HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-10-6, Page 4The Exeter Times. 1 NOTE AND COMAIENT Vaham:tar for October 1 904 8UNZA- 2 9 10 23 30 MONDAY-. . 3 10 17 21 31 4 11 18 2,t 5 12 19 2t1 6 13 20 27 TUESDAY WUDNII.SDAY_ TRIURSDAN% „ 7 14 21 2,3 SATURDAY. -1 8 15 22 99 THVIISDAY, OCTOBER, (ith lent OUR MONEY IN 'UNITED STATES The felloeiner from the IV' WS Col^ 31Malg Ot I11f.' Toronto Globe will be read n ith interest by Canadians who have ever been, a few nineway from the border in the tnntes states aelth only_ Canadian money in their 'pockets; ' "he Oats a c011otry or is it nut ?" nald 0. E. Talbot, At .P. for Belle- netaese.as ho thought 9f hL $ ex - hi St, Louts. He Imel just vieturned from a trip to the Pacific coast eith Hone Raymond Prefon- !Lane and party. and On the lvay tome they eame down by way of st, Paul ar.d Chicago. To 'think :that elth all the Cauadian YISIt 'yrs to the Fair they retuse Qaa- '.1bn money -that is intrailiating. I pfferett a ,$10 Baia.; of hientreal bilI eeto the head clerk of the Planters' Hotel the biggest hotel in the place bin he refIlsed it. "Did you "lever aear ot: 'Montreal?' I asked ow there is a too te ot that moit. up nertle Inn I never beard ern. het a hank: he replied. ;Whet, do eon think of that: There waa no taso to talk. because Ire uould not lien. 1*eked for the man - agar. He turned ont. to be, xIrtan nauteo Weaver, from Oettario. I think ee was talked of for Manuger for the King Etleverd Hotel, Torooto. 'Anyhow, whvn lie saw the bill he told, ILe 'clerk to telet; U. But we o too IP asetare •our (Agility and let them tom over there that they nmet telte our money at par or volt% take theirs. Tint was not Magi° experience. In Chloago ond St, Paul it was just the same, Thet xnakes me mad. Out on the owlet you C411 hardly see Canedian auoney in Canadian placee, all American. It it tteeepte. by teenadiane at par. They neuet take OUrS. I a= a Cauttdien uul I want to Ct.' Cenadian money' eceepted. GENERAL EL.ECT1WN i set bee been OEissoIvdend ou Nowubr arki tio 'work nin ;want evI th:ir Jutlzincut upon 4: he and achrevements tatoLirixr dministration. In t he mein 11 inistrative record of tile Gov satisractory I to X1bert1 tzi4 osib1y not altogether unsatiscuny to an influential sec- tiOn at the Conservative party., It May tte that few Conservatives will cast their votee for NitkiztOrial ant - Vitiates, bin there in no strong con- victiou hi the coentry that reat national interests would ha ediby a urtiter term of Liberal Ad- rainist ration. . The departure or Lord anti Lady onginally fixea for Ootober 21, has in consequenee a the dissolu- tion of Parliament, ben postponed urzta Noveruber 18. the day after Thanksgiving DIY, THE DOOR NOT CLOSED tho GooSeriative party should bQ tUrned to.:, power without rtinuliating any contract, Vete Govern Metal; would have the right It the whole people, so tleelare at the pools, expropriate the undertaking of the Geand Trunk Pacific and builtt tlie, lino as the people's line from the 'Atlantic to the itanifie. (Applause) "That. then, is the issue. The door le not: closed. 1 believe the peo- ple will decide in their own interest. I don't ask them to decide anything unfair or unjust, Because vested rights must be -observed and the senctity of contrecis must be re- snected, but tbe door is not closed, and once more X a el re to you it is Tor the people to say whether we shall have In Canada Government- owned raileely or a railway -owned Government." (Applaust)-Mr. R. L. Borden at Windsor, Ont. At a meeting of the Stratford Presbytery recent13- the principle of rising the minimum stipend to inin- •1rs to $800 was endorsed W. W. Piper, a N. W. M. P. con- stable, who was sentenced to a year in jail for failing