HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-10-6, Page 7it:.:4+11:44:04:40:4•1;49:44,4:414,1•7,4441.1:•,1040•:46;1; ggiE sTRANap, pilurfs . .. . ............ E , 2 SPIDER FARMERS AND DOLL El AL,T1-1 0:. D a CTORS, *.e. ii° to e Lady Dog Baxbevs Are Commerk•-- *4'441.4":4"":":44":":":4444"1":44t4* IYEatch-enalters ripuxisb, in BENEFIT Or W.A.I.F.Iigq, London, U$ essential as the daily bath; it ing brides the Shadcan also brxags DtlellOaS 0 webs mybe fraudulently attached to In this age of shams, even spidore The daily walk in the open air is should be tal:.en in the early morn- enceretan named Pierre Crantaire l'graPlw °- f young WOMerk for whom ed as well in England ktS ikk the land ing, with the ntind open to all -the lie undertakes to provide sniteble of her birth. The Duchess of Rox- . .. who reekes comforteble eonineteeme - beautaftel Influences tvitli who. e by supplying unscrupulous \vine deo, air is ladeti. son1.1g13t. drivese ors with speciaiirehrcd spiciers, at a Away morbid thoughts; it steals over ,ked rake f $!..l.Zin 4 hundred, which original and arrange to pay a, cora- we are t , the members raiselon as soon as the neerriage cer- of the royal family are very fond. of einoen is completed, and forthwith confectionery. The Queen s fevoeite return with the Shadeen to England. is chocolate, and the Prince of \\Tante Sometimes they are too poor to likes it, also, as wen ag fruit fracie. pay their eassage. which event As for the young princes, "they do the marriage broker edvancee then% not diSdein anything in the shape of the money, at ruinous rates it is' good sweeties, whether it be fond - true, and truste to get it back from, ants, chocolates, butter eetitch or the bridegrooms. almond, paste," In addition to his eolevoy of blest- One is surprised to leapt. that the tvnrs Sen - wine bottles, for there is au elderly back with hiM a number of pboto-, erican earaliee„ which can be obtain-, THE POSTITASTER IS TildElinJit DODD'S HXDNEY PILLS ABLED THAI TO SLEEP FEAcr. Work they Are Doing for rids of Canadians Every partners M this eountry. „burgh% on the other bend, has — xear, These marriage arrantrentents preference tor gni-au-leis, "eon- Ta amongst our &Wee are uenally non- Mrs. Jonciph Chamberlain, leueintac, Cumbed rlan * 1 a Art tui Mum& it One$ her attention, as for as sweet.. Oct. 2.,—(Special).--alr. 11, tbe beoeraney that is left inwardly is amongst wino b tl t ot es, . ence, t eustoinary for complete strangers Ineat$ are eoneerned alneoet vane- ,postreaster here is one of m g eenses• with soothing effect end may be rented, epee, if turoad loose expre,ssed outwardly, proceed to spin abundent webs upon t° inartY wit11°Itt an bow's court- IS to el15,/c°lat°, whi°1s,„lt In Ilt°4- kriner Cana' diens who. rescued But Perha Ps You argue, them ere 1 them. The reason of this is that $1111), 131° 11-141.rlages, .13 "er-• ed‘ si)e extrem4T f4)11(1" / at pain ond weakness by 1.10(ld'S many mornings when the sun is not piame annikaine 1,eva a large (A., whelming majority of cases, prove Several weathers a the House o sbening and the weather is ;adamant tablishment at philAdophia, .,00011 extremely happy ones,— Posen's Lords have quite a wealsnees for and AA what you shall do thefl. he devotes -to breeding spiders. 