HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-10-6, Page 244Keref4OfftglE4i4eKgtk
Or, Ktoobip l3tween
fence, while Colouel Ciinkor, perceive
iug• haste jest then to he unnoces-
sarl, pulled Opal beck into tret,
and waited to see what teen' tht-Aler
e Partn
• were ltitOlY to Mate; buZ Xate, ii-
toxicated with the satcess hitherto
actieved. and op-neck:Res el Ids eye
tif 'being upon her, charged the tiratter,
There are limits even to tlic
beetlioreee powers of eactorance,
Sir Richard, otter Rev -end -VA
renextes terrific going, was latideni-,
ably a wee bit pumped, Still
4:y.1 :44444444444+14+444-14
,tro:ee gallantly at the stiff aSli, Pale
CII:4PTF.11, XXX11.1.--c,Cont4 !thought Royal one in n kindred, but !Inge, and managed to get over some.
ewes a, meted old doe...foe, wan a 4i'or the u-lorht I'm :tot sere that mean hoW, though he rapped them har.ti aii
white toe te tee teelele:e sew eel, ,,Ieetett"re riding ain't almost as good." frotntl. end lauded well oe to nee
jowl etin7tet, to win stendeee, oe oe, "Sitee a. clipper, avid no neistalze,- "lie441. Trutt( eompela the state:rent
geoo, up the scene. -th, eeheert, end, Ateenttino AtrS. Ii‘o,i-roater eut To/
ry Pet Kte le
lindqnlearly, but nOt qtaite; she struggled
er a Mabeeltetion liouedsi '',hrf Ditare Wei!"-leasti owner. 4a'ader a lotery -
eieshed forwent in pereete, ..e, slackentelt bee pace for 0, moment in ibaok into the eneicite aed saw Colonel
caught a gliireos,e of tele seLA Tiow 5 order to 2ntrate quite sere gm lioaraids 4 Clinker tooking At raer from where ho
n.ot, done yet." Ie-te.Tes; but nheo she eaw the row /es- , Doxet ride over the eoutzete, please
ceity, eoloneli" roves:reed /ie.• "-I settIng Paa, r'Sring nwaY int the clis-/-'41ss Tirewsee. Hold hard one eee-
.0‘ealing• tho Ir.44;trow., 14..:„.,sWenti, not litely to retrace. their Soot-- intOod-
ttoret," lie cried. Ids sportsmanlikn-
e ioex tabself4i7,1,-: u'e:etswattl;a1;n4.7 s;utranvro :,:3,:04 hip for ...,„,, nrew,rtitrxt!,cevercoming etery other em-
bed last eear from Xadditeeten. ese ,ser, we must do or die. After beat- sideraltela.
you remembe,,T, leg Nearly all the ilehl, with a very".1-,,,, not geing to," -.she said
"I shouid rather thiek 1 didt. Why few teteePtiene, we cannot show the [eslieett,Y, binehing erioleon with Mor,,
it Waa the beet run et' tee oetson." white t'atlier note for fear of a wet ptiliegetion, eonecious OW she bed
`tit wae. eo," sett! Still SteadeIl: :4,4'et-,.!''' ,o.n.k,f taken Oils lieeerdons lege!) in
''''Unt 1 believe this: 'eee one ts gQ,',1g, : "All 'elelit,"" assented ICute. "Will ;;ereder to gain favor in his eyes, ond
1.0 be4t, it. -Foraed. xiiy bearetieet Fon go first or shall I?" ' feeling greatly disnpy*inted et the
mere Set the greed clesteet be bee So .5tcYllnt elie. ellorteeed Singing AnAliing.**
formed oar* .atnel Will Steadall onl "I've got the rex: in. It zee," ,result„ "I wou1dn't mpoll. sport for
Mende galloping' full speed. Tor there ;Dieit'S bridk. mid drove the Itorse 4u.st-, then the hounds
VO fl work in !non, for thou: heti: still „with eretederrial plea': at the brook. uering down the regd. And one hy One
and itezenand bed proxed hincself Ile wos beginning to get done, teed as they pleted up -the went, geritee
4tQuto, than eniia, rouid ite,,,,,,,lia not respond to tee ea; with tongue streamed abeed The end t
outirkpatel cit. tho curt.K, Mt; much azter'11,Y; bo4de4 ethich. Sing -tilde greed run =St. be Stirely near
Itoyar eolerageeee , spirit was 'des, lug Birdlike many Another peed itlt liallif.
tined to be severely teeted. for ae4tauter, entertained a decided aNgrl "Xfavo you wen our hunted fox,
they tore down the green fiteline.i,sioo to the 4.itg1t and ,$oond Of VP" 'Inteeis?" inquired Will Steadall 43f
lewd:fee Crow's Ilill svith its tamoeltting Witter.Mere eePeciullY well on ,o1d Worn- 111 ,, ,
e. aug wtt
eleethe ou the lirt, right, alleail could P3erfegtlY oPell,. os in the Preserlt. a btindle of stiche on liee• bowed
be .seen ehat dark friiikek of pollarded l'ietwoe- Now It'll% _he .(61-r°04ved ,. t,bOlbeelt, 1
voillows bardering the treaelterceiseesiefft Peerrent rustling inieny' R'el. tie* i ,sAy. " earrie the rriiimbling re..
