HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-9-29, Page 7FIGIITING AT PORT ART111111
‘Taps •Capture Two Forts But the Russians
Recapture One,
ASS, ADLT ON FORT ARTITUR, It is announeetl' that the ease -
A despoten from cnefoo oeye onn alties among tine offleers in the bet-
. 40r -
ill an assault en Vert Antiiiir on
Wedoesdann Forts Eouropatkin and
rang -ban and 13atteries 43, 43, And
were taken by the Jal.allePe, Gen.
Stossl ordered a, nOunter-ettaelc)
began at 0 o'clock ThurS
day Morning. The Tort ot Etelang-
shoal wee retaken,
Gen. „Stoessel'S wife was WoUnden
in the Shoulder While AtiMiding the
It is reported that the cruisers;at the front only equals the casual -
Rus`Sla and OrOreettel. five torpedo Wen, thee ooplicating the record of
houta and three destroyere lett "%lade- tee German army nere3i.,,,,, ,inen vrauco
,tles are4und Liao:tan,
Eighty were killed. ineluding siX
Xi additien to the two Rusin
rW already mobilieing, seven other
rp,s are to be called to tbe colors.
IN T.le-e, PRESS,
Apprea.ches Most Nearly o the
Elixir of Life.
Prices of Cattle, Grain, Cheese,
and Other Dairy Produce
ITome and Abroad.
cows, $2.25 to $3.
The following were the quotations
for s-tockers feederse--Stockers, iHAPPENINGS
calves,to WO lbs., best, $n
' $3.25', oletlinm, $2.75 to 8; infer -1 ----,
A LoadOn (1-ks,pat,cli says,: According ioos end roughs, $2.35 to $2.60;1Telegra.phic Briefs From OILT Ow
to an interview with Prof. Metchini- stoeners, 600 to 900 TbSe bent, ..,`,13.-.1 and Other Countries of Be-
kaa' of the Pasteur Institute in the 25 to $3.50; niedillru. $3, to f, -;",l.25; cent Events.
October number of the l'all WWI reugh, $2.00 to $2.80; feeders, en()
niagawine, the nearest approach' -to CANADA.
the elixir of We is sour =toe AFAR:ICI-US OF WORLD.
ort-keees, 1,100 to 1,200 Thee ' A vast eeposlt of marl hos be -
0 1,0,-,0 lbse good. 83.60 to $3.,90;
".*Sour notik,'?. states U. Metelini- , Toronto, Sept, 27.neeenent--Ne ow it e1 to $4.2,75 yer cwt. i found fifteen miles north of
, e, '') white and red Winter are gown- l Tife toll i(vine were the qatotation5 v •
keit, "contains a., large bacilliiS l'e -
Inell(ellie i" the greAt :ClUelltItY °' led ontside at$1.01, to $1.09, , and ,f(n, sheep tied ceitesi-Expoi . , uoutreal Board of Trade vio,
lactic acid' it is caPabl° °i. Pr°(lue- I old grades are nominal at 41.08. No. i ea,ee to ee; export bucko, *3 to $3,- der a farewell benquet to Lend an
nog. This microbe does not exist; ‘)goo so inneet nominal at 88,e east. l25; iambe, eea to $1.40 per wt; culfe, !Lady, efinto :some time next enenth. 5o7i,..tillecowo,701,4-o4r4e .1.1te iikeliliood a his
nomallY i4 tile *Inkall ls°d5.,' ard land NO. -49 SPriug at 07e est e igen- isbeep, $a to $1 each; entire., e.* o, 0, setoes„ the most femous . h t. The
can be introrloced with. Nle'rY. great. itoba wheat is easier; No. 1. North- $10 eacb. and 3e to 50 per 'Fa hunter in the world, is An D4131'°14 '13/s;P/15.4.11.•gnp°1rUtrgetennye`ar4ClaCCiteP.A.IsSti dtefQtlerlme:. F
beneat to the health, as it preys Oa nrit sold at $1.081:, No. 2 Northera 130., • - ted I 11 • ..-- .• •it,.. t R• . • 011 - """" - : -
's were
qu° " °u''(1 1"11 g° u» th° vn public; opinion when it SaYs•,--
the InindredS of thotaserAn of mi -i at oe..05e- and No. 3 Nortbero at lects, priroe bacon ooes,, 100 to 200
Ian expetlitioa
A despatch trout Tokio says,: Setie
ti0U 1S f It here that the slick flst
NO NoTE or EorixsSITEsS
War Thus Par the Begi=ing
A St. retereburg cor
t nut
even a Teuton contempla.ting
writes TO a. London Iniper t
peoples troubles coul d. 1,e loom,
phlegmatic- than is the guSsian in.
his own. Tle has been ontgeneraleet
' Yecussing
voeteek Wasittesiiey eight.