'I'hey WeeklY• eonfeCtlOflerY 1il s particulariy Seeke thp welk pant the saute. If it is gteoiny oti . of doors, it is still more glecany in the house. Th agencies 01 health are over mere aa tive in. the open Air. Op out AU ether theta in. Everybody should be sapplieal with rainy -day aptom'el so that a long ' walk may be taken in the rain with- out any but ge011 effects freta it, Ono 611001 heetfr210 USe,l 10 all kinds of weotlier in season, and partieularly to the rain, -There aro 10AllY teeth'. dious French womeo lobe walk Miles In the rain, perfectly clad for the weather, and And that it brings the color to the cheens ae fl0 other es- i ercise con. It is like the dew to the flowers, reviving oad unfolaing them. Tim degree of benefit olitained from the walk regardless of the wearlicr most greiitly deperal upon the era A4titl3d0, 1! it is faltering and reluctant the good effects util hard -a pleted, they aro placed in SePara to bo noticeable. It must be taken compartments in light wooden bees with confidenceand not only toil- 'and dispatched by parcels post t lingness but eagerness oast firm iv - solve to enjoy it, Minty people will any thot awollic does them good whelk there is an ob- ject in it, but otherwise it is We. some, AO, therefore, they cannot , avoid totting it listlessly Mad tavarle gra previonsey frozeu and are placed ably find it fatiguing, A walk for tin the rehagerating chamber daring health surely hos a great object in 1.11.0 voYa.t . tins event. the eXtr3 view, but, mum, be „oaten aeeortuas 'cost is naturally borne lay their to its rules. Wo13( as though -you were goiug somewhere, 1.7ou have a dellaite 1 . 1 - kept in dark., coal rooms, winch ' rendered fly -proof by means of SUCes f,11,,, XOTITERS, otible folding doors, betweeri which so with the "anelettts.' One %tido lord has before pow introditeed 21 packet of bon -bons hap the augost'i assembly, where during the course or A debate, he has satTeptitiously eat- mospquito curtain is stretched, 'II oiw vs flea that the (I the spiders are allowed to roam hers who are ioecessfal in bringing idneY Pals. are shouting t •aises of the great Niamey itentedy. "Yes," the postmaster says : "1 ut to express niy thaakfulness ' the great heoelit I bave received from.f, the uSe et llodd.s.. Kidney rills, "Aty trouale was Itaviog to urinot too freely, 1 had to rise eight -777-7 en it." • t ten times Ouch night so that ene heir Will about shelves. on which „up families of hearty, healthy ettil., "In the Lower Ilouse there are nt was eekerea, eey ieet, aud logs, note the sllghtest elene ef of opinion, who never enter St, Ste -I pats a a 1 took six baxes all told ties. a spider spins on the wall or in and tO dleck 3t enCe• The wese puen's without being provided with'iNow a gm all right, a corrter of a shelf. its web is promp- ntother gives her children Baby's cards of Epole kiwi or other. One oit wilt to empaora to mo h lv deottv,-ed by Ole (miler; hat if 0110 011,11 l'ahlets at the first symptom of abseure 0,,N,5ionfav suet pep- 10,03,11,z,1 tan, polio can. lew,t e plaeci numerous empty port botidr(n, art those who are careful to leaSt :thirty legislators •of all shades sweued, weer, got pc)dors C these oreatures spins Oa bottle is promptly reworded with. a flY. Spiders thet tO $Pill on bot - ea ore kept without food, nod from to time. tc encourage them t anJ ehildisla and ;tiniest at perm -hit drops. a babit that is some other fAlfferer to fled elle/ once Iho little one is all right. 