HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-10-6, Page 6FOUR MEN KILLED [1[10 ()All oF Ailicil[li One Train Darsh.es into Another Near Woodet oak, !II • A Woodstock, Ont., despatch says; jlredr ,1:11lieritil. 711747e lo6stlilni',e °N•il"Trela'stearliolYnsiln; Has hurt at 3 o'cloele on Wednesday The _Alain Russian Army - morning at Eaetwood. Statioa, five Fallen B• ack the worst aceicieuts on the main line miles eaet of Woodstock, la one of or the Grand Trenk shwa the Wau-, tend disaster. Tie dead aree-- TEE WORLD S MARKETSIL'°° bogs and 135 calves. There was also a car 01 17 horses, Exportees, heavy ..,--$4.50 to $4.60 REPORT.S FROM TI -IE LEADING do light . . 4.25 4.50 TRADE CENTRES. do medium ,.. 4.35 4.40 do caws „, . 3.50 e.00 THE ,POLLUTION UF EJJLSJ CONDENSED NEWS INNS HAPPENINGS FROM. ALL OVER DANGEROUS CONDITION ON MANY FARMS. Bulks, export 350 4-(1) iavestigations Prove That This Is rices of Cattle, Graia, Cheese, and Other Dairy ProdButcherspicked uce do good. to choilots 1.25 ce 4'50 Caused by Unsanitary ' at gonte and .A.benad. 14.1ads , . , 4,00 2 Twohriotzeitaot.tuOlot, O. -Wheat -New No. 11(10 t'eal-t'' t°, g°°11 i''' .1.'7-5 lea-, Attention wes reeentry called to the o teixed mts, awe-, .,...00 4.15 ed Winter are (plated at d, an". ehmh 2.85 8..e5 fact that out a some 100 to 200 $1.04 tooutside points. Ne. do cowmen and samples of water from farm wells 2 eoose whet nornieal at 90c east, rough ..., , ....-. analyzed aratually by Prof. Shutt, 4.30 Closets. Thomas e heron engineer loronta and 1\la 2 Spring et 98• et '14 Int SSIA.N'S FALL BACK. I continuQ$ to be discussed by the Eure.Harry radi„ e, ondoetoe, 'Hamilton:, ioha wheat ' is dull; No`: ih N'or't41,1"; ./i. devatal from lereseechweavs, ays: I ()Peen Pease tat a manner that is not warranted be' any 'prebabilliy. Tile ' G" it' 033,ereecti-e.te In.nestil°n) iit°1111" ' ciNtot°rittteira aatt reS-1.1.,i)0'.e7 t 'k1S), !011i-,(,)811'ildNol';',,,c12. The mam Russima antler under °en' definition of Russia's attitude le corn!hotnoU. LeTeele-N'Ir4:111717---(1-S' letlx,oinne&%ratieze;ouln: 4°11'llen! `11" $1- t° $1'01. Ge°rgian IC,ourapatkin lie$ withdrawn north firmed by it. statement in the German ea Mulatea. A strong force or mane. nress to the edeee gge „heat i ems_ fireman. Part -thin. ininred:-Fireman P_ ae` Ports. ferindiag in transit t.ey ie stin scluth of that city, watch-, ‘hoeish the it;shlt; lores7gs`a.lher. Nelligazi, oat No. 733, Tramiltaari. i'dces 4te ti° o'hove th°s(! tidot,ede Oats -New No, 2 white is quoted, nig the Japaeese movements, Big i informed a prominent diplomatist in Brakesmen H. F. Bush and N. Fora, dettetinnents are also guarding the i at.. peterhih,h,, that the rumors oi London.. Russian efaahs. , These cletathinents 1 Ruseaes alteelion to , td.ss Two freight trains figured in the is 4el'eace Butehei•s' bulls 1,75 Chemiet of the Doinialon lexperialea- 00 mediela Lea 2..ed tal Farms, not, oneefifth are foand do light 1 2 175 Safe- and wholesome, y far the reght mine „... 2,2a 24-r, greater number have to he utterly Feeders, a:lora:keep ._ 3,75 3.80 Condemned, and it seems YerY •-•'Yfe do good .,.,..,.. .......„ 3.50 3.80 dent that a great imProvement ill Cale Stockers, good ,,,,,...„ .,,,,r). 3.30 water supplies is itecessary. Tide Aide cows, eaclt ........30.00 50.00 dangerous condition of -many farm at 31.ec low freight, and at 31. to Espo,t ewes, Ile, ewt . 3..75 3.00 wells is undoubtedly duo to eiell 314c 11°1311 all° west; N0 1 if%y Buchs ..., 3 00 3.25 tion by unsanitary closets. Ilere is „. -.,.. ......... .. white is steady at 33c east, 0 . One o lent as a tills, eaCh ....... ... .„... 2.50 4.00 no reason why we should have our "lave constructed many gnn. poertIons; proposels to JaPan were entirely base ,wlee , aee . . Barley -No. 2 quoted et 45 to 46c L t) .t 8 -- 4 00 . , d • n ty freight -- ... • • - - .. , ant s, per en , ... ..., ..0 - iairn-houses to ay tn the serni-be,r- and dug trenches, which are protect- less. 1Te added that the increase in 4n°srn 11 °' " a, % h nueofe troghts; ;so. 4 extra %,,te, anu c i. , u al. - k • d- • • ii• h - Russian armaments and the appoint- whieh runs hetweeu Ii°°dst°e and No 3 at 4•1c middle frei rets 4 len' I'el 3- - e 04 wine con neon in w lc so Plany ol meet og eaea, crihenaerg to ana, Ilanniton, an charge of Conductor do each, ,.... ,..... . . .... 