OVF,11. 400 KILLED.
A despatch. from st peterS1)
owm, general aaR11,48 receiVe
a. despatch etetiag that in the
etailt on Port Arthur on Sept. 1
4a Ruseiren guns were destroYed, 40
Oleo were killed, aml 80t/ wounded,
whom 5 per eel -4, Netlre glace:re'.
'rite tiespatcli male that the ,fau-
lturinn forces are to he organtzed In-
to three aririles. lo the da-
linnese armies under Vield Marlul
Oyanta flea. 15:onrOpatitin Will re-
tain tiw chief conunrind. while Oen,
Lineetteli will columattil ollo Of the
tellee, Gen. Aronboieff the eecond,
arni Gen. It'aelbars tin; third.
Prussian Var. There As some
among the army in trout of rem
Arther. Tbere are no epidemic
mon the troops in Corea or Ma
niteb from Seeeno gives an
with a, naval °facer who
I fled front before Port
states that there ere
-0 bettleships artd elne deetroyera
be herlfor, that they have
een cleverly repaired. Their 10S3 of
offitleocy oely partial, contrary t
xeports and Chinese lies. They are
constautly drogging the channel for
"Jaluellem! :nine'''. in on effort to effect
f,ortie, The Japanese fleet r
nattered nhoot daily, the for
batteries fiercely cennonadin
el 'Foga is maintaining
blade -Ade.
A despatch from Berlin Ea3f A
traveler who has just returned rom
Russia informs correspondent that
be had an opportunity to see the
Rattle &et at elose smarters. It
eateprieed six cruieers, MO of which
ore wooden vessels. '.1fost of the
aiiprt ;ire. of an old type, and have
ertorfoo t imbue eds.
COOT-, ,111,ED ESE,
An loci:peeing Peranttd, For X
ists This Season.
Jndgin from tho greater dereend
for cured 4ilee,S6 eniste
this, seapen, the Told Centetry fuer-
chante are neginning to reallie more
folie tho advantage there is In hen&
deg ebecee wlitelt have not been ex-
posed (luring the 'process of curing
to a, teMperature higher than sisty
PS Cheese taeteriee Gnat are Bitola have been race this! eeo and, snorts at
• (.1 During tho premit seesoni"-
crobe s which West the large fItte'''Sl**021, tieorgiall BaY Ports'• Grind -1M, ea cars. Toronto, .1o; lees deo 1 Thos. Aehen, of Allen or ; nd cow.ogn of our troops in the
d taot extraordinari stubb°Pres..5
tine dt has been noted, that there in, in 'transit. prices are 0e _Above ` oote e. 0. 4.
ee per etv,, :was crushed to &Deli tractio ly Oghts at, Liace-Yang would liave
31e, to 32e north aud west; No. 1 SI101' AT POLICE CI -11,F duad any adversary ogler than*
at :32 tQ 324c 'taw freiglits, and et „ergiee Afacdoliald Statien, Mato
on Saterjay,
oeiv 'white is eteedy at 3;.1c. east. , T accidentelly Sege. s'ho were so recently total etrongere
Georee Dishop, po$traaster at cool e Japanese'. thoee senie Japanese
gee,eno imeatisfactory progrees "-fiCroenemencon os the appeaeanee of 0
st., retersburg the ow:ludic= Northern, Railway has ^new and powertul lector, influenciog
" ;c4nreard CQatreet for rail,la:yirvv•i;thla gOarS4 f)f CtViliX4t1QP, XlItAgit
great similarity betweeti
ago end disease, A etuely of eer-
Jain (liseasee has proved that there
ts ao differeece between the Mellen-
isn) of senile atrophy end that of
etropliy ceused by ar microbe or
son; to feet, on the apertoae o
age, a veritalile battle is waged in No. 3 at elc middle trete ts.
tho innermost parts of the body. Peas --Tae raarkot is firm at 0
...fteeeerelt is therefore being prose. 64c at outaide pouts. in. °doss°. on qbeeoa..5.
Clitoa to ilittoser a 1-0/cgos of f e°171 ---N°. .itxuerieau '•)ertnv" 'Vet' witile Clue of retire Neidgardt,
rengtheroing the vital elements of ,,, ed at 6in On traeR, TOrOntON
; „a„xleilocompany wit4 prince, obeieiss;vc
.., r
body on ono heed, and to weakeei IC. °- a ulixed at 591e". CalIad'un ''"ui assistant, was inspecting some lie
quoted at a2 to role west, ' Goverement huildin-s in the Pool
those quoted.
