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pletely revised. The International is
kept always abreast of the times. II
takes constant work, expensive work
and worry, bat it is the only way to
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11. dictionaries follow, Webster leads.
It is the favorite with Judges,
Scholars, Educators, Printers,
in this and foreign countries. #$.• e
A postal card will bring you inter-
esting specimen pages, etc. .---
entaiseces nela„,
Oen Wine
Little Liver Pills.
Moat Sear Sion:attire of
Dove is a Symbol of Purity
Gentleness and Love.
(Entered accoreirg to Aet of tire Par- ,e.
nutrient. of Cartada, in. tlie year one ,
boa Wm ewe)" ef l'erouto, at elell
'ritouseed Nine ildredand Pour,a
ieepartment or A erieelture, Otter+. a.)
A. despatch from leos Aneolese Cal.,
ial day when Christ's dll
isciples sha
flock througli the churcli's doors i
nrounereblet multitudes s the dove
fly to their windows.
says t-altev. Frank De Wirt Toltuage
preached from the following text
Isoialt b , "Who are thew that fly
ae a dotal, and as the doves to their
_ear ,..azezet An axiom is a self evident fact, "It
. is," the lexicographere nay. "a, pro-
position whose truth is so obvious
nixt Peoalintle- Wreeper nefew.
at first eight that no proecas of reas-
oning or detriorietratiou can luake it
1rtfar oriton ;ma 04 OW
to taw ns *Agar*
FOR auJoasKtt.
plus. FOR COMitiminn.
Turns Bad B d
Rich Red Blood.
ITuruirethz of men are . y g
fyiso• properties. elutreli of Jesus Christ is losing its Ilfe it IS it real Ileet'llY C41 °UriSS tatten from the ()Vett. Tile Yolks
,I'he truth el an axiom an be put
ever, reco, do not tolee the trouble 'Aevrs Ann for- "Good bY, neligton.
to practical tese. Scanetames, hoe-
tO test it. but give credence to state- Inn$t ge he7;ne new" jutstar
ments,opporently contradicting it, in- here ler a weelc, and next SunclaY
stead of appiying the test of expon. morning I will come back end see come. tibey perched on zny shoulder. another greitt deliverance uroug
The figlitre expreeeeien not only of
numbers. but of spiritual qualities.
Tbe church of the feture is not to
bers -who, learned there was outside the collier',
J Christ's rat walls, and not wititin. learoed
aed slept that leseoo there not from tbe cold
spiritual 5tene5 of a building, but from. the
mposed of warm. liearte of living doves. There,
their from bellied the towers and from
Over the front doorway were the
fOU r inasaive broneo hor.eee which
Napoleon carried away to Paris after
his conquest in Itely, hut which the
overthrew of the Bonaparte dynasty
restored to their pieces. With arch-
ed neck and. sinewy limb like crea-
tures of life they eeemed just ready
for a battlefield charge or a run
over the hills after the bounds or 4
gentle caress by. mistressor chivalric
knight. 'nowt% wittlia those W0115,
the chancel and auditorituo blend in
such perfect harmony that when
etood before the altar's picture of
he dying Christ I felt for the firet
hove a podded roll, It Is
eomposect of a lot of mem
as the live ioelish virgin
parable, lounged around
and bad no oil for their
lamps. It is not to tie co
Text of the Lesson, 11. Hinge ier.,
14. Golden Text, P*saleeS
Chapter 3 is a record of an alliance
o deboshaphat, Inane of ‘l tenni, with
Johoram, son of Ahab, knee., of The
reel and the king of Edom agaiost
the king a Moab, nolo m the dries
lore ia a European cathedral that 1 of Ahab paid him heavy tribute, but
tho place of prayer. cat Ahab's (tenth rebelled. Theee
was ia the presence of God. and in;
e„,..,1 three hinge unite to subdue Wm,
"33'S PF4Till'REI) 1-1)VED Q"''',, hitt after seven days' journey they
But, tii°u1.01 1 saw wanY Plaees in ifiad theinselveee in trouble beteetiae a
the Venic cathedrel that entreueedlock of water, from which they ere
me, after all, roy greatest lesooa delivered by, a miracle wrought bY
pea threligh P1eha for the nal -to of
4011041411tat. The many ulliences
of Jeboalienhat with , tne ongodly
suggest our proneness in the name
directioe Tbe many denveraticen
wrought by Clod for Jeltoehaphat,
otwitbetending his fallaros, set
forth the great grace of God, who
orke wonders lo r His people for
's great name's sake in apito of
eit unworthiness.