2,00 10.09 them are, with their elosets and PO- Feas--`111,3 market is firm at 63 to ee . ' , e team' the second idandiarian a,rnty,Follio. will), KirMand• of Toronto, asni 64e at outside points. °S•s' selets" Per ewt '`).1-') Vies a. Inenae to Public health. We might be accepted as proofs tbat driver, The other an east -bound' Cora -No. 3 American yellow quote d° 110" ' e ' ' 4.00 1 -nay talk about laocteriology, eanita- Russia. would continue tho War AS freight. No• 97, th. charge of Engin- ea at lc ott track, Toroneo, aea d° fats - "e ---- 4190 tthn, awl so ot4. hut_ all that and a 1 gleat deal tome is Included in what tong a,. neeeseary, eer Heron awl Conductor A. ArcBon-i No, 3 mocea at a9ec. Canadian corn . ed by barbed wire, Tlie defenders the eastern flank are centred at risart, twenty-eight miles east or Muleden. It is imposeible to say as yet whe- ther Ainicalen will be held. 'Pie be- lief grows that it. wilt not. 'Fieling tiaa been greatly- strengtl,ened, and is now reported to be oecupiea by Co - w LITTLE Ttl•ISISTANCE, CONEMENVE IN J. AP AN was standing in the siding waiting prices firm at 59 to G9c eaSt Or matter or ignorance. end secondarily, we understand he," "cleanliness. he The way freight had been doing is quoted at 52 to 534 woot„ RAILW.AY WRECKS • laek Ot cleanlinees is primarily a some slamting Eastwood. and elye-The market is atuee, watt Last Two Years la the •Stat.es Times at Tokio says -The japauese, SWITCII SP.'r 1.;•OR Elour-Ninely jter cent, patents are , Had an Unusual Number. Art Ontario editor, who is a Meal - The eorresporelent of the London ifor the second freight to prise, west. at matter of laziness. is uncertain Whether te regard The Neely freoiht wee a, '00 A,t $4.40 t° S0'4'5 1-0 ht4Yer3). 'peeent wreeh.s 'aidelt , bar of the board of health, ''''''te°n41 RuFs1441 4ri°33'' t.i..*. 4 '5°"414'heaVv to he hokrilei bi.' Vie nielne U,e s' ea^4 ur weet• tratgllt• roll- ,,,,, ucos wee 1[0,4, recall 444fl 4.) foheibiy town and familiar with eanitary eon - the Mettelen to the effect Ilaitie topnidroax er net het, it IS de- ' ' ' - - . '‘ ' ' `.eperi 11 'wards for demestie ""'•""; I s , t '' ,, lttaelieCet tO it .1" it Was the. Mien- • A ' ' ' ' ' i th, fee thet he TeIrs 1°03 and ditions in ids seetion, eeys in Meet; the Japanese have at 3-0.'3, beeline' Oared that, at any rate, since tbe ' • 1- sraee, in barrels, 81.75 to $5. Men -1 l' ` t ' 1 • ' ` ' r Perhape the formers ot this district ofreneive. They have captured! responsibility for the prolongatioe et•tion to back out on °IP' Intl"' Inti Itoba doure Unchanged, 1001 114;ve I'm(' 41Q" thall 'LI° ''sjuat' are worse than elsewhere, but of all heaah* .4ileafter the eecond train was gone, am teats, No. 3 natonts. $5.40, i atone!). number of such disasters eaya ,h,s ,r ..,,, , , , .,..,. ; , .. a, Da 4 s. oul ara pressiag on Gener-; the war rests with. nosoi4. t. tr,. itY .' preeet d without some ttf its ears. '1 he end eta e b e . , Ose ee - the New 1 or. iterod. ,..„, ,0 tne , nee 0 s Am /xi, (an mg too eatleitTeC.:eritPh4ot'\Itn:tsSsilatt uniTian%ojetd ils 11-17nr,,)412411,..‘t..o cCoortnadueltuite' ennegehg at`billittn;.; switch at the west end of the eidtog Tort7.' 011 l'r°"'' Some of the more serious of these Pent l'-'1" Years, 1 haTe ye*. to ihern al weort railroads 'Of One Closet kept wail a tegard to Pees without serious resistance. Seye1 to always place in the aeld a larger was not. set, for the main line train. ltinfeed_At outside r,oiitts loan accidents occurre I 4 ' of the second been received at e ' - well other s of -the Da valve. aed Steonger army tient Ruesia, It' °11(1 hef°r° the e"tfineer is eatoted itt, $1,4 to ell/area and wIlOSe ollirers have IrefluentlY boasted Ceurull°4 "etrleY• not to 51)M 01 by,genle laWs. 'This elate affairs 'train wis 9,W.arl.` or this it waS tOO r • 1 . gs ettetward i telarettve (twenty t is added that no financial or eecnuao • ' ' , , • 51)041.5 at $ i7 .o Mamie.) ia. br , an ' utterly inexcusable. In the towns lanes south-east ' Mui(rlon) -are aiso tnic int•oneentence has been ex ,.r- lato to ovoid a coilu,tuo. \that Pr 0.s $10 ti1 t sol tileir .1'erreetlY °Alleged "043. AS A A an shorts il, •:,-• • ‘ : . .Official 'figures showing the total h closete aro inspected by order of it. the bends of the d'opanese, ., annual report of the Interstate Com- are gradually being Persuaded to drawing in hie lot-ei‘S. tct the less ieneed hitherto, Therefore eoureeenee f vented Heron4 the engineer t -------------- in the triaof ----------------------------------------------------------- theohali "train. from notirinq dtilliera:leuleux.i.ar.pan win not. bo beaten 'athe dding is only a short distanc..