HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-10-6, Page 1TliIR.TY-SECOND YEA,I1,--NO H URON & MiDDL EgFIX GrAZETT Et EXETER, ONT., CANADA., THURSDAY MORNING4 OCTOBER 6th, 1904 44•414444400••••••••••••••• 044 444.445S 0444 0•4444•••••• e ; both of the village, The serviee was Hnsel' Chiselhurst • _ • conduoted by Rev. M.r. Ole ens in Subib scre for 'the T' Imes. I Annrersary services be bold *is the tresence or a tow of the immed. s , WHITE & SONS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••SIP444•444441.... °•3-.Suth'erla°411‘19tarY 14221311(2' C°21"Yan 'ate friends at Me Salm-frees resi- um Ay, t CI . 11 r t S 0 o t ber0tla • + • OW * IssurerofMarriageLicenscs. Legal ocuments deucT 1e. itIPPY 000,P1ft We4 v, A, e.• ,s.Ro. hof Seaforth• . 4s carefully drawn at reasonable rates. mony m nesday orning on toteir Weeinal.7, will 1 veneb morning and nimnnt4, i.• at - as Any Body 4. cer, consratssioner.Fire Insurance Alent, sad} 2' , . • * to loan on real estlowratesoestate4. . lriP. Amidst the hearty good wishes 10.30 and seven in the htetbodist 4s.s. • tate rit s . ngs and -4. ' 4. ernes at the Post Oflice /Iowan ' f tho' a f 'e ds. The other ohurch. Free-will offeri JVS • e llie• Ihrgaen'llazed as bartender nith etooliVottol 'o ogyro"1'nsrt42tZ0Titobs11911arg collections t aboth servie -Mr IL IL, Little, of Zarich, -.rs.J. Sutherland is spending if .232wharrfil.'3,,,og: C.01.to'hids.ndahueflit",e.1418cirbhit4 SteOlten School RepOrt et+ largo eurnher to choose from 4, dwelling recently erected near ber otf friendis Its -to tbest4ified of Na4mthes_airetiln oA.ozler of EMerlit.u. • money a3 at our store? No! such is impossible. *Wood or coal as we have a 4, -Mr, .J. Miller has sold to be on the look. out for a • a week or two with-. relatives in 'Mit- k „ , ' Bev, Mr. Cionierils to 31...M 'Qs% nti Tito collowino. 's ti re ort f ' gOod range or cook stove, obeli and Stratford. the of Citioago, hi the presepoo of 0, large Seotelober of S. No. 2, Stephen, :,*; A Place here fUrnitUre Can be puraha d with so little • It! Found in HuronCo of tile lea.ding makers of Can- (f4". Wm- Motes to Mr. Thos. Nees ies the itorte*rt irt‘ol, 4, • lands xnany ,andsoute resent winch she Stewart Mitchell, Everett Sims. **I 'eceived Mr. and Osmond will We have an endless variety of Furniture of * liaTtars7rliUrquhart ta;1 ;7•fcrillvg' Mrs.i!avAocstilgroor.tlwroOrl:trtrt'itneemw at: mJaf,y 14;;10bleirv: BerY) bdeoSuselcaninctime 140111g* at a low figure durm crtp ton which is • -; awl happy wedded life. t where she bad been spending a pie " ' verds, F.1. Sans, Stabls. Jas. **Is" Sr. 2nd. -Ethel Silos. Tillie Ed. 4.0- .” ' asant holiday. • -Ntr. W. Aloore. has had a goodI Carroll, Sydney Smnt x. if you are interested don't fail ta call 0 • .4 And either one or thera will make your wife's face wreath la Per- burniaokaillouctuttaetnioustpr.ueettnnandoar bCre.dite; aARY ROBERTSON. lit+ ▪ WE • petind millennial glow, r. rae oi nirich was • .41/' into rt. barn% 0 ded tO rent the • ado, 'namely sts se.s.s.„-ststssts-sz...„,/ • PANDORA IMPERIAL OXFORD TREASURE UVENIR b5 l erwe ;•:- WANT ow 86 K1 S tuts week moving I Wan SundaY. • r * , dwelling lie has been living in., --livor$1)0(.1). Plar t ts ville, the 6 year old son of Mr. Chas. telegraph operator at London, and tinscalm. 1.4) to a week Intone his Usborne. cil Cann, -We have to cord the sad. death of Cid '\1- 4 ri YOUR • 40. -On Wednesday of last week, Rev )3°11 0131k Is °4 tio $Iek i. 4 E, Shane, united George Vas lion), --Miss "Wood, ot London. Is TRADE r urazture ous HEATERS • WO MO carry a large stock a base burners, air Ugh blasts to choose from, • • • s, b Miss I/yelp:eats, of Chiselliurst, in gra. E. A, Hoist spent Priday dea.th had enjoyed his 'Usual good ma.rriage, ANIarge number of in-' Clinton. whore she was the guest or health and was this day in the Haiti vited friends witnessed the cere- Miss Robson. where his father was taking up po- loony. The itappy couple. will live "Insie. /4 /lam ;Aga rep tatoe.s. after this he seemed unwell 4 4r. And if Prices, Variety foul Qnalits count we shois151 get • si• • • 'Undertakers and Ponerel Directors. • • • S* • 1. • +. • Tr Inn Furnace Work, • • i• • **•••44•*•••**011.4044i.