HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-10-6, Page 5VEGF.TA)BLIZ $1 14 HairRene e Perhaps you like_your gram hair; then keep It. Perhaps not; tho retnember-liairs Hair Renewer always restores etir tQ gray hair,. Stops falling hair, also. "1"547.Z.tirtZtlm..041" MED1OA W. BROWNING', M. Do M. 0. P. S„ Graduate Victoria Uni- versity. office and xesidenence. Dominion oratory,Exeter. DENTAL *MAN L. L. D.S. ANto Det, RINSMAN. - D. S.D. §.„ Honor Oradeate e..Townto Lniverk,itY. Ibr, Teeth Otreeted 'nataut. pain or Wafter effects. Mee m Fan eon's block. West sideor Main treet,'Exeler ANDERSON, $.1,1).S. DENTIST. gencrOreduate or tbo Untverrgly sadCollege of Dental 6urgeons Ontario.with honors -Abe Post•Rannate.or Chicago School of l'rostbette Dentistry. (with unorablomention, erithlogkown to the Peetal Prete-5,51On de$nthla onto. Widwork, orownS. al- lumloom,gold antlAuleanitopletesaU deco la •thn neatest manner 17*".1.101e- Perreelll barmlese anaesthetic used fee paintess e*Irap. n. Qteee ooe doorgonth QCorliog Bro'ostern Xxoter.Qet. The Exeter Times THURSDAY-, OCTOBER Oth, 1901 Locals U 445 Ltila .1o1os is visiting in Sa TRIAL SUBSCRIBERS _Ix. A. Q. Bobier has returned +Ammo from a trip to the Sop. I do in arae Tog,uests11y- et Irco. Aend a The Times „.„,„..„„.„,„„, „lunitt. oar rsL, o- n The Weekly Mail and Empire ”,25e 1141r, B. lletlinexid, 'of Talbotville, The Weekly Sun vted his :lister, John E. Dig - Times onni &Eropire 50e.' non ,‘this week. Times and Weekly Snit „...„500,iI. Harry Browning left .on Set - Times and Faintly Herald . . 500.,urday in resume his studies in Trial- SUbscribers to tb Alailarta r jty IdI1College- Dr. Harmon has be ertgaXed to preach anniversary services at the Centvnnitl Methodist church, Lon- don. , --Mrs. (Dr.) D. A. Anderson, 4, in Stratfordlids week as a, delegate g to the, :initial meeting of.tbe man's Alissionar,y Socivry. rtfrR. Elford, of Minn, and Miss lint the olt tp's �PUpb14 soy. Ont„ who have C s.eg•tabie been visiting at Dr. P. A. Anderson's orn Extractor is entirety have returned home. in composition and does not eat or burn the flesh. It gradually lifts Dr. D. A. Anderson drove he corn, causes no,paiu, eures " on Sunday, and spent tit.. 11111nYlVtlY. _Price at till drag,,ii day nith Mrs, Anderson and child- vse cam ,ATOttnaoes,” wen, who are visiting tivro prea,, The friends of M. D. A, Ross 1 be pleased to learn that he has cou- nted to still remain aft leader of th Main-st. Methodist choral), with Mr. liuston as an able. assistant, - The latest word repeived by Mrs, J. E. Diguan or her son Harvey, who has Leen so seriously ill for the past theee weeks is that there is a slightt Union:Net-neat and his many Moods or wish him a speedy recovery. Emplre have oboico of ono of the following pietures; "Min- erls Farewell,"- On the Edge of the Herd." "Contentment," or enlarged leture of R., L. Borden. RIONARY CORN SALVE TAIN AGMS. Fcmt wo. outer 410 Inribe 'Ueoztall EY.CO LO avonntiraited private foods von farm or villagepopert, %wrest. picKsoN IX CARLING Exettr,.. I1ENT..-I1fty atire 11, 't uortb of lot concession of te lovnship borne. flood h'i1 house, h rn, driving shed, good •wa es of fall wheat. For ua'tu1a.' write to New Winebelsea, P. 0. or t , Newton "Macanle 11 ViWN OUNTY fl tZous industr t1 °sit o O t the Hon• Iw1usud Varna in thn n, will be receir first day of Decemh lc tions to he in writitig to 1.V. Lane, County 1 Spackmant, Cblt Cont. 1 Atttb, U0flTL1OUN fO -The 11 dsiued.t unb Of te TO LOA nut of prisatts f etweelleSatlowro A. C. HAM AY, Boner oritrant.te Ontario Vete teoe ;Honorary Follow in Ontario .4.esottalion. dlsesses of domestic eolentilleallytteated. nig fever two tbo latest oxygen treatment. OFFICE:0EO doer south ot Ton a lialt RESID,EINION: fiecced house earth ot terlanchurch. R P1 OCTOBER Gth Winehelsea Sehool lleport.