baule4 of the eeetieet breakiti the:tie:Atte Itint„ avid 'looked down into tit,) "441:4,,ewe be jeFe iet levet of you., r
eeueery,wet oot, et weieh wetly a leavity ids heart maidenly failed ldm. 4.1-eote lottg geese ley tgoed leo, Fi
il the too expeeetve methods end equip-
apari Teas
are on the down grade, to stay
down -- the eales eontinue tg
The most deplorable part or the
business of fruit growing i$ tbe
waste thet nwituallY takes place
when crops ere lierreeted, No Jnat-
t*r how .emeliel we may be in growing
ireit, we will always due speetineue
that are not strictly martetabie, ye,t
possessing which, if properly tret,-
ed, would place it on the inas*et Izt
J The aimuai wilstu iii apidest alone
lIs estimated at about one-third or
the crop, To properly titilitre this
portion of the product eboulti be
the study of eAcii grower of fruit..
!As in this flie profit to the grOwer
often slumbere,
The evee
raee run of apples will
yield a finished ,NxodttCt of about
eight poteule to yhe bushel after otei-
leoretime or drying. They Are thee
put ie. shape whereby transportation
1:is Natio possible to any part of :be
world. also placing en otherwiee
, waste product me 4 level with the
'better finite. Windfall apples in a
gesseriti way are werne. They
slimed he removed from the orehard
or eothieg, more than the sore-
ity to the following crop; and to do
I tithe anti at the eftme time fur -
inlet( to the grower a fele cosupetencer
;Jar labor ievolved, is the object ot
•thie article, '
it is well eown that many com-
mercial driere throughout the even -
try are lying iiite through ito other
cause Veen elodkbolderswittrrels or
gelleut etteil eed derieg rider bred aud for oue fetal s-econti te
ere w. a
come to terief et-..Ohrtn a couple of nsintitee, if 04
'Als Sir Iiichard good wa,ter... rester was thoroughly roueed. Over lei ..
eeked Vorreeeer sig.. or tn. she net care whieh, but with reeeteei „et
rereet need in ttle WORA
1 .--..---
Theee is a strong growing proje-
dice againet I' eediog oged cattle,
m•Y's the Live Stock World„ eepecial-
ly those tltAt have been roughed
through Severel eeears; lint, as John
G, Indioden palate out, while the
eclinte of eatives Arai yearlings le
more attractive, it is npt alwayo
inore profitable.
ritch depends upon ma kind of
feed a mutt lies that, he wt e to
COnvert Into coin thrOligh the me -
ilium ot the live stock market.
Noturall.v. a feeder who has g a
A Irtrgo amount of rough:sees thot
)woteit otherwieet go to weote. he is
certainly juetided in handling eettle
'that will take care of it to tho
beet, advaetage.
Cireunestance.s "do very neeterially
alter enees, mid one of Um nnetattee
that oer Mem 1 td f tie •
Ceylen Naturareen tea. by its purity, double strength and, dee
licious /laver is in Dopular fave. Sold only in sealed lead pa
e, sanee feria as -the famous AISALADA" Black teas. 2tie and
40c per Th, Ay all grocers.
nice nhite condition, which' eetimiee
after evaporation ims taken place.
All refuse left lu preparing, rocen
transformed into one or all of three
producte, viz., dry diop, jelly and
• teething is the Alrtent; toeegean .4,iirsel4
refieerily„ up the thin farpry tc-tre;gg P,She intfi tfeterimaett not to put up Teeny et pee...mere eketeeee oy, t ip . ari The tiret thing to be renieridiered oute„Of fertein Imes ef worki ea -
Cathed in tteir C:,,a-A, "heeenee if not Ovith. tleninl, sirg,,,Ing ilird trk,a betel oleo,. eemeetto tbe but) foe eeitietree.',,I$ that we are dealing with a cheap rorcunge tO whot tbe neighbors seem
yoe hod better lose no time, but ito cot it. bet 'there wee no a'Ve5.4-;yillage, the: wlio/e paek, bmr-.4 al;fc i grade of (reit: eoneequentio the opltu be uotng.,
A man who inakee (tette a =veal
hook it elf at Que.: te the :merest ling that resolute bend end ante's...into a (Nereus of &amid ',,rt itetratue IhUt NNW. tr41.11siginn it lute
with a reeolitte leek, "het.'" with en ,raedic bound. 0,1td iUlt4ped Welt redo '.:44.74 a poor WM; Weary, end ree-,IPI°14 relna'34s °I° through "14t ;e'' 3145 /11/4de 4; 414ece53 (74. a3/41
itee were •,
•emeetod ?gee; tberpjore, ,ovrallIng,!kime on nor iox 4,514041y. . wan% 4 (Acit must IV, in ehe keeping with the or 45°Icr'e "WCInlit7 *Iten Wt JIs
4.1 don't le,,e,te„letitt ohrellent. he gave, a liege epets-eaudeueeey eau sttettioirs stintr Jelet. loiowieg as we do that the )1t4t114.1°rs started to trXioe; to 00
engtatile r.hielt eleavire the ;the ate -too higli end not. vides 4reeteliel oteect, crewlizte stealthily ,Inoutlis the Year. 1%0°01 'well 1151' )441.44^* CWIdtti°11.5
Doge Are Trained for Various
Servieee, in the rield.