•Oate-New No. 2 white is quoted
dle freights; No a extra,. 43e, and Attempt to Iffurder Rusetan Ofees teeeo into eoe etlIgge, ;NVQ11 do, wIT'oranewle,ani4v.r imagi41°
Test ef laroseels, iewerdell to a St7.1waYs exil'eondinarY. tt Islet`
he Bar/eye-No, 2 quoted at 45c raid- . Lerng ',Felt while out hunting, and ilted lii von
. cial. st Odessa..
oafs man.
ugh to be wortied aeainet it. its
c. P. R. have practically elose,eafetertee must be proved
contract with. the worlte atl "Now we ere Whig deeds. The
es ruling At 0 to oil, Nvot or gird Niciudes. rectr tho . 7ault SY- Marie for 40)400 tans, of ilersevernrce and demotion to dvey
oupg num oeotin eel retie. delivery to beght in Felaeoet the Rues -Ian EQ1dier ere omoted
quoille$ aux 1140r64 ACte. te
ul talerobes en the other.- When. "0-"l'he Aierket IS qUiet, W1t
Ile aggressivo tendency ot tbe
ire will bo prolonged much leave Nion:14yopetr es,edatA.,yeterelees, distance :f stliorealo4esre,,,Tkr.,1-tro,,;°4„ chief Of Police of IT. ara'Iltaft 1°. °re. 414)r°141°O. t4"' t° h 11.°Nsr
izinorourafft . y • g pext.
Mau the present average.
leellet did not strike lite chielift C: 43 for lutcl°lIer"fthe fUture* Int tile ?all. /4"-• the'
is Attained. tho proteevor thinke
are as't °r wt'st' t" t 7°1 of police, end tbe wonld-bo ossaseiti (owe end being oie iree bent, Tie Ap-ivar is only the begarning o, a. long
epecial brands. for domestic fire again when be wos`pe. riled to the cenurieelonere. het fend desPerate struggle. Our PeoPlo
over mow xtritiat uarai Q. 2 PnlelltS
grants vtrsn - • a tate etre 1. • ji proceed egaie.t the Cbandiere Mule Ipe imisen the mach'n ry of Stete
tone 0 unchanged; No. FA.tents by Prince Obolensty. The;III„Ul uP1.,.,(4..a., 'the §are awahened by 0. series of crone-
- e.
g baliere eil'.30 on track, `r gg " ensn(4
vspon fell to the wound, mull 4 Pe OXACO %.0AAranSSIOninT, WAU disasterse eociety is infected ny
Arrived This Seaeou.
spatelt from
111S for teem
0 Fe
e. u barrels, ,f,4•80 to $5. Alan- r as about to '
Course of which ad, e.leidgarea, wee stt Ottewo on a ebaree gamblintQ
'effaced to merely the current rou-
ble nanle or aoy atcount of himself. i.tion of the taw.
41-iin is partly true. It wo sre
15,7gundod in the hand with a dagger. WI will oleo inVillrlgate the COntinct
f 1' II to I t owl
The assolLort, vas M'eured and t le. 1-Tri_:1le,arn_e UdaenaYd No1407gribT otPeeedeeePer:"er-o,,:e7,
cilm8tle4-1 r -40t *Al tantito$1(1.1a..z?;n44.1441In sslavac17.s1 ed 414'4".." 4.4"8 t41 Pre ' 11°‘17 1." tfIcy cot ePvil 1." /.
jt 4 .4) a a Ak;
able to offer strietly cool cote
eh---------rtVag tea much benefit a.hon 15.000
British Ants
Toronto, meet, of
M. of coUrse, were paeeed ou. to
that it, must he only a gees/don 0 I
time, ,a short tittle in leet. until alit
f. etories are fslelpyed with prOper
Oi urinn' rooln.s.
Den E. -Prime been- re laded
A 4,.....,,...
, *
prip05tQ tiuntry. but b
month, A largo numbet of Mee o ' 1 ' t. b'l - 1 -0- , MAN All" a' ST110;111U 7.0,Yi7Fea on
at 28 to 32c. necorZing to mutlity. L{ u ,
' wage$ ta"1". 1r0In '''`10 t° $25 r°" Homo -The =genet is MAK at 711 Ai1ue
O '0 oat. especially toWard the late' to.esit7 olluertrda°e:' 0.0100. the 1 Prinz C,..leiter width teiled from Neu 4 inleS .rt:11:41t311rarlYlat/
4 and skIlled lab°"vs flavo al's° 71° ileV 1)^ "1" 1°11"Y' * ""4' board f'he Hamburg -American Litter"
owledge of building work etnelly , ,, , , „......,,h but its sigaide
part of the ,VeuSon. Those with su'v-:-.0 al. 3°tse Ti.e 414(*e4 ;l'i' i York, ;z4er.tetiiiher O. became MktideraY Ila." a too' If%
ni3; employment in the city. Other ter for "?'°.."*. "'" 411"`•''' Y`
au oar lots are quoted a nallsiiintewisve.oznizTel
des were not alWayS so fortituate '"'• *- ., er here on Thursday, and undo an Car ease:, is genere
nfaue ulnas the arrival ot the stearin- surd to tl. ,
and a. considerable number of such t° *S6 en.ritynnli:' Inrnntr': st,tenept i.o Mil Captain Ilugge of don.
immigrants have gone over to the tatoeo•-• te nuieltet is tiiQ Vriree °slew and Frenir B. Shat-;
United States. o er Lug.
all lots from store sellii tuck. a lawyer. of Vhiladelpbia. Al... ,A. pro.