-The lotion ing is the correct repot for S. S. No. G, lJs borne friar the, month of September. Names in order of merit ;-Sr, V, Ce - 1 Camm, Hazel Hagar.; jr. 5th., Olive Brrylil1, Alden Johns ; sr. 4th Almena tleyWeed, )72 ra Washburn. Okitella lleywoed; jr, 4th, Nettie Campbell, I.aura Godbolt, Vera Creery ;Sr. 3rd,, Lille le:Tweed. Nella Heywood, Hattie Ittukter. Jr. Room jr. 3rd Herbert Jones, Ella Veal, Mary Cornish: sr. 2rid., Ray Fletch- T, Aluieda CIts Aix. 13erry1ult.; Jr. 2nd. Minnie Talbot. Lillis God - bolt, Jam Creery sr. pt. 2nd, Jen- nie Campbell, John Brock, Clara KUeit; jr. part id EmrrsonPratt Ennio. Ileywood,; sr, pt .1, Vera. Steele; jr. pt. 1, Itldward Kellett, liordwiek CorniAt; Alive Creery Dia Cornish, -D. McDougall, anti Jean Campbell, Teachers. 1001. ********•••••••44%*•••••e•••••••11%************4-4404•44.40.***.•••••••••••••••0•40.** • 4% • * OO.********************40.4.0*******************•044+0 000*•+44**********4•044 * 0 • •* • • * •••••••••••••••••••040.9******440440*************....+00•0+•+400400coo*4f • + • • **********00**********************0.*****************0•••44000*410-: * 4P 0 • • ..„).* * * • 4* • • • • * *-,,› to* : * • 0 0 0 • 4* en's Raincoats ii**• to . 4) 4 4 4 0 * * * * 0 * 0 4 • i * 0 * 4 * 1111 and Waterproofs I I 4) • * * 4 4) * 4 • 4)* 4% Whalen 0 returned froue their non -coon' ; wad Mrs. Thorne ' Morle,y • have 1*, trip. • -The young peopla of thiAt place • ve formed a self-culttire ond lit-, society. • . John Millson left on Satur• - y t Port 'llope where Ite intends ; hag his 'future home, •Our ohurcii has beta improved Plaqing of threenew citairs oh. are very n.ppropria\ tiss Charlotte Merley left on 'ty for Stratfend, as a delegate Was Missionary Auxil- that plate. • tett meeting ot Zion, Ilethel b'reewill young people wili be hi the •chtirob ivre en 7,‘Tonday tire l'Ith inst. When their 'tging instrumentals, aa (1 also 4 debate 'by Zion and will. A good iime is promised peoplI of tivese three tees', Mr. and Mrs. Cluff, of McOillivray, n ved to Exeter, this week arid bave -en up resIdeoce in Mr. IT, i{eoc residence north of the mill. Cluff bas Leen ngaged a.s 'tit Mr. Jas. Rnssell. Scott. who be spen a different parte a -al:, Northwest los return I wilt next week teal., vialt load of stock. fartn- lte., Intending to near Red 'Willow. Ts tort, sinte coming to ter, ve made many friends ho will regret t heir leper joined the liettedicts.-We ploa,sed to learn Trete annOlOteeme ceived of the marriage of Mr Ii3lber, brother of Mr. 11. Eilter. P., to ..51iS3 ottic or ,4iby, tioltigan. The IntersUn; Jowl event took olace on Oct. 4th at Plby, where the groom -who formerly re- sided at Crediton, has been very' sue. essrully carrying on ntoroantile bus- s for eoroe time. The groom has rends hero with whom the join in very. best ;wishes for. Ifo and happiness to anti Ritter. 41 Vie Usbortio anti n1brt Fames Mutual fire 1tt r ace 6ompang. IGAd Office, Farquhar, DirtuaroRs Presidentt-T. EVAN, DOntax P. 0. PASS310aE, PAnotramtP, 0. lklont.uv, WirAr.rasP 0. J. A. NOIOUS, 01101t1URTY. P. 0. Rov, BORN:410= P. 0. L. itessztx., Eussur,mr.re P. O. AGENTS. GoonctrAur,,- OsT. DinSTAIT 1?ARM:TU.11v ONT. Wir.sox PCVLAUTON, °NW. J. S. Git.211..T,AN, LocAX, OsT, B, W. F. BEAVERS, Secy.