HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-10-6, Page 8wir_IhXIER
0C.T,) 13 E it 6th 1904
are right,
Fall trade. booming. We are busy,there's reason for it, ourgoods
our pa:a $ are & lady remareci the other day, "'N'1,"liat a pleasure to
shop at stew -oats" snob, a large complete stock such good values and the
such fair and corteous treatrnent-Well we just do the very best we knots
h ow for everybody, that's our way of doing business, that wbat bee made
the big stote grow so• big,
$5.50--44adies" new pure wool Frieze SOe the pair for grey or white Flan,
jacket, blaek °is greY, Very stylish.1 uelette Blankets, good big size. nice
Military cut, stitched and strapped , soft finish. Do you want a pair.
with sett -cloth and trimmed with gun,:
vaetai tonitary "tons. 4 lovely
a little rice.
lin,' the yard for double fold English
opera printed Flannels, ver3r pretty
e oat for p
destgns, perfect colorings, just the
no} fOr4.1* Ter17 W1Lla‘lies' Pare 1. thine,' for Waists, Komonos. and,
wool frieze Kersey cloth Jacket. Mill- , ailtrra°ppete.
tary capes. Military strappiags and
Military metal buttons lined through- Srie, 1.00 and $1.24 for three lines of
out with good Mercer lining a regular
$10.60145.4* for $7.40.
$10.00 for ladies' floe black, pore
wool Kersey Coat Jacket raw edge
stitched strapping, with or without
Military capes aud belts. These are
right down to the minute in style.
$200 and up for the swellest lot of
little gar,s coats we have ever show4,
All new Milinary cuts with and with- ahont their. finish peculiar to them -
1 es Will you do us the favor to
out capes and belts in plain etoths a.nd se's • ' - '
nice neat. tweed effects. Just the look at them, you'il not Le asked to
stnerieet hit you'll see this season, utlY" _
bring the little girls out and let them $?-.47) for a, sPeelid title t4 I•extie
sea what we are showing in Swagger "'King Quality" easy walking Lace
Coats, Boots. made from good solid Dougoin:
3 rio, -1,00, arid 0.25 for three leaders tallae"1 in tbQ KIng fact"Y" 41:1(1 ""
in Ladies' Rtin Coats, with attd with- ?vial Ku'r' (144/KY Qka tAlaMd 'le
out capes and belts, Every Coo a, .eattter, as gond as most $3,00 Boots.
big big bargain. Something very swell in elderly
$$.50 for what wo believe to he at Ladies fur -lined Capes nice bright
=et etylish Ladies' Kahl Coat in Ex Matalassie Cloth lioed with English
eter. foil MiittncY effect., choice pore Squirrel and , trimmed with bright
wool eramenette cloth in small lieat black Thibbet. they are very pretty,
patterns. ask, to see th15. line. would like to show them to you,
'Bring 1.1$ all your trade, Butter
Eggs & Drietl Apples. We fi
have• a MarIcet for a big lot of
Dried Apples, have you got .
any for us, We will give you
big prices,
new Blaelt Dress Goods. bright pebble
voiles in winter weights pure wool,
ales() neat weave, good lookers and
°Teat wearers. The ladies all like this
new line so will you,
50c to $L25 for a full range of all
shades in new Hioadeloth Dress
Geodes, we are proud of our new
/3tetteteloths, they have a richness
IVIiss Mable Kemp was home from
:tforth the forepart of this week, i
lloy W.anted,- -A. smart boy to i
learn t he grocery and dry goods I
husinese-Carling 13roe ,
Come in and see our beauti!ul hand
painted, Bohemian, water sets -
Charttanes Fair .
Wanted. -A young lady with ex-
perienoe for the dry goods depart-
ent„--Qaeliag Bros,
Me. Jeteeph Senior is taking in the
sights at the St. Lair World's Fair
also visiting friende in Chicago,
Mr. E al., Fish who has been visit-
ing his brothers and sisters in BaY
City. Miele. is expected home this
aveek, I
Mr.. John Marley, avho has been
confined to his room "aids an attack
of typhoid fever is now convalescing
and able to take a walk each day.
ells. Geo. Ilarto:a has returned. to
Darliagford, Manitoba, after spend-
ing the past few months with
friends here.