to prevent the es- cape et Ernest Cashel, The condemn ed murderer, has been pardoned by the Governor-General. Sara. Salton, of London, Celt, is stneig Hon. 3. R .Stratton. as presi- (Witt, land D. M. Holland, manager of the Dominion Permanent Co., to set see aside tha ,ag,reenient for amalga- tem made some months ago with the Peovironal Building, end Loan Co.. To be sure, you are growing old. But why let everybody see it, in your gray hair? Keep your hair dark and rich and postpone age. If you will ir only use Ayer's Hair Vigor, your gray hair will soon have all the deep, rich color of youth, Sold for 60 years. -1 ain now over yearo1c nnd / a%.,a- 1 t”..r/ ' *-• 'r which m And not,a 11 it, a ,14rop. Ary ifAir :Z;J Mi111.1. .RO a bottio. J. C. AllrIt CO.,01 tab Sir. Ricnard Cartwright has been aPPeinted te the Senate to eueceen late tiont J. 0. Aitin,S, * 1 * The exact_ date or the Paio entble conferenee in London* w1Itle,peed upon ,the movements of Sir, Valliant Mulock. A bill lets been stanuitted to tbe 13satish Hoese of Commons forbidd- ing cleldren ender the lege ot 16 years of age to use tobacco. * * .34 34 The Di-Term:en of the Interior 'I/ set overt six tewnships near Swift Current fer-an eyerflow settle- ment of Mennonites from Southern Mann toba, Et J. ;Davin eoxnmissouef Q trown lands and a neeraber oe the Ontario legielature, has beeo nnseat- nsa xesult of a petition egainst retArA for North Xork at the bye eleceiort in Febroary, 1903, * * obi), •Cowao, K Ce LAS an noteneed that he will aecept, the nom- ination unanimously tendered him by the Ltieerale or east Lanabtone at the convention recently beld in Wet- ferd. and, that he will be the Liberal candidate for that aivisiou at the eotnillg* kleCI5O1r, Coacurrent o it it the the nint It Parliament 'e stxie eonaes the Paseitiq from the Hauls - Sir Itieetard Varievright'a powerfu persoirelity, The /Moister -,of Tirade and Cenuateree bas been appointed tO tbe seat In the Upper liouse vacated by the death of Senator Aikins. Months ego he made public, lea in- tention notagain to seek the mat- t:twee of South, Oxford, Now he has gone 'tom •the populae chamber to he Senate, The Itenee oe Commoos vill mise •the old-time "'blue -rube' ro, who over Since confederatiou, whether in Opposition or on the „Treasury Iterteltes, exercised coneld- Itle influene.? in its affairs. • Beet on. ' poeitim aex Count 'date nethe LU#erals at ding of =dies received ihe nom- resignas soou as ssolved, Bte waS MiddleSeN CAM* •when he re`Agl% to aceeit i he governorship of the on tb. deaxh er Patrick Kelly. reeignetion takin g place at this will nermit of the appointment o another political favorite ot a practioally flatelent governixtent.un- lees ie more than suepected the berth iL1 Le kept open for letn Bose ton's rennet, in tbe event of hie fail- ure to enter., election in North Middleseen South Horan Liboral-Coit ervative Convention mceUng ot f1e Lbera-tinser- vative of South Huron, formed, for Dominion purposes, till he Lehi in Coxworth's Hall, at fensall. on Thursday, the 13th day f October, 1904, at the hour of 2 ',dock Nem, for the purpose of uour ironing a Candidate Lor the •electoral district tat South Huron, in the ap- hroaehine Doroio:on election, and roe the transaction ot other business a iraportnnee. full roprosontativc properly accredited delegation from each municipality in tho district is urgently requested. 13y order of tho Executive, 4. 11` YOU HAVE A MAD COLD If you are sneezing and sufferinq from a "stnifed-up bead and run- ning 4.yCs the best, plan is to get fragrant, healing Catrrhozone, the quickest And surest cure for cold in the head, coutths and catarrh ever ever discovered.