'var first fired a 1'o:elver ot Cap-
ultrt min- chlaCTIS 11 1 megge, about he shot la tile. '• at le• -'„'"'.1.,74.e. ,
)er lb.; e'eurlinge. 8 to ne per ouh and then discharged the wee- onintinted at `Sale
k$ .0 10 te 12e pc..r lli. , I fn his loft '11,ouldier. Aleivar ,of Maine u0S won he the 'Waal;
Mr. Shattuck the bullet, fan- i 'Me biourc'al election in the Sta
asylum, 1000.nrsz
JAW,. 11
v Farm Iaborem were the lareest
„ 1.40 to .5.1.40. Liner GQes nary."
The 'eNlic'rlence gaiml avv- • "nre3ente44 411d tbe-5'e au.e°'•"""•` p Tbe market is unclumeed t
fr a TWO Poop 44 empty p
duelA eQ01 eying bas oce piacee in Ontario and eleewliere.
ustrated that. while the
ifisite is to control the temperature
is also necesoarer to Prevido for
circulation of the air te; car
moisture which eecapes ftx;
eee, and which, wines on "eaeed relative humidity de
reduction of temperature.
relative humidity is too high,
the cheese will have eott skins anfl
lint develop tendency. to inould
re to forge a•eap
then with the
hi elf flew retort=
fete et
of flosgow
tax Olt, IOW.
f • London
and RemiaiTil„e
mom pe,,, ette terror
' mite in titelalento
feDte1- Lou. tepee ;5
t his po
, a record seireply conellia-
arid otzeceeeful edotinistrator.
eetiont at the preseet mo -
as' a 'direct confie-
Iiouropathin's de -
'wilt vacant pending
10101 the Emperory r
I; a turn in the
ing tlie week.
ed blackest. tlio
1)ar. iSter reSpOnsi lo for the internal
The Intre-Parliantentary tleiteu at are. was eppointed baStily and the
,St. Louis pne.sed a reeolution -urging 'pro for seperating the police ad-
¶ the powers to intervene in the war ufbaistration, with the other radical
tho etliantrY' amd" to til° West' $1.25 to -1.130, hwui-vituvtt
'A. despatch front Toldo says :-
There is reliable information. to the
'.ffect that lien. 1•Couropathin has not
entered the Snered City at Afte'den,
but has his headquarters at the rail-
way station. .1.arge quantities ot
military supplies from the Tie Pass
ere arriving daily, and a heavy
The system adoptea Co
ernmeet curing racers h worked
admirably, and it eau be Mployed
without difficelty and at a MOileratt)
east COnneCtion With any eheesa
faetory. 'Indeed, a large number of
factory curing rooms have already
been remodeled on this eyetera. The
necessary alteretions and addition
trivolve the putting in Of a coment
concrete floor, some extra. insulation,
old the erection at an fee chamber.
Mr. T. A. Ruddick, Chiet of the
Dairy Divisiou, Ottawa, wbo has
this work in band, points out that
10.11Y of the existing curing rooms
are large enough' to allow' of an, ice
chamber being construeted in one
end, and still leave SUfrozient room
for cheese. This anplies elate; per-
force of troops is quar titularly the older factories in
efution. Newspaper reports eeceived. Western Ontario,
by way of Yinliow say that a small Wbere improvements are proposed
force of Russian troops is still sta- for nest season, the work should
tionea at Shunintimi. end tbat they lie' undertaken this fall, in order to
are requestier provisions Trout Chi- have the ice chtuober ready for finites
neve boats ping up the Liao Iliver,idering the winter. Mr. Iltaidicn. has
Expert opluion here is that Gen. prepared plans showing his system. of
Nouropaeltin has been strongly rein- cooling for all elosses of cheese fee -
forced, and is about to begia of- tory and cre.amery buildings, aud he
iensive campaign. Atukden, its front invites those who contemplate int -
covered by the Him River, would -form' proving ola buildings (n• erecting'
• iew ones to communicate with him,
A. Terrible Acci
ter at Onei
'An Oneida, N,Y., sleepatelt eoys:
Chas. it., Suittn, it. carpenter work.in
Ouelda, fell from a scaffold an
idea on a broomstick fiftivn fee
low. rrhe stick. entered los boo
under the left arm, being force,'
throtigh the chest and out at the, iwr dozen; Seeondh
back of the neek 'on tile right side.1.`5c•
10e0 couadous_i Cbeese-Sales at 0e to 02t; per lb.,
Mr. Smith did not
overpowered and taken to au cans, with a malority ot about 3
Butter -We qatote:--Pinest. 1-11). For the
lis, 14e, to 10c; ordinary to clad ;of lientlielev
rge rolls, 13 to 3.5c; low to 1,1 MI admitted
' Itain geodes, 10 to 12e; creamere ,
prints, 10 to 201e; solids, 18 to
Eggs -Case lots are selling ;4 leTe
e th
red woutats
Mber of
ins e
The pill
a great
believed wcu
tide. At ti
hen the iss
steang base for a. sotithwat mo
meat in the event of an unsuccessful
J apanese attack.