The lesson to -clay ia tbe record of
men and women who eecuPY
church pews only •on cintaday and thee within the recesSeS down from the
when the benediction of the sermon roof and the four great bronee hors -
t niters and vestibules the
' yen u
doves gather arouod you by tbe nun,
dreJe, They came as inarlessly to
my side as my little children raiglit
ienee. StAno yeers ago the French Yon end pat y?ti on the back for an ont nni That. ca e pThey eflattered oVer myllthrough Ellsha, obut thist os Itittle it.
savants were asked to expiata how hour again while the choir sings and head, hey rowdd by the hundreds for oue thoref ins
the pastor prays." DLit in that at my feet to eat of the food, I bad and not for * king, We saw in a
AZ ibev flattered reeent lesson tbat tho same Miracle. frien tomatoen. small onto
• f vestershire
Dtinlop Ideal"
orseslioe Pads
Keep a horse sound lo the
feet and giro him a longeQIil We.r
HOP to cure
Most fonus f hoof trouble.
The only treaittlent for hark, -
Oar disease.
Maas by the Duelop Tim
Co., Limited, Tereate
Entr sale; 111 all a WaVe
is id that tomatoes put up
e manner given Imre make excel,
ent pies in winter, Take those that
will not ripen before frost, pare them
vii to cash eight pounds allow three
ounds of sonar and half a plat of
nolasses. Doll slowly three or fie=
bourn, then put away in lars. When,
k wanted for use, Doke between two
rusts, adding a few slices of lee
mon to tile tomato.
Whiot use to make of left -over wee
t$ often a, puzole to the economie
1 h eekeeper. A good 'MAY' s to
„preen it into 4 Ptc+34, let it get par-
-- cold then slice and fry it and
44+4444+14+1 1-1,444-1-
SEI.InCTED ItL'ci1›F.,9„
substantial Omelet. --Five eggs,
eneuejal chopped cold -veal 9r beef.
ing a dead fish weighed more than church whieli Isaiah saw in prophecy reek.- for them,.
• not only nhall thoro be Meltitudes of abotit too nettl to Myself, "Wottul the ditidirig of the Jordan, %aq Ir` teaspoon ui et
it wets the.t. a, pail el wat„er contain -
w h- rs These loony worebipers God's einfttl nhildrort might' wrought for two men, onni afterworasauce. lettepeonfttl gear, ChPfuiCkseeree with $7orop. Tlitts prepared, it
pcosoace oe. God j4 on abidiog' 0,5 I set,ti Zux Getra little feathered, lions ot God j8 re'l)ecter minced tornotoes. And elln°i:urs' weeTiatnol:inal:t.e3 04-tsgtTtfIllaitty'Vell3h;f0"htea°terntInPiPPtL'Qr'
OA men of living feith, to inborn neve gather tilieut these chureh doore for one MAXI, Atl f the t ealn, l;eat
When. I spoke these 1 of persons or of manners. `.4...$ Ave, 0;tther. .pour iuto a pfrite. thy_ I „rtte quality of bread depoods
reality influencing theta wberever loved ono.
otie of the setae eln,e contenuog a 11\0
was written upon the nubjcet. At
last one eommon gonna ecientist,
whose Went bad not been educated to
the verge of imbevility. saw that
the rpiestion wee a wieleading one,
"A dead fish and 4 liVit0g n5h ought
to weigh the 541fle," 54i41 be.