•••4••••••••444.444.11t44•44•••# 4 • Pr • 4 • • 44,44.404***.*****44444444444444444444.44.444 We make a specialty of ''S,17 Double and single acting force puntp, lath room, and plumbing of all kinds on the shortest notice. We also carry of a, full line a shelf hardware. Cement the two leading brands, National and Star brand, HAWKINS & SON POPULAR SUITINGS °VERO ATINGS AND PANTINGS For Fall and Winter Wear Popular goods must be made to Meet the retinirements and demands of the times, we can't stand still we must either move forward or back- ward. Oar goods cantata. distinct fea- lties anti; claim the attention of every customer. One constant aim is to produce garments that have a, charac- ter, a personality of their own, to leave the old Inaten track and rise above the conventiona' and common Tdace. Our Aim Perfection Ordered Clothing It requires skill and pat,ience and time to giVe tlie 81)1eve the proper SWin , the collar the car-, rect. set ant the body the right Dasitwood hang, 41 1V YOU ATM Tau,qr.tN0 OF PtITTISIG 1ST aturnaco conic In and see what wc lave sr got to carer. Isle trouble to furnish yon with in London, the London Bospital, ilWe are glad ala%ou,gtihntilISTsluturs13:7Msevecrixeinit:dIvilnzl -Mr. David Buchanan, addressed he 14 raridly iroprovior, a meeting in Carmel churth last Pri- _The prepootor or °raison he was suddenly stricken w'itiz par the work- in which lie has been so *Iiolsetrisotr°,1013 gliatierg1;1111rQvill?' 131° :).15e'trIShaaint tldielgrjale: liolinstbqhisiliscoWaeirsQ 04; day afternoon giving' an aeconut or -Miss Alwa III% ',who his been speech and breathing. Medical as. visiting her aunt hIrsi Grael, in Zkir. Sitflcu was called. but 'In sPite 1011 for the .o.ist week. rtterii,,d howQ hest endeavors he succumbed on day. Mrs. Vi• S, Chisholm, loft Satur- Int4nd slortlY It"Ing 41,11t 411)clun day to VISIt her sister Mrs. Oriraby successan fully engaged d tor the interests and furtherance of which, he has been visiting' and lecturing' Canada and the United States, _The Canadian Order at Forester:5 m"ting thcir 11!‘" In the Ital in, Ingersoll, 1)dr.s. Grimby has a vis block, and for which they w3U young on. mve on extensive progr,aunne.. In I -Henry M. P. *exit ;, he meantime they are beautifying „,, ktoy,t in Toronto last ovett, he interior of the lodge room and i subsequently to the eh ction an - making improvements generally. nouncements. Weather prophets prelim a Much severer winter than we had last year Witt hope however that they may be classed with Jim false prophets, -Miss Simpson, ix:mixer of tile junior form of our public school left for her home Vriday afternoon where she spent Saturday and Sun- day, -An educational Serinen will be Teethed in tb:1 Evangelical churth sxt Sunday evening, A. large at- ndanoe ond a liberal collection is peoted, -Miss Robson, our former teaell. A ottiet wedding teak 'otiose la lions don, on September lath. the con- tract ing parties bein't Miss Jane Mc-, Sberrie, of 'Tense% and Charlie Blackwell, of Benson, the Rev. Mr. Clark, pastor of the Presbyterial:I church, Learden, WO Um officiating minister. The bride was prettily at- tired. in 0 gown a white eolinne and a hat to match. She was attended by Miss Mary Kew of Granthurst, who was gowned in white organdie. Mr. Russell Burgess of Oliver, sup- ported the bridegroom. Mr and Mrs. Blackwell will reside in Hen - sail. ralitillUS, Siiit• ings . ,I;nam.,mettoe.. N' 1)' PAWN. U"IIV4re'St"e'll * -.1S, I), Paulin is moving into their dil olfOrGOiltill a . neW house this week'. US working in c in 11-Stiletinta,r41.1tvareZusritcoliro :Li I W. W Taman • e The new rnateritds for fall and - 40 your order and secure your over. 11°11se" *coat without delay. 