The Ladies' AW or the Main-st,
Methods t ointroli will hold their re-
gular monthly meeting at the home
raii :Nina It. E. Huston, this (Tharselay
• gloom.
l'aies Bewail) Keddy and Mrs. Ked
dy. of Iturondale, atteaded the fun-
eral of the little daughter of Alia
usiTul‘lczyre'Sie,a,5Iti‘, Keddet at Dot roit,
Most people are, agreed that
Thatiltsgivintt day comes altogetlter
too late this year, but it probably
n111 canto altogether too ,•00a for
ainage to Apple Crop, -Reports
ate that the recent strong
.'t liavo done much to harm the
winter apple crop, In mast of the
orchards. the ground ia literalb' COY -
'd with apples which have Callen,
and it is thought at least halt of the
carr:Pliiisjubrolodw4fodrop‘salleldriligy, lailiug they
$ exIoAudgclia:sl.dl .C:sultdrop:,:u1 it ii not feu, eln:zrejamu, 21a, tialg.sOcreivnigonuro
szilisawasi )Dlirx,:d.rsea;:syt.rgu:awegi;::::4-
Cold Cure, rfix Cold Oure 11/41blets.
. tairNlio.vsealBrOTIrtnigenutin, Ient%..Nasralori3saallait)
y C. Lutz, Central Drug S(ore, 1.3x -
rumor to, this sone
ow ery asy tvr.
Alr, Dinney has reeved into the
residence recently purchased by hint
from Air. W ,1L I,evett and occupied
. by Air, Alurpby, wbo will take the
residence on Andrew street to be
vacated by Air, Wm. Harding, he
having purahased the residence °Mr.
E. 131;isdell. Air, 1). Kerniok has
oved int* the konse purelnsed from
ialt)ifllsanileI:-Those having their sale
bills printed at this office will re-
ceive a free notice of the sale in the
Times and thus got the benefit of
our large circulation. This is a fact
which should be remembered, Sale
bills are not seen by all in the dis-
trict whereas The Times goes every-
where, The notice though given
free IR often worth more to the per-
son holding sales than what is paid
for the posters.
Prank R. Conklin Coming. -Come
and spend an evening with Non
York city's most -popular enter-
tainer, in Main-st Methodist church
Itanday, Oct. 10th 1901. Mr. Conk-
lin, during one season gave 67 enter-
tainments in New York city alone.
Grover Cleveland ex -President of
the United States, says he is the
hest he -aver heard. Admission
Children lbo. Doors open '430 n. m.
It is to spend small sums of money, when
you have a large 0.111011111 with you Haw
much safer and better it would be to keep
your spare money in this Bank and get
terest r it, and where you can add to it when you like, and with -
raw when you please.
When ever we succeed in pursuading an individual to become
a saver of money, we eonsider we have conferred a benefit upon
him and upon the community. We want to interest more savers.
This bank is at your service.
Every kind of Banking Facility at your Service
The Sovereign Bank of Canada
Branches In Huron County at
Exeter Crediton Dashwood Hehsall Zurich Clint°
Manager, Exeter113rauc
For Marriage Licenses,
Wedclirsg Rings,
Watches, Clocks
Spectacles tc
Watch Repairing a Specialty.
DR. OVENSSa(rfeoini,aareEurt;
Specialist, Deseases,
Eye, Ear, Rose and Throat
visits txeter monthly.
Glasses Properly Fitted
Nasal Catarrh and Deafness treated. Chloe
TEL. Dates of visits.,
WEDNESDAYS. uly 27, Sept. 7, Oct. .
sov.2 Nov. S. London office, 225 t`.,1,ueeris Ave.
General Selling Agent for
C.P. Lands
Any persons, farmers or others,
who contemplate purchasing land
in Manitoba or the North-west Ter
ritories will find it to their ad
vantage to call on me, as 1 havel
recently been appointed general sel-
ling agent for all C. P. R. and C. N.
V'. Land Co's lands. Prices range
Irora $3.50 per acre and upwards.
Persons who settle on C. P. R.
lands within one.. year after pur-
'chase have ten years in which to
pay for such lands.
For further particulars apply to
Or at a the "TIMES" office.
tie -copy for changes must be left
not later ti an Tuesday noon. Casual
advestisernents accepted up to noon
Wednesday' of each week.
Jaiornittion Permanent Stock for
sale, stack now realizing 6 per cent.
half yearly, good speculatione-Sov-
uretgn Bank stack, for sale stock
'realizing 5 per cent. pets annum. -
Durham Cement Stock for eale.-effn
E. Huston.
Several of our eitize'rts report the
Bagshaw has conamenc-
ed building operations on his new
house on William street.