truth is antiontetie," He pat a live
fifth 14t0 0, pail of water anti weigh-
ed it. He nilled the fleh and nut th0
dead body been :into the 54010 water
and weighed it ,again. frno water
centainiug the need fish and that
ontainition the live fisli of course
weighed the seam. All the ingenuity
expended in writing- the "dissertations
1110 been wanted. The writers had
been trying to lied reasons for
sertation after dissertotion,
into Phenomenon that,,did not exist.
o other remedy PossAsses su"'3 the reasons for tbe phenomenon stat -
of. tbe same thiug tryiug to find
, 11 "Lord it is nothiug, with ered with hot eottolene; let vook over d you the aft whoa
oo ea.
they go awl in every moraeut or their
lives. As Dr. Josiah Strong wrote in
hie opening chapter : "The aupreme
need of the world is a real God; no
a great perlieps, but the great I are;
net 4 GtAl of yeateroay or to -morrow c
o to -clay• not 44 absentee God, ln
words invootetari Y 2 ----------- t. . i ,
thildren thus come to God'a sance I them that ham) 00 roNsor" tli Chroo 1.' °W ir° ti 1 the //41;.""re r°14-/nexl"
to brown, 'then let WI geotly over
to reyttelf, "Why 'will not God's sinel to belp, wbetber ,nith many or wituar
ies?" Did met Istilith in visionl Nee, let, the i0ft h s .0et. il
Christian nifurch members feed the creditor j2 bout to take liertitot't oil eookosiowlY until the Teat ie
but one who 15 precinely here; nOt a 1 then with the "breed of life," es t; two ons nor the deot, yo ber di:-,
titorongblY hented; 1,1104 fold Over
Sunday God, but an everyday God." I em feening Ozone birds %Inn littlt ettree MIA
seAnti upon lelislia to de 1 43"e" 4iUtl "1"Irc imulc`ahlt'llY" c`a
$1;eb shall be the spiritual. quality ot crumbs? Yes, then will. They will, er and. $ciAro her spew, Tiers ia a ,well-henteii Vatter.
them eoming? Shall they not Wo novo beore us a poor w
fftllur th° C r""at' el/
has in it the Worcestershire nauce.
7 Will they not come now if with two sone, end because of deal)
the xnultitudes worshipero seen by if we Christian church members only ease of real need, a need is felt, antli Coutttry Omelet. -Five eggs, ere
Teaiele in the symbol of the flying live right and offer to tbe outside her litter helocnneos is also Yell' 140:sten. 1 table5P000t01 fiOUr, 1 1,1121'
suffernig world the right kind of di- rest, Viten it is so with. its. And we i,;bler oettolene nizo of an egg.
vine suntenance. Will not :,,ott en , evions Itelpiessiones cull'nef)per owl salt. Mix the :lour Ttft af-
to church members, by Onr enninple,s' upon 00(.1,„ then Ile delights to work emooth with, tine milk, add to the of olt-
los a stroogn Senn smell end a
appearence op top, with eedl-
merit 001v, it is too old for ose,
Too ' vest gives hmad an on.
ple:soafnt1,111.0'.3:deasytey's'tt.aste. One yet
calm 0 -Epode in '`I-lninet't ability, ono
wake 1)atter.
w oi°flften does ante b
e;pserrtitta nfypre
e " eftite is most, eitherna
labor arid eXPCA
43"1: WeIC(Un0 are. food. Wa la our funele;1 wisdom ando eggs and Setik011. put the cottolene. mining nugar, froito ete, Many
Christ, beckon thQ sinnera to 3uwswallowed up _that tiod can. warltwiteu commencing to brown rernOre otberft fi,fre lbat it you dip paper in
in the matter
and tof ntlivationt Or work'''. few minutes for the top to open. hr311117 eng-1 en le° (4 1)"5`r"
they wilt come as doves vow) tO (pa, evii„ fit', 28, morgim). Witetiterlfeom top of stove to the oven for a
perfect eleansin, healing and purl. ed by sballow observers. that the lug OUt that salvet.on In 4 In before covering' it will keep for
the beauti uythological 1
gend t-ictuiratnis, the gueen, was nuid
her youth LA DANA been nurtured
clove and At 4th to have been
*Aged lute a dove. We find, hoeve
in Christian nomenclature the
dove is also the symbol of purity
and gentleness and divine love. In
liible the dove has the inost
'eti ansociatious. It was as
dove that the Iloly Spirit emu
At the baptism. of Jesue. it WAS
tWO doves that the blessed virgia
presented at the temple as an °lila.