0 --aion 3.01ernlort snout Saturday Vire also give a $210 Accident and Disease Policy, good for one year with -Mr. N. Stir; is having a brick -Air. Simpson Ireland is erecting a kitchen to the rear or his brick fdiet-clietrat Tailor. wirier ATta here and you can place Baby Carriages uonntla%ruinut London visiting his ex, left last Saturday for the West m Imre g health. We all wish her 'God speed. hong. tyto 1,et quality own‘t; to and pray and hope that" 'be 22"4' the A"Vi‘t•Ct frost of' a coupleof wrolts soon be restored to nerfect health. ago, c oes in search of better Inlay Mr. and Mrs. Cann the sympathy of a large circle lends in their bereavement. linwW r d Miller spent Sunday the guest of Andrew. 05 Miners, of spent v visiting 1tes n4 friends d the burg, at% a Mrs. L U. Andrew„ mariy„ spent Sunday the ;rues and ars. S. Andrew. Rev, Cooper yireaelted a very TaOtical Sermon to the C. G. e.„ en Sunday morning last. -Mr. and Mrs. R .T. Johns, a Exeter, spent Stmday the guests ef Mr. ,Talux's father. Mr. B. johns. -Mr. and Mrs. Thornton Baker, of Exeter, spent Sunday with Mrs. Baker's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hind. -Mr, R. Denier end Geo. Andrew have their silos filled. the corn not -A gentleman of a certain town drove out for a five mile drive. one day not long ago and being in a tir- eq, sleepy condition.lost his way. Bad it xicd Leen for his better half. who WaS with him things might have proved more serious. -Mr. Joseph Hoist is anxious to dispose or his farm and property near the villags. lie has become in- terested in a timber limit in 'Missis- $ippi state. 'We would be sorry to lose so good a neighbor and reiena. as Joe. . , the Ontario Accident Insurance Goaddition nut to Ins house, Mr. Louis -Mr, :Joseph Banes had quite a of Toronto, with every order amount. Sitoculambor is 'acdng tliG Warktussel *with a pair of' bronchos last hog to $10 or over. -We are ‘again called upon week. It; seas at first feared he to chronicle the departure from this might be seriously hurt, but to the life of a respected citizen in the per surprise of all, Ito was out again 6 son of the late Louis Kraft. Mr. next day. driving the same team. .....______IVIerchant Tailor pulooked for. Ile leaves a widow, -The announcements have been for some time and. tha end was not es. Kraft had. been confined to his boa Joe certainly is a marvel with hors - The Prince of Wales Carriag,s ----- eisrlit: daughters *rid three sons, all received of the marriage on I or whom are married. The sorrow . October 4th of Mr. Benjamin and Ge-Oarts are always in it 1 :for style and finish. a nicely as - JOHN ing family have the sympathy of the, EEilber, of Illbss Mich., to Miss Lot- ssorted. stock just arrived. until January he would have reach- daughter of Mjosh- r. and Mrs. community. Bad Mr. Kraft lived tie, daughter or Mr. and Mrs. joseph C011Stalltily on hand at Ex -ed the ripe old age of eighty years. ua or the stone place. Ben is NOTICE Blov les The funeral leaves the house this. one of our boys tun]. has a host of eter and Centralia the Best ' in ground on the Bronson Line. -The attendance at thc services CI -land Bicycles which Nationa B d ' (Too late for last .weekn in the Evangelical church on Sun- Clement in Canada. the Lutheran. ehurch. thence to bury and his bride very best wisles. (Th.ursdny) morning, at 10 o'clook for