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Exeter Times, 1904-9-29, Page 8
STEWS Fait trade, c boa ' , We are are booming, busy, there's ea;urs ems pri';es are right. A lady remared the otheradeyfor it, outgo pl are right to sheet et ,Stewart$" such a large complete stock etre$ "Whet e pleasure t tai anel fair and eerteous treatment-- Well we 'clst;do the e y values and hen bew' fee everybody, that's our wary of doia�g neinee�,, that's .�eltat haswe Made the big a stsir c E: grow R' r Y ,, 11i �' o g, malar MOO—Ladies' new pure wool Frieze :locket, black or grey, very stylish. Military ary cut, , slit ch ed and strapped d 'with self:lotb and trimmed wit pnn- neetel military button.$^ A lovely coat for as little price. $7.50 for a eery Swett ladies' pure wool frieze Fe# sev Bluth Jacket, .MUj- teary rapes. Military strappings and Military metal buttons lined tro urChT in �ktt wet t dlarter lining a regular td,Ud style for *7„00. $10,0 for ladies" fzue ln1alC wwool Hersey Coat y;Icket raw.pure teat wearers. wee, E3. g look,ers and retied +zea edge g earers. 'rbe lilies all like title peen . with or without,) ) rnew line Pies an belts Th 8 L ?was to tlt+s minute i:ia G �l`^� far ta; #' l new Broadcloth o a w of e o are re Tittle Ririe ro le R, a ud � is a,ax o f o is w #r r we ne have e r new ever Go e, adc silo to w lbs n t , , �I they All . R zl' have � y ve tt a , +a r a cute rckt e y wt # #i s a >ri4 s h 8.0 ti it d their finish zt Q<n� ' and i r a eat l F to ItG to z there se e lateen cl th lyes, 1'�"ll Militate Gar � � These nue' so Will y©n, right d r lilt ill style. range of au elaidic n E dcl de for tfI r the D r up tv o es ;r swellest the pair for grey er whitsFlFlan.t8 h, Do you went�► pair, n7el erte i< r! ala erg , good 0 e � bigsib r oft t'an` e� ai ee 10e the yard for double fold English opera printed Flannels, very pretty designs,; perfecti7-frceh .in , thing far '"mats. .Kotonos,t and Wrappers. Sete. 1.00 and $1,24 for threfee Beenew Blackfress Goode, bright Pebble voiles in winter weights pane, w e,ose neat ooh. s es tl out e:a d with- nice neat tweed of Er as and effects. � dust the Brinier lot you'll see this eeasoa,. bring the little girls out Doak at them,a' Yuu do us the favor to look 'you'll not he asked to au - t3 t tltesn sass for a �iIE'Ci, ,-tl line Ei of a'P. R' R ,z ,Ladies' see what we aro ebowio Swagger Kang Quality" Cita:, fi Q at y caa walking li' tAl n .�#r Zing/S. g Q t o ;i. rirasde #acnm s• . 4.00, and as rale three leader* in 'Adios' Rain Come. with And With,out yews need belts, ;very Coat a<, big big bargain.el$.00 fire what we believe t o be the moot stylleh dies' Rain Chat; in Ex etErt first'l tea tanned in the Biufactory, i#d ►dgalza, Sold with Klug quality ilia 'une sole leather, ae good aaa Meat d vale .Qt) 8ocrts, Something Very swell'. ;in elderly Ladles taax•- li mid Capes M tom .pis ince lir a a fiy effect., choice pita a assn Cloth, lined with English wool J*aveaette eeofe in hoicl Squirrel and trimmed with bright, patterns. en € e see this mere. neat black Thibbet<. they are very pretty. Would like to show acerae to you. Eggs & have a Market for aabgs lot Wi f Dried Apples. have youot I j any for us. Wo wilt give you big prices. Bring us all?fourtrade. Stater 11. STEVnR Very Fas� It is to pen $ oney mUch safer and better it w uld he to keep your spare money in thi,s Bank and get in - when you plose, or it, e you can add to it when you like, and with. When ever we succeed in pursuading an individual to become aver of money, we consider we have conferred a benefit upon him and upon the community. We want to interest more sav ers. This bank is at your service, very kind of Banking Facility at your Service i T , l XJ ',E 4¢a. fir. Will White attended Seatfortti Fair. elm John Berries nsof Detroit, is xrets•t ne- nj: t[G tt IIi 4 a antes in town. Miss Lille flowa.rd attebiled Sea - forth, fair on Friday. Mee. F. Meleonoell, of kfe#iraaall spent We u . d w. i &K a with c lz fxiertds:n