'Mrs. linotva to those who sit ia Ids Im-11)0iid. Kidney 11)0t9s Steveuson, 18 Bishop Street. mediate, vicinity."' I Itothre Nitiney Olwa3•:s ear littlitax, S.. says: "It give$ rag ?dr, John, Burns I ef S' ilrightos Disease. They also annuallY pleasttre to be able to spook of laving a sweet tOOth 511rrly t his bring relief 10 bondreas of thousands ho thew wobs on bottles. fAlart' the grutt value 1341/Y's Own Toh"• Majesty:A judges are partial to SlVeet. col,notliarta Who we bOthered With st4c16 °It tbe gi4ss lets I nIwnYs glv° tlietn t° 311Y • Meets, feltheingh they do ;let ea eekdee, Troubles, with spirit gala and in the C0111= children when they arc ailing' in anY them in the vourts; and iwarly overy tirae spidero lteeetne traincd woy, and they speedily make them actress ui note is ft caPIiV 'OWN, real, AND CITY" ROUSE ARO FLOOR PAINTS Witt P In 8 Hours. r,,Art, ast trArtsmargi wag orouto, Vancotivert only spin on bottles, well, I would advise every mother' teep the 'I'ablets In tho boose," szyruas Low RAN1:49, SPIDERS CW,T FROZEN. '11"7 "tt'uthh'g 111 ittAtiCn' Vifk the Obietig0 awl North Western When their cOacation is thus co 1 the fraudulent. wine merchants. who make MSC af thfea to give their hot - tie S the appearance of twenty yeers' storage eellers coel. Should tbe destination of thus dustrious spinners he hlarropo, they reliant's. ro aro munerous men alma ou Whose method et liveliheasi f, relY t paw:Pie to their ft lends, They1'" 0 P°%‘ to w're'l jet'It mt u". 50. IA* ve 110 priv4 ate means, 'they neither 4 it vt prevement to the circulation cannot woo.; nor borrow, Anti yet aro 01„,n g COW 'With A legging nte.P. 11 170"1 treys dreseeil in the 1;oig12t of Sash- ignornnve tlireirltnpot el:t‘se. Rienritta7,v °sof rinprIon.eeS otitlet'ii:r.craltlitil":11trileinn11 ;11131 aro rot well, assume that you ant h S„,°,11110 /:r°Ple go i'llong t readers to learn that the majolitY watt sat.ow eoutp,exions a then gentlemen. are Walking in.l.,!MSSCOneeptiOn 11 1 colic and stomach troubl:e, pre- Antiwar, 0. pry day trout Sept. loth constipotion, destroY trnanr. to 0(3, latja sattlera ono woy second elceauv'erhsettanitleabsal ,100-nteV class tickets at yen/ low tf v - - Chicago poiats Utah. Montalto, child Sol() Ity all ratdivone , ----- tpu or gent by mail at 25 eriits )1orada, 1441104 040gga, Pg THEIR rAlifILY A singular illustratio , Ile ' Lenge with whielt the Ad - bore to their family vocati a seen in an anaottogement itt a Japan- ese newspaper that a celebrated ilanclugarraster Was to hold a vice in ironer of te 1,000tif All wow. . I'VrKing 1111° 11r. Witit4Xm 411'fQr.°4' 141st" .;Ictc11.411 Yani 1;14tr Zal:tittrildrsTtohfotthollifsaaraniyest Co.. Ont. lecmer% New Westut Lister. I oss „ _ h I ts in the Nootenay taAle, PtQns-s4VIT6 Come • 'S litITX03/,„ gedy ()vie 'utions. tarty seriteas and fr tilActooine to (langeroos ' asiang for statement, order, to -1 want4s1, M- erit -Oa rending leg d I I DiStriCt. -OrreSprea y 2o0W rates Strom all points in Catioda, ra-% cu ars tom nearest ticket agent If 1 f • or 11, If, Bennett, General Agent, 2 East ging :Amok, Toronto. Ont. slintrOding gait. that seem 1.0 e411c tifkinents for West End tailors, reluelanee, to admit for pity that they nre so altogether ciety sandwiclunen, so to speolt, Ilehttse is for ore of su '3%ea3t ond miSerahle• 11 tht'',F v'oultl who leceive a handsome weehly sal-acurrence that nine out bract, oft. held their beans el:ecslo v and their clothes gratis. io ',orders, according to a throw their shoulders haelkn tut‘Q turn fOr Moving in fashionable circles 'pharmacist. have to be sui deep inluilations of the pfire air and casually reniarltiag that so and cd or correeted, or revised, and walk brisltly taey would cona so is "my tailor," l''ather-J'Tlint15 aughter painted, li 211230214. yon that explains ounfet like that o atoess Poultry Eggs Butter Apples Ttit hti(Ve your ommigarnent, am, of throe articles ana1 will !get Pw to0 prlccL T DAWV0N COMMISSVI CO Limit Dkaty.... particular Or" , tucecklaft (it the filter out litiapelling, a poic.ona which 44,7gb %hop frto 14.14. OatNit 1,21O,Y Varmat, do tl.enk whole duty, lite jair.