- This great healing agent is carried by the air you breathe all through the passages of the nose, throat and I,ungs. It sooth- es the Irritated membranes, kills ca- tarrhal germs, instantly stops the cough and eneezing. It's the antia- eplic vapor of Catarrhozone that does the curing. A. trial proves that a cold can be cured in a few sninutes by Catarrhozone. Aloney back if it faits. Complete outfit $1.00; small size 25e. MURDER OF _MISSIONARIES SET FOR OCTOBER troth Toronto, Oat. I. -Twenty-six Can- adian missionaries are at present in Hon,an, where a general massacre of foreigners is said to have been decid- ed npon by a Chinese society to oc- cur Oet. 17. Two others, Rev. J. Mo- wat and Mrs. Mowat, are on their way out. Rev. IL P. MeKay, Presbyterian foreign missionary secretary, says that letters received from Ironware- centlY were very reassuring. The fact tlatet since the Boxer outbreak French and English capitalists have bisected the province with railroads, made the conditions more ,favorable titan four years ago when the pre- vious trouble occurred. The rail- roade would enable the, missionar- ies 4o get out in two days whereas heee 1k -colts were required by house boats. Sale Register **a Friday, October 71h, 1904,- Auc- tion sale of farm stock and imple- ments, on tot 11 ,concession 12 .IEh- bort, Sale at -one o'clock sharp. T. Cameron, ,fructioneer, James Camp- bell, proprietor. Wednesday, Oct. 121h at 1 o'clock sharp at elr. Samuel Gidley's resi- dence, William street,' r,uniion sale ot Household Fume -ate, S, muel Gid - ley, prop -into-. John ettetioneer Tuesday, October lith, 1904 at one o'clock snare. at Mr. Thoa. Cameron "West Farm" Farquhar, auction sate of stock si eers, atid cows. --Andrew Croet,hell, Proprietor. T. Cameron, Anneconeer. U:HE EXETER TIMES', OCTOBER 6th 1004. Exeter School Report The Following is the Report September COMMERCIAL COURSE Grayblelt 96 per eat.; Jennie Hardy, 96.; Gee. Wam- boldt 92: Lieda Rotator, 88: Maud Taylor, 81: Alio Howard, 75; Ed - IAA Bissett, 70; Harry Renee, 01 per centt; Bessie ,N ebb, ; Ia xobootalL 52; Edith Alereete, 52: Garfield AlUodgert. : Bertha 1Villert, 47: James 134,wden, 40.; Roy Parsons, 46: Allen McOnrdee 43: Dyer Inerdonl30; Frank Bowden 2; Frank Ihnight, 8. W. j. O'Brien, Teacher, REGULAR COURSE 101.1 llortors.-13ella Hawkins, 77 per coat; Hugh. McKay, 73; Beettle Mart,3.114 70. Thomas Sanders, eJ per cent.; Lula elartin, 08; Ethel 'Cobbledick, 68: jessie Russell. 67; George Arm- strong, 67; May Ilawkins, 64; Mon- ello Steele, 62; Case Howard, 62; Aland jobrts, Bertha Snell, 60; Irene Ifondford, 60; Lizzitt Sanders. 59; Edna Terlor, 59: Ida Rowe 58; Leah, Beramer, 57: John Walker, 57; 111110 Bissett, 55; Eddie Willie, 53; telitchell Willis , 40: Flossie Sveeet, 45';; Maurice llobier, 43; Attie Hag- gish 37; Lloyd Godwin, 28;. Total enrolment 51. Average 44. NV, J. O'Briee, Teacher. CONTINUATION CLIVSSES, FORht 11 Houora-line hlePherson, 79 rel. Al. May Wood. 64 per cent. Williew Triebner, 61: Ida Armstrong, 60; Thomee Quinton, 57: Edna Dow, 57; Mageie Coward, 61; Milton Pfaff. 531 Nellie Resell, 49; hturray hture •ay, 47; Mary Knight, 42; Perry cisme 41; Tom Carliog, 84; liar - Gardiner, 33; Elmore Seolor, 28; Farmer, 28; May Jones, 25; Ilie Knight, 25; Offa htellterson. Number en rell. 19. Average at,. olance for September. 16. A. E. DonniNwroN, Teacher. It. LEAVING AND etTA.TRICULA- TION, FORM III Nary Roach 7:e per Sparke, 67 per cent.; Vero Cobbledick, 67; Edith hroneura 61; hfartita Carling, httz Louise Carlioe 50: Daisy Dining., St: Theo, Hart- liele 63; Irene 0' Neil, 61; Hazel Browning, 43; Alain Briotoell, 40; Bella McDougall, 28; Haeree" Bore land. 26. Total enrolment 13, Aver- age 12. NG. Teenther. IIOOM JV . Lillian Annie. Kathleen Stewart, Louis Birney, Douglas Stewart, Beatrice llowey, Minnie Amoy, Ethel Harvey, /,illie Itodgert Bertha, Mack, Lillian Jones. 