Lr;reter. Air, j; G, $tanbury has been. Beton, ed to hie room through, ;lines, for the past few days. Mies Patrick. Nis; Ethel t;ul#ert and Itfr. Myren Culbert, of Luc*ati pieited frieude in town Sundays. Mee, Ports.. i.f Liman, and Mr Porof te &tzaaritcoara. Alta,; �R-er.e. ,gaiest:s of Mrs. John ilawkshaw on Tuesday, 'tVith the ireseating of Little, th member ^ Ar e ei of artlz Norfolk. the Rays ministry Isom in the ininarity. n Will Abbott. of London*. }R39 in town on Saturday calling upon, old friends. Mrs. Trawe who hats been au an extended visit Reith her^ friends lien) returned i r^n e d to Iner home e . 3II Wroxeter er lastweek. Afrs ,ei d in 1Y ' it teat gl o eft; n 'fiue5dng for Ottawa, where site will visit tier son, Will ,S, ViTbit,e and family for a felt weeks. Mrs. f'Bre Eastwood, of 'Whitby. to ° who1, lt ' � ��n the guest tor the past few creeks et: her daughter, errs, .L fr, letoapburee left for tier borne :Friday last, Qs Afr. Beattie. fir Eirktous hIessrs. Archibald and U udoa e. of afertla, leis handsome trotting a m re Tine Mere wona. ;t the ' ft trot at the fair at Exeter. Bast eek, Mr. James lloweed atter an cx,« tended visit of name menthe with friends in different purls of !!ani. toba. retur-nod homeWedneeday evening last. Miss Delia Croeker• returnedSl.: Maris. one P lean last after til pleasant visit with her contains, the om rt ees ed user Ni't returning home an. Monday. lir ted.:,,p^our thousand five 'area a - • Bred dollars at 4 1-2 per cent. ems s- tarter larope rty. t lino at $8 0. tic a terms of years. For further var- y apply at this *Nice. Coinent Walks x,. England. .. The Sovereign Bank of Canada Branches in. uron Count), at ort Henson Zurich Clinton Fir fleffiege Licensee, Wincilditeg SPOOtlekOtOns to CALL 0$ R HICKS Watch Bemiring A SpecinWV. D.R. OVENS LoNnahi„ Eye, Ear, Rose and Threat Tints Enter nionthlY. Glasses Properly Fitted New Catarrh and Deafness treated. office r.2. Nov. so. london ofilee 22,5 Queens Ave. pirA. number from Exeter took in the rich Fair on Thursday lea also came in and eee our heautitul ha Painted Bohemian water setse Meer Barrels for Sale. .—Itangin in size from 5 to 50 gallons, at Fa Dior Bros. Mr. and hfrs..Viralper, Eon don, sailed on friends here on Mon Sea now tthe Sovereign Bank can be ,of real service to you in thei ad. lest page. Mies Olive Peier retureed horde on Thursday ktst after spending twe weeks with *friends in Ffensall. Mr. Jno. Kerslake, accorapaintedbx his daugbter, Miss Rhoda, /eft last Thursday tor a visit with relatives in Michigan. Mr. Pebbles and Miss May/nee An- nderson, were guests of Mrs. John rs. John White, On Sunday I t. dersen,af St. Marys General Selling Agent for ::aaining..for the concert in the ey- ing, which was pronounced a suc- a an S Laug' 111 uter, has purchased several thousand barrels of applesin Any persons, farmers or others, Marys. Nissouri, to be delivered at St. who conterreplate purchasing la d in 11 s ritories will find it to their ad- vantage, to call on me, as 1 have recently been appointed general eel - Mr. Land. Co's lands. Prices range from $3.50 per acre and Upwards. Pereens wto settle on C. P. lands Within One near after pu po.r, tor such I ohaele have ten years in whieh The ;fall session or the Ontario 'Veterinary ,College, Toronto, opens CM October 12th. All wishing to at.; tend should he present on the two ceeding days. How about flour? Novr is the thee to lay in a stock of choice flour made from old wheat. You want the best therefore use Harvey's Star Fleur. W,ant to Come to California— ' For further particulars apply, to elr:;tdo this at 10 easttill:/;eibY "ti "te for our Ian w IL, E. PICKARD, Exeter .f.kr at the "TIMES" office. liarailton Land and Oil Yalueirsrlro Porter Building, San jose, Cal., C. The man who think* and net: is TO ADVERTISERS. fio think and act and order nerve ' he copy for changes must be left not later than Tuesday noon. Casual advettisenaente accepted up to noon Wethiesdav of each week. eillreRSDAY,SEPTEMBER 