress, M. Brook, M. White ;
P,erlin wool work, Mts. E. Denham,
N. Creighton; rag mat, M. Btethour,
\NAN x",N. \•• •'01.‘„%",
The *ran ITave Always Boliallt TrIdela bee been
tfl '11'10 fm.' °rel.` 30 Yeal'S, Jas borate the signature or
area has heenInntlenuder Itis per.
sono l supervision since its infancy-
Ger4-4--‘14' Allowno one to deeelVO Yon la this,.
All Counterfeits, JallitAtiots :1:11(1 iijUSttpaS.S:00(1" nreiblIt
Experiments that trifle -with mul, endanger the heath or
IlattatS nad Citildren,-"xperiettee anaillSt ExPerillanank
Castoria, is P, harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare.
gorie, Drop n avrcl, Soothing $yrups. It is Pleasant. It
eoutainn neither Opium,. Norphine uor other Narcotic
substance. Its is it gultrantnOt it destroys Worms
outl allays Perrisitness. It eures Diartheett and Wind
(Mk,. rellev,n Teething' Troubles, eureS 0011stiPution
and Fiatalleney, asnimilates the Food, relates the
Stomnph, and Bowels, airing healthy and unto -lad sleep.
Tine Children's /*Antiwar -The Illother'S rrientl*
ears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bo gh
Use For Over 30 Years.
T T a CC, a ftT OA
. Mitch cow -J. Hazlewood, jamos
Robinson two-year-old heifer -A.
Shier, R. Shier; one -year -Old. heifer -
A. Sliinr, jos. Mae:wood; heifer calf
-D. Hazlowood, 3. Hazlewood: steer
calf -Jas. Robinson, J. Ilazlewood;
two-year-old oteer-lst and 2nd, At-
kinson Bros.; ono -year-old' steer -
Atkinson Bros., Jas. Hazlewood fat
cow or heifer -R. Shier, J. Pridham.
• Ram ,.two years old -G. Bentley
Son; pair breeding awcs-G. Bentley
& Son; pair shoal -ling ewes -- G.
Bentley & Sons.
Ram one year old, ram lamb, pair
breeding ewes, pair shearling. ewes,
pair ewe lambs -Wm. Hoy.
Ram two years old -T. H. Neal,
Geo. Penile ; ram one year old' - 0.
Penhale; ram lanab--lst dna 210.,
Geo. Pelnlaate.; pair owes -F. II. Neal,
Geo. Penhale ; pair shearling ewes -
Geo. Penhale, F. II. Neal; pair ewe
lambs-lst land. 2nd, F. H. Neal.
]?air ewes -F. II. Neal, J. Ila,z1e-
wood ; pair shearling ewes -C. Hack -
nay pair ewe lambs -G. Bentley &
Son ; fat F.licep-Win. Hoy, George
Aged boar -11. Birch; breedinI sow
-1st and 2nd, R.
erBirc; Wboar- 1nsdt
and 2nd Dc,e ; O -IS aR.
2nd, R. Birch.
Aged boar--Goorge Hazlewood.
Aged rono-John DunOar ; hreading.
sow -John Dunbar, R. Birch: boar --
John Donba r, R. TOOT; ch Osow- s [Ca nyk
2nd, john Dunbar.
•T A.m W °BTU-.
,Agca boar -D. Douglas & Son, 1s!,
and 2nd; breeding so* -1) .Dourglam
& Son ; boar -D. Douglas & Son ; sov
-D. Douglas & Son.- '
• Langshans-G. W. Stephenson, A.
Reith; -Wyartdottes- A. Rein, G.
c %Totaled by Act of Parliament 'IS'
0•Van'rAl. •
Capital tux, PAID • .
Reserved Fund- „ , • •••••••••• I
eiti•1 Colueibia
47 Brooches in Ontoreio..xiitle4Tcon. Rt r
•en waxy Lawful Day 1t0111, 4i• 74. to3r.
MCI'S' Safe, Notes embed or colleetz..
On implicatiou, DRAFTS on -points in Um Domluloo,
ted States, bought owl sold at lowest rates of =MUM
Deposits ot $1.00 and upwards received. Inieresl
pounded loaf rearloy, awl edited to princlpal Juno ;OM and December
• posits Xtereipts also Issued and higlicat ourant rates of interoot allOwed.
• AcIveorsces made to farmers, stock dealers and business nun at
• lowest rotes and on Mat favorable terms. Agentsat ExclerforDom.Govenancut• 41,
; Dickson ec Carling, solicitors. D. HURDON, Manager. •
,.663.C419•00 no'
00,000.00 40'
0.000.00 •4::
tut alvaittita, 4in
and Vo.
OM -
A• Shier; lteme-made 0004 MI", November been devised.