-1 rind should litave the help and strength 13 4O , 1c...11 that S011th American NotIney Clare will afford in tiny and all feraei of kidney en" diameter. it relietkes in a tlIVitt'S.-..1,4 , 01 teat hoes the blood. 1.1; iert kV/vie:FS lite 1171.0. I at. mord net pity, but respect, ay nave 1/00 BARBERS AND DOLL In a colleetion Exercise taken in this w `'' * TORS, OhlOfty marked by 1 ' ,t0 de good. reiriforceing the 1 energies; hands and feet that been cold antl chutney for :pare w warfll with the free circulation of the blood, giving not only the appearance of oew Ilie but actually generating it. ICYGENIC EXVIRCIRE. Musaular action is indispensable to robust health; but the amount of it that is required varies with age, sex, habits and toastitution. Most1 per- sons who are free from organie dis- ease are benefited by properly direct- ed gymnastic training. Even those employed at manual labor aro often Improved by 141,1 for °lily eertain groups of muscles are exercised in the loutine of daily work, and oth- ers renutin comparatively Idle, Light exercise ear a. few minutes in the ov- e.ning often acts as a. restorative The proprietorg of both make large druggist neatly found hy repeating it both to the wearied Muscles and to incomes by repairing tbe broken finet, *which gives the key. An at - the exhausted nervous ostem .af one dolls of the children of Royalty and tempt nem made at ipecac and bor- fatigued in his employment during the aristocraty. Thanks to the ade ado, which read: "Apelcact" the day, particularly if it be follow- existence of these hospitals, the 534.2130 end "hOreeet asset," ed by a cold sponge -bath; but as a done have served es the 111(1e:things Of the mistakes genteenty made in rula,the morning is a better time for for three generations of sorae noble /or (inv.% the contosion of "powdel'ad licorice" with "Compound both 'V'xe.reise and cold bathiog. In- houses. valids may profit by exercise under To live by drowning SeernS beret:li- the supervision of a physician, and remarkable eures are sometimes at- "tributrible in great measure to it No other naethod is quite so effec- tual as systematic training under an intelligent instruetor, when this is but a great deal ettn, be accomplished by home g-yinoastics if persistently practised. In theso days of deficient breathing and tzXcessive lurks disease especial attention should be directed to the strengthening of the muscles of the chest and abdo- rne.n. The exercise should be taken daily and in the open air when the weather will permit; it should never be undertake/2 in a dosed room, Whether dumb -bells end wall -pulleys or some other method be eneployecn the movements should be carried to the point of inducing deep respire - time. Moderate running and bicy- cling increase the breathing power ad , nrowing is as the regarded best of all exercises. •••••,40.ftem lnellh In scores instaneee t it'utts3 only literature et en a language is firft Ott"' °Niers( , Koury form in order to ' vracy, some. Bible, thing evidently Intent ed tor an I - been. with us; but the greategt novelebreormen was often renewed. pee" A lady Pavement artist has long Ifort at preseriptlea form end ab-, oara s tioimeotior sale mgrpytiew ty that this seeson has Scans iftirstance lit nicI ammonia, WU% writ - way of ecellpatiOne, Is that of a lallY 'Ito» 14, mild ammonia. ille,rettrIal as Cage; t on hip TREAL TO LIVERP 0 ate Rata Service. la PatAgiVra suttee la boa occur:ems mime; at u4n tor rata et SW ka, 321 lt# Lanzlea, ThIrd also ta C1511,:nv ar Queaar&ria'ill5.11. (trete to lecatieenteer ;11 LINZ Ornoss, 33 sy.sagotoc3441., nreArrva • I-inith seven )-six. a he OS' - T12� finest region 3 Confute,.101' t12C heater who wiehes to secure 71100eie IS tlw 'remagnmi region in New On.