29th 1904 • LOCALS- I n page 4. Miss lelly *Willis, of Marlette, Mi higate who has been visiting friend in Exeter 'during the pail re weeks, is now visiting Heiman fie nds, roaster of the Man who only thinks., Star neer befare you lose all your Mr. Percy Luxton, rethrned to his home in South Bend, Ted. on Thurs- day, iast, after a sliort visit at the home of Mr. _Thos. Willis. Mrs. Luxton will Yemain here for some weeks longer. Miss B. Dodds was in Ferguenthis week attending tee funeral of her tiother'.s brother, Mr. John letither- tad passed through an operation for rallied. appendicites, ftora which he never Dominion Permanent Ste,* for sale, stock now realizing 6 per cent, half yeariy, good speculation.—Sov- ereign Bank stook, for male stook realizing 5 per cent. per annum. — Durham Cement Stack for eale.-11. E. Huston. in England. Mayor Urquhart, oZ To. rant*, observed, that tho top dress. lug for concrete sidewalks wee er thati ill the Provincial capital n4 on inquiry found ithat coloring Tiad intrrieSelY been mixed with the cement ter the benefit of the eye- Seeviees will he held in the Presby rian churet On Sunday morning rid in the evening. in tee efain nations uniting, After the even. service the 'usual einentlity fellow meeting' will be held in connec. on with tbe Methodist thurols Rev. W. Godwin will take ell services, thaderehe criminal code of Canada, he finder of a lost artiole must if he wishes to eseape risk of indict - meat Zan 'theft. A Leaden young Man baS learned this lesson at a seelewhat litany expellee. having been reqUired to restore a purse and Money and PaY seven •dollars costs ot prosecution. The heat vas. to re- over4the ovnaer is to advertise in A /ell Stock of rentediee for Coughs, Colds. Tentlenza, La Grippe Cold Cure, Dix Cold Cure Tablets, LaXative Brown quinine. Nasal Delta Dix Nasal Ointztient, eto., For/tale By C. Lutz, Central Drug Store, Ex. eter. Trial Trip.—Por thirty cents. we pire to ane part of Canada, Great Britain or the United States. New subscribers to the Weeicly Mail& Empire from present date will re- ceive either the "Victoria Cross" or an Alias of Canada and Contin- ents of tlte World." The Atlas will contain tlue latest maps of the World. Dominion of Canada and the provinces, Europe, Ante, Africa, Un- ited States. and Soutb America, with marginal index. The large maps aro 22x14 :inches in size and printed on 'fine ealendered paper. For the- guidance of local sports- men the following items are quoted from elm Ontario game laws ; Ducks Swan—Sept. 15 to May 1, in the fol- lowing year ; grouse and hares Sept. 15 to Dee. 15; pheasants and plover—Sept. 15 to Dec. 15; prairie fowl—Sept. 15 to Dec. 15 ; quail—Nov 1 to SO ; snipe and woodcock—Sept 15 to Deo. 15; wild turkeys—Oct. 15 to Dec. 15; squirrels. black or grey -- Sept. 15 to Dec. 15. These dates in- dicate when the game mentioned may be Minted or killed; both the open- ing and closing dates are /minded in each season. No pexson not a resi- dent and doxpiciled in Ontario maY hunt or kill any game, anirnal or bird in Ontario vvithout having pro- cured a non-reaident license, An Old Reeident Leaving Town.— Oldies last week, disposed ef bis ick dveelling and property on Wil - am street, to Mr. V. Mitchell, of ntralia, for a very neat figure. Mr dley waS one of our oldest business en, bavmg successfully conducted furniture, and undertaking busi- ss bere Cu. many years. but was d aside (trona active service about e years ago baying stistained raeture o this hip joint from the eets of •whieh he has never fully covered, We 'understand it is Gidley's intention to move vvith family lo Duluth. Minn, where ,sons Earneat ,and Bert hold lu- tive positions. We are sorry to Mr, Gidley' and family as re- nts from otir village but trust y may long be spared to enjoy y pleasures in tbeir new home, Oro AND WICLI,TRDED Ennixter.