Ceutine warriors are no nevelty.
enetent days (legs fought ley their
netieters" Sidee, Tile 13;oroens pro-
teeted their trar dogs by armor. hive
on in the Meddle Agee the dog de-
, feoded his master in the fight, al-
though MP chief duty was to guard
the camp we-Ai:set 4 4Wprise, Tile
Scottieli bloodhound was eSpecially
Valliable at tide point.
Coining to our own time, tire
French were the first to realeze the
o e dog. - ext the
i-nuAulv:s2lloalesdre,0.1wtholovedeogilLrentlielli,deosgs Upset.
the greetest, nee in titecovering au
In Tonquin the Preneli find dogs
meeilimble to preVent a elirPOW from
, the native, for without euch, warn-
,ing inaey solitary sentries anxi even
"small detachments haete fallen Vie -
'tints to the hidden roe.
dn. various Ilicropeart countries dogs
are trained for different services in
the field, such as keepiog watele giv
ing wanting, of AnebnecAdes. earrYing:
Meesages, and oven coefreying ant
a<14:ougpls:rani Qntivacallisilltorriil-7hitaaibr4tedlbattle.tobr..tin ,e:rt4.174 1
(ler:DA= like the grey' Ponterauttes.
eine use terriers end poodiee, The
which learn their work rapidly.
Altogether the anintals are easily
,treined for their Ositie, owing to
their intelligestee, keen went, 1,aini
remarkable capacity for finding their
tray about. Tho trainer teachee the
dog to r eeogniZo the uniform of All
erobatile opponente, fuel to warn his
master of an aipproaching danger by
polite:ger-never by baaing, except In
Tiire sleeve:40e. Dogs of o. dark color
f:4411/erefteoerttelii.e, 1:.nee(!tnitylee, they are leva
In the eye:: or the Atanchurians
there is but ono Holy City in tile
world. It is nuktten, wVero are the
inellably venrrated tombs or the an -
colors of the hum:seal femily or
' 'mt. :lot nett north of the city
of ;Nhden 1e the Imperial tombs,
amosig them those of the father fuld
glondfutber of the first M'auelfu
Empeeur of China, and others Who
have sat on the great dragon throne.
It wits about tree middle of the
ccoventeenth eentury that the Manchu
Prince of Muleden ewooped clown on
the north of China, and in a decte-
ive and sanguinary bettle at Chan-
haieltwan overthrew ilea power of the
last of the en en• r of th id' le
dynasty, placing. Isis owe lino -upon
tbe throne of the "Middle Zingdone"
For the greater part of the period
sovereigne, Nukilen was a small, un-
tovered by the reigns of the ltring
important town. It rose into prone-
. e rt • 11 'I .
brichp to Tie olutior, twee of tbe queer- ,Oriongin, for be lacked the necessare'H:elersig the eueeete ditch ti'oeteeeee,. the ,iecipieinted with matey Minis of eva-ih,e. wifli,out the snout exikerleaCe:
ttOtt. shall ver Y Fat,bgl fill Ont." 4n1Perits. awl fell short with bath ;feemosete, iporetore. yet only one eteesee io otten waste goth Ulna and
"Itravoll" teled Ifrst Fester. ap-Ibigo lege. There WAS' 4 Mr4relite eerei:y.4,101 yeTit,41 conit. leithee eeeee ef the pe4-)eteme meney her getting out of their ro-
proving of thie tiering ereerit, :et end breating away of iooreeed `epought, with, an tee meodteieetieeee , and Prertieet side of the gine-Mon. ig.,31110' tines of work at the thatO when
tirely enleon with ter own. "We earth vie Mre. rorreeter bun of a,profeee-ionto huntsmen, oyeetiee and *19 ore 19 constructed entireler,It'cr,ts thern the "014t,
won't be beaten now, rein wee" eeelf threw lierrelf off, and by so he goeee eenentet nu! toward on, later% elwao linen. A brief mallet*" -.taut up new ideas Of tolirFe, but
"*X0, X thiriT,4 r,ot, •Not we can doing aVOideil iralnien011,111: tart elle ben, pities1" inr its coe.tstruction N:in (-4 intA'r- ft b°114'1. 4)°t` 1° ba 1°° I'r°114"
halt it. that is to wiy„., rover 10.4 Lout or the bridle, and Tine /gentile bevel] eagerly io x"e- „est. tate °l'out ehrlOglagr•
Vor a brief spave fietioup hopee Sitreing finding the weight re- :mere vet, , Iteeet biehene "tele: st I in.. general tendency Is toward
were raieed in the breasta of the pure itaoved front his bird-quartere, seeeethey skew eoetet tbe bout. moot.. ding el- feet Lisle ineiredieg eiii tend buleY beef end toward better And
suera that tlie !hounds ofter ail might , reeled strugglieg up the bank heartm toe., wed rowel him 0-‘," and Jeate, lletee studdieg hg,/,(4,,,13.tifT 3400,1,, but tbat does not
uot eroeS tide deee,deet Obstacle. but ,WithOnt -!cever ja tile dust, Ile had melee 0, efiresse in order to freoperly eake /eth, 'nctatt Mot Ovate' of nioneY illaY not
grourel. Gr.yled fe..athereel mai whim,. oeurenee," relleeted the .old leder, to eseepe„ but the critteoey beeuttesefrom to floor above Piece or agell g•tirle if the feeders' condie'
OW wrro felreditY ilaehed to the "Theineshl not a very geared perJoalltuat bid for hie life, and il .eeereed 418 the 'I -lading PUINt " .11141srerra '1'kt mag ft iu it"Ung c°1nYn" "IL)*
Ivrea a little. thee he Pluagrd boldly ignite earameted by tbe catastrophe, ' were renowned for their deadly elityetth".r.",t,,'"' o.7 .41,114.411 74"i' ut il."418 av0 14"rarble'
into the etream. followed by tho$PrePeciter ProntPtlY to remould- ',ling eowere, mei bad earned Rime "Y. t"/"°"e )174%"41" Ilav'ng val" BLIOTITTZ-rOTATOlitel.