• east t inf a long hill. and that when he 1,•eatelled the summit he wee almost on 'teethe in, 1903 are gieen in the lest f arils of health. and tile people Gen, ee:ouroeati.in is evidently . . , noce totuaussfon. 'Ile tables place udoet 'leans -Prima 1)""s ore 'Vete° at the total number of casualties at T1113 DRY EARTH SYSTEM'. meant ai nous conntry north-westward 1-25 to $1.3°. lora hand-Pw'o at 100,378. In these aecidents 11 - where lie may deelde to give battle. ere few pits are left and no nes, $1.40 to $1.4i5. 000 were killed and 89.872 wero in- ones' are being dug. InsPcction b In. the ineanwhile:•tharo f.ghting, is re- ItteSSIA OltDERS WA HIPS. [top of the way freight. Flops -ale market is unchanged at gardefl as imminent south-east o Mulacien, whence the Japanese are ex., '1140 correspomient of The leondon The mettle cif the thr"gli frelght139 1.0 Wie. according to omelite, Jured. being of se.eoadary irapeetanee. has just ordered from the Compagat ber of the heeoxid, elltql.batmsitu Si etir Ortrioiti,a,cr:oueret oreosso:Peht-°ttoetutarunitt'l.sosmnentilintghoillrl i 1)45 the fitlyde, movement, fault the, west l'oulon sae's the liestelaa Government of the first trein: end au Nue,. county and township boards of healt 'whet th dmil-or theix, main avec/7.. Times at 'Fetes says a despatch from W4.9 piled nit with half a doeen cars 'Jolley -Mu, Inarbet is (met, 4t . lililtimrnA i wofl the thl-v bel -• Christmas. Infint-' 7'c 1 ti* b ' III' s 19(13. that the Demi/Pelle limited on tnnY Inv impracticable, but tfae trete- des leorgee et Menthe's, de la. IlIedi-1 Tway ettee--, \mule E-,ita.,Tep, Tray -Car lots • quoted at $3 near connous...vitu.:, rran spect„ if regard for health means AO- , terranels. eleven torpedo boat tie-• n F4Ilis' tlf the waY1.411411t ' f°1: .-N°• 1 tin'etiW• from .f. freight train ahead. The lint- °IllinttrY llow Iv! • . in t. , . A devote don 1.4i1:: .Will.be taken in hand at, once. Pour ;o.ns 1,ed. bong. canon m the de,. “r°' (Imated "'t Z`5'." ited t*traS running sixty utiles an!chlitY of the ohlefaslifolniseci 1)4.; plIts strovers of the latest pattern, \Odell , w.3„. in his h.a„ at ,o,„ thew. aud he„ 'Otraw-C tr lots 50 to $6 ott treek, Toronto. hour. and itS cars were telescored, are almost certain to heeotne con_ iS FOR IlleSSIAN 49 on 'track, tct, 'It"' some heavy timbers that had fence111 Telegraph fro sa,rs that will be Imilt in tile thIckYards at Fafgineer Ileum and 7T 4 Brakesrear4 on the average rs freighted Havre. war la the Norman doek-, nowth.et were buri,,,t in the wreck. wiPtOhittotr-Tot 41rrtl's,10 .o1. *5 qulet ro 111)ieviensg wseeruoileeciitiontdoese.tthof t4.w otantne4ri„:140inthY sent(gta,Z,: as(ThAzil,t; with supplies foe the pf..isstans arrrhe ovards. mid three at La seyne. They „„„ad were burned beyond all mongol- 950 to per hag, anti rloads esoaidilg steam.• tagent, oxidivini. organic matter rap_ there moethly over the railweYe ; will not ho floishet" for fifteen months. -. lie/1y or the supplies are sent. by Pri- it is forther reported that orderS-------------. • e. cleaning out the Pao Poultry-S,pring ehicliens, 11 ho was be" qt4Oted at, 85 to 90e per bag. thi January 17, 1001, a, Rock Is-?ftllY, and ttniltn.„ to cheek: the de- , I, land express train, running at high' vetopment of many of the eonninOn vate sPeculators. including orvelcs have been given for four cruistes of when the train struck, the roar of his per lb.• yearlIngs. 7 to fic is,r L4114 Americans. Tim track north of the payan type, , speed near Willard.. Kan., ran into a 'putrefactive bacteria, Iltit the soil Naopantse is compaz•atively free of _ train loaded with cattle. Those who is only able to dispo,e et a certain both Russtans and Japanese. INCEtEAsE OF 200,000 'Ai . freight, mast ground' to piers by the ducks, *9 to 14)C per lb. wheels of his leectmotive. Simon workee to reeover the dead and dy- amount of (0144011114404 Ing material, IOG IntODUCTS. JAPAN TO BBILD SHIPS. Cameron. fireman. of Parkhill, WaS hue took seven persons Melees from and each disposal takes tinie, so The eorresPondent of The Loud" " rIkruestir fdorthat ISIS l'acao. long clear. 