—Mrs lowPe Soothing 4rap has been used tor ixty years by millions of mothers for their en while teething, vcrith perfect success hes the child, softens the gums, allays all lives wind colic. and is the best retaedy larrficea. is pleasant to the taste. Sold mists in every part of the world. 25 bottle. its value is incalculable. Be and take Mrs Winslaw's Soothing and ask tor ao other kind.. S. br Ce Gi re ne lai fir eff Mr his his cra lose side the man An Wins over s childr Tit soot brdru cents a sure Syrup tw «. S, SEPTEMBER '29t11 1904. Jegan tFailDress Come in and inspect our stock of black and colored e se fabrics �.:rtc ideas ua and ft ate immense range of elegant cloths we've import-, ed for fall, Few stores can. show you anything like the variety certainly few stores can offer you a - ,a sand � h t tnt: like ea. � 1C S good v1 a SSA 13181C Drs + Qot L FdnGi Goioro Wow Suit lftaaek Mohair Co - r, l e rde el Chine, pure Fancy Cheviot Noveltywe rich b acic with glossy !estrous I save soft is slz pure yarn, to e oto as, bo of the w a r tbrown. e prettiest . navy t t ,ii• - I and sty erip - ^ateriidls for suets i 44 in amide per pad - and green, N to eeirta, does not grease, F y d Sec, 1,t70, 44 ire wide, per pard `idc 1,00 Fancy Suit' ► , I.. . y nn One f w 1C. tvreve, smooth Rowel, 0 • worsted ed , Iia x t cr # alla 1e >a pretty r > tt o .r y o A cal,.. f t S t tailor. SA CO C7lotii, nits ed gowns,, Ileassorted dark colors, 44 ar, finish, kerigkzt, smooth weave superior J wade, ?mak a wearing doth, 44 in, wide, per yard yard. 75c, re. elmot . Faanc e . y Tcv eft Sstitir#S for' fall and Rink Canvas giotb, coarse or zn d- ie h knopF zn broaYn, ^ wen r crit _ _ �T+Ix k atrolla"ir ani; mesh. 'as Oatb, e l grey;, Slate and green very pretty, 44 fabric for shirt t in wide, special Zee. at yard pr f'. waistt' ;a u is i x ha wide, per • E' r ,. P a 5 y aw xl 1,UQ Fancy e �I.ia. i?' n y.. seek Rep suiting- eco uating mixed I # r ons. 'stylish I�la- s k �+ in c fm y for tailored #o Serge., xed Imperial Se esuite. Fezt uxe�its guaranteed not to staring or wool, dark ertzdes 41�e . al in wide, special t; of per p l spot,r iF d, illi a'lac geed wearer' sad stylish, SS in. wide! Plein Canvas+Satitin e. tied yrrsd> $l.t]tt Suitinge. splendid Black t'.lath. eastra sweoraang materials its brown navy _ , tine dull One n. very i _ i e, and nsh very t� z popular. r in ax syp t`l�� i '� s suiting d stylish ata i- wide, t3 ,iii ' per wide. a per yard �l.tk'f, yard Sae, Blank . L Fancy mixtures. two p Sack, Anse finis oned, roughe Brier dee. lav weight, � sura void emsrotlr wea~t°e. maid¢ f eight, in wide worsted Fara. assorted from pore pedal 1)4 ye 600. coloi'ln a dant s*Ii d R in Soveieigu Shoes, ace the to eta nd tan d of Comfier and Durability. e ee, 40 in wide, per yard 75e. R0111111e, pay xi e t y S i•a P Ge f] tr b t ^ nt er lanai eggs ♦ 4 ii ♦+►'+POiN11i��1►�1 4Np4P�l41+M •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STYLISH NEW RnSs GOODS E SHOWING ALL THE NEW THINGS IN Dress Goods in the very latest colors at veryreason- able ry prices. Broadeloths Ladies' ' l . mop Sacking, C�rrel�ltes 't�'ie � � Cloth, Cheviots, uaua, and mixed Tweeds, g',t'!;t?Il, brown, blue# i3r QC�Sa 1R and black. Don't forget Dress Goods before buying, to see our new Swell New Furs Wo have a lar a and beautiful C t t`ul display l o ate of Greenland a ap ass tae 7 'arra izeel d n seal, Electric u a Ladino* r c seal and �aracllan, S ll"aa Far.rd�Te Neck Ruffs in A.leeka and American c tt n Electric Sables it , ti'aE: le I s kitOu 9 t' Biel tli►iecalatatn, Mertin. Isabella, s- Caperinee in Astrachan. and Se i S a ► ...able and Seal, and Electric Seam, Fur Caps, nice Pension Lamb atn Lamp or Seel at 8.Q9 to $ _ i , 'item away down praees,�« Cialtdreiz s Greg Rain Coats ten uaac- For Veae}ers,�-xt St. Teteuee paper � �. r .90.,pe ; The riG11' programme of srutliee :.oi public .iehQa_ Ohio a of Zion n $undey lxith Mr. end Mrs Te Brooks . Mr. rred llawirshaw, who spent the mat few months in t Northwest returned home this week ; Arr. glows Teylor, Exeter North. he was eeriouely injured in a run- vay