reet of the „pack, Who balf leapt half '''ft'a just as well Mr. Baker wee 1,x,e,•arel, after the nteet ieement run, Ill'ot.lt IS lectles above ground, midi
strata errors. and elapthered IT the .not anywhere near at the time, and ' of the feaRou, le lemintee • ,11 ,, On three eides leave two ofteeinee in . aranar cony/ands are being mettle
. . „ . or , ; 311 11
# ..,'-t 1-• I il M f, ce toe le nun tm anti. Ng; Ity :open, and never a cheek -to speak ef, wall to ,reree an eertttlatOrS. nuthing ' of potatoes rotting end blighting.
pijet eget.; twee hag iterate, and moist ql'm eskiter, why. I'D eity good-bye to Ildoes not full to the lot either of '%`evalle tth°,ut II feet long 4" 10 !The rneritoce of the :ifrall,0 Wrii-
red tongues. ,you, my friend," airdrooing Singing , men or hounde every day of their unins Jugn. ?mimeo] experiment station in yearly
'Will Steadell gave a cheer when Bird. "with pica:ewe." Oive.e.•
i These of MUM Will be under sill and tato • digging to prevent thes�!
he saw he; tiarlitg$ eafely over and As She Wan noliquising, a eiarderich Mrs. Forrester and three or four 1 anti ;11°113‘1 be provided with trap troubles is quite opportune. Lest i
racing on with an ever -forward merit. 14, ing farmer on a grey home Canie melt came trotting up Net at this doore :mining out, anti hinged to:yeer the etutioe grew, harvested at ,
He dapped his spurn in Boyars pounding down at, the brook and int-, period, and they, with ereete neeeesete sill ;thieve. The floor below 'will to different them, and stored in
noble side% the first time they had • eliedietely dieappeared headlong, eoeoree ellneer, and will steadeo, ilee of earth. PrOM tbiS, niMIS'ire Up, cool culler vortii January 1, 1901, ,
felt their prick that day, and, put- orhieh sneeteele dig not prove alto- i were the 01) iy repraf..antatiws To_ 10 sr`oi, and hem place 2.18 joint to :Cogiit Narit'lleS Or potatOes. POur i
ling on nu pace., rodo gallentlY to Ittetliler encouraging to .X.e.te; never- onaluing out of :to that huge field reci ivi. the VIVI' floor. This tipper ef these were early and four label
,meet the danger. Ilut it failed to ,theleee, the lelea of turning itivitY1 of hOrSeitten and 'women who had floor conniSte of strips 1 inch square' rart of -each plot of potato vines
prove ooe for him and Iloyel. Rider Inever entered her head fox. an ine 'started in the morning, intent upon.
i and lej.1 so as to ketve eraci.s about I -Were sprayed several times With
end horse apparently poeeeeered but I stunt. idougety times. Tbejr tv,,dar. bco 3-36 invh wide, as on this the fruit border= and the others were un -
one mind, 'Were nnirretted but by one "C . ," ' , • oires or. 1-ippa.rently Sallee/ under so crucial a. is 1° betv(taetl.
droeulse, namely'. wherever lieunds "and then, doing as eho woe bid, 'Mete test of prowees, No wonder, then, 8ide the buildinge with common i • Ye every instance -there was n.