8!' to 8,ic Per Another disaster, which was ascrilr- wetter may be carried far into e 100.4. that by heavy rains the contaminat- lb., in ease 1015: Inns pork. ‘4,14.50 ed to negleet tO obey signals. Oc- the earth below the true purifying to $15; do., short cut, $1.7 to carre,1 on the3 Edo itaiiroad. $17.50. ittias.44,.. N. J.. 011 July 10. 11.).1.". ,INt:er.‘47sd tiitzflsod(11: 11:Intelvn.titItigett;t1 ithlatt;:, A. despatch troM Tokio says; Is Times at Berlin- says" -According to •e • ' ' " ' stated in Government circles that the au American letter to the Noinische Wes bronglit into- Woinistock hospital Pew rules, or conscription will increase Volts Zeitung, a representative of tae • on Wednesday afternoon; Tie walked the active army by 200,000. men, Tee , Japanese Government has given an from the scene of the wreck to . the ordinance :needs the ex -post facto order 40 1he carnegio steel : worhs hot el, 400 Yards d ist ant. and then Sanction of elm Diet, which undoubt- ! for 7,500 tons of Melte' steel plates-, beeame unconscious. All bis clothes (Illy will be readily given, everyboay i which,. it 18 sal& is intended to are' had been torn or burned off him. recogni4ing vae necessity for it, The'mor : new battleships. the construe- Cameron was a South African veter- attitude of the public towards the lion of which is contemplated in an• IT" wa.s Identified bY the Old ordinance. fareishes further evidence Jtipan. It IS stated. that the Julian-, 1I'41414r1 that vMS presented to hint by of of Parkhill 90 his the zuttion's realization that the i ("se . Imperial navy yards are now - the citizens'. a aign is to be long and eehaest- tithed with the most modern machine turn from South Afriea. _ • 'cry, and that the. arsenal at Kure . AGENT'S NA.R,ROW ESCAPE. -- can supply the comptete equipment a The collision threw several box . LOSSES OVER ,30,000, a battleship. (tuns of' a large ealie ear dIr"t1.‘7 an taP al* ilia WaSLern The Shanghai correspeondent of the ea. ht. half- of Eastwood Station, completely ' ' e 't TI t hole of the ae- bre are Pg turned out a bet t 0' I Leaden Daily Telegraph quotes a Jae pattese 'oflicer as saying that the kill- od end wounded at Poet Arthur cult- eider:ably exceed :30,000. The Mili- tary aethorities are of the opinion that it would be eseless to throw OWLly more lives in assaulting the fortress:. and that it would- be better to institute a regular siege. , The Japanese arsenals are working night and day turning out 12 -inch howit- zers and larger guns. Some batter- ies of 32 -inch guns have recentlY, reachea the besiegers. RAVAGES OF 13E111 -BERT. A despatch to tbe London Tele- graph frone Shanghai says that a careful estimate of the number of Japanese already in the field leaves only about forty thousand trained troops now in Japan. Hence the necessity for a premathre levy of con- scripts and the lengthening- of the re- bris ignite.d* instaninneously, mut in REQUEST FOR INFORIqATION wore in aehes. four hours ears and station building Thomas Dunn, the - agent. and. Ilis family, were sleep - Remarkable Letter .A.ddressed to lug in the east end of the station' scararacaaGeaeraL and had a iniraculoes escape, They got out of the building in their night An Ottawa deepateh says i-Maey cloth. nre the curious epistles whieb find In all, twenty cars of Iive stock their way into the Government mail ane general freight were totally de- ircan importunate but ill-informed stroe'cal together with the new loco- dientuals abroad. Ignoranee Of -motive. No. 975, and two cabooses. Canieda, and Canadian inetitutions Simon Cameron, the fireman, has are frequently illustrated in these slaier died. communicatione, but perhaps the let- ter which was received at one of the ealeartmente 011 Thursday reathed the limit in this regard. It cantle Smoked meats--Nams, light to me- Two trainS Were pile1 up and six- heet ejosed and eovered., with earth dhoti, 33c; do., Heavy, 12c; rolls. 910; shoulders. 8,7 to Or: harks. 14e; tangle of wood anti iron, while fifty hdeeomposoion or the large mass 01 toen bOdioS Were tul.,:ea from the ,is almost ettmoty dangerous. ns the breakfast bacon, 121 to 130. persons were injured more or less"exeret:t contained therein is a matt.V Lard-lVe 1/110te-Tierces, 71c; tubs.. }orionsty. ' of yenrs. unless Itastened by the pros:- 1,envor anti Ili° orande road .1 r k,., infity of trees whose roots reach the BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. 0 g .d•, . 