The Times Eau the correct styles in
wedding in'vitations and visiting
cards. Let us have your next order.
Mrs. Loadman, who has been visit
ing her daughters, Mrs. Collins and
Mrs. E. Treble, returned .to 'London
on Wednesday.
Mr, and /Ars. 'Wright. of Alma.
Mech., were the guests of efIrs. Wm,
,Teckell, during the latter part of last
:qrs. (Dr.) L. Gilt of Gibsonbtirg,
Ohio, with her two sons, is at pre-
sent visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Th.bs. Gregory.
:qrs. john Sweet and Miss Char -
lett Sweet, after a months' visit
with friends in London returned
home on Friday last.
Miss Anna Martin, with her
grandfather, Mr . Jiameson, spent
Saturd;ay last with Rev. Mr. and
Mrs. Cranston, of Cromarty.
Rev. W. M. Martin, after a pleas-
ant acation ot two weeks spent at
different points will occupy his own
pulpit at both services on Sunday
Leave your orders early tor, red
ana white cabbage, turnips, beets
pampkins,, squashes and winter veg-
ta.bles at _Louis Day's makket
Gardener, Exeter,
Take Laxative Brorno Quinine Tab
lets. Ali draggiStS refund the mon-
ey if it fails to cure. E. W.- Grove's
signature is on each box. 25c.
Wanted. -Four 'thousand five hun-
dred dulla.rs at 4 1-2 per cent. on se-
curity- of Mortgage on first-class
farm property, valued at $8,0100, for
a term of years. For further par-
ticulars apply at this office.
Rev. G. W .Andrews. B. A., of Ce
tralia, will ()soupy tbn purpitof Ma
street church, on Sunday next. t
Rev. WM. Godwin preaching Am
versary sermons on the Contra
tire ui L.
• ere
Mayor E. N. Lessees, of ouerie
and, Mr, Wm. 13awacn, of t xetts
,-sverc in the village last week com-
pleting the purchase of the right of
way for the Gnelpla and Goderich ex-
tension of the C. T? .11. -Blyth Stan-
dard. .
fie,ad Popplestone & Gardiners ad.
"a page 5.
,Cream Puffs and Paslrv fresh
very day at Stathamea
Mr. -Truce Dignan, of. London,
spent, Sunday oxider the parfeta1
removal from 'their cellars of 'fruit
and other domestic eupplies. Would it
net ibe a wise precaution to have all
cellar windows securely fastened
from the inside thus causing a re-
treat of any further* intruder from
your prenaises.
Walter Bell, who resides near
Hamilton, celebrated an unit/
christening ot his yomsgest son, la
Sunday. He secured from Ireland
bottle of water from tile riv
Boyne, which was sealed by
leaves from a. tree where the im
mortal King William had crossed to
his fanaous victory. The baptism
was truly in the protestant faith,
and created considerable interest by
those who were responsible for the
ceremony. Walter Bell is a native
of Goderich. township.
Varnit's correspondent in Clinton
News Record says ;-"Mr. W. S.
Aviator, who has had Mr. S. Motfat's
farm just east of the village rented
for a term, is retiring, from farming
and with his parents and sister 'will
likely 'take 'up his residence in Exe-
ter in the near future. The farm
which he is giving -u.p consists or
132 acres and. is one of the best in
the township. It line been leased by
Mr. Murray Gibson, of the 2nd con-
Must Pay Arrears. -The law re-
specting the liability of stibscribers
to newspapers was laid down
by Judge McWatt in the division
Colirt at Petrolea, a while ago, in a
case brought by the Topic, and will
prove of interest to the public. The
Judge declared the law to be that
where a subscriber refuses take
his paper from the post office and
orders it sent back to the publisher
when there is subscription money ow-
ing frona him lie is still liable for
the continuing sabscription until he
pays the arrears.
The Princess at work.: -The tieove
is ,the title of the new premium pic-
ture to be given with .that great pa-.
per the Family Ilerajd and Weekly
Star of neliontreal, ti seaean.eIt is
said Ito ;le a gent, byff• fast iltesemost
and 1eautifti1 ,e,they have
d. Al whoj'kpay a year's
n (antryllar) to the
raid at eekly Star, get
the pee re 'free. Family
scribers ;ere this year in
greater lu ls thari ever, "The Pri
cesset Work," alone is worth a good
eal lucre than what as asked for the
a.r's subscription and the picture.