hoards 14 :feet loug, as this wi.W huger yield at later digging, and
renth nicely from plata to sill. the lute dog potatoes also kept far
Cut rafters to one-half pitch, or .better than the ear/y dug, Part or
sure run, mad let thien tome to- the early varieties which were =-
weber -in the centre, thus leavieg eprayed were deg September S and
wive, thore too must they. $o Royal set (--;ir ltichard at ft place rather 1,1,liat theFe succeminl pursuers of the
conked his slender ears, glanvii eon- , inore to the right, Where the banks ichase were on eneotninonly good
tentptitoosly at the dark: gurgling not been broken cleiwn by the:terms with themeelves, rout chatted
heaters beneath bins, end, :springing limes -age of other horses., A rush; away while the obse,mies Were being,
from his powered. hied dearca etlirougli -the air, a sudden. coeettiout,perforreed in a etete of high :elf -
the h T th' • if I
.. , . .. , c 717gs 0 her heart, follow-lteatistattiou, all except Colonel Clin-
though from betrit to bank. coulcV ed by a quite in.ordinate sense of her, who -stood apert from. the little
not have ineasureil Jess than six- elation, and the next; minute slacCeircle and busied hisreelf witli his
teen feet, • found iierself in the sante field with liner% refieee feet. he carefully exaraiii-
rII I' eIt , * , IL 13,. le ,,olrgels, Sir Richard havatfre oti, anti whose girths lie promptly un-
cried Will Steadail heartily, as he cleared the brook like a. bird. Sheelneeentel, while she, standing with "
gave the crane hunter's firm treet a Ipasisod 'lira,. Forrester and sailed ion-Oiled:el-led Peek and euivering tail
friendly pat of connuendation. 'Va.- away triumphantly after tihe two and dripping flanks, gave evidence or
ter, timber. banes, everything conies leading lilerseneere, neVer mire pausingrthe ...11verity ot the pace despite the
lib t ac ior a good ten nun- 610.1niess pedi,t.,0 ten which had uplield
if over there was one., and there be lutes longer on they raced, over ridge 'leer throughout.
mighty feet as can :jump in that anti furrow, and the Ntide-ditoliedi "T've been rather rough on. you to -
style at the end of the fastest thirty fences, but at last the li'ounds werel day, Opal," sold her owner regret, -
minutes ever I stied in any life!" beginning to Slacken their pace and but it could not be helped,
There miglit not be many, but throw up their noses. 'Will Stew:Ian and I think ani hope vou will be
there was orre, and that One only a
novire in the art, for rdniost im-
mediately Colonel Clinker, on his
)heautaftil roan thoroughbred ma,re
raced rp rclongside with a "Milo, very uncoinpromising piece of time that of an old friend, while Hate,
31111! we did that 'tolerably well, I bee barred the way. Will Steada.11, standing near, thought no man could
tal*e being a powerful rnan on a powerful possibly be really had who possc&scd
•sir," was the response, `.-1 horse., reana.ged to crash through the the power of cntlertring himself so to
dumb. anhattls, and who ehowed so
much sympathy with rind considera-
tion towerds therm Her animosity
was fading away entirely, and she
bit ern alone to panic: it out, and tnon e the Worse by this time next
thee hunting beautifully they led the
field over sundry small enclosttres, He put out his broaid-palmed hand
from thence tel a road into which a 'end the o e .• .t r
Canes Fsele /Action of tha Bodily Organs and Brings Tired,
, Exhausted Feelings -- The Exceptional Blood-Feming
• Qualities of Br. Chase's Nerve Food Enable It to Entirely
Overcome Weakness of Every Form.
-... e. '.: ,.' .' : e '. , , It .i:nety be Weakness of the ratiscies 1
•',' ,,,' • ' .''. ' , - or weakness el the nervoS, weak ac- s
,:,: .," : : ''',. , ' tion. of 'the heart.or feeltlene.ss of the 1
O.':..,,,,. ,,.•, .•
•. ,' - ' orgaeis:of',digeStiore ...weakness of the,
e. •.., ....,,:. .',, . liver, keJneys, and boVrels or . weak- 13
,e.,-!..., et . ' ' ,, ,- .nesSeand 'irregyeariteee of the organs "
. ,. . pee . Ia. 7 feminine. •, '. d
<.,,,,•v,...'' . . '' .: ' :
,,-,...-„ .•., , . .:VVIterover, located, Nvealtness :is dee. 't
,. ''' : . .., te. ,pcior, rVelik ' 'blood and 'can be ,n
. '.'''.: . .overeorne hy,,the, use of Dr,.., Chase's h
' . oe heart',o-' 'surtiP9.1Z3IS'etaliolThl.'.:a
:,;,,',?.',.. „ :„',.:-.'..:'1,1s1:e7,rHt::t.::.2,:.(mgo,3e7c:Ic'd'.;':it.gi'''°.'4t':1,',.:3°in .trril;31f,l'Ce0guli:f0.'1,,:ai'tkurh'i's.°1711:'.°4'6':'1'11.8',t-vhoeer'''''.11.)::A.:
,e,e,,, ,•,.c, ,, , ,
e power
. .eeely i :1ae, , , , rxio,.tiv, ,.... ,
:','",..' e , ' , - in.