-Treas. Farquhar. 10.110001•00•••••• Buggies! Buggies! DD yeu Want a Buggy We have the finest stock in town ail the latest styles, in the newer olors. Our prices are low as can be foun 4 .'lzst-class material and workman. " ship. BEFORE YOU' BUY GALL AND SEE US. F Russell Two Doors South Town Hall. C ITON oiler Mills Gristing, and Chopping Promptly Done. We are giving excellent • faction in flour since modelling our mill itz in the Matter o tha Estate o John Ford, late of the Township of Stephen, in the County of lhtron Farmer deaesedd. Notice Is hereby given pursua 'The revised statues of Ontario'' 149i, that all creditors and others having clahns against the estate of the said John Pont. who died on or about the 30th day of July, A. Dm 1004, are required, on or.before the istu day of October, 1904, to send by post prepaid or deliver to Xenneth Goodman o be town of Porkhill,in the eounty of Middlesex, solicitor, for the admtrator ot the said es- tate their cliristian and • surnames, Vadresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their dailies, the state nalint of their aocount and the na- ture ot the seourity, it any, held by them. And further take notice that after such last mentioned date, the sold administrator will proceed to distribute thd assets ot the deceased among the parties entitled 'thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice and that the said administrator will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof in any persons or per- sons of uhose claim notice shall not bhve beer received by him at the Lime of such distribution at Parkhill. Dated the 15th day of Sept.. nat. ALEXANDER WATSON, Administrat or. by KENNETH GOODMAN his Solicitor. sa- re- f Death by Poisoning The Detroit journal of Oetober3, ordains on account of a. mysterious case of poisoning, 'the victims bing the families of Mr. W Keddy, of 215 Lambrosse street, formerly of I"shorne, On Saturday evening the family • partook of a ltght supper of fried potatoes broad and butter and snow Mao% reacles and tomatoes were also •on the table. The supper was eooked on a as stove. Shortly af- terwards Shelia, the five-year-old daughter heearne violently ill in bed = and soon lapsed into unconsciousness, from which she never recovered, powerful emetics having no effect. She. died ,at 10.30 e -clock. The doctors then devoted their en- tire attention to Mr. and Mrs,K.'ecl- dy and on Bertie who were seeming- ly as ill, and after none hours of un- consciousness they were revived. Mr. Norman Keddy a brother loos the least ill of the faro,ily, rapidly responding to the doc.i or's treatment and was all right. .on Sunday. Ilad the family been in bed they neigh; have died ‘Lore help could be had. On Sunday evening., May 14th the Keddy family. including, Nornaan were taken ill alter eating a supper oE which salmon sandwiches was one of the dishes. The •case has been di- agnosed as ptomanie poisoning but no idea can be given as to how the poison entered the system. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the estate of David Dougall late of the Township of 'Osborne, in the County of Huron. Yeoman, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to It. 6. 