ateldent. although still low I recovering. a It 34 Meek for Toronto. Xion3 queetion with teachere dne ay for their home in Petrol after a pleasant visit in Exeter an vicinity for the past two weeks, or bon tber shell !plenty tee teaching the new auln tits required of (hem. They know the ntanding of ,their echools el edged by, 'the character eft Wei vork ,done in the ileW Subjects as Mies /lila johns attended the fun- t 'before long their will be a suit- es tbe old. They also realize eral on Tuesday. at St. Marys, of le of teachers prepared for the new her grandfatner. Mr, Wbitneter. an work, who will haVe the preference Id end respected resident of that over those whO are no t qualified to teach all the subjects; on the new Trial Trip.—Now is the time to programme, secure two good Fevers for the price pire trom now till Jan, 1st.. 1905 one. The Weelciy Mail and Ern- south Huron uborai.conno ativo only 40e to new • subscribers COnvention his position ars choir leader in tha i as formed ter Dominion purposes, Menne, Methedist therch Mr. will be boirl in Coxworth's Ball. it Ross has ably filled thie position, to Rerisall, an Thursday. the 13th day tbe entire satisfaction of all, for a of October, 1904, at Um hour of 2 to continue in tee good work. /preaching Doeineon election, end ft, great number of years'anct his many eclock p. m., for the pttrpo.se otnom friends /ere regret that bis health inating a Candidate for the eletitaral does not improve sufficiently for him district of South 'Reran, in the ay. eoint Stook Company.—The firm ,the transaction of ether business of lumber dealers, who have carried on emcee here, during tlie past mire- ber of years very euccesefully. have applied ..for cha.rter inoorporating tbeir industry into a joint stook company limited The sbares will be offered for sale in a few weeks. Broken, Ribs.—Ort Tuesday last aa Iva By order of the Executive. COMMUNICATION Editor Exeter Tiinee ....* (Laid over erora last week.) eion 'Osborne, was working around town hes been en considerable com- his eaten and wiele ariving be acci- motion late/y. We have some Cases dentally slipped, falling from les of scarlet fever here. One ef our wagon. and in the fall had tbe tins- doctors says there is no use shut - ?fortune to fracture some nt his ribs' ting them up as it would be bettee He is laid up in consequence wee if all ,the childr • will be enable to attend 'to his dut- ies tor some Le it. it is so natld. Another one says there is no use shutting them up so long esix weeks) that es coo ey are e by His Ron- nes tter they might tts well be out. o; judge Doyle, et the town hale On Another one says they must be Tuesday. There was 103 appeals. quarantined 42 days. The end of it; The Conservatives succeeded in is some have the scarlet fever 43ard adding 27 names, and in striking off Mit op es soon as any of the family 12. The Reformers added 7 and) are sick. Some when they ore half struck off 15. Besides tilese there en the road to .getting well. and were 3 4(140 by both parties and some They say keep quiet and'don't 8 struck off. he placarded at all, and some seem R. T. of T. News.—Now that the , to get out pretty quick, halide"' season is over Advance Coun- When they are placarded some of el/ No. 207, Royal Templars of Tem- the people ore mad because tbeir perance would be pleased to have all neighbors get off so easily, and the members .ot our order attend some thlame ,the Health Officer the meetings regular ae we bave and say he's a erank. Why isn't all fore the ,council. Our rally niglit some important business to bring be atraeraeteelvh,lkseh.aillVdbeceinde.doctors dis- wil/ be bald in October instead of Yours ' November as heretofore, and we will have to make arrangements for nevan t -t o -know that evening. Don't forget our night of meeting, Monday. of each week.—Annle M. Vincent, Ree-Seey. Rally Sunday.—The Sunday school rally* of the james-se. Methodist church last Sunday, was one of great interest to the scholars and friends The Ilev. A. Langford. 