''.',.',',-e., '-"body 'acid "i s.. ,
,, , , , , ,
' ' ::":,1:,.'644f-e'llt, Wet' tks''''faltg.'ge,ELaP;..,. e'll.'t , with , , .., e
, . ,.it..e",-eXce.;:011'I43,4,:''Illellual '''kfq-'il311i.4711;''''3''6''46Citt' 1;
. _ :.. .,
.,.;,,,,,,,, 1,,ri,..,,,,.,,,ea.6.,,,.,,s,,oe,.,-.0,.r,-,:ireorey.,,,,e,,,i'ig,itlitt,,::,7,75611At -it.
.-','nerve-anvigo at- pg., oveee„. ,,,, eerie , i .. '
...,e14.'fieett'; ''"';'47:est7.'nld'77-..te-i:",..'-'rene'' .;"1.!....,:reol"eeiri,gi'ee.'-‘°d4..0.,-' 't,
, , . - • , .".',...
- ,e-e.exe, . ...
. , ::.., ,,... ...."..,.., .
' theeteetW'I'''.'0,e , • ,
-lanesSe... -I ePineeai:.e.54.0`)Aa4?"4
•., . ,, ,,, , .,, - .
ow vitality soon give way to health
treng-th and vigor when this groat
ood cure is used.
Mrs. 'Alexander • I3uchanan, • Island
look Comptcm Co. Que writes ;
My system. was very much run.
own. and I was troubled /or a bang
line with weak stomach and dime-
ess. I could scarcely get about the
pure to attend to my work; and felt
ery miserable most till the time.
Iter •having' used, a few boxes a
r. Chase's Nerve Food ray condition
s entirely. changed and my system
onderfellY hetet up. I can with
11 confidence reooramend Dr. Chase's
ovvo FOorl to any person troubled
h.• weal. , es. or weaknets of
teir ben•
If you ld bo w "in
lie MI enjoyinent health, restor
our, vitality b'y the use o
hase Vooch '60 cents box,
tale d lors.:o "Am',
e doe, Toronto. * he_por r
ignature ,of Dr. Mt, Chaee, the
• ' ,„
longed to ask forgiveness for her
•conduet of the previous night, only
she searcely Inew how; she. who as
a rule wss but little addicted to Shy-
noss, now felt ahnost too nervous
to ntter a single word of apology
or explanation. If only he would
give her an openiug, theri perhaps it
miglat come more easily; but appar-
ently he had not the slightest inten-
tion of doing so, a,ncl studiously
kept aloof. And yet, all the wbile,
as be stood there fondlieg Opal she
longed to go up to him, and say -
"Jack, it • was all a mistake; 1
love you 'dearly, better than anyone
in the whole wide world, and 1 feel
perfectly miserable now that you are
angry with me and won't speak to
• (To be continued.)
• LIFte AS A rinrto,
is- easy to die." Thit to live,
and Jive rightly, loyal to truth, and
courageously steadfast to duty, with
an honest, constant °Croft to see
truth and duty clearly and intellie
gently -that eeother and A harder
taek. To die requires, riOetbort. To
escape•death is inipoesible, 33ut
what a fine, brave thing it is to Jive
etric„aii eedeifect10,nnuotli:1,, tshaeleinioeraftlateontid,f ,ththee
mous lecorp 4.1,11,eadeetruelletwilr:e0 mateovo. en . re
is a hevotem. duel),
. box .
the root slanting from ali ways, 11110 reerainieg October 7. The earn
In the roof peak construct n small varietlee sprayed were dug sind
cupola and in tliis eonstruct rano/1,10r dittos. tind the sprayed •ant'
windows, Male, at the top with were in evciry way saperier thos
it their capitol; and though the Nisi-
° tors soon abandoned it for Peking,
it eteadily increased in size and po-
e -
To -day the population of linkelen
is eorsiderabler above a :quarter of a
Million, and the city itself, which is
largely modelled, though on a canal -
ler wale, on raking-, presents a fine
end` even imposing appearance, It
compares more than favorably with
the majority of Fastern cities.
hinges.. thus farnialtieg both' light which rereiveri no treatment. The
and ventilation to the upper; or dry- same held true with the late -eerie-
ing floor. In the center of the lees. In all of the experiments,
ground floor place a large stove, A,the batter digging, October 7, gave
discarded furnace works nitelv. Proin best results. The corieleeion is
this run pipe tip to within 20 inehee thet in caee potatoes show eigne o
of joist above, than, with elbows, rot, they elicited be left in the ground
carry it ooe,e around the ceiling, as late os pot sible before iliggiug
theme up through ceiling and out sTite exjaeritrients at the Vermont
of raof en hack aide, or oppo- Station give upp,roxiniately the &Imo
site door Care must always be
taken to prevent pipe from coming
in contact with surrounding wooden
framework, as intense heat neust be
Place common sized house door in
meddle of front side of structure for comlpaniment of age, is warded ofT
entranee to lower room, and above by exercise. 17"..'e31-indu1gence in eat -
this a smaller one for the room ing and drinking and in lazy ways is
_babolomve,pullitlfororsu, hearn
aeeel the sure road to senility.