3r, 4t Snell, Viola Week Clifford hIcAvoy. No .on roll e6. Average a t t en - dance 31, 0. VOSPER, Teacher, noo-Nr v Sr 3r6. -Edith Ii(!identan : Lon- ywood, Victor Sweet, Garvey Acheson, Willie Armstrong, Oilve Wood, Ageie Beekner; Anuie Bis- sett, lIerbie Gardiner equal; 'Willie Bradt, Mabel Tnylor, Albert Lang. Jr. 3. -Gladys Dearing, Annie Lang. No, on roll, 52; av. 48. H. E. WALltOND. Teacher. ItOOM VI Sr. 2elle-'1.ray Jewell. Eva Shade (look. Jr. 2nd. -Fred Brook, Lillian Boyo Clair Weocla Wilfrid Stewart, David Eylmore Harness, May 41011.1 - son, Stella South co I. , Russell Flinn Lorne 13askerville, Edna Brock, Fred Shadelock, Number on roll 48. Average at - touchline 40. A. E. MARTIN, Teacher, ROOM VII Sr. Pt. 2nd. -Ruby \\tooth Fred O, - den. Mid Mid Part 2nd. -Gladys Delve, lelor- rie Dinnie. Jr. Part 2nd. -Blanche Quanco, Awgenisehs. McKay, 3'c13ollick, Eddie No: on roll, 41 „Average at- tendance 35.39. F. E. CABLING, Teacher, ROOM VIII. Class A. --Madeleine Carling, Vio- la Rowe, Harry Snell. Class 13. - Annie Collingwoocl, Gla'dys Scott. Class p. - Lily Collingwood, Beatrice lIodgert. Class D.- Ethel Day, Roy Ogden. No. on roll 43. Average ant .36. S. J. Irwin, Teacher. 5 CCM Eight cents a pound is what a young woman paid for twelve pounds of flesh. She was thin and weak and paid one dollar for a bottle of Scott's Emulsion, and by tak- ing regular doses had gained twelve pounds in weight before the bottle was finished. Eight cents a pound is cheap for such valuable ma- terial. Some pay More, some less, some get nothing for their money. You get your money's worth when you buy Scott's Emulsion. We will send you a little free. SCOTT & BOWNE,, CHEMISTS, Toronto, Ontario, sac. and .ez.00 ; all druggists. Huron Hensel' rate of taxation for the present year is fixed at 12 mills. Deo Rens, of Brucefield has six acres ot sugar beets that will net him $111t1 an acre. Air, James Hagan sr.,. of Zurieb, has disoosNI Of his 25 acres in the Big Swamp to Mr. Caper Wolper, The bankers at Ilensail have re- fused to accept Amerman silver dol- lars unless at a fivo per cent dis- ceunt, Mr. Andrew Fe Hess, of Zurich has been appointed Division Cettrt clerk trt plaee of Mr. E. Zoller, who resign ed. alter holding the position for about sewn years, Mr. Ben Bathwell, of Goderieh t ownehht had themisfortnne to break. hist leg sost below the knee, ono day lest week, Ile IS do.og as wen as could be ex,pected, The marriage -of Miss Anna. Fox to Louie A, Miller, took place atWin oipeg on Oct. lat. The bride is a daughter sof AIrs. Roble For, ferta, erly nI linton, while the groom is a farmer resident of Dashwood. On the evening a Sept. 23re, al their residences Tilden FarM, SLaxt- ley. Mr, and Mrs. James Spacktnan. celebrated their eilver wedding. A largo number a guests were present d, 'tendered congratulations.. A movement Is on foot in Colberoe eiship to have local option by- law Siabro,ittO at the inennicifoll elec- tions next January. There is only one licensed piece in the townehip, the hotel at 3,:unlop. Will positively cure eick beadache azid prevent its return. Carter's LUUO Liver Pills. Tide is not talk but troth. (Inc pill a dose. Seca& vertisenteut. Small pill. Small ose. Smell price. Onecverting 1st week as Mr. E • n, of Bewail, was wate Is orsat the hotel pump, the rent- al stepped, on his foot, Tbe cork shoe cot his middle toe so bui- lt had to he amputated. judo Doyle has named Thursday, et. Otb, as the date for holding the onual Voters' Mat Court for Morele will be held in Brnesels TownUall s d ot the eownehip hall, Last aSsetilltiNi in lelytle There or 70 ePPeale to he dealt with. 4 the