- turio. and now eattk.: a access by the lirttnd Roliwoy System and ;North Roy. All information reentrd- ting guides, routes. rates ote., can lind on applivation to agents or addreseing U. T. fleet, 1,. 4 T. • A., Idontreal, Tee Doctor--"rott box a bad cold:, ••SalVO WaS given aS Merry Correll 'A 1.:(nal?tx lat„loy.rer has colleeteet diggs• Pll giv„e You seine altes to keep pet dogs wasucta a .• • many nunoreos %Allan Jacss or ..,ta tor it e eever mina 4 au Certaie drugs evere A1140 DU . . reduced erreurestences who -antler- °nitwit, and eliPPed. in return for - .es end e'en: Veer* t 1 I 1 I ° doctor 17014 can bave it for troth • • A. • A :1; 1 e, .CE . • Unti ' house'ts coo- ing." ticularly proininent as stunebling p •en n ne 3 -ed stipend. Nei:Was this eallipg is in Lonnon It has long been pursued by /tidies in Peris, who have set up several dog- arbers' establishments, esPecially 021 tbc banks of the Seine. The reasoi w re this industry has flourished i blocks. Corrosive stiblimate wets ertr,14. or b32nting,. 3211(1e(1in many ways, among tb4n kerosine suldime and CorroslVe step- for 0%er Maly Years leIr°11t. 141210213 salts VMS 11/0111 --------- o ow'sSooi ins* Sven, has beta Enoquent of toothed:tie, if nothor- it tura 1;,..srep, erA tor 1114.1 t'!4111211111 while teatliih" Paris is due to the prevaleoee of the t was "I? $11;sgosthtieveiet " flat syStein, wilich severely limits 1.I.e while etimullY int e nilen were "Heti of r accommodation for 'washing and bar- meaning tione," "abeoliine totton." bering dogs. Several professional dolls' doctors !lows to inject bedbug Imwdor. exist in Londop. There are two hos- "Brutider Schmidt's drops," and pitals for these favorite toys of girl- "please send scone salts to take." liood. one in the Waterloo IlridgelLess easy to interpret, was "fall Road the other in the Fulham. Road. iazortli," the mewling to Which the 12 Wiloard's Lioimant Cures liandrut tmid had Cures Boras e •rafdeiglia-"Itrtve von realise() any tiling intro that, mining iw‘estmet yt)1( were telling nie about'" Stec leigh—o•Yea realif.ed the trot toilivtisteoostitotll'icittgrt:e'dA...1,001 and his motley • 'rho* coatis, lo Acid tent the stomach end Almost nglee, caused by fermentetive% of the food In the steinaeli, lt is a foretaste of Judie esor 313'..ti'loliew.411.tig'7:Pl'intil-p 1 feriPtilecertl: air)ildttligtegilit.11rta'a box, 33ene4.5.--1e VESSELS WIVE 33AD NAMES Experience Indicates Tito.t They Will Zaare ad. Luck. itimgthelyth,,chiltl,sonsaflkitiannt,411,17apaut,OareNo, ao d011 that 31 one slhould be so bold as to char- tandoolitoognatentatoemootanabowao onabl fi tat es . yeomen!), ser MarrIaca. Tweaty•tice imam bottle n subscription of .1:4 has been 'sell Cteriv.e the suPeestthuns sail" tIgavootroarttotewati(101'llazoSIOver: 0 th0 hlral Width hears his Olord. silly he WOuld at once declare that Veld Isdruinmaa threuglieut the world. Nu lure ma .4Itip's nurse lao an Undertaker, es a there is sullielent reason for his be - world ie said to be sung to tli been so brisk. of tete," war vesgels named after stingiug and - Otte of the oldest tunes the halik offering "beeause trade has lief alml. evonld proceed to prove tbat A efetv precautions -should be ob- served. Nothing _more cuinbersome than the regulation costume of the gymnasium should be Avon/ -unless /se- duction of weight is desired. The time lbnit at the beginning should be ten or fifteen minutes; it may be increased gradually to an hour, the rapidity of the iocrease correspond- ing to the physical condition of the individual. The weight of each dumb-bell for a sou,nd young mon should rarely exceed two pounds, and that of each wall -pulley should be "limited to three pounds. Nothing ,is gained by attempting too much, Wad the improvement of months may 1.