have often been surprised and
Old people do not stoop because
they are old. hut they get old be-
cause they stoop. The etitrenieg of
the tissues, which is the sign toed ace
rea,ohee ey mewls 01 stays Imeoeg gratified," WritOS an1L))., "to find
front below, over which the green theft reguliaited metveueinitle of the
fruit is to be conveyed to the ei,a- neck and upper trencal Inueeles, em-
porator, or (frying room. Woo -4 pIoyed for the purpose of accom-
should be 11 sect for fuel, as coal lias plislting scanethi.rig c1s, rcsultod in a
a tendency to blacken the -hunt. conspicuous ini;irovernent in hearing,
The foi,egoing outline i a .peeitt vision, in cereleration, and, as a
pieture of a thoroughly successful conseqkience, in a betterment in cere-
ervaporator, aed not a bunched ac-- braI c.irtailation; also in sleep. Per -
cumulation of theoretical. 2O5h, It sons who habitually xnainap.in. 511
is 113,8t as good, tlioug,11 (elide in erect position in standing or sitting
structure, as the niore expensive are stronger teasi those who slcinch.
evaporators, having the addeci ad- A person who stoops, and allows the
vantage of being useful as a store- shOulders to sag down and forward,
Boiler:: for all manner of, farm, ',item- and the ribs to fall back towards,
sits .wlien not use 218 e, feet drier. the spine'shor•tens the ,ante -poster -
This building is large enough for lor dienteter of the thorax anywhere
rnoet,farnis, hut if a desire to work from tWo to five ioehes. The longs,
along conimereial lines is the idea, heart, great vessels and other int --
additional .sections 'can 1 biit. poftant strottures in the thorax
The p. reperat,ion of appias for rol cannot live; move, and have their
tfrler8 18 very similar; machines- be- proper ;being under Such Ciretme-
ing se niCelY constructed as to make stanees." ,
possible the peeing, coring, and slice ' 'Wherefore, , the peeper • thing for
ing, ell iri one operation. Freels the persons who aro not SO Young as
,parer Akio fruit gee§ to the trim-, onee, they were is to brace up, dress
iners, Wlics• ent out all w,ormy arsci young, and .fed Yeti:lee Sitting'
decayed spetie thence to tVe bleacher "hunched isp" indoors' wile not do.
and from there 'direct to the drier, 4
SNdioi they are epi•eed over the floor •'
t-') (hio,kne$g$, of about 3. inch. MUST, ITAVE• 13111:1N BLIND.
ritieleleaelier. is ie hex; so oonstrwit- ' • "
that boxes cen b. pun1, • atIrs 1)e r married
the'ouglieit. UnderAlie blealir bor in husband hiS eYesigbt '.s as irery,
',in• p/tteocl 0. kettle., in. which ,live criaisil,o_o're" 2 • , „•
are.,plaend,, 'end on thie' seine 'pieeee •
esasee, .been'•
inettiestvanCgo,directiy elireteth' the L ,t
1att rat 01 pp1es coti1nrd' ,,117) ,]'S I121OP'1.bte to 16"Ve yotiseeneighe
r ., It 1cMs 114lase11.?. • '
Babies are usually young. Now
and again specimens may ee found
of twenty years and over. Real,
live, unmistakable, ;beard a -mile -off
babies are always youug. Babies
have features. With a good micro-
scope you can see a baby's now. it
has a high forehead -one tliat goes
right over to the back of its neck.
A. baby's ears are put on for atrium.-
ment, solely to relieve its -great ex-
panse of cheek. The places where
its eyebrows ought to be are there,
but the eyebrows have not arrived,
which gives rise to a sus rieion 1h*t
babies are bare -faxed creatures,
A baby has eyes, which eyes it
chiefly nses to express astonishnient
-evoked, sio doubt, by the antics
and languago 01 theee about, It has
a mouth, too, which it keops for put-
ting its hands and feet into, togeth-
er with keys, penrcilS, coins, pieties, of
coal, and other odds -and -ends it may
find lying about. A baby's , indut,h
is by far tlic inost useful of its pos-
sessions. • , '
Babies wear clothes. The cldef .01i-
iezt ahrted at in dressing a babyis
• ,
to lose the baby among, the clothes.
If you have a foot and a half or two
feet of baby, you will require from'
forty to fifty yards of clothes to
dress it properly. • The reason for
this is that every baby is the beSt
baby that over was bern, and the
fact tnust empliaeized, Besides,
somebody might wish to steal it, and
in such caeo, the longer heliael ta
look for it, the greater ,would be,
chance of catching' '
totts---"J'ost tO tbbrIC 91 3rcrti
tal:king 510 in encli style. You,
whe ,usect.,t0 lereer Xterattean angel,."
Mr, '•Potta-7, 3e9,0k_ reY dear,
that. )8,0':e 'fair; Yeti' 'know' it Jen' t
oeteiet Ae Aline itSe,rif';.tiAVIttlitg.;,-,4'",,inanfift.0Ori, Yea)0
'row crua wont< wucKs atrz
PaYsicutl, SYSTEM,
l'eople Should Take Care That
They Do Not Sell Out a
the Stock.