371 to :38c for No. 2 in store No. 3, 37c; American yellow COM: MOntreal. Oct, 4. -Grain. -Oats, C°1" 4", here; persons were stcrificed. ravine. the lives of more then sixty Ileft open Tong enough: to permit the falling to the bed of a neilrellniallIge`ha one, took time to think !decent pesition of any organic matter att spnad upon a flthl, and the pit No. 2, til e; No, 3, 50e; white No, '2, Disobedience 'of orders caused of the most recent wrecks on 0the 59 to 60c; buckwheat. 419 to 5010. p, .1 , . 1. 4 of these matters there wou/c1 un - Southern tft nae , when s :ety-two i • • . i doubtedly be a. gren t improvement, perSons were killed and 162 Injured 1Windmills are now both cheap and in a crash near Newmarket, Tenn, Scarcely a day passes that an acei common. and there ls no reason why cident of seine kind does not oecurr i well-to-do farmers should not have on One of the many radrOads in the United States. --.4a DEATHS IN AUGUST. -- 90; eails, See. The WOrl(I'S Fair Flyer ea the ,. pit, contents sliould be retatovetl Flour -Manitoba, patent% $5.80; strong bakers', $5,50; high Ontario blended_ ratents, $5.75 to $5.85, in wood; choice 90 per cent. patent. $5.50 to $5.00 in wood, and 25c per harlot less in shippers,' new bags; straight rollers, $245 to $2.55, and 25 to 80e extra in Wood. Rolled oate-$2.32e /ler bag. $C90 per WO. Millfeed-Ontario bran, in bulk, at $17 to $18; shorts, $19 to $20; Manitoba bran, in bags, $18 to $10; shorts, $21. Beans -Choice primes, $1.40 to $1.45 per bbl., $1.35 to $1.371 in car lats. Provisions - Heavy Canadian short cut pork. $17. 50 to $18; light cut, $17 to $17.50; American fat backs, $,17.50; Ameri- can clear fat backs, $20; compound a water system in their houses. with all the conveniences and atianntages Which residents In the cities eteloy• from the water works systems there table:dm& Though. not (mite so convenient, the Consumption Claims the Greatestidry earth closet is so cheap and so Number of Victims. Isatisfactorer from the sanitary point i of view that no farmer can discover 4 .A despatch from Toronto says: la reasonable exeuse for refusing to Tahen.reritohrt foefr tho Ft1:1•0olvitinheieatl AltIlogattrt ere° floor will be found by far the adopt it. A well laid cement eon- - show e tfaat the number of eases of !easiest to keep in a, clean and whole - infectious diseases reported Were 43.1 ,eorrie condition. A. stout box of from an, individual in the City of Train Crashed Into Caboose Where New York, addressed to "The Clover- They Were. FIVE MEN INJURED 6t to 7c; Canadian lard, 62 to Per Cent' greater than In August, suitable sive, ing that the writer be informed of A Winnipeg despatch says: Five on, 12 '1.12etttolti13e; was 20.5 per cent. The increase in ' • and witli a strong hook at one end fresh killed abattoir bac_ 1003. The iterehse of deaths caused mat.merr,,,D oN TruNmatet noe-Certeral of Canatla,'' and request- readered, Se to 9ec; all the places In Canada where hard- men were injured and a caboose hogs, $7.50 to $7.75; live heavy cases is due largely to typhoid and to which a horse may be at tact led, wood could be obtainee, also of the smaehed to splinters la a wreck sows, $4.50 to $4,75; mixed Iota diphtheria, and the deaths to tuber- servists terms of service. It as ru- native of all Canadian railways and which occurred on Wednesday at Oak. inured that the Japanese are making their freight rates. preparations for the occupation of the island of Saghalien during the autumn for the mice 0-4 the coal mines there. The most serious pro- blem confronting the Japane$,e at present is the enormous ravages or beraberi, it is stilted that the lones from this disease exceeLl the total casualties in tbe fighting. Every transport bound for Japan takes hundreds of sufferers, One gen- eral has been invalided by the dis- Point Lake Manitoba, on the Thad- , The *letter, of course, never reached sotoe Bay branch of the Canadian his Excellency, hut was referred. to Northern Railway. The men, Ernest the apProoritite department for ply. The writer, who was, a e re- ,I3reea, William Breen, Thos. Marks, yorker, and evidentle, not an iniNtehlGorden, and Joseph Richardson, ,ser R. a11enMloyes er`:iiie C.N.R., were ate person, either, will doubtlees be sleeping informed that hardwood is to in the caboose, which. was Lound in every part of Canada, 13on the line. where without a mo - that the stan.clard. railway an',. e" rnent's warning, a work train crashed guides into it. The*erigineer of the work train stated that he was unable to, discern the car -lin the thick roist. case. It is believed that the out- break is due to eating of cold rice that has heen cooked for a long time. The besiegers of Port Arthur are suffering the worst. Between beri-beri and casualties the eleventh division has practically ceased to exist. 