death an Frithy last of Timothy Givlin. of Sea:forth, one to earliest settlers et Atgleillop ed from the sphere of avtion, eased was a native of Tree d, tutd bad reached the good old of over 85 years., William Sloan, of Nauttireto, Columbit, neeiliew of Reeve t Blyth. will be (he Liberal to for Comma and Atlin in the hing Dominionolectione. The ()route Globe says it is expected be till have on ettsy viotory. His op- t is not yet nominated. Casper •Walper, of Ilay, hada narrow escape from belug crushed to death last week. He was stand- ing beneath the :draw shed, which had been filled up ,that dey with cut straw by the threshers, when the weight of the straw caused the sup- port in the center te-give WV. Mr. Walper was knocked down, but es- caped serious injury. .A. young married man, namod Allenby was buried in Wiegharn, holt pek. He, died after a very brief Hi- ss from the effects of typhoid. Le - ' which developed into hernraor- Itage .of the howelso Ite was report - cd to be recovering when a sudden turn for the worse took place. His rQ IS also stiforing from Ilia same alleenme, tied is completely prostrated front the shock of her husband's death. There ,are severeal °thee cas- es, principally in lower Wingham, where elm residents have been order- cdeo boil all water used for purpos- es of cooking or drinking. In other rospecta the health ot the town and surrounding country is good, And re- markably free from contagious and intectious diseases. The Brussels Post gives tbe fol- lowing, as the experience of a citi- zen. "Halting the past season Ed- ward Garvin, of Brussels. who is quite a gardener, made an experimen tal fest of planting potatoes in hills and on the level, 14 feet square were given to each plot, the seed was planted on May 22nd and tbe pota- toes lifted Sept. 16. Early Empire State was the variety. Tha follow- ing is the result which will be oE in- terest. -On ihe level'65 set grew, yielding 70 lbs and 2 1-2 lbs. were under 1 1-2 inches. In the hill 68 sets grew returning 68 lbs. with 1 1-4 lbs. under 1 1-2 incites. The demonstrtion is in favor of the level planting as 10 1-2 lbs. oE rotten potatoes were taken from the hills And 5 lbs. frorn the level cultivation. Mr, Garvin attributes the decay to the water being retained in the hills., WHAT IS ANTI -PILL A Somewhat Peculiar Name Expla- ined -How Dr, Leonharde Came to Call His Famous Prescription "Anti -Pill." Dr. Leonhardt 'found in ins prac- tice that chronic constipation and its kindred complaints were the re- sult of a dried up condition of the mucous membrane lining of the stensach and bowels, lIa investigat- ed further and fonncl that this con- dition was invariably Ls -ought about by the use of cathartics, which t alt contain a cer;ain arno,int of rt;5. in OUS mat ter. Altor i he first action ot such modi- CineS a resinous residue remains be- hind and this has a drying effect on the lining of the stomach and ,bowels. Ho made up his mind to produce a medicine for all stomachand towels. derangements which would be entire- ly free from all resinous matter. After much experiment he sue- ceeded, and to emphasize the differ- ence .b.eLween his treatment and the old-fashioned treatments, he gave it the name "Anti -Pill." Anti -Pill -will cure dyspepsia, bil- iousness, or constipation perfectly and for ever--oure to stay cured -- well no pill habit to be over- come later. All druggists, or Tea Wil- son -lisle Co., Lienteci, Niagara Falls, Ont. Sole agents for Cenada. Perth Pain from indigestion, dyspepsia, sul too hearty eating is relieved at once by taking ono of Carter's Little Liver Pita, immediately after dinner. Don't forget this. Forbes Edmunds fell 'twelve feet frrri aualtea nu ti lydni Zfp g Ontoteliifac ral a sotf