UNAblines,°Nnt, lar.elagabutol;; bto:a‘dcous.g.lc, v3kIreatrIrrtivt agtiroeVesd tItIoltiggriaspip6leillstactirfl
Creighton, fir„ 'White; dran.'n work, 1 flowers free to every person who
M. Whites 'M. Brook; table or piano 1 attends the exhibition on two days
scarf, M. Brethon r, 'M. Jameson; of the show, It is expected this will
pillow 51131:15, Mrs, Hanhara, 1t greatly increase the attendance and
omestw, knitted lace in wool or 1 add greatly to the intorest taken in
oott011, t .Tameson. Wm. 1lYde; 1 the exhibition. Tbe Fruit growers
ogriolrl.orezte.Wns ri.olpiogolto.venandortaglatatkoenr; larthal °lite iiitait,oiftriontourrelinsignigns Vole (Iles:
1Bvr°13clolik"; Albgliftlasn1/4 inN;vooeice, iDgrh.t°9Pe ribute free of cost, neatly gotten up
guson, M. Brook; Afghans in cotten* 01905 for the cooking, preserving atm
boOkiets containing numerous
jenuie Robinson, 31. McCallum l 001' of vorieties of fruit, Stich as up.
loation ta ladles' worktf. McCallum. pleS, pears, pear:hes, pitunS and gropo
CSal)1V1Vinti,"1,41.311rrre.111100.1Ur.Iginallle'rMmics".. ing followed by the bed keepers. Ev-i
es muoll the same lino of work is be-
Mtre. nrile"cDok, .t jabaralees.°00115-1 make the show Of as great educat,
erything possible is being done toa
tray cloth, Ir. Jameson, m. white; 1 ional value as possible, It is expect -
table doylies, N. Creighton. M. jarao- l e(1 it wilt be a strong rival, in its.
son: netting., N. Creighton, M. Mc -
Collura: button boles, M. !kook, 'AI.
Jameson; dresden work, Mrs. E.
Honhann N. Creighton; painting on
any kind of material, j. Senior, Mrs.
Bonham; ladies' work, Upholstered,
311, White, .1‘1, Brethour; machine
sowing, Mrs. Bonham, M. White;
ha.nd sowing. Wm. Hyde, M. Jameson
laundried shirt, collars and cuffs, V".
Hyde, Nellie Creighton; darned oiled
ratios on -stockings, M. White, N.
Creighton; crochet work in cotton,
Hyde, M. Brook; crochot work
in wool, Wm.. Hyde, N. Creighton;
jewel ease and pin cushion com-
bined, Di. White, M. Brethour ;
mots, M. McCallum, N. Creighton.
Special.--Sillt stockings, M. Jame-
son ; handkerchief, M. McCallum ;
china painting, M. White.
Bearast70 The rft111718.4.'AlOray; B011aki
IPP' 444.;
Best heavy horse filly or ooldion
on halter or bridal-o„Soveraigi Banit
prize -1. and. 2nd, Wm, Kornick.
Eaotest walking team, speciallIqW
It, Carr, V. S.. Kirkton; D.Dottglas &
Son. There were five 'teams he
this contest, and the winner took
the prize handily.
Best kept general purpose teem,
special by D. Duggan, St o Marys, W.
J. Pym. '
The Secretary, Mr. A. Doupe' will
be at Kirkton, the first Saturday in
Novernbor to pay the prize money.
A prolific couoe of piles is the use
cathartics and pills oi a drastic, vi-
olent nature, which is always folloW-
ed by a reactiOn on account oE the
resinous, drying properties they con -
There ,are other causes, but no
naattere who 1 the cause oo what the
kind of Piles, Dr. Leonhordt's Hem-
Roid can be relied upon to curc-to
stay cured.
IL's .an internal remedy i bat re-
moves the cause ot Itching, Blind,
Bleeding or Suppuraling Piles.
A -guarantee g oas with each pack-
age containing a months' treatment.
It can be obtained for $1.00 at
Druggist's or the Wilson-Fyie Co.,
Limited, Niaga'ra Falls, Ont.
A alone" method of advertising the
Provincial Froit, Flower and Honey
Show, which will be held in Toronto
way to
the big winter fair at
Miss Uannon, Sec'y Detroit
Amateur Art Association,, tells:
young women what to do to
avoid pain and suffering cause&
by female.troubles.
"DRAM MRS. Pt:animal n- 1 ean eon--
scientionsly recommend Lydia F.{
Pinkhaues Vegetable Compound...
to those of my sisters suffering with,.
female weakness and the troubless
which so often befall women. I suf-
fered for months with general weak-
ness, and felt so weary that I had hare
work to keep up. I had shooting pains,
and was utterly miserable. In my dis-
tress I was advised to use Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound, and it wasor red letter day to.
me when I took the first dose, for at',
that timo my restoration boroan. In
six weeks I was, a, changed, woman,
perfectly well in every respect. I felt
so elated and happy, that 1 want all,
women who suffer -to get well as I did.'
-Miss Gerra GANNON', 850 Jones St.,.
Detroit, Mich, Secretary Amateur Art-
Association.-- WOO forfeit if original of above'
letter proving genumeness cannot be produced.
When one considers that Miss,-
Grannon's letter iS only one'of the
countless hundreds which Ivo
are continually publishing in the news-
papers of'this country, the great virtue.
of Mrs. Pinkharei medicine roust b*
admitted, by all,.