%; checked by .'A-tho • overwork of an hour. Tlie slight soreness of the uniacle9 during the first few days must not, however, be looked upon as an indication of overworgi., licorice ponnier" m of frequent lim- bic; yet there are men in London to- eurrence, Two mixtui.es with 'differ - day who receive money for "dream- ent. -uses, naphtholine and chloro ine" the trinnel's of races. They charge large fees, and when they re- ceiVe a commission, eat a heavy sup- per and proceed to bed in the hope of dreaming of a. horse raee, DETS ON DREAMS. In the morning, if their visions have been favorable, they pnrchase a race -card and advise their palrone to beck the horse whicle with regard to its appearance and the colors cyf its , tne clerk allnO neglects the precau- jockey appears to be the one they tionary questions. Linseed and flax - dreamt of being first pest the post. Some sporting men extensively pat- seed olnea.,1' As di,stiAguisl-led from ronise these "dreanTers of drearns,o'; ,filAelaselelnutiainutheflapaxsceLug, ealh"easrabreeen137 slealecteni- and in the. racing season many twhaerinds7t. so much. as $6,600 anet up. hpoolriotaso7shilise tt,hhee ycoonuinnqlOnlaestdy ofall. Everyone his heard of haunted asks, when paying for her glycerin, houses, but few are aware of the ex- "Of course you put rose water into istence of professional ghost layers, it, didn't you?" '1',lieSe people- read the lowers care- Empty capsules are oftenest re - fully, and when they hear of a hoose quested as "two grain quinine cap - becoming mainhabitable through the stiles." The vague request for the -- depredations of a ghost, write to the colate tnblets, of which 'there are landlord or estate agent and offer, over 500 kinds, some of thein poison - for a sum down, to lay the ghost ous, is also a frequent order that and explain the cause ol the appari- can be filled only at the discretion of tion or noises. In nearly every in- the driigeist naphtholeuri are almost invariably requested as "something resembling naphtha." The vaguest idea of a solution al- so prevails, and requests for dear boracie acid, when investigated are often inede with a VICW lo use as an eye wash. IndefiniteheSs oftentimes has no more serious consequenceS tlian having to refill the order by I were asictol to tame whom T. conSider .the best -dressed stateMan, think I should witliouteheeit,etioa I„ord }lo-* V1, ivrites a correspoodent,, "I don't, thin' I ever • saw aman's, clothes fit s Lord Rosebte3';•"' vords, **I'Ve Won't Go Home T' 'venomous thlogs have been 'unlucky, Atorning.'' It is known to Eyes and Nose Ran 1hrter:— and that tile country stiouM not be bave had Catarrh for several years, low ”a„ life on the ocean wave" as Water would run front my eye,s and • stance their offer is sooner or later The mistakes most guarded against back to the time of the Crusaders C. V. Archer. of Ilrewer, Maine, says: so indifferent to the nien who fol - accepted, and a fine field for the un- are those growing out of the cus-• employed exists in this profeSSiOn, tomer attempting to give the medical which. is at present by no :means form. "Bichloride of mercury " is