Nothing of importance seems to be
happening at Alukden or in that
neighborhood. TteConnaisSances con-
t,inne, arid there are occasional out-
post skirmishes. The RUSsia.ns have
three pontoon bridges across the Hun
River, • whielt is wider and deeper
than- the Taitse. It is new certain
that the Russians hardly damaged
the railway anywhere between Dalny
;Ind Liao -Yang. Correspondents Avloo
left Liao -Yang after the battle there
deny Gen. 1<ouropatkin's statement
that the railway bridge at Liao --
Yang was destroyed.. The woOdWork
of the structure was berned, but the
st.eel was not injured, and the cor-
respondents crossed the bridge. The
whole condition of the railwaY is
favoral3le tie the Japanese move-
ment,s, and tbe autumn weather is
favorable to operations.
if they desire to have the benefit of
his exeerienee in these matters.
This question of the cool caring of
cheese is one in which tbe patrons of
cheese faetorieS should take the lceen-
est interest*, because they will gain
more through its adoption than any
other section of the trode. They
should be willing to bear a Share at
least of the expense of refitting the
factory. The present scale of
ehninees for manufacturing cheese is
based the Oci plan, and it is too
low to seture a good swvice.
Some of t,lie factories with cool
cured cheese have during the present
season been getting one-fourth of a
cent above t4e highest price paid. for
the ordbiary eured article, and there
is net the slightest doubt but the
difference will be greater as cool cur-
ed cheese become better known. In
addition to the inereaSed price there
is a saving in shrinkage ol. about
ono and a hah per cent.
• • ti the latter tor twins,
nes.s and he was mate
bous'e, while pbysielaus Were 'sum-
moned, They extracted the stick
and found 'Viet the Ines was notein,-
,jored, and that. the levier vein had
been miseed by .,tillin)St n hair'S
breath. The PhyaleianS say that lie
has a g000 chanco to live.
snovombs to Effects of An-
aesthetic Ottawa.
Baeon, long elver, 81-, to &lie per
Ib.; in cuse lotS; mess pork, $14.:50
to $15; do. shrift out, 817 to .$17. --
so. tior which has been drifting east
I r , .
War,,k from Um depths of Alomeolv, At Berlir the learned horse Hans
noted successfulle• 'good. an exaMbn'tijaa burg gendarmerie, where he si
Smoked meate-Hams, light to 1 o . io
Inc; sboulders, 8/ to 0e; backs, 14041040 agitatiOn Tor a boln war
at, the tione of ilia pilgrimage '01‘ before a comMISSion of SnientistS. an enneittnend situ/a-jou. ale is a
1 editim, 1:10; do., heavy, 111a; rolls,'
breakfast bacor, 1.2.;* to 13c. , personally popular, and
Lore„-Tierece, e?..,, -Ite elle tebe le, Itheega, ill JULY hist, continues, Valli
, , , , As a proteet Against the killing of inan of 41
r '
to 8e; pails, 8 to .4 .
Papers .Axe S ddertly
eatly Disturbed.
A despateb front St, PeterslmrAline,uthIenntalre*teine-28.tionurtily accep
is: It Is l-ntlb,r sigoiileaut lelolteto' epubl ern nornivation, Preeldetito
reform:, was abandoned. Prince
g the/ aefrety was appoieted with the seine
s tite fete M. von Plebve.
Roosevelt regrets that the pr.oteette:e loIliscolieleconricaltosrylioVoinmaititoy.beIliel. Maraus
appointed two years ago to rvip ac
von Wahl, Governor a Vilna,
'who was shot after a chronic
of disturbance. Prince Afirsky re-
stored comparative order without in-
eiting attempts agoinst 'himself. His
previous appointments Included on
interim as chief of the St. Peters-
ussia against the DritishArhlbetan not
( 10 'Millet and the proteet ofItorur _
•eaty, some of the ittissian papers Pr"-'-' as 00nti]• 1''"ne-n4
eve suddeely beeonie greatly GEN MAI,.
tweed over the importance oi tor
Beddliist pligrinmee 1,0 :Aurae in t is said the chipping trail
• • According to infortna- strike at Marseilles hos resulted in
of over $12„erennoo.