tion for her purification after the
divine birth, :What says the psalm-
ist, in reference to the man's rederap-
Isolab'e vision a lips:Ability now?' atrength try to deliver ourselves. hutlinto spillet, And when hot pour ;binge bone been tried, name women
Will not you and as followeis atilt is not until All our witt-dom is,in the zab.turel cosh; slowly, And ,tstrz dow„ th," pref,,inwe vtiftw uotn
' ' d wrne the instant it thew pleo Is a
et. ran . 9
power over stlen. Long of reas-
Usts Externally, heals Sores. Uleer$2 mut for this waning influence ate elle
Abscesses, and Ali EruptionS. ed, wherces the writers Ilene Q
on ReCPle 45corittio Ooziness
Pori that Dee and realire our nd whites of egg,s must be beaten
• utter helplen e lie came to n rnY arato
Their liteelth, 11 ' ' • Steamed eggs.-ellutter a tin PI
einners to veeli d save the I
Internally, restores the Stemitob, ontreu 0! Jesus Christ. is not losing From lAn'olY PhYrical stand-, WATS', bilt ITe Ilinvelt eases
ilte darn. 1110t help to miNe d break in your eggs; set In
aMen, place over a kettle of boiI
° open. their eyes to discover that tile
Liver, Bowels and Blood to healthy ' its power over men, The church, of , wito aro Able to boa.et'i wholly and freely, anti, liaving scci,
tbQ water. and steam fill -be whites
a they bavg nwtrer limn ill in their ue. lie oleo ntuat work 01 our worli
action. lf your appetite is poor Gcbd was "ever sa PQwelltd it 19
are rooked. If broken Into buttered
as to -day. Moro strong mon and lives are not always to be envied, in us and tbrough us a i. 1.
Agreeehip an it is to Ina book 011 ,lAdte 3iXi 34/11' 4' 10' 11111. 1 ng attirglarn$01t.insheyble7,Zekr.nlOcerr, sl4tYi
lost, D. B,13. will restore you to the altars titan e‘et b foie. o
e • /%1 r are tion front sin and his c ean g period of thirty years or more cfur-,5 13). it 'broken into Pgg-cups end
your energy gone, your ambition strong women aro bowing before it$
the church's teacbings respeeted by through the blood of Jesue Chrtst? whieh ono has h"ad no `a 00 When god would work through
full enjoyment -of happy 'vigorous siatvsinen And is the homes rout daily "Though ye hove lain amoug the a, doetozns aid, yet there i auger ,Xle sometimes lathes just t
vbat Cooned in this way there i
ied until done, tney Oro veil
life, lives of our citincnn then ever beioro, pots, yet shall ye ho as the wings of lurkiog in this apparent ngth 1 hnvu owl gr4"40161Y multiVIIP's an
to prove this assertion, I would not leathers with yellow gold," Oh, tt ja not 4441 uncommon experience Ii116:11:14W111?ttn.litell Atib:11,1111:11esditrilrins tI.Indd Ywilnelisv. °Iltloteghes.ILSillatevareggl°:,t'l• pots
I hove not time to go into argument a, dove covered. with ailver and tbe rad immunity.
-day do so if 1 bad tho timo. Why? my friends, in the beautiful vision of to ilnd that the individual who is fail the fixe "1°11141411' ..4)ut all ease, 1-8 vuniftil cream, ti tabl
li church of the Lord Jesus Christ is loving, the innocent doves fluttering soddenly d w w / h it 1 ded. over to liint that IIe only %I'd,
, an 0 OM eV IV y 2. minds butter, 1 teaspoonful MS -
Cannot You, sr.:0 the Or be =tales retold, audit develops
goes under tve hove must be wholly
i• teaspooriful salt, one-tenth
cause It is a self evident fact Wet the doves, the poor, the gentle, the page to mane this boast
the most, vital and essential influence to their windows, work And hit itiortqc`e. A Pet 01 teaspoonful of etlyeri0e. Cut the
in the world to -day. It is a self symbol of a future glorified and con- .ntia pneumonia with. a rapidit that the 8010 Poslwm1011 a Ulla Poor cheese into thin shaviogs; butter an
evident statement, An iotelligent, secreted assemblage erowding about startles those who regarded bY/La an idotv, SIM is to 1)0PrOW na a few ogg_disb. or , ilrating,:dish of you
The :Winployer--"I believe, sir. that
yon pride yoorself upon your exces-
ve modestY, klo you not?"