a overcrowded. . frequont mistake macle by those in - MARRIAGE WITTIOUT COURT- tending to ask. for calomel or SHIP. 13 ce for (la s time. it ou h. to oro.anize 3X1OS uito fleet, 41 no, y at b t tir .A.gneW's Catarrhal Powder, and since fortunate name for a ve$sel is shown. D. gloard s Ltalmeot Relieves intitiths ago X was induced te try Dr. The:i, Snake is regaided es au tin - I • U(4335 the wonderful remedy 1 have not When a fellow boasts tbat Can t , had an attack.. It relieves in ten rain. +by the fact that t('Wo of that name atm tot " t • I." be bought it's a, sign that he hasn't have been lost, one in 37131 end the beee offered enoug,h. the past ten years the increase that mune is known to exist now. other in 1$17; but no vessel bearing professional match -makers or mat- riixionial agents are to be found in the Jewish quarters in the East End. "These gentlemen who in 'Yiddish aro known Shadcans, journey every Antuinn to Russia and German Po- land, taking with them the photo- graphs of the eligible young men amongst the aliens in the East End who have settled d02171 0.3 tailors, shoemakers, or hawk.,:ers, On the back of ea.ch photograph is Jolene of naereury," a mistake not witbout 'dangers, as the largest dose chronometer, ever given of the former is one-half grain Another powerful medicine was sold recently as a hair wash by a customer asking for "bi-earbonate" instead of "t.;arboeate of potash," Chlorate of potasli, one of the com- of population London has been roliz(b(clan and sufferer alike lose Livery() lor Snake, is art unluelty one 7.3 per cent., while in Manchester it memo 113) Whey: lEt*i*umaticgro cloubtes rnare heart and often despair of a cure, ol 8,8, Biriningham lois° f the ATI -eked in 1892 , le one t. Wm Pegg 9,2 Bristol, 13.7, Leeds 16.7, and "waS. the fourth. British war vessel of Sheffield 17.4; r ent eviiiefa is only a substitute hat here tka of Vorwood, Ont., says: "X was nearly doubled up with rheumatism. 1 got three bottles of South American plea - =LAW Oure and they cured ine. It's the ouickest acting Medicine X ever saw."—la tliat, nal 110 to meet the Mine a O. Viper has been an unlucky name in the British 'Navy. The first one was wrecked in 1780, but the Adxrdralty would not swerve, and so kept. the name on the list, each -vessel meeting its doom, and the fourth 'MIS lost only recently. The l'rench Navyt, has also been unlucky with Vessels So' nained. The Viper, used in the Brit- ish service after she became a prize from 1.2334 French, was lost in 1793. The second was lost a year later, the third in 1797 aud the fotirth was recentlee lost in a colliseion MI The Cobra, :mother 13ritisli war vessel, was lost recently at the same time as the Viper. Among other vessels similarily named and which met fates other than in battle are the Rattlesnake, in 1781.; the Alliga- tor, in 1"82; -the Crocodile, in 1784; I, n. Adder, in 1846; three Lie:axis, ‘1 t 0 Dragons anti one I3asillek. Ali of theee Wer0 of the British navy. T • list eould be made larger by cit - in the records of other navies. 0 Nor•senten, who were eo fond se lung their vessels against the -s of superstition and using hide- s heads of dra,gons arid reptiles. on heir high prows, wore less unfortu- I ate. and these did not meet with frequent disasters. They tiid have a belief, however, that it was -unlucky and a sacrilege to select snch a name as did Lord Dunraven for his first yacht to challenge for the America's cup, the Valkyrie. And this belief was strengthened when she was sunk by -the, Sat:mita. The second dial, lenger, with ithe same name, gava, trouble, and she was broken up after only a short existence. "I told her would love her as long as 1 live." "What did she sive' "She asked me if I would ele for her." those Worryinte P11os-0ne application of Dr. Agnew's Ointment will glve you eoinfort. Applied every night tor three to six nights and a tura is effected in the ntost stobborn cases of 13iind, Blaeding, 'telling Piles, Dr. Agnew's Ointment cures zema and all itching and burning skin diseases. it acts like magic. 