An Ottawa. de*ateli says' Mis$
,Lottie Tlorthwiek, daughter of Thom-
as Borth, of Ilawthorne, and
niece of ex -Mayor Bort ick, 01 Ot-
tawa, died on, Wefinesdey in, the den-
tal surgery' of Grabam and Beatty,
VIellington Street. Slie had been
given eitros-oxide as an anaesthetic,
preparatory to Inoving a tooth pull-
ed, and suecumbed to its effects.
coroner made a report that 'Miss
Bortliwiek died troro an armeethesia.
...accident, imputing blame to nebody,
Ie. despatch from St. Petersburg
Says: -The general staff has issued a
revised list of the Russian casualties
at Liao -Yang, showing that 1,810
men were killee, that 10,811 were
wounded, and that 1,213 were left
,on the fold. Fifty -lour regineeneal
officers were killed and 252 were
wounded. Five officers were left, on
the field: Those reported tho:
'field eve probae_iy. '
A -despatth from Tokio says:; On
Sept., 9 a despfatch was receilved state
'11,g. that Russians from RamcliatIlta
land descended upon a ' ,fapanese col-
ony foleaded Capt. Getnji upon
Shinnisliu Island, one of the Kurite
, gyoup, and massacred all the womefl.
nuenibering twenty-six, while the men
were .away fishing. Tlio report was
dcadyted, • at the time ,,but circum-
stances now seem to'.confirm, it: The
The Edition Will Be Sent Only 'lei
Those Who Applyor It.
The Seed Division of the Depart-
ment of Agriculture, Ottaw,a, has
just issued an illustrated bulletin On
tho •nifeed Seeds commonly found in
Tiinothy,, Alike and Red Clover
Seeds." It is well known that la.rgo
quantities of seeds of many noxious
weeds 'are each year unwittin gly
sown with grass end clover seed. The
resemblance of many weed seeds :to
the , commercial seeds With ' which
they are found makes their deneetion
difficult to an unt.rainod, cYo, even
if they be present to the extent of
several hundred per pound. It' is
'therefore of great importance to be
able -to identify at, least the seeds
of those weeds which . are seriously
injurious in agineultiere. The 'text,
and illustrations of this,bualetin. (No.
.16. New Serie) old published With
a 'view to assist, farmers to identify
the more danger -weed seeds .common
to grass and „clover seed. The illu.s-
trations of seeds are drawings by
Faull. lecturer in. Botany, I.Tni-
yersitn of Toronto, and the descrip-
tions are by 0, Clark, -Chief of
the Seed Division, Ottawa, whom ap-
plic ti one for copies - -the. e
shoiild e be aderessed. ;the 'ecli- sue „
tion is limited, :t Will be sent only steps to have the meMbers of the
to those who apply for it. mob arrested,
dering Lamas are spreadirig the agi.77 tee° a .thers ..nnth nut develop an. entire new polity,
tation. I 140 the ti(41,,l,hts 4,Itt‘,„„a„u4,!,leu: but it is quite impossible, from lite
Aecording o reports at Uerett, 11•00o a. general ""r" record, to kedge what he will do
there is A general agitation among' with the enormous power with which
the lluddhlets In fitvor of freeing
Two Years in Penitentiary for Be-
... . .
eng Intexicated.
A Winnipeg desilateh says: Faigi-n-
eer Crowell, running on the Regina
IdiviSion of the o.p.n, was Sentenced
on Wednesday 'morning at Regina to
two years in penitentiary for . being
intoxicated while on his 'engine. Oro -
Mnineap ,
Sept., $1.121; Dec., 81.11; May,
$1..12,1.7_ to $1„12'..; No. 1 hard, a.- China, some Of thou. favoring the re -
157.; Iv)* 1 Northern, $1.131; No. 2.moval of the Dalai Leine to earth -
Northern, 8.1.10g. Flour -00m med-lern Aloagolla and entering on a holy
al, 30.20 to $6.30; straights, war for the e.stablishment of a Dud -
to $0.1.0; first (dears, 8‘.55 $C- ,dliist kingdom, while others m000rato
7.5c; second do., $3.05 to .83.20. Bran appealing for' tbe peotection of Bus-
-11/1 bulk; 815.75 to 810* sia.
Buffet°, Sept. 27.--noitr-Quiet.
Wheat -Spring, business light; old
No 1 Northern, carloads', 81.261. CAR STRUCIC DYNAMITE,
Wetter, quiet; No. 2 red, in store,
$1,15. Corn-Q.uiet and easy; o. 2
yellow,.. 59c; No. 2 white, 38e. Oats
-Easier; No. 2 White, 1341c; No. 2
mixed, 3210, Bar1ey-4B to 56e.