Trial Trip. -For thirty cents we
will send the Times ,nnd Mail & Em-
pire to any part of Canada, Great
Britain or the United States. New
subscribers to the Weekly Mail &
Empire from present date will re-
ceive either the "Victoria Cross"
oran Atlas of Canada add Contin-
siderable quantities, of fruit can be and it will bring on a distarted wea-
ents oe ehe World," Tbe Atlas will given abe buYere Reports received tiler condition that will run most
contain the latest maps of the
received by the' Horticulturist 'show probably, into -tha regular nsiorra World, Dominion of Canada and the harbuyers are ,offering from 25 to period following. The ereury brace
province.s, Europe, Asia, Africa, Un- 1 1-
i5 cents per 'barrel' shows'Lhat mereurY "unwell"
ited States, and South America, with
jes, c) 24.2 ! disturbance is cent'ral on the 28th,
22x14 inches in size and printed on Signature
TIaKilld YOU HaVe AlWays Bought reacll'ing from he 18th to 1 he close,
of October. This feet, ssall tend to a
, -
marginal index, The large maps are 1 13earethe
fine calendered paper.
ever issu
Friraily IT
bopy 0
Herald su
Worneris Srriart
arid Dressy Coats
Made of &le imported Cravenette in dark grey, with shoulder
ape, Belted back regular price $6.00 clearing at $4.9o.
Made of black Beaver, piped with silk.
lined with silkoline, this jaunty and ser.
viceable coat cannot fail to be a favorite.
Material is a good quality black Beaver
with cape on shoulder, nicely trimmed
with silk and lined throughout, there is
grace and beauty in every line of this
Modish Coat.
Made of high grade Zibeline a material
we can recommend for appearance and
durability, semi fitting, stitched broad-
cloth on collar and cuffs, lined with fine
Made of fine Zibeline, in grey mixture,
trimmed with fancy braid and stitched
broadcloth,lined with mercerized, a great
looker for the money.
The material in this stylish and nobby
coat is a good quality of black &I white
Snowflake tweed, nicely trinlined and
lined throughout, great bargain.
Our leader is ot Black Imported Cheviot
semi fitting, cape on shoulders, nicely
trimmed with stitching and buttons, lined
in Ladies -Rain Coats
.-DRESS .090PS
Cider Barrels for Sale, -Ranging Obituary, - The death of A
inineriznerforso,m 5 to 50 gallons, at Far- John Preszcator which oc-
curred At 146 residence on the
Miss Nina Carling left on Satur- trd concession of Stephen. on
4/0ailly alinnsfar'orr 5101r:uttrI,v13'eareCtsssi° Qw3,11,-1 SI &I) t lc alanbden; aill'2klis 4 4-v8QT:rile:a ainocint• 011 ri iri iPpf. uf
about three months from no partic- e have
ling -will take a coarse in vocal wirm deceased had Veen ailing far TT
ular disease any more than a general
Ineaking up of the system. Mr,
Freszcator was a native of (iermany
and carao to Canada with 11;s parents
witen about four years old, settling
'near Guelph, where be remained
about twenty years. Ile then moved
to the township of Stephen, took up
the farm or homestead on which he
died. living 'there continuously ever
since. Ills nature was siuguiarly re-
crved and unobtrusive but he was
Wrxte for our plan whereby you a man of skirling qualities, a good
can do this at no cost, to yourself I neighbor and true friend. In poll -
Mt. Hamilton Land and Oil Oo., 119 ties be was Conservative and when
Porter Building, San Jose. Cal., U. health penuitted was a regular at-
tendant at the means of grace, being ..
L' member or the Main-st. Methodist
Mrs. J'olui 1,..,,,returned home
Dress Goods in the vegy latest colors at very reason-
able prices. Broadcloths, Ladies' Cloth, Cheviots,
Hop Sacking, Gr '
enites Vieuana, and mixed Tweeds,
green, brown, blue andblack. Don't forget to see our new
Dress Goods before buying.
Swell New Furs
We have a large and, beautiful display ot fine Furs including Ladies' Fur
Coats of Greenland seal, Eleetrio seal and Astrachan.
For Neck Roffs in Alaska and American Sable, Stone Martini, Isabella
n'ox, Electric Seat and Opposite).'