45,000 JAPS 1N HOSPITAL. A despatch from Tokio says :-Un- official estimates place tile number of sick and wounded Japanese soldiers under treatment in Japan at forty- five thousand. The military hospi- tals at Tokio, Osaka, and BiroShima contain ton . thousand each. Nine 1,11014Sn/1d have recovered sufficiently to be sent no mountain and health resorts. ;The system of handling and treating the sick and wounded is working splendidly and the dea,th rate" is exceptionally small. will furnish bim with the remainder of his desired information,. 4 ELECTION DAY NOV. 3 Dissolution of Parliament An- nounced -at Ottawa. A despatch from Ottawa says At Thursday's meeting of the Cabi- net it was definitely decided to dis- solve Parliament subject to his Ex- cellency's approval, and the dates 01 nomination and e oil in g were decided apon-Noneinations, Thurs- JAP CRUISER DAMAGED. A-, 'despatch Io a London news agency from Vladivostock says that, acedrilirig to reports from Port Are thur two Japanese torpedo boats and a Japanese steamer have been, sunk by mines near Port Arthur during the laSt few clays. A Japanese ,cruiser 0 tiee Nite.ka type, it is add- ed, was badly :ilarea.ged. No POSSIBILITY OF PEACE. A .despateh from London says The passibility, of peace overtureS SHOT IYIAIV AND MOOSE. Remarkable Fatality in th.e Woods of Nova Scotia. A deepatch from Halifax says -- A remarkable shooting fatality oc- curred in the woods of Pictou county on. Tuesday, when Allan Macdonald, coal miner, or Westville, wag acci- zlentally killed by a young man nam - 'ed McLean. A party of three were day. Oct. 271h; polling, Thursday, moose -hunting, Macdonald .sighted Nov, 3rd, the writs being returnable a moose -and .fired, hut missed and on Dec. 15t11. • Council rose at immediately jumped from the cover 5.30, arid the Prime Minister imine- of a tree. McLean, directly behind, diately drove to Rideau Hall to ace just then fired and the rifle bullet quaint his Excellency of the decision went through" niandonatchs head and of his advisore. By 7 o'clock it was afterwards killed the moose, pretty generally known around town that Parliament had been dissolved. TO BUILD FEWER SHIPS. MILES OF CARS Admiralty C on.templates tion in Programme. C. P. R. Is Ready to Handle the a despatch. from London says: The North-West Crops. Express says it understands that the British Admiralty is contemplating a considerable, rechiction in its ship- building programme, in 'view of toe alteration in the balance of naval. power caused by the 'Russian losses. This step, the paper says, is prompted by a desire for economy in prospect of a probable adverse room- cial balance of sonia millions of A Montreal d0spate1t says: The Canadian Pacific Railway announced on Wednesday that this year they would have a total of 28,600 cars and 034 engines to -'handle the grain and cattle tra-cie• of the North-West. Plaeed along a single track this Would mean 177 miles ,)f freight cars and sevea miles of engenes. • makes $o.24) to ..,55.35; select, 80.00, on ell osts y, , a receptacle that can be con- cal:se, Cheese -Ontario white, 91e; -typhoid in London. St. ThomaS, and veniently drawn to the field or earn-- colored, 9:e; Quebec, 9c, Eggs -See North Bay are responsible for a con- yard to be emptied, or in part of emptied, This i•ox may b.ron, and if the bottom be send - the fact that physieians e made whsheet leet new laid, 21. to 22e; straight siderable increase in the t'yphoid i figures. but the ligeres are swollen by and house.. circular in form a kettle of hot wa- holders aro coMplyiv with a - ter will be found sufficient to looSen re (pleat to observe., section 86 of the the frozen contents in winter. Gal - Health Act and report cases more vanized iron buckets, larger at the top than at .the bottom, are also promptly then in former months. The , easy to enipty in winter. 'The no.