W. mweJ alighting an bis heed, Ile sustained injuriee which it is feared will result fatally. A deal has been coneumentted by whice the Kemp Manure Spreader Co., of Stratford, nassed ronder the eoutrol al. LJie Alastsey-Harris Co, Tito company has been in operation bahuositintests7 y,eemar:loaggbasattuetitt lsaisrgt3e, hands. The •ohange, made will not necessitete the nem0vo.1 of the works and the business will be carried on there as before., If you are tired taking the large old fashioned griping pills, try Car- ttielrelLittle Liver Pills and tak.e some comfort. A. znan can't stand everything, One pill a dose. Try i I IL M. moiri or St. Maneg was brow -net before Ceunty Judge Bar- /. row, of Stratford. on Sept. 29th. chardeti Ailtb misappropriation a the proceeds or an express ordert Moir was agent or the Dominion Espress Company., at St, Marys, and the coM- pony chums that about $930 is miss- ing, Moir was acquitted on the 'barge specified, the ,illtige giving a eserett order whereby he M0). be re- rrested on other charges. Ur, George Joinieton, an 'employe of the a. D. Moore, Co, Limited, St, 14.triVitlili,M11:11t,1110)11`,"1,!ICILIIRNI PA,k6 STORM Por Infants and Children:, Marys, while teaming a load or eggs feoln Exeter, on Friday evert- ing to St. Marys, met with ; Misfortune on the road, When. near Mr. john Mc13,"night's baseline, BUD. shard, ,the horses were going at a lirdlY gate and all at once the bolt droppe4 out of the whiffietrees. The sudden Jerking all of the load of Ur. ;Johnston and the dropping at the wagon ,tongue caused the horses to holt for liberty, Mr. johnston pluckily held on to the hues and was dragged 4twouty or thirty yards.when he was obliged to let go, 'The horses oere eaught about thre quarters of Inile further down the road towards St. Marys, Mr, Johnston was idake4 up in a badly bruised condi- t on. Allot his right arm from the shoulder to hie fingers was badly Innisetitand the skin rubbed OffsHelp was SOMA at band and the horses at. leached again to his wagou load o eggs, and by some aSehitallee Orr t way xeached St, Marys. Uri Tohn- sion's ritrht arm Waii fractured, TIIF.Y KNOW IT Thousands or people throu rhout lee country know that the ortlinere mettles for piles -ointments, sup- positories and appliances -w01 not tut. The best or them only nrine ptss- ngIetLieeten Dr, hartit''s Item -Rohl ii a ablet Inken internally that remov- es the oause or plies, hence the cure is permanenn Every paeltags soLl earstes it guarantee with h. it is perfectly harmless to the east delicate constitution. A month's treatment in each package. Sold at $L00. At, any drug store, or the Wilson-Fyle Co,, Ihmited, Ni- °vire Falls, Ont, 1 WHAT THE YEAR BOOKS TELL It as learned from the Statistical rear Book of Canada for 1903 that in 1871 the population or the Do- minion et Canada was 3,485.761 of wbom 1,761,311 were males and 1,721,450 females. In 1901 elle °ea- ves returns showea a population a 5, 371,315, beim; 2, 751,708 males and 2,619,607 females, showing a sur- plus of 132,101 males over e'er:aides. In 1904 there were 121,451 Ontario born sow anh daughters living in British Columbia, aetenitoba and the Terri tories, In 35 years from 1886 to 1903 on- ly 63 divorces were granted in Canada. At the end ot June 30, 1903, thrifty Canadains bad on deposit in the postoffico saving bank $58.437.