Canal freighte-Steady.
St. Louis, Ito., Sept. ;17. -Wheat -
Cash, $1.11i; Sept., $1.11; Dec.,
$1.121; may,
Milwaukee, Sept. 27. -Wheat -No.
1 Northern, $1.00 to $1.18; No. 2
Northern, 81.13.` to $1.16; May, 81.-
101to 51.10e asked., laye--Noe
Talc. Barley -No. 2, 57c; sample
Corn -1.0 lower; Na. 3,
he has been entrusted suddenlY.
tbeeeelves from the domination of SOLDIERS IN- REVOLT. 4
well was taken off his engine tindel 52.11 to 54c; May, Otc-asked.
this charge alone, no accident being
at the root of the' trouble, I.IVE STOCK MARTCF,TS,
Toronto, Sept. 272-0004 cattle
sold with freedom. at the Western.
'Cattle 'Market today, while rough,
ill -f nished. and inferior animals
brotight prices lower than those pre-
velent a week age, Choice butchers'
Were. inaemand„ end buyers' of-
Tered decideclly-,higli prices for ani-
mals picked from goodloads. Medium
light and rough cows were plentiful,
.and droverS had to take. prices
in order to push sales. The sheep
and lamb trade was brisk. 1.-f.ogs
were unchanged.
The offerings of sheep mad lambs
were heavy, and the quality was
fairly good: Buying was ,adlive, and
prices were Maintained in exi.36rt
sheep, while lanibs were (meted
about 1.0c lower:
men. who were an a ,fIshing expedi-
tion to wero probably
,surp,rised and '.,:intrihilated. Later, on,
Aug. 25, two hundred Russian siol-
diers invaded* the defenceless colony
al tacking the women elect burning
heuses.• The Japanese' Ocw-
,,,yrunent is sonding aSsistance to the
reereevel'eo' ' '
juusnnAN. OlerT.C,nnItS
A 'despatch froinSt,. PeterOitlr
Mob Wounds Negroes Acquitted on
Charge of Plotting.
.A despatch frian Talbottion, Geor-
gia, sa„.!..s: Although acquitted' of
plotting, to' murder Whites, two no -
grecs were chased by a mob shortly.
after midnight . on Thursday', and
shot near this place. , The negroes
shot were `'..Jack'' Troy, sixteen
years old, and` Marshall. Troy
was filled witli buckshot, but is still
alive, though fatally wounded. One
of Mars,hall's oyes was. shot out, and
ho cannot, live. These negrog.s, with
four others, were arrested -on , Mon-
day morning for alleged connection
with „Lite ''Before cleb, were
tried on Thursday and discharged for
want ..of" 'f.vidence;
'.1'hq•uegroes were discharged about
,desk and left town, Soon after thf,)
negrens were acquitted a number of
white men left here in -pursuit. The.
gad Not iteceilrea, An3r
for Two Days. Tinclings at Recent Trial of PyX
'he le:melon Mut.
lAn excellent example of the delight,.
The :Moscow correspondent of the
foil. art Of wasthig time is given in,
London .)Ioriting Post Says that a re-
ractso. ewcuhreiri,
thTehLeio•enidnIs Useatzeotetet. at great length.
grievanees• T±h0asd 0 ien-eielTerz6inii thheig.htrilar onf oxguavol
quelled by the OtfiCerS • promising
redress the soldiers'
tin) tendon nlint, duly attested by,
rineipai eause of tompIaint was that,
twelve Honest goldsiniths. The peee,
it may be explained, is a. box at the
mint wherein is deposited one coin
from every 15 pounds of gold and
one from every 60 pounds of silver,
Every year a jury solenmly weighs
these coins and reports en them.
With an acuteness of mind that is
remarkable in a British jury, the
goldsmiths have this year made sev-
eral discoveries, which. they intend as
a shock for the nerves of the already
harassed citizen, to whom. money
a trial.
They took: 102 sovereigns min
twenty-four half sovereiges, weighed
%nem, and found,them. wanting. etne
tound," says the jury. portentously,.
%that the amount of a weight spec-
ified in the firet sehedule to the Coin-
'ageAct, 18,10, *as Minus one -thou-
sandth of an ounee'(--001'0n.) on theineen,
whole of such coins."
But this 'enterprising jury were not,
satisfied to reet on their laurels when!
they had made this amazing 'discov-
ery. Tney were nietermited to probe
the matter to the root. They took
eight more sovereigns and three half
sovereigns, and found that their "Mil
lesiinal fineness varied. from 91.6.a0
to 910,96."