The lilinployed--"Well, yes; iney
say that 1 do."
The Employer -"In that ' case it
• to me that your salary may
very gond and sure way of pretent-
ng retold procticed ny an old Sf,,etcli
roman who knows what she is
lout. Simply pour a little good
eerine on the sorfece and ntohl
a thing of the past,
tnenefontnnetnenenenneenetennote ownIn
1011 Is people who have looked boldly and the sacred altet•s of Jesus Christ.? a man of iron olivsi tie 0111 an- empty vessels front Tier neigbbors, have 'neither use a sMall stone-I/him+.
impartially at the foots are ready to migration of the redeemed and other . -• e , shut the door upon herself and bee plotter and spread the chevne in it.
eoucede that the osserioa is true,
weak and conetantly ailing, will
ITIw'vlduAl" always eQesithltedA sous and pour from her vessel • into 4
t Won clice$,e dietribu.e small
• vs ,seo *no -
spotless multitudes of human benigs
to Christ's churches shall not only , , ,
doveisuente off a similar attack with equ-
como with the purity of the
alailyhesturex•Pplittgtion lies nutinlY in the
tbIluet dove.
low/else(' feet of a man who, ha,ing fact that the strong person becomes
beea born in a ceefethhe home, takes c.areless of his health. Being strong,
the things which would make ma -
other person feel too "seedy" to tio
anything else than lio in bed are
scarcely noticed by bitn; yet we must and because of orir little fai a .
remember Vhat we cannot Play tricks unto Me, and I will answer thee and eoon as delivered drop the bream
with Nature. Unlotown to linnself, show thee great and mighty things to a bowl of cold water, ehaoging it
lie in leYing up trouble for bira.self. which tholi knoweet not. "ii ye as often as discolored. 1Vbert they
Pains and aches are Netere's warn- nhall ask anything in my name I look well blanched, carefully pun -off
not be sufficiently modest to suit Dtit though tho cburcti of the Lord
you. I beg to assure you, however, jasus Christ is growing more end
that this matter will be attended to more powerful day by day, yet wo
at once, and that henceforth you believe that still greater triumphs are
will have uo reason to liluant. on pay before it in the future. The victories
&ors. That is all."
tareacly wonoare small compare on
hich erl. yet to be won, whoa ten, fifteen, twenty, perhaps thirty
years, to make up his miud to boa
Christian. It will not corm with the
slow process some churches ba.ve,
whereby their sessians or vestrie . or
boards of deacons place the applicant
for church membership on probation-
- t these new accessions to the
nations shall be, born in. a day. Jos -
Strong recently wrote a book en-
titled, "The NeXt Great Awakening."
selection of the figure of a
Sick Headache, Biliousness, Dys-
pepsia, Coated Tongtle, Foul Breath,
Heart Burn, Water, Brash, or any Scottish -Maeda= traveler were m -
Disease of the Stomach, Liver or Bowels, dorsed by 'John Audubon. Among
the ornithological authorities there
Laxa-Liver Pills are purely vegetable; can be no better indcirsement, thao
neither gripe, weaken nor sicken, are easy thie. "Mr. Wilson wrote that dotyn
to take and prompt to act.