86 Cents. ---15 ATTAIN THEIR, MAJORITY. A unique event has recently been celebrated it Man.chester, in the com- ing of age of the ti-ipIet sons of Mr Edward Duck, of leurford:., Hoes Whalley Range. The three youn Men are all associated With the father in business in Mandieste They wpre born on .Tune 27, 188 Tlie coming of age was celebrated a gathering of relatives and friend from Manchester and Carlisle, held at Wit/darner°. "l'here were eighty guests at dinner, and the assembled aunts arra uncles of the three young men peesented them eacliewitli a gold SIAM VCIROCA141=11.0161f.C.M.,1=i1.1.115KNIAMMerS 0. 0, RICHARDS & CO, Dear Sirs, --Your IIINARD'S =VINT is our remedy for sore throat, colds and all ordinary ail- ments, • Ili ne-eer fa.ils to relieve and cure premptly. 011ARLI?,S WHOOTEN., Port Mulgravc. CAT HA.TCHES CHIGIC.ENS. At Beisclien, near Dusseldorf, a brood of clhickens has been hatehed by re eat. She flew at the ben each tirne it ventured to approach her, and continned sitting on tbe eggs until the chickens were batched in the oedine.ry course, They now fol- low the cat abont wherever she goes. Tn. Atic Jvcritool, a•11 FEATI-IER E)YEINCI Cloak% and Carllas and ItUt Glove* glossas& Thal sea vaunt set,„ la woe. the hat nue. Is RUTIN AlNERICAN DYEING CD sunaliicar. monest of purchases, is seldom asked for correctly, though the mistale is less likely to do harm, as the bi- chlorides and chlorides generally sub - can. sho WS the portrait to the dark', • ings rald pl,espets, and, the sella. stittnite:::s-en eTshwoem:tilirca.,:s EraA:ThEezit• sth.a.n. oWner, ale g 'With his weekly earn - haired maidens of these countrie8 w310, if they the appearance of' Notable reoPle Who Have a Sweet written the age and oecupation of Its dru,s, 4 the plioto,graphs submitted to them for inspection consent to 2.1111.3 the With 41111 shigle exCePtion of the Worry wont cure a cough. When you Bud a cough holding on— when everything else bas failed— vslbtitc)ri 4tegamr The Lon` Uslit vita Tonte 3 guaranteed.. to care. If it doesn't, we'll refund your Money. Prices: S. C. V7Z12.43 & Co. 204 2.5c. 5,0e. $1. Leney,11.Y.,Toronto,Can. Sold Everywhere. 10 cents 'ISSUE NO. 40-04„ Mrs. Potts --"Just to think. of you tallcing to me in suah a style. You, who us.e43 to swear I was an angel..." r . t ts--' 'Look here, ID Y 'dear, 'that isn't fair; you know it isn't. What is the 11210 of twitting a inan abont the lies he told 'fifteen , years ago?' te;letteieeteerneaniceetaseattlietttelineenlaall "Pinto" Shell Cordov Used in ELB.K. Mitts, Gloves and Moccasins—tough as whale- bone, flexible, soft,pliable, scorch - proof, wind -proof, boil -proof, crack -proof, tear -proof, rip -proof, cold -proof, almost wear-proof— certainly the erea.teet leather ever used in mitts and gloves. Like buckskin it is tanned without oil, unlike buckskin it is not porous, it is wind-proof—will outwear three buckskins. "Pinto" Mitts and Gloves , never crack tar harden, never get sodden, are always warm, pliable, soft and comfortable. 1.— Sold at all dealers but never with- out this brand HUDSON BAY KNITTING CO. Montreal Winnipeg Dawson 2