Oaperines ia Astraalaan and Seal, Sable and Seal, and Electric Seal. -
Fur Caps, pice Persian Lamp or Seal at $3.00 to $5.00 Children's Grey
Lamb Fors at away down prices.
Rain Coats
For ,t7V1 V ) ,
Men's from $1 75 to $10.00
Ladies' from $2.50 to $10.00
music while there,
The mon who thinks and act' is
master of the 1311U11 who oniy thinks.
So think and aot and order Harvey's
Star flour before you lose all your
Ilow about flour? Nov is the time
to lay in a stack at choice flour
made from old, wheat. You want
the best therefore use Harvey's
Star Flour.
Want to Como to California-
Inst week from manitoba aul the chtirch. Besides a sorrowing widow
Northweswhere she has spent the be is sureived by two sons and three
daughters all of whom were at his
past summer in corapany with Mr.
bedside when the and came Samuel.
of Stephen, john on the homestead:
Mrs, Chris, Luker, Eater; Mrs.
Sohn Prang, Goderich ; and Mrs. Wm
Wilson, Tuckersmith, Ile had rea-
ched ,tho age of 77 years 3 months
and 17 days, „
Division Court. -lbs Honor, .11i41ge
Holt, held Division Court here on
Evans. Mr. TiVa1113 'Will remain for
some time longer.
Mr. Mantle, or Crediton. havinn-
purchased A parcel of land from the
Carling estate on Main-st., south has
erected a very handsome dwelling
th.ereon, and is this week moving his
household effects and tals.-ing pos-
session. We welcome Mr, nail Mrs* Tuesday and delivered judgment in
Mantic as residents of Exeter. two very interesting, casea which
Liberal Conservative Conservative Assoeiation
Meeting. -A meeting of tht Liberal
sorvativo Association of the vil-
ago af Exeter, will he held in the
town hall, Exeter, on Tuesday, Oct.
llth, at 8 p. in. for the purpose of
selecting delegates to the, Convention
at Hensel' on Oet, 1311i and for the
transaction of other business. A
good attendance is requested.
Everybody invited. I. A. Rollin
President, C. U. Sanclem Seo'ry
tracted quite a large attendance. A
mrse ease Is always of interest 1.o
ra 'public and on Tuesdaytmost oE the
rso fanciers in town were present
hear the legal battle between the
"citors for Wm. Bawl:slum and
se for Mr. Eyre, late of Chisel-
rst. Mr. ilawkshaw was suing
r. Eyre for damages for the alleged
reach of a warranty of a horse
which Eyre ha,,d sold to the plaintiff
The horse turned •aut lame, what
aught. a Partridge.-tIr. )3. was 'termed coffin -joint lameness.
Carling does not intend going hunt -,Eyre denied both. the warranty and
the unsoundness but, his story was
hag after partridge this season as he
can capture them at his very door greatly discredited by the cross-ex-
Whtle at dinner the other day, his
amination of Mr. Ilawkshasses solie-
little son, Harry rushed nto the
itors and was flatly contradicted by
house saying that a hawk was try-
a number of witnessesMr. Hawk-
ing Ito get at the chickens. Mr. Car- Atm paid $130 for the horse and
ling went out to the yard and was
sold her for $80, and was asking for
surprised to find there a gooa-sized the difference as damages, namelY
partridge trying to get through the
wire netting. The bird was soon
caught and Mr. Carling now hopes
•naany more may follow as they make
$50. The judge gave a lengthy re-
view of the evidence and gave Mr.
Hawkshaw $50 damages. with the
cost of the, trial. Grladman & Stan-
ood %tie and a '3 COSii r - bury for Mr. Ilawkshaw; Dickson&
veryg ee ga spo
cured in that way. Carling and II. I. D. Cook, for Mr.
New Caolts.-The merchants of Ex- Eyre. The ,other case tried was
eter have all received tteir consign_ that of the Cockshutt plow Co.,
ments of new fall and winter goods i against A. S. 1)eavitt and his wife
which comprise the latest end best
ranges in their different branches.