flight of doves is significant. It is,
above other. things, a suggestion of churches of Jesus Christ will come
I to the front rank of Christian ser-
vice and worship as quickly as the
name of a Saul was changed into a
Paul. The new membere whom Isai-
ah saw ill vision fled to Chriat's al-
tar as quickly as the doves fty to
their windows. -
The swiftness of yg dovess flight Is
one of tele greatest inspirationd to
me of all of Tsulah's vision. Why
were hatched should live and .hatch the swiftness? Because I know that
Pair of Ptgetnteleve can corne to Christ now. Oh,
irt turn, that single
would produce in four years nearly' my brother, it takes a swift wing for
fifteen thousand descendants. The you in ao instant of time to cross
fecundity of the dove is about as over all that far coontry of sin
great as the reproductive powers of which separates you from God's
dovecote. The distance from Arizo-
the English sparrow or the 1.tustra-
na to New York or from St. Sebes-
lian rabbit. The most graphic dos- as
Spain, to Venice, wbere doves
scriptiort ever written of the umumer-
have flown, are not as far. 'Pell me,
able multitudes of the. doves was
0 Mail, did you not start forth on
penned by Alexander Wilson, the na-
your journey of sin ten, twenty', f r -
list Statements made by this
ty years ago? Why, let me race t
the years. You have not seen a
communion table since your mother
died. You have not made one earn-
est praeer for ten years. If I was
immense multitude. u
realize the marvelOus numbers and
propagating powers of the doves of
olden times. Biberg, the ornitholo-
gist, estimated that if a common
pair of domestica.ted pigeons/ luttclied
nine tiraes year -which number of
hatchings is not extraordinary for an
average pair of these birds -and. if
these pigeons laid two eggs at onie
ti and the fiedgelinge which
. r , portrons the remainder of the but -
the emp y teae a. t so,
the oil continued to o mix tlie salt, enyeone, muntar
vessel WnS Wiled, and she said to bee tteil
ne oliring me yet h vessel .. hot land cream. and pour hall of the
'. ture over tbe cheese. Break the
there were no more -vessels to Wing.
and the oil stayed. ' There is never,
any Ihnitation on the part . of God;
Ile -delights to. hieSs.'ennl..lo'al,M1
, .
the limitntions come front our side
eggs into the disb, and, after pom-
ing over them the remaining liquid,
place iu en oven and cook ior eight
Brain% Willi Drown llutter.-As
Are O. sure and permanent c
Kidney and Bladder Troubles.
BACItEACHE cd a ur ain able to shut out tee lc
' light of the Sun and c tang 'a from above. These different flower
Is the first sign of Kidney Trouble. noon into the twilight of evening Ilgardens were so perfectly chiseled
Don't neglect itl Cheek it in time! The church of Cos is now great 11.11 that it seemed as h the winds,
Serious tr°Libleit1 f°1 -low if Yoa alma/sees, do 'yon not look forward in' oweeping up froni the 'Venetian- ca-: pending them," was the reply,
Cure S'reur Backache by taking lioly vcsty to tee time wnea tO nals were gently swaying thenn es the
sow shall he changed into the mil - n of a summer breeze in your featier'e in this wrrriti is friend wlito fsti't
-it v thouSands who are worshiping Chris,t roseliushes bended under the touch One of the hardest things o find
• / lions? Po you aot long for the mitten- igarden, hard up at the same time you are,
ings, but the strong Man. in tbe will do it'" (Jer, xxxiii., 3; Jo 33. as much. of the covering' tissne as i
A Standard Remedy
wok) Thouzcods of Homes In
Canada for nearly Sixty Years
and has never yet failed
to give satisfaction.
midst of his advantages, liaa the die- xiv., 141). poesible without breaking the meat.
advantages of being unable to de. If we cycloid have -, ye m place saucepan witli a slice of
Gd gi • - in a,
tect the Warnings. The knock on crease to what we have it must Iv' onion, a lialf-teespoontut of salt, arid
that door does not resound loudly in the pouring forth. There cafln,it a Wt of bay leaf, add sufficient boil -
enough to be heard inside. The weak be increase while kept only in our ling water to cover and one tee,-
vessel, and only God can give the !spoonful, of vinegar. Simer gently,
increase that will a.bi e. n th r but steadily, from %teen to twenty
increase is vain (I. Cor. iii., 0, 7). minutes, according to size. No mat -
',Except a corn of wheat fall into served, this preliminary cooking(
•As to being willing. to be poured out* ter how the brains are to be finally.