friends here, who will extend to he We are again showing the cele - :ate the best value in the market . ra to -day for the money. Repairing Bring in your ohl wheel and "-have it repaired and cleaned satisfaction guaranteed, PRICES IVIDDERATE arti clay were lar[4e, Datum B. D., -Dr. Campbell, of Zurich, calllea Prices low enough to suit tle017ilmlaagie.t,inTunensdday liassmt.ily spent everybody. -Miss Alraina Matter, is attend - Sunday at Mr. J. E. Hoffman's. pietiched at both services. In the L"rrnteinngdeltr';'' sill?hkee (goir'C°sIllani)ig?teexsceelfp-- aisttellses- Et:t "1ft fiwg'4 the "lane!' s d re tiOnally well at bOth ervices but days, 'Insects of St. 1 M16(.1(1111a GakeS a. spaGialtu musicians cream puffs and paec.r.y. ot the glass skylight of Festival Ilan. deserver. special mention, especially iatisnhgorirt,inazizr. t„ht,„1.,,,s in London for at the World's Fair was caused by, Aft/ STATHATVI —mTs. Ilugh and Misses Hattie and Kippen On Monday evening last. Rev. C. and Mrs. 'htcLennan, a Kippers celebrated the tenth aunirersary of their wedding day nisen they enters tained the elders of tins church and number of their relativt.s. There s a large array of presents. h ts, Lerman is an 4,,Its,Tp,fatic and Polttl- )astor and the church over which ) sides ' very prosperous on. S. Acheson Bead. -The neWS% accidental death of Rer, son, minister of the PreshY- Ian church, Towner, .11. ID, rata 4 Andrew's chureb,. was beard wit .•OTTOW 1)y Ins mlny friend It appears iliat Mr. Acheson s looking over a new manse which Was hallir built fir Wm. Weattfaopa then a t'emportirss stairway sudden gave way, precipitating tits clergy 'Man into the cellar lielow. The fall a injured, his skull that Mr Ache - I died a. few 'tars later. Mr. lteson was 1)orli at htono Mills, rnunLy of Sintcoe, 0)11., in 1846. He l:tV'S a w Won-, And t WO irhters. Voadltam -Mi ,ts Gardener, head milliner of W. 3. Roy & Co„ spent Sunday with ;Miss Louie Hazelwood, of 'Kirk Lan. -Mr. Hiram Copeland and Wm Wilson made 0 flying trip to St. marys, on 'M onday v. it It 1 iranes 240 trotter. -Mr, John Copeland is more than sending the apples into the barrens end thence to the weSt these tlari -Mr. G. Copeland's yearling colt had ,the misfortune to break its leg the other morning. ttawri is much improved in airperfranCe since Lthe paint brushes have been at work. -Miss 'Verde. Fotheringliam, of London, is at home, where, she. will remain during the winter. Our most popular barber, Mr. Tim Eaton leave.s next week, for Nen- York ,ott a business trip. -Mr. Stewart has returned front 'tire Northwest. Mr. Stewart looks \yell arid reports favorably. -Rev. Mr .0. C. Couzins' younger' son met rvitli 0 painful accident last week 'while playing foot ball at So. Marys, breaking his arm in t wo places. Kirkten Brucefield At, a meeting of th.Nexecu ive c 'ttee of tha Sduth Biding of Buret as constituted' for D0)114)1581 purpos .eld Brucefield on Sept. 21,st. mi was decided to hold a tonventIon for the selection of a. eandxdats an Tuesday, October llth, at 11 o'clock. 1 ni at Miller's ball.ltensall. South 1 ,f uron, as now constituted, is com- posed of the townships of :',,IcEiliop, Tucloarstnith. Vsborne, Stephen, fitly 9 • 9 0 awl Stanley ; the town of Scaforth, , C lanciwn and the villages of F.xeter, ITensall, le.fi 0 I uuu 1 g and ilayfield. la— .......-.......-. 41 dab.. -)X• CI), WZ., X -III...), Bears-th 'the imi You live Always Baaaht of ,. 1a:4r Signet:vs • • Correct Stationery for Personal Correspondence Sometimes wben you si to seratcb off a letter to a. hrot or sister yen are apt to thin ; "Oh. any old paper wdl dor But wben it comes to excepting vedeling invitation, or au mytta-;2"., ion to dinner, or an invitation meet somebody wbora you v.e desired to meet, then its .... out, and besides, you may •,.;;* want to write a, particular kind •te ; of a letter. -a, letter which you X waut the recipient to like ewe so A. fer. much -then its very different'? ..1.