We would remind prospective
/earth) ser s of t he ability of
our merchants to • furn'sh them
with sterliag qualities at a
Lair price Give our merchants
a chance, and s'ie (age eatfisficid non;
will not regret it for the reason
that you will get as good goods if
not better, and all things considered
at a lower price than you will by WEATHER FORECASTS
trading away from florae. The mer- The first regular storin period
thants who realize the advantage proper for October is central on the
gained by teaching the public llth, and extends front the 8th to
through the medium of tee 'Abases the 12t1t. The Moon being in pari.
will from week to week have some- gee, on ,the 7th'ancl on the celestial
thing to say which will help you to equator and new on the) 8th, expect
secure the best at the lowest prices. very prompt de.velopmente, In the
Vetch their announcements. form of falling. barometeia Change to
quite warm, and followed, by rain,
wind and even thunder storms as
early in the period as the 8th and
9th. Later in the, pet loci these
storms will spread to the eat, and
along with, the rising barometer be-
hind I Lilo strains, nn early touch of
boreal weather will come out of the
northwest, ,attendect,by hien auLum4
nal gales over the lake regions. IL is
eerning ,the large crops.. While, possible ,also that delayed equinoctial
there is a large amount of storms may reach the southern
poor fruit throughout Ontario, the coasts et. Ode period. Within forty
with a counterclaim by Deavat
against the company. Judgment
was given in favor of the company
for $60 and costs, and the counter-
claim was dismissed. Madman &
Stanbury for plaintiff; Dickson eci
Carling for Deavitt. The case of
Grey vs. Peavitt was settled and -Mei
case at Ogden vs. Carrel was poet-
a display of
our Window
IIARD TO BEAT in the County both as to
PRICE and QUALITY. Next week look for
big thing in Rockers. A great big stock to
The Price of Apples. --The Csnad-
n Horticulturist has been making
quiries alt over the province and.
111 announce in its October issue
at the apple crop of the Province
iis Year is nol, nearly as large
s last, and that the same is true
throughout. the United. States gen-
erally. There is little reason for
the bearish rrsports of buyers con -
general quality is good,iand growers
should realize •batter pricem than,
are being offered. For No. 1 and No.
2, which is "good, end growers should
not acccpt less than 75 cents to $1
per barrel, on the trees, where con -
eight bours of noon on the Sth, SelS.
mic disturbances in many parts of
earth need not cause surprise.
The next storm period will be
-tral on the 16th and 1711). and 181h.
This i a Vulcan reactional y period
P!;olonged spell or unsettled, dis-
t iiTted 'weather.
Funeral Director arid Practicable Embalmer. Opera House Block
I- "How is your flour
trade? Good!"
II -"Then you, must handle
Harvey's Star Flour."
III -"It's sold the country
IV -"We don't think there is
anything we handle that
helps our trade like that
Star flour,"
V -"It will be a good day
for the flour and feed trade
of our country when they
learn to me Harvey Bros.
Star flour entirely.'
* •
• •
.1, In Western Ontario Z
4) •
• So far as we can learn no Bus- 2
iness College in Canada graduates :Tip
• so many and at the same time a•
„* such a Iterge percentage of its "°..A
• students as does the -
a Our Oaurses are up-to-date, instructors 0
• experiencled and facilities unsurpassed.
4) Students may enter at any time. Write 0
0 for free catalogue. •
• W. .1. ELLIOTT )
' -Principals
Itching, Blind, Bleeding or pro-
truding, Piles. Druggists refund
money if Paso Ointment fails to
any case, no matter of how long
standieg in 6 to 14 days. rivet, ap-
plication gives ease and ret. 50c. If
your drtiggist hasn't it send 50c in
stamps and it will be forwarded post
paid ,by Paris ,McdiciAw Co., Si. LOWS,
Mo. ig
To the Fron
With a consignment of short leaf
Georgia Pine, It makes the
most beautiful interior finish of
any lumberon the market today.
Lumber Lath
and Shingles
We are in a better position than
ever to supply our many customers
with all they may require either from
shop or yards.
Bee Keepers Supplies ready
Place your Orders for Tanks early.
Estimates cheerfully given.
nrCall in we like to see you..ss
are here with the goods.
have the most complete stock of
reliable COUGH & COLD remedies
and o her seasonable preparations.
have the fineet assortment of Rub-
ber Goods, such as:_
Hot Water Bottles
Ice Bags
Fountain Syringes
Enemas Stc &c
have just recsived a large stock Of
the best French, English anti Ameri-
can Perfumes and other toilet articles.
have never failed to give entire sat-
isfaction in any case where we tested
eyes„and prescribed glasses, and WE
are here always.
have everything you want
The finest goods at the
best prices.
Drug Store