must always be given. In a small
saucepan put two large tablespoon-
man. finds it impossible-
to theme:a
the knocking, and lie applies the
remedy. Certainty, it is well to be
ill occasionally.
to -day to count over the list of
in Kentucky, in a place which inigra
your intimate friends I would find
105 doves used to visit annUally,
them without exception to be men
their multitudes were so great that
they literally destroyed whole forest and women who have not been in the
regions. In this tract about whicn past and are tot now living Chris -
he wrote the branches of every tree tian lives. Oh, my brother, my poor
were filled with dove nests wherever sin sick brother, you have a long dis-
tance to come back to God. But
nest could be built. In many trees
you can come by divine geace. You
over one hunred nests had been con -
can come now. You can come
structed. Aboee the trees the mul-
quickly as the -new converts of the
tgirteundtes tobfatthe tibrieeieronsa' ael),ipningsg wewreinsgs
church which: Isaiah saw in vision .
• • s. teen ounceS; syrup* of good advice,
t1114-tedi°r• flaiSrpoinggre.riZat-mtir t1111:1811e.orses .
You can come with the light= ve-
a eoine with Et superlative sWiftnes
of the farmers in that region often . _ g twelve ounces: spices of employment,
,J1,11IPING AT CONCLUSIONS. but if it die it bringelh forth d
the round and 14113 It
Robert -"I say, Henry, what de fruit (John. xii., 24).inThere is t fuls of butter and stand a 1, e
great deal in learning how to snot
you inake of this? There was a
donkey tied to a rope, and the rope we one side of the fire where the leu.tter
Was 4 feet long; 12 feet away there must learn to live in the seeret of
the door (compare Matt, vi., 0).
His presence and have personal deal- will melt ond gradually turn to a
deep brown color; do not let it burn.
wanted, to get to tlia b
Y, ecailee '
37' gs with Hene teat itaaw the hewer When colored add three tablespoon -
f Ps, heii. "Mer soul, wait thou
fuls of vinegar and bring to the
was e, bundle of hay, and the donke
wos very }homey. How did he do °eft „ .
y upon tod, -or'''. d for ray expectation ie
it'"?':. - from Him." Our great difficulty is
Et Miry (triumpliantly)-``Oli, 1 1 e
' • in allowing people and eircurnstan.ces
heard that before. You Want rao to to come between us and God. '
say 'I give it up,' and then you The widow's debt was paid, and
dos- there was something over to live up-
on. ' God always supplies abundant -
would say, `So did the other
Ro'bert--"Not at all, my dear man. iy. Ile gives life and life more abund-
ant Ho saves os by His grace and
Work it out; it's quite simple.
Henry (after a pauso)---"Welle 3 .inakes grace to abound toward es
don't iinow how he did it." (John x., 10; Epli. ii., 8, 9; IT. Cor.
Robertite"`fle just walked up to the en.,SnWe think of Pata in his letter to
klay and ate it." Philemon not only saying concerning
Henry -"But you said he was ted
to a rope."
Itobert-"Yes; but the rope was
not tied to anything. You mustn't
jump at conclusions like that, you,
eoun.ded the 1)00o:rings of a tor -
came to the mercy seat. You can Tildre of spirit of re -solution, fotir-
became unmanageable and could not Ithirte•en ounces; epirit of indifference,
be driven. one melee; oil of absence, two oun-
Isaiah describing the consecrated ces; Powder of disdain, two graine.
worshippers docking to the•millennial Put these ingredients into a sauce -
church. could not have chosen a more pan of sound. reason, with a good
expresseve figure, "'llese that fly quantity of the best heart's ease.
as a cloud .and as doves to their win- Stir it up with a large quantity of
, time, and strain it through a bag
dows.'"hhe readers of his, time would
realize by. it what counactss throngS of patience. A small portion of this
f ien he savv in prophetic vision . mixture to be taken frequently.