0., 1897, thap. 129, k that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said. David bougall, who died on or about the 9th day of September, 1904. are re- quired, on or before the 15th day of October, 1904 to send by post pre- paid or deliver to Messrs. Gladman & Stanbury, of the village of Exeter Solicitors for the Executors of the sai(t deceased their christian and surnames, addresses and desmiptions, the hill particul- ars of their claims, the statement' of their accounts and the nature oE the securities, if any, held by them. And further take notice that after such Iasi, mentioned date the said Execntors will proceed to dis- tribute the assets of the deceased among, the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice and that • i he said Execute rs wilt not be liable for the said assets or ally part thereof to any person or persons rat whose claims notice shil not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. G1ADMAN & STA-NT3URY, Solicitors for said Executors. felted at Exeter, the,17th for the cut stone requnet clay of September, 1904. 4 Burford •Cavalry Armory. ni town here un 1 nesdly last. Miss Nell day to Visit bee $ al Sebringville. • Misses Alma liill Wentzel, •of Cottittna, ara friends owl relatives in --Miss Emma Younghlut and Mrs. ,eadle, o Aubut-n. were the guests o M. and '5Irs. A. Younghlut. Iast ek, -The concert under tic. auspices f thn W .0, T. V. last Thursday ening was a decided saccesS. The rogram was up-to-date and varied Miss M. Godwin, of Exeter, elem. Veeited some beautiful -se- ctions, Nelda were very much apprecieted by the audience. The lisk1440 duet ts were well event ea and and well received, Miss A. Johns popular soloist of Exeter, rendered her solos in a very pleasing manner. Miss Johns has a voice or fine cul- ture And delighted her hearers with singing The male quartetof Ilensalftn , sang in a moat pleasing style, ,and won the applause of the andience. The net proceeds amount- ed to $25, • • • 4,4• • • 0 • • • • 4• 4rit • • * Z u tic h • 4> • 4> y Either, M„ L. A, was • 0 "Wednesday. • cooke, of Hensel', was •• 41 Ttte9day m-14 wed-, 4 • • hic‘ Titurs- Studer, .9. * • ARM FOR SALE,. -Lot 20, 10 con. and llth eon., of Stephen..( D'1-4. rages west of Exeter,' being composed. of 100 acres on the 11t1 cou. and 120 acres on the 10th These farms are under good state of cultivation 'well drained with good house and Out• -buildings, thereon al- so fruit bearing orchards . Never tailing well the year round. For further particulars apply to T. B. ,liffartyn, Exeter. I." COLD SETTLES IN THE BACK It hits people in a tender spot and makes it mighty hard to brace up. Nerviline will take that kink out of your sn'nal columns in short order ; it soothes, that's why relief comes so soon. Nerviline penetrates, that's why it (cures. Five times stronger than ordinary temedies, Norviline can't fail to cure Lime back, lumba- go, sciatica and neuralgia. ;Nei vi line is king over all muscular pain, has no equal end costs 25o per bottle. Sir William 'Vernon Harcourt the English Liberal leader, clied rather suddenly at his home in Oxfordshire, on Sunday. The lYfooney 13inait and Candy Co. Stratford, hove received letters pa- tent increasing their authorized cap- ital from til100,000 to 625,000. Donald Alexander MacKinnon, who, has represented Queen's East, 1?. has been appointed Lieutenant Governor of `the Island Province, in succession to Hon. P. A. McIntyre. The Horse Shoe Quarry, St. Marys has obtained the contract to supply kat !the, cut stone for the Winglearn p as t ,office building, also