- in connection svith this dis- tare of the receptacle is largely a eaSe gave 293 cases, with 50 deatkis, hut this is not anusual, as typhoid 'matter of convenience; the essential is generally more prevalent during featuree of the system are tehstor- the later 'ainnmer and 'early fall Mg end use of a plentiful sapply of .earth.and the emptying of the re- thomonths, than any other seasons of cirY cep tacl e regularly. Tf the contents be Year. It is curious that Port gathered, candled, 18e to 19e; No. 2, 13e to 14c. Butter -Fancy. grades, 20 to 20e; ordinary finest, 19O- to 191e; Western dairy, 15c. UNITED STATES mARKETs. Buffalo, Oct. 4. -Flour -Steady. Wheat. -spring weak -, No. 1 Northern old, carloads. $1.30; Winter, quiet; No. 2 red, in store, $1.181. Corn - Nothing doing. Oats -Strong; No. 2 white, 34..!,e; No. 2 mixed, 33e. Bye -Quiet; No. 1 in store, 82c. Canal freights -Steady. Milwaukee, Oct. 4. -Wheat -No. 1 Northern, $1.20; No. 2 Northern, $1.15 to $1.18; May, $1.13e. Rye - No. '1, 70-10. Barley -No. 2, 56e; sample, 84 to 53c. Corn -No. 3, 52 to 53c; May, 49; to 49 -le bid. Minneapolis, Oct. 1. -Wheat -Sept., $1.15g; Dec., $1.14g; May, $1.141; No. 1 hard, $1.19e; No. 1 Northern, $1.174; No. 2 NoTthern, $1.14 Stanley, the alloged source of some of the outbreaks, reported no cases. 'ruberctiloSis continues to reap its constant harvest, carrying off rAci less than 188 victirns, being nearly twice SS many as the other six caused. The returns for August are ra- ther /pore complete than for ttie same period last year, there being reports from 725 municipalities, representing O population of 1,941,000, or 88 per,. Flour -First patents, $6.20 to $6.30; centof the Province. The total deaths from all. causes t o keep.a :good, supply 'on hand, us it second do., 86.05 to '$6.15; first ' . clears, $4,95 to $5.10; second do., • becomes drier and better witli age - are 2,024-, which gives a death rate $3.10 to .53,20. Bran ---In ' bulk, $15 per. 1000, of , 12.1 per c , against . 't when stored in a biri• . - THE GLOBE. Telegraphic Bride From CI= Own and Other Ceuntries of Re- cent Eyelets. CANADA. The Braratfora Council lias decided to elect the Board by general vote of tho people, Hon, John I?„ Stairs of 'Halifax died la `Format° en Montley of heart failure. ThonePson, of the Ogilvie Flour Mills CO, estimates the west. - era wheat crop at 59,000,000 bush- els., Ore, samples of which have assar, ed aver $900 a ton, /10 been struck in the Sultana gold mine at ilat Portage. The authorities at Ottawa - state that the immigration from the Unit- ed States will be maintained for some time. The thirteen -year-old Scon of Mr, I. W. Martin of Winnipeg nets fatally Wounded, by a companion while shoot- ing on Saturday, A number ot Boers, probalq)y - tween thirty and forty, will settle in the Northwest Territories, east f the nee 'of the Calgary and Ed- monton gailwai, if they can get a favoreble locattoo. Geo. Berber, employed on C.N.R. Telegraph coastructioa, wee etruck by a train and fatally Wilfred ilear $t. Boulface on Friday. The 48th Highloaders, of Toronto, have received notice that their none has been entered on the British army liSt as alliee of the Gordon High - lenders. Lord Corzea's reappointment to tho post of Viceroy of India re, gantted on Friday, A Inall heard . beating lais wife Belmont, Man, was taken Mit, 01 his house by a number of neighoore, gisen a sound beating, and a bluff to 1.YrIell 111114 was being maths who Iso promised. to de better, GREAT BRITAIN. le Austrian ' • el an Ote dered twenty torpedo bat frsm Yarrow Se Co. of Illasgow. The freedom of Jednurgh, Rexburg. ire, will be conferred open Lord Into ott his return from Canada, In Fngland Mut, week 2,000 sum- monses were issued against passive resisters to the teiucation act who fused to pay the school rates. Geo. Shaw, a, petent agent at Bir- mingham, who died recently, willed 4:15.000 to Chant Hale of Manktou, Canada. spread thinly over the surface of a, field, tliey will he decomposed in a very fc•w days with no danger to the public health. • Ashes should not be used as a sub- stitute for earth, and road dust is very little better. The surface soil or a field or gai•clen that has been frequently cultivated will be found just the thing. If 'a little coarse or lumpy it may be run through a 'gravel screen. Tt is always advisable 1. to 81o.na. - CATTLE MAI:MET 1,992 deaths for -1,.;:e same month a year ago, the mortality rate 'being the same. It is satisfactory to know that If. the man who has hitherto lic'en careless in this particular will adopt and maintain a proper sanitary 505 - tem in connection with his closet, he Toronto, Oct. 1,--'111ere was aisapedwill'find himself gaining largely, ,not smallpox Vias nearly