Should this recipe ever fail; the pa-
tiert may Se considered incurable.
"Do you think Johnnie is con-
tracting bad habits at school?" ask-
ed :tirsC Caution. , of her husband.
"No dear, 1 don't; 1 thioke he is ex -
°city o a flying
Like unto natural history, S. -
Mark's is the Yellowstone park, not
the Yosemite or the Gothard pass,
among the cathedrals. It impressed
me not with its size so much as its
its roof,
exquisite, colorings.
its walls, its arcades all blended as
the colors of a rainbow frozen in
bastening into the kingdom of God. stone, The tops of its lofty col -
ere for an Mi grafi tig doves of old were so many u tuns were no t, hideous with grimy
. in numbers tnat Alexander Wilson gargoyles., They were chiseled into
said their moving wings often fora- flower gardens. which grow at •your
f et or with their leaves hung hewn.
Onesimus, "Receive him as myse ,
'but also adding, "If he oweth thee butter in a frying -pan, ,
aught, put that to mine a (Taunt" prepared brains, and shake and stir 1
(Phil. ix., 17, 18). Such is the over the fire until thickened and I
grace of our Lord Jesus Christ to- creamy. S.pread over the toast and-,
ward us, sprinkle with finely chopped parsle.y.1
But all the redeemed are in dot to In place of toast, bread boxes or ;
Him who is our great creditor (Itom. patty shells may be subetituted, aud i
i 14), and He Orients us and our 1 a spoonful or two of chopped mush- ,
bond slaves to give the glad tidings
to be 3 -lis willing 1 rooms (it on hentl) may be added
with 'Vie beaten eggs.
sots aod daughters
of His pace to those who never Tea Biscuit.-Tliree cups sifted
hear,d it. We are as helpers to do it flour two and one-lialf teaapoone
boiling point. Lift out an
the brains, arrange Mt a hot plat- the 1.1411burn Co., Limited. 'foram°. Ontario,
ter, pour the brown sauce over them
and serve at once, as they Jose their
piquancy if aIlowe-ct to cool.
Diariluna, Dysentery, Cholera,
Cholera, ltorbtts, Cholera Wan,
tum, Cramps, Collo, Sea Sickness
and all Summer Complaints.
Its prompt use will prevent a
great deal of unnecessary suffer.
trig and often save life.
Prioa, t5o.
Scroanbled Brains on Toast.-Soalt ;
and cook the brains as directed 15
the preceding recipe, then drain and ;
break (mite fine with a fork. Sea-
sm.'. with salt and pepper. Add to
them six well -beaten eggs and four '
tablespoonfuls of cream. Haw ready
reimber of thin slices of hot bet -
tercel toast. Melt a tablespoonful of;
as was the poor wielow to pay her .. . . .
debt, bet no has given us 1.1is Holy baking powder, better size or an egg
Spirit, of whom oil is one of the (melt), one egg not boaten, I le
symbols and if we only are willing cuP sugar, little nutmeg, one cep
togetlier and stir into
ollothl?'0': g.''''11.'oitt:yit o‘iviGnocrill.1 BuslisQl-rialetaleT; milk' mix
not appear in this miracle beyond DolifIrel.ffins.-Cream one-third cup bet-
telling 033 widow to shut herself up tee gradually add one-fourtli cup t
with God, and tben in telling her SUgar and pinch of salt, add one egg '
what lo do with the res u 1 t -v ie . , to beaten light, throe-foarths cup in ilk,
pay the debt and to live. lie who two cups flour, four level teaspoons
pays our debt is our life. end Ile baking powder. Bake 25 miriutes ie
desires to live in us (Gal. ii. 20; 11. hot buttered gem pans.
Bread Rolls. -One tablespoonful
Cor. iv, 10, 11).
+ leaut, ane ix pint, thoroughlyly; iIl<, ahnadlf sea t yienas at
When a man bets with a woman he warm plaee till quite light. Teen
always loses whether he wins or not, knead the dough a little, make into
The summer girl was probably born rolls, and piece in baking pans. Af-
with an ice cream. spoon in her ter ttiey have risen bake in quick