a contract flc Mr, John A. Wood, or concession 4 Downie, has sold his InIndred acre farm near the Downie cheese fac- tory (Southwitits) to Ittr. Thomas Murray, of concession B., Downie,. Death tsrree very suddenly' to lgrr. John McConnell, grocer at Hathilton on Friday night last. ,1-10 was in his Stere AMU 9 o'clook, went home and retired -at 11, in apparently, his usual goofl, health. In. a few minutes his wit"%e hoard him make a slight noise, and on investigation found be was The cause was iteaft failure, ittormallim~10..1060.,row...v.... BORN VA1L.-ON October tInd to Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Vail, Exeter North, o daughter. MARRIED CHAEFER-WILDFONG -In Dash- wood, on Tuesday everting, Sept. 27th. by Rev. M. Clemens, Mr. Daniel Schaffer, to Miss Kate Wildforg, both_ of Dashwood. EILBElt-MADILL-At. Ulby, Mich. on Tuesday. October 4tit, 1904, Mr Benjamin, Eilber, formerly of Creditor), to Miss Dottie. daugh- ter .of Mr. and Mrs. Joshom bta- dill, all of Ulby, Mich, SMOND - CLARK - On Tuesday evening at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Clark, Stephen, by RfiV. Clemens, of Dashwood, Miss Sophia Jane Clark ito Mr. Thomas A. Ismond, of Chicago. O'ROLME - BARRY - At Mount Carmel Roman Catholic ehuroh on September 21st., by Rev. Father Foster, Mr. James O'Rouko, of Lon deo, to Miss Kate Barry, of Shiva. daughter of the late Florence Barry. .DIED CANN.-In Usborne, Lot 24, con. 6, on October 2nd, Ceoil Melville, son oE Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cann, aged • 6 years and. 6 months, 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MANES DESIGNS . -COPYRIGHTS &C. Any One sending a sitetch arid description Ina? tetetatioascertair our opinion free whether an liven n ia pro) ably patentable. Coma/minift. ions rietlyocr“glential. Handbook onPatents -,ont tree. Olthet agency for securinzipatente Patents tal.on through Munn & Oo. "recetvE lectat notice, without cupge, lathe Scietitific Nftierican handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir. .mlatk011 of any scientific journal. Terms, o ;ear ; t feu? months, $1. Sold by all newsueteers. iluNN & co.3 6 I Broadway, Now York Branch office. Oil V Sk. Washttecton.D. • To Cure a Cold m• One DayZuriNv'es:r.t.' ,• Irake t Laxative Bromo nintne Taidets on every ieverimnlion boxes sold in past 13 months. This sigitaure,51 if "."..e","02"7-05° box. 25Q. • 444+444444 $7,50 Waterproof Coat for $5.0 Men's grey covert cloth Waterproof Coats, )mpoited English make, checked linings sewn. seams, full square backs side poAets, premier make at only $5.00. $10,00 Waterproof Coat for $8.00 Men's grey Paramatta Waterproof Coat, Premier make sewn and gulmanized seams, checked linings, square back, side pockets, at only $9,00. Sil ** • • • • 00 4* 2 4. •• •• • • * • • Il'44, 4: ilt* • • • • • ** 4• 44 • 4* 2. ** "'410 * • de* •• • 40 4> 4> 44 • • • 4) • 4) * •• * •• *40 • 4> • 44 4410 • • • 4) 4) 44 • 4> 4)4 40 44 4• .•00 444 044 • • 40 404) • • * 4) • _n e) • **********************044.40044414)******0•414)********1044444044400444)40444040 • X * • ••••••••••••••••••••*••••**••••••*••••••••• ***********************••• • • 4P- *• ***********0********••••••••**************•••••••*••••••••••••••••••••••• • Z • • • **************41404404444.4 44444••440********44.0•444 04******40**4404*********Z • $12,50 Raincoat for $10.00 ve or Grey Cravenette Cloth Raincoats, uen ewings, -very latest swell coat at $10.00. atin lined .00 Ram t for $13,00 y Cravenette Cloth Raincoat, golf lined, brella skirt, beautifully finished $1,3.00 and linen Ladies' Waterproofs and Raincoats at 7 50, 8 00, $8 50 all late arrivals. 