9f Fingal, 'de- lighted the children in the morning with a very instructive object les- son. In the afternoon adresses were given by Mr. 13. Frayne, Rev. Mr. Down and Rey. A. 1..angfarci. the scholare occupying' the auditorium of the ,elturch both morning end after- noon, elte church being beautifully decorated with flowers for the oc- casion. In ,the evening • Mr. Lang- ford 'again delivered to a very large congregation a well thought out and practical address. John Mile Michigan Central Rail- way engineer of Niagara Fall, form- erly of St, Thomas, received injuries at Mountrose Junction at 3 o'clock Sunday morning Which resulted in his death. Ite was pulling cars into a siding and ran into the stop block, knocked At over, and the engine turn ed over into a gravel pit. Mr. Mill jumped and was pineed under p the engine. One le). was tut off at the knee and the obther crushed badly. The wrecker was sent and it was three hours before he was got from A!inder ifbe engine, and he died as stated at 8 a. m., being conscious all ,tbe time. ilc leaves a wife and family. He was a nephew of Mr. D. Mitts, of Exeter, and lived here With his ilbele some 15 yeara ago. The Court of Revision for the Vil- lage.of Emote North, Sept. 0tit,V411. to Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Pickle a ACHESONeeln Exeter, on Septemb- eesrotte. ad,sotbne. wife of Mr. Time. Ach- WED PRESZCATOR.—In Stephen on Sep- tereber 22nd, John Preszcator eged 77 years, 3 months and 17 EYE 8PEGIfiLl8T COMMERCIAL ROUSE, EXTER Friday and Saturday, Septem- ber 30th a.nd October I Qt Call early and avail yourself of his valuable service, as this is a rare op- portunity to have your eyes properly tested free of cbarge. No guess work but a scientific certainty. Difficult eases accurately fitted. Ara. Wonic GlIknA WEED. For Men or Women. dens :from $1.75 to dje from $2.5o to $10.00 CARLfING BROS "'e'>f!*�r�44�Pi#t+►!,!#4r�RR`��^��+��!�^�+►�l+�ti+ii^ab�+►�i� ��cRi�l'1►�►t'f�►4^4N��1M+��'NcF4���►i �+iit��'A�►^����ll�!#��WwR41M niture and Undertaking g the summer per cent. nt is we will give all cash sales, USTON hie inhabiter. Opera Rouse lock o the Front -- Again HAT DEALERS SAY I— "How is your trade? Good!" II—"Then you must h Harvey's Star Flour. sold the eon IV—"We don't think th anything we handle helps our trade like Star flour." V --"It will be a good for the flour and feed t .of our country when t learn to use Harvey 13 Star flour entirely." HARVEY BROS. flour andle ntry ere is that that day rade hey ros. In Western ontario .0.,,affo,sCE.NRAL • STRATCOFION ONT. <it This popular institution has an excellent reputation for strictly high grade work. Our graduates • are in great dernand. Enter this ± month if possible. Magnificent catalogue free. pOR RENT—Fifty acre farm, lo- cated north half of lot 15, 9th concession,of 1..h,c township of Us - borne. Good brick louse, bank barn, eriving stied. good we ter, 14 acres of fall wheat. For further particulars vvrite to Newton Ma - infix a consignment of short leaf Georgia Pine. It makes the most beautiful interior finish of any lumber on the market today. Lumber Lath and Shingles We are in a better poeition than ever to supply our ;many enetomer.: with .411 they, may require either from shop or yards. Bee Reepers Supplies read,' Plate your Ordere tor Tanks early. Estimates cheerfully given. earCall in we like to Hee yowls* eesiseeese ROSS le TAYLOR EXETER. ONT. If You Want Good Pickles Get Pure Fresh Pickling Spices rowning's Drug Store Old • Made e3r, Prep. THE BEST LAXATIVE SOLD Is Dr. Hamilton's Pine of elan - drake. and Butternut, which re - A full c Artificial Eyes mild, yet certain. Use only •• Dr ace:led:to Our Stock. Hamilton's Pills. Price .e5e. * Eyes Young Dim Eyes Made Bright 1 can bring back to your eyes, week- ened with steam. a clear vision, the natural wise and coinfort of twenty years ago. And why not ? I make a specialty. of sight testing, and use the 1 Graduate 91 Clanadian College of Optics.