- 986. In the year 1889 there were 7ts 059 convictions of drunkenness In the province of Ontario. in 1902 t bien c To9n0v3,ie tci oannsa d tain $125,199,980 worth of goods of l'esroeId°tilolY G 32:41: B j- ail descriptions and bought from that country 858,896,901 worth And to the United States it sold $67,766,367 worth, and bought in re- turn $137,605,195. The first brewery was established in Canada .on April 14, 1668. Fancy the eeeans of beer that Canadians have swallowed since then. Le Gellfon was the first vessel built on Lake Ontario. It was built by LaSalle, in 1679. The steamer Royal 'William, built at Quebec in 1831-32, was the first steamer 1 hat ever crossed the At- lantic tire motive power at which was entirely by steam. The first atalltvay in Canada from LaPrairie to St. Johns, was built in 1836. A GOOD COMPLEXION Is o joy 10 ,every woman's heart and man ,ia vain enough not to des- pise it. BeauLFul complexion moans pure blood or in other words O Imalthy body, Tens of thousaeds onwomenetake Ferrozone because its flee ,a splendid blood builder, keeps the ,system in perfect order and helps he complexion wonderfully. et consider Parrozone ISa best remedy to give you a clear ruddy complexion T. know ot" writes Miss Ada E. Bran- don 'of Pembroke. "My skin used Lo be, sallow, hut after taking a few bores of Ferrozone a rosy tint was noticeabla on my cheeks. I can re- commend Forrozone OS a tonic also." For good Leant: and beauty use only Ferrozonte Price 50c at druggists The o ttention or the Provincial Board of Inealth, bas been directed to L1e greed, prevalence of typhoid fev- er ccse.s in Winnipeg for some Lime Post, and frequent _representations have been Imre: at intervals to the sett- ,authorifies. The latter have at last oeted and have asked the Posta to ,appoint a committee to discover the, cause of tete ,outbreak. MegetatioPr.-144ZitalWis, • simitatip4 IIR;foodAtiffRegula- uog the 5itiaagit3 anti 'wel.s. a Pl'OUl*SIXOSti011,Cileeeittl- ftenSelleMeSt.(1ontains miter Oprai.Morplairot Mineral. Now lg-01c owl ;:grerre14211-FIA=R2 2ityliagt.'4 „447,47,140 ..etrite itzepenv&i, Ca4stetPt.P;.,4* A plea Remedy ler tion. Sour Storndch,Doe, Worms,convulsion$,Fevecish- ness cxcito$$,or, SLEEP, Sif,00ture Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Use For Over Thirty Years ••••••••••••0•40.4. ••••••••••••••• • IVIOLISOISTS B2.31111: (Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1$7/5) CAPAT,4.1. , - suco,00lloo • capitai (Au. PAID ........... „ .?..;000t000.00 40.7 • Reserved Fund.. ,,_ 2,850.000.0Q ; 41 Brandies in Ontarel.o.xtee.oeTeeeEeenitooristeR" itArlaNtetto.teiiittnettle and el wham. le Open every letwful Day trout 10 et. et. War, 'A except Saturtlay 104. M. 111. Farmers' Salo Notes cashed or olleettd. Forms MOOR t • On applieetion. DRAFTS on all poial$ in' tbe Dominion, Greet Britain and Di 4, heti Ntatcrc, bought and sold at lowest rates of exchange. • SAVINGS DEPARTIVIENT • Deposits of $1.01) and upwards received. Intereet com- e Pttilmled bolt yearley, iuul 4111(101 to principal Jnne Seth and Devember tato. Do. • eostet Itetelpte also issued and highest current rates ot Interest allowed. • Advatscos ntade-to faratero, stock dealers and business linen at • lowest nites and an mOSt revorable toms. agents Itt ExetkrtarlIont,-(lovernalent, DICkS011 86 Carling, Solicitors, N. D. HURDoN, Manager. *********4440****44.114444+41041.******44444040******414.40404140 • FOR l'HE HONOR OF THE CZAR The city of Kluchow nestled snug- ly in it secluded vale between two tall towering one on either side This lengthy explanation is moos sary in order that the reader may clearly comprehend the thrilltng ev tuts that are to Tallow. On it soltry :lune morning tw horsemen left the 'village and cant erett northward. Their steeds, lot' to rement behind also ran. One of the riders, it man of majestic stat- ure, would have attraeted attention anywbere, even in Chicago. Hie high bx•ow and massive features lent an air of dignity to his bronzedface and he would surely have passed for a person of rank had he not paused at frequent intervals to aviee big nose on his saddle born. His