Still indefatigable in search of
scandals, the jury ran through. the
whole gamut of the silver coins, mid
were amply rewarded by the Second
remarkable discovery that thn
amount of variation from. the stan-
dard' weight WaS again" one-thon-
'sandth part of an ounce.
'Worse was still coone. The un-
fortunate coins Preyed,. metier thiS
searching cress -examination, to vary
free: the standard of fineness by
°'0'.12113e. Jury make no comment on their
dicscovries.- „th„ey. present 'them ia
their 'n.Lm4akednesst_o an a Stonishe
-.The man who is hunting for iron -
ie should himself to a matri-
moiii<il a ,g,47,,,,r tc..1,1 and reignhiniSell
his fate.,
Nine .7eopie Killed and Mealy the 'filer had tot t-eceived rations o
sponclent adds that he has 'more tnan
once given alms to soldiers in tile
streets, who begged on the groUnd
that they were famisiting,"baveng re-
ceived no food while :waiting in Mos-
cow for traies to convey them , to
the Far 3E.ast. The connnissary of-
ficers are accused of reaping a rich
harvest at .the expense of the
Jared in Massachusetts. kind for two days. The corre-
A despatch frem Melrose, lkfass.,
says:' An oritward bound Boston elec-
tric car, well loaded with people,
was .blown to pieces at 8 o'eloak on
WedueSday, night near the corner of
Wyoming mod Main Streets. 3.\Tine
people were kil.led outright, several
more fatally inured, and at least
fifteen received severe injinies. it is
thought that the ear struck a ear. of
dynamite left on the track; as the
front portion was 'blown in , every
dhection, the front dashboard hurl-
ed more than fifty feet., Tbe
ate vicinity presented a fearful spec-
tacle, . and the, ground was strewn
with legs,' arms, and oilier portions
of the bodies of those who had been
negrocs, fearing Purrs ai Seta ratdd,
and -only' Troy- and Marshall . were
found. by the mob. Tiie liews of the.
tragedy has so shociced the people of
l'albotton that a call has been is-
• it mars meeting to take
l‘ra.de was fair for good to choice
milek cowsewlioSe 1324COS held steady,
Tee offeriegs were fairly free. ,and
the pi -ice ranged. from ,$:3,0 to 855 in
the majcority' Of i.nstanees.
•Tioe prices of hogs were enclianged,
The ,run was..moilerate, and „t,be preS-
pectS Were for steady quotations.
,The rage .of.values in exporters'
Was nominally $4.20 to 84.75 per
cwt, • , • '
The, priCes prevailing for butchers'
cattle were as follows.,-13est 'boitch-
ers', $4,40 ,to $4.5n: fair to gOod
loads, e.1,20\ to *1.33; medium to
Fixed. at Chilcoot-Delimitation. 115
Stikine Section. '
A despatch: from Ottawa says: Dr.
W. P Ohig Astronomer of
the Dominion,hes returned from the
Pacific coast, where, with 0. H. 'Pit-
man, of tlie -United States, Coast and
0 eod e tic Survc,,y. he superintended the
placieg oi. the bronze posts nnarlting
the boundary between Canada , and
Alaska, ae decided by the. „London
Tribunal, The aiew boundary bas
been fixed the Obilcoot,and, a
party; iS nOW•Clol'imitirtg frontier
in the Stinine section, which is ex-
pected to be eompleted next anoeth,
NO CHANCE FOR i-1111,1.
"Now that we are. engaged," said
the fele, young thing, "I will tell
you that I do not fear 'mice."
'‘"Ishat i,s Mee," said the 'prospec-
tive groom.
‘‘..end,'' continued the fiance, "I
can drive nails without hitting Illy
thunib, and 1 nnow how to nse ,
paper-einter without ruining a book;
and I can add a row oi figures with-
out &Making' a- teptirate' sum. for each
conseCtitive figure: and I' can build a
fire; and 1 cam tell wben a pittinT
is hung stiaight on the wall."
Here tbe man drew himself up with
much dignity and sorrow, and cried:
"Then 1 'cannqt marry you, alasi"
gasped the girl:
"What prospects is there of my
ever I,eing able to demonstrate ,the
superiority of man over -woman if "I
marry it womanwho possesses such
traits of character as
Mach 'hiss fruit is being shipped
from the Niagara, l'eninSula this Sea-.
son than' a year ago, plums parti-
cularly being ft., poor crop. The
peech crop is 'fairnbittnot large!
11 iS tbinti11it the fruit season ,
not laSt as' lortg asusual this year,
A custord that has existed for
some centuries is still maintained in
certain tOWns on 'the Lower Rhine.
Early in 'the' year ---on auction day
-the town -crier or clerk calls all the
young' people.' together, and. having
chosen attractive' Maidens, 'sells to
the highest -bidders :the privileee of,
'dancing with them, and them only,
during the entire year. The feee
go into the public poor -box.