(isn'tit.?) Well we have rerres- X ;..pondence Stationary in a, veriet of styles anti pries for all urea- . stens. Your correspondence will . look pleasing and aeseptable any- st*- "S where mitten On 0111: new and StVliSh papeteries. All the latest • nes. shades and qualeties of Pa. per, Envelopes and Tablets. •." MEW DRUG STOKE ▪ One Door Smith of Post Office W S flOWEY FHA B • • • • 1* Chemist and Optlean. . • • arevethiek'S Old Stand) We have just opens:1 our new Grocery, Flour and Feed Store in W. Trevethicles Old Staad and one of the principal features about our store is that everything is The Staff of Life is fresh and clean. Statilaill'S BrOdli Sugars, Teas Coffees, Spices Life in every piece We're all alive ‘Vi thin this Wye, One bread tt,,, sweet, as It ey ; 11 yon want to try Come in ans. hos., In fact eyerything" that goes to make an up -to date grocery store. Flour and Feed always on hand, We deliver to any part of the town. .teeive us a. coll. O'Brien's Grocery Exeter the anthem at the evening- service -Mrs. WM. llazeiwood sr. is vis- Louis are agreed that the shatering ing the ibu.siness colleese *. played on the big organ by some un- musiciaTI. J Cobbledick - father of a young daughter, Mr. Louis Preeter is the, happy Mon- day the soloist it being her maiden effort- ' 111911111•01.2161.1•11111.011! day Iasi' . Presentation. -On Saturday even- • Order Your Coal Now. -Up goes -Mr. Fret . , , I Glinville or hIssaitou- - ing last the members of the Ladies' the prize of hogs and deo,vn goes the lin Island, is visitillg his fatil6r' °11' I Aid Society met at the home, of Mrs. price of coal. Having bought a. few I the Goshen line. . . I Mantle, Crediton, and presented. her cars at hard coal at a price on the I -Mrs. John Erescl and children, °t I with a beautiful ask rocker, as a dollar, I am prepared o i , London, ,ate visiting, Mr. ana. Mis. token of 'their estetin for her. Urs. orders while it lasts at $6.25 per Jcob Kellermaann. Artistic stets completely taken by sur- . F' t come 'first served. place Y P. A Convention which. was held ' Mrs. (Ilev..) Clernens r°1-11"1`221fr°1.21 prise but thanked the donors in a tonyour order at once for as soon as • . • , most. becoming manner, assuring' this supply is done you will have to 110,4 'at O0223-11-1cn-. them she numbered them among her pay more money. Orders left at theEZra Ikeman wasa linder roost intimate friends. Mrs. Mantle the doctor's care for a few ayS. e will also be missed in the Epworth Ire pleased to see h,er around again. gu n t dist church, ., 51r...===.•...2.........1............emPtlittended_........t.1:1.1..... 12.= I ' -IVIr. 3. Stacey, painter, of TenSall Lshe:ea-alva°yEs 'tialIing,Calllost active part office of A. Q. Bobier -win be _ _ ---- -- i 1 ' r Mr Henderson, with the ectinns since residing here, I lia-nrls fu.,1!i Tuesday last, having 'THE— graining of E. P. Paulin's house. NIS' Clemens shad his erchants Bank of HEAD °MOE, MONTREAL. CAPITAL (all paid up) • • • • • • • • • • ' • ****** RESERVE .... *** . * . ........ SURPLIS PROFITS .......... . • . THOS.TIZSBE, GeneralManager 95 Branches In Canada SAVINGS BANK a a t.,,,,v,,t),..- , -Herb Miller, youngest ' son of —o—_ 1 Society. Mrs. Chas. Miller, oE this village, Sharon Montreal for the old country on left Tuesday morning for Edmonton where his brother is conducting a -The farmers in this vicinity ere Saturday next and will spend • three dry goods business. busy at , their fall ploughin months with frionGs in the old Land I , --Again onr community as cloud- and it hreshing which \VI! 1 S0011 be, We, .0lt wi,sh them a pleasant N Oynge, ed by that grim monster death, this i over. and so f 4: r{: tut n. ' 't is our painful duty to citron- l ,--Several of Who young people of -.Mr. i . C. To C ts having disposed. 