cot/t- rade a slender youth of perhaps sty- enteen, rode like a centaur, his clear cut features and the haughty curl of his lip revealing plainly his high social status. , "Ivan" said the eldor, "we have many a league before us." "Aye" was the thoughtful reply, "and I am told that in America are also many leagues -the National, the American, the Epworth, and sundry bush organizations. The old scout dreamily trimmed his nails with his sabre, made no further comment, and they rode on in silence. It was intensely hot. The arid Kos rean plains lay gasping betore them, and the distant hills were al- most hidden from sight by the wav- ering waves of torrid ozone that waved before their tired eyes. Not abreath of air came to them, and the tall pines that loomed on the hori- zop like spectral sentries were as motionless as the tongue of Darker. "Ivan" finally remarked the vet- eran, "thou hose a fine steed." "She is that," was the soiling lieu- tenAnt's answer. "Two years ago I backed her in the Derby at Mos- cow. She WaS in tho winter books at 100 to 1. That neg,ht-the night after the Derby -I walked home 1" The pair passed a camp of Cos- sacks, who -were chanting one of the war tongs that had resounded, some years before through the dreary stretches of the 13a1kans• "Merrily we hike along, hike along , hike along, Merrily we hike along On the 'dread retreat I Good-bye, foextene Good-bye foemen, Good-bye, foemen, You'll never catch us now I" "How iespiring" muttered Vladi- mir, the old trooper. "Who was it that ,said, 'I care not who makes a nation's laws if I can make its songs?" "I don't know for sure," replied Ivan; "T think it was a fellow at nerned Harris." ' Again the veteran glanced at the noble mare lee companion was riding "A splendid steed," he declared. "Yet said Ivan ; think the world of Ann." - "How old is she?" queried Vladi- mir.- we ulsee Sentinel. Subsei-P for the Times, Cawthra Mulock, son at the poste master -General, has written to the chairman of the Board of Trustees, of the Toronto General Itoqnital, or - tering a contribution of $100,000 for - theereetton at a wing for an otet, 1 patient departemot for the free - tre.atinent ot the poor, and clinical teaching in cormection with thet in- sfitletion. The Board of Trustees has accepted the offer, - .....!...............0........, EXETER MARXETS Wheat per 'bushel' . 00 to SLOG' Oatsnew . .. .. . . 29 to 130% Baxley ..... .-.,. 37 to 40' Flour, . 4 • • . • .• $3.00 - Butter .. 14 Eggs IS Pork live weight ........85.05 Pork Dressed .... ..,. 81.069 Many women are denied the happiness of children through derangement of the generative organs. Mrs. Beyer advises, women to use Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound. • ,,,llnin MRS. PINKHAR : -I suffered' with stomach complaint for years. got so bad that I could not carry my children but five months, then wont& have a miscarriage. The last time 13. became prep:dant, in3r husband got me' to take Lydia E. Pinkhames Vege- table Compound. After taking the first bottle I was relieved of the siek--- ness of stomach, and began to feel bet -- ter in every way. I continued its use - and was enabled to carry ray baby to maturity. I now have a nice baby girl, and can work better than I ever could before. I am like a new woman." --Inns. Fee en BEYER, 22 S. Second St, Meriden, Conn. - $5000 forfeit if original of" above letter proving genumeness wnnot bc produced. FREE IVIEDICAL ADVICE TO WOMAN. Don't hesitate to write to Mrs., Pinlehtun. She will understand ' your case perfectly, and will treat" yon with kindness. Her advice - is free, and the address is Lynne' Mass. No woman ever regrettod having written her, and she has, helped thousands, ----eeeetlreentoneestiesee "tenteen-eeta