4 00, 00, 00, Men's Cloth Overcoats $5.00 to $10.00 Men's Plain Oxtord grey and black cheviot, silk and linen sewn lined with Italian linings at $7.50 Men's dark grey Cheviot, all • wool, lined with Italian linings at •$8.00. Boy's Overcoats in the latest tyles, best linings, brunken cloth from 3.00 to $5.00. Men's Black Cheviot all wool herringbone finish, Mohair sleeve linings* excellent make best style at $io.00. Men's imported English Black Beaver Cloth at $5,o0. Men's OxEord grey Cheviot, all wool, mohair sleeve linings, best sewings $10.00, Men's Black Beaver cloth, all wool, highly finished, Mohair sleeve linings, Italian body lin- ings, a bargain at Sto.00., Young Men's Nobby Over- coats in the latest cloths and cuts all cut from New York patterns prices from 5.00 to $9,00. * 44440! 11 .***444.44t4R444 • • 4. • • 414 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4 • • • 4 • • • • • • * * • • 4) • • • • • • • • 40 • • * 40 • 40 • 4r 0- 40 • 4, • 40 • 9 4. ** 4* 4. 1- 4* 4, • 43.11. • *4 4.4* 4. • • 4, *4 4, • *41. 4. • .** • *4 *AI • • .4 .0 ille• 4- ** 4. 1. NEW RUBBERS NEW RUBBERS 4** ** * • ** ** ** No old ones left, all new from the Canadian Rubber Company • • o* of Montreal. The supposed best rubbers made, latest las s, a es ** ** • elsetra finish, latest highs and lows. Buy from us and make sure * • you have a new pair of rubbers. ' I Aill‘ 40* OPLESTONE liARIIINEIR ti TERMS CASlit OR PRODUCE ONE DOOR NORTH OF POST OFFICE *I• 4, vr .0 4, re - VIra. MacCallnea, of Collingwood, has lagun an action against H. 0. Kennet:17,mnd Plias. Peckin, of Near - ton, for alleged m'isrepresenttationin inducing him to purchase stock in the Wiarton;Beet, Sagan Do, .231.413 Mt CO XL It Bon, the 'The Kind You lime Ahriays Bought Signature of .......................... 4. + 1:11.JACKSON &SON* . . . . + Junk Dealers. 4- + + . fitain-St. Exeter + . . . . . + Occupying J. P. Ross' ' $ + ++ Store, one door south of 3: + Metropolitan liotel. + + + + - *, + Will pay highest cash + ), + + ÷ price for the follotving .4- .4. + goods,such as all kinds of + + + + + Scrap Iron + + + + Brass •+ + + + Copper • 44. + 4- 44- Zinc •4. qr.÷. + Lead + 4.4. Pewter 4. Horse Hair 4. , + + i 4. Wool Pickings + 1 + + 1 + Rags 44; 4.• 4-. 4. Old Rubbers + +4. 1 Bones and Bottles 4. 1 I --r-------it 4. , No quantity tee large or 4* 4,- - .1. * ' too Small. + 1 .1° • t 4,..•14.144,÷1.444.+4441.+÷-141. To have a truly delicious steak - rich and juicy, done to a turn -it must be broiled. • Yet most ranges don't make proper provision for broiling. The broiling and toasting door of the imperial Oxford Range is particularly capacious. Von can get a large broiler easily into the door and over the glowing coals, without stooping or getting the heat of the fire yourself. Call at one of our agen- cies or write to us for booklet. Sold The Gt1r11,07 Foundry Co. Limited TO ro n t o Montreal Winnipeg Vomooevew by T HAWKINS & SON Exeter Trial Trip. -Now is the time to seeure two good papers for the pricel of one. The Weekly Mail and Em- pire from now till Jan. 1st., 1905 Lor only 50c. To new subscribers only. • 1 Trial Trip. -Now is the tim seture two good. papers fpr the price of one. The Weekly Mail and li1tat pire from now till an, 1.st., 1905 for only 500. To new; subsedbors only. •