dpear. sca.rlet fever shows a slight only in "if -respect, htlt tile re- ,. heavy run -a,t the City Cattle Marnet, to -day, the capacity of the market spect of his family and of the strar,g- case increase, the deaths reported are beirig fally taxed and. the ' Pens le.ss 1)y 35.7 per cent. Dipeitheria ers within hie gates. Furthermore, as a might he, but at the smile time number oc ea'ses yet the deaths ,,,e_ 1 such dieeasee as typhoid feVer, which" there was it little Stiffer feeling for 1 main practically' tho same. only one are se n•emionfly traced to the use ever, the complaint that there ardi o , occurred. ' _i_____ ' -4. Cattle' ' 9Thmre is 11°w" imore having of cori lainin a ted wa t er. good. butcher very (ow good .fnitcher cattle coming ' ', ' The llerman naval 1)iidget for 1905 in. There is- a large ,delivery of coni- Three Iiimdred Arab soldiers nil.- . ' tes for increis inon religh butchei's', and the sniall la.ged the port and ' bazaars of Salon- , contains estirna . the , . e of - I th personrel Lo 40 000 officer,: and ;oasterri strekers. There were a few ica,. ' '-' ' - ' ' ' . ' ' ' crowded. Business was not so' goodl shows an ' iniWard tendency in thelhe may there -1)Y es0al)e' the ravagas ol A STATES. 13S'' the conaPse of an outhouse at o seithol at Pleasant Ridge, Ohio. 011 Fridtty. nine girls wore killed. Tit Archbishop of CaletetharY s Mit he endorsed the Subway Tavern opened In New York by Bis- hop Potter. Between 20.000 und 25,000 peopleei Were present at an open-alteet'r serrloo at Washington. on Sunday. In whieb the Archbiehop of Canter- bury participeted. Anthrateite emit operators in Peen- seivania fear that the prospeetiee early fall may. result in a cOal scar- eity oWing to the demand on preseat zrplus stoeks. A telephone arrangement, by which a person speaking may also see tile face or the person at the other end of the line, bee been invented by J. B. Fowler, of Porthole, Oregon. GFINERAL. At. Vilna, Russia, a Montutent was unveiled to Catherine the Great. R/OTOTIS NAVVIES. Took Possession of Train and Shot the Engineer. A despot& from ,Winnipeg says :- Am accident which was followed by exciting incidents occurred on Wed- nesday afternoon 1, on the Canadian Pacific at Carlstadt Station, 90 Miles ;west of Fort William. 'Train No. 61 was going (mat, and was pUI- lihg the Carlstadt siding when four bearing cars filled with Italians, attached to the rear of the train, became derailed in some man- ner. The Italians were shake a up, and started in to avenge themselves on the men in charge of the train. One named G. Lagi, armed with '-- shotgun, arrived at the engine. He fired at Engineer Trowel, vending six grains of buckshot into his forearm. Not sa,tisfied with this, the Italians made after the train hands, and would not allow them to rettira until the arrival of the police from Fort William on a special. Two Italians were also. badly injured in the acci- dent, and three others slightly in- jered. Lagi, who shot Trowel, was placed under arrest at Fort William, small lots of inedium fat cattle of,- In Paris it is thought, -Russia will merle foring, but nothing etnrice. The total be unable to raise a 10all (ler- 11.11SSia has instrected her Ainbassa- rini was 138 loads, wi 2,20,i head inany, and win. seek to do so in dor to ge a protest n ith i in pounds at the end of the fiscal YeaV• Oi cattle,* '3,800 ' sheep- and lamas• _ranee., against' the 'treaty with Thihet.- APPLES LIGHT CROP. Agricultnial Department Says the Prices Should be Higher. A despatch from Toronto says :- According to the stiitement. issued. by the Agricultural Department, tha apple crop of Ontario is lighter. this year, though. the quality is excel- lent, and growers are advised tnat for both reasons prices will be bet- ter than if there was a more abun- ditnt yield. It is stated that they should. not se/I for less than '75e a barrel, especially as the crop 111 the United States is also small. TO EXHIBIT IN RELGITJM. Department Preparing a ' Large Collectior of Fruits. A despatch from Ottawa says: "flic Department of Agriculture is prer.ar- ing a large eXhibit of fruit -for tee ex- position at Liege, Belgium, weich will confluence next May 0114 last for six mot:it-ha.. About 450 glass jars, comprising every variety of fruit grown in Canada, will be filled with . carefully Selected fruit and Plaeed in antiseptic fluid. There will aiso be i , a large 'display 'of general exhibits.