Quite recently a famous rioveli
called in a great
doctor and asked,
him what was the matter with hitrt-
All the various symptoms wore there
oughlY gont' intO., and an exhaustive
verbal examinetion was Untde and.
tho next/eel men then epohe as fel--
"You axe selling your oerees; you
emersot sen ttium, and keep them. toot
You. meet either work With Iwo ir
tensity, or you must charege yo
ocettpation. So twig as you co
Untie to werie your intagenation a
your nervou$ system, as you h
on doing Jate13r, so loeg will
be stfbject to brealedowee leech as
present me. You tesy, if you te
eeneible, live for years with yo
eeuree About you, or, if you veil
go mere steadily, you reielee r
log limatie next week,"
Wow let ue zerer briefly to a few
of the e1a&9es of mer: and women who
Are ta-cleer velliog their eervea. We.
cennett1m'them ter eloitee, the
good And often eserisl work upon
tt Welt they nro mg -Aged, but we itmee
Perhaps he allowed to politel,v Mut
that they lied better take gre ee car0
thet they do not sell eight out or
uwois and so bring upon themselves
Such prospect QS that -Mentioned
First of all. there is the writer •ler
remence, who puts on fewer twenta
and ConVernetionS and ecenery eadi
AS WS never had any foundetion in
fact. illbere does he get his mated -
A) from? It conies, so it ie popu-
lar) said from his "inev consci ue-
ne" "l'ilat is a good answer for
the onclillarY Portion, because it is
eaver. Rut what is this inyetericeue
"inner conecieushese" ? It
rovgley, a pietism, or An impressioo.
,intunifactured by the brain mid thee
tiereee or the teriter. 'who draws, ate
Artietie seine dictates, trapper&
ings and tolke And views whieh ho
creates by means a bruin and iservo
cells which twee never yet been fully
and satisfactorily described to
A uovelist, or a poet, or painter,
or 4 great mu:es:Ian, or, in short,
anybody who acte upon Inepiration,
gives out his :terve% when he prim-
tiees his art, Were he not to go
trough the eileet, or teak. or giving
out Ins very life-lelocel in line mon-
Per, he would have meets snore phy-
sical vitality Tor ordinary purpoees,
sect( as the withstanding of chills
tiannti .illanl‘octrerAntoti tavtiatitlehkaweoatil•enoailrebe
The actor • who conceive% a xi
part in a fine and human clramn can
lieve teether, onleSs l'grra
to take evoey single direetiou Cr'
the •seen who wrote the lilies.
would not be an actor a that ti
seription who wonid draw large an
appreciative audiences. lgo; it is
the actor who puts into ids work an
amount or whut is termed intlivida-
ratty, who wins the dine:eine
tpilirettlitstreenar tei4o;oners,.;
large salory and the Same that in-
spiration Aloe° blesses.
levers. lllonclin, the greate.st of all
tight -rope web el t, sold his norm:
• every thne lie went up asid stepped
Across the yawning space hire.
The SVOneerful balance that he kept
was the direct et:teepee 1,)I nerve and
will and eelf-possession. and these
'three qualities used up blood in the
benne that it not seiant. in that inane
ner, would Int170 enabled him. to be
stroeber the arm, or in His di-
g%11'"Iitlev't'in("clregntItloisr. sells Ms nerves cdso2
He sees in his mind's eye sontething
that will be ot service to 'Dian. Ho
has never seen nnything like it in re-
ality, but, he is perfectly ces tain
that )ie sees it in fancy or imagina-
tion, and be works an and on. 'till
he finally conquers -the problem and
places before an astonished world
what. is greeted to be a tifixig of
•higenuity that will well repay
The statesmen who stands open a.
public platform. before an eicf,ectanl.
inpltitude of inankiltd and unfolds a
liseelwlins;11Tims clietZess.31stileTi's,oza. sptlaiine's*i-s--
ing runs, "strung up"; he is obeying
the dictates of a consziousoess that
has got to be proved riglit-or wrong,
and he is excusably in a state ef
nervousness, unless his couseioustness
is so much the raster of his irtellect
that he cannot for a moment doubt,
its sot.nciness. •
The clever surgeon who peilorms a.
itical operation upon the body of a
fellow ereature sells his nerves. He
is only too well aware • that the
slightest slip or want of decisloo,
and speedy' action on his.patt will
result in the sodden collapse of the
patient, and • that a very valuable,
life may ebb away beyond. all recall.
The editor •of • a • great powerful
newspaper who lies to decide 1,1pOn a
definite, sells his netevee. If he
gaeo, •upon the wrong course the TO -
0118 meert cenything."-from the
loss of thousands of pounds,to .t
resi•aquentTtia4e:, v'ipioahfanany,1:1:41.1e:etTet.'eniestt,t1-10.sl!Y, cii,06.111stcr"
The daptain of as Atlantic • liner
seas his nerves every time that he '
A.°tglc)ii'acIla• 'taenti'lsnVe.i3StYhaegae;i1, Oataiinc*taizi"ge;'1P°11::.;an'ai ge:r
• • gmc around us ani we
Men of all sorts. of diffeeent 'rigs •
•wTio aro regularly partieg, their,
:nervous forces order f.o, dare their
daily bread •or'' to bring fame and
rus ,„ to - at the; paraett