1 ` 1 e sttended the 'wedding oE of his house. anti lot .and household effects on Ube 271.h ult., left on the fallowing\ Tuesday for _Manitoba tyt.r. and Mrs. Mantle leave. for their new home in Exeter, this week ac- companied by the best wishes of. their friends. -Signed on behalf of the Rachel Kirk visited friends beyond St. Marys, on Sunday last. . Successor to S. T. O'Brien.. -Mr. and Mra. Rase Freeman, or Markdale, are visiting friends th the village and vicinity for a couple of weeks. ' -.The balk in the construction. of the telephone line has at last been removed and we may look for a I speedy completion now. ! , -Mr. Gilbert Miller left on .Sat- urday last for Butte. Montana, hav- ing spent a month viiiting at his, home here., -Mrs, Ann, Dawi.?,!on has 'disposed -of .her property in the !village to Mr. Thos. Elliott for the sum o:f $177t5.00. Mr. Elliott win retire from farm life. 7 -Mr .and Mrs h'oSter will take passa ge on the Siberian fr run $6,000,000 $3,200,000 • • • • $ 18,959 E. F. HEBDEF, Superintendent of Branches icle the death of Mrs. Fred Wilieri, . ' of ithe 14111 concession. Mrs. Willert i 'Miss Sophia Clark, at. Sarepta, 011 111 . had been in failing health f or some esday last. I years, but in this last illness was a ' -Miss Melinda Martine, UT Detroit !victim of that dread disease, con- who has spent some time at the St. ' sun -lotion, 1Vbieb fended 11,r earthly Louis Exposition, arrived Tuesday cares, Wednesday morning, Sept.' it., evening for a visit with her parents. when she quietly passed away. She --Mr. Albert Brown's new house leaves rb el iiind her to mourn t he ir- is noarly completed, which ill make 1 .- a groat improvement to his farm. Interest a.t rnost favorable current rates allowed on Savings Bank A.ccounts and Deposit R.eceipts, t ellers payable in all parts of the. one boy. lstr. t and Special attention given to the business of Fa.rMers and Cattle- reparable loss caused. by epu ture of wife and: mot:her, a husband and five children, four girls and men to whom loans are made on approved names fmxUY Letters of Creditissucd to world. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED CREDITON BRANCH W, S. (.11-1ISH )I.,M Manager. Srt 1 ve erttire sympathy ot the community in their sad bereavem. n . Two of 'those events which are al- wayS of mote titan pas4ing interest especially Ito the ladies occurred in thia neighborhood, Tnesday last, ona j being tthe martiaer of Mr. Daniel ' Soho ffer, lo hi s 1s7Ate V,Tildfotng, ASTOR 1 A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Ballo Always Bought S...Sears the Signature of where hc. Spend a. month or two visiting and then take passegc for t he cid count ry Cor an indefinite Lime. -The banner fair of the iffestern part. oC Ontario will lie hall in the village 'on Prides-, ith inst.(provi(-- ing ,I.lie elements arc not against it) As .Lhis is the last fair of the season in Lilts ViCillity it svill be as a gener- al meetinQ: ot all the successful ex- .hibitors of snrrounding fairs to try conclusions as to who has the really sone r ler a,r 1 i c le or animal. Of e oursesseveJ'ybotty Will be here to see it, so Collie along an(l meet your fri- end, Inc lie or she will be sure to be at iiirkt on. r, vibratory force from harsh notes 4 \ equal to any high price in the Biarket. Our special price $30.00, with reservoir. Examine 011r StOCk of Ranges it will IT? y you Out goes the old wood cook in comes a uroft n e just to hand some a,nge King Washers Does the \Nrashin,g in just hal time of other wasl,e.